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(function(upshot) {
var Custom = upshot.defineClass(null);
test("classof utility test", 50, function () {
var testCases = [
[ true, "boolean"],
[ null, "null"],
[ 1, "number"],
[ [], "array"],
[ "s", "string"],
[ {}, "object"],
[ new Custom(), "object" ],
[ Boolean(true), "boolean" ],
[ new Boolean(true), "boolean" ],
[ 1, "number" ],
[ 1.0, "number" ],
[ Number(1), "number" ],
[ new Number(1), "number" ],
[ Number.MAX_VALUE, "number" ],
[ Number.MIN_VALUE, "number" ],
[ Number.NaN, "number" ],
[ Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, "number" ],
[ Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, "number" ],
[ "A", "string" ],
[ String("A"), "string" ],
[ new String("A"), "string" ],
[ new Date(), "date" ],
[ undefined, "undefined" ],
[ function () {}, "function" ],
[ /./, "regexp" ]
for(var i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) {
// verify our classof function
var testPair = testCases[i];
var result = upshot.classof(testPair[0]);
equal(result, testPair[1]);
// verify that we produce the same results as the jQuery function
var jQueryResult = $.type(testPair[0]);
equal(result, jQueryResult);
test("isArray utility test", 2, function () {
equal(upshot.isArray([]), true);
equal(upshot.isArray(5), false);
test("HelloWorldNs test", 2, function () {
equal(typeof upshot.defineNamespace, "function", "pre test");
equal(typeof HelloWorldNs, "object", "HelloWorldNs is defined");
test("HelloWorldCls simple test", 4, function () {
var HelloWorldCls = upshot.defineClass(
function(result) {
this.result = result;
add: function(value) {
this.result += value;
subtract: function(value) {
this.result -= value;
equal(typeof HelloWorldCls, "function", "HelloWorldCls is defined");
var val = 5;
var calc = new HelloWorldCls(val);
equal(calc.result, val, "precheck result");
val += 3;
equal(calc.result, val, "add check");
val -= 4;
equal(calc.result, val, "subtract check");
test("HelloWorldCls inherit test: prototype inheritance", 2, function () {
var result;
var HelloWorldBase = upshot.defineClass(
function() {
this.id = 1;
foo: function(val) {
result += this.id + ".HelloWorldBase.foo(" + val + ")";
var HelloWorldCls = upshot.deriveClass(
function() {
this.id = 2;
bar: function(val) {
result += this.id + ".HelloWorldCls.bar(" + val + ")";
var tmp = new HelloWorldCls();
result = "";
equal(result, "2.HelloWorldBase.foo(hi)", "test foo");
result = "";
equal(result, "2.HelloWorldCls.bar(hey)", "test bar");
test("HelloWorldCls inherit test: override ctor", 1, function () {
var result;
var HelloWorldBase = upshot.defineClass(
function(val) {
result += "HelloWorldBase.ctor(" + val + ")";
var base = HelloWorldBase.prototype,
HelloWorldCls = upshot.deriveClass(
function(val) {
result += "HelloWorldCls.ctor(" + val + ")";
base.constructor.call(this, val);
result = "";
var tmp = new HelloWorldCls("hey");
equal(result, "HelloWorldCls.ctor(hey)HelloWorldBase.ctor(hey)", "test ctor");
test("HelloWorldCls inherit test: override method", 1, function () {
var result;
var HelloWorldBase = upshot.defineClass(
function() {
this.id = 1;
foo: function(val) {
result += this.id + ".HelloWorldBase.foo(" + val + ")";
var base = HelloWorldBase.prototype,
HelloWorldCls = upshot.deriveClass(
function() {
this.id = 2;
foo: function(val) {
result += this.id + ".HelloWorldCls.foo(" + val + ")";
base.foo.call(this, val);
var tmp = new HelloWorldCls();
result = "";
equal(result, "2.HelloWorldCls.foo(hey)2.HelloWorldBase.foo(hey)", "test foo");
test("HelloWorldCls inherit test: multi prototype inheritance", 3, function () {
var result;
var HelloWorldBase = upshot.defineClass(
function() {
this.id = 1;
foo: function(val) {
result += this.id + ".HelloWorldBase.foo(" + val + ")";
var HelloWorldInt = upshot.deriveClass(
function() {
this.id = 2;
fred: function(val) {
result += this.id + ".HelloWorldInt.fred(" + val + ")";
var HelloWorldCls = upshot.deriveClass(
function() {
this.id = 3;
bar: function(val) {
result += this.id + ".HelloWorldCls.bar(" + val + ")";
var tmp = new HelloWorldCls();
result = "";
equal(result, "3.HelloWorldBase.foo(hi)", "test foo");
result = "";
equal(result, "3.HelloWorldInt.fred(huh)", "test fred");
result = "";
equal(result, "3.HelloWorldCls.bar(hey)", "test bar");
test("HelloWorldCls inherit test: multi override ctor", 1, function () {
var result;
var HelloWorldBase = upshot.defineClass(
function(val) {
result += "HelloWorldBase.ctor(" + val + ")";
var base = HelloWorldBase.prototype,
HelloWorldInt = upshot.deriveClass(
function(val) {
result += "HelloWorldInt.ctor(" + val + ")";
base.constructor.call(this, val);
var baseInt = HelloWorldInt.prototype,
HelloWorldCls = upshot.deriveClass(
function(val) {
result += "HelloWorldCls.ctor(" + val + ")";
baseInt.constructor.call(this, val);
result = "";
var tmp = new HelloWorldCls("hey");
equal(result, "HelloWorldCls.ctor(hey)HelloWorldInt.ctor(hey)HelloWorldBase.ctor(hey)", "test ctor");
test("HelloWorldCls inherit test: multi override method", 1, function () {
var result;
var HelloWorldBase = upshot.defineClass(
function() {
this.id = 1;
foo: function(val) {
result += this.id + ".HelloWorldBase.foo(" + val + ")";
var base = HelloWorldBase.prototype,
HelloWorldInt = upshot.deriveClass(
function() {
this.id = 2;
foo: function(val) {
result += this.id + ".HelloWorldInt.foo(" + val + ")";
base.foo.call(this, val);
var baseInt = HelloWorldInt.prototype,
HelloWorldCls = upshot.deriveClass(
function() {
this.id = 3;
foo: function(val) {
result += this.id + ".HelloWorldCls.foo(" + val + ")";
baseInt.foo.call(this, val);
var tmp = new HelloWorldCls();
result = "";
equal(result, "3.HelloWorldCls.foo(hey)3.HelloWorldInt.foo(hey)3.HelloWorldBase.foo(hey)", "test foo");