1982 lines
56 KiB
1982 lines
56 KiB
# This is not a runnable script, it is a Perl module, a collection of variables, subroutines, etc.
# to be used in other scripts.
# To get help about exported variables and subroutines, please execute the following command:
# perldoc tools.pm
# or see POD (Plain Old Documentation) imbedded to the source...
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
=head1 NAME
B<tools.pm> -- A collection of subroutines which are widely used in Perl scripts.
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use tools;
B<Note:> Because this collection is small and intended for widely using in particular project,
all variables and functions are exported by default.
B<Note:> I have some ideas how to improve this collection, but it is in my long-term plans.
Current shape is not ideal, but good enough to use.
package tools;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw( Exporter );
my @vars = qw( $tool );
my @utils = qw( check_opts validate );
my @opts = qw( get_options );
my @print = qw( debug info warning cmdline_error runtime_error question );
my @name = qw( get_vol get_dir get_file get_name get_ext cat_file cat_dir );
my @file = qw( which abs_path rel_path real_path make_dir clean_dir copy_dir move_dir del_dir change_dir copy_file move_file del_file );
my @io = qw( read_file write_file );
my @exec = qw( execute backticks );
my @string = qw{ pad };
@EXPORT = ( @utils, @opts, @vars, @print, @name, @file, @io, @exec, @string );
use FindBin;
use IO::Handle;
use IO::File;
use IO::Dir;
# Not available on some machines: use IO::Zlib;
use Getopt::Long ();
use Pod::Usage ();
use Carp ();
use File::Copy ();
use File::Path ();
use File::Temp ();
use File::Spec ();
use POSIX qw{ :fcntl_h :errno_h };
use Cwd ();
use Symbol ();
use Data::Dumper;
use vars qw( $tool $verbose $timestamps );
$tool = $FindBin::Script;
my @warning = ( sub {}, \&warning, \&runtime_error );
sub check_opts(\%$;$) {
my $opts = shift( @_ ); # Referense to hash containing real options and their values.
my $good = shift( @_ ); # Reference to an array containing all known option names.
my $msg = shift( @_ ); # Optional (non-mandatory) message.
if ( not defined( $msg ) ) {
$msg = "unknown option(s) passed"; # Default value for $msg.
}; # if
# I'll use these hashes as sets of options.
my %good = map( ( $_ => 1 ), @$good ); # %good now is filled with all known options.
my %bad; # %bad is empty.
foreach my $opt ( keys( %$opts ) ) { # For each real option...
if ( not exists( $good{ $opt } ) ) { # Look its name in the set of known options...
$bad{ $opt } = 1; # Add unknown option to %bad set.
delete( $opts->{ $opt } ); # And delete original option.
}; # if
}; # foreach $opt
if ( %bad ) { # If %bad set is not empty...
my @caller = caller( 1 ); # Issue a warning.
local $Carp::CarpLevel = 2;
Carp::cluck( $caller[ 3 ] . ": " . $msg . ": " . join( ", ", sort( keys( %bad ) ) ) );
}; # if
return 1;
}; # sub check_opts
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Purpose:
# Check subroutine arguments.
# Synopsis:
# my %opts = validate( params => \@_, spec => { ... }, caller => n );
# Arguments:
# params -- A reference to subroutine's actual arguments.
# spec -- Specification of expected arguments.
# caller -- ...
# Return value:
# A hash of validated options.
# Description:
# I would like to use Params::Validate module, but it is not a part of default Perl
# distribution, so I cannot rely on it. This subroutine resembles to some extent to
# Params::Validate::validate_with().
# Specification of expected arguments:
# { $opt => { type => $type, default => $default }, ... }
# $opt -- String, option name.
# $type -- String, expected type(s). Allowed values are "SCALAR", "UNDEF", "BOOLEAN",
# "ARRAYREF", "HASHREF", "CODEREF". Multiple types may listed using bar:
# "SCALAR|ARRAYREF". The type string is case-insensitive.
# $default -- Default value for an option. Will be used if option is not specified or
# undefined.
sub validate(@) {
my %opts = @_; # Temporary use %opts for parameters of `validate' subroutine.
my $params = $opts{ params };
my $caller = ( $opts{ caller } or 0 ) + 1;
my $spec = $opts{ spec };
undef( %opts ); # Ok, Clean %opts, now we will collect result of the subroutine.
# Find out caller package, filename, line, and subroutine name.
my ( $pkg, $file, $line, $subr ) = caller( $caller );
my @errors; # We will collect errors in array not to stop on the first found error.
my $error =
sub ($) {
my $msg = shift( @_ );
push( @errors, "$msg at $file line $line.\n" );
}; # sub
# Check options.
while ( @$params ) {
# Check option name.
my $opt = shift( @$params );
if ( not exists( $spec->{ $opt } ) ) {
$error->( "Invalid option `$opt'" );
shift( @$params ); # Skip value of unknow option.
}; # if
# Check option value exists.
if ( not @$params ) {
$error->( "Option `$opt' does not have a value" );
}; # if
my $val = shift( @$params );
# Check option value type.
if ( exists( $spec->{ $opt }->{ type } ) ) {
# Type specification exists. Check option value type.
my $actual_type;
if ( ref( $val ) ne "" ) {
$actual_type = ref( $val ) . "REF";
} else {
$actual_type = ( defined( $val ) ? "SCALAR" : "UNDEF" );
}; # if
my @wanted_types = split( m{\|}, lc( $spec->{ $opt }->{ type } ) );
my $wanted_types = join( "|", map( $_ eq "boolean" ? "scalar|undef" : quotemeta( $_ ), @wanted_types ) );
if ( $actual_type !~ m{\A(?:$wanted_types)\z}i ) {
$actual_type = lc( $actual_type );
$wanted_types = lc( join( " or ", map( "`$_'", @wanted_types ) ) );
$error->( "Option `$opt' value type is `$actual_type' but expected to be $wanted_types" );
}; # if
}; # if
if ( exists( $spec->{ $opt }->{ values } ) ) {
my $values = $spec->{ $opt }->{ values };
if ( not grep( $_ eq $val, @$values ) ) {
$values = join( ", ", map( "`$_'", @$values ) );
$error->( "Option `$opt' value is `$val' but expected to be one of $values" );
}; # if
}; # if
$opts{ $opt } = $val;
}; # while
# Assign default values.
foreach my $opt ( keys( %$spec ) ) {
if ( not defined( $opts{ $opt } ) and exists( $spec->{ $opt }->{ default } ) ) {
$opts{ $opt } = $spec->{ $opt }->{ default };
}; # if
}; # foreach $opt
# If we found any errors, raise them.
if ( @errors ) {
die join( "", @errors );
}; # if
return %opts;
}; # sub validate
# =================================================================================================
# Get option helpers.
# =================================================================================================
=head2 Get option helpers.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head3 get_options
get_options( @arguments )
It is very simple wrapper arounf Getopt::Long::GetOptions. It passes all arguments to GetOptions,
and add definitions for standard help options: --help, --doc, --verbose, and --quiet.
When GetOptions finihes, this subroutine checks exit code, if it is non-zero, standard error
message is issued and script terminated.
If --verbose or --quiet option is specified, C<tools.pm_verbose> environment variable is set.
It is the way to propagate verbose/quiet mode to callee Perl scripts.
sub get_options {
Getopt::Long::Configure( "no_ignore_case" );
"h0|usage" => sub { Pod::Usage::pod2usage( -exitval => 0, -verbose => 0 ); },
"h1|h|help" => sub { Pod::Usage::pod2usage( -exitval => 0, -verbose => 1 ); },
"h2|doc|manual" => sub { Pod::Usage::pod2usage( -exitval => 0, -verbose => 2 ); },
"version" => sub { print( "$tool version $main::VERSION\n" ); exit( 0 ); },
"v|verbose" => sub { ++ $verbose; $ENV{ "tools.pm_verbose" } = $verbose; },
"quiet" => sub { -- $verbose; $ENV{ "tools.pm_verbose" } = $verbose; },
"with-timestamps" => sub { $timestamps = 1; $ENV{ "tools.pm_timestamps" } = $timestamps; },
@_, # Caller argumetsa are at the end so caller options overrides standard.
) or cmdline_error();
}; # sub get_options
# =================================================================================================
# Print utilities.
# =================================================================================================
=head2 Print utilities.
Each of the print subroutines prepends each line of its output with the name of current script and
the type of information, for example:
info( "Writing file..." );
will print
<script>: (i): Writing file...
warning( "File does not exist!" );
will print
<script>: (!): File does not exist!
Here are exported items:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub _format_message($\@;$) {
my $prefix = shift( @_ );
my $args = shift( @_ );
my $no_eol = shift( @_ ); # Do not append "\n" to the last line.
my $message = "";
my $ts = "";
if ( $timestamps ) {
my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year ) = gmtime();
$month += 1;
$year += 1900;
$ts = sprintf( "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d UTC: ", $year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec );
}; # if
for my $i ( 1 .. @$args ) {
my @lines = split( "\n", $args->[ $i - 1 ] );
for my $j ( 1 .. @lines ) {
my $line = $lines[ $j - 1 ];
my $last_line = ( ( $i == @$args ) and ( $j == @lines ) );
my $eol = ( ( substr( $line, -1 ) eq "\n" ) or defined( $no_eol ) ? "" : "\n" );
$message .= "$ts$tool: ($prefix) " . $line . $eol;
}; # foreach $j
}; # foreach $i
return $message;
}; # sub _format_message
=head3 $verbose
Package variable. It determines verbosity level, which affects C<warning()>, C<info()>, and
C<debug()> subroutnes .
The variable gets initial value from C<tools.pm_verbose> environment variable if it is exists.
If the environment variable does not exist, variable is set to 2.
Initial value may be overridden later directly or by C<get_options> function.
$verbose = exists( $ENV{ "tools.pm_verbose" } ) ? $ENV{ "tools.pm_verbose" } : 2;
=head3 $timestamps
Package variable. It determines whether C<debug()>, C<info()>, C<warning()>, C<runtime_error()>
subroutnes print timestamps or not.
The variable gets initial value from C<tools.pm_timestamps> environment variable if it is exists.
If the environment variable does not exist, variable is set to false.
Initial value may be overridden later directly or by C<get_options()> function.
$timestamps = exists( $ENV{ "tools.pm_timestamps" } ) ? $ENV{ "tools.pm_timestamps" } : 0;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head3 debug
debug( @messages )
If verbosity level is 3 or higher, print debug information to the stderr, prepending it with "(#)"
sub debug(@) {
if ( $verbose >= 3 ) {
STDERR->print( _format_message( "#", @_ ) );
}; # if
return 1;
}; # sub debug
=head3 info
info( @messages )
If verbosity level is 2 or higher, print information to the stderr, prepending it with "(i)" prefix.
sub info(@) {
if ( $verbose >= 2 ) {
STDERR->print( _format_message( "i", @_ ) );
}; # if
}; # sub info
=head3 warning
warning( @messages )
If verbosity level is 1 or higher, issue a warning, prepending it with "(!)" prefix.
sub warning(@) {
if ( $verbose >= 1 ) {
warn( _format_message( "!", @_ ) );
}; # if
}; # sub warning
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head3 cmdline_error
cmdline_error( @message )
Print error message and exit the program with status 2.
This function is intended to complain on command line errors, e. g. unknown
options, invalid arguments, etc.
sub cmdline_error(;$) {
my $message = shift( @_ );
if ( defined( $message ) ) {
if ( substr( $message, -1, 1 ) ne "\n" ) {
$message .= "\n";
}; # if
} else {
$message = "";
}; # if
die $message . "Try --help option for more information.\n";
}; # sub cmdline_error
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head3 runtime_error
runtime_error( @message )
Print error message and exits the program with status 3.
This function is intended to complain on runtime errors, e. g.
directories which are not found, non-writable files, etc.
sub runtime_error(@) {
die _format_message( "x", @_ );
}; # sub runtime_error
=head3 question
question( $prompt; $answer, $choices )
Print $promp to the stderr, prepending it with "question:" prefix. Read a line from stdin, chop
"\n" from the end, it is answer.
If $answer is defined, it is treated as first user input.
If $choices is specified, it could be a regexp for validating user input, or a string. In latter
case it interpreted as list of characters, acceptable (case-insensitive) choices. If user enters
non-acceptable answer, question continue asking until answer is acceptable.
If $choices is not specified, any answer is acceptable.
In case of end-of-file (or Ctrl+D pressed by user), $answer is C<undef>.
my $answer;
question( "Save file [yn]? ", $answer, "yn" );
# We accepts only "y", "Y", "n", or "N".
question( "Press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to abort..." );
# We are not interested in answer value -- in case of Ctrl+C the script will be terminated,
# otherwise we continue execution.
question( "File name? ", $answer );
# Any answer is acceptable.
sub question($;\$$) {
my $prompt = shift( @_ );
my $answer = shift( @_ );
my $choices = shift( @_ );
my $a = ( defined( $answer ) ? $$answer : undef );
if ( ref( $choices ) eq "Regexp" ) {
# It is already a regular expression, do nothing.
} elsif ( defined( $choices ) ) {
# Convert string to a regular expression.
$choices = qr/[@{ [ quotemeta( $choices ) ] }]/i;
}; # if
for ( ; ; ) {
STDERR->print( _format_message( "?", @{ [ $prompt ] }, "no_eol" ) );
if ( defined( $a ) ) {
STDOUT->print( $a . "\n" );
} else {
$a = <STDIN>;
}; # if
if ( not defined( $a ) ) {
}; # if
chomp( $a );
if ( not defined( $choices ) or ( $a =~ m/^$choices$/ ) ) {
}; # if
$a = undef;
}; # forever
if ( defined( $answer ) ) {
$$answer = $a;
}; # if
}; # sub question
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Returns volume part of path.
sub get_vol($) {
my $path = shift( @_ );
my ( $vol, undef, undef ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path );
return $vol;
}; # sub get_vol
# Returns directory part of path.
sub get_dir($) {
my $path = File::Spec->canonpath( shift( @_ ) );
my ( $vol, $dir, undef ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path );
my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir( $dir );
pop( @dirs );
$dir = File::Spec->catdir( @dirs );
$dir = File::Spec->catpath( $vol, $dir, undef );
return $dir;
}; # sub get_dir
# Returns file part of path.
sub get_file($) {
my $path = shift( @_ );
my ( undef, undef, $file ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path );
return $file;
}; # sub get_file
# Returns file part of path without last suffix.
sub get_name($) {
my $path = shift( @_ );
my ( undef, undef, $file ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path );
$file =~ s{\.[^.]*\z}{};
return $file;
}; # sub get_name
# Returns last suffix of file part of path.
sub get_ext($) {
my $path = shift( @_ );
my ( undef, undef, $file ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path );
my $ext = "";
if ( $file =~ m{(\.[^.]*)\z} ) {
$ext = $1;
}; # if
return $ext;
}; # sub get_ext
sub cat_file(@) {
my $path = shift( @_ );
my $file = pop( @_ );
my @dirs = @_;
my ( $vol, $dirs ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path, "no_file" );
@dirs = ( File::Spec->splitdir( $dirs ), @dirs );
$dirs = File::Spec->catdir( @dirs );
$path = File::Spec->catpath( $vol, $dirs, $file );
return $path;
}; # sub cat_file
sub cat_dir(@) {
my $path = shift( @_ );
my @dirs = @_;
my ( $vol, $dirs ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path, "no_file" );
@dirs = ( File::Spec->splitdir( $dirs ), @dirs );
$dirs = File::Spec->catdir( @dirs );
$path = File::Spec->catpath( $vol, $dirs, "" );
return $path;
}; # sub cat_dir
# =================================================================================================
# File and directory manipulation subroutines.
# =================================================================================================
=head2 File and directory manipulation subroutines.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=item C<which( $file, @options )>
Searches for specified executable file in the (specified) directories.
Raises a runtime eroror if no executable file found. Returns a full path of found executable(s).
=item C<-all> =E<gt> I<bool>
Do not stop on the first found file. Note, that list of full paths is returned in this case.
=item C<-dirs> =E<gt> I<ref_to_array>
Specify directory list to search through. If option is not passed, PATH environment variable
is used for directory list.
=item C<-exec> =E<gt> I<bool>
Whether check for executable files or not. By default, C<which> searches executable files.
However, on Cygwin executable check never performed.
Look for "echo" in the directories specified in PATH:
my $echo = which( "echo" );
Look for all occurenses of "cp" in the PATH:
my @cps = which( "cp", -all => 1 );
Look for the first occurrence of "icc" in the specified directories:
my $icc = which( "icc", -dirs => [ ".", "/usr/local/bin", "/usr/bin", "/bin" ] );
Look for the the C<omp_lib.f> file:
my @omp_lib = which( "omp_lib.f", -all => 1, -exec => 0, -dirs => [ @include ] );
sub which($@) {
my $file = shift( @_ );
my %opts = @_;
check_opts( %opts, [ qw( -all -dirs -exec ) ] );
if ( $opts{ -all } and not wantarray() ) {
local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1;
Carp::cluck( "`-all' option passed to `which' but list is not expected" );
}; # if
if ( not defined( $opts{ -exec } ) ) {
$opts{ -exec } = 1;
}; # if
my $dirs = ( exists( $opts{ -dirs } ) ? $opts{ -dirs } : [ File::Spec->path() ] );
my @found;
my @exts = ( "" );
if ( $^O eq "MSWin32" and $opts{ -exec } ) {
if ( defined( $ENV{ PATHEXT } ) ) {
push( @exts, split( ";", $ENV{ PATHEXT } ) );
} else {
# If PATHEXT does not exist, use default value.
push( @exts, qw{ .COM .EXE .BAT .CMD } );
}; # if
}; # if
foreach my $dir ( @$dirs ) {
foreach my $ext ( @exts ) {
my $path = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, $file . $ext );
if ( -e $path ) {
# Executable bit is not reliable on Cygwin, do not check it.
if ( not $opts{ -exec } or -x $path or $^O eq "cygwin" ) {
push( @found, $path );
if ( not $opts{ -all } ) {
last loop;
}; # if
}; # if
}; # if
}; # foreach $ext
}; # foreach $dir
if ( not @found ) {
# TBD: We need to introduce an option for conditional enabling this error.
# runtime_error( "Could not find \"$file\" executable file in PATH." );
}; # if
if ( @found > 1 ) {
# TBD: Issue a warning?
}; # if
if ( $opts{ -all } ) {
return @found;
} else {
return $found[ 0 ];
}; # if
}; # sub which
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=item C<abs_path( $path, $base )>
Return absolute path for an argument.
Most of the work is done by C<File::Spec->rel2abs()>. C<abs_path()> additionally collapses
C<dir1/../dir2> to C<dir2>.
It is not so naive and made intentionally. For example on Linux* OS in Bash if F<link/> is a symbolic
link to directory F<some_dir/>
$ cd link
$ cd ..
brings you back to F<link/>'s parent, not to parent of F<some_dir/>,
sub abs_path($;$) {
my ( $path, $base ) = @_;
$path = File::Spec->rel2abs( $path, ( defined( $base ) ? $base : $ENV{ PWD } ) );
my ( $vol, $dir, $file ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path );
while ( $dir =~ s{/(?!\.\.)[^/]*/\.\.(?:/|\z)}{/} ) {
}; # while
$path = File::Spec->canonpath( File::Spec->catpath( $vol, $dir, $file ) );
return $path;
}; # sub abs_path
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=item C<rel_path( $path, $base )>
Return relative path for an argument.
sub rel_path($;$) {
my ( $path, $base ) = @_;
$path = File::Spec->abs2rel( abs_path( $path ), $base );
return $path;
}; # sub rel_path
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=item C<real_path( $dir )>
Return real absolute path for an argument. In the result all relative components (F<.> and F<..>)
and U<symbolic links are resolved>.
In most cases it is not what you want. Consider using C<abs_path> first.
C<abs_path> function from B<Cwd> module works with directories only. This function works with files
as well. But, if file is a symbolic link, function does not resolve it (yet).
The function uses C<runtime_error> to raise an error if something wrong.
sub real_path($) {
my $orig_path = shift( @_ );
my $real_path;
my $message = "";
if ( not -e $orig_path ) {
$message = "\"$orig_path\" does not exists";
} else {
# Cwd::abs_path does not work with files, so in this case we should handle file separately.
my $file;
if ( not -d $orig_path ) {
( my $vol, my $dir, $file ) = File::Spec->splitpath( File::Spec->rel2abs( $orig_path ) );
$orig_path = File::Spec->catpath( $vol, $dir );
}; # if
local $SIG{ __WARN__ } = sub { $message = $_[ 0 ]; };
$real_path = Cwd::abs_path( $orig_path );
if ( defined( $file ) ) {
$real_path = File::Spec->catfile( $real_path, $file );
}; # if
}; # if
if ( not defined( $real_path ) or $message ne "" ) {
$message =~ s/^stat\(.*\): (.*)\s+at .*? line \d+\s*\z/$1/;
runtime_error( "Could not find real path for \"$orig_path\"" . ( $message ne "" ? ": $message" : "" ) );
}; # if
return $real_path;
}; # sub real_path
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=item C<make_dir( $dir, @options )>
Make a directory.
This function makes a directory. If necessary, more than one level can be created.
If directory exists, warning issues (the script behavior depends on value of
C<-warning_level> option). If directory creation fails or C<$dir> exists but it is not a
directory, error isssues.
=item C<-mode>
The numeric mode for new directories, 0750 (rwxr-x---) by default.
sub make_dir($@) {
my $dir = shift( @_ );
my %opts =
params => \@_,
spec => {
parents => { type => "boolean", default => 1 },
mode => { type => "scalar", default => 0777 },
my $prefix = "Could not create directory \"$dir\"";
if ( -e $dir ) {
if ( -d $dir ) {
} else {
runtime_error( "$prefix: it exists, but not a directory." );
}; # if
} else {
eval {
File::Path::mkpath( $dir, 0, $opts{ mode } );
}; # eval
if ( $@ ) {
$@ =~ s{\s+at (?:[a-zA-Z0-9 /_.]*/)?tools\.pm line \d+\s*}{};
runtime_error( "$prefix: $@" );
}; # if
if ( not -d $dir ) { # Just in case, check it one more time...
runtime_error( "$prefix." );
}; # if
}; # if
}; # sub make_dir
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=item C<copy_dir( $src_dir, $dst_dir, @options )>
Copy directory recursively.
This function copies a directory recursively.
If source directory does not exist or not a directory, error issues.
=item C<-overwrite>
Overwrite destination directory, if it exists.
sub copy_dir($$@) {
my $src = shift( @_ );
my $dst = shift( @_ );
my %opts = @_;
my $prefix = "Could not copy directory \"$src\" to \"$dst\"";
if ( not -e $src ) {
runtime_error( "$prefix: \"$src\" does not exist." );
}; # if
if ( not -d $src ) {
runtime_error( "$prefix: \"$src\" is not a directory." );
}; # if
if ( -e $dst ) {
if ( -d $dst ) {
if ( $opts{ -overwrite } ) {
del_dir( $dst );
} else {
runtime_error( "$prefix: \"$dst\" already exists." );
}; # if
} else {
runtime_error( "$prefix: \"$dst\" is not a directory." );
}; # if
}; # if
execute( [ "cp", "-R", $src, $dst ] );
}; # sub copy_dir
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=item C<move_dir( $src_dir, $dst_dir, @options )>
Move directory.
=item C<-overwrite>
Overwrite destination directory, if it exists.
sub move_dir($$@) {
my $src = shift( @_ );
my $dst = shift( @_ );
my %opts = @_;
my $prefix = "Could not copy directory \"$src\" to \"$dst\"";
if ( not -e $src ) {
runtime_error( "$prefix: \"$src\" does not exist." );
}; # if
if ( not -d $src ) {
runtime_error( "$prefix: \"$src\" is not a directory." );
}; # if
if ( -e $dst ) {
if ( -d $dst ) {
if ( $opts{ -overwrite } ) {
del_dir( $dst );
} else {
runtime_error( "$prefix: \"$dst\" already exists." );
}; # if
} else {
runtime_error( "$prefix: \"$dst\" is not a directory." );
}; # if
}; # if
execute( [ "mv", $src, $dst ] );
}; # sub move_dir
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=item C<clean_dir( $dir, @options )>
Clean a directory: delete all the entries (recursively), but leave the directory.
=item C<-force> => bool
If a directory is not writable, try to change permissions first, then clean it.
=item C<-skip> => regexp
Regexp. If a directory entry mached the regexp, it is skipped, not deleted. (As a subsequence,
a directory containing skipped entries is not deleted.)
sub _clean_dir($);
sub _clean_dir($) {
our %_clean_dir_opts;
my ( $dir ) = @_;
my $skip = $_clean_dir_opts{ skip }; # Regexp.
my $skipped = 0; # Number of skipped files.
my $prefix = "Cleaning `$dir' failed:";
my @stat = stat( $dir );
my $mode = $stat[ 2 ];
if ( not @stat ) {
runtime_error( $prefix, "Cannot stat `$dir': $!" );
}; # if
if ( not -d _ ) {
runtime_error( $prefix, "It is not a directory." );
}; # if
if ( not -w _ ) { # Directory is not writable.
if ( not -o _ or not $_clean_dir_opts{ force } ) {
runtime_error( $prefix, "Directory is not writable." );
}; # if
# Directory is not writable but mine. Try to change permissions.
chmod( $mode | S_IWUSR, $dir )
or runtime_error( $prefix, "Cannot make directory writable: $!" );
}; # if
my $handle = IO::Dir->new( $dir ) or runtime_error( $prefix, "Cannot read directory: $!" );
my @entries = File::Spec->no_upwards( $handle->read() );
$handle->close() or runtime_error( $prefix, "Cannot read directory: $!" );
foreach my $entry ( @entries ) {
my $path = cat_file( $dir, $entry );
if ( defined( $skip ) and $entry =~ $skip ) {
++ $skipped;
} else {
if ( -l $path ) {
unlink( $path ) or runtime_error( $prefix, "Cannot delete symlink `$path': $!" );
} else {
stat( $path ) or runtime_error( $prefix, "Cannot stat `$path': $! " );
if ( -f _ ) {
del_file( $path );
} elsif ( -d _ ) {
my $rc = _clean_dir( $path );
if ( $rc == 0 ) {
rmdir( $path ) or runtime_error( $prefix, "Cannot delete directory `$path': $!" );
}; # if
$skipped += $rc;
} else {
runtime_error( $prefix, "`$path' is neither a file nor a directory." );
}; # if
}; # if
}; # if
}; # foreach
return $skipped;
}; # sub _clean_dir
sub clean_dir($@) {
my $dir = shift( @_ );
our %_clean_dir_opts;
local %_clean_dir_opts =
params => \@_,
spec => {
skip => { type => "regexpref" },
force => { type => "boolean" },
my $skipped = _clean_dir( $dir );
return $skipped;
}; # sub clean_dir
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=item C<del_dir( $dir, @options )>
Delete a directory recursively.
This function deletes a directory. If directory can not be deleted or it is not a directory, error
message issues (and script exists).
sub del_dir($@) {
my $dir = shift( @_ );
my %opts = @_;
my $prefix = "Deleting directory \"$dir\" failed";
our %_clean_dir_opts;
local %_clean_dir_opts =
params => \@_,
spec => {
force => { type => "boolean" },
if ( not -e $dir ) {
# Nothing to do.
}; # if
if ( not -d $dir ) {
runtime_error( "$prefix: it is not a directory." );
}; # if
_clean_dir( $dir );
rmdir( $dir ) or runtime_error( "$prefix." );
}; # sub del_dir
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=item C<change_dir( $dir )>
Change current directory.
If any error occurred, error issues and script exits.
sub change_dir($) {
my $dir = shift( @_ );
Cwd::chdir( $dir )
or runtime_error( "Could not chdir to \"$dir\": $!" );
}; # sub change_dir
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=item C<copy_file( $src_file, $dst_file, @options )>
Copy file.
This function copies a file. If source does not exist or is not a file, error issues.
=item C<-overwrite>
Overwrite destination file, if it exists.
sub copy_file($$@) {
my $src = shift( @_ );
my $dst = shift( @_ );
my %opts = @_;
my $prefix = "Could not copy file \"$src\" to \"$dst\"";
if ( not -e $src ) {
runtime_error( "$prefix: \"$src\" does not exist." );
}; # if
if ( not -f $src ) {
runtime_error( "$prefix: \"$src\" is not a file." );
}; # if
if ( -e $dst ) {
if ( -f $dst ) {
if ( $opts{ -overwrite } ) {
del_file( $dst );
} else {
runtime_error( "$prefix: \"$dst\" already exists." );
}; # if
} else {
runtime_error( "$prefix: \"$dst\" is not a file." );
}; # if
}; # if
File::Copy::copy( $src, $dst ) or runtime_error( "$prefix: $!" );
# On Windows* OS File::Copy preserves file attributes, but on Linux* OS it doesn't.
# So we should do it manually...
if ( $^O =~ m/^linux\z/ ) {
my $mode = ( stat( $src ) )[ 2 ]
or runtime_error( "$prefix: cannot get status info for source file." );
chmod( $mode, $dst )
or runtime_error( "$prefix: cannot change mode of destination file." );
}; # if
}; # sub copy_file
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub move_file($$@) {
my $src = shift( @_ );
my $dst = shift( @_ );
my %opts = @_;
my $prefix = "Could not move file \"$src\" to \"$dst\"";
check_opts( %opts, [ qw( -overwrite ) ] );
if ( not -e $src ) {
runtime_error( "$prefix: \"$src\" does not exist." );
}; # if
if ( not -f $src ) {
runtime_error( "$prefix: \"$src\" is not a file." );
}; # if
if ( -e $dst ) {
if ( -f $dst ) {
if ( $opts{ -overwrite } ) {
} else {
runtime_error( "$prefix: \"$dst\" already exists." );
}; # if
} else {
runtime_error( "$prefix: \"$dst\" is not a file." );
}; # if
}; # if
File::Copy::move( $src, $dst ) or runtime_error( "$prefix: $!" );
}; # sub move_file
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub del_file($) {
my $files = shift( @_ );
if ( ref( $files ) eq "" ) {
$files = [ $files ];
}; # if
foreach my $file ( @$files ) {
debug( "Deleting file `$file'..." );
my $rc = unlink( $file );
if ( $rc == 0 && $! != ENOENT ) {
# Reporn an error, but ignore ENOENT, because the goal is achieved.
runtime_error( "Deleting file `$file' failed: $!" );
}; # if
}; # foreach $file
}; # sub del_file
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# =================================================================================================
# File I/O subroutines.
# =================================================================================================
=head2 File I/O subroutines.
=head3 read_file
read_file( $file, @options )
Read file and return its content. In scalar context function returns a scalar, in list context
function returns list of lines.
Note: If the last of file does not terminate with newline, function will append it.
=item B<$file>
A name or handle of file to read from.
=item B<-binary>
If true, file treats as a binary file: no newline conversion, no truncating trailing space, no
newline removing performed. Entire file returned as a scalar.
=item B<-bulk>
This option is allowed only in binary mode. Option's value should be a reference to a scalar.
If option present, file content placed to pointee scalar and function returns true (1).
=item B<-chomp>
If true, newline characters are removed from file content. By default newline characters remain.
This option is not applicable in binary mode.
=item B<-keep_trailing_space>
If true, trainling space remain at the ends of lines. By default all trailing spaces are removed.
This option is not applicable in binary mode.
Return file as single line, remove trailing spaces.
my $bulk = read_file( "message.txt" );
Return file as list of lines with removed trailing space and
newline characters.
my @bulk = read_file( "message.txt", -chomp => 1 );
Read a binary file:
my $bulk = read_file( "message.txt", -binary => 1 );
Read a big binary file:
my $bulk;
read_file( "big_binary_file", -binary => 1, -bulk => \$bulk );
Read from standard input:
my @bulk = read_file( \*STDIN );
sub read_file($@) {
my $file = shift( @_ ); # The name or handle of file to read from.
my %opts = @_; # Options.
my $name;
my $handle;
my @bulk;
my $error = \&runtime_error;
my @binopts = qw( -binary -error -bulk ); # Options available in binary mode.
my @txtopts = qw( -binary -error -keep_trailing_space -chomp -layer ); # Options available in text (non-binary) mode.
check_opts( %opts, [ @binopts, @txtopts ] );
if ( $opts{ -binary } ) {
check_opts( %opts, [ @binopts ], "these options cannot be used with -binary" );
} else {
check_opts( %opts, [ @txtopts ], "these options cannot be used without -binary" );
}; # if
if ( not exists( $opts{ -error } ) ) {
$opts{ -error } = "error";
}; # if
if ( $opts{ -error } eq "warning" ) {
$error = \&warning;
} elsif( $opts{ -error } eq "ignore" ) {
$error = sub {};
} elsif ( ref( $opts{ -error } ) eq "ARRAY" ) {
$error = sub { push( @{ $opts{ -error } }, $_[ 0 ] ); };
}; # if
if ( ( ref( $file ) eq "GLOB" ) or UNIVERSAL::isa( $file, "IO::Handle" ) ) {
$name = "unknown";
$handle = $file;
} else {
$name = $file;
if ( get_ext( $file ) eq ".gz" and not $opts{ -binary } ) {
$handle = IO::Zlib->new( $name, "rb" );
} else {
$handle = IO::File->new( $name, "r" );
}; # if
if ( not defined( $handle ) ) {
$error->( "File \"$name\" could not be opened for input: $!" );
}; # if
}; # if
if ( defined( $handle ) ) {
if ( $opts{ -binary } ) {
binmode( $handle );
local $/ = undef; # Set input record separator to undef to read entire file as one line.
if ( exists( $opts{ -bulk } ) ) {
${ $opts{ -bulk } } = $handle->getline();
} else {
$bulk[ 0 ] = $handle->getline();
}; # if
} else {
if ( defined( $opts{ -layer } ) ) {
binmode( $handle, $opts{ -layer } );
}; # if
@bulk = $handle->getlines();
# Special trick for UTF-8 files: Delete BOM, if any.
if ( defined( $opts{ -layer } ) and $opts{ -layer } eq ":utf8" ) {
if ( substr( $bulk[ 0 ], 0, 1 ) eq "\x{FEFF}" ) {
substr( $bulk[ 0 ], 0, 1 ) = "";
}; # if
}; # if
}; # if
or $error->( "File \"$name\" could not be closed after input: $!" );
} else {
if ( $opts{ -binary } and exists( $opts{ -bulk } ) ) {
${ $opts{ -bulk } } = "";
}; # if
}; # if
if ( $opts{ -binary } ) {
if ( exists( $opts{ -bulk } ) ) {
return 1;
} else {
return $bulk[ 0 ];
}; # if
} else {
if ( ( @bulk > 0 ) and ( substr( $bulk[ -1 ], -1, 1 ) ne "\n" ) ) {
$bulk[ -1 ] .= "\n";
}; # if
if ( not $opts{ -keep_trailing_space } ) {
map( $_ =~ s/\s+\n\z/\n/, @bulk );
}; # if
if ( $opts{ -chomp } ) {
chomp( @bulk );
}; # if
if ( wantarray() ) {
return @bulk;
} else {
return join( "", @bulk );
}; # if
}; # if
}; # sub read_file
=head3 write_file
write_file( $file, $bulk, @options )
Write file.
=item B<$file>
The name or handle of file to writte to.
=item B<$bulk>
Bulk to write to a file. Can be a scalar, or a reference to scalar or an array.
=item B<-backup>
If true, create a backup copy of file overwritten. Backup copy is placed into the same directory.
The name of backup copy is the same as the name of file with `~' appended. By default backup copy
is not created.
=item B<-append>
If true, the text will be added to existing file.
write_file( "message.txt", \$bulk );
# Write file, take content from a scalar.
write_file( "message.txt", \@bulk, -backup => 1 );
# Write file, take content from an array, create a backup copy.
sub write_file($$@) {
my $file = shift( @_ ); # The name or handle of file to write to.
my $bulk = shift( @_ ); # The text to write. Can be reference to array or scalar.
my %opts = @_; # Options.
my $name;
my $handle;
check_opts( %opts, [ qw( -append -backup -binary -layer ) ] );
my $mode = $opts{ -append } ? "a": "w";
if ( ( ref( $file ) eq "GLOB" ) or UNIVERSAL::isa( $file, "IO::Handle" ) ) {
$name = "unknown";
$handle = $file;
} else {
$name = $file;
if ( $opts{ -backup } and ( -f $name ) ) {
copy_file( $name, $name . "~", -overwrite => 1 );
}; # if
$handle = IO::File->new( $name, $mode )
or runtime_error( "File \"$name\" could not be opened for output: $!" );
}; # if
if ( $opts{ -binary } ) {
binmode( $handle );
} elsif ( $opts{ -layer } ) {
binmode( $handle, $opts{ -layer } );
}; # if
if ( ref( $bulk ) eq "" ) {
if ( defined( $bulk ) ) {
$handle->print( $bulk );
if ( not $opts{ -binary } and ( substr( $bulk, -1 ) ne "\n" ) ) {
$handle->print( "\n" );
}; # if
}; # if
} elsif ( ref( $bulk ) eq "SCALAR" ) {
if ( defined( $$bulk ) ) {
$handle->print( $$bulk );
if ( not $opts{ -binary } and ( substr( $$bulk, -1 ) ne "\n" ) ) {
$handle->print( "\n" );
}; # if
}; # if
} elsif ( ref( $bulk ) eq "ARRAY" ) {
foreach my $line ( @$bulk ) {
if ( defined( $line ) ) {
$handle->print( $line );
if ( not $opts{ -binary } and ( substr( $line, -1 ) ne "\n" ) ) {
$handle->print( "\n" );
}; # if
}; # if
}; # foreach
} else {
Carp::croak( "write_file: \$bulk must be a scalar or reference to (scalar or array)" );
}; # if
or runtime_error( "File \"$name\" could not be closed after output: $!" );
}; # sub write_file
# =================================================================================================
# Execution subroutines.
# =================================================================================================
=head2 Execution subroutines.
sub _pre {
my $arg = shift( @_ );
# If redirection is not required, exit.
if ( not exists( $arg->{ redir } ) ) {
return 0;
}; # if
# Input parameters.
my $mode = $arg->{ mode }; # Mode, "<" (input ) or ">" (output).
my $handle = $arg->{ handle }; # Handle to manipulate.
my $redir = $arg->{ redir }; # Data, a file name if a scalar, or file contents, if a reference.
# Output parameters.
my $save_handle;
my $temp_handle;
my $temp_name;
# Save original handle (by duping it).
$save_handle = Symbol::gensym();
open( $save_handle, $mode . "&" . $handle->fileno() )
or die( "Cannot dup filehandle: $!" );
# Prepare a file to IO.
if ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $redir, "IO::Handle" ) or ( ref( $redir ) eq "GLOB" ) ) {
# $redir is reference to an object of IO::Handle class (or its decedant).
$temp_handle = $redir;
} elsif ( ref( $redir ) ) {
# $redir is a reference to content to be read/written.
# Prepare temp file.
( $temp_handle, $temp_name ) =
DIR => File::Spec->tmpdir(),
SUFFIX => ".tmp",
if ( not defined( $temp_handle ) ) {
runtime_error( "Could not create temp file." );
}; # if
if ( $mode eq "<" ) {
# It is a file to be read by child, prepare file content to be read.
$temp_handle->print( ref( $redir ) eq "SCALAR" ? ${ $redir } : @{ $redir } );
seek( $temp_handle, 0, 0 );
# Unfortunatelly, I could not use OO interface to seek.
# ActivePerl 5.6.1 complains on both forms:
# $temp_handle->seek( 0 ); # As declared in IO::Seekable.
# $temp_handle->setpos( 0 ); # As described in documentation.
} elsif ( $mode eq ">" ) {
# It is a file for output. Clear output variable.
if ( ref( $redir ) eq "SCALAR" ) {
${ $redir } = "";
} else {
@{ $redir } = ();
}; # if
}; # if
} else {
# $redir is a name of file to be read/written.
# Just open file.
if ( defined( $redir ) ) {
$temp_name = $redir;
} else {
$temp_name = File::Spec->devnull();
}; # if
$temp_handle = IO::File->new( $temp_name, $mode )
or runtime_error( "file \"$temp_name\" could not be opened for " . ( $mode eq "<" ? "input" : "output" ) . ": $!" );
}; # if
# Redirect handle to temp file.
open( $handle, $mode . "&" . $temp_handle->fileno() )
or die( "Cannot dup filehandle: $!" );
# Save output parameters.
$arg->{ save_handle } = $save_handle;
$arg->{ temp_handle } = $temp_handle;
$arg->{ temp_name } = $temp_name;
}; # sub _pre
sub _post {
my $arg = shift( @_ );
# Input parameters.
my $mode = $arg->{ mode }; # Mode, "<" or ">".
my $handle = $arg->{ handle }; # Handle to save and set.
my $redir = $arg->{ redir }; # Data, a file name if a scalar, or file contents, if a reference.
# Parameters saved during preprocessing.
my $save_handle = $arg->{ save_handle };
my $temp_handle = $arg->{ temp_handle };
my $temp_name = $arg->{ temp_name };
# If no handle was saved, exit.
if ( not $save_handle ) {
return 0;
}; # if
# Close handle.
or die( "$!" );
# Read the content of temp file, if necessary, and close temp file.
if ( ( $mode ne "<" ) and ref( $redir ) ) {
seek( $temp_handle, 0, 0 );
if ( $^O =~ m/MSWin/ ) {
binmode( $temp_handle, ":crlf" );
}; # if
if ( ref( $redir ) eq "SCALAR" ) {
${ $redir } .= join( "", $temp_handle->getlines() );
} elsif ( ref( $redir ) eq "ARRAY" ) {
push( @{ $redir }, $temp_handle->getlines() );
}; # if
}; # if
if ( not UNIVERSAL::isa( $redir, "IO::Handle" ) ) {
or die( "$!" );
}; # if
# Restore handle to original value.
open( $handle, $mode . "&" . $save_handle->fileno() )
or die( "Cannot dup filehandle: $!" );
# Close save handle.
or die( "$!" );
# Delete parameters saved during preprocessing.
delete( $arg->{ save_handle } );
delete( $arg->{ temp_handle } );
delete( $arg->{ temp_name } );
}; # sub _post
=item C<execute( [ @command ], @options )>
Execute specified program or shell command.
Program is specified by reference to an array, that array is passed to C<system()> function which
executes the command. See L<perlfunc> for details how C<system()> interprets various forms of
By default, in case of any error error message is issued and script terminated (by runtime_error()).
Function returns an exit code of program.
Alternatively, he function may return exit status of the program (see C<-ignore_status>) or signal
(see C<-ignore_signal>) so caller may analyze it and continue execution.
=item C<-stdin>
Redirect stdin of program. The value of option can be:
=item C<undef>
Stdin of child is attached to null device.
=item a string
Stdin of child is attached to a file with name specified by option.
=item a reference to a scalar
A dereferenced scalar is written to a temp file, and child's stdin is attached to that file.
=item a reference to an array
A dereferenced array is written to a temp file, and child's stdin is attached to that file.
=item C<-stdout>
Redirect stdout. Possible values are the same as for C<-stdin> option. The only difference is
reference specifies a variable receiving program's output.
=item C<-stderr>
It similar to C<-stdout>, but redirects stderr. There is only one additional value:
=item an empty string
means that stderr should be redirected to the same place where stdout is redirected to.
=item C<-append>
Redirected stream will not overwrite previous content of file (or variable).
Note, that option affects both stdout and stderr.
=item C<-ignore_status>
By default, subroutine raises an error and exits the script if program returns non-exit status. If
this options is true, no error is raised. Instead, status is returned as function result (and $@ is
set to error message).
=item C<-ignore_signal>
By default, subroutine raises an error and exits the script if program die with signal. If
this options is true, no error is raised in such a case. Instead, signal number is returned (as
negative value), error message is placed to C<$@> variable.
If command is not even started, -256 is returned.
execute( [ "cmd.exe", "/c", "dir" ] );
# Execute NT shell with specified options, no redirections are
# made.
my $output;
execute( [ "cvs", "-n", "-q", "update", "." ], -stdout => \$output );
# Execute "cvs -n -q update ." command, output is saved
# in $output variable.
my @output;
execute( [ qw( cvs -n -q update . ) ], -stdout => \@output, -stderr => undef );
# Execute specified command, output is saved in @output
# variable, stderr stream is redirected to null device
# (/dev/null in Linux* OS an nul in Windows* OS).
sub execute($@) {
# !!! Add something to complain on unknown options...
my $command = shift( @_ );
my %opts = @_;
my $prefix = "Could not execute $command->[ 0 ]";
check_opts( %opts, [ qw( -stdin -stdout -stderr -append -ignore_status -ignore_signal ) ] );
if ( ref( $command ) ne "ARRAY" ) {
Carp::croak( "execute: $command must be a reference to array" );
}; # if
my $stdin = { handle => \*STDIN, mode => "<" };
my $stdout = { handle => \*STDOUT, mode => ">" };
my $stderr = { handle => \*STDERR, mode => ">" };
my $streams = {
stdin => $stdin,
stdout => $stdout,
stderr => $stderr
}; # $streams
for my $stream ( qw( stdin stdout stderr ) ) {
if ( exists( $opts{ "-$stream" } ) ) {
if ( ref( $opts{ "-$stream" } ) !~ m/\A(|SCALAR|ARRAY)\z/ ) {
Carp::croak( "execute: -$stream option: must have value of scalar, or reference to (scalar or array)." );
}; # if
$streams->{ $stream }->{ redir } = $opts{ "-$stream" };
}; # if
if ( $opts{ -append } and ( $streams->{ $stream }->{ mode } ) eq ">" ) {
$streams->{ $stream }->{ mode } = ">>";
}; # if
}; # foreach $stream
_pre( $stdin );
_pre( $stdout );
if ( defined( $stderr->{ redir } ) and not ref( $stderr->{ redir } ) and ( $stderr->{ redir } eq "" ) ) {
if ( exists( $stdout->{ redir } ) ) {
$stderr->{ redir } = $stdout->{ temp_handle };
} else {
$stderr->{ redir } = ${ $stdout->{ handle } };
}; # if
}; # if
_pre( $stderr );
my $rc = system( @$command );
my $errno = $!;
my $child = $?;
_post( $stderr );
_post( $stdout );
_post( $stdin );
my $exit = 0;
my $signal_num = $child & 127;
my $exit_status = $child >> 8;
$@ = "";
if ( $rc == -1 ) {
$@ = "\"$command->[ 0 ]\" failed: $errno";
$exit = -256;
if ( not $opts{ -ignore_signal } ) {
runtime_error( $@ );
}; # if
} elsif ( $signal_num != 0 ) {
$@ = "\"$command->[ 0 ]\" failed due to signal $signal_num.";
$exit = - $signal_num;
if ( not $opts{ -ignore_signal } ) {
runtime_error( $@ );
}; # if
} elsif ( $exit_status != 0 ) {
$@ = "\"$command->[ 0 ]\" returned non-zero status $exit_status.";
$exit = $exit_status;
if ( not $opts{ -ignore_status } ) {
runtime_error( $@ );
}; # if
}; # if
return $exit;
}; # sub execute
=item C<backticks( [ @command ], @options )>
Run specified program or shell command and return output.
In scalar context entire output is returned in a single string. In list context list of strings
is returned. Function issues an error and exits script if any error occurs.
sub backticks($@) {
my $command = shift( @_ );
my %opts = @_;
my @output;
check_opts( %opts, [ qw( -chomp ) ] );
execute( $command, -stdout => \@output );
if ( $opts{ -chomp } ) {
chomp( @output );
}; # if
return ( wantarray() ? @output : join( "", @output ) );
}; # sub backticks
sub pad($$$) {
my ( $str, $length, $pad ) = @_;
my $lstr = length( $str ); # Length of source string.
if ( $lstr < $length ) {
my $lpad = length( $pad ); # Length of pad.
my $count = int( ( $length - $lstr ) / $lpad ); # Number of pad repetitions.
my $tail = $length - ( $lstr + $lpad * $count );
$str = $str . ( $pad x $count ) . substr( $pad, 0, $tail );
}; # if
return $str;
}; # sub pad
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
return 1;
# End of file.