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//Copyright 2010 Microsoft Corporation
//Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
//You may obtain a copy of the License at
//Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
//See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
namespace System.Data.Services.Client
internal static class XmlConstants
#region CLR / Reflection constants.
internal const string ClrServiceInitializationMethodName = "InitializeService";
#endregion CLR / Reflection constants.
#region HTTP constants.
internal const string HttpContentID = "Content-ID";
internal const string HttpContentLength = "Content-Length";
internal const string HttpContentType = "Content-Type";
internal const string HttpContentDisposition = "Content-Disposition";
internal const string HttpDataServiceVersion = "DataServiceVersion";
internal const string HttpMaxDataServiceVersion = "MaxDataServiceVersion";
internal const string HttpCacheControlNoCache = "no-cache";
internal const string HttpCharsetParameter = "charset";
internal const string HttpMethodGet = "GET";
internal const string HttpMethodPost = "POST";
internal const string HttpMethodPut = "PUT";
internal const string HttpMethodDelete = "DELETE";
internal const string HttpMethodMerge = "MERGE";
internal const string HttpQueryStringExpand = "$expand";
internal const string HttpQueryStringFilter = "$filter";
internal const string HttpQueryStringOrderBy = "$orderby";
internal const string HttpQueryStringSkip = "$skip";
internal const string HttpQueryStringTop = "$top";
internal const string HttpQueryStringInlineCount = "$inlinecount";
internal const string HttpQueryStringSkipToken = "$skiptoken";
internal const string SkipTokenPropertyPrefix = "SkipTokenProperty";
internal const string HttpQueryStringValueCount = "$count";
internal const string HttpQueryStringSelect = "$select";
internal const string HttpQValueParameter = "q";
internal const string HttpXMethod = "X-HTTP-Method";
internal const string HttpRequestAccept = "Accept";
internal const string HttpRequestAcceptCharset = "Accept-Charset";
internal const string HttpRequestIfMatch = "If-Match";
internal const string HttpRequestIfNoneMatch = "If-None-Match";
internal const string HttpMultipartBoundary = "boundary";
internal const string HttpMultipartBoundaryBatch = "batch";
internal const string HttpMultipartBoundaryChangeSet = "changeset";
internal const string HttpResponseAllow = "Allow";
internal const string HttpResponseCacheControl = "Cache-Control";
internal const string HttpResponseETag = "ETag";
internal const string HttpResponseLocation = "Location";
internal const string HttpResponseStatusCode = "Status-Code";
internal const string HttpMultipartBoundaryBatchResponse = "batchresponse";
internal const string HttpMultipartBoundaryChangesetResponse = "changesetresponse";
internal const string HttpContentTransferEncoding = "Content-Transfer-Encoding";
internal const string HttpVersionInBatching = "HTTP/1.1";
internal const string HttpAnyETag = "*";
internal const string HttpWeakETagPrefix = "W/\"";
internal const string HttpAcceptCharset = "Accept-Charset";
internal const string HttpCookie = "Cookie";
internal const string HttpSlug = "Slug";
#endregion HTTP constants.
#region MIME constants.
internal const string MimeAny = "*/*";
internal const string MimeApplicationAtom = "application/atom+xml";
internal const string MimeApplicationAtomService = "application/atomsvc+xml";
internal const string MimeApplicationJson = "application/json";
internal const string MimeApplicationOctetStream = "application/octet-stream";
internal const string MimeApplicationHttp = "application/http";
internal const string MimeApplicationType = "application";
internal const string MimeApplicationXml = "application/xml";
internal const string MimeJsonSubType = "json";
internal const string MimeMetadata = MimeApplicationXml;
internal const string MimeMultiPartMixed = "multipart/mixed";
internal const string MimeTextPlain = "text/plain";
internal const string MimeTextType = "text";
internal const string MimeTextXml = "text/xml";
internal const string MimeXmlSubType = "xml";
internal const string BatchRequestContentTransferEncoding = "binary";
internal const string LinkMimeTypeFeed = "application/atom+xml;type=feed";
internal const string LinkMimeTypeEntry = "application/atom+xml;type=entry";
internal const string Utf8Encoding = "UTF-8";
internal const string MimeTypeUtf8Encoding = ";charset=" + Utf8Encoding;
#endregion MIME constants.
#region URI constants.
internal const string UriHttpAbsolutePrefix = "http://host";
internal const string UriMetadataSegment = "$metadata";
internal const string UriValueSegment = "$value";
internal const string UriBatchSegment = "$batch";
internal const string UriLinkSegment = "$links";
internal const string UriCountSegment = "$count";
internal const string UriRowCountAllOption = "allpages";
internal const string UriRowCountOffOption = "none";
#endregion URI constants.
#region WCF constants.
internal const string WcfBinaryElementName = "Binary";
#endregion WCF constants.
#region ATOM constants
internal const string AtomContentElementName = "content";
internal const string AtomEntryElementName = "entry";
internal const string AtomFeedElementName = "feed";
internal const string AtomAuthorElementName = "author";
internal const string AtomContributorElementName = "contributor";
internal const string AtomCategoryElementName = "category";
internal const string AtomCategorySchemeAttributeName = "scheme";
internal const string AtomCategoryTermAttributeName = "term";
internal const string AtomIdElementName = "id";
internal const string AtomLinkElementName = "link";
internal const string AtomLinkRelationAttributeName = "rel";
internal const string AtomContentSrcAttributeName = "src";
internal const string AtomLinkNextAttributeString = "next";
internal const string MetadataAttributeEpmContentKind = "FC_ContentKind";
internal const string MetadataAttributeEpmKeepInContent = "FC_KeepInContent";
internal const string MetadataAttributeEpmNsPrefix = "FC_NsPrefix";
internal const string MetadataAttributeEpmNsUri = "FC_NsUri";
internal const string MetadataAttributeEpmTargetPath = "FC_TargetPath";
internal const string MetadataAttributeEpmSourcePath = "FC_SourcePath";
internal const string SyndAuthorEmail = "SyndicationAuthorEmail";
internal const string SyndAuthorName = "SyndicationAuthorName";
internal const string SyndAuthorUri = "SyndicationAuthorUri";
internal const string SyndPublished = "SyndicationPublished";
internal const string SyndRights = "SyndicationRights";
internal const string SyndSummary = "SyndicationSummary";
internal const string SyndTitle = "SyndicationTitle";
internal const string AtomUpdatedElementName = "updated";
internal const string SyndContributorEmail = "SyndicationContributorEmail";
internal const string SyndContributorName = "SyndicationContributorName";
internal const string SyndContributorUri = "SyndicationContributorUri";
internal const string SyndUpdated = "SyndicationUpdated";
internal const string SyndContentKindPlaintext = "text";
internal const string SyndContentKindHtml = "html";
internal const string SyndContentKindXHtml = "xhtml";
internal const string AtomHRefAttributeName = "href";
internal const string AtomSummaryElementName = "summary";
internal const string AtomNameElementName = "name";
internal const string AtomEmailElementName = "email";
internal const string AtomUriElementName = "uri";
internal const string AtomPublishedElementName = "published";
internal const string AtomRightsElementName = "rights";
internal const string AtomPublishingCollectionElementName = "collection";
internal const string AtomPublishingServiceElementName = "service";
internal const string AtomPublishingWorkspaceDefaultValue = "Default";
internal const string AtomPublishingWorkspaceElementName = "workspace";
internal const string AtomTitleElementName = "title";
internal const string AtomTypeAttributeName = "type";
internal const string AtomSelfRelationAttributeValue = "self";
internal const string AtomEditRelationAttributeValue = "edit";
internal const string AtomEditMediaRelationAttributeValue = "edit-media";
internal const string AtomNullAttributeName = "null";
internal const string AtomETagAttributeName = "etag";
internal const string AtomInlineElementName = "inline";
internal const string AtomPropertiesElementName = "properties";
internal const string RowCountElement = "count";
#endregion ATOM constants
#region XML constants.
internal const string XmlCollectionItemElementName = "element";
internal const string XmlErrorElementName = "error";
internal const string XmlErrorCodeElementName = "code";
internal const string XmlErrorInnerElementName = "innererror";
internal const string XmlErrorInternalExceptionElementName = "internalexception";
internal const string XmlErrorTypeElementName = "type";
internal const string XmlErrorStackTraceElementName = "stacktrace";
internal const string XmlErrorMessageElementName = "message";
internal const string XmlFalseLiteral = "false";
internal const string XmlTrueLiteral = "true";
internal const string XmlInfinityLiteral = "INF";
internal const string XmlNaNLiteral = "NaN";
internal const string XmlBaseAttributeName = "base";
internal const string XmlLangAttributeName = "lang";
internal const string XmlSpaceAttributeName = "space";
internal const string XmlSpacePreserveValue = "preserve";
internal const string XmlBaseAttributeNameWithPrefix = "xml:base";
#endregion XML constants.
#region XML namespaces.
internal const string EdmV1Namespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2006/04/edm";
internal const string EdmV1dot1Namespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/05/edm";
internal const string EdmV1dot2Namespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2008/01/edm";
internal const string DataWebNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices";
internal const string DataWebMetadataNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata";
internal const string DataWebRelatedNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/related/";
internal const string DataWebSchemeNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/scheme";
internal const string AppNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/2007/app";
internal const string AtomNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom";
internal const string XmlnsNamespacePrefix = "xmlns";
internal const string XmlNamespacePrefix = "xml";
internal const string DataWebNamespacePrefix = "d";
internal const string DataWebMetadataNamespacePrefix = "m";
internal const string XmlNamespacesNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/";
internal const string EdmxNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/06/edmx";
internal const string EdmxNamespacePrefix = "edmx";
#endregion XML namespaces.
#region CDM Schema Xml NodeNames
#region Constant node names in the CDM schema xml
internal const string Association = "Association";
internal const string AssociationSet = "AssociationSet";
internal const string ComplexType = "ComplexType";
internal const string Dependent = "Dependent";
internal const string EdmCollectionTypeFormat = "Collection({0})";
internal const string EdmEntitySetAttributeName = "EntitySet";
internal const string EdmFunctionImportElementName = "FunctionImport";
internal const string EdmModeAttributeName = "Mode";
internal const string EdmModeInValue = "In";
internal const string EdmParameterElementName = "Parameter";
internal const string EdmReturnTypeAttributeName = "ReturnType";
internal const string End = "End";
internal const string EntityType = "EntityType";
internal const string EntityContainer = "EntityContainer";
internal const string Key = "Key";
internal const string NavigationProperty = "NavigationProperty";
internal const string OnDelete = "OnDelete";
internal const string Principal = "Principal";
internal const string Property = "Property";
internal const string PropertyRef = "PropertyRef";
internal const string ReferentialConstraint = "ReferentialConstraint";
internal const string Role = "Role";
internal const string Schema = "Schema";
internal const string EdmxElement = "Edmx";
internal const string EdmxDataServicesElement = "DataServices";
internal const string EdmxVersion = "Version";
internal const string EdmxVersionValue = "1.0";
#region const attribute names in the CDM schema XML
internal const string Action = "Action";
internal const string BaseType = "BaseType";
internal const string EntitySet = "EntitySet";
internal const string FromRole = "FromRole";
internal const string Abstract = "Abstract";
internal const string Multiplicity = "Multiplicity";
internal const string Name = "Name";
internal const string Namespace = "Namespace";
internal const string ToRole = "ToRole";
internal const string Type = "Type";
internal const string Relationship = "Relationship";
#region values for multiplicity in Edm
internal const string Many = "*";
internal const string One = "1";
internal const string ZeroOrOne = "0..1";
#region Edm Facets Names and Values
internal const string Nullable = "Nullable";
internal const string ConcurrencyAttribute = "ConcurrencyMode";
internal const string ConcurrencyFixedValue = "Fixed";
#endregion // CDM Schema Xml NodeNames
#region DataWeb Elements and Attributes.
internal const string DataWebMimeTypeAttributeName = "MimeType";
internal const string DataWebOpenTypeAttributeName = "OpenType";
internal const string DataWebAccessHasStreamAttribute = "HasStream";
internal const string DataWebAccessDefaultStreamPropertyValue = "true";
internal const string IsDefaultEntityContainerAttribute = "IsDefaultEntityContainer";
internal const string ServiceOperationHttpMethodName = "HttpMethod";
internal const string UriElementName = "uri";
internal const string NextElementName = "next";
internal const string LinkCollectionElementName = "links";
#endregion DataWeb Elements and Attributes.
#region JSON Format constants
internal const string JsonError = "error";
internal const string JsonErrorCode = "code";
internal const string JsonErrorInner = "innererror";
internal const string JsonErrorInternalException = "internalexception";
internal const string JsonErrorMessage = "message";
internal const string JsonErrorStackTrace = "stacktrace";
internal const string JsonErrorType = "type";
internal const string JsonErrorValue = "value";
internal const string JsonMetadataString = "__metadata";
internal const string JsonUriString = "uri";
internal const string JsonTypeString = "type";
internal const string JsonEditMediaString = "edit_media";
internal const string JsonMediaSrcString = "media_src";
internal const string JsonContentTypeString = "content_type";
internal const string JsonMediaETagString = "media_etag";
internal const string JsonDeferredString = "__deferred";
internal const string JsonETagString = "etag";
internal const string JsonRowCountString = "__count";
internal const string JsonNextString = "__next";
#region Edm Primitive Type Names
internal const string EdmNamespace = "Edm";
internal const string EdmBinaryTypeName = "Edm.Binary";
internal const string EdmBooleanTypeName = "Edm.Boolean";
internal const string EdmByteTypeName = "Edm.Byte";
internal const string EdmDateTimeTypeName = "Edm.DateTime";
internal const string EdmDecimalTypeName = "Edm.Decimal";
internal const string EdmDoubleTypeName = "Edm.Double";
internal const string EdmGuidTypeName = "Edm.Guid";
internal const string EdmSingleTypeName = "Edm.Single";
internal const string EdmSByteTypeName = "Edm.SByte";
internal const string EdmInt16TypeName = "Edm.Int16";
internal const string EdmInt32TypeName = "Edm.Int32";
internal const string EdmInt64TypeName = "Edm.Int64";
internal const string EdmStringTypeName = "Edm.String";
#region Astoria Constants
internal const string DataServiceVersion1Dot0 = "1.0";
internal const string DataServiceVersion2Dot0 = "2.0";
internal const string DataServiceVersionCurrent = DataServiceVersion2Dot0 + ";";
internal const int DataServiceVersionCurrentMajor = 1;
internal const int DataServiceVersionCurrentMinor = 0;
internal const string LiteralPrefixBinary = "binary";
internal const string LiteralPrefixDateTime = "datetime";
internal const string LiteralPrefixGuid = "guid";
internal const string XmlBinaryPrefix = "X";
internal const string XmlDecimalLiteralSuffix = "M";
internal const string XmlInt64LiteralSuffix = "L";
internal const string XmlSingleLiteralSuffix = "f";
internal const string XmlDoubleLiteralSuffix = "D";
internal const string NullLiteralInETag = "null";
internal const string MicrosoftDataServicesRequestUri = "MicrosoftDataServicesRequestUri";
internal const string MicrosoftDataServicesRootUri = "MicrosoftDataServicesRootUri";