- Interop signatures should only be compiled into the assemblies that actually consume them. Having extra signatures bloats assemblies and makes it more difficult to do static analysis over assemblies to understand what they actually use. It also leads to problems when such static verification is used as a gate, e.g. if a store verifies that only certain APIs are used by apps in the store.
- This is both for good hygiene and to help keep platform-specific code separated from platform-neutral code, which is important for maximizing reusable code above PAL layers.
- Ensure maximal managed code reuse across different OS flavors which have the same API but not the same ABI.
- This is the case for UNIX and addressing it is a work-in-progress (see issue #2137 and section on "shims" below.)
- All code related to interop signatures (DllImports, interop structs used in DllImports, constants that map to native values, etc.) should live in a partial, static, and internal “Interop” class in the root namespace, e.g.
- Declarations shouldn't be in Interop directly, but rather within a partial, static, internal nested type named for a given library or set of libraries, e.g.
- With few exceptions, the only methods that should be defined in these interop types are DllImports.
- Exceptions are limited to times when most or every consumer of a particular DllImport will need to wrap its invocation in a helper, e.g. to provide additional marshaling support, to hide thread-safety issues in the underlying OS implementation, to do any required manipulation of safe handles, etc. In such cases, the DllImport should be private whenever possible rather than internal, with the helper code exposed to consumers rather than having the DllImport exposed directly.
- The Interop partial class definitions should live in Interop.*.cs files. These Interop.*.cs files should all live under Common rather than within a given assembly's folder.
- The only exception to this should be when an assembly P/Invokes to its own native library that isn't available to or consumed by anyone else, e.g. System.IO.Compression P/Invoking to clrcompression.dll. In such cases, System.IO.Compression should have its own Interop folder which follows a similar scheme as outlined in this proposal, but just for these private P/Invokes.
- Under Common\src\Interop, we'll have a folder for each target platform, and within each platform, for each library from which functionality is being consumed. The Interop.*.cs files will live within those library folders, e.g.
As shown above, platforms may be additive, in that an assembly may use functionality from multiple folders, e.g. System.IO.FileSystem's Linux build will use functionality both from Unix (common across all Unix systems) and from Linux (specific to Linux and not available across non-Linux Unix systems).
- Interop.*.cs files are created in a way such that every assembly consuming the file will need every DllImport it contains.
- If multiple related DllImports will all be needed by every consumer, they may be declared in the same file, named for the functionality grouping, e.g. Interop.IOErrors.cs.
- Otherwise, in the limit (and the expected case for most situations) each Interop.*.cs file will contain a single DllImport and associated interop types (e.g. the structs used with that signature) and helper wrappers, e.g. Interop.strerror.cs.
- If structs/constants will be used on their own without an associated DllImport, or if they may be used with multiple DllImports not in the same file, they should be declared in a separate file.
- In the case of multiple overloads of the same DllImport (e.g. some overloads taking a SafeHandle and others taking an IntPtr, or overloads taking different kinds of SafeHandles), if they can't all be declared in the same file (because they won't all be consumed by all consumers), the file should be qualified with the key differentiator, e.g.
- The library names used per-platform are stored in internal constants in the Interop class in a private Libraries class in a per-platform file named Interop.Libraries.cs. These constants are then used for all DllImports to that library, rather than having the string duplicated each time, e.g.
(Note that this will likely result in some extra constants defined in each assembly that uses interop, which minimally violates one of the goals, but it's very minimal.)
When building CoreFx, we use the "OSGroup" property to control what target platform we are building for. The valid values for this property are Windows_NT (which is the default value from MSBuild when running on Windows), Linux and OSX.
TargetsUnix is true for both OSX and Linux builds and can be used to include code that can be used on both Linux and OSX (e.g. it is written against a POSIX API that is present on both platforms).
Whenever possible, a single .csproj should be used per assembly, spanning all target platforms, e.g. System.Console.csproj includes conditional entries for when targeting Windows vs when targeting Linux. A property can be passed to msbuild to control which flavor is built, e.g. msbuild /p:OSGroup=OSX System.Console.csproj.
- Wherever possible, constants should be defined as "const". Only if the data type doesn't support this (e.g. IntPtr) should they instead be static readonly fields.
Using enums instead of partial, static classes can lead to needing lots of casts at call sites and can cause problems if such a type needs to be split across multiple files (enums can't currently be partial). However, enums can be valuable in making it clear in a DllImport signature what values are permissible. Enums may be used in limited circumstances where these aren't concerns: the full set of values can be represented in the enum, and the interop signature can be defined to use the enum type rather than the underlying integral type.
Interop signatures / structs / constants should be defined using the same name / capitalization / etc. that's used in the corresponding native code.
- We should not rename any of these based on managed coding guidelines. The only exception to this is for the constant grouping type, which should be named with the most discoverable name possible; if that name is a concept (e.g. Errors), it can be named using managed naming guidelines.
### Definition
When defining the P/Invoke signatures and structs, the following guidelines should be followed. More details on P/Invoke behavior and these guidelines can be found here: [P/Invokes](interop-pinvokes)
- Interop signatures / structs / constants should be defined using the same name / capitalization / etc. that's used in the corresponding native code.
- Avoid using `StringBuilder`, particularly as an output buffer to avoid over allocating.
- Use blittable types in structs where possible (not `string` and `bool`).
- Use `sizeof()` for blittable structs, not `Marshal.SizeOf<MyStruct>()`
- Use C# type keywords that map as closely to the underlying type as possible (e.g. use `uint` when the native type is unsigned, not `int` or `System.UInt`).
- Use `ArrayPool` for buffer pooling.
- Be careful of return string termination when allocating buffers (add room for null where needed).
- Only use `bool` for 32 bit types (matches `BOOL` not `BOOLEAN`).
- Use `[In]` and `[Out]` only when they differ from the implicit behavior.
- Explicitly specify the `CharSet` as `Ansi` or `Unicode` when the signature has a string.
- Use `ExactSpelling` to avoid probing for A/W signature variants.
Often, various UNIX flavors offer the same API from the point-of-view of compatibility with C/C++ source code, but they do not have the same ABI. e.g. Fields can be laid out differently, constants can have different numeric values, exports can be named differently, etc. There are not only differences between operating systems (Mac OS X vs. Ubuntu vs. FreeBSD), but also differences related to the underlying processor architecture (x64 vs. x86 vs. ARM).
This leaves us with a situation where we can't write portable P/Invoke declarations that will work on all flavors, and writing separate declarations per flavor is quite fragile and won't scale.
To address this, we're moving to a model where all UNIX interop from corefx starts with a P/Invoke to a C++ lib written specifically for corefx. These libs -- System.*.Native.so (aka "shims") -- are intended to be very thin layers over underlying platform libraries. Generally, they are not there to add any significant abstraction, but to create a stable ABI such that the same IL assembly can work across UNIX flavors.
- If an export point has a 1:1 correspondence to the platform API, then name it after the platform API in PascalCase (e.g. stat -> Stat, fstat -> FStat).
- If an export is not 1:1, then spell things out as we typically would in CoreFX code (i.e. don't use abbreviations unless they come from the underlying API.
- At first, it seemed that we'd want to use 1:1 names throughout, but it turns out there are many cases where being strictly 1:1 isn't practical.
- In order to reduce the chance of collisions when linking with CoreRT, all exports should have a prefix that corresponds to the Libraries' name, e.g. "SystemNative_" or "CryptoNative_" to make the method name more unique. See https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/4818.
- Do not use size_t in shim API. Always pick a fixed size. Often, it is most convenient to line up with the managed int as int32_t (e.g. scratch buffer size for read/write), but sometimes we need to handle huge sizes (e.g. memory mapped files) and therefore use uint64_t.