400 lines
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400 lines
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// <copyright file="XPathQilFactory.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <owner current="true" primary="true">[....]</owner>
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Xml.Xsl.Qil;
using System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime;
namespace System.Xml.Xsl.XPath {
using Res = System.Xml.Utils.Res;
using T = XmlQueryTypeFactory;
internal class XPathQilFactory : QilPatternFactory {
public XPathQilFactory(QilFactory f, bool debug) : base(f, debug) {
// Helper methods used in addition to QilPatternFactory's ones
public QilNode Error(string res, QilNode args) {
return Error(InvokeFormatMessage(String(res), args));
public QilNode Error(ISourceLineInfo lineInfo, string res, params string[] args) {
return Error(String(XslLoadException.CreateMessage(lineInfo, res, args)));
public QilIterator FirstNode(QilNode n) {
QilIterator i = For(DocOrderDistinct(n));
return For(Filter(i, Eq(PositionOf(i), Int32(1))));
public bool IsAnyType(QilNode n) {
XmlQueryType xt = n.XmlType;
bool result = !(xt.IsStrict || xt.IsNode);
Debug.Assert(result == (xt.TypeCode == XmlTypeCode.Item || xt.TypeCode == XmlTypeCode.AnyAtomicType), "What else can it be?");
return result;
public void CheckAny(QilNode n) {
Debug.Assert(n != null && IsAnyType(n), "Must be of 'any' type");
public void CheckNode(QilNode n) {
Debug.Assert(n != null && n.XmlType.IsSingleton && n.XmlType.IsNode, "Must be a singleton node");
public void CheckNodeSet(QilNode n) {
Debug.Assert(n != null && n.XmlType.IsNode, "Must be a node-set");
public void CheckNodeNotRtf(QilNode n) {
Debug.Assert(n != null && n.XmlType.IsSingleton && n.XmlType.IsNode && n.XmlType.IsNotRtf, "Must be a singleton node and not an Rtf");
public void CheckString(QilNode n) {
Debug.Assert(n != null && n.XmlType.IsSubtypeOf(T.StringX), "Must be a singleton string");
public void CheckStringS(QilNode n) {
Debug.Assert(n != null && n.XmlType.IsSubtypeOf(T.StringXS), "Must be a sequence of strings");
public void CheckDouble(QilNode n) {
Debug.Assert(n != null && n.XmlType.IsSubtypeOf(T.DoubleX), "Must be a singleton Double");
public void CheckBool(QilNode n) {
Debug.Assert(n != null && n.XmlType.IsSubtypeOf(T.BooleanX), "Must be a singleton Bool");
// Return true if inferred type of the given expression is never a subtype of T.NodeS
public bool CannotBeNodeSet(QilNode n) {
XmlQueryType xt = n.XmlType;
// Do not report compile error if n is a VarPar, whose inferred type forbids nodes (SQLBUDT 339398)
return xt.IsAtomicValue && !xt.IsEmpty && !(n is QilIterator);
public QilNode SafeDocOrderDistinct(QilNode n) {
XmlQueryType xt = n.XmlType;
if (xt.MaybeMany) {
if (xt.IsNode && xt.IsNotRtf) {
// node-set
return DocOrderDistinct(n);
} else if (!xt.IsAtomicValue) {
QilIterator i;
return Loop(i = Let(n),
Conditional(Gt(Length(i), Int32(1)),
DocOrderDistinct(TypeAssert(i, T.NodeNotRtfS)),
return n;
public QilNode InvokeFormatMessage(QilNode res, QilNode args) {
return XsltInvokeEarlyBound(QName("format-message"),
XsltMethods.FormatMessage, T.StringX, new QilNode[] { res, args }
#region Comparisons
public QilNode InvokeEqualityOperator(QilNodeType op, QilNode left, QilNode right) {
Debug.Assert(op == QilNodeType.Eq || op == QilNodeType.Ne);
double opCode;
left = TypeAssert(left, T.ItemS);
right = TypeAssert(right, T.ItemS);
switch (op) {
case QilNodeType.Eq: opCode = (double)XsltLibrary.ComparisonOperator.Eq; break;
default: opCode = (double)XsltLibrary.ComparisonOperator.Ne; break;
return XsltInvokeEarlyBound(QName("EqualityOperator"),
XsltMethods.EqualityOperator, T.BooleanX, new QilNode[] { Double(opCode), left, right }
public QilNode InvokeRelationalOperator(QilNodeType op, QilNode left, QilNode right) {
Debug.Assert(op == QilNodeType.Lt || op == QilNodeType.Le || op == QilNodeType.Gt || op == QilNodeType.Ge);
double opCode;
left = TypeAssert(left, T.ItemS);
right = TypeAssert(right, T.ItemS);
switch (op) {
case QilNodeType.Lt: opCode = (double)XsltLibrary.ComparisonOperator.Lt; break;
case QilNodeType.Le: opCode = (double)XsltLibrary.ComparisonOperator.Le; break;
case QilNodeType.Gt: opCode = (double)XsltLibrary.ComparisonOperator.Gt; break;
default: opCode = (double)XsltLibrary.ComparisonOperator.Ge; break;
return XsltInvokeEarlyBound(QName("RelationalOperator"),
XsltMethods.RelationalOperator, T.BooleanX, new QilNode[] { Double(opCode), left, right }
#region Type Conversions
private void ExpectAny(QilNode n) {
Debug.Assert(IsAnyType(n), "Unexpected expression type: " + n.XmlType.ToString());
public QilNode ConvertToType(XmlTypeCode requiredType, QilNode n) {
switch (requiredType) {
case XmlTypeCode.String : return ConvertToString(n);
case XmlTypeCode.Double : return ConvertToNumber(n);
case XmlTypeCode.Boolean : return ConvertToBoolean(n);
case XmlTypeCode.Node : return EnsureNodeSet(n);
case XmlTypeCode.Item : return n;
default : Debug.Fail("Unexpected XmlTypeCode: " + requiredType); return null;
// XPath spec $4.2, string()
public QilNode ConvertToString(QilNode n) {
switch (n.XmlType.TypeCode) {
case XmlTypeCode.Boolean :
return (
n.NodeType == QilNodeType.True ? (QilNode) String("true") :
n.NodeType == QilNodeType.False ? (QilNode) String("false") :
/*default: */ (QilNode) Conditional(n, String("true"), String("false"))
case XmlTypeCode.Double :
return (n.NodeType == QilNodeType.LiteralDouble
? (QilNode) String(XPathConvert.DoubleToString((double)(QilLiteral)n))
: (QilNode) XsltConvert(n, T.StringX)
case XmlTypeCode.String :
return n;
default :
if (n.XmlType.IsNode) {
return XPathNodeValue(SafeDocOrderDistinct(n));
return XsltConvert(n, T.StringX);
// XPath spec $4.3, boolean()
public QilNode ConvertToBoolean(QilNode n) {
switch (n.XmlType.TypeCode) {
case XmlTypeCode.Boolean :
return n;
case XmlTypeCode.Double :
// (x < 0 || 0 < x) == (x != 0) && !Double.IsNaN(x)
QilIterator i;
return (n.NodeType == QilNodeType.LiteralDouble
? Boolean((double)(QilLiteral)n < 0 || 0 < (double)(QilLiteral)n)
: Loop(i = Let(n), Or(Lt(i, Double(0)), Lt(Double(0), i)))
case XmlTypeCode.String :
return (n.NodeType == QilNodeType.LiteralString
? Boolean(((string)(QilLiteral)n).Length != 0)
: Ne(StrLength(n), Int32(0))
if (n.XmlType.IsNode) {
return Not(IsEmpty(n));
return XsltConvert(n, T.BooleanX);
// XPath spec $4.4, number()
public QilNode ConvertToNumber(QilNode n) {
switch (n.XmlType.TypeCode) {
case XmlTypeCode.Boolean :
return (
n.NodeType == QilNodeType.True ? (QilNode) Double(1) :
n.NodeType == QilNodeType.False ? (QilNode) Double(0) :
/*default: */ (QilNode) Conditional(n, Double(1), Double(0))
case XmlTypeCode.Double :
return n;
case XmlTypeCode.String :
return XsltConvert(n, T.DoubleX);
if (n.XmlType.IsNode) {
return XsltConvert(XPathNodeValue(SafeDocOrderDistinct(n)), T.DoubleX);
return XsltConvert(n, T.DoubleX);
public QilNode ConvertToNode(QilNode n) {
if (n.XmlType.IsNode && n.XmlType.IsNotRtf && n.XmlType.IsSingleton) {
return n;
return XsltConvert(n, T.NodeNotRtf);
public QilNode ConvertToNodeSet(QilNode n) {
if (n.XmlType.IsNode && n.XmlType.IsNotRtf) {
return n;
return XsltConvert(n, T.NodeNotRtfS);
// Returns null if the given expression is never a node-set
public QilNode TryEnsureNodeSet(QilNode n) {
if (n.XmlType.IsNode && n.XmlType.IsNotRtf) {
return n;
if (CannotBeNodeSet(n)) {
return null;
// Ensure it is not an Rtf at runtime
return InvokeEnsureNodeSet(n);
// Throws an exception if the given expression is never a node-set
public QilNode EnsureNodeSet(QilNode n) {
QilNode result = TryEnsureNodeSet(n);
if (result == null) {
throw new XPathCompileException(Res.XPath_NodeSetExpected);
return result;
public QilNode InvokeEnsureNodeSet(QilNode n) {
return XsltInvokeEarlyBound(QName("ensure-node-set"),
XsltMethods.EnsureNodeSet, T.NodeSDod, new QilNode[] { n }
#region Other XPath Functions
public QilNode Id(QilNode context, QilNode id) {
if (id.XmlType.IsSingleton) {
return Deref(context, ConvertToString(id));
QilIterator i;
return Loop(i = For(id), Deref(context, ConvertToString(i)));
public QilNode InvokeStartsWith(QilNode str1, QilNode str2) {
return XsltInvokeEarlyBound(QName("starts-with"),
XsltMethods.StartsWith, T.BooleanX, new QilNode[] { str1, str2 }
public QilNode InvokeContains(QilNode str1, QilNode str2) {
return XsltInvokeEarlyBound(QName("contains"),
XsltMethods.Contains, T.BooleanX, new QilNode[] { str1, str2 }
public QilNode InvokeSubstringBefore(QilNode str1, QilNode str2) {
return XsltInvokeEarlyBound(QName("substring-before"),
XsltMethods.SubstringBefore, T.StringX, new QilNode[] { str1, str2 }
public QilNode InvokeSubstringAfter(QilNode str1, QilNode str2) {
return XsltInvokeEarlyBound(QName("substring-after"),
XsltMethods.SubstringAfter, T.StringX, new QilNode[] { str1, str2 }
public QilNode InvokeSubstring(QilNode str, QilNode start) {
return XsltInvokeEarlyBound(QName("substring"),
XsltMethods.Substring2, T.StringX, new QilNode[] { str, start }
public QilNode InvokeSubstring(QilNode str, QilNode start, QilNode length) {
return XsltInvokeEarlyBound(QName("substring"),
XsltMethods.Substring3, T.StringX, new QilNode[] { str, start, length }
public QilNode InvokeNormalizeSpace(QilNode str) {
return XsltInvokeEarlyBound(QName("normalize-space"),
XsltMethods.NormalizeSpace, T.StringX, new QilNode[] { str }
public QilNode InvokeTranslate(QilNode str1, QilNode str2, QilNode str3) {
return XsltInvokeEarlyBound(QName("translate"),
XsltMethods.Translate, T.StringX, new QilNode[] { str1, str2, str3 }
public QilNode InvokeLang(QilNode lang, QilNode context) {
return XsltInvokeEarlyBound(QName("lang"),
XsltMethods.Lang, T.BooleanX, new QilNode[] { lang, context }
public QilNode InvokeFloor(QilNode value) {
return XsltInvokeEarlyBound(QName("floor"),
XsltMethods.Floor, T.DoubleX, new QilNode[] { value }
public QilNode InvokeCeiling(QilNode value) {
return XsltInvokeEarlyBound(QName("ceiling"),
XsltMethods.Ceiling, T.DoubleX, new QilNode[] { value }
public QilNode InvokeRound(QilNode value) {
return XsltInvokeEarlyBound(QName("round"),
XsltMethods.Round, T.DoubleX, new QilNode[] { value }