2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
// <copyright file="SqlProviderManifest.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// @owner [....]
// @backupOwner [....]
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Data.Common ;
using System.Data.Entity ;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Xml ;
namespace System.Data.SqlClient
/// <summary>
/// The Provider Manifest for SQL Server
/// </summary>
internal class SqlProviderManifest : DbXmlEnabledProviderManifest
internal const string TokenSql8 = "2000" ;
internal const string TokenSql9 = "2005" ;
internal const string TokenSql10 = "2008" ;
// '~' is the same escape character that L2S uses
internal const char LikeEscapeChar = '~' ;
internal const string LikeEscapeCharToString = "~" ;
#region Private Fields
// Default to SQL Server 2005 (9.0)
private SqlVersion _version = SqlVersion . Sql9 ;
/// <summary>
/// maximum size of sql server unicode
/// </summary>
private const int varcharMaxSize = 8000 ;
private const int nvarcharMaxSize = 4000 ;
private const int binaryMaxSize = 8000 ;
private System . Collections . ObjectModel . ReadOnlyCollection < PrimitiveType > _primitiveTypes = null ;
private System . Collections . ObjectModel . ReadOnlyCollection < EdmFunction > _functions = null ;
#region Constructors
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="manifestToken">A token used to infer the capabilities of the store</param>
public SqlProviderManifest ( string manifestToken )
: base ( SqlProviderManifest . GetProviderManifest ( ) )
// GetSqlVersion will throw ArgumentException if manifestToken is null, empty, or not recognized.
_version = SqlVersionUtils . GetSqlVersion ( manifestToken ) ;
#region Properties
internal SqlVersion SqlVersion
get { return this . _version ; }
#region Private Methods
private static XmlReader GetProviderManifest ( )
return DbProviderServices . GetXmlResource ( "System.Data.Resources.SqlClient.SqlProviderServices.ProviderManifest.xml" ) ;
private XmlReader GetStoreSchemaMapping ( string mslName )
return DbProviderServices . GetXmlResource ( "System.Data.Resources.SqlClient.SqlProviderServices." + mslName + ".msl" ) ;
private XmlReader GetStoreSchemaDescription ( string ssdlName )
if ( this . _version = = SqlVersion . Sql8 )
return DbProviderServices . GetXmlResource ( "System.Data.Resources.SqlClient.SqlProviderServices." + ssdlName + "_Sql8.ssdl" ) ;
return DbProviderServices . GetXmlResource ( "System.Data.Resources.SqlClient.SqlProviderServices." + ssdlName + ".ssdl" ) ;
#region Internal Methods
/// <summary>
/// Function to detect wildcard characters %, _, [ and ^ and escape them with a preceding ~
/// This escaping is used when StartsWith, EndsWith and Contains canonical and CLR functions
/// are translated to their equivalent LIKE expression
/// NOTE: This code has been copied from LinqToSql
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">Original input as specified by the user</param>
/// <param name="alwaysEscapeEscapeChar">escape the escape character ~ regardless whether wildcard
/// characters were encountered </param>
/// <param name="usedEscapeChar">true if the escaping was performed, false if no escaping was required</param>
/// <returns>The escaped string that can be used as pattern in a LIKE expression</returns>
internal static string EscapeLikeText ( string text , bool alwaysEscapeEscapeChar , out bool usedEscapeChar )
usedEscapeChar = false ;
if ( ! ( text . Contains ( "%" ) | | text . Contains ( "_" ) | | text . Contains ( "[" )
| | text . Contains ( "^" ) | | alwaysEscapeEscapeChar & & text . Contains ( LikeEscapeCharToString ) ) )
return text ;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( text . Length ) ;
foreach ( char c in text )
if ( c = = '%' | | c = = '_' | | c = = '[' | | c = = '^' | | c = = LikeEscapeChar )
sb . Append ( LikeEscapeChar ) ;
usedEscapeChar = true ;
sb . Append ( c ) ;
return sb . ToString ( ) ;
#region Overrides
/// <summary>
/// Providers should override this to return information specific to their provider.
/// This method should never return null.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="informationType">The name of the information to be retrieved.</param>
/// <returns>An XmlReader at the begining of the information requested.</returns>
protected override XmlReader GetDbInformation ( string informationType )
if ( informationType = = DbProviderManifest . StoreSchemaDefinitionVersion3 | |
informationType = = DbProviderManifest . StoreSchemaDefinition )
return GetStoreSchemaDescription ( informationType ) ;
if ( informationType = = DbProviderManifest . StoreSchemaMappingVersion3 | |
informationType = = DbProviderManifest . StoreSchemaMapping )
return GetStoreSchemaMapping ( informationType ) ;
// Use default Conceptual Schema Definition
if ( informationType = = DbProviderManifest . ConceptualSchemaDefinitionVersion3 | |
informationType = = DbProviderManifest . ConceptualSchemaDefinition )
return null ;
throw EntityUtil . ProviderIncompatible ( System . Data . Entity . Strings . ProviderReturnedNullForGetDbInformation ( informationType ) ) ;
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")]
public override System . Collections . ObjectModel . ReadOnlyCollection < PrimitiveType > GetStoreTypes ( )
if ( this . _primitiveTypes = = null )
if ( this . _version = = SqlVersion . Sql10 )
this . _primitiveTypes = base . GetStoreTypes ( ) ;
List < PrimitiveType > primitiveTypes = new List < PrimitiveType > ( base . GetStoreTypes ( ) ) ;
Debug . Assert ( ( this . _version = = SqlVersion . Sql8 ) | | ( this . _version = = SqlVersion . Sql9 ) , "Found verion other than Sql 8, 9 or 10" ) ;
//Remove the Katmai types for both Sql8 and Sql9
primitiveTypes . RemoveAll ( new Predicate < PrimitiveType > (
delegate ( PrimitiveType primitiveType )
string name = primitiveType . Name . ToLowerInvariant ( ) ;
return name . Equals ( "time" , StringComparison . Ordinal ) | |
name . Equals ( "date" , StringComparison . Ordinal ) | |
name . Equals ( "datetime2" , StringComparison . Ordinal ) | |
name . Equals ( "datetimeoffset" , StringComparison . Ordinal ) | |
name . Equals ( "geography" , StringComparison . Ordinal ) | |
name . Equals ( "geometry" , StringComparison . Ordinal ) ;
) ;
//Remove the types that won't work in Sql8
if ( this . _version = = SqlVersion . Sql8 ) {
// SQLBUDT 550667 and 551271: Remove xml and 'max' types for SQL Server 2000
primitiveTypes . RemoveAll ( new Predicate < PrimitiveType > (
delegate ( PrimitiveType primitiveType )
string name = primitiveType . Name . ToLowerInvariant ( ) ;
return name . Equals ( "xml" , StringComparison . Ordinal ) | | name . EndsWith ( "(max)" , StringComparison . Ordinal ) ;
) ;
this . _primitiveTypes = primitiveTypes . AsReadOnly ( ) ;
return this . _primitiveTypes ;
public override System . Collections . ObjectModel . ReadOnlyCollection < EdmFunction > GetStoreFunctions ( )
if ( this . _functions = = null )
if ( this . _version = = SqlVersion . Sql10 )
this . _functions = base . GetStoreFunctions ( ) ;
//Remove the functions over katmai types from both Sql 9 and Sql 8.
IEnumerable < EdmFunction > functions = base . GetStoreFunctions ( ) . Where ( f = > ! IsKatmaiOrNewer ( f ) ) ;
if ( this . _version = = SqlVersion . Sql8 )
// SQLBUDT 550998: Remove unsupported overloads from Provider Manifest on SQL 8.0
functions = functions . Where ( f = > ! IsYukonOrNewer ( f ) ) ;
this . _functions = functions . ToList ( ) . AsReadOnly ( ) ;
return this . _functions ;
private static bool IsKatmaiOrNewer ( EdmFunction edmFunction )
// Spatial types are only supported from Katmai onward; any functions using them must therefore also be Katmai or newer.
if ( ( edmFunction . ReturnParameter ! = null & & Helper . IsSpatialType ( edmFunction . ReturnParameter . TypeUsage ) ) | |
edmFunction . Parameters . Any ( p = > Helper . IsSpatialType ( p . TypeUsage ) ) )
return true ;
ReadOnlyMetadataCollection < FunctionParameter > funParams = edmFunction . Parameters ;
switch ( edmFunction . Name . ToUpperInvariant ( ) )
case "COUNT" :
case "COUNT_BIG" :
case "MAX" :
case "MIN" :
string name = ( ( CollectionType ) funParams [ 0 ] . TypeUsage . EdmType ) . TypeUsage . EdmType . Name ;
return ( ( name . Equals ( "DateTimeOffset" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) | |
( name . Equals ( "Time" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) ) ;
case "DAY" :
case "MONTH" :
case "YEAR" :
case "CHECKSUM" :
string name = funParams [ 0 ] . TypeUsage . EdmType . Name ;
return ( ( name . Equals ( "DateTimeOffset" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) | |
( name . Equals ( "Time" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) ) ;
case "DATEADD" :
case "DATEDIFF" :
string param1Name = funParams [ 1 ] . TypeUsage . EdmType . Name ;
string param2Name = funParams [ 2 ] . TypeUsage . EdmType . Name ;
return ( ( param1Name . Equals ( "Time" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) | |
( param2Name . Equals ( "Time" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) | |
( param1Name . Equals ( "DateTimeOffset" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) | |
( param2Name . Equals ( "DateTimeOffset" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) ) ;
case "DATENAME" :
case "DATEPART" :
string name = funParams [ 1 ] . TypeUsage . EdmType . Name ;
return ( ( name . Equals ( "DateTimeOffset" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) | |
( name . Equals ( "Time" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) ) ;
return true ;
default :
break ;
return false ;
private static bool IsYukonOrNewer ( EdmFunction edmFunction )
ReadOnlyMetadataCollection < FunctionParameter > funParams = edmFunction . Parameters ;
if ( funParams = = null | | funParams . Count = = 0 )
return false ;
switch ( edmFunction . Name . ToUpperInvariant ( ) )
case "COUNT" :
case "COUNT_BIG" :
string name = ( ( CollectionType ) funParams [ 0 ] . TypeUsage . EdmType ) . TypeUsage . EdmType . Name ;
return name . Equals ( "Guid" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ;
case "CHARINDEX" :
foreach ( FunctionParameter funParam in funParams )
if ( funParam . TypeUsage . EdmType . Name . Equals ( "Int64" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return true ;
break ;
default :
break ;
return false ;
/// <summary>
/// This method takes a type and a set of facets and returns the best mapped equivalent type
/// in EDM.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="storeType">A TypeUsage encapsulating a store type and a set of facets</param>
/// <returns>A TypeUsage encapsulating an EDM type and a set of facets</returns>
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")]
public override TypeUsage GetEdmType ( TypeUsage storeType )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull < TypeUsage > ( storeType , "storeType" ) ;
string storeTypeName = storeType . EdmType . Name . ToLowerInvariant ( ) ;
if ( ! base . StoreTypeNameToEdmPrimitiveType . ContainsKey ( storeTypeName ) )
throw EntityUtil . Argument ( Strings . ProviderDoesNotSupportType ( storeTypeName ) ) ;
PrimitiveType edmPrimitiveType = base . StoreTypeNameToEdmPrimitiveType [ storeTypeName ] ;
int maxLength = 0 ;
bool isUnicode = true ;
bool isFixedLen = false ;
bool isUnbounded = true ;
PrimitiveTypeKind newPrimitiveTypeKind ;
switch ( storeTypeName )
// for some types we just go with simple type usage with no facets
case "tinyint" :
case "smallint" :
case "bigint" :
case "bit" :
case "uniqueidentifier" :
case "int" :
case "geography" :
case "geometry" :
return TypeUsage . CreateDefaultTypeUsage ( edmPrimitiveType ) ;
case "varchar" :
newPrimitiveTypeKind = PrimitiveTypeKind . String ;
isUnbounded = ! TypeHelpers . TryGetMaxLength ( storeType , out maxLength ) ;
isUnicode = false ;
isFixedLen = false ;
break ;
case "char" :
newPrimitiveTypeKind = PrimitiveTypeKind . String ;
isUnbounded = ! TypeHelpers . TryGetMaxLength ( storeType , out maxLength ) ;
isUnicode = false ;
isFixedLen = true ;
break ;
case "nvarchar" :
newPrimitiveTypeKind = PrimitiveTypeKind . String ;
isUnbounded = ! TypeHelpers . TryGetMaxLength ( storeType , out maxLength ) ;
isUnicode = true ;
isFixedLen = false ;
break ;
case "nchar" :
newPrimitiveTypeKind = PrimitiveTypeKind . String ;
isUnbounded = ! TypeHelpers . TryGetMaxLength ( storeType , out maxLength ) ;
isUnicode = true ;
isFixedLen = true ;
break ;
case "varchar(max)" :
case "text" :
newPrimitiveTypeKind = PrimitiveTypeKind . String ;
isUnbounded = true ;
isUnicode = false ;
isFixedLen = false ;
break ;
case "nvarchar(max)" :
case "ntext" :
case "xml" :
newPrimitiveTypeKind = PrimitiveTypeKind . String ;
isUnbounded = true ;
isUnicode = true ;
isFixedLen = false ;
break ;
case "binary" :
newPrimitiveTypeKind = PrimitiveTypeKind . Binary ;
isUnbounded = ! TypeHelpers . TryGetMaxLength ( storeType , out maxLength ) ;
isFixedLen = true ;
break ;
case "varbinary" :
newPrimitiveTypeKind = PrimitiveTypeKind . Binary ;
isUnbounded = ! TypeHelpers . TryGetMaxLength ( storeType , out maxLength ) ;
isFixedLen = false ;
break ;
case "varbinary(max)" :
case "image" :
newPrimitiveTypeKind = PrimitiveTypeKind . Binary ;
isUnbounded = true ;
isFixedLen = false ;
break ;
case "timestamp" :
case "rowversion" :
return TypeUsage . CreateBinaryTypeUsage ( edmPrimitiveType , true , 8 ) ;
case "float" :
case "real" :
return TypeUsage . CreateDefaultTypeUsage ( edmPrimitiveType ) ;
case "decimal" :
case "numeric" :
byte precision ;
byte scale ;
if ( TypeHelpers . TryGetPrecision ( storeType , out precision ) & & TypeHelpers . TryGetScale ( storeType , out scale ) )
return TypeUsage . CreateDecimalTypeUsage ( edmPrimitiveType , precision , scale ) ;
return TypeUsage . CreateDecimalTypeUsage ( edmPrimitiveType ) ;
case "money" :
return TypeUsage . CreateDecimalTypeUsage ( edmPrimitiveType , 19 , 4 ) ;
case "smallmoney" :
return TypeUsage . CreateDecimalTypeUsage ( edmPrimitiveType , 10 , 4 ) ;
case "datetime" :
case "datetime2" :
case "smalldatetime" :
return TypeUsage . CreateDateTimeTypeUsage ( edmPrimitiveType , null ) ;
case "date" :
return TypeUsage . CreateDefaultTypeUsage ( edmPrimitiveType ) ;
case "time" :
return TypeUsage . CreateTimeTypeUsage ( edmPrimitiveType , null ) ;
case "datetimeoffset" :
return TypeUsage . CreateDateTimeOffsetTypeUsage ( edmPrimitiveType , null ) ;
default :
throw EntityUtil . NotSupported ( Strings . ProviderDoesNotSupportType ( storeTypeName ) ) ;
Debug . Assert ( newPrimitiveTypeKind = = PrimitiveTypeKind . String | | newPrimitiveTypeKind = = PrimitiveTypeKind . Binary , "at this point only string and binary types should be present" ) ;
switch ( newPrimitiveTypeKind )
case PrimitiveTypeKind . String :
if ( ! isUnbounded )
return TypeUsage . CreateStringTypeUsage ( edmPrimitiveType , isUnicode , isFixedLen , maxLength ) ;
return TypeUsage . CreateStringTypeUsage ( edmPrimitiveType , isUnicode , isFixedLen ) ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Binary :
if ( ! isUnbounded )
return TypeUsage . CreateBinaryTypeUsage ( edmPrimitiveType , isFixedLen , maxLength ) ;
return TypeUsage . CreateBinaryTypeUsage ( edmPrimitiveType , isFixedLen ) ;
default :
throw EntityUtil . NotSupported ( Strings . ProviderDoesNotSupportType ( storeTypeName ) ) ;
/// <summary>
/// This method takes a type and a set of facets and returns the best mapped equivalent type
/// in SQL Server, taking the store version into consideration.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="storeType">A TypeUsage encapsulating an EDM type and a set of facets</param>
/// <returns>A TypeUsage encapsulating a store type and a set of facets</returns>
public override TypeUsage GetStoreType ( TypeUsage edmType )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull < TypeUsage > ( edmType , "edmType" ) ;
System . Diagnostics . Debug . Assert ( edmType . EdmType . BuiltInTypeKind = = BuiltInTypeKind . PrimitiveType ) ;
PrimitiveType primitiveType = edmType . EdmType as PrimitiveType ;
if ( primitiveType = = null )
throw EntityUtil . Argument ( Strings . ProviderDoesNotSupportType ( edmType . Identity ) ) ;
ReadOnlyMetadataCollection < Facet > facets = edmType . Facets ;
switch ( primitiveType . PrimitiveTypeKind )
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Boolean :
return TypeUsage . CreateDefaultTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "bit" ] ) ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Byte :
return TypeUsage . CreateDefaultTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "tinyint" ] ) ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Int16 :
return TypeUsage . CreateDefaultTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "smallint" ] ) ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Int32 :
return TypeUsage . CreateDefaultTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "int" ] ) ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Int64 :
return TypeUsage . CreateDefaultTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "bigint" ] ) ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Geography :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeographyPoint :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeographyLineString :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeographyPolygon :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeographyMultiPoint :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeographyMultiLineString :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeographyMultiPolygon :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeographyCollection :
return GetStorePrimitiveTypeIfPostSql9 ( "geography" , edmType . Identity , primitiveType . PrimitiveTypeKind ) ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Geometry :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeometryPoint :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeometryLineString :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeometryPolygon :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeometryMultiPoint :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeometryMultiLineString :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeometryMultiPolygon :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeometryCollection :
return GetStorePrimitiveTypeIfPostSql9 ( "geometry" , edmType . Identity , primitiveType . PrimitiveTypeKind ) ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Guid :
return TypeUsage . CreateDefaultTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "uniqueidentifier" ] ) ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Double :
return TypeUsage . CreateDefaultTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "float" ] ) ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Single :
return TypeUsage . CreateDefaultTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "real" ] ) ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Decimal : // decimal, numeric, smallmoney, money
byte precision ;
if ( ! TypeHelpers . TryGetPrecision ( edmType , out precision ) )
precision = 18 ;
byte scale ;
if ( ! TypeHelpers . TryGetScale ( edmType , out scale ) )
scale = 0 ;
TypeUsage tu = TypeUsage . CreateDecimalTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "decimal" ] , precision , scale ) ;
return tu ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Binary : // binary, varbinary, varbinary(max), image, timestamp, rowversion
bool isFixedLength = null ! = facets [ DbProviderManifest . FixedLengthFacetName ] . Value & & ( bool ) facets [ DbProviderManifest . FixedLengthFacetName ] . Value ;
Facet f = facets [ DbProviderManifest . MaxLengthFacetName ] ;
bool isMaxLength = Helper . IsUnboundedFacetValue ( f ) | | null = = f . Value | | ( int ) f . Value > binaryMaxSize ;
int maxLength = ! isMaxLength ? ( int ) f . Value : Int32 . MinValue ;
TypeUsage tu ;
if ( isFixedLength )
tu = TypeUsage . CreateBinaryTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "binary" ] , true , ( isMaxLength ? binaryMaxSize : maxLength ) ) ;
if ( isMaxLength )
if ( _version ! = SqlVersion . Sql8 )
tu = TypeUsage . CreateBinaryTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "varbinary(max)" ] , false ) ;
Debug . Assert ( tu . Facets [ DbProviderManifest . MaxLengthFacetName ] . Description . IsConstant , "varbinary(max) is not constant!" ) ;
tu = TypeUsage . CreateBinaryTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "varbinary" ] , false , binaryMaxSize ) ;
tu = TypeUsage . CreateBinaryTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "varbinary" ] , false , maxLength ) ;
return tu ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . String :
// char, nchar, varchar, nvarchar, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), ntext, text, xml
bool isUnicode = null = = facets [ DbProviderManifest . UnicodeFacetName ] . Value | | ( bool ) facets [ DbProviderManifest . UnicodeFacetName ] . Value ;
bool isFixedLength = null ! = facets [ DbProviderManifest . FixedLengthFacetName ] . Value & & ( bool ) facets [ DbProviderManifest . FixedLengthFacetName ] . Value ;
Facet f = facets [ DbProviderManifest . MaxLengthFacetName ] ;
// maxlen is true if facet value is unbounded, the value is bigger than the limited string sizes *or* the facet
// value is null. this is needed since functions still have maxlength facet value as null
bool isMaxLength = Helper . IsUnboundedFacetValue ( f ) | | null = = f . Value | | ( int ) f . Value > ( isUnicode ? nvarcharMaxSize : varcharMaxSize ) ;
int maxLength = ! isMaxLength ? ( int ) f . Value : Int32 . MinValue ;
TypeUsage tu ;
if ( isUnicode )
if ( isFixedLength )
tu = TypeUsage . CreateStringTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "nchar" ] , true , true , ( isMaxLength ? nvarcharMaxSize : maxLength ) ) ;
if ( isMaxLength )
// nvarchar(max) (SQL 9) or ntext (SQL 8)
if ( _version ! = SqlVersion . Sql8 )
tu = TypeUsage . CreateStringTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "nvarchar(max)" ] , true , false ) ;
Debug . Assert ( tu . Facets [ DbProviderManifest . MaxLengthFacetName ] . Description . IsConstant , "NVarchar(max) is not constant!" ) ;
// if it is unknown, fallback to nvarchar[4000] instead of ntext since it has limited store semantics
tu = TypeUsage . CreateStringTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "nvarchar" ] , true , false , nvarcharMaxSize ) ;
tu = TypeUsage . CreateStringTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "nvarchar" ] , true , false , maxLength ) ;
else // !isUnicode
if ( isFixedLength )
tu = TypeUsage . CreateStringTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "char" ] , false , true ,
( isMaxLength ? varcharMaxSize : maxLength ) ) ;
if ( isMaxLength )
// nvarchar(max) (SQL 9) or ntext (SQL 8)
if ( _version ! = SqlVersion . Sql8 )
tu = TypeUsage . CreateStringTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "varchar(max)" ] , false , false ) ;
Debug . Assert ( tu . Facets [ DbProviderManifest . MaxLengthFacetName ] . Description . IsConstant , "varchar(max) is not constant!" ) ;
// if it is unknown, fallback to varchar[8000] instead of text since it has limited store semantics
tu = TypeUsage . CreateStringTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "varchar" ] , false , false , varcharMaxSize ) ;
tu = TypeUsage . CreateStringTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "varchar" ] , false , false , maxLength ) ;
return tu ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . DateTime :
return TypeUsage . CreateDefaultTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ "datetime" ] ) ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . DateTimeOffset :
return GetStorePrimitiveTypeIfPostSql9 ( "datetimeoffset" , edmType . Identity , primitiveType . PrimitiveTypeKind ) ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Time :
return GetStorePrimitiveTypeIfPostSql9 ( "time" , edmType . Identity , primitiveType . PrimitiveTypeKind ) ;
default :
throw EntityUtil . NotSupported ( Strings . NoStoreTypeForEdmType ( edmType . Identity , primitiveType . PrimitiveTypeKind ) ) ;
private TypeUsage GetStorePrimitiveTypeIfPostSql9 ( string storeTypeName , string edmTypeIdentity , PrimitiveTypeKind primitiveTypeKind )
if ( ( this . SqlVersion ! = SqlVersion . Sql8 ) & & ( this . SqlVersion ! = SqlVersion . Sql9 ) )
return TypeUsage . CreateDefaultTypeUsage ( StoreTypeNameToStorePrimitiveType [ storeTypeName ] ) ;
throw EntityUtil . NotSupported ( Strings . NoStoreTypeForEdmType ( edmTypeIdentity , primitiveTypeKind ) ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true, SqlClient supports escaping strings to be used as arguments to like
/// The escape character is '~'
/// </summary>
/// <param name="escapeCharacter">The character '~'</param>
/// <returns>True</returns>
public override bool SupportsEscapingLikeArgument ( out char escapeCharacter )
escapeCharacter = SqlProviderManifest . LikeEscapeChar ;
return true ;
/// <summary>
/// Escapes the wildcard characters and the escape character in the given argument.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument"></param>
/// <returns>Equivalent to the argument, with the wildcard characters and the escape character escaped</returns>
public override string EscapeLikeArgument ( string argument )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument , "argument" ) ;
bool usedEscapeCharacter ;
return SqlProviderManifest . EscapeLikeText ( argument , true , out usedEscapeCharacter ) ;