2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
// <copyright file="MemberDomainMap.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// @owner [....]
// @backupOwner [....]
namespace System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.Structures
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Data.Common.Utils ;
using System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.Utils ;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using CellConstantSet = Common . Utils . Set < Constant > ;
// This class keeps track of the domain values of the different members
// in a schema. E.g., for a discriminator, it keeps track of "P",
// "C"; for type of Person, it keeps track of Person, Customer, etc
// It exposes two concepts -- the domain of a member variable and the
// different possible values for that member, e.g., the possible values
// could be 3, 4, 5 but the domain could be 3, 4 (domain is always a
// subset of possibleVales
internal class MemberDomainMap : InternalBase
#region Fields
// Keep track of the actual domain for each member on which we have conditions
// Note: some subtleties: For QueryDomainMap it holds just C-side condition members. For UpdateDominMap
// it now holds S-side condition members as well as members with no s-side condition but C-side condition
// such that C-side condition restricts the domain of the member(column).
private Dictionary < MemberPath , CellConstantSet > m_conditionDomainMap ;
// Keep track of the actual domain for each member on which we have no conditions
// CellConstantSet in m_nonConditionDomainMap is really CellConstantSetInfo
private Dictionary < MemberPath , CellConstantSet > m_nonConditionDomainMap ;
// members on C-side that are projected, don't have conditions, but the respective S-side members do
// we need to threat those just as regular members except in validation, where S-side conditions are
// projected to C-side. For that, KB needs to add the respective constraints involving this members
// For example: CPerson1.Phone IN {?, NOT(?, NULL)) on C-side. We need to know that
// type(CPerson1)=Customer <-> !(CPerson1.Phone IN {?}) for validation of domain constraints
private Set < MemberPath > m_projectedConditionMembers = new Set < MemberPath > ( ) ;
private EdmItemCollection m_edmItemCollection ;
#region Constructor
private MemberDomainMap ( Dictionary < MemberPath , CellConstantSet > domainMap ,
Dictionary < MemberPath , CellConstantSet > nonConditionDomainMap , EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection )
m_conditionDomainMap = domainMap ;
m_nonConditionDomainMap = nonConditionDomainMap ;
m_edmItemCollection = edmItemCollection ;
// effects: Creates a map with all the condition member constants
// from extentCells. viewtarget determines whether the view is an
// update or query view
internal MemberDomainMap ( ViewTarget viewTarget , bool isValidationEnabled , IEnumerable < Cell > extentCells , EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection , ConfigViewGenerator config , Dictionary < EntityType , Set < EntityType > > inheritanceGraph )
m_conditionDomainMap = new Dictionary < MemberPath , CellConstantSet > ( MemberPath . EqualityComparer ) ;
m_edmItemCollection = edmItemCollection ;
Dictionary < MemberPath , CellConstantSet > domainMap = null ;
if ( viewTarget = = ViewTarget . UpdateView )
domainMap = Domain . ComputeConstantDomainSetsForSlotsInUpdateViews ( extentCells , m_edmItemCollection ) ;
domainMap = Domain . ComputeConstantDomainSetsForSlotsInQueryViews ( extentCells , m_edmItemCollection , isValidationEnabled ) ;
foreach ( Cell cell in extentCells )
CellQuery cellQuery = cell . GetLeftQuery ( viewTarget ) ;
// Get the atoms from cellQuery and only keep the ones that
// are condition members
foreach ( MemberRestriction condition in cellQuery . GetConjunctsFromWhereClause ( ) )
// Note: TypeConditions are created using OneOfTypeConst and
// scalars are created using OneOfScalarConst
MemberPath memberPath = condition . RestrictedMemberSlot . MemberPath ;
Debug . Assert ( condition is ScalarRestriction | | condition is TypeRestriction ,
"Unexpected restriction" ) ;
// Take the narrowed domain from domainMap, if any
CellConstantSet domainValues ;
if ( ! domainMap . TryGetValue ( memberPath , out domainValues ) )
domainValues = Domain . DeriveDomainFromMemberPath ( memberPath , edmItemCollection , isValidationEnabled ) ;
//Don't count conditions that are satisfied through IsNull=false
if ( ! domainValues . Contains ( Constant . Null ) )
//multiple values of condition represent disjunction in conditions (not currently supported)
// if there is any condition constant that is NotNull
if ( condition . Domain . Values . All ( conditionConstant = > ( conditionConstant . Equals ( Constant . NotNull ) ) ) )
continue ;
//else there is atleast one condition value that is allowed, continue view generation
//| Nullable | IsNull | Test case |
//| T | T | T |
//| T | F | T |
//| F | T | F |
//| F | F | T |
//IsNull condition on a member that is non nullable is an invalid condition
if ( domainValues . Count < = 0 | | ( ! domainValues . Contains ( Constant . Null ) & & condition . Domain . Values . Contains ( Constant . Null ) ) )
string message = System . Data . Entity . Strings . ViewGen_InvalidCondition ( memberPath . PathToString ( false ) ) ;
ErrorLog . Record record = new ErrorLog . Record ( true , ViewGenErrorCode . InvalidCondition , message , cell , String . Empty ) ;
ExceptionHelpers . ThrowMappingException ( record , config ) ;
if ( memberPath . IsAlwaysDefined ( inheritanceGraph ) = = false )
domainValues . Add ( Constant . Undefined ) ;
AddToDomainMap ( memberPath , domainValues ) ;
// Fill up the domains for the remaining slots as well
m_nonConditionDomainMap = new Dictionary < MemberPath , CellConstantSet > ( MemberPath . EqualityComparer ) ;
foreach ( Cell cell in extentCells )
CellQuery cellQuery = cell . GetLeftQuery ( viewTarget ) ;
// Get the atoms from cellQuery and only keep the ones that
// are condition members
foreach ( MemberProjectedSlot slot in cellQuery . GetAllQuerySlots ( ) )
MemberPath member = slot . MemberPath ;
if ( m_conditionDomainMap . ContainsKey ( member ) = = false & & m_nonConditionDomainMap . ContainsKey ( member ) = = false )
CellConstantSet memberSet = Domain . DeriveDomainFromMemberPath ( member , m_edmItemCollection , true /* Regardless of validation, leave the domain unbounded because this is not a condition member */ ) ;
if ( member . IsAlwaysDefined ( inheritanceGraph ) = = false )
{ // nonConditionMember may belong to subclass
memberSet . Add ( Constant . Undefined ) ;
memberSet = Domain . ExpandNegationsInDomain ( memberSet , memberSet ) ;
m_nonConditionDomainMap . Add ( member , new CellConstantSetInfo ( memberSet , slot ) ) ;
#region Properties
internal bool IsProjectedConditionMember ( MemberPath memberPath )
return m_projectedConditionMembers . Contains ( memberPath ) ;
#region Methods
// effects: Returns an "open-world" domain, i.e.,
// one in which not-null constants are used to represent some other value from the domain
internal MemberDomainMap GetOpenDomain ( )
var domainMap = m_conditionDomainMap . ToDictionary ( p = > p . Key , p = > new Set < Constant > ( p . Value , Constant . EqualityComparer ) ) ;
ExpandDomainsIfNeeded ( domainMap ) ;
return new MemberDomainMap ( domainMap , m_nonConditionDomainMap , m_edmItemCollection ) ;
// effects: Creates a deep copy of MemberDomainMap
// nonConditionDomainMap is read-only so it is reused without cloning
internal MemberDomainMap MakeCopy ( )
var domainMap = m_conditionDomainMap . ToDictionary ( p = > p . Key , p = > new Set < Constant > ( p . Value , Constant . EqualityComparer ) ) ;
return new MemberDomainMap ( domainMap , m_nonConditionDomainMap , m_edmItemCollection ) ;
// effects: Adds negated constants to the possible set of values if none exists in that set.
// Needed so that we can handle cases when discriminator in the store as P, C but could have other values
// as well.
internal void ExpandDomainsToIncludeAllPossibleValues ( )
ExpandDomainsIfNeeded ( m_conditionDomainMap ) ;
private void ExpandDomainsIfNeeded ( Dictionary < MemberPath , CellConstantSet > domainMapForMembers )
// For the S-side, we always says that NOT(...) is
// present. For example, if we are told "C", "P", we assume
// that NOT(C, P) is possibly present in that column
foreach ( MemberPath path in domainMapForMembers . Keys )
CellConstantSet possibleValues = domainMapForMembers [ path ] ;
if ( path . IsScalarType ( ) & &
possibleValues . Any ( c = > c is NegatedConstant ) = = false )
if ( MetadataHelper . HasDiscreteDomain ( path . EdmType ) )
// for a discrete domain, add all values that are not currently represented
// in the domain
Set < Constant > completeDomain = Domain . DeriveDomainFromMemberPath ( path , m_edmItemCollection , true /* leaveDomainUnbounded */ ) ;
possibleValues . Unite ( completeDomain ) ;
// for a non-discrete domain, add NOT("C", "P")
NegatedConstant negatedConstant = new NegatedConstant ( possibleValues ) ;
possibleValues . Add ( negatedConstant ) ;
// effects: Shrinks the domain of members whose types can be enumerated - currently it applies
// only to boolean type as for enums we don't restrict enum values to specified members only.
// For example NOT(False, True, Null) for a boolean domain should be removed
internal void ReduceEnumerableDomainToEnumeratedValues ( ViewTarget target , ConfigViewGenerator config )
// Go through the two maps
ReduceEnumerableDomainToEnumeratedValues ( target , m_conditionDomainMap , config , m_edmItemCollection ) ;
ReduceEnumerableDomainToEnumeratedValues ( target , m_nonConditionDomainMap , config , m_edmItemCollection ) ;
// effects: Fixes the domains of variables in this as specified in FixEnumerableDomains
private static void ReduceEnumerableDomainToEnumeratedValues ( ViewTarget target , Dictionary < MemberPath , CellConstantSet > domainMap , ConfigViewGenerator config ,
EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection )
foreach ( MemberPath member in domainMap . Keys )
if ( MetadataHelper . HasDiscreteDomain ( member . EdmType ) = = false )
continue ;
CellConstantSet domain = Domain . DeriveDomainFromMemberPath ( member , edmItemCollection , true /* leaveDomainUnbounded */ ) ;
CellConstantSet extra = domainMap [ member ] . Difference ( domain ) ;
extra . Remove ( Constant . Undefined ) ;
if ( extra . Count > 0 )
{ // domainMap has extra members -- we should get rid of them
if ( config . IsNormalTracing )
Helpers . FormatTraceLine ( "Changed domain of {0} from {1} - subtract {2}" , member , domainMap [ member ] , extra ) ;
domainMap [ member ] . Subtract ( extra ) ;
// requires: this domainMap has been created for the C-side
// effects: Fixes the mergedDomain map in this by merging entries
// available in updateDomainMap
internal static void PropagateUpdateDomainToQueryDomain ( IEnumerable < Cell > cells , MemberDomainMap queryDomainMap , MemberDomainMap updateDomainMap )
foreach ( Cell cell in cells )
CellQuery cQuery = cell . CQuery ;
CellQuery sQuery = cell . SQuery ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < cQuery . NumProjectedSlots ; i + + )
MemberProjectedSlot cSlot = cQuery . ProjectedSlotAt ( i ) as MemberProjectedSlot ;
MemberProjectedSlot sSlot = sQuery . ProjectedSlotAt ( i ) as MemberProjectedSlot ;
if ( cSlot = = null | | sSlot = = null )
continue ;
// Get the domain for sSlot and merge with cSlot's
MemberPath cPath = cSlot . MemberPath ;
MemberPath sPath = sSlot . MemberPath ;
CellConstantSet cDomain = queryDomainMap . GetDomainInternal ( cPath ) ;
CellConstantSet sDomain = updateDomainMap . GetDomainInternal ( sPath ) ;
// skip NULL because if c-side member is nullable, it's already there, and otherwise can't be taken
// skip negated because negated values are translated in a special way
cDomain . Unite ( sDomain . Where ( constant = > ! constant . IsNull ( ) & & ! ( constant is NegatedConstant ) ) ) ;
if ( updateDomainMap . IsConditionMember ( sPath ) & & ! queryDomainMap . IsConditionMember ( cPath ) )
// record this member so KB knows we have to generate constraints for it
queryDomainMap . m_projectedConditionMembers . Add ( cPath ) ;
ExpandNegationsInDomainMap ( queryDomainMap . m_conditionDomainMap ) ;
ExpandNegationsInDomainMap ( queryDomainMap . m_nonConditionDomainMap ) ;
private static void ExpandNegationsInDomainMap ( Dictionary < MemberPath , Set < Constant > > domainMap )
foreach ( var path in domainMap . Keys . ToArray ( ) )
domainMap [ path ] = Domain . ExpandNegationsInDomain ( domainMap [ path ] ) ;
internal bool IsConditionMember ( MemberPath path )
return m_conditionDomainMap . ContainsKey ( path ) ;
internal IEnumerable < MemberPath > ConditionMembers ( EntitySetBase extent )
foreach ( MemberPath path in m_conditionDomainMap . Keys )
if ( path . Extent . Equals ( extent ) )
yield return path ;
internal IEnumerable < MemberPath > NonConditionMembers ( EntitySetBase extent )
foreach ( MemberPath path in m_nonConditionDomainMap . Keys )
if ( path . Extent . Equals ( extent ) )
yield return path ;
/// <summary>
/// Adds AllOtherConstants element to the domain set given by MemberPath
/// </summary>
internal void AddSentinel ( MemberPath path )
CellConstantSet set = GetDomainInternal ( path ) ;
set . Add ( Constant . AllOtherConstants ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Removes AllOtherConstant element from the domain set given by MemberPath
/// </summary>
internal void RemoveSentinel ( MemberPath path )
CellConstantSet set = GetDomainInternal ( path ) ;
set . Remove ( Constant . AllOtherConstants ) ;
// requires member exist in this
// effects: Returns the possible values/domain for that member
internal IEnumerable < Constant > GetDomain ( MemberPath path )
return GetDomainInternal ( path ) ;
private CellConstantSet GetDomainInternal ( MemberPath path )
CellConstantSet result ;
bool found = m_conditionDomainMap . TryGetValue ( path , out result ) ;
if ( ! found )
result = m_nonConditionDomainMap [ path ] ; // It better be in this one!
return result ;
// keeps the same set identity for the updated cell constant domain
internal void UpdateConditionMemberDomain ( MemberPath path , IEnumerable < Constant > domainValues )
// update domainMap
Set < Constant > oldDomain = m_conditionDomainMap [ path ] ;
oldDomain . Clear ( ) ;
oldDomain . Unite ( domainValues ) ;
// effects: For member, adds domainValues as the set of values that
// member can take. Merges them with any existing values if present
private void AddToDomainMap ( MemberPath member , IEnumerable < Constant > domainValues )
CellConstantSet possibleValues ;
if ( false = = m_conditionDomainMap . TryGetValue ( member , out possibleValues ) )
possibleValues = new CellConstantSet ( Constant . EqualityComparer ) ;
possibleValues . Unite ( domainValues ) ;
// Add the normalized domain to the map so that later uses of the
// domain are consistent
m_conditionDomainMap [ member ] = Domain . ExpandNegationsInDomain ( possibleValues , possibleValues ) ;
internal override void ToCompactString ( StringBuilder builder )
foreach ( MemberPath memberPath in m_conditionDomainMap . Keys )
builder . Append ( '(' ) ;
memberPath . ToCompactString ( builder ) ;
IEnumerable < Constant > domain = GetDomain ( memberPath ) ;
builder . Append ( ": " ) ;
StringUtil . ToCommaSeparatedStringSorted ( builder , domain ) ;
builder . Append ( ") " ) ;
// struct to keep track of the constant set for a particular slot
private class CellConstantSetInfo : CellConstantSet
internal CellConstantSetInfo ( Set < Constant > iconstants , MemberProjectedSlot islot )
: base ( iconstants )
slot = islot ;
internal MemberProjectedSlot slot ;
public override string ToString ( )
return base . ToString ( ) ;