2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
// <copyright file="CQLGenerator.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// @owner [....]
// @backupOwner [....]
using System.Data.Common ;
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees ;
using System.Data.Common.Utils ;
using System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.Structures ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.CqlGeneration ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm ;
namespace System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration
/// <summary>
/// This class is responsible for generation of CQL after the cell merging process has been done.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class CqlGenerator : InternalBase
#region Constructor
/// <summary>
/// Given the generated <paramref name="view"/>, the <paramref name="caseStatements"/> for the multiconstant fields,
/// the <paramref name="projectedSlotMap"/> that maps different paths of the entityset (for which the view is being generated) to slot indexes in the view,
/// creates an object that is capable of generating the Cql for <paramref name="view"/>.
/// </summary>
internal CqlGenerator ( CellTreeNode view ,
Dictionary < MemberPath ,
CaseStatement > caseStatements ,
CqlIdentifiers identifiers ,
MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap ,
int numCellsInView ,
BoolExpression topLevelWhereClause ,
StorageMappingItemCollection mappingItemCollection )
m_view = view ;
m_caseStatements = caseStatements ;
m_projectedSlotMap = projectedSlotMap ;
m_numBools = numCellsInView ; // We have that many booleans
m_topLevelWhereClause = topLevelWhereClause ;
m_identifiers = identifiers ;
m_mappingItemCollection = mappingItemCollection ;
#region Fields
/// <summary>
/// The generated view from the cells.
/// </summary>
private readonly CellTreeNode m_view ;
/// <summary>
/// Case statements for the multiconstant fields.
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary < MemberPath , CaseStatement > m_caseStatements ;
/// <summary>
/// Mapping from member paths to slot indexes.
/// </summary>
private MemberProjectionIndex m_projectedSlotMap ;
/// <summary>
/// Number of booleans in the view, one per cell (from0, from1, etc...)
/// </summary>
private readonly int m_numBools ;
/// <summary>
/// A counter used to generate aliases for blocks.
/// </summary>
private int m_currentBlockNum = 0 ;
private readonly BoolExpression m_topLevelWhereClause ;
/// <summary>
/// Identifiers used in the Cql queries.
/// </summary>
private readonly CqlIdentifiers m_identifiers ;
private readonly StorageMappingItemCollection m_mappingItemCollection ;
#region Properties
private int TotalSlots
get { return m_projectedSlotMap . Count + m_numBools ; }
#region CqlBlock generation methods for all node types
/// <summary>
/// Returns eSQL query that represents a query/update mapping view for the view information that was supplied in the constructor.
/// </summary>
internal string GenerateEsql ( )
// Generate a CqlBlock tree and then convert that to eSQL.
CqlBlock blockTree = GenerateCqlBlockTree ( ) ;
// Create the string builder with 1K so that we don't have to
// keep growing it
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder ( 1024 ) ;
blockTree . AsEsql ( builder , true , 1 ) ;
return builder . ToString ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns Cqtl query that represents a query/update mapping view for the view information that was supplied in the constructor.
/// </summary>
internal DbQueryCommandTree GenerateCqt ( )
// Generate a CqlBlock tree and then convert that to CQT.
CqlBlock blockTree = GenerateCqlBlockTree ( ) ;
DbExpression query = blockTree . AsCqt ( true ) ;
Debug . Assert ( query ! = null , "Null CQT generated for query/update view." ) ;
return DbQueryCommandTree . FromValidExpression ( m_mappingItemCollection . Workspace , TargetPerspective . TargetPerspectiveDataSpace , query ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Generates a <see cref="CqlBlock"/> tree that is capable of generating the actual Cql strings.
/// </summary>
private CqlBlock GenerateCqlBlockTree ( )
// Essentially, we create a block for each CellTreeNode in the
// tree and then we layer case statements on top of that view --
// one case statement for each multiconstant entry
// Dertmine the slots that are projected by the whole tree. Tell
// the children that they need to produce those slots somehow --
// if they don't have it, they can produce null
bool [ ] requiredSlots = GetRequiredSlots ( ) ;
Debug . Assert ( requiredSlots . Length = = TotalSlots , "Wrong number of requiredSlots" ) ;
List < WithRelationship > withRelationships = new List < WithRelationship > ( ) ;
CqlBlock viewBlock = m_view . ToCqlBlock ( requiredSlots , m_identifiers , ref m_currentBlockNum , ref withRelationships ) ;
// Handle case statements for multiconstant entries
// Right now, we have a simplication step that removes one of the
// entries and adds ELSE instead
foreach ( CaseStatement statement in m_caseStatements . Values )
statement . Simplify ( ) ;
// Generate the case statements and get the top level block which
// must correspond to the entity set
CqlBlock finalViewBlock = ConstructCaseBlocks ( viewBlock , withRelationships ) ;
return finalViewBlock ;
private bool [ ] GetRequiredSlots ( )
bool [ ] requiredSlots = new bool [ TotalSlots ] ;
// union all slots that are required in case statements
foreach ( CaseStatement caseStatement in m_caseStatements . Values )
GetRequiredSlotsForCaseMember ( caseStatement . MemberPath , requiredSlots ) ;
// For now, make sure that all booleans are required
// Reason: OUTER JOINs may introduce an extra CASE statement (in OpCellTreeNode.cs/GetJoinSlotInfo)
// if a member is projected in both inputs to the join.
// This case statement may use boolean variables that may not be marked as "required"
// The problem is that this decision is made _after_ CqlBlocks for children get produced (in OpCellTreeNode.cs/JoinToCqlBlock)
for ( int i = TotalSlots - m_numBools ; i < TotalSlots ; i + + )
requiredSlots [ i ] = true ;
// Because of the above we don't need to harvest used booleans from the top-level WHERE clause
// m_topLevelWhereClause.GetRequiredSlots(m_projectedSlotMap, requiredSlots);
// Do we require the case statement member slot be produced by the inner queries?
foreach ( CaseStatement caseStatement in m_caseStatements . Values )
bool notNeeded = ! caseStatement . MemberPath . IsPartOfKey & & // keys are required in inner queries for joins conditions
! caseStatement . DependsOnMemberValue ; // if case statement returns its slot value as one of the options, then we need to produce it
if ( notNeeded )
requiredSlots [ m_projectedSlotMap . IndexOf ( caseStatement . MemberPath ) ] = false ;
return requiredSlots ;
#region Multiconstant CaseStatement methods
/// <summary>
/// Given the <paramref name="viewBlock"/> tree, generates the case statement blocks on top of it (using <see cref="m_caseStatements"/>) and returns the resulting tree.
/// One block per case statement is generated. Generated blocks are nested, with the <paramref name="viewBlock"/> is the innermost input.
/// </summary>
private CqlBlock ConstructCaseBlocks ( CqlBlock viewBlock , IEnumerable < WithRelationship > withRelationships )
// Get the 0th slot only, i.e., the extent
bool [ ] topSlots = new bool [ TotalSlots ] ;
topSlots [ 0 ] = true ;
// all booleans in the top-level WHERE clause are required and get bubbled up
// this makes some _fromX booleans be marked as 'required by parent'
m_topLevelWhereClause . GetRequiredSlots ( m_projectedSlotMap , topSlots ) ;
CqlBlock result = ConstructCaseBlocks ( viewBlock , 0 , topSlots , withRelationships ) ;
return result ;
/// <summary>
/// Given the <paramref name="viewBlock"/> tree generated by the cell merging process and the <paramref name="parentRequiredSlots"/>,
/// generates the block tree for the case statement at or past the startSlotNum, i.e., only for case statements that are beyond startSlotNum.
/// </summary>
private CqlBlock ConstructCaseBlocks ( CqlBlock viewBlock , int startSlotNum , bool [ ] parentRequiredSlots , IEnumerable < WithRelationship > withRelationships )
int numMembers = m_projectedSlotMap . Count ;
// Find the next slot for which we have a case statement, i.e.,
// which was in the multiconstants
int foundSlot = FindNextCaseStatementSlot ( startSlotNum , parentRequiredSlots , numMembers ) ;
if ( foundSlot = = - 1 )
// We have bottomed out - no more slots to generate cases for
// Just get the base view block
return viewBlock ;
// Compute the requiredSlots for this member, i.e., what slots are needed to produce this member.
MemberPath thisMember = m_projectedSlotMap [ foundSlot ] ;
bool [ ] thisRequiredSlots = new bool [ TotalSlots ] ;
GetRequiredSlotsForCaseMember ( thisMember , thisRequiredSlots ) ;
Debug . Assert ( thisRequiredSlots . Length = = parentRequiredSlots . Length & &
thisRequiredSlots . Length = = TotalSlots ,
"Number of slots in array should not vary across blocks" ) ;
// Merge parent's requirements with this requirements
for ( int i = 0 ; i < TotalSlots ; i + + )
// We do ask the children to generate the slot that we are
// producing if it is available
if ( parentRequiredSlots [ i ] )
thisRequiredSlots [ i ] = true ;
// If current case statement depends on its slot value, then make sure the value is produced by the child block.
CaseStatement thisCaseStatement = m_caseStatements [ thisMember ] ;
thisRequiredSlots [ foundSlot ] = thisCaseStatement . DependsOnMemberValue ;
// Recursively, determine the block tree for slots beyond foundSlot.
CqlBlock childBlock = ConstructCaseBlocks ( viewBlock , foundSlot + 1 , thisRequiredSlots , null ) ;
// For each slot, create a SlotInfo object
SlotInfo [ ] slotInfos = CreateSlotInfosForCaseStatement ( parentRequiredSlots , foundSlot , childBlock , thisCaseStatement , withRelationships ) ;
m_currentBlockNum + + ;
// We have a where clause only at the top level
BoolExpression whereClause = startSlotNum = = 0 ? m_topLevelWhereClause : BoolExpression . True ;
if ( startSlotNum = = 0 )
// only slot #0 is required by parent; reset all 'required by parent' booleans introduced above
for ( int i = 1 ; i < slotInfos . Length ; i + + )
slotInfos [ i ] . ResetIsRequiredByParent ( ) ;
CaseCqlBlock result = new CaseCqlBlock ( slotInfos , foundSlot , childBlock , whereClause , m_identifiers , m_currentBlockNum ) ;
return result ;
/// <summary>
/// Given the slot (<paramref name="foundSlot"/>) and its corresponding case statement (<paramref name="thisCaseStatement"/>),
/// generates the slotinfos for the cql block producing the case statement.
/// </summary>
private SlotInfo [ ] CreateSlotInfosForCaseStatement ( bool [ ] parentRequiredSlots ,
int foundSlot ,
CqlBlock childBlock ,
CaseStatement thisCaseStatement ,
IEnumerable < WithRelationship > withRelationships )
int numSlotsAddedByChildBlock = childBlock . Slots . Count - TotalSlots ;
SlotInfo [ ] slotInfos = new SlotInfo [ TotalSlots + numSlotsAddedByChildBlock ] ;
for ( int slotNum = 0 ; slotNum < TotalSlots ; slotNum + + )
bool isProjected = childBlock . IsProjected ( slotNum ) ;
bool isRequiredByParent = parentRequiredSlots [ slotNum ] ;
ProjectedSlot slot = childBlock . SlotValue ( slotNum ) ;
MemberPath outputMember = GetOutputMemberPath ( slotNum ) ;
if ( slotNum = = foundSlot )
// We need a case statement instead for this slot that we
// are handling right now
Debug . Assert ( isRequiredByParent , "Case result not needed by parent" ) ;
// Get a case statement with all slots replaced by aliases slots
CaseStatement newCaseStatement = thisCaseStatement . DeepQualify ( childBlock ) ;
slot = new CaseStatementProjectedSlot ( newCaseStatement , withRelationships ) ;
isProjected = true ; // We are projecting this slot now
else if ( isProjected & & isRequiredByParent )
// We only alias something that is needed and is being projected by the child.
// It is a qualified slot into the child block.
slot = childBlock . QualifySlotWithBlockAlias ( slotNum ) ;
// For slots, if it is not required by the parent, we want to
// set the isRequiredByParent for this slot to be
// false. Furthermore, we do not want to introduce any "NULL
// AS something" at this stage for slots not being
// projected. So if the child does not project that slot, we
// declare it as not being required by the parent (if such a
// NULL was needed, it would have been pushed all the way
// down to a non-case block.
// Essentially, from a Case statement's parent perspective,
// it is saying "If you can produce a slot either by yourself
// or your children, please do. Otherwise, do not concoct anything"
SlotInfo slotInfo = new SlotInfo ( isRequiredByParent & & isProjected , isProjected , slot , outputMember ) ;
slotInfos [ slotNum ] = slotInfo ;
for ( int i = TotalSlots ; i < TotalSlots + numSlotsAddedByChildBlock ; i + + )
QualifiedSlot childAddedSlot = childBlock . QualifySlotWithBlockAlias ( i ) ;
slotInfos [ i ] = new SlotInfo ( true , true , childAddedSlot , childBlock . MemberPath ( i ) ) ;
return slotInfos ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the next slot starting at <paramref name="startSlotNum"/> that is present in the <see cref="m_caseStatements"/>.
/// </summary>
private int FindNextCaseStatementSlot ( int startSlotNum , bool [ ] parentRequiredSlots , int numMembers )
int foundSlot = - 1 ;
// Simply go through the slots and check the m_caseStatements map
for ( int slotNum = startSlotNum ; slotNum < numMembers ; slotNum + + )
MemberPath member = m_projectedSlotMap [ slotNum ] ;
if ( parentRequiredSlots [ slotNum ] & & m_caseStatements . ContainsKey ( member ) )
foundSlot = slotNum ;
break ;
return foundSlot ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns an array of size <see cref="TotalSlots"/> which indicates the slots that are needed to constuct value at <paramref name="caseMemberPath"/>,
/// e.g., CPerson may need pid and name (say slots 2 and 5 - then bools[2] and bools[5] will be true.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="caseMemberPath">must be part of <see cref="m_caseStatements"/></param>
private void GetRequiredSlotsForCaseMember ( MemberPath caseMemberPath , bool [ ] requiredSlots )
Debug . Assert ( true = = m_caseStatements . ContainsKey ( caseMemberPath ) , "Constructing case for regular field?" ) ;
Debug . Assert ( requiredSlots . Length = = TotalSlots , "Invalid array size for populating required slots" ) ;
CaseStatement statement = m_caseStatements [ caseMemberPath ] ;
// Find the required slots from the when then clause conditions
// and values
bool requireThisSlot = false ;
foreach ( CaseStatement . WhenThen clause in statement . Clauses )
clause . Condition . GetRequiredSlots ( m_projectedSlotMap , requiredSlots ) ;
ProjectedSlot slot = clause . Value ;
if ( ! ( slot is ConstantProjectedSlot ) )
// If this slot is a scalar and a non-constant,
// we need the lower down blocks to generate it for us
requireThisSlot = true ;
EdmType edmType = caseMemberPath . EdmType ;
if ( Helper . IsEntityType ( edmType ) | | Helper . IsComplexType ( edmType ) )
foreach ( EdmType instantiatedType in statement . InstantiatedTypes )
foreach ( EdmMember childMember in Helper . GetAllStructuralMembers ( instantiatedType ) )
int slotNum = GetSlotIndex ( caseMemberPath , childMember ) ;
requiredSlots [ slotNum ] = true ;
else if ( caseMemberPath . IsScalarType ( ) )
// A scalar does not need anything per se to be constructed
// unless it is referring to a field in the tree below, i.e., the THEN
// slot is not a constant slot
if ( requireThisSlot )
int caseMemberSlotNum = m_projectedSlotMap . IndexOf ( caseMemberPath ) ;
requiredSlots [ caseMemberSlotNum ] = true ;
else if ( Helper . IsAssociationType ( edmType ) )
// For an association, get the indices of the ends, e.g.,
// CProduct and CCategory in CProductCategory1
// Need just it's ends
AssociationSet associationSet = ( AssociationSet ) caseMemberPath . Extent ;
AssociationType associationType = associationSet . ElementType ;
foreach ( AssociationEndMember endMember in associationType . AssociationEndMembers )
int slotNum = GetSlotIndex ( caseMemberPath , endMember ) ;
requiredSlots [ slotNum ] = true ;
// For a reference, all we need are the keys
RefType refType = edmType as RefType ;
Debug . Assert ( refType ! = null , "What other non scalars do we have? Relation end must be a reference type" ) ;
EntityTypeBase refElementType = refType . ElementType ;
// Go through all the members of elementType and get the key properties
EntitySet entitySet = MetadataHelper . GetEntitySetAtEnd ( ( AssociationSet ) caseMemberPath . Extent ,
( AssociationEndMember ) caseMemberPath . LeafEdmMember ) ;
foreach ( EdmMember entityMember in refElementType . KeyMembers )
int slotNum = GetSlotIndex ( caseMemberPath , entityMember ) ;
requiredSlots [ slotNum ] = true ;
#region Helper methods
/// <summary>
/// Given the <paramref name="slotNum"/>, returns the output member path that this slot contributes/corresponds to in the extent view.
/// If the slot corresponds to one of the boolean variables, returns null.
/// </summary>
private MemberPath GetOutputMemberPath ( int slotNum )
return m_projectedSlotMap . GetMemberPath ( slotNum , TotalSlots - m_projectedSlotMap . Count ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the slot index for the following member path: <paramref name="member"/>.<paramref name="child"/>, e.g., CPerson1.pid
/// </summary>
private int GetSlotIndex ( MemberPath member , EdmMember child )
MemberPath fullMember = new MemberPath ( member , child ) ;
int index = m_projectedSlotMap . IndexOf ( fullMember ) ;
Debug . Assert ( index ! = - 1 , "Couldn't locate " + fullMember . ToString ( ) + " in m_projectedSlotMap" ) ;
return index ;
#region String methods
internal override void ToCompactString ( StringBuilder builder )
builder . Append ( "View: " ) ;
m_view . ToCompactString ( builder ) ;
builder . Append ( "ProjectedSlotMap: " ) ;
m_projectedSlotMap . ToCompactString ( builder ) ;
builder . Append ( "Case statements: " ) ;
foreach ( MemberPath member in m_caseStatements . Keys )
CaseStatement statement = m_caseStatements [ member ] ;
statement . ToCompactString ( builder ) ;
builder . AppendLine ( ) ;