2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
// <copyright file="ViewSimplifier.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// @owner [....], [....]
// @backupOwner [....]
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Data.Common.Utils ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.ExpressionBuilder ;
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.Internal ;
namespace System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.Internal
/// <summary>
/// Utility class that walks a mapping view and returns a simplified expression with projection
/// nodes collapsed. Specifically recognizes the following common pattern in mapping views:
/// outerProject(outerBinding(innerProject(innerBinding, innerNew)), outerProjection)
/// Recognizes simple disciminator patterns of the form:
/// select
/// case when Disc = value1 then value Type1(...)
/// case when Disc = value2 then value Type2(...)
/// ...
/// Recognizes redundant case statement of the form:
/// select
/// case when (case when Predicate1 then true else false) ...
/// </summary>
internal class ViewSimplifier
internal static DbQueryCommandTree SimplifyView ( EntitySetBase extent , DbQueryCommandTree view )
ViewSimplifier vs = new ViewSimplifier ( view . MetadataWorkspace , extent ) ;
view = vs . Simplify ( view ) ;
return view ;
private readonly MetadataWorkspace metadata ;
private readonly EntitySetBase extent ;
private ViewSimplifier ( MetadataWorkspace mws , EntitySetBase viewTarget )
this . metadata = mws ;
this . extent = viewTarget ;
private DbQueryCommandTree Simplify ( DbQueryCommandTree view )
var simplifier = PatternMatchRuleProcessor . Create (
// determines if an expression is of the form outerProject(outerProjection(innerProject(innerNew)))
PatternMatchRule . Create ( Pattern_CollapseNestedProjection , ViewSimplifier . CollapseNestedProjection ) ,
// A case statement can potentially be simplified
PatternMatchRule . Create ( Pattern_Case , ViewSimplifier . SimplifyCaseStatement ) ,
// Nested TPH discriminator pattern can be converted to the expected TPH discriminator pattern
PatternMatchRule . Create ( Pattern_NestedTphDiscriminator , ViewSimplifier . SimplifyNestedTphDiscriminator ) ,
// Entity constructors may be augmented with FK-based related entity refs
PatternMatchRule . Create ( Pattern_EntityConstructor , this . AddFkRelatedEntityRefs )
) ;
DbExpression queryExpression = view . Query ;
queryExpression = simplifier ( queryExpression ) ;
view = DbQueryCommandTree . FromValidExpression ( view . MetadataWorkspace , view . DataSpace , queryExpression ) ;
return view ;
#region Navigation simplification support by adding FK - based related entity refs
private static readonly Func < DbExpression , bool > Pattern_EntityConstructor =
Patterns . MatchProject (
Patterns . AnyExpression ,
Patterns . And (
Patterns . MatchEntityType ,
Patterns . Or
Patterns . MatchNewInstance ( ) ,
Patterns . MatchCase ( Patterns . AnyExpressions , Patterns . MatchForAll ( Patterns . MatchNewInstance ( ) ) , Patterns . MatchNewInstance ( ) )
) ;
private bool doNotProcess ;
private DbExpression AddFkRelatedEntityRefs ( DbExpression viewConstructor )
// If the extent being simplified is not a C-Space entity set, or if it has already
// been processed by the simplifier, then keep the original expression by returning
// null.
if ( this . doNotProcess )
return null ;
if ( this . extent . BuiltInTypeKind ! = BuiltInTypeKind . EntitySet | |
this . extent . EntityContainer . DataSpace ! = DataSpace . CSpace )
this . doNotProcess = true ;
return null ;
// Get a reference to the entity set being simplified, and find all the foreign key
// (foreign key) associations for which the association set references that entity set,
// with either association end.
EntitySet targetSet = ( EntitySet ) this . extent ;
var relSets =
targetSet . EntityContainer . BaseEntitySets
. Where ( es = > es . BuiltInTypeKind = = BuiltInTypeKind . AssociationSet )
. Cast < AssociationSet > ( )
. Where ( assocSet = >
assocSet . ElementType . IsForeignKey & &
assocSet . AssociationSetEnds . Any ( se = > se . EntitySet = = targetSet )
. ToList ( ) ;
// If no foreign key association sets that reference the entity set are present, then
// no further processing is necessary, because FK-based related entity references cannot
// be computed and added to the entities constructed for the entity set.
if ( relSets . Count = = 0 )
this . doNotProcess = true ;
return null ;
// For every relationship set that references this entity set, the relationship type and
// foreign key constraint are used to determine if the entity set is the dependent set.
// If it is the dependent set, then it is possible to augment the view definition with a
// related entity ref that represents the navigation of the relationship set's relationship
// from the dependent end (this entity set) to the the principal end (the entity set that
// is referenced by the other association set end of the relationship set).
var principalSetsAndDependentTypes = new HashSet < Tuple < EntityType , AssociationSetEnd , ReferentialConstraint > > ( ) ;
foreach ( AssociationSet relSet in relSets )
// Retrieve the single referential constraint from the foreign key association, and
// use it to determine whether the association set end that represents the dependent
// end of the association references this entity set.
var fkConstraint = relSet . ElementType . ReferentialConstraints [ 0 ] ;
var dependentSetEnd = relSet . AssociationSetEnds [ fkConstraint . ToRole . Name ] ;
if ( dependentSetEnd . EntitySet = = targetSet )
EntityType requiredSourceNavType = ( EntityType ) TypeHelpers . GetEdmType < RefType > ( dependentSetEnd . CorrespondingAssociationEndMember . TypeUsage ) . ElementType ;
var principalSetEnd = relSet . AssociationSetEnds [ fkConstraint . FromRole . Name ] ;
// Record the entity type that an element of this dependent entity set must have in order
// to be a valid navigation source for the relationship set's relationship, along with the
// association set end for the destination (principal) end of the navigation and the FK
// constraint that is associated with the relationship type. This information may be used
// later to construct a related entity ref for any entity constructor expression in the view
// that produces an entity of the required source type or a subtype.
principalSetsAndDependentTypes . Add ( Tuple . Create ( requiredSourceNavType , principalSetEnd , fkConstraint ) ) ;
// If no foreign key association sets that use the entity set as the dependent set are present,
// then no further processing is possible, since FK-based related entity refs can only be added
// to the view definition for navigations from the dependent end of the relationship to the principal.
if ( principalSetsAndDependentTypes . Count = = 0 )
this . doNotProcess = true ;
return null ;
// This rule supports a view that is capped with a projection of the form
// (input).Project(x => new Entity())
// or
// (input).Project(x => CASE WHEN (condition1) THEN new Entity1() ELSE WHEN (condition2) THEN new Entity2()... ELSE new EntityN())
// where every new instance expression Entity1()...EntityN() constructs an entity of a type
// that is compatible with the entity set's element type.
// Here, the list of all DbNewInstanceExpressions contained in the projection is remembered,
// along with any CASE statement conditions, if present. These expressions will be updated
// if necessary and used to build a new capping projection if any of the entity constructors
// are augmented with FK-based related entity references.
DbProjectExpression entityProject = ( DbProjectExpression ) viewConstructor ;
List < DbNewInstanceExpression > constructors = new List < DbNewInstanceExpression > ( ) ;
List < DbExpression > conditions = null ;
if ( entityProject . Projection . ExpressionKind = = DbExpressionKind . Case )
// If the projection is a DbCaseExpression, then every result must be a DbNewInstanceExpression
DbCaseExpression discriminatedConstructor = ( DbCaseExpression ) entityProject . Projection ;
conditions = new List < DbExpression > ( discriminatedConstructor . When . Count ) ;
for ( int idx = 0 ; idx < discriminatedConstructor . When . Count ; idx + + )
conditions . Add ( discriminatedConstructor . When [ idx ] ) ;
constructors . Add ( ( DbNewInstanceExpression ) discriminatedConstructor . Then [ idx ] ) ;
constructors . Add ( ( DbNewInstanceExpression ) discriminatedConstructor . Else ) ;
// Otherwise, the projection must be a single DbNewInstanceExpression
constructors . Add ( ( DbNewInstanceExpression ) entityProject . Projection ) ;
bool rebuildView = false ;
for ( int idx = 0 ; idx < constructors . Count ; idx + + )
DbNewInstanceExpression entityConstructor = constructors [ idx ] ;
EntityType constructedEntityType = TypeHelpers . GetEdmType < EntityType > ( entityConstructor . ResultType ) ;
List < DbRelatedEntityRef > relatedRefs =
. Where ( psdt = > constructedEntityType = = psdt . Item1 | | constructedEntityType . IsSubtypeOf ( psdt . Item1 ) )
. Select ( psdt = > RelatedEntityRefFromAssociationSetEnd ( constructedEntityType , entityConstructor , psdt . Item2 , psdt . Item3 ) ) . ToList ( ) ;
if ( relatedRefs . Count > 0 )
if ( entityConstructor . HasRelatedEntityReferences )
relatedRefs = entityConstructor . RelatedEntityReferences . Concat ( relatedRefs ) . ToList ( ) ;
entityConstructor = DbExpressionBuilder . CreateNewEntityWithRelationshipsExpression ( constructedEntityType , entityConstructor . Arguments , relatedRefs ) ;
constructors [ idx ] = entityConstructor ;
rebuildView = true ;
// Default to returning null to indicate that this rule did not produce a modified expression
DbExpression result = null ;
if ( rebuildView )
// rebuildView is true, so entity constructing DbNewInstanceExpression(s) were encountered
// and updated with additional related entity refs. The DbProjectExpression that caps the
// view definition therefore needs to be rebuilt and returned as the result of this rule.
if ( conditions ! = null )
// The original view definition projection was a DbCaseExpression.
// The new expression is also a DbCaseExpression that uses the conditions from the
// original expression together with the updated result expressions to produce the
// new capping projection.
List < DbExpression > whens = new List < DbExpression > ( conditions . Count ) ;
List < DbExpression > thens = new List < DbExpression > ( conditions . Count ) ;
for ( int idx = 0 ; idx < conditions . Count ; idx + + )
whens . Add ( conditions [ idx ] ) ;
thens . Add ( constructors [ idx ] ) ;
result = entityProject . Input . Project ( DbExpressionBuilder . Case ( whens , thens , constructors [ conditions . Count ] ) ) ;
// Otherwise, the capping projection consists entirely of the updated DbNewInstanceExpression.
result = entityProject . Input . Project ( constructors [ 0 ] ) ;
// Regardless of whether or not the view was updated, this rule should not be applied again during rule processing
this . doNotProcess = true ;
return result ;
private static DbRelatedEntityRef RelatedEntityRefFromAssociationSetEnd ( EntityType constructedEntityType , DbNewInstanceExpression entityConstructor , AssociationSetEnd principalSetEnd , ReferentialConstraint fkConstraint )
EntityType principalEntityType = ( EntityType ) TypeHelpers . GetEdmType < RefType > ( fkConstraint . FromRole . TypeUsage ) . ElementType ;
IList < DbExpression > principalKeyValues = null ;
// Create Entity Property/DbExpression value pairs from the entity constructor DbExpression,
// then join these with the principal/dependent property pairs from the FK constraint
// to produce principal property name/DbExpression value pairs from which to create the principal ref.
// Ideally the code would be as below, but anonymous types break asmmeta:
//var keyPropAndValue =
// from pv in constructedEntityType.Properties.Select((p, idx) => new { DependentProperty = p, Value = entityConstructor.Arguments[idx] })
// join ft in fkConstraint.FromProperties.Select((fp, idx) => new { PrincipalProperty = fp, DependentProperty = fkConstraint.ToProperties[idx] })
// on pv.DependentProperty equals ft.DependentProperty
// select new { PrincipalProperty = ft.PrincipalProperty.Name, Value = pv.Value };
var keyPropAndValue =
from pv in constructedEntityType . Properties . Select ( ( p , idx ) = > Tuple . Create ( p , entityConstructor . Arguments [ idx ] ) ) // new { DependentProperty = p, Value = entityConstructor.Arguments[idx] })
join ft in fkConstraint . FromProperties . Select ( ( fp , idx ) = > Tuple . Create ( fp , fkConstraint . ToProperties [ idx ] ) ) //new { PrincipalProperty = fp, DependentProperty = fkConstraint.ToProperties[idx] })
on pv . Item1 equals ft . Item2 //pv.DependentProperty equals ft.DependentProperty
select Tuple . Create ( ft . Item1 . Name , pv . Item2 ) ; // new { PrincipalProperty = ft.PrincipalProperty.Name, Value = pv.Value };
// If there is only a single property in the principal's key, then there is no ordering concern.
// Otherwise, create a dictionary of principal key property name to DbExpression value so that
// when used as the arguments to the ref expression, the dependent property values - used here
// as principal key property values - are in the correct order, which is the same order as the
// key members themselves.
if ( fkConstraint . FromProperties . Count = = 1 )
var singleKeyNameAndValue = keyPropAndValue . Single ( ) ;
Debug . Assert ( singleKeyNameAndValue . Item1 = = fkConstraint . FromProperties [ 0 ] . Name , "Unexpected single key property name" ) ;
principalKeyValues = new [ ] { singleKeyNameAndValue . Item2 } ;
var keyValueMap = keyPropAndValue . ToDictionary ( pav = > pav . Item1 , pav = > pav . Item2 , StringComparer . Ordinal ) ;
principalKeyValues = principalEntityType . KeyMemberNames . Select ( memberName = > keyValueMap [ memberName ] ) . ToList ( ) ;
// Create the ref to the principal entity based on the (now correctly ordered) key value expressions.
DbRefExpression principalRef = principalSetEnd . EntitySet . CreateRef ( principalEntityType , principalKeyValues ) ;
DbRelatedEntityRef result = DbExpressionBuilder . CreateRelatedEntityRef ( fkConstraint . ToRole , fkConstraint . FromRole , principalRef ) ;
return result ;
#region Nested TPH Discriminator simplification
/// <summary>
/// Matches the nested TPH discriminator pattern produced by view generation
/// </summary>
private static readonly Func < DbExpression , bool > Pattern_NestedTphDiscriminator =
Patterns . MatchProject (
Patterns . MatchFilter (
Patterns . MatchProject (
Patterns . MatchFilter (
Patterns . AnyExpression ,
Patterns . Or (
Patterns . MatchKind ( DbExpressionKind . Equals ) ,
Patterns . MatchKind ( DbExpressionKind . Or )
) ,
Patterns . And (
Patterns . MatchRowType ,
Patterns . MatchNewInstance (
Patterns . MatchForAll (
Patterns . Or (
Patterns . And (
Patterns . MatchNewInstance ( ) ,
Patterns . MatchComplexType
) ,
Patterns . MatchKind ( DbExpressionKind . Property ) ,
Patterns . MatchKind ( DbExpressionKind . Case )
) ,
Patterns . Or (
Patterns . MatchKind ( DbExpressionKind . Property ) ,
Patterns . MatchKind ( DbExpressionKind . Or )
) ,
Patterns . And (
Patterns . MatchEntityType ,
Patterns . MatchCase (
Patterns . MatchForAll ( Patterns . MatchKind ( DbExpressionKind . Property ) ) ,
Patterns . MatchForAll ( Patterns . MatchKind ( DbExpressionKind . NewInstance ) ) ,
Patterns . MatchKind ( DbExpressionKind . NewInstance )
) ;
/// <summary>
/// Converts the DbExpression equivalent of:
/// WHEN a._from0 THEN SUBTYPE1()
/// ...
/// WHEN a._from[n-2] THEN SUBTYPE_n-1()
/// FROM
/// b.C1..., b.Cn
/// CASE WHEN b.Discriminator = SUBTYPE1_Value THEN true ELSE false AS _from0
/// ...
/// CASE WHEN b.Discriminator = SUBTYPE_n_Value THEN true ELSE false AS _from[n-1]
/// FROM TSet AS b
/// WHERE b.Discriminator = SUBTYPE1_Value... OR x.Discriminator = SUBTYPE_n_Value
/// AS a
/// WHERE a._from0... OR a._from[n-1]
/// into the DbExpression equivalent of the following, which is matched as a TPH discriminator
/// by the <see cref="System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.GeneratedView"/> class and so allows a <see cref="System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.DiscriminatorMap"/>
/// to be produced for the view, which would not otherwise be possible. Note that C1 through Cn
/// are only allowed to be scalars or complex type constructors based on direct property references
/// to the store entity set's scalar properties.
/// WHEN y.Discriminator = SUBTTYPE1_Value THEN SUBTYPE1()
/// ...
/// WHEN y.Discriminator = SUBTYPE_n-1_Value THEN SUBTYPE_n-1()
/// FROM
/// SELECT x.C1..., x.Cn, Discriminator FROM TSet AS x
/// WHERE x.Discriminator = SUBTYPE1_Value... OR x.Discriminator = SUBTYPE_n_Value
/// AS y
/// </summary>
private static DbExpression SimplifyNestedTphDiscriminator ( DbExpression expression )
DbProjectExpression entityProjection = ( DbProjectExpression ) expression ;
DbFilterExpression booleanColumnFilter = ( DbFilterExpression ) entityProjection . Input . Expression ;
DbProjectExpression rowProjection = ( DbProjectExpression ) booleanColumnFilter . Input . Expression ;
DbFilterExpression discriminatorFilter = ( DbFilterExpression ) rowProjection . Input . Expression ;
List < DbExpression > predicates = FlattenOr ( booleanColumnFilter . Predicate ) . ToList ( ) ;
List < DbPropertyExpression > propertyPredicates =
predicates . OfType < DbPropertyExpression > ( )
. Where ( px = > px . Instance . ExpressionKind = = DbExpressionKind . VariableReference & &
( ( DbVariableReferenceExpression ) px . Instance ) . VariableName = = booleanColumnFilter . Input . VariableName ) . ToList ( ) ;
if ( predicates . Count ! = propertyPredicates . Count )
return null ;
List < string > predicateColumnNames = propertyPredicates . Select ( px = > px . Property . Name ) . ToList ( ) ;
Dictionary < object , DbComparisonExpression > discriminatorPredicates = new Dictionary < object , DbComparisonExpression > ( ) ;
if ( ! TypeSemantics . IsEntityType ( discriminatorFilter . Input . VariableType ) | |
! TryMatchDiscriminatorPredicate ( discriminatorFilter , ( compEx , discValue ) = > discriminatorPredicates . Add ( discValue , compEx ) ) )
return null ;
EdmProperty discriminatorProp = ( EdmProperty ) ( ( DbPropertyExpression ) ( ( DbComparisonExpression ) discriminatorPredicates . First ( ) . Value ) . Left ) . Property ;
DbNewInstanceExpression rowConstructor = ( DbNewInstanceExpression ) rowProjection . Projection ;
RowType resultRow = TypeHelpers . GetEdmType < RowType > ( rowConstructor . ResultType ) ;
Dictionary < string , DbComparisonExpression > inputPredicateMap = new Dictionary < string , DbComparisonExpression > ( ) ;
Dictionary < string , DbComparisonExpression > selectorPredicateMap = new Dictionary < string , DbComparisonExpression > ( ) ;
Dictionary < string , DbExpression > columnValues = new Dictionary < string , DbExpression > ( rowConstructor . Arguments . Count ) ;
for ( int idx = 0 ; idx < rowConstructor . Arguments . Count ; idx + + )
string propName = resultRow . Properties [ idx ] . Name ;
DbExpression columnVal = rowConstructor . Arguments [ idx ] ;
if ( predicateColumnNames . Contains ( propName ) )
if ( columnVal . ExpressionKind ! = DbExpressionKind . Case )
return null ;
DbCaseExpression casePredicate = ( DbCaseExpression ) columnVal ;
if ( casePredicate . When . Count ! = 1 | |
! TypeSemantics . IsBooleanType ( casePredicate . Then [ 0 ] . ResultType ) | | ! TypeSemantics . IsBooleanType ( casePredicate . Else . ResultType ) | |
casePredicate . Then [ 0 ] . ExpressionKind ! = DbExpressionKind . Constant | | casePredicate . Else . ExpressionKind ! = DbExpressionKind . Constant | |
( bool ) ( ( DbConstantExpression ) casePredicate . Then [ 0 ] ) . Value ! = true | | ( bool ) ( ( DbConstantExpression ) casePredicate . Else ) . Value ! = false )
return null ;
DbPropertyExpression comparedProp ;
object constValue ;
if ( ! TryMatchPropertyEqualsValue ( casePredicate . When [ 0 ] , rowProjection . Input . VariableName , out comparedProp , out constValue ) | |
comparedProp . Property ! = discriminatorProp | |
! discriminatorPredicates . ContainsKey ( constValue ) )
return null ;
inputPredicateMap . Add ( propName , discriminatorPredicates [ constValue ] ) ;
selectorPredicateMap . Add ( propName , ( DbComparisonExpression ) casePredicate . When [ 0 ] ) ;
columnValues . Add ( propName , columnVal ) ;
// Build a new discriminator-based filter that only includes the same rows allowed by the higher '_from0' column-based filter
DbExpression newDiscriminatorPredicate = Helpers . BuildBalancedTreeInPlace < DbExpression > ( new List < DbExpression > ( inputPredicateMap . Values ) , ( left , right ) = > DbExpressionBuilder . Or ( left , right ) ) ;
discriminatorFilter = discriminatorFilter . Input . Filter ( newDiscriminatorPredicate ) ;
DbCaseExpression entitySelector = ( DbCaseExpression ) entityProjection . Projection ;
List < DbExpression > newWhens = new List < DbExpression > ( entitySelector . When . Count ) ;
List < DbExpression > newThens = new List < DbExpression > ( entitySelector . Then . Count ) ;
for ( int idx = 0 ; idx < entitySelector . When . Count ; idx + + )
DbPropertyExpression propWhen = ( DbPropertyExpression ) entitySelector . When [ idx ] ;
DbNewInstanceExpression entityThen = ( DbNewInstanceExpression ) entitySelector . Then [ idx ] ;
DbComparisonExpression discriminatorWhen ;
if ( ! selectorPredicateMap . TryGetValue ( propWhen . Property . Name , out discriminatorWhen ) )
return null ;
newWhens . Add ( discriminatorWhen ) ;
DbExpression inputBoundEntityConstructor = ValueSubstituter . Substitute ( entityThen , entityProjection . Input . VariableName , columnValues ) ;
newThens . Add ( inputBoundEntityConstructor ) ;
DbExpression newElse = ValueSubstituter . Substitute ( entitySelector . Else , entityProjection . Input . VariableName , columnValues ) ;
DbCaseExpression newEntitySelector = DbExpressionBuilder . Case ( newWhens , newThens , newElse ) ;
DbExpression result = discriminatorFilter . BindAs ( rowProjection . Input . VariableName ) . Project ( newEntitySelector ) ;
return result ;
private class ValueSubstituter : DefaultExpressionVisitor
internal static DbExpression Substitute ( DbExpression original , string referencedVariable , Dictionary < string , DbExpression > propertyValues )
Debug . Assert ( original ! = null , "Original expression cannot be null" ) ;
ValueSubstituter visitor = new ValueSubstituter ( referencedVariable , propertyValues ) ;
return visitor . VisitExpression ( original ) ;
private readonly string variableName ;
private readonly Dictionary < string , DbExpression > replacements ;
private ValueSubstituter ( string varName , Dictionary < string , DbExpression > replValues )
Debug . Assert ( varName ! = null , "Variable name cannot be null" ) ;
Debug . Assert ( replValues ! = null , "Replacement values cannot be null" ) ;
this . variableName = varName ;
this . replacements = replValues ;
public override DbExpression Visit ( DbPropertyExpression expression )
DbExpression result = null ;
DbExpression replacementValue ;
if ( expression . Instance . ExpressionKind = = DbExpressionKind . VariableReference & &
( ( ( DbVariableReferenceExpression ) expression . Instance ) . VariableName = = this . variableName ) & &
this . replacements . TryGetValue ( expression . Property . Name , out replacementValue ) )
result = replacementValue ;
result = base . Visit ( expression ) ;
return result ;
#region Case Statement Simplification
/// <summary>
/// Matches any Case expression
/// </summary>
private static readonly Func < DbExpression , bool > Pattern_Case = Patterns . MatchKind ( DbExpressionKind . Case ) ;
private static DbExpression SimplifyCaseStatement ( DbExpression expression )
DbCaseExpression caseExpression = ( DbCaseExpression ) expression ;
// try simplifying predicates
bool predicateSimplified = false ;
List < DbExpression > rewrittenPredicates = new List < DbExpression > ( caseExpression . When . Count ) ;
foreach ( var when in caseExpression . When )
DbExpression simplifiedPredicate ;
if ( TrySimplifyPredicate ( when , out simplifiedPredicate ) )
rewrittenPredicates . Add ( simplifiedPredicate ) ;
predicateSimplified = true ;
rewrittenPredicates . Add ( when ) ;
if ( ! predicateSimplified ) { return null ; }
caseExpression = DbExpressionBuilder . Case ( rewrittenPredicates , caseExpression . Then , caseExpression . Else ) ;
return caseExpression ;
private static bool TrySimplifyPredicate ( DbExpression predicate , out DbExpression simplified )
simplified = null ;
if ( predicate . ExpressionKind ! = DbExpressionKind . Case ) { return false ; }
var caseExpression = ( DbCaseExpression ) predicate ;
if ( caseExpression . Then . Count ! = 1 & & caseExpression . Then [ 0 ] . ExpressionKind = = DbExpressionKind . Constant )
return false ;
var then = ( DbConstantExpression ) caseExpression . Then [ 0 ] ;
if ( ! true . Equals ( then . Value ) ) { return false ; }
if ( caseExpression . Else ! = null )
if ( caseExpression . Else . ExpressionKind ! = DbExpressionKind . Constant ) { return false ; }
var when = ( DbConstantExpression ) caseExpression . Else ;
if ( ! false . Equals ( when . Value ) ) { return false ; }
simplified = caseExpression . When [ 0 ] ;
return true ;
#region Nested Projection Collapsing
/// <summary>
/// Determines if an expression is of the form outerProject(outerProjection(innerProject(innerNew)))
/// </summary>
private static readonly Func < DbExpression , bool > Pattern_CollapseNestedProjection =
Patterns . MatchProject (
Patterns . MatchProject (
Patterns . AnyExpression ,
Patterns . MatchKind ( DbExpressionKind . NewInstance )
) ,
Patterns . AnyExpression
) ;
/// <summary>
/// Collapses outerProject(outerProjection(innerProject(innerNew)))
/// </summary>
private static DbExpression CollapseNestedProjection ( DbExpression expression )
DbProjectExpression outerProject = ( DbProjectExpression ) expression ;
DbExpression outerProjection = outerProject . Projection ;
DbProjectExpression innerProject = ( DbProjectExpression ) outerProject . Input . Expression ;
DbNewInstanceExpression innerNew = ( DbNewInstanceExpression ) innerProject . Projection ;
// get membername -> expression bindings for the inner select so that we know how map property
// references to the inner projection
Dictionary < string , DbExpression > bindings = new Dictionary < string , DbExpression > ( innerNew . Arguments . Count ) ;
TypeUsage innerResultTypeUsage = innerNew . ResultType ;
RowType innerResultType = ( RowType ) innerResultTypeUsage . EdmType ;
for ( int ordinal = 0 ; ordinal < innerResultType . Members . Count ; ordinal + + )
bindings [ innerResultType . Members [ ordinal ] . Name ] = innerNew . Arguments [ ordinal ] ;
// initialize an expression visitor that knows how to map arguments to the outer projection
// to the inner projection source
ProjectionCollapser collapser = new ProjectionCollapser ( bindings , outerProject . Input ) ;
// replace all property references to the inner projection
var replacementOuterProjection = collapser . CollapseProjection ( outerProjection ) ;
// make sure the collapsing was successful; if not, give up on simplification
if ( collapser . IsDoomed ) { return null ; }
// set replacement value so that the expression replacer infrastructure can substitute
// the collapsed projection in the expression tree
// continue collapsing projection until the pattern no longer matches
DbProjectExpression replacementOuterProject = innerProject . Input . Project ( replacementOuterProjection ) ;
return replacementOuterProject ;
/// <summary>
/// This expression visitor supports collapsing a nested projection matching the pattern described above.
/// For instance:
/// select T.a as x, T.b as y, true as z from (select E.a as x, E.b as y from Extent E)
/// resolves to:
/// select E.a, E.b, true as z from Extent E
/// In general,
/// outerProject(
/// outerBinding(
/// innerProject(innerBinding, innerNew)
/// ),
/// outerNew)
/// resolves to:
/// replacementOuterProject(
/// innerBinding,
/// replacementOuterNew)
/// The outer projection is bound to the inner input source (outerBinding -> innerBinding) and
/// the outer new instance expression has its properties remapped to the inner new instance
/// expression member expressions.
/// This replacer is used to simplify argument value in a new instance expression OuterNew
/// from an expression of the form:
/// outerProject(outerBinding(innerProject(innerBinding, innerNew)), outerProjection)
/// The replacer collapses the outer project terms to point at the innerNew expression.
/// Where possible, VarRef_outer.Property_outer is collapsed to VarRef_inner.Property.
/// </summary>
private class ProjectionCollapser : DefaultExpressionVisitor
// the replacer context keeps track of member bindings for var refs and the expression
// binding for the outer projection being remapped
private Dictionary < string , DbExpression > m_varRefMemberBindings ;
private DbExpressionBinding m_outerBinding ;
private bool m_doomed ;
internal ProjectionCollapser ( Dictionary < string , DbExpression > varRefMemberBindings ,
DbExpressionBinding outerBinding )
: base ( )
m_varRefMemberBindings = varRefMemberBindings ;
m_outerBinding = outerBinding ;
// Visit and identify the Property(VarRef "Outer binding") pattern,
// remapping the property to the appropriate inner projection member
internal DbExpression CollapseProjection ( DbExpression expression )
return this . VisitExpression ( expression ) ;
public override DbExpression Visit ( DbPropertyExpression property )
// check for a property of the outer projection binding (that can be remapped)
if ( property . Instance . ExpressionKind = = DbExpressionKind . VariableReference & &
IsOuterBindingVarRef ( ( DbVariableReferenceExpression ) property . Instance ) )
return m_varRefMemberBindings [ property . Property . Name ] ;
return base . Visit ( property ) ;
public override DbExpression Visit ( DbVariableReferenceExpression varRef )
// if we encounter an unsubstitutued var ref, give up...
if ( IsOuterBindingVarRef ( varRef ) )
m_doomed = true ;
return base . Visit ( varRef ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Heuristic check to make sure the var ref is the one we're supposed to be replacing.
/// </summary>
private bool IsOuterBindingVarRef ( DbVariableReferenceExpression varRef )
return varRef . VariableName = = m_outerBinding . VariableName ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a value indicating that the transformation has failed.
/// </summary>
internal bool IsDoomed
get { return m_doomed ; }
#region Utility Methods
internal static IEnumerable < DbExpression > FlattenOr ( DbExpression expression )
return Helpers . GetLeafNodes ( expression ,
exp = > ( exp . ExpressionKind ! = DbExpressionKind . Or ) ,
exp = > { DbOrExpression orExp = ( DbOrExpression ) exp ; return new [ ] { orExp . Left , orExp . Right } ; } ) ;
internal static bool TryMatchDiscriminatorPredicate ( DbFilterExpression filter , Action < DbComparisonExpression , object > onMatchedComparison )
EdmProperty discriminatorProperty = null ;
// check each assignment in predicate
foreach ( var term in FlattenOr ( filter . Predicate ) )
DbPropertyExpression currentDiscriminator ;
object discriminatorValue ;
if ( ! TryMatchPropertyEqualsValue ( term , filter . Input . VariableName , out currentDiscriminator , out discriminatorValue ) )
return false ;
// must be the same discriminator in every case
if ( null = = discriminatorProperty )
discriminatorProperty = ( EdmProperty ) currentDiscriminator . Property ;
else if ( discriminatorProperty ! = currentDiscriminator . Property )
return false ;
onMatchedComparison ( ( DbComparisonExpression ) term , discriminatorValue ) ;
return true ;
internal static bool TryMatchPropertyEqualsValue ( DbExpression expression , string propertyVariable , out DbPropertyExpression property , out object value )
property = null ;
value = null ;
// make sure when is of the form Discriminator = Constant
if ( expression . ExpressionKind ! = DbExpressionKind . Equals ) { return false ; }
var equals = ( DbBinaryExpression ) expression ;
if ( equals . Left . ExpressionKind ! = DbExpressionKind . Property ) { return false ; }
property = ( DbPropertyExpression ) equals . Left ;
if ( ! TryMatchConstant ( equals . Right , out value ) ) { return false ; }
// verify the property is a property of the input variable
if ( property . Instance . ExpressionKind ! = DbExpressionKind . VariableReference | |
( ( DbVariableReferenceExpression ) property . Instance ) . VariableName ! = propertyVariable ) { return false ; }
return true ;
private static bool TryMatchConstant ( DbExpression expression , out object value )
if ( expression . ExpressionKind = = DbExpressionKind . Constant )
value = ( ( DbConstantExpression ) expression ) . Value ;
return true ;
if ( expression . ExpressionKind = = DbExpressionKind . Cast & &
expression . ResultType . EdmType . BuiltInTypeKind = = BuiltInTypeKind . PrimitiveType )
var castExpression = ( DbCastExpression ) expression ;
if ( TryMatchConstant ( castExpression . Argument , out value ) )
// convert the value
var primitiveType = ( PrimitiveType ) expression . ResultType . EdmType ;
// constant literals have already been validated by view gen...
value = Convert . ChangeType ( value , primitiveType . ClrEquivalentType , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ;
return true ;
value = null ;
return false ;