2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
// <copyright file="ExpressionKeyGen.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// @owner [....]
// @backupOwner venkatja
namespace System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.Internal
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Data.Common ;
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees ;
using System.Data.Common.Utils ;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm ;
using System.Data.Spatial ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions ;
/// <summary>
/// Generates a key for a command tree.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class ExpressionKeyGen : DbExpressionVisitor
internal static bool TryGenerateKey ( DbExpression tree , out string key )
var keyGen = new ExpressionKeyGen ( ) ;
tree . Accept ( keyGen ) ;
key = keyGen . _key . ToString ( ) ;
return true ;
catch ( NotSupportedException )
key = null ;
return false ;
private ExpressionKeyGen ( ) { }
#region Fields
private readonly StringBuilder _key = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
private static string [ ] _exprKindNames = InitializeExprKindNames ( ) ;
private static string [ ] InitializeExprKindNames ( )
var values = Enum . GetValues ( typeof ( DbExpressionKind ) ) . Cast < int > ( ) . ToArray ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < values . Length ; + + i )
// If there are gaps, then we need to change the algorithm for building _exprKindNames.
Debug . Assert ( i = = values [ i ] , "Are there any gaps in DbExpressionKind members?" ) ;
var names = Enum . GetNames ( typeof ( DbExpressionKind ) ) ;
// Arithmetic
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . Divide ] = "/" ;
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . Modulo ] = "%" ;
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . Multiply ] = "*" ;
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . Plus ] = "+" ;
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . Minus ] = "-" ;
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . UnaryMinus ] = "-" ;
// Comparison
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . Equals ] = "=" ;
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . LessThan ] = "<" ;
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . LessThanOrEquals ] = "<=" ;
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . GreaterThan ] = ">" ;
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . GreaterThanOrEquals ] = ">=" ;
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . NotEquals ] = "<>" ;
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . Property ] = "." ;
// Relops
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . InnerJoin ] = "IJ" ;
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . FullOuterJoin ] = "FOJ" ;
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . LeftOuterJoin ] = "LOJ" ;
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . CrossApply ] = "CA" ;
names [ ( int ) DbExpressionKind . OuterApply ] = "OA" ;
return names ;
private void VisitVariableName ( string varName )
// There are generally four sources of var names:
// 1. generated by default alias generator (DbExpressionBuilder.AliasGenerator): "Var_123"
// 2. generated by ExpressionConverted.AliasGenerator (ELinq compiler): "LQ123"
// 3. generated by SemanticResolver.GenerateInternalName (eSQL compiler): "_##hint123"
// 4. inferred from user-defined artefacts, such as local names introduced inside a linq query
// Out of these four sources, ##2, 3 and 4 provide stable names in the sense that the same conversion by ExpressionConverted
// will produce the same variable names for the same linq query. It is assumed that unless there is a code defect,
// ELinq queries will contain variables from the stable sources only, so this check is debug only.
var _notSupportedVarNames = new Regex ( "^" + ExpressionBuilder . DbExpressionBuilder . AliasGenerator . Prefix + "[0-9]+" ) ;
Debug . Assert ( _notSupportedVarNames . Match ( varName ) . Success = = false , "ExpressionKeyGen does not support variables generated using default expression builder alias generator." ) ;
_key . Append ( '\'' ) ;
_key . Append ( varName . Replace ( "'" , "''" ) ) ;
_key . Append ( '\'' ) ;
private void VisitBinding ( DbExpressionBinding binding )
_key . Append ( "BV" ) ;
VisitVariableName ( binding . VariableName ) ;
_key . Append ( "=(" ) ;
binding . Expression . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
private void VisitGroupBinding ( DbGroupExpressionBinding groupBinding )
_key . Append ( "GBVV" ) ;
VisitVariableName ( groupBinding . VariableName ) ;
_key . Append ( "," ) ;
VisitVariableName ( groupBinding . GroupVariableName ) ;
_key . Append ( "=(" ) ;
groupBinding . Expression . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
private void VisitFunction ( EdmFunction func , IList < DbExpression > args )
_key . Append ( "FUNC<" ) ;
_key . Append ( func . Identity ) ;
_key . Append ( ">:ARGS(" ) ;
foreach ( var a in args )
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
a . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
private void VisitExprKind ( DbExpressionKind kind )
_key . Append ( '[' ) ;
_key . Append ( _exprKindNames [ ( int ) kind ] ) ;
_key . Append ( ']' ) ;
private void VisitUnary ( DbUnaryExpression expr )
VisitExprKind ( expr . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
expr . Argument . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
private void VisitBinary ( DbBinaryExpression expr )
VisitExprKind ( expr . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
expr . Left . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ',' ) ;
expr . Right . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
private void VisitCastOrTreat ( DbUnaryExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
e . Argument . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ":" ) ;
_key . Append ( e . ResultType . Identity ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
#region DbExpressionVisitor Members
public override void Visit ( DbExpression e )
throw EntityUtil . NotSupported ( System . Data . Entity . Strings . Cqt_General_UnsupportedExpression ( e . GetType ( ) . FullName ) ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbConstantExpression e )
Debug . Assert ( TypeSemantics . IsScalarType ( e . ResultType ) , "Non-scalar type constant expressions are not supported." ) ;
var primitive = TypeHelpers . GetPrimitiveTypeUsageForScalar ( e . ResultType ) ;
switch ( ( ( PrimitiveType ) primitive . EdmType ) . PrimitiveTypeKind )
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Binary :
var byteArray = e . Value as byte [ ] ;
if ( byteArray ! = null )
_key . Append ( "'" ) ;
foreach ( byte b in byteArray )
_key . AppendFormat ( "{0:X2}" , b ) ;
_key . Append ( "'" ) ;
throw new NotSupportedException ( ) ;
break ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . String :
var @string = e . Value as string ;
if ( @string ! = null )
_key . Append ( "'" ) ;
_key . Append ( @string . Replace ( "'" , "''" ) ) ;
_key . Append ( "'" ) ;
throw new NotSupportedException ( ) ;
break ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Boolean :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Byte :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Decimal :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Double :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Guid :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Single :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . SByte :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Int16 :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Int32 :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Int64 :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Time :
_key . AppendFormat ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , "{0}" , e . Value ) ;
break ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . DateTime :
_key . Append ( ( ( DateTime ) e . Value ) . ToString ( "o" , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ) ;
break ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . DateTimeOffset :
_key . Append ( ( ( DateTimeOffset ) e . Value ) . ToString ( "o" , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ) ;
break ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Geometry :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeometryPoint :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeometryLineString :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeometryPolygon :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeometryMultiPoint :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeometryMultiLineString :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeometryMultiPolygon :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeometryCollection :
var geometry = e . Value as DbGeometry ;
if ( geometry ! = null )
_key . Append ( geometry . AsText ( ) ) ;
throw new NotSupportedException ( ) ;
break ;
case PrimitiveTypeKind . Geography :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeographyPoint :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeographyLineString :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeographyPolygon :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeographyMultiPoint :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeographyMultiLineString :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeographyMultiPolygon :
case PrimitiveTypeKind . GeographyCollection :
var geography = e . Value as DbGeography ;
if ( geography ! = null )
_key . Append ( geography . AsText ( ) ) ;
throw new NotSupportedException ( ) ;
break ;
default :
throw new NotSupportedException ( ) ;
_key . Append ( ":" ) ;
_key . Append ( e . ResultType . Identity ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbNullExpression e )
_key . Append ( "NULL:" ) ;
_key . Append ( e . ResultType . Identity ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbVariableReferenceExpression e )
_key . Append ( "Var(" ) ;
VisitVariableName ( e . VariableName ) ;
_key . Append ( ")" ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbParameterReferenceExpression e )
_key . Append ( "@" ) ;
_key . Append ( e . ParameterName ) ;
_key . Append ( ":" ) ;
_key . Append ( e . ResultType . Identity ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbFunctionExpression e )
VisitFunction ( e . Function , e . Arguments ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbLambdaExpression expression )
_key . Append ( "Lambda(" ) ;
foreach ( var v in expression . Lambda . Variables )
_key . Append ( "(V" ) ;
VisitVariableName ( v . VariableName ) ;
_key . Append ( ":" ) ;
_key . Append ( v . ResultType . Identity ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
_key . Append ( "=" ) ;
foreach ( var a in expression . Arguments )
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
a . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
_key . Append ( ")Body(" ) ;
expression . Lambda . Body . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ")" ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbPropertyExpression e )
e . Instance . Accept ( this ) ;
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( e . Property . Name ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbComparisonExpression e )
VisitBinary ( e ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbLikeExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
e . Argument . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ")(" ) ;
e . Pattern . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ")(" ) ;
if ( e . Escape ! = null )
e . Escape . Accept ( this ) ;
e . Argument . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbLimitExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
if ( e . WithTies )
_key . Append ( "WithTies" ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
e . Argument . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ")(" ) ;
e . Limit . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbIsNullExpression e )
VisitUnary ( e ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbArithmeticExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
foreach ( var a in e . Arguments )
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
a . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbAndExpression e )
VisitBinary ( e ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbOrExpression e )
VisitBinary ( e ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbNotExpression e )
VisitUnary ( e ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbDistinctExpression e )
VisitUnary ( e ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbElementExpression e )
VisitUnary ( e ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbIsEmptyExpression e )
VisitUnary ( e ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbUnionAllExpression e )
VisitBinary ( e ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbIntersectExpression e )
VisitBinary ( e ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbExceptExpression e )
VisitBinary ( e ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbTreatExpression e )
VisitCastOrTreat ( e ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbCastExpression e )
VisitCastOrTreat ( e ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbIsOfExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
e . Argument . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ":" ) ;
_key . Append ( e . OfType . EdmType . Identity ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbOfTypeExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
e . Argument . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ":" ) ;
_key . Append ( e . OfType . EdmType . Identity ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbCaseExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
for ( int idx = 0 ; idx < e . When . Count ; idx + + )
_key . Append ( "WHEN:(" ) ;
e . When [ idx ] . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ")THEN:(" ) ;
e . Then [ idx ] . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( "ELSE:(" ) ;
e . Else . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( "))" ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbNewInstanceExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( ':' ) ;
_key . Append ( e . ResultType . EdmType . Identity ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
foreach ( var a in e . Arguments )
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
a . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
if ( e . HasRelatedEntityReferences )
foreach ( DbRelatedEntityRef relatedRef in e . RelatedEntityReferences )
_key . Append ( "RE(A(" ) ;
_key . Append ( relatedRef . SourceEnd . DeclaringType . Identity ) ;
_key . Append ( ")(" ) ;
_key . Append ( relatedRef . SourceEnd . Name ) ;
_key . Append ( "->" ) ;
_key . Append ( relatedRef . TargetEnd . Name ) ;
_key . Append ( ")(" ) ;
relatedRef . TargetEntityReference . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( "))" ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbRefExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( "(ESET(" ) ;
_key . Append ( e . EntitySet . EntityContainer . Name ) ;
_key . Append ( '.' ) ;
_key . Append ( e . EntitySet . Name ) ;
_key . Append ( ")T(" ) ;
_key . Append ( TypeHelpers . GetEdmType < RefType > ( e . ResultType ) . ElementType . FullName ) ;
_key . Append ( ")(" ) ;
e . Argument . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbRelationshipNavigationExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
e . NavigationSource . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ")A(" ) ;
_key . Append ( e . NavigateFrom . DeclaringType . Identity ) ;
_key . Append ( ")(" ) ;
_key . Append ( e . NavigateFrom . Name ) ;
_key . Append ( "->" ) ;
_key . Append ( e . NavigateTo . Name ) ;
_key . Append ( "))" ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbDerefExpression e )
VisitUnary ( e ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbRefKeyExpression e )
VisitUnary ( e ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbEntityRefExpression e )
VisitUnary ( e ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbScanExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
_key . Append ( e . Target . EntityContainer . Name ) ;
_key . Append ( '.' ) ;
_key . Append ( e . Target . Name ) ;
_key . Append ( ':' ) ;
_key . Append ( e . ResultType . EdmType . Identity ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbFilterExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
VisitBinding ( e . Input ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
e . Predicate . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( "))" ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbProjectExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
VisitBinding ( e . Input ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
e . Projection . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( "))" ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbCrossJoinExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
foreach ( var i in e . Inputs )
VisitBinding ( i ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbJoinExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
VisitBinding ( e . Left ) ;
VisitBinding ( e . Right ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
e . JoinCondition . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( "))" ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbApplyExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
VisitBinding ( e . Input ) ;
VisitBinding ( e . Apply ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbGroupByExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
VisitGroupBinding ( e . Input ) ;
foreach ( var k in e . Keys )
_key . Append ( "K(" ) ;
k . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
foreach ( var a in e . Aggregates )
var ga = a as DbGroupAggregate ;
if ( ga ! = null )
_key . Append ( "GA(" ) ;
Debug . Assert ( ga . Arguments . Count = = 1 , "Group aggregate must have one argument." ) ;
ga . Arguments [ 0 ] . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
_key . Append ( "A:" ) ;
var fa = ( DbFunctionAggregate ) a ;
if ( fa . Distinct )
_key . Append ( "D:" ) ;
VisitFunction ( fa . Function , fa . Arguments ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
private void VisitSortOrder ( IList < DbSortClause > sortOrder )
_key . Append ( "SO(" ) ;
foreach ( var clause in sortOrder )
_key . Append ( clause . Ascending ? "ASC(" : "DESC(" ) ;
clause . Expression . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
if ( ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( clause . Collation ) )
_key . Append ( ":(" ) ;
_key . Append ( clause . Collation ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbSkipExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
VisitBinding ( e . Input ) ;
VisitSortOrder ( e . SortOrder ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
e . Count . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( "))" ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbSortExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
VisitBinding ( e . Input ) ;
VisitSortOrder ( e . SortOrder ) ;
_key . Append ( ')' ) ;
public override void Visit ( DbQuantifierExpression e )
VisitExprKind ( e . ExpressionKind ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
VisitBinding ( e . Input ) ;
_key . Append ( '(' ) ;
e . Predicate . Accept ( this ) ;
_key . Append ( "))" ) ;