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// System.Web.UI.Control.cs
// Authors:
// Bob Smith <bob@thestuff.net>
// Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com)
// Andreas Nahr (ClassDevelopment@A-SoftTech.com)
// Sanjay Gupta (gsanjay@novell.com)
// Marek Habersack <mhabersack@novell.com>
// (C) Bob Smith
// (c) 2002,2003 Ximian, Inc. (http://www.ximian.com)
// (C) 2004-2010 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Web.UI.Adapters;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.Util;
#if NET_4_0
using System.Web.Routing;
namespace System.Web.UI
// CAS
[AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
[AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
// attributes
[DefaultProperty ("ID"), DesignerCategory ("Code"), ToolboxItemFilter ("System.Web.UI", ToolboxItemFilterType.Require)]
[ToolboxItem ("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControlToolboxItem, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design)]
[Designer ("System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner")]
[DesignerSerializer ("Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.WebForms.ControlCodeDomSerializer, " + Consts.AssemblyMicrosoft_VisualStudio_Web,
"System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.CodeDomSerializer, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design)]
[Bindable (true)]
[Themeable (false)]
public partial class Control : IComponent, IDisposable, IParserAccessor, IDataBindingsAccessor, IUrlResolutionService, IControlBuilderAccessor, IControlDesignerAccessor, IExpressionsAccessor
internal static readonly object DataBindingEvent = new object ();
internal static readonly object DisposedEvent = new object ();
internal static readonly object InitEvent = new object ();
internal static readonly object LoadEvent = new object ();
internal static readonly object PreRenderEvent = new object ();
internal static readonly object UnloadEvent = new object ();
internal static string [] defaultNameArray;
/* */
int event_mask;
const int databinding_mask = 1;
const int disposed_mask = 1 << 1;
const int init_mask = 1 << 2;
const int load_mask = 1 << 3;
const int prerender_mask = 1 << 4;
const int unload_mask = 1 << 5;
/* */
static Dictionary <Type, bool> loadViewStateByIDCache;
bool? loadViewStateByID;
string uniqueID;
string clientID;
string _userId;
ControlCollection _controls;
Control _namingContainer;
Page _page;
Control _parent;
ISite _site;
StateBag _viewState;
EventHandlerList _events;
RenderMethod _renderMethodDelegate;
Hashtable _controlsCache;
int defaultNumberID;
DataBindingCollection dataBindings;
Hashtable pendingVS; // may hold unused viewstate data from child controls
TemplateControl _templateControl;
bool _isChildControlStateCleared;
string _templateSourceDirectory;
#if NET_4_0
ViewStateMode viewStateMode;
ClientIDMode? clientIDMode;
ClientIDMode? effectiveClientIDMode;
Version renderingCompatibility;
bool? renderingCompatibilityOld;
int stateMask;
const int ENABLE_VIEWSTATE = 1;
const int VISIBLE = 1 << 1;
const int AUTOID = 1 << 2;
const int CREATING_CONTROLS = 1 << 3;
const int BINDING_CONTAINER = 1 << 4;
const int AUTO_EVENT_WIREUP = 1 << 5;
const int IS_NAMING_CONTAINER = 1 << 6;
const int VISIBLE_CHANGED = 1 << 7;
const int TRACK_VIEWSTATE = 1 << 8;
const int CHILD_CONTROLS_CREATED = 1 << 9;
const int ID_SET = 1 << 10;
const int INITED = 1 << 11;
const int INITING = 1 << 12;
const int VIEWSTATE_LOADED = 1 << 13;
const int LOADED = 1 << 14;
const int PRERENDERED = 1 << 15;
const int ENABLE_THEMING = 1 << 16;
const int AUTOID_SET = 1 << 17;
const int REMOVED = 1 << 18;
static Control ()
defaultNameArray = new string [100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
defaultNameArray [i] = String.Concat ("ctl", i.ToString ("D2"));
public Control ()
if (this is INamingContainer)
#if NET_4_0
viewStateMode = ViewStateMode.Inherit;
ControlAdapter adapter;
bool did_adapter_lookup;
protected internal ControlAdapter Adapter {
get {
if (!did_adapter_lookup) {
adapter = ResolveAdapter ();
if (adapter != null)
adapter.control = this;
did_adapter_lookup = true;
return adapter;
string _appRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory = null;
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Browsable (false)]
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
public string AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory {
get {
if (_appRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory != null)
return _appRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory;
string tempSrcDir = null;
TemplateControl templateControl = TemplateControl;
if (templateControl != null) {
string templateVirtualPath = templateControl.AppRelativeVirtualPath;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (templateVirtualPath))
tempSrcDir = VirtualPathUtility.GetDirectory (templateVirtualPath, false);
_appRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory = (tempSrcDir != null) ? tempSrcDir : VirtualPathUtility.ToAppRelative (TemplateSourceDirectory);
return _appRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory;
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
set {
_appRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory = value;
_templateSourceDirectory = null;
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never), Browsable (false)]
#if NET_4_0
[Bindable (false)]
public Control BindingContainer {
get {
Control container = NamingContainer;
if (container != null && container is INonBindingContainer || (stateMask & BINDING_CONTAINER) == 0)
container = container.BindingContainer;
return container;
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[Browsable (false)]
[WebSysDescription ("An Identification of the control that is rendered.")]
public virtual string ClientID {
get {
if (clientID != null)
return clientID;
#if NET_4_0
clientID = GetClientID ();
clientID = UniqueID2ClientID (UniqueID);
stateMask |= ID_SET;
return clientID;
#if NET_4_0
[Bindable (false)]
[Browsable (false)]
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
public virtual Version RenderingCompatibility {
get {
if (renderingCompatibility == null) {
var ps = WebConfigurationManager.GetSection ("system.web/pages") as PagesSection;
renderingCompatibility = ps != null ? ps.ControlRenderingCompatibilityVersion : new Version (4, 0);
return renderingCompatibility;
set {
renderingCompatibility = value;
renderingCompatibilityOld = null;
internal bool RenderingCompatibilityLessThan40 {
get {
if (!renderingCompatibilityOld.HasValue)
renderingCompatibilityOld = RenderingCompatibility < new Version (4, 0);
return renderingCompatibilityOld.Value;
[Bindable (false)]
[Browsable (false)]
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[EditorBrowsableAttribute (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
public Control DataItemContainer {
get {
Control container = NamingContainer;
if (container == null)
return null;
if (container is IDataItemContainer)
return container;
return container.DataItemContainer;
[Bindable (false)]
[Browsable (false)]
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[EditorBrowsableAttribute (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
public Control DataKeysContainer {
get {
Control container = NamingContainer;
if (container == null)
return null;
if (container is IDataKeysControl)
return container;
return container.DataKeysContainer;
[Themeable (false)]
[DefaultValue (ClientIDMode.Inherit)]
public virtual ClientIDMode ClientIDMode {
get {
if (!clientIDMode.HasValue)
return ClientIDMode.Inherit;
return clientIDMode.Value;
set {
if (!clientIDMode.HasValue || clientIDMode.Value != value) {
ClearCachedClientID ();
ClearEffectiveClientIDMode ();
clientIDMode = value;
internal ClientIDMode EffectiveClientIDMode {
get {
if (effectiveClientIDMode.HasValue)
return effectiveClientIDMode.Value;
ClientIDMode ret = ClientIDMode;
if (ret != ClientIDMode.Inherit) {
effectiveClientIDMode = ret;
return ret;
// not sure about this, but it seems logical as INamingContainer is
// the top of the hierarchy and it should "reset" the mode.
Control container = NamingContainer;
if (container != null) {
effectiveClientIDMode = container.EffectiveClientIDMode;
return effectiveClientIDMode.Value;
var ps = WebConfigurationManager.GetSection ("system.web/pages") as PagesSection;
effectiveClientIDMode = ps.ClientIDMode;
return effectiveClientIDMode.Value;
protected void ClearCachedClientID ()
clientID = null;
if (!HasControls ())
for (int i = 0; i < _controls.Count; i++)
_controls [i].ClearCachedClientID ();
protected void ClearEffectiveClientIDMode ()
effectiveClientIDMode = null;
if (!HasControls ())
for (int i = 0; i < _controls.Count; i++)
_controls [i].ClearEffectiveClientIDMode ();
string GetClientID ()
switch (EffectiveClientIDMode) {
case ClientIDMode.AutoID:
return UniqueID2ClientID (UniqueID);
case ClientIDMode.Predictable:
EnsureID ();
return GeneratePredictableClientID ();
case ClientIDMode.Static:
EnsureID ();
return ID;
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Unsupported ClientIDMode value.");
string GeneratePredictableClientID ()
string myID = ID;
bool haveMyID = !String.IsNullOrEmpty (myID);
char separator = ClientIDSeparator;
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
Control container = NamingContainer;
if (this is INamingContainer && !haveMyID) {
if (container != null)
EnsureIDInternal ();
myID = _userId;
if (container != null && container != Page) {
string containerID = container.ID;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (containerID)) {
sb.Append (container.GetClientID ());
sb.Append (separator);
} else {
sb.Append (container.GeneratePredictableClientID ());
if (sb.Length > 0)
sb.Append (separator);
if (!haveMyID) {
if (this is INamingContainer || !AutoID)
sb.Append (myID);
else {
int length = sb.Length;
if (length > 0 && sb [length - 1] == separator)
sb.Length = length - 1;
return sb.ToString ();
sb.Append (myID);
IDataItemContainer dataItemContainer = DataItemContainer as IDataItemContainer;
if (dataItemContainer == null)
return sb.ToString ();
IDataKeysControl dataKeysContainer = DataKeysContainer as IDataKeysControl;
GetDataBoundControlFieldValue (sb, separator, dataItemContainer, dataKeysContainer);
return sb.ToString ();
void GetDataBoundControlFieldValue (StringBuilder sb, char separator, IDataItemContainer dataItemContainer, IDataKeysControl dataKeysContainer)
if (dataItemContainer is IDataBoundItemControl)
int index = dataItemContainer.DisplayIndex;
if (dataKeysContainer == null) {
if (index >= 0) {
sb.Append (separator);
sb.Append (index);
string[] suffixes = dataKeysContainer.ClientIDRowSuffix;
DataKeyArray keys = dataKeysContainer.ClientIDRowSuffixDataKeys;
if (keys == null || suffixes == null || suffixes.Length == 0) {
sb.Append (separator);
sb.Append (index);
object value;
DataKey key = keys [index];
foreach (string suffix in suffixes) {
sb.Append (separator);
value = key != null ? key [suffix] : null;
if (value == null)
sb.Append (value.ToString ());
internal string UniqueID2ClientID (string uniqueId)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (uniqueId))
return null;
return uniqueId.Replace (IdSeparator, ClientIDSeparator);
protected char ClientIDSeparator {
get { return '_'; }
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[Browsable (false)]
[WebSysDescription ("The child controls of this control.")]
public virtual ControlCollection Controls { //DIT
get {
if (_controls == null)
_controls = CreateControlCollection ();
return _controls;
[MonoTODO ("revisit once we have a real design strategy")]
protected internal bool DesignMode {
get { return false; }
[DefaultValue (true), WebCategory ("Behavior")]
[WebSysDescription ("An Identification of the control that is rendered.")]
[Themeable (false)]
public virtual bool EnableViewState {
get { return ((stateMask & ENABLE_VIEWSTATE) != 0); }
set { SetMask (ENABLE_VIEWSTATE, value); }
[MergableProperty (false), ParenthesizePropertyName (true)]
[WebSysDescription ("The name of the control that is rendered.")]
[Filterable (false), Themeable (false)]
public virtual string ID {
get { return (((stateMask & ID_SET) != 0) ? _userId : null); }
set {
if (value != null && value.Length == 0)
value = null;
stateMask |= ID_SET;
_userId = value;
NullifyUniqueID ();
protected internal bool IsChildControlStateCleared {
get { return _isChildControlStateCleared; }
protected bool LoadViewStateByID {
get {
if (loadViewStateByID == null)
loadViewStateByID = IsLoadViewStateByID ();
return (bool)loadViewStateByID;
protected internal bool IsViewStateEnabled {
get {
for (Control control = this; control != null; control = control.Parent) {
if (!control.EnableViewState)
return false;
#if NET_4_0
ViewStateMode vsm = control.ViewStateMode;
if (vsm != ViewStateMode.Inherit)
return vsm == ViewStateMode.Enabled;
return true;
protected char IdSeparator {
get { return '$'; }
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[Browsable (false)]
[WebSysDescription ("The container that this control is part of. The control's name has to be unique within the container.")]
#if NET_4_0
[Bindable (false)]
public virtual Control NamingContainer {
get {
if (_namingContainer == null && _parent != null) {
if ((_parent.stateMask & IS_NAMING_CONTAINER) == 0)
_namingContainer = _parent.NamingContainer;
_namingContainer = _parent;
return _namingContainer;
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[Browsable (false)]
[WebSysDescription ("The webpage that this control resides on.")]
[Bindable (false)]
public virtual Page Page { //DIT
get {
if (_page == null){
if (NamingContainer != null)
_page = NamingContainer.Page;
else if (Parent != null)
_page = Parent.Page;
return _page;
set { _page = value; }
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[Browsable (false)]
[WebSysDescription ("The parent control of this control.")]
#if NET_4_0
[Bindable (false)]
public virtual Control Parent { //DIT
get { return _parent; }
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced), Browsable (false)]
[WebSysDescription ("The site this control is part of.")]
public ISite Site { //DIT
get { return _site; }
set { _site = value; }
[Browsable (false)]
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
#if NET_4_0
[Bindable (false)]
public TemplateControl TemplateControl {
get { return TemplateControlInternal; }
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
set { _templateControl = value; }
internal virtual TemplateControl TemplateControlInternal {
get {
if (_templateControl != null)
return _templateControl;
if (_parent != null)
return _parent.TemplateControl;
return null;
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[Browsable (false)]
[WebSysDescription ("A virtual directory containing the parent of the control.")]
public virtual string TemplateSourceDirectory {
get {
if (_templateSourceDirectory == null) {
TemplateControl tc = TemplateControl;
if (tc == null) {
HttpContext ctx = Context;
if (ctx != null)
_templateSourceDirectory = VirtualPathUtility.GetDirectory (ctx.Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath);
} else if (tc != this)
_templateSourceDirectory = tc.TemplateSourceDirectory;
if (_templateSourceDirectory == null && this is TemplateControl) {
string path = ((TemplateControl) this).AppRelativeVirtualPath;
if (path != null) {
string ret = VirtualPathUtility.GetDirectory (VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute (path));
int len = ret.Length;
if (len <= 1)
return ret;
if (ret [--len] == '/')
_templateSourceDirectory = ret.Substring (0, len);
} else
_templateSourceDirectory = String.Empty;
if (_templateSourceDirectory == null)
_templateSourceDirectory = String.Empty;
return _templateSourceDirectory;
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[Browsable (false)]
[WebSysDescription ("The unique ID of the control.")]
public virtual string UniqueID {
get {
if (uniqueID != null)
return uniqueID;
Control container = NamingContainer;
if (container == null)
return _userId;
EnsureIDInternal ();
string prefix = container.UniqueID;
if (container == Page || prefix == null) {
uniqueID = _userId;
if (getFacesContext () != null)
uniqueID = getFacesContext ().getExternalContext ().encodeNamespace (uniqueID);
return uniqueID;
uniqueID = prefix + IdSeparator + _userId;
return uniqueID;
void SetMask (int m, bool val) {
if (val)
stateMask |= m;
stateMask &= ~m;
[DefaultValue (true), Bindable (true), WebCategory ("Behavior")]
[WebSysDescription ("Visiblity state of the control.")]
public virtual bool Visible {
get {
if ((stateMask & VISIBLE) == 0)
return false;
if (_parent != null)
return _parent.Visible;
return true;
set {
if ((value && (stateMask & VISIBLE) == 0) ||
(!value && (stateMask & VISIBLE) != 0)) {
if (IsTrackingViewState)
SetMask (VISIBLE, value);
protected bool ChildControlsCreated {
get { return ((stateMask & CHILD_CONTROLS_CREATED) != 0); }
set {
if (value == false && (stateMask & CHILD_CONTROLS_CREATED) != 0) {
ControlCollection cc = Controls;
if (cc != null)
cc.Clear ();
[Browsable (false)]
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
protected internal virtual HttpContext Context { //DIT
get {
Page page = Page;
if (page != null)
return page.Context;
return HttpContext.Current;
protected EventHandlerList Events {
get {
if (_events == null)
_events = new EventHandlerList ();
return _events;
protected bool HasChildViewState {
get { return (pendingVS != null && pendingVS.Count > 0); }
protected bool IsTrackingViewState {
get { return ((stateMask & TRACK_VIEWSTATE) != 0); }
[Browsable (false)]
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[WebSysDescription ("ViewState")]
protected virtual StateBag ViewState {
get {
if (_viewState == null)
_viewState = new StateBag (ViewStateIgnoresCase);
if (IsTrackingViewState)
_viewState.TrackViewState ();
return _viewState;
[Browsable (false)]
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
protected virtual bool ViewStateIgnoresCase {
get { return false; }
internal bool AutoEventWireup {
get { return (stateMask & AUTO_EVENT_WIREUP) != 0; }
set { SetMask (AUTO_EVENT_WIREUP, value); }
internal void SetBindingContainer (bool isBC)
internal void ResetChildNames ()
ResetChildNames (-1);
internal void ResetChildNames (int value)
if (value < 0)
defaultNumberID = 0;
defaultNumberID = value;
internal int GetDefaultNumberID ()
return defaultNumberID;
string GetDefaultName ()
string defaultName;
if (defaultNumberID > 99)
defaultName = "ctl" + defaultNumberID++;
defaultName = defaultNameArray [defaultNumberID++];
return defaultName;
void NullifyUniqueID ()
uniqueID = null;
#if NET_4_0
ClearCachedClientID ();
clientID = null;
if (!HasControls ())
for (int i = 0; i < _controls.Count; i++)
_controls [i].NullifyUniqueID ();
bool IsLoadViewStateByID ()
if (loadViewStateByIDCache == null)
loadViewStateByIDCache = new Dictionary <Type, bool> ();
bool ret;
Type myType = GetType ();
if (loadViewStateByIDCache.TryGetValue (myType, out ret))
return ret;
System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection attrs = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes (myType);
ret = false;
if (attrs != null) {
foreach (Attribute attr in attrs) {
if (attr is ViewStateModeByIdAttribute) {
ret = true;
loadViewStateByIDCache.Add (myType, ret);
return ret;
protected internal virtual void AddedControl (Control control, int index)
ResetControlsCache ();
/* Ensure the control don't have more than 1 parent */
if (control._parent != null)
control._parent.Controls.Remove (control);
control._parent = this;
Control nc = ((stateMask & IS_NAMING_CONTAINER) != 0) ? this : NamingContainer;
if ((stateMask & (INITING | INITED)) != 0) {
control.InitRecursive (nc);
control.SetMask (REMOVED, false);
} else {
control.SetNamingContainer (nc);
control.SetMask (REMOVED, false);
if ((stateMask & (VIEWSTATE_LOADED | LOADED)) != 0) {
if (pendingVS != null) {
object vs;
bool byId = LoadViewStateByID;
string id;
if (byId) {
control.EnsureID ();
id = control.ID;
vs = pendingVS [id];
} else {
id = null;
vs = pendingVS [index];
if (vs != null) {
if (byId)
pendingVS.Remove (id);
pendingVS.Remove (index);
if (pendingVS.Count == 0)
pendingVS = null;
control.LoadViewStateRecursive (vs);
if ((stateMask & LOADED) != 0)
control.LoadRecursive ();
if ((stateMask & PRERENDERED) != 0)
control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal ();
void SetNamingContainer (Control nc)
if (nc != null) {
_namingContainer = nc;
if (AutoID)
EnsureIDInternal ();
protected virtual void AddParsedSubObject (object obj) //DIT
Control c = obj as Control;
if (c != null)
Controls.Add (c);
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
public virtual void ApplyStyleSheetSkin (Page page)
if (page == null)
if (!EnableTheming) /* this enough? */
/* apply the style sheet skin here */
if (page.StyleSheetPageTheme != null) {
ControlSkin cs = page.StyleSheetPageTheme.GetControlSkin (GetType (), SkinID);
if (cs != null)
cs.ApplySkin (this);
protected void BuildProfileTree (string parentId, bool calcViewState)
protected void ClearChildControlState ()
_isChildControlStateCleared = true;
protected void ClearChildState ()
ClearChildViewState ();
ClearChildControlState ();
protected void ClearChildViewState ()
pendingVS = null;
protected internal virtual void CreateChildControls () //DIT
protected virtual ControlCollection CreateControlCollection () //DIT
return new ControlCollection (this);
protected virtual void EnsureChildControls ()
if (ChildControlsCreated == false && (stateMask & CREATING_CONTROLS) == 0) {
if (Adapter != null)
Adapter.CreateChildControls ();
CreateChildControls ();
ChildControlsCreated = true;
void EnsureIDInternal ()
if (_userId != null)
_userId = NamingContainer.GetDefaultName ();
SetMask (AUTOID_SET, true);
protected void EnsureID ()
if (NamingContainer == null)
EnsureIDInternal ();
SetMask (ID_SET, true);
protected bool HasEvents ()
return _events != null;
void ResetControlsCache ()
_controlsCache = null;
if ((this.stateMask & IS_NAMING_CONTAINER) == 0 && Parent != null)
Parent.ResetControlsCache ();
Hashtable InitControlsCache ()
if (_controlsCache != null)
return _controlsCache;
if ((this.stateMask & IS_NAMING_CONTAINER) != 0 || Parent == null)
//LAMESPEC: MS' docs don't mention it, but FindControl is case insensitive.
_controlsCache = new Hashtable (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
_controlsCache = Parent.InitControlsCache ();
return _controlsCache;
void EnsureControlsCache ()
if (_controlsCache != null)
InitControlsCache ();
FillControlCache (_controls);
void FillControlCache (ControlCollection controls)
if (controls == null || controls.Count == 0)
foreach (Control c in controls) {
try {
if (c._userId != null)
_controlsCache.Add (c._userId, c);
} catch (ArgumentException) {
throw new HttpException (
"Multiple controls with the same ID '" +
c._userId +
"' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs. ");
if ((c.stateMask & IS_NAMING_CONTAINER) == 0 && c.HasControls ())
FillControlCache (c.Controls);
protected bool IsLiteralContent ()
if (_controls != null && _controls.Count == 1 && _controls [0] is LiteralControl)
return true;
return false;
[WebSysDescription ("")]
public virtual Control FindControl (string id)
return FindControl (id, 0);
Control LookForControlByName (string id)
EnsureControlsCache ();
return (Control) _controlsCache [id];
protected virtual Control FindControl (string id, int pathOffset)
EnsureChildControls ();
Control namingContainer = null;
if ((stateMask & IS_NAMING_CONTAINER) == 0) {
namingContainer = NamingContainer;
if (namingContainer == null)
return null;
return namingContainer.FindControl (id, pathOffset);
if (!HasControls ())
return null;
int separatorIdx = id.IndexOf (IdSeparator, pathOffset);
if (separatorIdx == -1) {
// If there are no separators in the id, we must first check whether
// any direct descendant control with that id exists before
// attempting to look in our naming container
Control ctl = LookForControlByName (pathOffset > 0 ? id.Substring (pathOffset) : id);
if (ctl != null)
return ctl;
if (pathOffset == 0) {
namingContainer = NamingContainer;
if (namingContainer != null) {
ctl = namingContainer.FindControl (id);
if (ctl != null)
return ctl;
return null;
string idfound = id.Substring (pathOffset, separatorIdx - pathOffset);
namingContainer = LookForControlByName (idfound);
if (namingContainer == null)
return null;
return namingContainer.FindControl (id, separatorIdx + 1);
protected virtual void LoadViewState (object savedState)
if (savedState != null) {
ViewState.LoadViewState (savedState);
object o = ViewState ["Visible"];
if (o != null) {
SetMask (VISIBLE, (bool) o);
// [MonoTODO("Secure?")]
protected string MapPathSecure (string virtualPath)
string combined = UrlUtils.Combine (TemplateSourceDirectory, virtualPath);
return Context.Request.MapPath (combined);
protected virtual bool OnBubbleEvent (object source, EventArgs args) //DIT
TraceContext trace = (Context != null && Context.Trace.IsEnabled) ? Context.Trace : null;
string type_name = null;
if (trace != null) {
type_name = GetType ().Name;
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("OnBubbleEvent ", _userId, " ", type_name));
return false;
protected virtual void OnDataBinding (EventArgs e)
if ((event_mask & databinding_mask) != 0) {
EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) (_events [DataBindingEvent]);
if (eh != null) {
TraceContext trace = (Context != null && Context.Trace.IsEnabled) ? Context.Trace : null;
string type_name = null;
if (trace != null) {
type_name = GetType ().Name;
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("OnDataBinding ", _userId, " ", type_name));
eh (this, e);
protected internal virtual void OnInit (EventArgs e)
if ((event_mask & init_mask) != 0) {
EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) (_events [InitEvent]);
if (eh != null) {
TraceContext trace = (Context != null && Context.Trace.IsEnabled) ? Context.Trace : null;
string type_name = null;
if (trace != null) {
type_name = GetType ().Name;
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("OnInit ", _userId, " ", type_name));
eh (this, e);
protected internal virtual void OnLoad (EventArgs e)
if ((event_mask & load_mask) != 0) {
EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) (_events [LoadEvent]);
if (eh != null) {
TraceContext trace = (Context != null && Context.Trace.IsEnabled) ? Context.Trace : null;
string type_name = null;
if (trace != null) {
type_name = GetType ().Name;
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("OnLoad ", _userId, " ", type_name));
eh (this, e);
protected internal virtual void OnPreRender (EventArgs e)
if ((event_mask & prerender_mask) != 0) {
EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) (_events [PreRenderEvent]);
if (eh != null) {
TraceContext trace = (Context != null && Context.Trace.IsEnabled) ? Context.Trace : null;
string type_name = null;
if (trace != null) {
type_name = GetType ().Name;
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("OnPreRender ", _userId, " ", type_name));
eh (this, e);
protected internal virtual void OnUnload (EventArgs e)
if ((event_mask & unload_mask) != 0) {
EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) (_events [UnloadEvent]);
if (eh != null) {
TraceContext trace = (Context != null && Context.Trace.IsEnabled) ? Context.Trace : null;
string type_name = null;
if (trace != null) {
type_name = GetType ().Name;
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("OnUnload ", _userId, " ", type_name));
eh (this, e);
protected internal Stream OpenFile (string path)
try {
string filePath = Context.Server.MapPath (path);
return File.OpenRead (filePath);
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) {
throw new HttpException ("Access to the specified file was denied.");
internal string GetPhysicalFilePath (string virtualPath)
Page page = Page;
if (VirtualPathUtility.IsAbsolute (virtualPath))
return page != null ? page.MapPath (virtualPath) : Context.Server.MapPath (virtualPath);
// We need to determine whether one of our parents is a
// master page. If so, we need to map the path
// relatively to the master page and not our containing
// page/control. This is necessary for cases when a
// relative path is used in a control placed in a master
// page and the master page is referenced from a
// location other than its own. In such cases MS.NET looks
// for the file in the directory where the master page
// is.
// An example of where it is needed is at
// http://quickstarts.asp.net/QuickStartv20/aspnet/samples/masterpages/masterpages_cs/pages/default.aspx
MasterPage master = null;
Control ctrl = Parent;
while (ctrl != null) {
if (ctrl is MasterPage) {
master = ctrl as MasterPage;
ctrl = ctrl.Parent;
string path;
if (master != null)
path = VirtualPathUtility.Combine (master.TemplateSourceDirectory + "/", virtualPath);
path = VirtualPathUtility.Combine (TemplateSourceDirectory + "/", virtualPath);
return page != null ? page.MapPath (path) : Context.Server.MapPath (path);
protected void RaiseBubbleEvent (object source, EventArgs args)
Control c = Parent;
while (c != null) {
TraceContext trace = (Context != null && Context.Trace.IsEnabled) ? Context.Trace : null;
string type_name = null;
if (trace != null) {
type_name = GetType ().Name;
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("RaiseBubbleEvent ", _userId, " ", type_name));
if (c.OnBubbleEvent (source, args)) {
if (trace != null)
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("End RaiseBubbleEvent (false) ", _userId, " ", type_name));
if (trace != null)
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("End RaiseBubbleEvent (true) ", _userId, " ", type_name));
c = c.Parent;
protected internal virtual void Render (HtmlTextWriter writer) //DIT
RenderChildren (writer);
protected internal virtual void RenderChildren (HtmlTextWriter writer) //DIT
if (_renderMethodDelegate != null) {
_renderMethodDelegate (writer, this);
if (_controls == null)
int len = _controls.Count;
Control c;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
c = _controls [i];
if (c == null)
ControlAdapter tmp = c.Adapter;
if (tmp != null)
c.RenderControl (writer, tmp);
c.RenderControl (writer);
protected virtual ControlAdapter ResolveAdapter ()
HttpContext context = Context;
if (context == null)
return null;
if (!context.Request.BrowserMightHaveAdapters)
return null;
// Search up the type hierarchy until we find a control with an adapter.
IDictionary typeMap = context.Request.Browser.Adapters;
Type controlType = GetType ();
Type adapterType = (Type)typeMap [controlType];
while (adapterType == null && controlType != typeof (Control)) {
controlType = controlType.BaseType;
adapterType = (Type)typeMap [controlType];
ControlAdapter a = null;
if (adapterType != null)
a = (ControlAdapter)Activator.CreateInstance (adapterType);
return a;
protected virtual object SaveViewState ()
if ((stateMask & VISIBLE_CHANGED) != 0) {
ViewState ["Visible"] = (stateMask & VISIBLE) != 0;
} else if (_viewState == null) {
return null;
return _viewState.SaveViewState ();
protected virtual void TrackViewState ()
if (_viewState != null)
_viewState.TrackViewState ();
public virtual void Dispose ()
if ((event_mask & disposed_mask) != 0) {
EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) (_events [DisposedEvent]);
if (eh != null)
eh (this, EventArgs.Empty);
[WebCategory ("FIXME")]
[WebSysDescription ("Raised when the contols databound properties are evaluated.")]
public event EventHandler DataBinding {
add {
event_mask |= databinding_mask;
Events.AddHandler (DataBindingEvent, value);
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (DataBindingEvent, value); }
[WebSysDescription ("Raised when the contol is disposed.")]
public event EventHandler Disposed {
add {
event_mask |= disposed_mask;
Events.AddHandler (DisposedEvent, value);
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (DisposedEvent, value); }
[WebSysDescription ("Raised when the page containing the control is initialized.")]
public event EventHandler Init {
add {
event_mask |= init_mask;
Events.AddHandler (InitEvent, value);
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (InitEvent, value); }
[WebSysDescription ("Raised after the page containing the control has been loaded.")]
public event EventHandler Load {
add {
event_mask |= load_mask;
Events.AddHandler (LoadEvent, value);
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (LoadEvent, value); }
[WebSysDescription ("Raised before the page containing the control is rendered.")]
public event EventHandler PreRender {
add {
event_mask |= prerender_mask;
Events.AddHandler (PreRenderEvent, value);
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (PreRenderEvent, value); }
[WebSysDescription ("Raised when the page containing the control is unloaded.")]
public event EventHandler Unload {
add {
event_mask |= unload_mask;
Events.AddHandler (UnloadEvent, value);
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (UnloadEvent, value); }
public virtual void DataBind () //DIT
DataBind (true);
protected virtual void DataBindChildren ()
if (!HasControls ())
int len = _controls != null ? _controls.Count : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Control c = _controls [i];
c.DataBind ();
public virtual bool HasControls ()
return (_controls != null && _controls.Count > 0);
public virtual void RenderControl (HtmlTextWriter writer)
if (this.adapter != null) {
RenderControl (writer, this.adapter);
if ((stateMask & VISIBLE) != 0) {
HttpContext ctx = Context;
TraceContext trace = (ctx != null) ? ctx.Trace : null;
int pos = 0;
if ((trace != null) && trace.IsEnabled)
pos = ctx.Response.GetOutputByteCount ();
Render (writer);
if ((trace != null) && trace.IsEnabled) {
int size = ctx.Response.GetOutputByteCount () - pos;
trace.SaveSize (this, size >= 0 ? size : 0);
protected void RenderControl (HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter)
if ((stateMask & VISIBLE) != 0) {
adapter.BeginRender (writer);
adapter.Render (writer);
adapter.EndRender (writer);
public string ResolveUrl (string relativeUrl)
if (relativeUrl == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("relativeUrl");
if (relativeUrl == String.Empty)
return relativeUrl;
if (VirtualPathUtility.IsAbsolute (relativeUrl))
return relativeUrl;
if (relativeUrl [0] == '#')
return relativeUrl;
string ts = AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory;
HttpContext ctx = Context;
HttpResponse resp = ctx != null ? ctx.Response : null;
if (ts == null || ts.Length == 0 || resp == null || relativeUrl.IndexOf (':') >= 0)
return relativeUrl;
if (!VirtualPathUtility.IsAppRelative (relativeUrl))
relativeUrl = VirtualPathUtility.Combine (VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash (ts), relativeUrl);
return resp.ApplyAppPathModifier (relativeUrl);
public string ResolveClientUrl (string relativeUrl)
if (relativeUrl == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("relativeUrl");
if (relativeUrl.Length == 0)
return String.Empty;
relativeUrl = ResolveClientUrlInternal (relativeUrl);
javax.faces.context.FacesContext faces = getFacesContext ();
if (faces == null)
return relativeUrl;
string url;
if (relativeUrl.IndexOf (':') >= 0)
url = ResolveAppRelativeFromFullPath (relativeUrl);
else if (VirtualPathUtility.IsAbsolute (relativeUrl))
url = VirtualPathUtility.ToAppRelative (relativeUrl);
return faces.getApplication ().getViewHandler ().getResourceURL (faces, relativeUrl);
if (VirtualPathUtility.IsAppRelative (url)) {
url = url.Substring (1);
url = url.Length == 0 ? "/" : url;
return faces.getApplication ().getViewHandler ().getResourceURL (faces, url);
return relativeUrl;
string ResolveClientUrlInternal (string relativeUrl) {
if (relativeUrl.StartsWith (J2EE.J2EEConsts.ACTION_URL_PREFIX, StringComparison.Ordinal))
return CreateActionUrl (relativeUrl.Substring (J2EE.J2EEConsts.ACTION_URL_PREFIX.Length));
if (relativeUrl.StartsWith (J2EE.J2EEConsts.RENDER_URL_PREFIX, StringComparison.Ordinal))
return ResolveClientUrl (relativeUrl.Substring (J2EE.J2EEConsts.RENDER_URL_PREFIX.Length));
if (VirtualPathUtility.IsAbsolute (relativeUrl) || relativeUrl.IndexOf (':') >= 0)
return relativeUrl;
HttpContext context = Context;
HttpRequest req = context != null ? context.Request : null;
if (req != null) {
string templateSourceDirectory = TemplateSourceDirectory;
if (templateSourceDirectory == null || templateSourceDirectory.Length == 0)
return relativeUrl;
string basePath = req.ClientFilePath;
if (basePath.Length > 1 && basePath [basePath.Length - 1] != '/')
basePath = VirtualPathUtility.GetDirectory (basePath, false);
if (VirtualPathUtility.IsAppRelative (relativeUrl))
return VirtualPathUtility.MakeRelative (basePath, relativeUrl);
string templatePath = VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash (templateSourceDirectory);
if (basePath.Length == templatePath.Length && String.CompareOrdinal (basePath, templatePath) == 0)
return relativeUrl;
relativeUrl = VirtualPathUtility.Combine (templatePath, relativeUrl);
return VirtualPathUtility.MakeRelative (basePath, relativeUrl);
return relativeUrl;
internal bool HasRenderMethodDelegate ()
return _renderMethodDelegate != null;
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
public void SetRenderMethodDelegate (RenderMethod renderMethod) //DIT
_renderMethodDelegate = renderMethod;
internal void LoadRecursive ()
TraceContext trace = (Context != null && Context.Trace.IsEnabled) ? Context.Trace : null;
string type_name = null;
if (trace != null) {
type_name = GetType ().Name;
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("LoadRecursive ", _userId, " ", type_name));
if ((stateMask & LOADED) == 0) {
if (Adapter != null)
Adapter.OnLoad (EventArgs.Empty);
OnLoad (EventArgs.Empty);
int ccount = _controls != null ? _controls.Count : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ccount; i++) {
Control c = _controls [i];
c.LoadRecursive ();
if (trace != null)
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("End LoadRecursive ", _userId, " ", type_name));
stateMask |= LOADED;
internal void UnloadRecursive (Boolean dispose)
TraceContext trace = (Context != null && Context.Trace.IsEnabled) ? Context.Trace : null;
string type_name = null;
if (trace != null) {
type_name = GetType ().Name;
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("UnloadRecursive ", _userId, " ", type_name));
int ccount = _controls != null ? _controls.Count : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ccount; i++) {
Control c = _controls [i];
c.UnloadRecursive (dispose);
if (trace != null)
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("End UnloadRecursive ", _userId, " ", type_name));
ControlAdapter tmp = Adapter;
if (tmp != null)
tmp.OnUnload (EventArgs.Empty);
OnUnload (EventArgs.Empty);
if (dispose)
Dispose ();
internal void PreRenderRecursiveInternal ()
bool visible;
visible = Visible;
if (visible) {
SetMask (VISIBLE, true);
EnsureChildControls ();
TraceContext trace = (Context != null && Context.Trace.IsEnabled) ? Context.Trace : null;
string type_name = null;
if (trace != null) {
type_name = GetType ().Name;
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("PreRenderRecursive ", _userId, " ", type_name));
if (Adapter != null)
Adapter.OnPreRender (EventArgs.Empty);
OnPreRender (EventArgs.Empty);
if (!HasControls ())
int len = _controls != null ? _controls.Count : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Control c = _controls [i];
c.PreRenderRecursiveInternal ();
if (trace != null)
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("End PreRenderRecursive ", _userId, " ", type_name));
} else
SetMask (VISIBLE, false);
stateMask |= PRERENDERED;
#if NET_4_0
internal virtual
void InitRecursive (Control namingContainer)
TraceContext trace = (Context != null && Context.Trace.IsEnabled) ? Context.Trace : null;
string type_name = null;
if (trace != null) {
type_name = GetType ().Name;
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("InitRecursive ", _userId, " ", type_name));
SetNamingContainer (namingContainer);
if (HasControls ()) {
if ((stateMask & IS_NAMING_CONTAINER) != 0)
namingContainer = this;
int len = _controls != null ? _controls.Count : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Control c = _controls [i];
c.InitRecursive (namingContainer);
if ((stateMask & REMOVED) == 0 && (stateMask & INITED) != INITED) {
stateMask |= INITING;
ApplyTheme ();
ControlAdapter tmp = Adapter;
if (tmp != null)
tmp.OnInit (EventArgs.Empty);
OnInit (EventArgs.Empty);
TrackViewState ();
stateMask |= INITED;
stateMask &= ~INITING;
if (trace != null)
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("End InitRecursive ", _userId, " ", type_name));
internal object SaveViewStateRecursive ()
TraceContext trace = (Context != null && Context.Trace.IsEnabled) ? Context.Trace : null;
string type_name = null;
if (trace != null) {
type_name = GetType ().Name;
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("SaveViewStateRecursive ", _userId, " ", type_name));
ArrayList controlStates = null;
bool byId = LoadViewStateByID;
if (HasControls ()) {
int len = _controls != null ? _controls.Count : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Control ctrl = _controls [i];
object ctrlState = ctrl.SaveViewStateRecursive ();
if (ctrlState == null)
if (controlStates == null)
controlStates = new ArrayList ();
if (byId) {
ctrl.EnsureID ();
controlStates.Add (new Pair (ctrl.ID, ctrlState));
} else
controlStates.Add (new Pair (i, ctrlState));
object thisAdapterViewState = null;
if (Adapter != null)
thisAdapterViewState = Adapter.SaveAdapterViewState ();
object thisState = null;
if (IsViewStateEnabled)
thisState = SaveViewState ();
if (thisState == null && controlStates == null) {
if (trace != null) {
trace.Write ("control", "End SaveViewStateRecursive " + _userId + " " + type_name + " saved nothing");
trace.SaveViewState (this, null);
return null;
if (trace != null) {
trace.Write ("control", "End SaveViewStateRecursive " + _userId + " " + type_name + " saved a Triplet");
trace.SaveViewState (this, thisState);
thisState = new object[] { thisState, thisAdapterViewState };
return new Pair (thisState, controlStates);
internal void LoadViewStateRecursive (object savedState)
if (savedState == null)
TraceContext trace = (Context != null && Context.Trace.IsEnabled) ? Context.Trace : null;
string type_name = null;
if (trace != null) {
type_name = GetType ().Name;
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("LoadViewStateRecursive ", _userId, " ", type_name));
Pair savedInfo = (Pair) savedState;
object[] controlAndAdapterViewStates = (object [])savedInfo.First;
if (Adapter != null)
Adapter.LoadAdapterViewState (controlAndAdapterViewStates [1]);
LoadViewState (controlAndAdapterViewStates [0]);
ArrayList controlStates = savedInfo.Second as ArrayList;
if (controlStates == null)
int nControls = controlStates.Count;
bool byId = LoadViewStateByID;
for (int i = 0; i < nControls; i++) {
Pair p = controlStates [i] as Pair;
if (p == null)
if (byId) {
string id = (string)p.First;
bool found = false;
foreach (Control c in Controls) {
c.EnsureID ();
if (c.ID == id) {
found = true;
c.LoadViewStateRecursive (p.Second);
if (!found) {
if (pendingVS == null)
pendingVS = new Hashtable ();
pendingVS [id] = p.Second;
} else {
int k = (int) p.First;
if (k < Controls.Count) {
Control c = Controls [k];
c.LoadViewStateRecursive (p.Second);
} else {
if (pendingVS == null)
pendingVS = new Hashtable ();
pendingVS [k] = p.Second;
if (trace != null)
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("End LoadViewStateRecursive ", _userId, " ", type_name));
internal ControlSkin controlSkin;
internal void ApplyTheme ()
TraceContext trace = (Context != null && Context.Trace.IsEnabled) ? Context.Trace : null;
string type_name = null;
if (trace != null) {
type_name = GetType ().Name;
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("ApplyThemeRecursive ", _userId, " ", type_name));
Page page = Page;
if (page != null && page.PageTheme != null && EnableTheming) {
ControlSkin controlSkin = page.PageTheme.GetControlSkin (GetType (), SkinID);
if (controlSkin != null)
controlSkin.ApplySkin (this);
if (trace != null)
trace.Write ("control", String.Concat ("End ApplyThemeRecursive ", _userId, " ", type_name));
internal bool AutoID {
get { return (stateMask & AUTOID) != 0; }
set {
if (value == false && (stateMask & IS_NAMING_CONTAINER) != 0)
SetMask (AUTOID, value);
protected internal virtual void RemovedControl (Control control)
control.UnloadRecursive (false);
control._parent = null;
control._page = null;
control._namingContainer = null;
if ((control.stateMask & AUTOID_SET) != 0) {
control._userId = null;
control.SetMask (ID_SET, false);
control.NullifyUniqueID ();
control.SetMask (REMOVED, true);
ResetControlsCache ();
string skinId = string.Empty;
bool _enableTheming = true;
[Browsable (false)]
[Themeable (false)]
[DefaultValue (true)]
public virtual bool EnableTheming {
get {
if ((stateMask & ENABLE_THEMING) != 0)
return _enableTheming;
if (_parent != null)
return _parent.EnableTheming;
return true;
set {
SetMask (ENABLE_THEMING, true);
_enableTheming = value;
[Browsable (false)]
[DefaultValue ("")]
[Filterable (false)]
public virtual string SkinID {
get { return skinId; }
set { skinId = value; }
ControlBuilder IControlBuilderAccessor.ControlBuilder {
get { throw new NotImplementedException (); }
IDictionary IControlDesignerAccessor.GetDesignModeState ()
throw new NotImplementedException ();
void IControlDesignerAccessor.SetDesignModeState (IDictionary designData)
SetDesignModeState (designData);
void IControlDesignerAccessor.SetOwnerControl (Control control)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
IDictionary IControlDesignerAccessor.UserData {
get { throw new NotImplementedException (); }
ExpressionBindingCollection expressionBindings;
ExpressionBindingCollection IExpressionsAccessor.Expressions {
get {
if (expressionBindings == null)
expressionBindings = new ExpressionBindingCollection ();
return expressionBindings;
bool IExpressionsAccessor.HasExpressions {
get { return (expressionBindings != null && expressionBindings.Count > 0); }
public virtual void Focus ()
Page.SetFocus (this);
protected internal virtual void LoadControlState (object state)
protected internal virtual object SaveControlState ()
return null;
protected virtual void DataBind (bool raiseOnDataBinding)
bool foundDataItem = false;
if ((stateMask & IS_NAMING_CONTAINER) != 0 && Page != null) {
object o = DataBinder.GetDataItem (this, out foundDataItem);
if (foundDataItem)
Page.PushDataItemContext (o);
try {
if (raiseOnDataBinding)
OnDataBinding (EventArgs.Empty);
DataBindChildren ();
} finally {
if (foundDataItem)
Page.PopDataItemContext ();
protected virtual IDictionary GetDesignModeState ()
throw new NotImplementedException ();
protected virtual void SetDesignModeState (IDictionary data)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
internal bool IsInited {
get { return (stateMask & INITED) != 0; }
internal bool IsLoaded {
get { return (stateMask & LOADED) != 0; }
internal bool IsPrerendered {
get { return (stateMask & PRERENDERED) != 0; }
bool CheckForValidationSupport ()
return GetType ().GetCustomAttributes (typeof (SupportsEventValidationAttribute), false).Length > 0;
// Apparently this is where .NET routes validation from all the controls which
// support it. See:
// http://odetocode.com/Blogs/scott/archive/2006/03/20/3145.aspx
// Sample in here contains ValidateEvent in the stack trace
// http://odetocode.com/blogs/scott/archive/2006/03/21/3153.aspx
// http://www.alexthissen.nl/blogs/main/archive/2005/12/13/event-validation-of-controls-in-asp-net-2-0.aspx
// It also seems that it's the control's responsibility to call this method or
// validation won't take place. Also, the SupportsEventValidation attribute must be
// present on the control for validation to take place.
internal void ValidateEvent (String uniqueId, String argument)
Page page = Page;
if (page != null && CheckForValidationSupport ())
page.ClientScript.ValidateEvent (uniqueId, argument);
void IParserAccessor.AddParsedSubObject (object obj)
this.AddParsedSubObject (obj);
DataBindingCollection IDataBindingsAccessor.DataBindings {
get {
if (dataBindings == null) {
dataBindings = new DataBindingCollection ();
return dataBindings;
bool IDataBindingsAccessor.HasDataBindings {
get {
if (dataBindings != null && dataBindings.Count > 0) {
return true;
return false;
#if NET_4_0
[DefaultValue (ViewStateMode.Inherit)]
public virtual ViewStateMode ViewStateMode {
get { return viewStateMode; }
set {
if (value < ViewStateMode.Inherit || value > ViewStateMode.Disabled)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("An attempt was made to set this property to a value that is not in the ViewStateMode enumeration.");
viewStateMode = value;
public string GetRouteUrl (object routeParameters)
return GetRouteUrl (null, new RouteValueDictionary (routeParameters));
public string GetRouteUrl (RouteValueDictionary routeParameters)
return GetRouteUrl (null, routeParameters);
public string GetRouteUrl (string routeName, object routeParameters)
return GetRouteUrl (routeName, new RouteValueDictionary (routeParameters));
public string GetRouteUrl (string routeName, RouteValueDictionary routeParameters)
HttpContext ctx = Context ?? HttpContext.Current;
HttpRequest req = ctx != null ? ctx.Request : null;
if (req == null)
return null;
VirtualPathData vpd = RouteTable.Routes.GetVirtualPath (req.RequestContext, routeName, routeParameters);
if (vpd == null)
return null;
return vpd.VirtualPath;
public string GetUniqueIDRelativeTo (Control control)
if (control == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("control");
Control parent = this;
Control namingContainer = control.NamingContainer;
if (namingContainer != null)
while (parent != null && parent != namingContainer)
parent = parent.Parent;
if (parent != namingContainer)
throw new InvalidOperationException (
String.Format ("This control is not a descendant of the NamingContainer of '{0}'", control.UniqueID)
int idx = control.UniqueID.LastIndexOf (IdSeparator);
if (idx < 0)
return UniqueID;
return UniqueID.Substring (idx + 1);