2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
// ModuleDefinition.cs
// Author:
// Jb Evain (jbevain@gmail.com)
// Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011 Jb Evain
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using SR = System.Reflection;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Mono.Cecil.Metadata;
using Mono.Cecil.PE;
using Mono.Collections.Generic;
namespace Mono.Cecil {
public enum ReadingMode {
Immediate = 1,
Deferred = 2,
public sealed class ReaderParameters {
ReadingMode reading_mode;
IAssemblyResolver assembly_resolver;
IMetadataResolver metadata_resolver;
Stream symbol_stream;
ISymbolReaderProvider symbol_reader_provider;
bool read_symbols;
public ReadingMode ReadingMode {
get { return reading_mode; }
set { reading_mode = value; }
public IAssemblyResolver AssemblyResolver {
get { return assembly_resolver; }
set { assembly_resolver = value; }
public IMetadataResolver MetadataResolver {
get { return metadata_resolver; }
set { metadata_resolver = value; }
public Stream SymbolStream {
get { return symbol_stream; }
set { symbol_stream = value; }
public ISymbolReaderProvider SymbolReaderProvider {
get { return symbol_reader_provider; }
set { symbol_reader_provider = value; }
public bool ReadSymbols {
get { return read_symbols; }
set { read_symbols = value; }
public ReaderParameters ()
: this (ReadingMode.Deferred)
public ReaderParameters (ReadingMode readingMode)
this.reading_mode = readingMode;
public sealed class ModuleParameters {
ModuleKind kind;
TargetRuntime runtime;
TargetArchitecture architecture;
IAssemblyResolver assembly_resolver;
IMetadataResolver metadata_resolver;
public ModuleKind Kind {
get { return kind; }
set { kind = value; }
public TargetRuntime Runtime {
get { return runtime; }
set { runtime = value; }
public TargetArchitecture Architecture {
get { return architecture; }
set { architecture = value; }
public IAssemblyResolver AssemblyResolver {
get { return assembly_resolver; }
set { assembly_resolver = value; }
public IMetadataResolver MetadataResolver {
get { return metadata_resolver; }
set { metadata_resolver = value; }
public ModuleParameters ()
this.kind = ModuleKind.Dll;
this.runtime = GetCurrentRuntime ();
this.architecture = TargetArchitecture.I386;
static TargetRuntime GetCurrentRuntime ()
#if !CF
return typeof (object).Assembly.ImageRuntimeVersion.ParseRuntime ();
var corlib_version = typeof (object).Assembly.GetName ().Version;
switch (corlib_version.Major) {
case 1:
return corlib_version.Minor == 0
? TargetRuntime.Net_1_0
: TargetRuntime.Net_1_1;
case 2:
return TargetRuntime.Net_2_0;
case 4:
return TargetRuntime.Net_4_0;
throw new NotSupportedException ();
2014-10-04 11:27:48 +01:00
interface ICustomMetadataWriter
* Remap TypeReference or create custom TypeRef token.
* Return true to use the returned custom 'token'.
* Return false to create a TypeRef token for 'type'
* (which may have been replaced with a different TypeReference).
* This is necessary when types are moved from one assembly to another
* to either adjust the scope or replace a TypeRef with a TypeDef token.
bool CreateTypeRefToken (ref TypeReference type, out MetadataToken token);
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
public sealed class WriterParameters {
Stream symbol_stream;
ISymbolWriterProvider symbol_writer_provider;
bool write_symbols;
SR.StrongNameKeyPair key_pair;
public Stream SymbolStream {
get { return symbol_stream; }
set { symbol_stream = value; }
public ISymbolWriterProvider SymbolWriterProvider {
get { return symbol_writer_provider; }
set { symbol_writer_provider = value; }
public bool WriteSymbols {
get { return write_symbols; }
set { write_symbols = value; }
public SR.StrongNameKeyPair StrongNameKeyPair {
get { return key_pair; }
set { key_pair = value; }
public sealed class ModuleDefinition : ModuleReference, ICustomAttributeProvider {
internal Image Image;
internal MetadataSystem MetadataSystem;
internal ReadingMode ReadingMode;
internal ISymbolReaderProvider SymbolReaderProvider;
internal ISymbolReader symbol_reader;
internal IAssemblyResolver assembly_resolver;
internal IMetadataResolver metadata_resolver;
internal TypeSystem type_system;
readonly MetadataReader reader;
readonly string fq_name;
internal ModuleKind kind;
TargetRuntime runtime;
TargetArchitecture architecture;
ModuleAttributes attributes;
ModuleCharacteristics characteristics;
Guid mvid;
internal AssemblyDefinition assembly;
MethodDefinition entry_point;
MetadataImporter importer;
2014-10-04 11:27:48 +01:00
ICustomMetadataWriter custom_writer;
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
Collection<CustomAttribute> custom_attributes;
Collection<AssemblyNameReference> references;
Collection<ModuleReference> modules;
Collection<Resource> resources;
Collection<ExportedType> exported_types;
TypeDefinitionCollection types;
public bool IsMain {
get { return kind != ModuleKind.NetModule; }
public ModuleKind Kind {
get { return kind; }
set { kind = value; }
public TargetRuntime Runtime {
get { return runtime; }
set { runtime = value; }
public TargetArchitecture Architecture {
get { return architecture; }
set { architecture = value; }
public ModuleAttributes Attributes {
get { return attributes; }
set { attributes = value; }
public ModuleCharacteristics Characteristics {
get { return characteristics; }
set { characteristics = value; }
public string FullyQualifiedName {
get { return fq_name; }
public Guid Mvid {
get { return mvid; }
set { mvid = value; }
internal bool HasImage {
get { return Image != null; }
public bool HasSymbols {
get { return symbol_reader != null; }
public ISymbolReader SymbolReader {
get { return symbol_reader; }
public override MetadataScopeType MetadataScopeType {
get { return MetadataScopeType.ModuleDefinition; }
public AssemblyDefinition Assembly {
get { return assembly; }
internal MetadataImporter MetadataImporter {
get { return importer ?? (importer = new MetadataImporter (this)); }
2014-10-04 11:27:48 +01:00
internal void SetMetadataImporter (MetadataImporter importer)
if (this.importer != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
this.importer = importer;
internal ICustomMetadataWriter CustomMetadataWriter {
get { return custom_writer; }
set { custom_writer = value; }
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
public IAssemblyResolver AssemblyResolver {
get { return assembly_resolver ?? (assembly_resolver = new DefaultAssemblyResolver ()); }
public IMetadataResolver MetadataResolver {
get { return metadata_resolver ?? (metadata_resolver = new MetadataResolver (this.AssemblyResolver)); }
public TypeSystem TypeSystem {
get { return type_system ?? (type_system = TypeSystem.CreateTypeSystem (this)); }
public bool HasAssemblyReferences {
get {
if (references != null)
return references.Count > 0;
return HasImage && Image.HasTable (Table.AssemblyRef);
public Collection<AssemblyNameReference> AssemblyReferences {
get {
if (references != null)
return references;
if (HasImage)
return references = Read (this, (_, reader) => reader.ReadAssemblyReferences ());
return references = new Collection<AssemblyNameReference> ();
public bool HasModuleReferences {
get {
if (modules != null)
return modules.Count > 0;
return HasImage && Image.HasTable (Table.ModuleRef);
public Collection<ModuleReference> ModuleReferences {
get {
if (modules != null)
return modules;
if (HasImage)
return modules = Read (this, (_, reader) => reader.ReadModuleReferences ());
return modules = new Collection<ModuleReference> ();
public bool HasResources {
get {
if (resources != null)
return resources.Count > 0;
if (HasImage)
return Image.HasTable (Table.ManifestResource) || Read (this, (_, reader) => reader.HasFileResource ());
return false;
public Collection<Resource> Resources {
get {
if (resources != null)
return resources;
if (HasImage)
return resources = Read (this, (_, reader) => reader.ReadResources ());
return resources = new Collection<Resource> ();
public bool HasCustomAttributes {
get {
if (custom_attributes != null)
return custom_attributes.Count > 0;
return this.GetHasCustomAttributes (this);
public Collection<CustomAttribute> CustomAttributes {
get { return custom_attributes ?? (custom_attributes = this.GetCustomAttributes (this)); }
public bool HasTypes {
get {
if (types != null)
return types.Count > 0;
return HasImage && Image.HasTable (Table.TypeDef);
public Collection<TypeDefinition> Types {
get {
if (types != null)
return types;
if (HasImage)
return types = Read (this, (_, reader) => reader.ReadTypes ());
return types = new TypeDefinitionCollection (this);
public bool HasExportedTypes {
get {
if (exported_types != null)
return exported_types.Count > 0;
return HasImage && Image.HasTable (Table.ExportedType);
public Collection<ExportedType> ExportedTypes {
get {
if (exported_types != null)
return exported_types;
if (HasImage)
return exported_types = Read (this, (_, reader) => reader.ReadExportedTypes ());
return exported_types = new Collection<ExportedType> ();
public MethodDefinition EntryPoint {
get {
if (entry_point != null)
return entry_point;
if (HasImage)
return entry_point = Read (this, (_, reader) => reader.ReadEntryPoint ());
return entry_point = null;
set { entry_point = value; }
internal ModuleDefinition ()
this.MetadataSystem = new MetadataSystem ();
this.token = new MetadataToken (TokenType.Module, 1);
internal ModuleDefinition (Image image)
: this ()
this.Image = image;
this.kind = image.Kind;
this.runtime = image.Runtime;
this.architecture = image.Architecture;
this.attributes = image.Attributes;
this.characteristics = image.Characteristics;
this.fq_name = image.FileName;
this.reader = new MetadataReader (this);
public bool HasTypeReference (string fullName)
return HasTypeReference (string.Empty, fullName);
public bool HasTypeReference (string scope, string fullName)
CheckFullName (fullName);
if (!HasImage)
return false;
return GetTypeReference (scope, fullName) != null;
public bool TryGetTypeReference (string fullName, out TypeReference type)
return TryGetTypeReference (string.Empty, fullName, out type);
public bool TryGetTypeReference (string scope, string fullName, out TypeReference type)
CheckFullName (fullName);
if (!HasImage) {
type = null;
return false;
return (type = GetTypeReference (scope, fullName)) != null;
TypeReference GetTypeReference (string scope, string fullname)
return Read (new Row<string, string> (scope, fullname), (row, reader) => reader.GetTypeReference (row.Col1, row.Col2));
public IEnumerable<TypeReference> GetTypeReferences ()
if (!HasImage)
return Empty<TypeReference>.Array;
return Read (this, (_, reader) => reader.GetTypeReferences ());
public IEnumerable<MemberReference> GetMemberReferences ()
if (!HasImage)
return Empty<MemberReference>.Array;
return Read (this, (_, reader) => reader.GetMemberReferences ());
public TypeReference GetType (string fullName, bool runtimeName)
return runtimeName
? TypeParser.ParseType (this, fullName)
: GetType (fullName);
public TypeDefinition GetType (string fullName)
CheckFullName (fullName);
var position = fullName.IndexOf ('/');
if (position > 0)
return GetNestedType (fullName);
return ((TypeDefinitionCollection) this.Types).GetType (fullName);
public TypeDefinition GetType (string @namespace, string name)
Mixin.CheckName (name);
return ((TypeDefinitionCollection) this.Types).GetType (@namespace ?? string.Empty, name);
public IEnumerable<TypeDefinition> GetTypes ()
return GetTypes (Types);
static IEnumerable<TypeDefinition> GetTypes (Collection<TypeDefinition> types)
for (int i = 0; i < types.Count; i++) {
var type = types [i];
yield return type;
if (!type.HasNestedTypes)
foreach (var nested in GetTypes (type.NestedTypes))
yield return nested;
static void CheckFullName (string fullName)
if (fullName == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("fullName");
if (fullName.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException ();
TypeDefinition GetNestedType (string fullname)
var names = fullname.Split ('/');
var type = GetType (names [0]);
if (type == null)
return null;
for (int i = 1; i < names.Length; i++) {
var nested_type = type.GetNestedType (names [i]);
if (nested_type == null)
return null;
type = nested_type;
return type;
internal FieldDefinition Resolve (FieldReference field)
return MetadataResolver.Resolve (field);
internal MethodDefinition Resolve (MethodReference method)
return MetadataResolver.Resolve (method);
internal TypeDefinition Resolve (TypeReference type)
return MetadataResolver.Resolve (type);
static void CheckType (object type)
if (type == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("type");
static void CheckField (object field)
if (field == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("field");
static void CheckMethod (object method)
if (method == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("method");
static void CheckContext (IGenericParameterProvider context, ModuleDefinition module)
if (context == null)
if (context.Module != module)
throw new ArgumentException ();
static ImportGenericContext GenericContextFor (IGenericParameterProvider context)
return context != null ? new ImportGenericContext (context) : default (ImportGenericContext);
#if !CF
public TypeReference Import (Type type)
return Import (type, null);
public TypeReference Import (Type type, IGenericParameterProvider context)
CheckType (type);
CheckContext (context, this);
return MetadataImporter.ImportType (
GenericContextFor (context),
context != null ? ImportGenericKind.Open : ImportGenericKind.Definition);
public FieldReference Import (SR.FieldInfo field)
return Import (field, null);
public FieldReference Import (SR.FieldInfo field, IGenericParameterProvider context)
CheckField (field);
CheckContext (context, this);
return MetadataImporter.ImportField (field, GenericContextFor (context));
public MethodReference Import (SR.MethodBase method)
CheckMethod (method);
return MetadataImporter.ImportMethod (method, default (ImportGenericContext), ImportGenericKind.Definition);
public MethodReference Import (SR.MethodBase method, IGenericParameterProvider context)
CheckMethod (method);
CheckContext (context, this);
return MetadataImporter.ImportMethod (method,
GenericContextFor (context),
context != null ? ImportGenericKind.Open : ImportGenericKind.Definition);
public TypeReference Import (TypeReference type)
CheckType (type);
if (type.Module == this)
return type;
return MetadataImporter.ImportType (type, default (ImportGenericContext));
public TypeReference Import (TypeReference type, IGenericParameterProvider context)
CheckType (type);
if (type.Module == this)
return type;
CheckContext (context, this);
return MetadataImporter.ImportType (type, GenericContextFor (context));
public FieldReference Import (FieldReference field)
CheckField (field);
if (field.Module == this)
return field;
return MetadataImporter.ImportField (field, default (ImportGenericContext));
public FieldReference Import (FieldReference field, IGenericParameterProvider context)
CheckField (field);
if (field.Module == this)
return field;
CheckContext (context, this);
return MetadataImporter.ImportField (field, GenericContextFor (context));
public MethodReference Import (MethodReference method)
return Import (method, null);
public MethodReference Import (MethodReference method, IGenericParameterProvider context)
CheckMethod (method);
if (method.Module == this)
return method;
CheckContext (context, this);
return MetadataImporter.ImportMethod (method, GenericContextFor (context));
public IMetadataTokenProvider LookupToken (int token)
return LookupToken (new MetadataToken ((uint) token));
public IMetadataTokenProvider LookupToken (MetadataToken token)
return Read (token, (t, reader) => reader.LookupToken (t));
internal TRet Read<TItem, TRet> (TItem item, Func<TItem, MetadataReader, TRet> read)
var position = reader.position;
var context = reader.context;
var ret = read (item, reader);
reader.position = position;
reader.context = context;
return ret;
public bool HasDebugHeader {
get { return Image != null && !Image.Debug.IsZero; }
public ImageDebugDirectory GetDebugHeader (out byte [] header)
if (!HasDebugHeader)
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
return Image.GetDebugHeader (out header);
void ProcessDebugHeader ()
if (!HasDebugHeader)
byte [] header;
var directory = GetDebugHeader (out header);
if (!symbol_reader.ProcessDebugHeader (directory, header))
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
public static ModuleDefinition CreateModule (string name, ModuleKind kind)
return CreateModule (name, new ModuleParameters { Kind = kind });
public static ModuleDefinition CreateModule (string name, ModuleParameters parameters)
Mixin.CheckName (name);
Mixin.CheckParameters (parameters);
var module = new ModuleDefinition {
Name = name,
kind = parameters.Kind,
runtime = parameters.Runtime,
architecture = parameters.Architecture,
mvid = Guid.NewGuid (),
Attributes = ModuleAttributes.ILOnly,
Characteristics = (ModuleCharacteristics) 0x8540,
if (parameters.AssemblyResolver != null)
module.assembly_resolver = parameters.AssemblyResolver;
if (parameters.MetadataResolver != null)
module.metadata_resolver = parameters.MetadataResolver;
if (parameters.Kind != ModuleKind.NetModule) {
var assembly = new AssemblyDefinition ();
module.assembly = assembly;
module.assembly.Name = CreateAssemblyName (name);
assembly.main_module = module;
module.Types.Add (new TypeDefinition (string.Empty, "<Module>", TypeAttributes.NotPublic));
return module;
static AssemblyNameDefinition CreateAssemblyName (string name)
if (name.EndsWith (".dll") || name.EndsWith (".exe"))
name = name.Substring (0, name.Length - 4);
return new AssemblyNameDefinition (name, new Version (0, 0, 0, 0));
public void ReadSymbols ()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (fq_name))
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
var provider = SymbolProvider.GetPlatformReaderProvider ();
if (provider == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
ReadSymbols (provider.GetSymbolReader (this, fq_name));
public void ReadSymbols (ISymbolReader reader)
if (reader == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("reader");
symbol_reader = reader;
ProcessDebugHeader ();
public static ModuleDefinition ReadModule (string fileName)
return ReadModule (fileName, new ReaderParameters (ReadingMode.Deferred));
public static ModuleDefinition ReadModule (Stream stream)
return ReadModule (stream, new ReaderParameters (ReadingMode.Deferred));
public static ModuleDefinition ReadModule (string fileName, ReaderParameters parameters)
using (var stream = GetFileStream (fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) {
return ReadModule (stream, parameters);
static void CheckStream (object stream)
if (stream == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("stream");
public static ModuleDefinition ReadModule (Stream stream, ReaderParameters parameters)
CheckStream (stream);
if (!stream.CanRead || !stream.CanSeek)
throw new ArgumentException ();
Mixin.CheckParameters (parameters);
return ModuleReader.CreateModuleFrom (
ImageReader.ReadImageFrom (stream),
static Stream GetFileStream (string fileName, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
if (fileName == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("fileName");
if (fileName.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException ();
return new FileStream (fileName, mode, access, share);
public void Write (string fileName)
Write (fileName, new WriterParameters ());
public void Write (Stream stream)
Write (stream, new WriterParameters ());
public void Write (string fileName, WriterParameters parameters)
using (var stream = GetFileStream (fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None)) {
Write (stream, parameters);
public void Write (Stream stream, WriterParameters parameters)
CheckStream (stream);
if (!stream.CanWrite || !stream.CanSeek)
throw new ArgumentException ();
Mixin.CheckParameters (parameters);
ModuleWriter.WriteModuleTo (this, stream, parameters);
static partial class Mixin {
public static void CheckParameters (object parameters)
if (parameters == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("parameters");
public static bool HasImage (this ModuleDefinition self)
return self != null && self.HasImage;
public static bool IsCorlib (this ModuleDefinition module)
if (module.Assembly == null)
return false;
return module.Assembly.Name.Name == "mscorlib";
public static string GetFullyQualifiedName (this Stream self)
var file_stream = self as FileStream;
if (file_stream == null)
return string.Empty;
return Path.GetFullPath (file_stream.Name);
return string.Empty;
public static TargetRuntime ParseRuntime (this string self)
switch (self [1]) {
case '1':
return self [3] == '0'
? TargetRuntime.Net_1_0
: TargetRuntime.Net_1_1;
case '2':
return TargetRuntime.Net_2_0;
case '4':
return TargetRuntime.Net_4_0;