2017-04-10 11:41:01 +00:00
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// This code is licensed under the Microsoft Public License.
using System;
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2017-04-10 11:41:01 +00:00
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
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using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
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namespace Microsoft.Cci.Pdb {
internal class PdbFile {
private PdbFile() // This class can't be instantiated.
static void LoadGuidStream(BitAccess bits, out Guid doctype, out Guid language, out Guid vendor) {
bits.ReadGuid(out language);
bits.ReadGuid(out vendor);
bits.ReadGuid(out doctype);
static Dictionary<string, int> LoadNameIndex(BitAccess bits, out int age, out Guid guid) {
Dictionary<string, int> result = new Dictionary<string, int>();
int ver;
int sig;
bits.ReadInt32(out ver); // 0..3 Version
bits.ReadInt32(out sig); // 4..7 Signature
bits.ReadInt32(out age); // 8..11 Age
bits.ReadGuid(out guid); // 12..27 GUID
//if (ver != 20000404) {
// throw new PdbDebugException("Unsupported PDB Stream version {0}", ver);
// Read string buffer.
int buf;
bits.ReadInt32(out buf); // 28..31 Bytes of Strings
int beg = bits.Position;
int nxt = bits.Position + buf;
bits.Position = nxt;
// Read map index.
int cnt; // n+0..3 hash size.
int max; // n+4..7 maximum ni.
bits.ReadInt32(out cnt);
bits.ReadInt32(out max);
BitSet present = new BitSet(bits);
BitSet deleted = new BitSet(bits);
if (!deleted.IsEmpty) {
throw new PdbDebugException("Unsupported PDB deleted bitset is not empty.");
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
if (present.IsSet(i)) {
int ns;
int ni;
bits.ReadInt32(out ns);
bits.ReadInt32(out ni);
string name;
int saved = bits.Position;
bits.Position = beg + ns;
bits.ReadCString(out name);
bits.Position = saved;
result.Add(name.ToUpperInvariant(), ni);
if (j != cnt) {
throw new PdbDebugException("Count mismatch. ({0} != {1})", j, cnt);
return result;
static IntHashTable LoadNameStream(BitAccess bits) {
IntHashTable ht = new IntHashTable();
uint sig;
int ver;
bits.ReadUInt32(out sig); // 0..3 Signature
bits.ReadInt32(out ver); // 4..7 Version
// Read (or skip) string buffer.
int buf;
bits.ReadInt32(out buf); // 8..11 Bytes of Strings
if (sig != 0xeffeeffe || ver != 1) {
throw new PdbDebugException("Unsupported Name Stream version. "+
"(sig={0:x8}, ver={1})",
sig, ver);
int beg = bits.Position;
int nxt = bits.Position + buf;
bits.Position = nxt;
// Read hash table.
int siz;
bits.ReadInt32(out siz); // n+0..3 Number of hash buckets.
nxt = bits.Position;
for (int i = 0; i < siz; i++) {
int ni;
string name;
bits.ReadInt32(out ni);
if (ni != 0) {
int saved = bits.Position;
bits.Position = beg + ni;
bits.ReadCString(out name);
bits.Position = saved;
ht.Add(ni, name);
bits.Position = nxt;
return ht;
private static int FindFunction(PdbFunction[] funcs, ushort sec, uint off) {
var match = new PdbFunction {
segment = sec,
address = off,
return Array.BinarySearch(funcs, match, PdbFunction.byAddress);
static void LoadManagedLines(PdbFunction[] funcs,
IntHashTable names,
BitAccess bits,
MsfDirectory dir,
Dictionary<string, int> nameIndex,
PdbReader reader,
uint limit) {
Array.Sort(funcs, PdbFunction.byAddressAndToken);
int begin = bits.Position;
IntHashTable checks = ReadSourceFileInfo(bits, limit, names, dir, nameIndex, reader);
// Read the lines next.
bits.Position = begin;
while (bits.Position < limit) {
int sig;
int siz;
bits.ReadInt32(out sig);
bits.ReadInt32(out siz);
int endSym = bits.Position + siz;
switch ((DEBUG_S_SUBSECTION)sig) {
CV_LineSection sec;
bits.ReadUInt32(out sec.off);
bits.ReadUInt16(out sec.sec);
bits.ReadUInt16(out sec.flags);
bits.ReadUInt32(out sec.cod);
int funcIndex = FindFunction(funcs, sec.sec, sec.off);
if (funcIndex < 0) break;
var func = funcs[funcIndex];
if (func.lines == null) {
while (funcIndex > 0) {
var f = funcs[funcIndex-1];
if (f.lines != null || f.segment != sec.sec || f.address != sec.off) break;
func = f;
} else {
while (funcIndex < funcs.Length-1 && func.lines != null) {
var f = funcs[funcIndex+1];
if (f.segment != sec.sec || f.address != sec.off) break;
func = f;
if (func.lines != null) break;
// Count the line blocks.
int begSym = bits.Position;
int blocks = 0;
while (bits.Position < endSym) {
CV_SourceFile file;
bits.ReadUInt32(out file.index);
bits.ReadUInt32(out file.count);
bits.ReadUInt32(out file.linsiz); // Size of payload.
int linsiz = (int)file.count * (8 + ((sec.flags & 1) != 0 ? 4 : 0));
bits.Position += linsiz;
func.lines = new PdbLines[blocks];
int block = 0;
bits.Position = begSym;
while (bits.Position < endSym) {
CV_SourceFile file;
bits.ReadUInt32(out file.index);
bits.ReadUInt32(out file.count);
bits.ReadUInt32(out file.linsiz); // Size of payload.
PdbSource src = (PdbSource)checks[(int)file.index];
PdbLines tmp = new PdbLines(src, file.count);
func.lines[block++] = tmp;
PdbLine[] lines = tmp.lines;
int plin = bits.Position;
int pcol = bits.Position + 8 * (int)file.count;
for (int i = 0; i < file.count; i++) {
CV_Line line;
CV_Column column = new CV_Column();
bits.Position = plin + 8 * i;
bits.ReadUInt32(out line.offset);
bits.ReadUInt32(out line.flags);
uint lineBegin = line.flags & (uint)CV_Line_Flags.linenumStart;
uint delta = (line.flags & (uint)CV_Line_Flags.deltaLineEnd) >> 24;
//bool statement = ((line.flags & (uint)CV_Line_Flags.fStatement) == 0);
if ((sec.flags & 1) != 0) {
bits.Position = pcol + 4 * i;
bits.ReadUInt16(out column.offColumnStart);
bits.ReadUInt16(out column.offColumnEnd);
lines[i] = new PdbLine(line.offset,
bits.Position = endSym;
static void LoadFuncsFromDbiModule(BitAccess bits,
DbiModuleInfo info,
IntHashTable names,
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List<PdbFunction> funcList,
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bool readStrings,
MsfDirectory dir,
Dictionary<string, int> nameIndex,
PdbReader reader) {
PdbFunction[] funcs = null;
bits.Position = 0;
int sig;
bits.ReadInt32(out sig);
if (sig != 4) {
throw new PdbDebugException("Invalid signature. (sig={0})", sig);
bits.Position = 4;
// Console.WriteLine("{0}:", info.moduleName);
funcs = PdbFunction.LoadManagedFunctions(/*info.moduleName,*/
bits, (uint)info.cbSyms,
if (funcs != null) {
bits.Position = info.cbSyms + info.cbOldLines;
LoadManagedLines(funcs, names, bits, dir, nameIndex, reader,
(uint)(info.cbSyms + info.cbOldLines + info.cbLines));
for (int i = 0; i < funcs.Length; i++) {
static void LoadDbiStream(BitAccess bits,
out DbiModuleInfo[] modules,
out DbiDbgHdr header,
bool readStrings) {
DbiHeader dh = new DbiHeader(bits);
header = new DbiDbgHdr();
//if (dh.sig != -1 || dh.ver != 19990903) {
// throw new PdbException("Unsupported DBI Stream version, sig={0}, ver={1}",
// dh.sig, dh.ver);
// Read gpmod section.
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List<DbiModuleInfo> modList = new List<DbiModuleInfo>();
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int end = bits.Position + dh.gpmodiSize;
while (bits.Position < end) {
DbiModuleInfo mod = new DbiModuleInfo(bits, readStrings);
if (bits.Position != end) {
throw new PdbDebugException("Error reading DBI stream, pos={0} != {1}",
bits.Position, end);
if (modList.Count > 0) {
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modules = modList.ToArray();
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} else {
modules = null;
// Skip the Section Contribution substream.
bits.Position += dh.secconSize;
// Skip the Section Map substream.
bits.Position += dh.secmapSize;
// Skip the File Info substream.
bits.Position += dh.filinfSize;
// Skip the TSM substream.
bits.Position += dh.tsmapSize;
// Skip the EC substream.
bits.Position += dh.ecinfoSize;
// Read the optional header.
end = bits.Position + dh.dbghdrSize;
if (dh.dbghdrSize > 0) {
header = new DbiDbgHdr(bits);
bits.Position = end;
internal static PdbFunction[] LoadFunctions(Stream read, out Dictionary<uint, PdbTokenLine> tokenToSourceMapping, out string sourceServerData, out int age, out Guid guid) {
tokenToSourceMapping = new Dictionary<uint, PdbTokenLine>();
BitAccess bits = new BitAccess(512 * 1024);
PdbFileHeader head = new PdbFileHeader(read, bits);
PdbReader reader = new PdbReader(read, head.pageSize);
MsfDirectory dir = new MsfDirectory(reader, head, bits);
DbiModuleInfo[] modules = null;
DbiDbgHdr header;
dir.streams[1].Read(reader, bits);
Dictionary<string, int> nameIndex = LoadNameIndex(bits, out age, out guid);
int nameStream;
if (!nameIndex.TryGetValue("/NAMES", out nameStream)) {
throw new PdbException("No `name' stream");
dir.streams[nameStream].Read(reader, bits);
IntHashTable names = LoadNameStream(bits);
int srcsrvStream;
if (!nameIndex.TryGetValue("SRCSRV", out srcsrvStream))
sourceServerData = string.Empty;
else {
DataStream dataStream = dir.streams[srcsrvStream];
byte[] bytes = new byte[dataStream.contentSize];
dataStream.Read(reader, bits);
sourceServerData = bits.ReadBString(bytes.Length);
dir.streams[3].Read(reader, bits);
LoadDbiStream(bits, out modules, out header, true);
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List<PdbFunction> funcList = new List<PdbFunction>();
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if (modules != null) {
for (int m = 0; m < modules.Length; m++) {
var module = modules[m];
if (module.stream > 0) {
dir.streams[module.stream].Read(reader, bits);
if (module.moduleName == "TokenSourceLineInfo") {
LoadTokenToSourceInfo(bits, module, names, dir, nameIndex, reader, tokenToSourceMapping);
LoadFuncsFromDbiModule(bits, module, names, funcList, true, dir, nameIndex, reader);
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PdbFunction[] funcs = funcList.ToArray();
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// After reading the functions, apply the token remapping table if it exists.
if (header.snTokenRidMap != 0 && header.snTokenRidMap != 0xffff) {
dir.streams[header.snTokenRidMap].Read(reader, bits);
uint[] ridMap = new uint[dir.streams[header.snTokenRidMap].Length / 4];
foreach (PdbFunction func in funcs) {
func.token = 0x06000000 | ridMap[func.token & 0xffffff];
Array.Sort(funcs, PdbFunction.byAddressAndToken);
//Array.Sort(funcs, PdbFunction.byToken);
return funcs;
private static void LoadTokenToSourceInfo(BitAccess bits, DbiModuleInfo module, IntHashTable names, MsfDirectory dir,
Dictionary<string, int> nameIndex, PdbReader reader, Dictionary<uint, PdbTokenLine> tokenToSourceMapping) {
bits.Position = 0;
int sig;
bits.ReadInt32(out sig);
if (sig != 4) {
throw new PdbDebugException("Invalid signature. (sig={0})", sig);
bits.Position = 4;
while (bits.Position < module.cbSyms) {
ushort siz;
ushort rec;
bits.ReadUInt16(out siz);
int star = bits.Position;
int stop = bits.Position + siz;
bits.Position = star;
bits.ReadUInt16(out rec);
switch ((SYM)rec) {
case SYM.S_OEM:
OemSymbol oem;
bits.ReadGuid(out oem.idOem);
bits.ReadUInt32(out oem.typind);
// internal byte[] rgl; // user data, force 4-byte alignment
if (oem.idOem == PdbFunction.msilMetaData) {
string name = bits.ReadString();
if (name == "TSLI") {
uint token;
uint file_id;
uint line;
uint column;
uint endLine;
uint endColumn;
bits.ReadUInt32(out token);
bits.ReadUInt32(out file_id);
bits.ReadUInt32(out line);
bits.ReadUInt32(out column);
bits.ReadUInt32(out endLine);
bits.ReadUInt32(out endColumn);
PdbTokenLine tokenLine;
if (!tokenToSourceMapping.TryGetValue(token, out tokenLine))
tokenToSourceMapping.Add(token, new PdbTokenLine(token, file_id, line, column, endLine, endColumn));
else {
while (tokenLine.nextLine != null) tokenLine = tokenLine.nextLine;
tokenLine.nextLine = new PdbTokenLine(token, file_id, line, column, endLine, endColumn);
bits.Position = stop;
} else {
throw new PdbDebugException("OEM section: guid={0} ti={1}",
oem.idOem, oem.typind);
// bits.Position = stop;
case SYM.S_END:
bits.Position = stop;
//Console.WriteLine("{0,6}: {1:x2} {2}",
// bits.Position, rec, (SYM)rec);
bits.Position = stop;
bits.Position = module.cbSyms + module.cbOldLines;
int limit = module.cbSyms + module.cbOldLines + module.cbLines;
IntHashTable sourceFiles = ReadSourceFileInfo(bits, (uint)limit, names, dir, nameIndex, reader);
foreach (var tokenLine in tokenToSourceMapping.Values) {
tokenLine.sourceFile = (PdbSource)sourceFiles[(int)tokenLine.file_id];
private static IntHashTable ReadSourceFileInfo(BitAccess bits, uint limit, IntHashTable names, MsfDirectory dir,
Dictionary<string, int> nameIndex, PdbReader reader) {
IntHashTable checks = new IntHashTable();
int begin = bits.Position;
while (bits.Position < limit) {
int sig;
int siz;
bits.ReadInt32(out sig);
bits.ReadInt32(out siz);
int place = bits.Position;
int endSym = bits.Position + siz;
switch ((DEBUG_S_SUBSECTION)sig) {
while (bits.Position < endSym) {
CV_FileCheckSum chk;
int ni = bits.Position - place;
bits.ReadUInt32(out chk.name);
bits.ReadUInt8(out chk.len);
bits.ReadUInt8(out chk.type);
string name = (string)names[(int)chk.name];
int guidStream;
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Guid doctypeGuid = DocumentType.Text.ToGuid();
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Guid languageGuid = Guid.Empty;
Guid vendorGuid = Guid.Empty;
if (nameIndex.TryGetValue("/SRC/FILES/"+name.ToUpperInvariant(), out guidStream)) {
var guidBits = new BitAccess(0x100);
dir.streams[guidStream].Read(reader, guidBits);
LoadGuidStream(guidBits, out doctypeGuid, out languageGuid, out vendorGuid);
PdbSource src = new PdbSource(/*(uint)ni,*/ name, doctypeGuid, languageGuid, vendorGuid);
checks.Add(ni, src);
bits.Position += chk.len;
bits.Position = endSym;
bits.Position = endSym;
return checks;