2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
namespace System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Design
using System ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Xml ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
using System.ComponentModel ;
using System.Resources ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Drawing.Design ;
using System.Drawing.Imaging ;
using System.Drawing.Printing ;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design ;
using System.ComponentModel.Design ;
using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization ;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary ;
//KEYBOARD: You need to goto <Document and settings\<user name>\ApplicationData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\" and delete
// all of your *.vsk file, becuase VS always picks up keyboard bindings from that file, and also on deveenv.exe /.setup
// he does not clean that up.
//MENUS: You need to goto <Document and settings\<user name>\ApplicationData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\1033" and delete
// all of your *.prf file, becuase VS always picks up menus from that file, and also on deveenv.exe /.setup
// he does not clean that up.
internal sealed class CommandSet : IDisposable
internal static CommandID [ ] NavigationToolCommandIds = new CommandID [ ] { WorkflowMenuCommands . ZoomIn , WorkflowMenuCommands . ZoomOut , WorkflowMenuCommands . Pan , WorkflowMenuCommands . DefaultFilter } ;
private IServiceProvider serviceProvider ;
private IMenuCommandService menuCommandService ;
private ISelectionService selectionService ;
private WorkflowView workflowView ;
private List < CommandSetItem > commandSet ;
private CommandSetItem [ ] zoomCommands ;
private CommandSetItem [ ] layoutCommands ;
private CommandSetItem [ ] navigationToolCommands ;
private WorkflowDesignerMessageFilter activeFilter ;
public CommandSet ( IServiceProvider serviceProvider )
Debug . Assert ( serviceProvider ! = null ) ;
this . serviceProvider = serviceProvider ;
this . menuCommandService = ( IMenuCommandService ) this . serviceProvider . GetService ( typeof ( IMenuCommandService ) ) ;
if ( this . menuCommandService = = null )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . General_MissingService , typeof ( IMenuCommandService ) . FullName ) ) ;
this . workflowView = serviceProvider . GetService ( typeof ( WorkflowView ) ) as WorkflowView ;
if ( this . workflowView = = null )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . General_MissingService , typeof ( WorkflowView ) . FullName ) ) ;
this . selectionService = ( ISelectionService ) this . serviceProvider . GetService ( typeof ( ISelectionService ) ) ;
if ( this . selectionService = = null )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . General_MissingService , typeof ( ISelectionService ) . FullName ) ) ;
this . commandSet = new List < CommandSetItem > ( ) ;
this . commandSet . AddRange ( new CommandSetItem [ ] {
//Save commands
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAlways ) , new EventHandler ( OnMenuSaveWorkflowAsImage ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . SaveAsImage ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAlways ) , new EventHandler ( OnMenuCopyToClipboard ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . CopyToClipboard ) ,
// Printing commands
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusPrint ) , new EventHandler ( OnMenuPrint ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . Print ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusPageSetup ) , new EventHandler ( OnMenuPageSetup ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . PageSetup ) ,
// Editing commands
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusDelete ) , new EventHandler ( OnMenuDelete ) , MenuCommands . Delete ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusCopy ) , new EventHandler ( OnMenuCopy ) , MenuCommands . Copy ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusCut ) , new EventHandler ( OnMenuCut ) , MenuCommands . Cut ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusPaste ) , new EventHandler ( OnMenuPaste ) , MenuCommands . Paste , true ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAlways ) , new EventHandler ( OnMenuSelectAll ) , MenuCommands . SelectAll ) ,
// Properties
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAlways ) , new EventHandler ( OnMenuDesignerProperties ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . DesignerProperties ) ,
2017-08-21 15:34:15 +00:00
// IMPORTANT: Microsoft does not handle this command, so VS.NET sends it to solution explorer
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
// window, which enables this meu item on the for the current file node
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAlways ) , new EventHandler ( OnViewCode ) , new CommandID ( StandardCommands . Cut . Guid , 333 ) ) ,
// Keyboard commands
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAlways ) , new EventHandler ( OnKeyCancel ) , MenuCommands . KeyCancel ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAlways ) , new EventHandler ( OnKeyCancel ) , MenuCommands . KeyReverseCancel ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAlways ) , new EventHandler ( OnKeyMove ) , MenuCommands . KeyMoveUp ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAlways ) , new EventHandler ( OnKeyMove ) , MenuCommands . KeyMoveDown ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAlways ) , new EventHandler ( OnKeyMove ) , MenuCommands . KeyMoveLeft ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAlways ) , new EventHandler ( OnKeyMove ) , MenuCommands . KeyMoveRight ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAlways ) , new EventHandler ( OnKeyMove ) , MenuCommands . KeySelectNext ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAlways ) , new EventHandler ( OnKeyMove ) , MenuCommands . KeySelectPrevious ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusExpandCollapse ) , new EventHandler ( OnExpandCollapse ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . Expand ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusExpandCollapse ) , new EventHandler ( OnExpandCollapse ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . Collapse ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusEnable ) , new EventHandler ( OnEnable ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . Disable , true ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusEnable ) , new EventHandler ( OnEnable ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . Enable , true ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAlways ) , new EventHandler ( OnCreateTheme ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . CreateTheme ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAlways ) , new EventHandler ( OnChangeTheme ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . ChangeTheme ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAnySelection ) , new EventHandler ( OnKeyDefault ) , MenuCommands . KeyDefaultAction ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAlways ) , new EventHandler ( OnKeyPageDnUp ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . PageUp ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusAlways ) , new EventHandler ( OnKeyPageDnUp ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . PageDown ) ,
} ) ;
//WorkflowView commands
this . zoomCommands = new CommandSetItem [ ]
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusZoom ) , new EventHandler ( OnZoom ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom400Mode , DR . GetString ( DR . Zoom400Mode ) ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusZoom ) , new EventHandler ( OnZoom ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom300Mode , DR . GetString ( DR . Zoom300Mode ) ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusZoom ) , new EventHandler ( OnZoom ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom200Mode , DR . GetString ( DR . Zoom200Mode ) ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusZoom ) , new EventHandler ( OnZoom ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom150Mode , DR . GetString ( DR . Zoom150Mode ) ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusZoom ) , new EventHandler ( OnZoom ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom100Mode , DR . GetString ( DR . Zoom100Mode ) ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusZoom ) , new EventHandler ( OnZoom ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom75Mode , DR . GetString ( DR . Zoom75Mode ) ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusZoom ) , new EventHandler ( OnZoom ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom50Mode , DR . GetString ( DR . Zoom50Mode ) ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusZoom ) , new EventHandler ( OnZoom ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . ShowAll , DR . GetString ( DR . ZoomShowAll ) ) ,
} ;
this . commandSet . AddRange ( this . zoomCommands ) ;
this . layoutCommands = new CommandSetItem [ ]
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusLayout ) , new EventHandler ( OnPageLayout ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . DefaultPage ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusLayout ) , new EventHandler ( OnPageLayout ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . PrintPreviewPage ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusLayout ) , new EventHandler ( OnPageLayout ) , WorkflowMenuCommands . PrintPreview ) ,
} ;
this . commandSet . AddRange ( this . layoutCommands ) ;
this . navigationToolCommands = new CommandSetItem [ ]
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusMessageFilter ) , new EventHandler ( OnMessageFilterChanged ) , NavigationToolCommandIds [ 0 ] ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusMessageFilter ) , new EventHandler ( OnMessageFilterChanged ) , NavigationToolCommandIds [ 1 ] ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusMessageFilter ) , new EventHandler ( OnMessageFilterChanged ) , NavigationToolCommandIds [ 2 ] ) ,
new CommandSetItem ( new EventHandler ( OnStatusMessageFilter ) , new EventHandler ( OnMessageFilterChanged ) , NavigationToolCommandIds [ 3 ] ) ,
} ;
this . commandSet . AddRange ( this . navigationToolCommands ) ;
// add all menu commands
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this . commandSet . Count ; i + + )
if ( this . menuCommandService . FindCommand ( this . commandSet [ i ] . CommandID ) = = null )
this . menuCommandService . AddCommand ( this . commandSet [ i ] ) ;
IComponentChangeService changeService = this . serviceProvider . GetService ( typeof ( IComponentChangeService ) ) as IComponentChangeService ;
if ( changeService ! = null )
changeService . ComponentChanged + = new ComponentChangedEventHandler ( OnComponentChanged ) ;
// Now setup the default command GUID for this designer. This GUID is also used in our toolbar
// definition file to identify toolbars we own. We store the GUID in a command ID here in the
// dictionary of the root component. Our host may pull this GUID out and use it.
IDictionaryService ds = this . serviceProvider . GetService ( typeof ( IDictionaryService ) ) as IDictionaryService ;
if ( ds ! = null )
ds . SetValue ( typeof ( CommandID ) , new CommandID ( new Guid ( "5f1c3c8d-60f1-4b98-b85b-8679f97e8eac" ) , 0 ) ) ;
#region IDisposable Members
public void Dispose ( )
IComponentChangeService changeService = this . serviceProvider . GetService ( typeof ( IComponentChangeService ) ) as IComponentChangeService ;
if ( changeService ! = null )
changeService . ComponentChanged - = new ComponentChangedEventHandler ( OnComponentChanged ) ;
if ( this . activeFilter ! = null )
this . workflowView . RemoveDesignerMessageFilter ( this . activeFilter ) ;
this . activeFilter . Dispose ( ) ;
this . activeFilter = null ;
this . selectionService = null ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this . commandSet . Count ; i + + )
this . menuCommandService . RemoveCommand ( this . commandSet [ i ] ) ;
this . menuCommandService = null ;
#region Helper fucntions
internal void UpdateCommandSet ( )
// whip through all of the commands and ask them to update.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this . commandSet . Count ; i + + )
this . commandSet [ i ] . UpdateStatus ( ) ;
internal void UpdateZoomCommands ( bool enable )
int commandID = this . ConvertToZoomCommand ( this . workflowView . Zoom ) ;
foreach ( MenuCommand menuCommand in this . zoomCommands )
menuCommand . Enabled = enable ;
menuCommand . Checked = ( commandID = = menuCommand . CommandID . ID ) ;
internal void UpdatePageLayoutCommands ( bool enable )
//we might have two commands checked at the same (PrintPreviewPage and PrintPreview - since they have sligtly different logic (one is toggle and the other is not))
foreach ( MenuCommand menuCommand in this . layoutCommands )
menuCommand . Enabled = enable ;
menuCommand . Checked = this . workflowView . PrintPreviewMode ? ( menuCommand . CommandID = = WorkflowMenuCommands . PrintPreview | | menuCommand . CommandID = = WorkflowMenuCommands . PrintPreviewPage ) : menuCommand . CommandID = = WorkflowMenuCommands . DefaultPage ;
internal void UpdatePanCommands ( bool enable )
CommandID commandID = ConvertMessageFilterToCommandID ( ) ;
foreach ( MenuCommand menuCommand in this . navigationToolCommands )
menuCommand . Enabled = enable ;
menuCommand . Checked = ( commandID = = menuCommand . CommandID ) ;
private CommandID ConvertMessageFilterToCommandID ( )
if ( this . activeFilter is PanningMessageFilter )
return WorkflowMenuCommands . Pan ;
else if ( this . activeFilter is ZoomingMessageFilter )
if ( ( ( ZoomingMessageFilter ) this . activeFilter ) . ZoomingIn )
return WorkflowMenuCommands . ZoomIn ;
return WorkflowMenuCommands . ZoomOut ;
return WorkflowMenuCommands . DefaultFilter ;
private int ConvertToZoomLevel ( int commandId )
int zoomLevel = 100 ;
if ( commandId = = WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom400Mode . ID ) zoomLevel = 400 ;
else if ( commandId = = WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom300Mode . ID ) zoomLevel = 300 ;
else if ( commandId = = WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom200Mode . ID ) zoomLevel = 200 ;
else if ( commandId = = WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom150Mode . ID ) zoomLevel = 150 ;
else if ( commandId = = WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom100Mode . ID ) zoomLevel = 100 ;
else if ( commandId = = WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom75Mode . ID ) zoomLevel = 75 ;
else if ( commandId = = WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom50Mode . ID ) zoomLevel = 50 ;
return zoomLevel ;
private int ConvertToZoomCommand ( int zoomLevel )
int commandID = 0 ; //do not select anything if the zoom level is not one of the standard ones
if ( zoomLevel = = 400 ) commandID = WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom400Mode . ID ;
else if ( zoomLevel = = 300 ) commandID = WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom300Mode . ID ;
else if ( zoomLevel = = 200 ) commandID = WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom200Mode . ID ;
else if ( zoomLevel = = 150 ) commandID = WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom150Mode . ID ;
else if ( zoomLevel = = 100 ) commandID = WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom100Mode . ID ;
else if ( zoomLevel = = 75 ) commandID = WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom75Mode . ID ;
else if ( zoomLevel = = 50 ) commandID = WorkflowMenuCommands . Zoom50Mode . ID ;
return commandID ;
#region Status Handlers
private void OnComponentChanged ( object sender , ComponentChangedEventArgs e )
if ( this . activeFilter ! = null )
this . workflowView . RemoveDesignerMessageFilter ( this . activeFilter ) ;
this . activeFilter = null ;
UpdatePanCommands ( true ) ;
private void OnStatusZoom ( object sender , EventArgs e )
UpdateZoomCommands ( true ) ;
private void OnZoom ( object sender , EventArgs e )
MenuCommand menuCommand = ( MenuCommand ) sender ;
if ( menuCommand . CommandID . ID = = WorkflowMenuCommands . ShowAll . ID )
int newZoom = ( int ) ( 100.0f / this . workflowView . ActiveLayout . Scaling * Math . Min ( ( float ) this . workflowView . ViewPortSize . Width / ( float ) this . workflowView . ActiveLayout . Extent . Width , ( float ) this . workflowView . ViewPortSize . Height / ( float ) this . workflowView . ActiveLayout . Extent . Height ) ) ;
this . workflowView . Zoom = Math . Min ( Math . Max ( newZoom , AmbientTheme . MinZoom ) , AmbientTheme . MaxZoom ) ;
this . workflowView . Zoom = ConvertToZoomLevel ( menuCommand . CommandID . ID ) ;
UpdateZoomCommands ( true ) ;
private void OnStatusLayout ( object sender , EventArgs e )
UpdatePageLayoutCommands ( true ) ;
private void OnPageLayout ( object sender , EventArgs e )
MenuCommand menuCommand = ( MenuCommand ) sender ;
this . workflowView . PrintPreviewMode = ( menuCommand . CommandID = = WorkflowMenuCommands . PrintPreview ) ? ! this . workflowView . PrintPreviewMode : ( menuCommand . CommandID = = WorkflowMenuCommands . PrintPreviewPage ) ;
UpdatePageLayoutCommands ( true ) ;
private void OnStatusMessageFilter ( object sender , EventArgs e )
UpdatePanCommands ( true ) ;
private void OnMessageFilterChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( this . activeFilter ! = null )
this . workflowView . RemoveDesignerMessageFilter ( this . activeFilter ) ;
this . activeFilter = null ;
MenuCommand menuCommand = ( MenuCommand ) sender ;
int commandId = menuCommand . CommandID . ID ;
if ( WorkflowMenuCommands . ZoomIn . ID = = commandId )
this . activeFilter = new ZoomingMessageFilter ( true ) ;
else if ( WorkflowMenuCommands . ZoomOut . ID = = commandId )
this . activeFilter = new ZoomingMessageFilter ( false ) ;
else if ( WorkflowMenuCommands . Pan . ID = = commandId )
this . activeFilter = new PanningMessageFilter ( ) ;
if ( this . activeFilter ! = null )
this . workflowView . AddDesignerMessageFilter ( this . activeFilter ) ;
this . workflowView . Focus ( ) ;
UpdatePanCommands ( true ) ;
private void OnStatusPrint ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OnStatusAlways ( sender , e ) ;
private void OnStatusPageSetup ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OnStatusAlways ( sender , e ) ;
private void OnStatusCopy ( object sender , EventArgs e )
MenuCommand cmd = ( MenuCommand ) sender ;
bool enable = false ;
IDesignerHost designerHost = this . serviceProvider . GetService ( typeof ( IDesignerHost ) ) as IDesignerHost ;
if ( designerHost ! = null & & ! designerHost . Loading )
ArrayList selectedComponents = new ArrayList ( this . selectionService . GetSelectedComponents ( ) ) ;
enable = Helpers . AreAllActivities ( selectedComponents ) ;
if ( enable )
foreach ( Activity activity in selectedComponents )
if ( activity . Site ! = null )
designerHost = activity . Site . GetService ( typeof ( IDesignerHost ) ) as IDesignerHost ;
if ( designerHost ! = null & & this . selectionService . GetComponentSelected ( designerHost . RootComponent ) )
enable = false ;
break ;
cmd . Enabled = enable ;
private void OnStatusCut ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OnStatusDelete ( sender , e ) ;
private void OnStatusDelete ( object sender , EventArgs e )
MenuCommand cmd = ( MenuCommand ) sender ;
cmd . Enabled = false ;
// check if we are cutting root component
IDesignerHost designerHost = this . serviceProvider . GetService ( typeof ( IDesignerHost ) ) as IDesignerHost ;
if ( designerHost ! = null & & designerHost . RootComponent ! = null & & this . selectionService . GetComponentSelected ( designerHost . RootComponent ) )
return ;
//Check that we are cutting all activities
//Check if we are in writable context
ICollection components = this . selectionService . GetSelectedComponents ( ) ;
if ( ! DesignerHelpers . AreComponentsRemovable ( components ) )
return ;
// check if we can delete these
Activity [ ] topLevelActivities = Helpers . GetTopLevelActivities ( components ) ;
IDictionary commonParentActivities = Helpers . PairUpCommonParentActivities ( topLevelActivities ) ;
foreach ( DictionaryEntry entry in commonParentActivities )
CompositeActivityDesigner compositeActivityDesigner = ActivityDesigner . GetDesigner ( entry . Key as Activity ) as CompositeActivityDesigner ;
if ( compositeActivityDesigner ! = null & & ! compositeActivityDesigner . CanRemoveActivities ( new List < Activity > ( ( Activity [ ] ) ( ( ArrayList ) entry . Value ) . ToArray ( typeof ( Activity ) ) ) . AsReadOnly ( ) ) )
cmd . Enabled = false ;
return ;
cmd . Enabled = true ;
private void OnStatusPaste ( object sender , EventArgs e )
MenuCommand cmd = ( MenuCommand ) sender ;
cmd . Enabled = false ;
//Check if we are in writtable context
object selectedObject = this . selectionService . PrimarySelection ;
CompositeActivityDesigner compositeDesigner = ActivityDesigner . GetDesigner ( selectedObject as Activity ) as CompositeActivityDesigner ;
if ( compositeDesigner = = null )
compositeDesigner = ActivityDesigner . GetParentDesigner ( selectedObject ) ;
if ( compositeDesigner = = null | | ! compositeDesigner . IsEditable )
return ;
//Check if data object format is valid
IDesignerHost designerHost = this . serviceProvider . GetService ( typeof ( IDesignerHost ) ) as IDesignerHost ;
IToolboxService ts = ( IToolboxService ) this . serviceProvider . GetService ( typeof ( IToolboxService ) ) ;
IDataObject dataObj = Clipboard . GetDataObject ( ) ;
if ( dataObj = = null | | designerHost = = null | | ( ! dataObj . GetDataPresent ( CF_DESIGNER ) & & ( ts ! = null & & ! ts . IsSupported ( dataObj , designerHost ) ) ) )
return ;
//Get the drop target and check if it is valid
HitTestInfo hitInfo = null ;
if ( selectedObject is HitTestInfo )
hitInfo = ( HitTestInfo ) selectedObject ;
else if ( selectedObject is CompositeActivity )
hitInfo = new HitTestInfo ( compositeDesigner , HitTestLocations . Designer ) ;
else if ( selectedObject is Activity )
Activity selectedActivity = selectedObject as Activity ;
CompositeActivity parentActivity = selectedActivity . Parent ;
CompositeActivityDesigner parentDesigner = ActivityDesigner . GetDesigner ( parentActivity ) as CompositeActivityDesigner ;
if ( parentDesigner ! = null )
hitInfo = new ConnectorHitTestInfo ( parentDesigner , HitTestLocations . Designer , parentActivity . Activities . IndexOf ( selectedActivity ) + 1 ) ;
//Deserialize activities
ICollection components = null ;
components = CompositeActivityDesigner . DeserializeActivitiesFromDataObject ( this . serviceProvider , dataObj ) ;
catch ( CheckoutException ex )
if ( ex ! = CheckoutException . Canceled )
throw ex ;
cmd . Enabled = ( components ! = null & & hitInfo ! = null & & compositeDesigner . CanInsertActivities ( hitInfo , new List < Activity > ( Helpers . GetTopLevelActivities ( components ) ) . AsReadOnly ( ) ) ) ;
private void OnStatusAnySelection ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// any selection means that except the root component, if any of the activity is
// selected then enable it
MenuCommand cmd = ( MenuCommand ) sender ;
IDesignerHost designerHost = this . serviceProvider . GetService ( typeof ( IDesignerHost ) ) as IDesignerHost ;
cmd . Enabled = ( designerHost ! = null & & this . selectionService . GetSelectedComponents ( ) . Count > 0 & &
! this . selectionService . GetComponentSelected ( designerHost . RootComponent ) ) ;
private void OnStatusAlways ( object sender , EventArgs e )
MenuCommand cmd = ( MenuCommand ) sender ;
cmd . Enabled = true ;
private void OnStatusExpandCollapse ( object sender , EventArgs e )
MenuCommand menuCommand = ( MenuCommand ) sender ;
int expandCollapseItems = 0 ;
foreach ( object obj in this . selectionService . GetSelectedComponents ( ) )
Activity activity = obj as Activity ;
if ( activity ! = null )
CompositeActivityDesigner compositeDesigner = ActivityDesigner . GetDesigner ( activity ) as CompositeActivityDesigner ;
if ( compositeDesigner ! = null & & compositeDesigner . CanExpandCollapse & &
( ( menuCommand . CommandID = = WorkflowMenuCommands . Expand & & ! compositeDesigner . Expanded ) | |
( menuCommand . CommandID = = WorkflowMenuCommands . Collapse & & compositeDesigner . Expanded ) ) )
expandCollapseItems + = 1 ;
menuCommand . Visible = menuCommand . Enabled = ( expandCollapseItems = = this . selectionService . SelectionCount ) ;
private void OnStatusEnable ( object sender , EventArgs e )
MenuCommand menuCommand = ( MenuCommand ) sender ;
bool enabledPropertyValue = true ;
bool enabled = true ;
ArrayList selectedObjects = new ArrayList ( this . selectionService . GetSelectedComponents ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < selectedObjects . Count & & enabled ; i + + )
Activity activity = selectedObjects [ i ] as Activity ;
if ( activity ! = null )
ActivityDesigner activityDesigner = ActivityDesigner . GetDesigner ( activity ) ;
if ( activityDesigner = = null | | activityDesigner . IsLocked | |
( i > 0 & & enabledPropertyValue ! = activity . Enabled ) | |
( this . workflowView . RootDesigner ! = null & & this . workflowView . RootDesigner . Activity = = activity ) )
enabled = false ;
enabledPropertyValue = activity . Enabled ;
enabled = false ;
menuCommand . Visible = menuCommand . Enabled = ( enabled & & ( ( menuCommand . CommandID = = WorkflowMenuCommands . Enable & & ! enabledPropertyValue ) | | ( menuCommand . CommandID = = WorkflowMenuCommands . Disable & & enabledPropertyValue ) ) ) ;
#region Execute Handlers
private void OnKeyDefault ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SendKeyDownCommand ( Keys . Enter ) ;
//sends specified key to the wf view, returns the .Handled flag
private bool SendKeyDownCommand ( Keys key )
IDesignerHost host = this . serviceProvider . GetService ( typeof ( IDesignerHost ) ) as IDesignerHost ;
if ( host ! = null )
IRootDesigner rootDesigner = ActivityDesigner . GetDesigner ( host . RootComponent as Activity ) as IRootDesigner ;
if ( rootDesigner ! = null )
WorkflowView view = rootDesigner . GetView ( ViewTechnology . Default ) as WorkflowView ;
if ( view ! = null )
2017-08-21 15:34:15 +00:00
//because the some key presses are not coming into the Microsoft OnKeyDown
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
//we need to do this work around to manually send the keypress into the designer
KeyEventArgs eventArgs = new KeyEventArgs ( key ) ;
view . OnCommandKey ( eventArgs ) ;
return eventArgs . Handled ;
return false ;
private void OnKeyMove ( object sender , EventArgs e )
object selectedObject = this . selectionService . PrimarySelection ;
if ( selectedObject = = null )
return ;
MenuCommand menuCommand = ( MenuCommand ) sender ;
Keys key = Keys . Left ;
if ( menuCommand . CommandID . ID = = MenuCommands . KeyMoveDown . ID )
key = Keys . Down ;
else if ( menuCommand . CommandID . ID = = MenuCommands . KeyMoveUp . ID )
key = Keys . Up ;
else if ( menuCommand . CommandID . ID = = MenuCommands . KeyMoveLeft . ID )
key = Keys . Left ;
else if ( menuCommand . CommandID . ID = = MenuCommands . KeyMoveRight . ID )
key = Keys . Right ;
else if ( menuCommand . CommandID . ID = = MenuCommands . KeySelectNext . ID )
key = Keys . Tab ;
else if ( menuCommand . CommandID . ID = = MenuCommands . KeySelectPrevious . ID )
{ key = Keys . Tab | Keys . Shift ; }
SendKeyDownCommand ( key ) ;
private void OnExpandCollapse ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// on enter key we want to do DoDefault of the designer
MenuCommand menuCommand = ( MenuCommand ) sender ;
foreach ( object obj in this . selectionService . GetSelectedComponents ( ) )
Activity activity = obj as Activity ;
if ( activity ! = null )
CompositeActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner . GetDesigner ( activity ) as CompositeActivityDesigner ;
if ( designer ! = null )
designer . Expanded = ( menuCommand . CommandID . ID = = WorkflowMenuCommands . Expand . ID ) ;
MenuCommand expandCommand = this . menuCommandService . FindCommand ( WorkflowMenuCommands . Expand ) ;
if ( expandCommand ! = null )
OnStatusExpandCollapse ( expandCommand , EventArgs . Empty ) ;
MenuCommand collapseCommand = this . menuCommandService . FindCommand ( WorkflowMenuCommands . Collapse ) ;
if ( collapseCommand ! = null )
OnStatusExpandCollapse ( collapseCommand , EventArgs . Empty ) ;
private void OnEnable ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// on enter key we want to do DoDefault of the designer
MenuCommand menuCommand = ( MenuCommand ) sender ;
DesignerTransaction trans = null ;
IComponent selectedComponent = this . selectionService . PrimarySelection as IComponent ;
if ( selectedComponent ! = null & & selectedComponent . Site ! = null )
IDesignerHost host = selectedComponent . Site . GetService ( typeof ( IDesignerHost ) ) as IDesignerHost ;
if ( host ! = null )
trans = host . CreateTransaction ( SR . GetString ( SR . ChangingEnabled ) ) ;
foreach ( object obj in this . selectionService . GetSelectedComponents ( ) )
Activity activity = obj as Activity ;
if ( activity ! = null )
ActivityDesigner activityDesigner = ActivityDesigner . GetDesigner ( activity ) ;
if ( activityDesigner ! = null & & ! activityDesigner . IsLocked )
PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = TypeDescriptor . GetProperties ( activity ) [ "Enabled" ] ;
if ( propertyDescriptor ! = null )
propertyDescriptor . SetValue ( activity , ! activity . Enabled ) ;
if ( trans ! = null )
trans . Commit ( ) ;
if ( trans ! = null )
( ( IDisposable ) trans ) . Dispose ( ) ;
MenuCommand commentCommand = this . menuCommandService . FindCommand ( WorkflowMenuCommands . Disable ) ;
if ( commentCommand ! = null )
OnStatusEnable ( commentCommand , EventArgs . Empty ) ;
MenuCommand uncommentCommand = this . menuCommandService . FindCommand ( WorkflowMenuCommands . Enable ) ;
if ( uncommentCommand ! = null )
OnStatusEnable ( uncommentCommand , EventArgs . Empty ) ;
private void OnCreateTheme ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ThemeConfigurationDialog themeConfigDialog = new ThemeConfigurationDialog ( this . serviceProvider ) ;
if ( themeConfigDialog . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
WorkflowTheme themeToApply = themeConfigDialog . ComposedTheme . Clone ( ) as WorkflowTheme ;
if ( themeToApply ! = null )
WorkflowTheme . CurrentTheme = themeToApply ;
WorkflowTheme . SaveThemeSettingToRegistry ( ) ;
private void OnChangeTheme ( object sender , EventArgs e )
IExtendedUIService extUIService = this . serviceProvider . GetService ( typeof ( IExtendedUIService ) ) as IExtendedUIService ;
if ( extUIService ! = null )
extUIService . ShowToolsOptions ( ) ;
private void OnKeyCancel ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SendKeyDownCommand ( Keys . Escape ) ;
private void OnKeyPageDnUp ( object sender , EventArgs e )
MenuCommand menuCommand = ( MenuCommand ) sender ;
SendKeyDownCommand ( ( menuCommand . CommandID = = WorkflowMenuCommands . PageUp ) ? Keys . PageUp : Keys . PageDown ) ;
private void OnViewCode ( object sender , EventArgs e )
IDesignerHost designerHost = this . serviceProvider . GetService ( typeof ( IDesignerHost ) ) as IDesignerHost ;
IComponent rootComponent = ( designerHost ! = null ) ? designerHost . RootComponent : null ;
if ( rootComponent ! = null )
IMemberCreationService memberCreationService = rootComponent . Site . GetService ( typeof ( IMemberCreationService ) ) as IMemberCreationService ;
if ( memberCreationService ! = null )
memberCreationService . ShowCode ( ) ;
private void OnMenuPageSetup ( object sender , EventArgs e )
PrinterSettings . StringCollection printers = PrinterSettings . InstalledPrinters ;
if ( printers . Count < 1 )
DesignerHelpers . ShowError ( this . serviceProvider , DR . GetString ( DR . ThereIsNoPrinterInstalledErrorMessage ) ) ;
return ;
WorkflowPageSetupDialog pageSetupDialog = new WorkflowPageSetupDialog ( this . serviceProvider ) ;
if ( DialogResult . OK = = pageSetupDialog . ShowDialog ( ) )
this . workflowView . PerformLayout ( false ) ;
private void OnMenuSaveWorkflowAsImage ( object sender , EventArgs e )
List < SupportedImageFormats > supportedFormats = new List < SupportedImageFormats > ( ) ;
supportedFormats . Add ( new SupportedImageFormats ( DR . GetString ( DR . BMPImageFormat ) , ImageFormat . Bmp ) ) ;
supportedFormats . Add ( new SupportedImageFormats ( DR . GetString ( DR . JPEGImageFormat ) , ImageFormat . Jpeg ) ) ;
supportedFormats . Add ( new SupportedImageFormats ( DR . GetString ( DR . PNGImageFormat ) , ImageFormat . Png ) ) ;
supportedFormats . Add ( new SupportedImageFormats ( DR . GetString ( DR . TIFFImageFormat ) , ImageFormat . Tiff ) ) ;
supportedFormats . Add ( new SupportedImageFormats ( DR . GetString ( DR . WMFImageFormat ) , ImageFormat . Wmf ) ) ;
supportedFormats . Add ( new SupportedImageFormats ( DR . GetString ( DR . EXIFImageFormat ) , ImageFormat . Exif ) ) ;
supportedFormats . Add ( new SupportedImageFormats ( DR . GetString ( DR . EMFImageFormat ) , ImageFormat . Emf ) ) ;
SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog ( ) ;
saveFileDialog . Title = DR . GetString ( DR . SaveWorkflowImageDialogTitle ) ;
saveFileDialog . DefaultExt = "bmp" ;
string filter = String . Empty ;
foreach ( SupportedImageFormats format in supportedFormats )
filter + = ( filter . Length > 0 ) ? "|" + format . Description : format . Description ;
saveFileDialog . Filter = filter ;
saveFileDialog . FilterIndex = 0 ;
if ( saveFileDialog . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK & & saveFileDialog . FilterIndex > 0 & & saveFileDialog . FilterIndex < = supportedFormats . Count )
this . workflowView . SaveWorkflowImage ( saveFileDialog . FileName , supportedFormats [ saveFileDialog . FilterIndex - 1 ] . Format ) ;
private void OnMenuCopyToClipboard ( object sender , EventArgs e )
this . workflowView . SaveWorkflowImageToClipboard ( ) ;
private void OnMenuPrint ( object sender , EventArgs e )
//check if the printers are installed
PrinterSettings . StringCollection printers = PrinterSettings . InstalledPrinters ;
if ( printers . Count < 1 )
DesignerHelpers . ShowError ( this . serviceProvider , DR . GetString ( DR . ThereIsNoPrinterInstalledErrorMessage ) ) ;
return ;
//check printer selection before actually printing
PrintDocument printDoc = this . workflowView . PrintDocument ;
PrintDialog printDialog = new System . Windows . Forms . PrintDialog ( ) ;
printDialog . AllowPrintToFile = false ;
printDialog . Document = printDoc ;
if ( DialogResult . OK = = printDialog . ShowDialog ( ) )
//cache main settings
PrinterSettings cachedPrinterSettings = printDoc . PrinterSettings ;
PageSettings cachedPageSettings = printDoc . DefaultPageSettings ;
//set the user selected settings
//The printer dialog itself calls print on print document we do not have to call it.
printDoc . PrinterSettings = printDialog . PrinterSettings ;
printDoc . DefaultPageSettings = printDialog . Document . DefaultPageSettings ;
//print it...
printDoc . Print ( ) ;
//and restore the main settings back
printDoc . PrinterSettings = cachedPrinterSettings ;
printDoc . DefaultPageSettings = cachedPageSettings ;
//todo: copy updated settings from the dialog to the print doc
//in the worst case it's a no-op, in case user clicked apply/cancel it's the only way to
//update the settings (see Winoe#3129 and VSWhidbey#403124 for more details)
catch ( Exception exception )
string errorString = DR . GetString ( DR . SelectedPrinterIsInvalidErrorMessage ) ;
errorString + = "\n" + exception . Message ;
DesignerHelpers . ShowError ( this . serviceProvider , errorString ) ;
private void OnMenuDesignerProperties ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( this . menuCommandService ! = null )
this . menuCommandService . GlobalInvoke ( MenuCommands . PropertiesWindow ) ;
private void OnMenuCut ( object sender , EventArgs e )
//check if we are cutting root component
IDesignerHost designerHost = this . serviceProvider . GetService ( typeof ( IDesignerHost ) ) as IDesignerHost ;
if ( designerHost ! = null & & this . selectionService . GetComponentSelected ( designerHost . RootComponent ) )
return ;
//Check that we are cutting all activities
//Check if we are in writable context
ICollection components = this . selectionService . GetSelectedComponents ( ) ;
if ( ! Helpers . AreAllActivities ( components ) | | ! DesignerHelpers . AreAssociatedDesignersMovable ( components ) )
return ;
// copy the selected component to clipboard
OnMenuCopy ( sender , e ) ;
// Set transaction description string based on number of activities being moved
string description = String . Empty ;
if ( components . Count > 1 )
description = SR . GetString ( SR . CutMultipleActivities , components . Count ) ;
ArrayList componentList = new ArrayList ( components ) ;
if ( componentList . Count > 0 )
description = SR . GetString ( SR . CutSingleActivity , ( componentList [ 0 ] as Activity ) . Name ) ;
description = SR . GetString ( SR . CutActivity ) ;
DesignerTransaction cutTransaction = designerHost . CreateTransaction ( description ) ;
OnMenuDelete ( sender , e ) ;
cutTransaction . Commit ( ) ;
cutTransaction . Cancel ( ) ;
private void OnMenuCopy ( object sender , EventArgs e )
//Make sure that we are copying activities
if ( ! Helpers . AreAllActivities ( this . selectionService . GetSelectedComponents ( ) ) )
return ;
// serialize all top level activities to the store
Activity [ ] topLevelActivities = Helpers . GetTopLevelActivities ( this . selectionService . GetSelectedComponents ( ) ) ;
IDataObject dataObject = CompositeActivityDesigner . SerializeActivitiesToDataObject ( this . serviceProvider , topLevelActivities ) ;
Clipboard . SetDataObject ( dataObject ) ;
private void OnMenuPaste ( object sender , EventArgs e )
object selectedObject = this . selectionService . PrimarySelection ;
CompositeActivityDesigner compositeDesigner = ActivityDesigner . GetDesigner ( selectedObject as Activity ) as CompositeActivityDesigner ;
if ( compositeDesigner = = null )
compositeDesigner = ActivityDesigner . GetParentDesigner ( selectedObject ) ;
if ( compositeDesigner = = null | | ! compositeDesigner . IsEditable )
return ;
// deserialize activities
IDataObject dataObj = Clipboard . GetDataObject ( ) ;
ICollection components = null ;
components = CompositeActivityDesigner . DeserializeActivitiesFromDataObject ( this . serviceProvider , dataObj , true ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
if ( ex ! = CheckoutException . Canceled )
throw new Exception ( DR . GetString ( DR . ActivityInsertError ) + "\n" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
if ( components = = null )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( DR . GetString ( DR . InvalidOperationBadClipboardFormat ) ) ;
// get the drop target
HitTestInfo hitInfo = null ;
if ( selectedObject is HitTestInfo )
hitInfo = ( HitTestInfo ) selectedObject ;
else if ( selectedObject is CompositeActivity )
hitInfo = new HitTestInfo ( compositeDesigner , HitTestLocations . Designer ) ;
else if ( selectedObject is Activity )
Activity selectedActivity = selectedObject as Activity ;
CompositeActivity parentActivity = selectedActivity . Parent ;
CompositeActivityDesigner parentDesigner = ActivityDesigner . GetDesigner ( parentActivity ) as CompositeActivityDesigner ;
if ( parentDesigner ! = null )
hitInfo = new ConnectorHitTestInfo ( parentDesigner , HitTestLocations . Designer , parentActivity . Activities . IndexOf ( selectedActivity ) + 1 ) ;
List < Activity > topLevelActivities = new List < Activity > ( Helpers . GetTopLevelActivities ( components ) ) ;
// check if we can insert or not
// I know I should have disabled the paste menu it-self, but doing status check for paste gives a big performance hit. I am working on it.
if ( hitInfo = = null | | ! compositeDesigner . CanInsertActivities ( hitInfo , topLevelActivities . AsReadOnly ( ) ) )
throw new Exception ( SR . GetString ( SR . Error_NoPasteSupport ) ) ;
// Make sure the project has references to all inserted activities (in the case
// where an activity is copied from another project
IExtendedUIService extendedUIService = this . serviceProvider . GetService ( typeof ( IExtendedUIService ) ) as IExtendedUIService ;
if ( extendedUIService ! = null )
foreach ( Activity pastedActivity in components )
extendedUIService . AddAssemblyReference ( pastedActivity . GetType ( ) . Assembly . GetName ( ) ) ;
CompositeActivityDesigner . InsertActivities ( compositeDesigner , hitInfo , topLevelActivities . AsReadOnly ( ) , SR . GetString ( SR . PastingActivities ) ) ;
Stream componentStateStream = dataObj . GetData ( CF_DESIGNERSTATE ) as Stream ;
if ( componentStateStream ! = null )
Helpers . DeserializeDesignersFromStream ( components , componentStateStream ) ;
// set something on selections service
this . selectionService . SetSelectedComponents ( topLevelActivities . ToArray ( ) , SelectionTypes . Replace ) ;
this . workflowView . EnsureVisible ( this . selectionService . PrimarySelection ) ;
private void OnMenuSelectAll ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ActivityDesigner rootDesigner = ActivityDesigner . GetSafeRootDesigner ( this . serviceProvider ) as ActivityDesigner ;
if ( rootDesigner ! = null )
List < Activity > activities = new List < Activity > ( ) ;
if ( rootDesigner . Activity is CompositeActivity )
activities . AddRange ( Helpers . GetNestedActivities ( rootDesigner . Activity as CompositeActivity ) ) ;
this . selectionService . SetSelectedComponents ( activities . ToArray ( ) , SelectionTypes . Replace ) ;
private void OnMenuDelete ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SendKeyDownCommand ( Keys . Delete ) ;
#region Class SupportedImageFormats
internal class SupportedImageFormats
public string Description ;
public ImageFormat Format ;
public SupportedImageFormats ( string description , ImageFormat imageFormat )
Description = description ;
Format = imageFormat ;
#region Class CommandSetItem
internal sealed class CommandSetItem : MenuCommand
private EventHandler statusHandler ;
private bool immidiateStatusUpdate = false ;
public CommandSetItem ( EventHandler statusHandler , EventHandler invokeHandler , CommandID id )
: base ( invokeHandler , id )
this . statusHandler = statusHandler ;
public CommandSetItem ( EventHandler statusHandler , EventHandler invokeHandler , CommandID id , string text )
: this ( statusHandler , invokeHandler , id )
Properties [ "Text" ] = text ;
public CommandSetItem ( EventHandler statusHandler , EventHandler invokeHandler , CommandID id , bool immidiateStatusUpdate )
: this ( statusHandler , invokeHandler , id )
this . immidiateStatusUpdate = immidiateStatusUpdate ;
public override int OleStatus
if ( this . immidiateStatusUpdate )
UpdateStatus ( ) ;
return base . OleStatus ;
public void UpdateStatus ( )
if ( statusHandler ! = null )
statusHandler ( this , EventArgs . Empty ) ;