372 lines
13 KiB
372 lines
13 KiB
#if false //deadcode
// <copyright file="ScatterGatherStream.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace System.Web.Services.Protocols {
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
internal class ScatterGatherStream : Stream {
private const int MemStreamMaxLength = Int32.MaxValue;
private MemoryChunk headChunk = null;
private MemoryChunk currentChunk = null;
private long chunkSize = 0;
private int currentOffset = 0;
private int endOffset = 0;
private long currentChunkStartPos = 0;
internal ScatterGatherStream(int chunkSize) {
this.chunkSize = chunkSize;
currentChunk = headChunk = AllocateMemoryChunk(this.chunkSize);
currentOffset = endOffset = 0;
currentChunkStartPos = 0;
internal ScatterGatherStream() : this(1024) { }
public override bool CanRead { get { return true; } }
public override bool CanSeek { get { return true; } }
public override bool CanWrite { get { return true; } }
public override void Close() {
headChunk = null;
currentChunk = null;
endOffset = currentOffset = 0;
currentChunkStartPos = 0;
public override void Flush() { }
public override long Length {
get {
MemoryChunk endChunk;
return GetLengthInternal(out endChunk);
private long GetLengthInternal(out MemoryChunk endChunk){
long length = currentChunkStartPos;
MemoryChunk chunk = currentChunk;
while (chunk.Next != null) {
length += chunk.Buffer.Length;
chunk = chunk.Next;
length += endOffset;
endChunk = chunk;
return length;
public override long Position {
get {
return Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Current);
set {
Seek(value, SeekOrigin.Begin);
public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin loc) {
MemoryChunk chunk = null;;
long relativeOffset = 0;
long absoluteOffset = 0;
if(loc == SeekOrigin.Begin){
absoluteOffset = offset;
if(offset >= currentChunkStartPos){
chunk = currentChunk;
relativeOffset = offset - currentChunkStartPos;
chunk = headChunk;
relativeOffset = absoluteOffset;
else if( loc == SeekOrigin.Current){
absoluteOffset = offset + currentOffset + currentChunkStartPos;
if( (offset + currentOffset) > 0){
chunk = currentChunk;
relativeOffset = offset + currentOffset;
else {
chunk = headChunk;
relativeOffset = absoluteOffset;
else if (loc == SeekOrigin.End){
MemoryChunk endChunk;
long length = GetLengthInternal(out endChunk);
absoluteOffset = offset + length;
if ( (offset + endOffset) > 0 ) {
relativeOffset = offset + endOffset;
chunk = endChunk;
else if(absoluteOffset >= currentChunkStartPos){
chunk = currentChunk;
relativeOffset = absoluteOffset - currentChunkStartPos;
else {
chunk = headChunk;
relativeOffset = absoluteOffset;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("loc");
if (relativeOffset < 0 || relativeOffset > MemStreamMaxLength)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset");
long remaining = relativeOffset;
while (chunk.Next != null) {
if (remaining < chunk.Buffer.Length){
currentChunk = chunk;
currentOffset = (int)remaining;
currentChunkStartPos = absoluteOffset - currentOffset;
remaining = -1;
remaining -= chunk.Buffer.Length;
chunk = chunk.Next;
if (remaining >= 0){
if (remaining <= chunk.Buffer.Length)
currentChunk = chunk;
else {
currentChunk = chunk.Next = AllocateMemoryChunk(2*remaining);
endOffset = 0;
currentOffset = (int)remaining;
currentChunkStartPos = absoluteOffset - currentOffset;
return absoluteOffset;
public override void SetLength(long absNewLen) {
if (absNewLen < 0 || absNewLen > MemStreamMaxLength)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset");
MemoryChunk chunk;
bool currentPastEnd;
long relNewLen;
if(absNewLen >= currentChunkStartPos){
currentPastEnd = false;
chunk = currentChunk;
relNewLen = absNewLen - currentChunkStartPos;
else {
currentPastEnd = true;
chunk = headChunk;
relNewLen = absNewLen;
long startPos = 0;
MemoryChunk endChunk = null;
while (chunk != null) {
long endPos = startPos + chunk.Buffer.Length;
if(endPos > relNewLen){
chunk.Next = null;
endOffset = (int)(relNewLen - startPos);
if(chunk == currentChunk)
currentOffset = min(currentOffset, endOffset);
else if(currentPastEnd){
currentChunk = chunk;
currentOffset = endOffset;
currentChunkStartPos = absNewLen - currentOffset;
startPos = endPos;
endChunk = chunk;
chunk = chunk.Next;
//assert(endChunk != null)
endChunk.Next = AllocateMemoryChunk((int)(absNewLen - startPos));
endOffset = (int)(absNewLen - startPos);
public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) {
byte[] chunkBuffer = currentChunk.Buffer;
int chunkSize = chunkBuffer.Length;
if (currentChunk.Next == null)
chunkSize = endOffset;
int bytesRead = 0;
while (count > 0) {
if (currentOffset == chunkSize) {
// exit if no more chunks are currently available
if (currentChunk.Next == null)
currentChunkStartPos += currentChunk.Buffer.Length;
currentChunk = currentChunk.Next;
currentOffset = 0;
chunkBuffer = currentChunk.Buffer;
chunkSize = chunkBuffer.Length;
if (currentChunk.Next == null)
chunkSize = endOffset;
int readCount = min(count, chunkSize - currentOffset);
Buffer.BlockCopy(chunkBuffer, currentOffset, buffer, offset, readCount);
offset += readCount;
count -= readCount;
currentOffset += readCount;
bytesRead += readCount;
return bytesRead;
byte[] oneByteBuffer = new byte[1];
public override int ReadByte(){
if(Read(oneByteBuffer, 0, 1) == 1)
return oneByteBuffer[0];
return -1;
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) {
byte[] chunkBuffer = currentChunk.Buffer;
int chunkSize = chunkBuffer.Length;
while (count > 0) {
if (currentOffset == chunkSize) {
// allocate a new chunk if the current one is full
if(currentChunk.Next == null){
currentChunk.Next = AllocateMemoryChunk(count);
endOffset = 0;
currentChunkStartPos += currentChunk.Buffer.Length;
currentChunk = currentChunk.Next;
currentOffset = 0;
chunkBuffer = currentChunk.Buffer;
chunkSize = chunkBuffer.Length;
int copyCount = min(count, chunkSize - endOffset);
Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, chunkBuffer, endOffset, copyCount);
offset += copyCount;
count -= copyCount;
currentOffset += copyCount;
public override void WriteByte(byte value) {
oneByteBuffer[0] = value;
Write(oneByteBuffer, 0, 1);
internal bool GetNextBuffer(out byte[] buffer, out int byteOffset, out int byteCount) {
buffer = null;
byteOffset = 0;
byteCount = 0;
if (currentChunk == null || headChunk == null || (currentChunk.Next == null && currentOffset == endOffset))
return false;
buffer = currentChunk.Buffer;
if (currentChunk.Next == null) {
byteCount = endOffset;
currentOffset = endOffset;
else {
currentChunkStartPos += currentChunk.Buffer.Length;
currentChunk = currentChunk.Next;
byteCount = buffer.Length;
currentOffset = 0;
return true;
// copy entire buffer into an array
internal virtual byte[] ToArray() {
int length = (int)Length; // this will throw if stream is closed
byte[] copy = new byte[length];
MemoryChunk backupReadChunk = currentChunk;
int backupReadOffset = currentOffset;
currentChunk = headChunk;
currentOffset = 0;
Read(copy, 0, length);
currentChunk = backupReadChunk;
currentOffset = backupReadOffset;
return copy;
// write remainder of this stream to another stream
internal virtual void WriteTo(Stream stream) {
if (stream == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");
byte[] chunkBuffer = currentChunk.Buffer;
int chunkSize = chunkBuffer.Length;
if (currentChunk.Next == null)
chunkSize = endOffset;
// following code mirrors Read() logic (currentChunk/currentOffset should
// point just past last byte of last chunk when done)
for (;;){ // loop until end of chunks is found
if (currentOffset == chunkSize) {
// exit if no more chunks are currently available
if (currentChunk.Next == null)
currentChunkStartPos += currentChunk.Buffer.Length;
currentChunk = currentChunk.Next;
currentOffset = 0;
chunkBuffer = currentChunk.Buffer;
chunkSize = chunkBuffer.Length;
if (currentChunk.Next == null)
chunkSize = endOffset;
int writeCount = chunkSize - currentOffset;
stream.Write(chunkBuffer, currentOffset, writeCount);
currentOffset = chunkSize;
private static int min(int a, int b) { return a < b ? a : b;}
private MemoryChunk AllocateMemoryChunk(long newSize) {
if(newSize > chunkSize) chunkSize = newSize;
MemoryChunk chunk = new MemoryChunk();
chunk.Buffer = new byte[chunkSize];
chunkSize*=2;//nexttime alloc more
chunk.Next = null;
return chunk;
private void SyncEndOffset() {
if (currentChunk.Next == null && currentOffset > endOffset)
endOffset = currentOffset;
private class MemoryChunk {
internal byte[] Buffer = null;
internal MemoryChunk Next = null;