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// ==++==
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// ==--==
// <OWNER>[....]</OWNER>
// Class: TimeSpan Parse
// Purpose: This class is called by TimeSpan to parse a time interval string.
// Standard Format:
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// "c": Constant format. [-][d'.']hh':'mm':'ss['.'fffffff]
// Not culture sensitive. Default format (and null/empty format string) map to this format.
// "g": General format, short: [-][d':']h':'mm':'ss'.'FFFFFFF
// Only print what's needed. Localized (if you want Invariant, pass in Invariant).
// The fractional seconds separator is localized, equal to the culture's DecimalSeparator.
// "G": General format, long: [-]d':'hh':'mm':'ss'.'fffffff
// Always print days and 7 fractional digits. Localized (if you want Invariant, pass in Invariant).
// The fractional seconds separator is localized, equal to the culture's DecimalSeparator.
// * "TryParseTimeSpan" is the main method for Parse/TryParse
// - TimeSpanTokenizer.GetNextToken() is used to split the input string into number and literal tokens.
// - TimeSpanRawInfo.ProcessToken() adds the next token into the parsing intermediary state structure
// - ProcessTerminalState() uses the fully initialized TimeSpanRawInfo to find a legal parse match.
// The terminal states are attempted as follows:
// foreach (+InvariantPattern, -InvariantPattern, +LocalizedPattern, -LocalizedPattern) try
// 1 number => d
// 2 numbers => h:m
// 3 numbers => h:m:s | d.h:m | h:m:.f
// 4 numbers => h:m:s.f | d.h:m:s | d.h:m:.f
// 5 numbers => d.h:m:s.f
// Custom Format:
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// * "TryParseExactTimeSpan" is the main method for ParseExact/TryParseExact methods
// * "TryParseExactMultipleTimeSpan" is the main method for ParseExact/TryparseExact
// methods that take a String[] of formats
// - For single-letter formats "TryParseTimeSpan" is called (see above)
// - For multi-letter formats "TryParseByFormat" is called
// - TryParseByFormat uses helper methods (ParseExactLiteral, ParseExactDigits, etc)
// which drive the underlying TimeSpanTokenizer. However, unlike standard formatting which
// operates on whole-tokens, ParseExact operates at the character-level. As such,
// TimeSpanTokenizer.NextChar and TimeSpanTokenizer.BackOne() are called directly.
namespace System.Globalization {
using System.Text;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.Globalization;
public enum TimeSpanStyles {
None = 0x00000000,
AssumeNegative = 0x00000001,
internal static class TimeSpanParse {
// ---- SECTION: members for internal support ---------*
internal static void ValidateStyles(TimeSpanStyles style, String parameterName) {
if (style != TimeSpanStyles.None && style != TimeSpanStyles.AssumeNegative)
throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidTimeSpanStyles"), parameterName);
internal const int unlimitedDigits = -1;
internal const int maxFractionDigits = 7;
internal const int maxDays = 10675199;
internal const int maxHours = 23;
internal const int maxMinutes = 59;
internal const int maxSeconds = 59;
internal const int maxFraction = 9999999;
#region InternalSupport
enum TimeSpanThrowStyle {
None = 0,
All = 1,
private enum ParseFailureKind {
None = 0,
ArgumentNull = 1,
Format = 2,
FormatWithParameter = 3,
Overflow = 4,
enum TimeSpanStandardStyles { // Standard Format Styles
None = 0x00000000,
Invariant = 0x00000001, //Allow Invariant Culture
Localized = 0x00000002, //Allow Localized Culture
RequireFull = 0x00000004, //Require the input to be in DHMSF format
Any = Invariant | Localized,
// TimeSpan Token Types
private enum TTT {
None = 0, // None of the TimeSpanToken fields are set
End = 1, // '\0'
Num = 2, // Number
Sep = 3, // literal
NumOverflow = 4, // Number that overflowed
private static readonly TimeSpanToken zero = new TimeSpanToken(0);
struct TimeSpanToken {
internal TTT ttt;
internal int num; // Store the number that we are parsing (if any)
internal int zeroes; // Store the number of leading zeroes (if any)
internal String sep; // Store the literal that we are parsing (if any)
public TimeSpanToken(int number) {
ttt = TTT.Num;
num = number;
zeroes = 0;
sep = null;
public TimeSpanToken(int leadingZeroes, int number) {
ttt = TTT.Num;
num = number;
zeroes = leadingZeroes;
sep = null;
public bool IsInvalidNumber(int maxValue, int maxPrecision) {
Contract.Assert(ttt == TTT.Num);
Contract.Assert(num > -1);
Contract.Assert(maxValue > 0);
Contract.Assert(maxPrecision == maxFractionDigits || maxPrecision == unlimitedDigits);
if (num > maxValue)
return true;
if (maxPrecision == unlimitedDigits)
return false; // all validation past this point applies only to fields with precision limits
if (zeroes > maxPrecision)
return true;
if (num == 0 || zeroes == 0)
return false;
// num > 0 && zeroes > 0 && num <= maxValue && zeroes <= maxPrecision
return (num >= (maxValue/(long)Math.Pow(10, zeroes-1)));
// TimeSpanTokenizer
// Actions: TimeSpanTokenizer.GetNextToken() returns the next token in the input string.
struct TimeSpanTokenizer {
private int m_pos;
private String m_value;
internal void Init(String input) {
Init(input, 0);
internal void Init(String input, int startPosition) {
m_pos = startPosition;
m_value = input;
// used by the parsing routines that operate on standard-formats
internal TimeSpanToken GetNextToken() {
Contract.Assert(m_pos > -1);
TimeSpanToken tok = new TimeSpanToken();
char ch = CurrentChar;
if (ch == (char)0) {
tok.ttt = TTT.End;
return tok;
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
tok.ttt = TTT.Num;
tok.num = 0;
tok.zeroes = 0;
do {
if ((tok.num & 0xF0000000) != 0) {
tok.ttt = TTT.NumOverflow;
return tok;
tok.num = tok.num * 10 + ch - '0';
if (tok.num == 0) tok.zeroes++;
if (tok.num < 0) {
tok.ttt = TTT.NumOverflow;
return tok;
ch = NextChar;
} while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9');
return tok;
else {
tok.ttt = TTT.Sep;
int startIndex = m_pos;
int length = 0;
while (ch != (char)0 && (ch < '0' || '9' < ch)) {
ch = NextChar;
tok.sep = m_value.Substring(startIndex, length);
return tok;
internal Boolean EOL {
get {
return m_pos >= (m_value.Length-1);
// BackOne, NextChar, CurrentChar - used by ParseExact (ParseByFormat) to operate
// on custom-formats where exact character-by-character control is allowed
internal void BackOne() {
if (m_pos > 0) --m_pos;
internal char NextChar {
get {
return CurrentChar;
internal char CurrentChar {
get {
if (m_pos > -1 && m_pos < m_value.Length) {
return m_value[m_pos];
else {
return (char) 0;
// This stores intermediary parsing state for the standard formats
struct TimeSpanRawInfo {
internal TimeSpanFormat.FormatLiterals PositiveInvariant {
get {
return TimeSpanFormat.PositiveInvariantFormatLiterals;
internal TimeSpanFormat.FormatLiterals NegativeInvariant {
get {
return TimeSpanFormat.NegativeInvariantFormatLiterals;
internal TimeSpanFormat.FormatLiterals PositiveLocalized {
get {
if (!m_posLocInit) {
m_posLoc = new TimeSpanFormat.FormatLiterals();
m_posLoc.Init(m_fullPosPattern, false);
m_posLocInit = true;
return m_posLoc;
internal TimeSpanFormat.FormatLiterals NegativeLocalized {
get {
if (!m_negLocInit) {
m_negLoc = new TimeSpanFormat.FormatLiterals();
m_negLoc.Init(m_fullNegPattern, false);
m_negLocInit = true;
return m_negLoc;
internal Boolean FullAppCompatMatch(TimeSpanFormat.FormatLiterals pattern) {
return SepCount == 5
&& NumCount == 4
&& pattern.Start == literals[0]
&& pattern.DayHourSep == literals[1]
&& pattern.HourMinuteSep == literals[2]
&& pattern.AppCompatLiteral == literals[3]
&& pattern.End == literals[4];
internal Boolean PartialAppCompatMatch(TimeSpanFormat.FormatLiterals pattern) {
return SepCount == 4
&& NumCount == 3
&& pattern.Start == literals[0]
&& pattern.HourMinuteSep == literals[1]
&& pattern.AppCompatLiteral == literals[2]
&& pattern.End == literals[3];
// DHMSF (all values matched)
internal Boolean FullMatch(TimeSpanFormat.FormatLiterals pattern) {
return SepCount == MaxLiteralTokens
&& NumCount == MaxNumericTokens
&& pattern.Start == literals[0]
&& pattern.DayHourSep == literals[1]
&& pattern.HourMinuteSep == literals[2]
&& pattern.MinuteSecondSep == literals[3]
&& pattern.SecondFractionSep == literals[4]
&& pattern.End == literals[5];
// D (no hours, minutes, seconds, or fractions)
internal Boolean FullDMatch(TimeSpanFormat.FormatLiterals pattern) {
return SepCount == 2
&& NumCount == 1
&& pattern.Start == literals[0]
&& pattern.End == literals[1];
// HM (no days, seconds, or fractions)
internal Boolean FullHMMatch(TimeSpanFormat.FormatLiterals pattern) {
return SepCount == 3
&& NumCount == 2
&& pattern.Start == literals[0]
&& pattern.HourMinuteSep == literals[1]
&& pattern.End == literals[2];
// DHM (no seconds or fraction)
internal Boolean FullDHMMatch(TimeSpanFormat.FormatLiterals pattern) {
return SepCount == 4
&& NumCount == 3
&& pattern.Start == literals[0]
&& pattern.DayHourSep == literals[1]
&& pattern.HourMinuteSep == literals[2]
&& pattern.End == literals[3];
// HMS (no days or fraction)
internal Boolean FullHMSMatch(TimeSpanFormat.FormatLiterals pattern) {
return SepCount == 4
&& NumCount == 3
&& pattern.Start == literals[0]
&& pattern.HourMinuteSep == literals[1]
&& pattern.MinuteSecondSep == literals[2]
&& pattern.End == literals[3];
// DHMS (no fraction)
internal Boolean FullDHMSMatch(TimeSpanFormat.FormatLiterals pattern) {
return SepCount == 5
&& NumCount == 4
&& pattern.Start == literals[0]
&& pattern.DayHourSep == literals[1]
&& pattern.HourMinuteSep == literals[2]
&& pattern.MinuteSecondSep == literals[3]
&& pattern.End == literals[4];
// HMSF (no days)
internal Boolean FullHMSFMatch(TimeSpanFormat.FormatLiterals pattern) {
return SepCount == 5
&& NumCount == 4
&& pattern.Start == literals[0]
&& pattern.HourMinuteSep == literals[1]
&& pattern.MinuteSecondSep == literals[2]
&& pattern.SecondFractionSep == literals[3]
&& pattern.End == literals[4];
internal TTT lastSeenTTT;
internal int tokenCount;
internal int SepCount;
internal int NumCount;
internal String[] literals;
internal TimeSpanToken[] numbers; // raw numbers
private TimeSpanFormat.FormatLiterals m_posLoc;
private TimeSpanFormat.FormatLiterals m_negLoc;
private Boolean m_posLocInit;
private Boolean m_negLocInit;
private String m_fullPosPattern;
private String m_fullNegPattern;
private const int MaxTokens = 11;
private const int MaxLiteralTokens = 6;
private const int MaxNumericTokens = 5;
internal void Init(DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi) {
Contract.Assert(dtfi != null);
lastSeenTTT = TTT.None;
tokenCount = 0;
SepCount = 0;
NumCount = 0;
literals = new String[MaxLiteralTokens];
numbers = new TimeSpanToken[MaxNumericTokens];
m_fullPosPattern = dtfi.FullTimeSpanPositivePattern;
m_fullNegPattern = dtfi.FullTimeSpanNegativePattern;
m_posLocInit = false;
m_negLocInit = false;
internal Boolean ProcessToken(ref TimeSpanToken tok, ref TimeSpanResult result) {
if (tok.ttt == TTT.NumOverflow) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Overflow, "Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge", null);
return false;
if (tok.ttt != TTT.Sep && tok.ttt != TTT.Num) {
// Some unknown token or a repeat token type in the input
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan", null);
return false;
switch (tok.ttt) {
case TTT.Sep:
if (!AddSep(tok.sep, ref result)) return false;
case TTT.Num:
if (tokenCount == 0) {
if (!AddSep(String.Empty, ref result)) return false;
if (!AddNum(tok, ref result)) return false;
lastSeenTTT = tok.ttt;
Contract.Assert(tokenCount == (SepCount + NumCount), "tokenCount == (SepCount + NumCount)");
return true;
private bool AddSep(String sep, ref TimeSpanResult result) {
if (SepCount >= MaxLiteralTokens || tokenCount >= MaxTokens) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan", null);
return false;
literals[SepCount++] = sep;
return true;
private bool AddNum(TimeSpanToken num, ref TimeSpanResult result) {
if (NumCount >= MaxNumericTokens || tokenCount >= MaxTokens) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan", null);
return false;
numbers[NumCount++] = num;
return true;
// This will store the result of the parsing. And it will eventually be used to construct a TimeSpan instance.
struct TimeSpanResult {
internal TimeSpan parsedTimeSpan;
internal TimeSpanThrowStyle throwStyle;
internal ParseFailureKind m_failure;
internal string m_failureMessageID;
internal object m_failureMessageFormatArgument;
internal string m_failureArgumentName;
internal void Init(TimeSpanThrowStyle canThrow) {
parsedTimeSpan = default(TimeSpan);
throwStyle = canThrow;
internal void SetFailure(ParseFailureKind failure, string failureMessageID) {
SetFailure(failure, failureMessageID, null, null);
internal void SetFailure(ParseFailureKind failure, string failureMessageID, object failureMessageFormatArgument) {
SetFailure(failure, failureMessageID, failureMessageFormatArgument, null);
internal void SetFailure(ParseFailureKind failure, string failureMessageID, object failureMessageFormatArgument,
string failureArgumentName) {
m_failure = failure;
m_failureMessageID = failureMessageID;
m_failureMessageFormatArgument = failureMessageFormatArgument;
m_failureArgumentName = failureArgumentName;
if (throwStyle != TimeSpanThrowStyle.None) {
throw GetTimeSpanParseException();
internal Exception GetTimeSpanParseException() {
switch (m_failure) {
case ParseFailureKind.ArgumentNull:
return new ArgumentNullException(m_failureArgumentName, Environment.GetResourceString(m_failureMessageID));
case ParseFailureKind.FormatWithParameter:
return new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString(m_failureMessageID, m_failureMessageFormatArgument));
case ParseFailureKind.Format:
return new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString(m_failureMessageID));
case ParseFailureKind.Overflow:
return new OverflowException(Environment.GetResourceString(m_failureMessageID));
Contract.Assert(false, "Unknown TimeSpanParseFailure: " + m_failure);
return new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidString"));
static bool TryTimeToTicks(bool positive, TimeSpanToken days, TimeSpanToken hours, TimeSpanToken minutes, TimeSpanToken seconds, TimeSpanToken fraction, out long result) {
if (days.IsInvalidNumber(maxDays, unlimitedDigits)
|| hours.IsInvalidNumber(maxHours, unlimitedDigits)
|| minutes.IsInvalidNumber(maxMinutes, unlimitedDigits)
|| seconds.IsInvalidNumber(maxSeconds, unlimitedDigits)
|| fraction.IsInvalidNumber(maxFraction, maxFractionDigits)) {
result = 0;
return false;
Int64 ticks = ((Int64)days.num * 3600 * 24 + (Int64)hours.num * 3600 + (Int64)minutes.num * 60 + seconds.num) * 1000;
if (ticks > TimeSpan.MaxMilliSeconds || ticks < TimeSpan.MinMilliSeconds) {
result = 0;
return false;
// Normalize the fraction component
// string representation => (zeroes,num) => resultant fraction ticks
// --------------------- ------------ ------------------------
// ".9999999" => (0,9999999) => 9,999,999 ticks (same as constant maxFraction)
// ".1" => (0,1) => 1,000,000 ticks
// ".01" => (1,1) => 100,000 ticks
// ".001" => (2,1) => 10,000 ticks
long f = fraction.num;
if (f != 0) {
long lowerLimit = TimeSpan.TicksPerTenthSecond;
if (fraction.zeroes > 0) {
long divisor = (long)Math.Pow(10, fraction.zeroes);
lowerLimit = lowerLimit / divisor;
while (f < lowerLimit) {
f *= 10;
result = ((long)ticks * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) + f;
if (positive && result < 0) {
result = 0;
return false;
return true;
// ---- SECTION: internal static methods called by System.TimeSpan ---------*
// [Try]Parse, [Try]ParseExact, and [Try]ParseExactMultiple
// Actions: Main methods called from TimeSpan.Parse
#region ParseMethods
internal static TimeSpan Parse(String input, IFormatProvider formatProvider) {
TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult();
if (TryParseTimeSpan(input, TimeSpanStandardStyles.Any, formatProvider, ref parseResult)) {
return parseResult.parsedTimeSpan;
else {
throw parseResult.GetTimeSpanParseException();
internal static Boolean TryParse(String input, IFormatProvider formatProvider, out TimeSpan result) {
TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult();
if (TryParseTimeSpan(input, TimeSpanStandardStyles.Any, formatProvider, ref parseResult)) {
result = parseResult.parsedTimeSpan;
return true;
else {
result = default(TimeSpan);
return false;
internal static TimeSpan ParseExact(String input, String format, IFormatProvider formatProvider, TimeSpanStyles styles) {
TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult();
if (TryParseExactTimeSpan(input, format, formatProvider, styles, ref parseResult)) {
return parseResult.parsedTimeSpan;
else {
throw parseResult.GetTimeSpanParseException();
internal static Boolean TryParseExact(String input, String format, IFormatProvider formatProvider, TimeSpanStyles styles, out TimeSpan result) {
TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult();
if (TryParseExactTimeSpan(input, format, formatProvider, styles, ref parseResult)) {
result = parseResult.parsedTimeSpan;
return true;
else {
result = default(TimeSpan);
return false;
internal static TimeSpan ParseExactMultiple(String input, String[] formats, IFormatProvider formatProvider, TimeSpanStyles styles) {
TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult();
if (TryParseExactMultipleTimeSpan(input, formats, formatProvider, styles, ref parseResult)) {
return parseResult.parsedTimeSpan;
else {
throw parseResult.GetTimeSpanParseException();
internal static Boolean TryParseExactMultiple(String input, String[] formats, IFormatProvider formatProvider, TimeSpanStyles styles, out TimeSpan result) {
TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult();
if (TryParseExactMultipleTimeSpan(input, formats, formatProvider, styles, ref parseResult)) {
result = parseResult.parsedTimeSpan;
return true;
else {
result = default(TimeSpan);
return false;
// ---- SECTION: private static methods that do the actual work ---------*
#region TryParseTimeSpan
// TryParseTimeSpan
// Actions: Common private Parse method called by both Parse and TryParse
private static Boolean TryParseTimeSpan(String input, TimeSpanStandardStyles style, IFormatProvider formatProvider, ref TimeSpanResult result) {
if (input == null) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.ArgumentNull, "ArgumentNull_String", null, "input");
return false;
input = input.Trim();
if (input == String.Empty) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
TimeSpanTokenizer tokenizer = new TimeSpanTokenizer();
TimeSpanRawInfo raw = new TimeSpanRawInfo();
TimeSpanToken tok = tokenizer.GetNextToken();
/* The following loop will break out when we reach the end of the str or
* when we can determine that the input is invalid. */
while (tok.ttt != TTT.End) {
if (!raw.ProcessToken(ref tok, ref result)) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
tok = tokenizer.GetNextToken();
if (!tokenizer.EOL) {
// embedded nulls in the input string
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
if (!ProcessTerminalState(ref raw, style, ref result)) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
return true;
// ProcessTerminalState
// Actions: Validate the terminal state of a standard format parse.
// Sets result.parsedTimeSpan on success.
// Calculates the resultant TimeSpan from the TimeSpanRawInfo
// try => +InvariantPattern, -InvariantPattern, +LocalizedPattern, -LocalizedPattern
// 1) Verify Start matches
// 2) Verify End matches
// 3) 1 number => d
// 2 numbers => h:m
// 3 numbers => h:m:s | d.h:m | h:m:.f
// 4 numbers => h:m:s.f | d.h:m:s | d.h:m:.f
// 5 numbers => d.h:m:s.f
private static Boolean ProcessTerminalState(ref TimeSpanRawInfo raw, TimeSpanStandardStyles style, ref TimeSpanResult result) {
if (raw.lastSeenTTT == TTT.Num) {
TimeSpanToken tok = new TimeSpanToken();
tok.ttt = TTT.Sep;
tok.sep = String.Empty;
if (!raw.ProcessToken(ref tok, ref result)) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
switch (raw.NumCount) {
case 1:
return ProcessTerminal_D(ref raw, style, ref result);
case 2:
return ProcessTerminal_HM(ref raw, style, ref result);
case 3:
return ProcessTerminal_HM_S_D(ref raw, style, ref result);
case 4:
return ProcessTerminal_HMS_F_D(ref raw, style, ref result);
case 5:
return ProcessTerminal_DHMSF(ref raw, style, ref result);
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
// ProcessTerminal_DHMSF
// Actions: Validate the 5-number "Days.Hours:Minutes:Seconds.Fraction" terminal case.
// Sets result.parsedTimeSpan on success.
private static Boolean ProcessTerminal_DHMSF(ref TimeSpanRawInfo raw, TimeSpanStandardStyles style, ref TimeSpanResult result) {
if (raw.SepCount != 6 || raw.NumCount != 5) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
bool inv = ((style & TimeSpanStandardStyles.Invariant) != 0);
bool loc = ((style & TimeSpanStandardStyles.Localized) != 0);
bool positive = false;
bool match = false;
if (inv) {
if (raw.FullMatch(raw.PositiveInvariant)) {
match = true;
positive = true;
if (!match && raw.FullMatch(raw.NegativeInvariant)) {
match = true;
positive = false;
if (loc) {
if (!match && raw.FullMatch(raw.PositiveLocalized)) {
match = true;
positive = true;
if (!match && raw.FullMatch(raw.NegativeLocalized)) {
match = true;
positive = false;
long ticks;
if (match) {
if (!TryTimeToTicks(positive, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], raw.numbers[3], raw.numbers[4], out ticks)) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Overflow, "Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge");
return false;
if (!positive) {
ticks = -ticks;
if (ticks > 0) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Overflow, "Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge");
return false;
result.parsedTimeSpan._ticks = ticks;
return true;
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
// ProcessTerminal_HMS_F_D
// Actions: Validate the ambiguous 4-number "Hours:Minutes:Seconds.Fraction", "Days.Hours:Minutes:Seconds", or "Days.Hours:Minutes:.Fraction" terminal case.
// Sets result.parsedTimeSpan on success.
private static Boolean ProcessTerminal_HMS_F_D(ref TimeSpanRawInfo raw, TimeSpanStandardStyles style, ref TimeSpanResult result) {
if (raw.SepCount != 5 || raw.NumCount != 4 || (style & TimeSpanStandardStyles.RequireFull) != 0) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
bool inv = ((style & TimeSpanStandardStyles.Invariant) != 0);
bool loc = ((style & TimeSpanStandardStyles.Localized) != 0);
long ticks = 0;
bool positive = false;
bool match = false;
bool overflow = false;
if (inv) {
if (raw.FullHMSFMatch(raw.PositiveInvariant)) {
positive = true;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, zero, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], raw.numbers[3], out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.FullDHMSMatch(raw.PositiveInvariant)) {
positive = true;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], raw.numbers[3], zero, out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.FullAppCompatMatch(raw.PositiveInvariant)) {
positive = true;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], zero, raw.numbers[3], out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.FullHMSFMatch(raw.NegativeInvariant)) {
positive = false;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, zero, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], raw.numbers[3], out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.FullDHMSMatch(raw.NegativeInvariant)) {
positive = false;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], raw.numbers[3], zero, out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.FullAppCompatMatch(raw.NegativeInvariant)) {
positive = false;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], zero, raw.numbers[3], out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (loc) {
if (!match && raw.FullHMSFMatch(raw.PositiveLocalized)) {
positive = true;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, zero, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], raw.numbers[3], out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.FullDHMSMatch(raw.PositiveLocalized)) {
positive = true;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], raw.numbers[3], zero, out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.FullAppCompatMatch(raw.PositiveLocalized)) {
positive = true;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], zero, raw.numbers[3], out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.FullHMSFMatch(raw.NegativeLocalized)) {
positive = false;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, zero, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], raw.numbers[3], out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.FullDHMSMatch(raw.NegativeLocalized)) {
positive = false;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], raw.numbers[3], zero, out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.FullAppCompatMatch(raw.NegativeLocalized)) {
positive = false;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], zero, raw.numbers[3], out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (match) {
if (!positive) {
ticks = -ticks;
if (ticks > 0) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Overflow, "Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge");
return false;
result.parsedTimeSpan._ticks = ticks;
return true;
if (overflow) {
// we found at least one literal pattern match but the numbers just didn't fit
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Overflow, "Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge");
return false;
else {
// we couldn't find a thing
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
// ProcessTerminal_HM_S_D
// Actions: Validate the ambiguous 3-number "Hours:Minutes:Seconds", "Days.Hours:Minutes", or "Hours:Minutes:.Fraction" terminal case
private static Boolean ProcessTerminal_HM_S_D(ref TimeSpanRawInfo raw, TimeSpanStandardStyles style, ref TimeSpanResult result) {
if (raw.SepCount != 4 || raw.NumCount != 3 || (style & TimeSpanStandardStyles.RequireFull) != 0) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
bool inv = ((style & TimeSpanStandardStyles.Invariant) != 0);
bool loc = ((style & TimeSpanStandardStyles.Localized) != 0);
bool positive = false;
bool match = false;
bool overflow = false;
long ticks = 0;
if (inv) {
if (raw.FullHMSMatch(raw.PositiveInvariant)) {
positive = true;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, zero, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], zero, out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.FullDHMMatch(raw.PositiveInvariant)) {
positive = true;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], zero, zero, out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.PartialAppCompatMatch(raw.PositiveInvariant)) {
positive = true;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, zero, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], zero, raw.numbers[2], out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.FullHMSMatch(raw.NegativeInvariant)) {
positive = false;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, zero, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], zero, out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.FullDHMMatch(raw.NegativeInvariant)) {
positive = false;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], zero, zero, out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.PartialAppCompatMatch(raw.NegativeInvariant)) {
positive = false;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, zero, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], zero, raw.numbers[2], out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (loc) {
if (!match && raw.FullHMSMatch(raw.PositiveLocalized)) {
positive = true;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, zero, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], zero, out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.FullDHMMatch(raw.PositiveLocalized)) {
positive = true;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], zero, zero, out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.PartialAppCompatMatch(raw.PositiveLocalized)) {
positive = true;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, zero, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], zero, raw.numbers[2], out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.FullHMSMatch(raw.NegativeLocalized)) {
positive = false;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, zero, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], zero, out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.FullDHMMatch(raw.NegativeLocalized)) {
positive = false;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], raw.numbers[2], zero, zero, out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (!match && raw.PartialAppCompatMatch(raw.NegativeLocalized)) {
positive = false;
match = TryTimeToTicks(positive, zero, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], zero, raw.numbers[2], out ticks);
overflow = overflow || !match;
if (match) {
if (!positive) {
ticks = -ticks;
if (ticks > 0) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Overflow, "Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge");
return false;
result.parsedTimeSpan._ticks = ticks;
return true;
if (overflow) {
// we found at least one literal pattern match but the numbers just didn't fit
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Overflow, "Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge");
return false;
else {
// we couldn't find a thing
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
// ProcessTerminal_HM
// Actions: Validate the 2-number "Hours:Minutes" terminal case
private static Boolean ProcessTerminal_HM(ref TimeSpanRawInfo raw, TimeSpanStandardStyles style, ref TimeSpanResult result) {
if (raw.SepCount != 3 || raw.NumCount != 2 || (style & TimeSpanStandardStyles.RequireFull) != 0) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
bool inv = ((style & TimeSpanStandardStyles.Invariant) != 0);
bool loc = ((style & TimeSpanStandardStyles.Localized) != 0);
bool positive = false;
bool match = false;
if (inv) {
if (raw.FullHMMatch(raw.PositiveInvariant)) {
match = true;
positive = true;
if (!match && raw.FullHMMatch(raw.NegativeInvariant)) {
match = true;
positive = false;
if (loc) {
if (!match && raw.FullHMMatch(raw.PositiveLocalized)) {
match = true;
positive = true;
if (!match && raw.FullHMMatch(raw.NegativeLocalized)) {
match = true;
positive = false;
long ticks = 0;
if (match) {
if (!TryTimeToTicks(positive, zero, raw.numbers[0], raw.numbers[1], zero, zero, out ticks)) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Overflow, "Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge");
return false;
if (!positive) {
ticks = -ticks;
if (ticks > 0) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Overflow, "Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge");
return false;
result.parsedTimeSpan._ticks = ticks;
return true;
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
// ProcessTerminal_D
// Actions: Validate the 1-number "Days" terminal case
private static Boolean ProcessTerminal_D(ref TimeSpanRawInfo raw, TimeSpanStandardStyles style, ref TimeSpanResult result) {
if (raw.SepCount != 2 || raw.NumCount != 1 || (style & TimeSpanStandardStyles.RequireFull) != 0) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
bool inv = ((style & TimeSpanStandardStyles.Invariant) != 0);
bool loc = ((style & TimeSpanStandardStyles.Localized) != 0);
bool positive = false;
bool match = false;
if (inv) {
if (raw.FullDMatch(raw.PositiveInvariant)) {
match = true;
positive = true;
if (!match && raw.FullDMatch(raw.NegativeInvariant)) {
match = true;
positive = false;
if (loc) {
if (!match && raw.FullDMatch(raw.PositiveLocalized)) {
match = true;
positive = true;
if (!match && raw.FullDMatch(raw.NegativeLocalized)) {
match = true;
positive = false;
long ticks = 0;
if (match) {
if (!TryTimeToTicks(positive, raw.numbers[0], zero, zero, zero, zero, out ticks)) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Overflow, "Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge");
return false;
if (!positive) {
ticks = -ticks;
if (ticks > 0) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Overflow, "Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge");
return false;
result.parsedTimeSpan._ticks = ticks;
return true;
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
#region TryParseExactTimeSpan
// TryParseExactTimeSpan
// Actions: Common private ParseExact method called by both ParseExact and TryParseExact
private static Boolean TryParseExactTimeSpan(String input, String format, IFormatProvider formatProvider, TimeSpanStyles styles, ref TimeSpanResult result) {
if (input == null) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.ArgumentNull, "ArgumentNull_String", null, "input");
return false;
if (format == null) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.ArgumentNull, "ArgumentNull_String", null, "format");
return false;
if (format.Length == 0) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadFormatSpecifier");
return false;
if (format.Length == 1) {
TimeSpanStandardStyles style = TimeSpanStandardStyles.None;
if (format[0] == 'c' || format[0] == 't' || format[0] == 'T') {
// fast path for legacy style TimeSpan formats.
return TryParseTimeSpanConstant(input, ref result);
else if (format[0] == 'g') {
style = TimeSpanStandardStyles.Localized;
else if (format[0] == 'G') {
style = TimeSpanStandardStyles.Localized | TimeSpanStandardStyles.RequireFull;
else {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadFormatSpecifier");
return false;
return TryParseTimeSpan(input, style, formatProvider, ref result);
return TryParseByFormat(input, format, styles, ref result);
// TryParseByFormat
// Actions: Parse the TimeSpan instance using the specified format. Used by TryParseExactTimeSpan.
private static Boolean TryParseByFormat(String input, String format, TimeSpanStyles styles, ref TimeSpanResult result) {
Contract.Assert(input != null, "input != null");
Contract.Assert(format != null, "format != null");
bool seenDD = false; // already processed days?
bool seenHH = false; // already processed hours?
bool seenMM = false; // already processed minutes?
bool seenSS = false; // already processed seconds?
bool seenFF = false; // already processed fraction?
int dd = 0; // parsed days
int hh = 0; // parsed hours
int mm = 0; // parsed minutes
int ss = 0; // parsed seconds
int leadingZeroes = 0; // number of leading zeroes in the parsed fraction
int ff = 0; // parsed fraction
int i = 0; // format string position
int tokenLen = 0; // length of current format token, used to update index 'i'
TimeSpanTokenizer tokenizer = new TimeSpanTokenizer();
tokenizer.Init(input, -1);
while (i < format.Length) {
char ch = format[i];
int nextFormatChar;
switch (ch) {
case 'h':
tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
if (tokenLen > 2 || seenHH || !ParseExactDigits(ref tokenizer, tokenLen, out hh)) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_InvalidString");
return false;
seenHH = true;
case 'm':
tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
if (tokenLen > 2 || seenMM || !ParseExactDigits(ref tokenizer, tokenLen, out mm)) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_InvalidString");
return false;
seenMM = true;
case 's':
tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
if (tokenLen > 2 || seenSS || !ParseExactDigits(ref tokenizer, tokenLen, out ss)) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_InvalidString");
return false;
seenSS = true;
case 'f':
tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
if (tokenLen > DateTimeFormat.MaxSecondsFractionDigits || seenFF || !ParseExactDigits(ref tokenizer, tokenLen, tokenLen, out leadingZeroes, out ff)) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_InvalidString");
return false;
seenFF = true;
case 'F':
tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
if (tokenLen > DateTimeFormat.MaxSecondsFractionDigits || seenFF) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_InvalidString");
return false;
ParseExactDigits(ref tokenizer, tokenLen, tokenLen, out leadingZeroes, out ff);
seenFF = true;
case 'd':
tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
int tmp = 0;
if (tokenLen > 8 || seenDD || !ParseExactDigits(ref tokenizer, (tokenLen<2) ? 1 : tokenLen, (tokenLen<2) ? 8 : tokenLen, out tmp, out dd)) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_InvalidString");
return false;
seenDD = true;
case '\'':
case '\"':
StringBuilder enquotedString = new StringBuilder();
if (!DateTimeParse.TryParseQuoteString(format, i, enquotedString, out tokenLen)) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.FormatWithParameter, "Format_BadQuote", ch);
return false;
if (!ParseExactLiteral(ref tokenizer, enquotedString)) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_InvalidString");
return false;
case '%':
// Optional format character.
// For example, format string "%d" will print day
// Most of the cases, "%" can be ignored.
nextFormatChar = DateTimeFormat.ParseNextChar(format, i);
// nextFormatChar will be -1 if we already reach the end of the format string.
// Besides, we will not allow "%%" appear in the pattern.
if (nextFormatChar >= 0 && nextFormatChar != (int)'%') {
tokenLen = 1; // skip the '%' and process the format character
else {
// This means that '%' is at the end of the format string or
// "%%" appears in the format string.
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_InvalidString");
return false;
case '\\':
// Escaped character. Can be used to insert character into the format string.
// For example, "\d" will insert the character 'd' into the string.
nextFormatChar = DateTimeFormat.ParseNextChar(format, i);
if (nextFormatChar >= 0 && tokenizer.NextChar == (char)nextFormatChar) {
tokenLen = 2;
else {
// This means that '\' is at the end of the format string or the literal match failed.
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_InvalidString");
return false;
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_InvalidString");
return false;
i += tokenLen;
if (!tokenizer.EOL) {
// the custom format didn't consume the entire input
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
long ticks = 0;
bool positive = (styles & TimeSpanStyles.AssumeNegative) == 0;
if (TryTimeToTicks(positive, new TimeSpanToken(dd),
new TimeSpanToken(hh),
new TimeSpanToken(mm),
new TimeSpanToken(ss),
new TimeSpanToken(leadingZeroes, ff),
out ticks)) {
if (!positive) ticks = -ticks;
result.parsedTimeSpan._ticks = ticks;
return true;
else {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Overflow, "Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge");
return false;
private static Boolean ParseExactDigits(ref TimeSpanTokenizer tokenizer, int minDigitLength, out int result) {
result = 0;
int zeroes = 0;
int maxDigitLength = (minDigitLength == 1) ? 2 : minDigitLength;
return ParseExactDigits(ref tokenizer, minDigitLength, maxDigitLength, out zeroes, out result);
private static Boolean ParseExactDigits(ref TimeSpanTokenizer tokenizer, int minDigitLength, int maxDigitLength, out int zeroes, out int result) {
result = 0;
zeroes = 0;
int tokenLength = 0;
while (tokenLength < maxDigitLength) {
char ch = tokenizer.NextChar;
if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') {
result = result * 10 + (ch - '0');
if (result == 0) zeroes++;
return (tokenLength >= minDigitLength);
private static Boolean ParseExactLiteral(ref TimeSpanTokenizer tokenizer, StringBuilder enquotedString) {
for (int i = 0; i < enquotedString.Length; i++) {
if (enquotedString[i] != tokenizer.NextChar)
return false;
return true;
#region TryParseTimeSpanConstant
// TryParseTimeSpanConstant
// Actions: Parses the "c" (constant) format. This code is 100% identical to the non-globalized v1.0-v3.5 TimeSpan.Parse() routine
// and exists for performance/appcompat with legacy callers who cannot move onto the globalized Parse overloads.
private static Boolean TryParseTimeSpanConstant(String input, ref TimeSpanResult result) {
return (new StringParser().TryParse(input, ref result));
private struct StringParser {
private String str;
private char ch;
private int pos;
private int len;
internal void NextChar() {
if (pos < len) pos++;
ch = pos < len? str[pos]: (char) 0;
internal char NextNonDigit() {
int i = pos;
while (i < len) {
char ch = str[i];
if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') return ch;
return (char) 0;
internal bool TryParse(String input, ref TimeSpanResult result) {
result.parsedTimeSpan._ticks = 0;
if (input == null) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.ArgumentNull, "ArgumentNull_String", null, "input");
return false;
str = input;
len = input.Length;
pos = -1;
bool negative = false;
if (ch == '-') {
negative = true;
long time;
if (NextNonDigit() == ':') {
if (!ParseTime(out time, ref result)) {
return false;
else {
int days;
if (!ParseInt((int)(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL / TimeSpan.TicksPerDay), out days, ref result)) {
return false;
time = days * TimeSpan.TicksPerDay;
if (ch == '.') {
long remainingTime;
if (!ParseTime(out remainingTime, ref result)) {
return false;
time += remainingTime;
if (negative) {
time = -time;
// Allow -0 as well
if (time > 0) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Overflow, "Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge");
return false;
else {
if (time < 0) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Overflow, "Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge");
return false;
if (pos < len) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
result.parsedTimeSpan._ticks = time;
return true;
internal bool ParseInt(int max, out int i, ref TimeSpanResult result) {
i = 0;
int p = pos;
while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
if ((i & 0xF0000000) != 0) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Overflow, "Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge");
return false;
i = i * 10 + ch - '0';
if (i < 0) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Overflow, "Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge");
return false;
if (p == pos) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
if (i > max) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Overflow, "Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge");
return false;
return true;
internal bool ParseTime(out long time, ref TimeSpanResult result) {
time = 0;
int unit;
if (!ParseInt(23, out unit, ref result)) {
return false;
time = unit * TimeSpan.TicksPerHour;
if (ch != ':') {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
if (!ParseInt(59, out unit, ref result)) {
return false;
time += unit * TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute;
if (ch == ':') {
// allow seconds with the leading zero
if (ch != '.') {
if (!ParseInt(59, out unit, ref result)) {
return false;
time += unit * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
if (ch == '.') {
int f = (int)TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
while (f > 1 && ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
f /= 10;
time += (ch - '0') * f;
return true;
internal void SkipBlanks() {
while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') NextChar();
#region TryParseExactMultipleTimeSpan
// TryParseExactMultipleTimeSpan
// Actions: Common private ParseExactMultiple method called by both ParseExactMultiple and TryParseExactMultiple
private static Boolean TryParseExactMultipleTimeSpan(String input, String[] formats, IFormatProvider formatProvider, TimeSpanStyles styles, ref TimeSpanResult result) {
if (input == null) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.ArgumentNull, "ArgumentNull_String", null, "input");
return false;
if (formats == null) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.ArgumentNull, "ArgumentNull_String", null, "formats");
return false;
if (input.Length == 0) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return false;
if (formats.Length == 0) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadFormatSpecifier");
return false;
// Do a loop through the provided formats and see if we can parse succesfully in
// one of the formats.
for (int i = 0; i < formats.Length; i++) {
if (formats[i] == null || formats[i].Length == 0) {
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadFormatSpecifier");
return false;
// Create a new non-throwing result each time to ensure the runs are independent.
TimeSpanResult innerResult = new TimeSpanResult();
if(TryParseExactTimeSpan(input, formats[i], formatProvider, styles, ref innerResult)) {
result.parsedTimeSpan = innerResult.parsedTimeSpan;
return true;
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadTimeSpan");
return (false);