2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
// ExpressionEvaluator.cs
// Author:
// Atsushi Enomoto (atsushi@xamarin.com)
// Copyright (C) 2013 Xamarin Inc. (http://www.xamarin.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System ;
using System.Linq ;
using Microsoft.Build.Evaluation ;
using Microsoft.Build.Exceptions ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Reflection ;
using Microsoft.Build.Execution ;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework ;
using System.IO ;
namespace Microsoft.Build.Internal.Expressions
class ExpressionEvaluator
public ExpressionEvaluator ( Project project )
Project = project ;
public ExpressionEvaluator ( ProjectInstance project )
ProjectInstance = project ;
EvaluationContext CreateContext ( string source )
return new EvaluationContext ( source , this ) ;
public Project Project { get ; private set ; }
public ProjectInstance ProjectInstance { get ; set ; }
List < ITaskItem > evaluated_task_items = new List < ITaskItem > ( ) ;
public IList < ITaskItem > EvaluatedTaskItems {
get { return evaluated_task_items ; }
public string Evaluate ( string source )
return Evaluate ( source , new ExpressionParserManual ( source ? ? string . Empty , ExpressionValidationType . LaxString ) . Parse ( ) ) ;
string Evaluate ( string source , ExpressionList exprList )
if ( exprList = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "exprList" ) ;
return string . Concat ( exprList . Select ( e = > e . EvaluateAsString ( CreateContext ( source ) ) ) ) ;
public bool EvaluateAsBoolean ( string source )
try {
var el = new ExpressionParser ( ) . Parse ( source , ExpressionValidationType . StrictBoolean ) ;
if ( el . Count ( ) ! = 1 )
throw new InvalidProjectFileException ( "Unexpected number of tokens: " + el . Count ( ) ) ;
return el . First ( ) . EvaluateAsBoolean ( CreateContext ( source ) ) ;
} catch ( yyParser . yyException ex ) {
throw new InvalidProjectFileException ( string . Format ( "failed to evaluate expression as boolean: '{0}': {1}" , source , ex . Message ) , ex ) ;
class EvaluationContext
public EvaluationContext ( string source , ExpressionEvaluator evaluator )
Source = source ;
Evaluator = evaluator ;
public string Source { get ; private set ; }
public ExpressionEvaluator Evaluator { get ; private set ; }
public object ContextItem { get ; set ; }
Stack < object > evaluating_items = new Stack < object > ( ) ;
Stack < object > evaluating_props = new Stack < object > ( ) ;
public IEnumerable < object > GetItems ( string name )
if ( Evaluator . Project ! = null )
return Evaluator . Project . GetItems ( name ) ;
return Evaluator . ProjectInstance . GetItems ( name ) ;
public IEnumerable < object > GetAllItems ( )
if ( Evaluator . Project ! = null )
return Evaluator . Project . AllEvaluatedItems ;
return Evaluator . ProjectInstance . AllEvaluatedItems ;
public string EvaluateItem ( string itemType , object item )
if ( evaluating_items . Contains ( item ) )
throw new InvalidProjectFileException ( string . Format ( "Recursive reference to item '{0}' was found" , itemType ) ) ;
try {
evaluating_items . Push ( item ) ;
var eval = item as ProjectItem ;
if ( eval ! = null )
return Evaluator . Evaluate ( eval . EvaluatedInclude ) ;
else {
var inst = ( ProjectItemInstance ) item ;
if ( ! Evaluator . EvaluatedTaskItems . Contains ( inst ) )
Evaluator . EvaluatedTaskItems . Add ( inst ) ;
return Evaluator . Evaluate ( inst . EvaluatedInclude ) ;
} finally {
evaluating_items . Pop ( ) ;
public string EvaluateProperty ( string name )
if ( Evaluator . Project ! = null ) {
var prop = Evaluator . Project . GetProperty ( name ) ;
if ( prop = = null )
return null ;
return EvaluateProperty ( prop , prop . Name , prop . EvaluatedValue ) ;
} else {
var prop = Evaluator . ProjectInstance . GetProperty ( name ) ;
if ( prop = = null )
return null ;
return EvaluateProperty ( prop , prop . Name , prop . EvaluatedValue ) ;
public string EvaluateProperty ( object prop , string name , string value )
if ( evaluating_props . Contains ( prop ) )
throw new InvalidProjectFileException ( string . Format ( "Recursive reference to property '{0}' was found" , name ) ) ;
try {
evaluating_props . Push ( prop ) ;
// FIXME: needs verification on whether string evaluation is appropriate or not.
return Evaluator . Evaluate ( value ) ;
} finally {
evaluating_props . Pop ( ) ;
abstract partial class Expression
public abstract string ExpressionString { get ; }
public abstract string EvaluateAsString ( EvaluationContext context ) ;
public abstract bool EvaluateAsBoolean ( EvaluationContext context ) ;
public abstract object EvaluateAsObject ( EvaluationContext context ) ;
public bool EvaluateStringAsBoolean ( EvaluationContext context , string ret )
if ( ret ! = null ) {
if ( ret . Equals ( "TRUE" , StringComparison . InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) )
return true ;
else if ( ret . Equals ( "FALSE" , StringComparison . InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) )
return false ;
throw new InvalidProjectFileException ( this . Location , string . Format ( "Part of condition '{0}' is evaluated as '{1}' and cannot be converted to boolean" , context . Source , ret ) ) ;
partial class BinaryExpression : Expression
public override bool EvaluateAsBoolean ( EvaluationContext context )
switch ( Operator ) {
case Operator . EQ :
return string . Equals ( StripStringWrap ( Left . EvaluateAsString ( context ) ) , StripStringWrap ( Right . EvaluateAsString ( context ) ) , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ;
case Operator . NE :
return ! string . Equals ( StripStringWrap ( Left . EvaluateAsString ( context ) ) , StripStringWrap ( Right . EvaluateAsString ( context ) ) , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ;
case Operator . And :
case Operator . Or :
// evaluate first, to detect possible syntax error on right expr.
var lb = Left . EvaluateAsBoolean ( context ) ;
var rb = Right . EvaluateAsBoolean ( context ) ;
return Operator = = Operator . And ? ( lb & & rb ) : ( lb | | rb ) ;
// comparison expressions - evaluate comparable first, then compare values.
var left = Left . EvaluateAsObject ( context ) ;
var right = Right . EvaluateAsObject ( context ) ;
if ( ! ( left is IComparable & & right is IComparable ) )
throw new InvalidProjectFileException ( "expression cannot be evaluated as boolean" ) ;
var result = ( ( IComparable ) left ) . CompareTo ( right ) ;
switch ( Operator ) {
case Operator . GE :
return result > = 0 ;
case Operator . GT :
return result > 0 ;
case Operator . LE :
return result < = 0 ;
case Operator . LT :
return result < 0 ;
throw new InvalidOperationException ( ) ;
string StripStringWrap ( string s )
if ( s = = null )
return string . Empty ;
s = s . Trim ( ) ;
if ( s . Length > 1 & & s [ 0 ] = = '"' & & s [ s . Length - 1 ] = = '"' )
return s . Substring ( 1 , s . Length - 2 ) ;
else if ( s . Length > 1 & & s [ 0 ] = = '\'' & & s [ s . Length - 1 ] = = '\'' )
return s . Substring ( 1 , s . Length - 2 ) ;
return s ;
public override object EvaluateAsObject ( EvaluationContext context )
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
static readonly Dictionary < Operator , string > strings = new Dictionary < Operator , string > ( ) {
{ Operator . EQ , " == " } ,
{ Operator . NE , " != " } ,
{ Operator . LT , " < " } ,
{ Operator . LE , " <= " } ,
{ Operator . GT , " > " } ,
{ Operator . GE , " >= " } ,
{ Operator . And , " And " } ,
{ Operator . Or , " Or " } ,
} ;
public override string EvaluateAsString ( EvaluationContext context )
return Left . EvaluateAsString ( context ) + strings [ Operator ] + Right . EvaluateAsString ( context ) ;
partial class BooleanLiteral : Expression
public override string EvaluateAsString ( EvaluationContext context )
return Value ? "True" : "False" ;
public override bool EvaluateAsBoolean ( EvaluationContext context )
return Value ;
public override object EvaluateAsObject ( EvaluationContext context )
return Value ;
partial class NotExpression : Expression
public override string EvaluateAsString ( EvaluationContext context )
// no negation for string
return "!" + Negated . EvaluateAsString ( context ) ;
public override bool EvaluateAsBoolean ( EvaluationContext context )
return ! Negated . EvaluateAsBoolean ( context ) ;
public override object EvaluateAsObject ( EvaluationContext context )
return EvaluateAsString ( context ) ;
partial class PropertyAccessExpression : Expression
public override bool EvaluateAsBoolean ( EvaluationContext context )
var ret = EvaluateAsString ( context ) ;
return EvaluateStringAsBoolean ( context , ret ) ;
public override string EvaluateAsString ( EvaluationContext context )
var ret = EvaluateAsObject ( context ) ;
return ret = = null ? null : ret . ToString ( ) ;
public override object EvaluateAsObject ( EvaluationContext context )
try {
return DoEvaluateAsObject ( context ) ;
} catch ( TargetInvocationException ex ) {
throw new InvalidProjectFileException ( "Access to property caused an error" , ex ) ;
object DoEvaluateAsObject ( EvaluationContext context )
if ( Access . Target = = null ) {
return context . EvaluateProperty ( Access . Name . Name ) ;
} else {
if ( this . Access . TargetType = = PropertyTargetType . Object ) {
var obj = Access . Target . EvaluateAsObject ( context ) ;
if ( obj = = null )
return null ;
if ( Access . Arguments ! = null ) {
var args = Access . Arguments . Select ( e = > e . EvaluateAsObject ( context ) ) . ToArray ( ) ;
var method = FindMethod ( obj . GetType ( ) , Access . Name . Name , args ) ;
if ( method = = null )
throw new InvalidProjectFileException ( Location , string . Format ( "access to undefined method '{0}' of '{1}' at {2}" , Access . Name . Name , Access . Target . EvaluateAsString ( context ) , Location ) ) ;
return method . Invoke ( obj , AdjustArgsForCall ( method , args ) ) ;
} else {
var prop = obj . GetType ( ) . GetProperty ( Access . Name . Name ) ;
if ( prop = = null )
throw new InvalidProjectFileException ( Location , string . Format ( "access to undefined property '{0}' of '{1}' at {2}" , Access . Name . Name , Access . Target . EvaluateAsString ( context ) , Location ) ) ;
return prop . GetValue ( obj , null ) ;
} else {
var type = Type . GetType ( Access . Target . EvaluateAsString ( context ) ) ;
if ( type = = null )
throw new InvalidProjectFileException ( Location , string . Format ( "specified type '{0}' was not found" , Access . Target . EvaluateAsString ( context ) ) ) ;
if ( Access . Arguments ! = null ) {
var args = Access . Arguments . Select ( e = > e . EvaluateAsObject ( context ) ) . ToArray ( ) ;
var method = FindMethod ( type , Access . Name . Name , args ) ;
if ( method = = null )
2014-09-04 09:07:35 +01:00
throw new InvalidProjectFileException ( Location , string . Format ( "access to undefined static method '{0}' of '{1}' at {2}" , Access . Name . Name , type , Location ) ) ;
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
return method . Invoke ( null , AdjustArgsForCall ( method , args ) ) ;
} else {
var prop = type . GetProperty ( Access . Name . Name ) ;
if ( prop = = null )
2014-09-04 09:07:35 +01:00
throw new InvalidProjectFileException ( Location , string . Format ( "access to undefined static property '{0}' of '{1}' at {2}" , Access . Name . Name , type , Location ) ) ;
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
return prop . GetValue ( null , null ) ;
MethodInfo FindMethod ( Type type , string name , object [ ] args )
var methods = type . GetMethods ( ) . Where ( m = > {
if ( m . Name ! = name )
return false ;
var pl = m . GetParameters ( ) ;
if ( pl . Length = = args . Length )
return true ;
// calling String.Format() with either set of arguments is valid:
// - three strings (two for varargs)
// - two strings (happen to be exact match)
// - one string (no varargs)
if ( pl . Length > 0 & & pl . Length - 1 < = args . Length & &
pl . Last ( ) . GetCustomAttributesData ( ) . Any ( a = > a . Constructor . DeclaringType = = typeof ( ParamArrayAttribute ) ) )
return true ;
return false ;
} ) ;
if ( methods . Count ( ) = = 1 )
return methods . First ( ) ;
return args . Any ( a = > a = = null ) ?
type . GetMethod ( name ) :
type . GetMethod ( name , args . Select ( o = > o . GetType ( ) ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
object [ ] AdjustArgsForCall ( MethodInfo m , object [ ] args )
if ( m . GetParameters ( ) . Length = = args . Length + 1 )
return args . Concat ( new object [ ] { Array . CreateInstance ( m . GetParameters ( ) . Last ( ) . ParameterType . GetElementType ( ) , 0 ) } ) . ToArray ( ) ;
return args ;
partial class ItemAccessExpression : Expression
public override bool EvaluateAsBoolean ( EvaluationContext context )
return EvaluateStringAsBoolean ( context , EvaluateAsString ( context ) ) ;
public override string EvaluateAsString ( EvaluationContext context )
string itemType = Application . Name . Name ;
var items = context . GetItems ( itemType ) ;
if ( ! items . Any ( ) )
return null ;
if ( Application . Expressions = = null )
return string . Join ( ";" , items . Select ( item = > Unwrap ( context . EvaluateItem ( itemType , item ) ) ) ) ;
return string . Join ( ";" , items . Select ( item = > {
context . ContextItem = item ;
var ret = Unwrap ( string . Concat ( Application . Expressions . Select ( e = > e . EvaluateAsString ( context ) ) ) ) ;
context . ContextItem = null ;
return ret ;
} ) ) ;
static string Unwrap ( string ret )
if ( ret . Length < 2 | | ret [ 0 ] ! = ret [ ret . Length - 1 ] | | ret [ 0 ] ! = '"' & & ret [ 0 ] ! = '\'' )
return ret ;
return ret . Substring ( 1 , ret . Length - 2 ) ;
public override object EvaluateAsObject ( EvaluationContext context )
return EvaluateAsString ( context ) ;
partial class MetadataAccessExpression : Expression
public override bool EvaluateAsBoolean ( EvaluationContext context )
return EvaluateStringAsBoolean ( context , EvaluateAsString ( context ) ) ;
public override string EvaluateAsString ( EvaluationContext context )
string itemType = this . Access . ItemType ! = null ? this . Access . ItemType . Name : null ;
string metadataName = Access . Metadata . Name ;
IEnumerable < object > items ;
if ( this . Access . ItemType ! = null )
items = context . GetItems ( itemType ) ;
else if ( context . ContextItem ! = null )
items = new Object [ ] { context . ContextItem } ;
items = context . GetAllItems ( ) ;
var values = items . Select ( i = > ( i is ProjectItem ) ? ( ( ProjectItem ) i ) . GetMetadataValue ( metadataName ) : ( ( ProjectItemInstance ) i ) . GetMetadataValue ( metadataName ) ) . Where ( s = > ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( s ) ) ;
return string . Join ( ";" , values ) ;
public override object EvaluateAsObject ( EvaluationContext context )
return EvaluateAsString ( context ) ;
partial class StringLiteral : Expression
public override bool EvaluateAsBoolean ( EvaluationContext context )
var ret = EvaluateAsString ( context ) ;
return EvaluateStringAsBoolean ( context , ret ) ;
public override string EvaluateAsString ( EvaluationContext context )
return context . Evaluator . Evaluate ( this . Value . Name ) ;
public override object EvaluateAsObject ( EvaluationContext context )
return EvaluateAsString ( context ) ;
partial class RawStringLiteral : Expression
public override string EvaluateAsString ( EvaluationContext context )
return Value . Name ;
public override bool EvaluateAsBoolean ( EvaluationContext context )
throw new InvalidProjectFileException ( "raw string literal cannot be evaluated as boolean" ) ;
public override object EvaluateAsObject ( EvaluationContext context )
return EvaluateAsString ( context ) ;
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partial class QuotedExpression : Expression
public override string EvaluateAsString ( EvaluationContext context )
return QuoteChar + EvaluateAsStringWithoutQuote ( context ) + QuoteChar ;
public string EvaluateAsStringWithoutQuote ( EvaluationContext context )
return string . Concat ( Contents . Select ( e = > e . EvaluateAsString ( context ) ) ) ;
public override bool EvaluateAsBoolean ( EvaluationContext context )
var ret = EvaluateAsStringWithoutQuote ( context ) ;
return EvaluateStringAsBoolean ( context , ret ) ;
public override object EvaluateAsObject ( EvaluationContext context )
return EvaluateAsStringWithoutQuote ( context ) ;
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partial class FunctionCallExpression : Expression
public override string EvaluateAsString ( EvaluationContext context )
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
public override bool EvaluateAsBoolean ( EvaluationContext context )
if ( string . Equals ( Name . Name , "Exists" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) {
if ( Arguments . Count ! = 1 )
throw new InvalidProjectFileException ( Location , "Function 'Exists' expects 1 argument" ) ;
string val = Arguments . First ( ) . EvaluateAsString ( context ) ;
val = WindowsCompatibilityExtensions . FindMatchingPath ( val ) ;
return Directory . Exists ( val ) | | System . IO . File . Exists ( val ) ;
if ( string . Equals ( Name . Name , "HasTrailingSlash" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) {
if ( Arguments . Count ! = 1 )
throw new InvalidProjectFileException ( Location , "Function 'HasTrailingSlash' expects 1 argument" ) ;
string val = Arguments . First ( ) . EvaluateAsString ( context ) ;
return val . LastOrDefault ( ) = = '\\' | | val . LastOrDefault ( ) = = '/' ;
throw new InvalidProjectFileException ( Location , string . Format ( "Unsupported function '{0}'" , Name ) ) ;
public override object EvaluateAsObject ( EvaluationContext context )
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;