630 lines
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630 lines
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// <copyright file="CacheMemory.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace System.Web.Caching {
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Web.Util;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Hosting;
using System.Threading;
abstract class CacheMemoryPressure {
protected const int TERABYTE_SHIFT = 40;
protected const long TERABYTE = 1L << TERABYTE_SHIFT;
protected const int GIGABYTE_SHIFT = 30;
protected const long GIGABYTE = 1L << GIGABYTE_SHIFT;
protected const int MEGABYTE_SHIFT = 20;
protected const long MEGABYTE = 1L << MEGABYTE_SHIFT; // 1048576
protected const int KILOBYTE_SHIFT = 10;
protected const long KILOBYTE = 1L << KILOBYTE_SHIFT; // 1024
protected const int HISTORY_COUNT = 6;
protected int _pressureHigh; // high pressure level
protected int _pressureMiddle; // middle pressure level - target
protected int _pressureLow; // low pressure level - slow growth here
protected int _i0;
protected int[] _pressureHist;
protected int _pressureTotal;
protected int _pressureAvg;
private static long s_totalPhysical;
private static long s_totalVirtual;
static CacheMemoryPressure() {
UnsafeNativeMethods.MEMORYSTATUSEX memoryStatusEx = new UnsafeNativeMethods.MEMORYSTATUSEX();
if (UnsafeNativeMethods.GlobalMemoryStatusEx(ref memoryStatusEx) != 0) {
s_totalPhysical = memoryStatusEx.ullTotalPhys;
s_totalVirtual = memoryStatusEx.ullTotalVirtual;
internal static long TotalPhysical { get { return s_totalPhysical; } }
internal static long TotalVirtual { get { return s_totalVirtual; } }
protected abstract int GetCurrentPressure();
internal abstract int GetPercentToTrim(DateTime lastTrimTime, int lastTrimPercent);
internal virtual void ReadConfig(CacheSection cacheSection) {}
protected void InitHistory() {
Debug.Assert(_pressureHigh > 0, "_pressureHigh > 0");
Debug.Assert(_pressureLow > 0, "_pressureLow > 0");
Debug.Assert(_pressureLow <= _pressureHigh, "_pressureLow <= _pressureHigh");
int pressure = GetCurrentPressure();
_pressureHist = new int[HISTORY_COUNT];
for (int i = 0; i < HISTORY_COUNT; i++) {
_pressureHist[i] = pressure;
_pressureTotal += pressure;
_pressureAvg = pressure;
// Get current pressure and update history
internal void Update() {
int pressure = GetCurrentPressure();
_i0 = (_i0 + 1) % HISTORY_COUNT;
_pressureTotal -= _pressureHist[_i0];
_pressureTotal += pressure;
_pressureHist[_i0] = pressure;
_pressureAvg = _pressureTotal / HISTORY_COUNT;
#if DBG
Debug.Trace("CacheMemory", this.GetType().Name + ".Update: last=" + pressure
+ ",avg=" + PressureAvg
+ ",high=" + PressureHigh
+ ",low=" + PressureLow
+ ",middle=" + PressureMiddle
+ " " + Debug.FormatLocalDate(DateTime.Now));
internal int PressureLast {
get {
return _pressureHist[_i0];
internal int PressureAvg {
get { return _pressureAvg; }
internal int PressureHigh {
get { return _pressureHigh; }
internal int PressureLow {
get { return _pressureLow; }
internal int PressureMiddle {
get { return _pressureMiddle; }
internal bool IsAboveHighPressure() {
return PressureLast >= PressureHigh;
internal bool IsAboveMediumPressure() {
return PressureLast > PressureMiddle;
// The GC aggressively collects when it receives a low memory notification. Make sure
// we have released references before it aggressively collects.
sealed class CacheMemoryTotalMemoryPressure : CacheMemoryPressure {
static readonly long TARGET_TOTAL_MEMORY_TRIM_INTERVAL_TICKS = 5 * TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute;
internal CacheMemoryTotalMemoryPressure() {
The chart below shows physical memory in megabytes, and the 1, 3, and 10% values.
When we reach "middle" pressure, we begin trimming the cache.
RAM 1% 3% 10%
128 1.28 3.84 12.8
256 2.56 7.68 25.6
512 5.12 15.36 51.2
1024 10.24 30.72 102.4
2048 20.48 61.44 204.8
4096 40.96 122.88 409.6
8192 81.92 245.76 819.2
Low memory notifications from CreateMemoryResourceNotification are calculated as follows
MiInitializeMemoryEvents() {
// Scale the threshold so on servers the low threshold is
// approximately 32MB per 4GB, capping it at 64MB.
MmLowMemoryThreshold = MmPlentyFreePages;
if (MmNumberOfPhysicalPages > 0x40000) {
MmLowMemoryThreshold = MI_MB_TO_PAGES (32);
MmLowMemoryThreshold += ((MmNumberOfPhysicalPages - 0x40000) >> 7);
else if (MmNumberOfPhysicalPages > 0x8000) {
MmLowMemoryThreshold += ((MmNumberOfPhysicalPages - 0x8000) >> 5);
if (MmLowMemoryThreshold > MI_MB_TO_PAGES (64)) {
MmLowMemoryThreshold = MI_MB_TO_PAGES (64);
RAM(mb) low %
256 20 92%
512 24 95%
768 28 96%
1024 32 97%
2048 40 98%
3072 48 98%
4096 56 99%
5120 64 99%
long memory = TotalPhysical;
Debug.Assert(memory != 0, "memory != 0");
if (memory >= 0x100000000) {
_pressureHigh = 99;
else if (memory >= 0x80000000) {
_pressureHigh = 98;
else if (memory >= 0x40000000) {
_pressureHigh = 97;
else if (memory >= 0x30000000) {
_pressureHigh = 96;
else {
_pressureHigh = 95;
_pressureMiddle = _pressureHigh - 2;
_pressureLow = _pressureHigh - 9;
// PerfCounter: Cache Percentage Machine Memory Limit Used
// = total physical memory used / total physical memory used limit
PerfCounters.SetCounter(AppPerfCounter.CACHE_PERCENT_MACH_MEM_LIMIT_USED_BASE, _pressureHigh);
override internal void ReadConfig(CacheSection cacheSection) {
// Read the percentagePhysicalMemoryUsedLimit set in config
int limit = cacheSection.PercentagePhysicalMemoryUsedLimit;
if (limit == 0) {
// use defaults
_pressureHigh = Math.Max(3, limit);
_pressureMiddle = Math.Max(2, _pressureHigh - 2);
_pressureLow = Math.Max(1, _pressureHigh - 9);
// PerfCounter: Cache Percentage Machine Memory Limit Used
// = total physical memory used / total physical memory used limit
PerfCounters.SetCounter(AppPerfCounter.CACHE_PERCENT_MACH_MEM_LIMIT_USED_BASE, _pressureHigh);
#if DBG
Debug.Trace("CacheMemory", "CacheMemoryTotalMemoryPressure.ReadConfig: _pressureHigh=" + _pressureHigh +
", _pressureMiddle=" + _pressureMiddle + ", _pressureLow=" + _pressureLow);
override protected int GetCurrentPressure() {
UnsafeNativeMethods.MEMORYSTATUSEX memoryStatusEx = new UnsafeNativeMethods.MEMORYSTATUSEX();
if (UnsafeNativeMethods.GlobalMemoryStatusEx(ref memoryStatusEx) == 0)
return 0;
int memoryLoad = memoryStatusEx.dwMemoryLoad;
if (_pressureHigh != 0) {
// PerfCounter: Cache Percentage Machine Memory Limit Used
// = total physical memory used / total physical memory used limit
PerfCounters.SetCounter(AppPerfCounter.CACHE_PERCENT_MACH_MEM_LIMIT_USED, memoryLoad);
return memoryLoad;
internal override int GetPercentToTrim(DateTime lastTrimTime, int lastTrimPercent) {
int percent = 0;
if (IsAboveHighPressure()) {
// choose percent such that we don't repeat this for ~5 (TARGET_TOTAL_MEMORY_TRIM_INTERVAL) minutes,
// but keep the percentage between 10 and 50.
DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
long ticksSinceTrim = utcNow.Subtract(lastTrimTime).Ticks;
if (ticksSinceTrim > 0) {
percent = Math.Min(50, (int) ((lastTrimPercent * TARGET_TOTAL_MEMORY_TRIM_INTERVAL_TICKS) / ticksSinceTrim));
percent = Math.Max(MIN_TOTAL_MEMORY_TRIM_PERCENT, percent);
#if PERF
SafeNativeMethods.OutputDebugString(String.Format("CacheMemoryTotalMemoryPressure.GetPercentToTrim: percent={0:N}, lastTrimPercent={1:N}, secondsSinceTrim={2:N}\n",
return percent;
// Returns the percentage of physical machine memory that can be consumed by an
// application before ASP.NET starts forcibly removing items from the cache.
internal long MemoryLimit {
get { return _pressureHigh; }
// Make sure we don't hit the per-process private bytes memory limit,
// or the process will be restarted
sealed class CacheMemorySizePressure : CacheMemoryPressure {
const int SAMPLE_COUNT = 2;
static bool s_isIIS6 = HostingEnvironment.IsUnderIIS6Process;
static long s_autoPrivateBytesLimit = -1;
static uint s_pid = 0;
static int s_pollInterval;
static long s_workerProcessMemoryLimit = -1;
static long s_effectiveProcessMemoryLimit = -1;
long _totalCacheSize;
long[] _cacheSizeSamples;
DateTime[] _cacheSizeSampleTimes;
int _idx;
SRefMultiple _sizedRef;
int _gen2Count;
long _memoryLimit;
DateTime _startupTime;
internal CacheMemorySizePressure(SRefMultiple sizedRef) {
_sizedRef = sizedRef;
_gen2Count = GC.CollectionCount(2);
_cacheSizeSamples = new long[SAMPLE_COUNT];
_cacheSizeSampleTimes = new DateTime[SAMPLE_COUNT];
_pressureHigh = 99;
_pressureMiddle = 98;
_pressureLow = 97;
_startupTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
// Auto-generate the private bytes limit:
// - On 64bit, the auto value is MIN(60% physical_ram, 1 TB)
// - On x86, for 2GB, the auto value is MIN(60% physical_ram, 800 MB)
// - On x86, for 3GB, the auto value is MIN(60% physical_ram, 1800 MB)
// - If it's not a hosted environment (e.g. console app), the 60% in the above
// formulas will become 100% because in un-hosted environment we don't launch
// other processes such as compiler, etc.
private static long AutoPrivateBytesLimit {
get {
long memoryLimit = s_autoPrivateBytesLimit;
if (memoryLimit == -1) {
bool is64bit = (IntPtr.Size == 8);
long totalPhysical = TotalPhysical;
long totalVirtual = TotalVirtual;
if (totalPhysical != 0) {
long recommendedPrivateByteLimit;
if (is64bit) {
recommendedPrivateByteLimit = PRIVATE_BYTES_LIMIT_64BIT;
else {
// Figure out if it's 2GB or 3GB
if (totalVirtual > 2 * GIGABYTE) {
recommendedPrivateByteLimit = PRIVATE_BYTES_LIMIT_3GB;
else {
recommendedPrivateByteLimit = PRIVATE_BYTES_LIMIT_2GB;
// if we're hosted, use 60% of physical RAM; otherwise 100%
long usableMemory = HostingEnvironment.IsHosted ? totalPhysical * 3 / 5 : totalPhysical;
memoryLimit = Math.Min(usableMemory, recommendedPrivateByteLimit);
else {
// If GlobalMemoryStatusEx fails, we'll use these as our auto-gen private bytes limit
Interlocked.Exchange(ref s_autoPrivateBytesLimit, memoryLimit);
return memoryLimit;
internal static long EffectiveProcessMemoryLimit {
get {
long memoryLimit = s_effectiveProcessMemoryLimit;
if (memoryLimit == -1) {
memoryLimit = WorkerProcessMemoryLimit;
if (memoryLimit == 0) {
memoryLimit = AutoPrivateBytesLimit;
Interlocked.Exchange(ref s_effectiveProcessMemoryLimit, memoryLimit);
return memoryLimit;
internal static long WorkerProcessMemoryLimit {
get {
long memoryLimit = s_workerProcessMemoryLimit;
if (memoryLimit == -1) {
// per-process information
if (UnsafeNativeMethods.GetModuleHandle(ModName.WP_FULL_NAME) != IntPtr.Zero) {
memoryLimit = (long)UnsafeNativeMethods.PMGetMemoryLimitInMB() << 20;
else if (UnsafeNativeMethods.GetModuleHandle(ModName.W3WP_FULL_NAME) != IntPtr.Zero) {
IServerConfig serverConfig = ServerConfig.GetInstance();
memoryLimit = (long)serverConfig.GetW3WPMemoryLimitInKB() << 10;
Interlocked.Exchange(ref s_workerProcessMemoryLimit, memoryLimit);
return memoryLimit;
internal void Dispose() {
SRefMultiple sref = _sizedRef;
if (sref != null && Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _sizedRef, null, sref) == sref) {
ApplicationManager appManager = HostingEnvironment.GetApplicationManager();
if (appManager != null) {
long sizeUpdate = (0 - _cacheSizeSamples[_idx]);
override internal void ReadConfig(CacheSection cacheSection) {
// Read the private bytes limit set in config
long privateBytesLimit;
privateBytesLimit = cacheSection.PrivateBytesLimit;
// per-process information
_memoryLimit = WorkerProcessMemoryLimit;
// VSWhidbey 546381: never override what the user specifies as the limit;
// only call AutoPrivateBytesLimit when the user does not specify one.
if (privateBytesLimit == 0 && _memoryLimit == 0) {
// Zero means we impose a limit
_memoryLimit = EffectiveProcessMemoryLimit;
else if (privateBytesLimit != 0 && _memoryLimit != 0) {
// Take the min of "process recycle limit" and our internal "private bytes limit"
_memoryLimit = Math.Min(_memoryLimit, privateBytesLimit);
else if (privateBytesLimit != 0) {
// _memoryLimit is 0, but privateBytesLimit is non-zero, so use it as the limit
_memoryLimit = privateBytesLimit;
Debug.Trace("CacheMemory", "CacheMemorySizePressure.ReadConfig: _memoryLimit=" + (_memoryLimit >> MEGABYTE_SHIFT) + "Mb");
if (_memoryLimit > 0) {
if (s_pid == 0) // only set this once
s_pid = (uint) SafeNativeMethods.GetCurrentProcessId();
_pressureHigh = 100;
_pressureMiddle = 90;
_pressureLow = 80;
// convert <cache privateBytesPollTime/> to milliseconds
s_pollInterval = (int)Math.Min(cacheSection.PrivateBytesPollTime.TotalMilliseconds, (double)Int32.MaxValue);
// PerfCounter: Cache Percentage Process Memory Limit Used
// = memory used by this process / process memory limit at pressureHigh
// Set private bytes limit in kilobytes becuase the counter is a DWORD
PerfCounters.SetCounter(AppPerfCounter.CACHE_PERCENT_PROC_MEM_LIMIT_USED_BASE, (int)(_memoryLimit >> KILOBYTE_SHIFT));
Debug.Trace("CacheMemory", "CacheMemorySizePressure.ReadConfig: _pressureHigh=" + _pressureHigh +
", _pressureMiddle=" + _pressureMiddle + ", _pressureLow=" + _pressureLow);
internal long MemoryLimit {
get { return _memoryLimit; }
internal static int PollInterval {
get { return s_pollInterval; }
override protected int GetCurrentPressure() {
// Call GetUpdatedTotalCacheSize to update the total
// cache size, if there has been a recent Gen 2 Collection.
// This update must happen, otherwise the CacheManager won't
// know the total cache size.
int gen2Count = GC.CollectionCount(2);
SRefMultiple sref = _sizedRef;
if (gen2Count != _gen2Count && sref != null) {
// update _gen2Count
_gen2Count = gen2Count;
// the SizedRef is only updated after a Gen2 Collection
// increment the index (it's either 1 or 0)
Debug.Assert(SAMPLE_COUNT == 2);
_idx = _idx ^ 1;
// remember the sample time
_cacheSizeSampleTimes[_idx] = DateTime.UtcNow;
// remember the sample value
_cacheSizeSamples[_idx] = sref.ApproximateSize;
#if DBG
Debug.Trace("CacheMemory", "SizedRef.ApproximateSize=" + _cacheSizeSamples[_idx]);
// we may not be "hosted"
ApplicationManager appManager = HostingEnvironment.GetApplicationManager();
if (appManager != null) {
// update total cache size
long sizeUpdate = _cacheSizeSamples[_idx] - _cacheSizeSamples[_idx ^ 1];
_totalCacheSize = appManager.GetUpdatedTotalCacheSize(sizeUpdate);
else {
// if we're not hosted, this cache's size is the total cache size
_totalCacheSize = _cacheSizeSamples[_idx];
// if there's no memory limit, then there's nothing more to do
if (_memoryLimit <= 0) {
return 0;
long cacheSize = _cacheSizeSamples[_idx];
// use _memoryLimit as an upper bound so that pressure is a percentage (between 0 and 100, inclusive).
if (cacheSize > _memoryLimit) {
cacheSize = _memoryLimit;
// PerfCounter: Cache Percentage Process Memory Limit Used
// = memory used by this process / process memory limit at pressureHigh
// Set private bytes used in kilobytes because the counter is a DWORD
PerfCounters.SetCounter(AppPerfCounter.CACHE_PERCENT_PROC_MEM_LIMIT_USED, (int)(cacheSize >> KILOBYTE_SHIFT));
int result = (int)(cacheSize * 100 / _memoryLimit);
return result;
internal override int GetPercentToTrim(DateTime lastTrimTime, int lastTrimPercent) {
int percent = 0;
if (IsAboveHighPressure()) {
long cacheSize = _cacheSizeSamples[_idx];
if (cacheSize > _memoryLimit) {
percent = Math.Min(100, (int) ((cacheSize - _memoryLimit) * 100L/ cacheSize));
#if PERF
SafeNativeMethods.OutputDebugString(String.Format("CacheMemorySizePressure.GetPercentToTrim: percent={0:N}, lastTrimPercent={1:N}\n",
return percent;
internal bool HasLimit() {
return _memoryLimit != 0;
class CacheMemoryStats {
DateTime _lastTrimTime = DateTime.MinValue;
long _lastTrimDurationTicks; // used only for debugging
int _lastTrimPercent;
long _totalCountBeforeTrim;
long _lastTrimCount;
int _lastTrimGen2Count = -1;
CacheMemoryTotalMemoryPressure _pressureTotalMemory;
CacheMemorySizePressure _pressureCacheSize;
internal CacheMemoryStats(SRefMultiple sizedRef) {
_pressureTotalMemory = new CacheMemoryTotalMemoryPressure();
_pressureCacheSize = new CacheMemorySizePressure(sizedRef);
internal CacheMemorySizePressure CacheSizePressure {
get {return _pressureCacheSize;}
internal CacheMemoryTotalMemoryPressure TotalMemoryPressure {
get {return _pressureTotalMemory;}
internal bool IsAboveHighPressure() {
return _pressureTotalMemory.IsAboveHighPressure() || _pressureCacheSize.IsAboveHighPressure();
internal bool IsAboveMediumPressure() {
return _pressureTotalMemory.IsAboveMediumPressure() || _pressureCacheSize.IsAboveMediumPressure();
internal void ReadConfig(CacheSection cacheSection) {
internal void Update() {
internal void Dispose() {
internal int GetPercentToTrim() {
int gen2Count = GC.CollectionCount(2);
// has there been a Gen 2 Collection since the last trim?
if (gen2Count != _lastTrimGen2Count) {
return Math.Max(_pressureTotalMemory.GetPercentToTrim(_lastTrimTime, _lastTrimPercent), _pressureCacheSize.GetPercentToTrim(_lastTrimTime, _lastTrimPercent));
else {
return 0;
internal void SetTrimStats(long trimDurationTicks, long totalCountBeforeTrim, long trimCount) {
_lastTrimDurationTicks = trimDurationTicks;
int gen2Count = GC.CollectionCount(2);
// has there been a Gen 2 Collection since the last trim?
if (gen2Count != _lastTrimGen2Count) {
_lastTrimTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
_totalCountBeforeTrim = totalCountBeforeTrim;
_lastTrimCount = trimCount;
else {
// we've done multiple trims between Gen 2 collections, so only add to the trim count
_lastTrimCount += trimCount;
_lastTrimGen2Count = gen2Count;
_lastTrimPercent = (int)((_lastTrimCount * 100L) / _totalCountBeforeTrim);