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756 lines
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// <copyright file="SqlConnectionString.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <owner current="true" primary="true">[....]</owner>
// <owner current="true" primary="false">[....]</owner>
namespace System.Data.SqlClient {
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
internal sealed class SqlConnectionString : DbConnectionOptions {
// instances of this class are intended to be immutable, i.e readonly
// used by pooling classes so it is much easier to verify correctness
// when not worried about the class being modified during execution
internal static class DEFAULT {
internal const ApplicationIntent ApplicationIntent = DbConnectionStringDefaults.ApplicationIntent;
internal const string Application_Name = TdsEnums.SQL_PROVIDER_NAME;
internal const bool Asynchronous = false;
internal const string AttachDBFilename = "";
internal const int Connect_Timeout = ADP.DefaultConnectionTimeout;
internal const bool Connection_Reset = true;
internal const bool Context_Connection = false;
internal const string Current_Language = "";
internal const string Data_Source = "";
internal const bool Encrypt = false;
internal const bool Enlist = true;
internal const string FailoverPartner = "";
internal const string Initial_Catalog = "";
internal const bool Integrated_Security = false;
internal const int Load_Balance_Timeout = 0; // default of 0 means don't use
internal const bool MARS = false;
internal const int Max_Pool_Size = 100;
internal const int Min_Pool_Size = 0;
internal const bool MultiSubnetFailover = DbConnectionStringDefaults.MultiSubnetFailover;
internal const string Network_Library = "";
internal const int Packet_Size = 8000;
internal const string Password = "";
internal const bool Persist_Security_Info = false;
internal const bool Pooling = true;
internal const bool TrustServerCertificate = false;
internal const string Type_System_Version = "";
internal const string User_ID = "";
internal const bool User_Instance = false;
internal const bool Replication = false;
internal const int Connect_Retry_Count = 1;
internal const int Connect_Retry_Interval = 10;
// SqlConnection ConnectionString Options
// keys must be lowercase!
internal static class KEY {
internal const string ApplicationIntent = "applicationintent";
internal const string Application_Name = "application name";
internal const string AsynchronousProcessing = "asynchronous processing";
internal const string AttachDBFilename = "attachdbfilename";
internal const string Connect_Timeout = "connect timeout";
internal const string Connection_Reset = "connection reset";
internal const string Context_Connection = "context connection";
internal const string Current_Language = "current language";
internal const string Data_Source = "data source";
internal const string Encrypt = "encrypt";
internal const string Enlist = "enlist";
internal const string FailoverPartner = "failover partner";
internal const string Initial_Catalog = "initial catalog";
internal const string Integrated_Security = "integrated security";
internal const string Load_Balance_Timeout = "load balance timeout";
internal const string MARS = "multipleactiveresultsets";
internal const string Max_Pool_Size = "max pool size";
internal const string Min_Pool_Size = "min pool size";
internal const string MultiSubnetFailover = "multisubnetfailover";
internal const string Network_Library = "network library";
internal const string Packet_Size = "packet size";
internal const string Password = "password";
internal const string Persist_Security_Info = "persist security info";
internal const string Pooling = "pooling";
internal const string TransactionBinding = "transaction binding";
internal const string TrustServerCertificate = "trustservercertificate";
internal const string Type_System_Version = "type system version";
internal const string User_ID = "user id";
internal const string User_Instance = "user instance";
internal const string Workstation_Id = "workstation id";
internal const string Replication = "replication";
internal const string Connect_Retry_Count = "connectretrycount";
internal const string Connect_Retry_Interval = "connectretryinterval";
// Constant for the number of duplicate options in the connnection string
private static class SYNONYM {
// application name
internal const string APP = "app";
internal const string Async = "async";
// attachDBFilename
internal const string EXTENDED_PROPERTIES = "extended properties";
internal const string INITIAL_FILE_NAME = "initial file name";
// connect timeout
internal const string CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = "connection timeout";
internal const string TIMEOUT = "timeout";
// current language
internal const string LANGUAGE = "language";
// data source
internal const string ADDR = "addr";
internal const string ADDRESS = "address";
internal const string SERVER = "server";
internal const string NETWORK_ADDRESS = "network address";
// initial catalog
internal const string DATABASE = "database";
// integrated security
internal const string TRUSTED_CONNECTION = "trusted_connection";
// load balance timeout
internal const string Connection_Lifetime = "connection lifetime";
// network library
internal const string NET = "net";
internal const string NETWORK = "network";
// password
internal const string Pwd = "pwd";
// persist security info
internal const string PERSISTSECURITYINFO = "persistsecurityinfo";
// user id
internal const string UID = "uid";
internal const string User = "user";
// workstation id
internal const string WSID = "wsid";
// make sure to update SynonymCount value below when adding or removing synonyms
internal const int SynonymCount = 21;
// the following are all inserted as keys into the _netlibMapping hash
internal static class NETLIB {
internal const string AppleTalk = "dbmsadsn";
internal const string BanyanVines = "dbmsvinn";
internal const string IPXSPX = "dbmsspxn";
internal const string Multiprotocol = "dbmsrpcn";
internal const string NamedPipes = "dbnmpntw";
internal const string SharedMemory = "dbmslpcn";
internal const string TCPIP = "dbmssocn";
internal const string VIA = "dbmsgnet";
internal enum TypeSystem {
Latest = 2008,
SQLServer2000 = 2000,
SQLServer2005 = 2005,
SQLServer2008 = 2008,
SQLServer2012 = 2012,
internal static class TYPESYSTEMVERSION {
internal const string Latest = "Latest";
internal const string SQL_Server_2000 = "SQL Server 2000";
internal const string SQL_Server_2005 = "SQL Server 2005";
internal const string SQL_Server_2008 = "SQL Server 2008";
internal const string SQL_Server_2012 = "SQL Server 2012";
internal enum TransactionBindingEnum {
internal static class TRANSACIONBINDING {
internal const string ImplicitUnbind = "Implicit Unbind";
internal const string ExplicitUnbind = "Explicit Unbind";
static private Hashtable _sqlClientSynonyms;
static private Hashtable _netlibMapping;
private readonly bool _integratedSecurity;
private readonly bool _connectionReset;
private readonly bool _contextConnection;
private readonly bool _encrypt;
private readonly bool _trustServerCertificate;
private readonly bool _enlist;
private readonly bool _mars;
private readonly bool _persistSecurityInfo;
private readonly bool _pooling;
private readonly bool _replication;
private readonly bool _userInstance;
private readonly bool _multiSubnetFailover;
private readonly int _connectTimeout;
private readonly int _loadBalanceTimeout;
private readonly int _maxPoolSize;
private readonly int _minPoolSize;
private readonly int _packetSize;
private readonly int _connectRetryCount;
private readonly int _connectRetryInterval;
private readonly ApplicationIntent _applicationIntent;
private readonly string _applicationName;
private readonly string _attachDBFileName;
private readonly string _currentLanguage;
private readonly string _dataSource;
private readonly string _localDBInstance; // created based on datasource, set to NULL if datasource is not LocalDB
private readonly string _failoverPartner;
private readonly string _initialCatalog;
private readonly string _password;
private readonly string _userID;
private readonly string _networkLibrary;
private readonly string _workstationId;
private readonly TypeSystem _typeSystemVersion;
private readonly Version _typeSystemAssemblyVersion;
private static readonly Version constTypeSystemAsmVersion10 = new Version("");
private static readonly Version constTypeSystemAsmVersion11 = new Version("");
private readonly TransactionBindingEnum _transactionBinding;
private readonly string _expandedAttachDBFilename; // expanded during construction so that CreatePermissionSet & Expand are consistent
// SxS: reading Software\\Microsoft\\MSSQLServer\\Client\\SuperSocketNetLib\Encrypt value from registry
[ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
internal SqlConnectionString(string connectionString) : base(connectionString, GetParseSynonyms(), false) {
bool runningInProc = InOutOfProcHelper.InProc;
_integratedSecurity = ConvertValueToIntegratedSecurity();
ConvertValueToBoolean(KEY.AsynchronousProcessing, DEFAULT.Asynchronous); // while we don't use it anymore, we still need to verify it is true/false
// SQLPT 41700: Ignore ResetConnection=False (still validate the keyword/value)
_connectionReset = ConvertValueToBoolean(KEY.Connection_Reset, DEFAULT.Connection_Reset);
_contextConnection = ConvertValueToBoolean(KEY.Context_Connection, DEFAULT.Context_Connection);
_encrypt = ConvertValueToBoolean(KEY.Encrypt, DEFAULT.Encrypt);
_enlist = ConvertValueToBoolean(KEY.Enlist, ADP.IsWindowsNT);
_mars = ConvertValueToBoolean(KEY.MARS, DEFAULT.MARS);
_persistSecurityInfo = ConvertValueToBoolean(KEY.Persist_Security_Info, DEFAULT.Persist_Security_Info);
_pooling = ConvertValueToBoolean(KEY.Pooling, DEFAULT.Pooling);
_replication = ConvertValueToBoolean(KEY.Replication, DEFAULT.Replication);
_userInstance = ConvertValueToBoolean(KEY.User_Instance, DEFAULT.User_Instance);
_multiSubnetFailover = ConvertValueToBoolean(KEY.MultiSubnetFailover, DEFAULT.MultiSubnetFailover);
_connectTimeout = ConvertValueToInt32(KEY.Connect_Timeout, DEFAULT.Connect_Timeout);
_loadBalanceTimeout = ConvertValueToInt32(KEY.Load_Balance_Timeout, DEFAULT.Load_Balance_Timeout);
_maxPoolSize = ConvertValueToInt32(KEY.Max_Pool_Size, DEFAULT.Max_Pool_Size);
_minPoolSize = ConvertValueToInt32(KEY.Min_Pool_Size, DEFAULT.Min_Pool_Size);
_packetSize = ConvertValueToInt32(KEY.Packet_Size, DEFAULT.Packet_Size);
_connectRetryCount = ConvertValueToInt32(KEY.Connect_Retry_Count, DEFAULT.Connect_Retry_Count);
_connectRetryInterval = ConvertValueToInt32(KEY.Connect_Retry_Interval, DEFAULT.Connect_Retry_Interval);
_applicationIntent = ConvertValueToApplicationIntent();
_applicationName = ConvertValueToString(KEY.Application_Name, DEFAULT.Application_Name);
_attachDBFileName = ConvertValueToString(KEY.AttachDBFilename, DEFAULT.AttachDBFilename);
_currentLanguage = ConvertValueToString(KEY.Current_Language, DEFAULT.Current_Language);
_dataSource = ConvertValueToString(KEY.Data_Source, DEFAULT.Data_Source);
_localDBInstance = LocalDBAPI.GetLocalDbInstanceNameFromServerName(_dataSource);
_failoverPartner = ConvertValueToString(KEY.FailoverPartner, DEFAULT.FailoverPartner);
_initialCatalog = ConvertValueToString(KEY.Initial_Catalog, DEFAULT.Initial_Catalog);
_networkLibrary = ConvertValueToString(KEY.Network_Library, null);
_password = ConvertValueToString(KEY.Password, DEFAULT.Password);
_trustServerCertificate = ConvertValueToBoolean(KEY.TrustServerCertificate, DEFAULT.TrustServerCertificate);
// Temporary string - this value is stored internally as an enum.
string typeSystemVersionString = ConvertValueToString(KEY.Type_System_Version, null);
string transactionBindingString = ConvertValueToString(KEY.TransactionBinding, null);
_userID = ConvertValueToString(KEY.User_ID, DEFAULT.User_ID);
_workstationId = ConvertValueToString(KEY.Workstation_Id, null);
if (_contextConnection) {
// We have to be running in the engine for you to request a
// context connection.
if (!runningInProc) {
throw SQL.ContextUnavailableOutOfProc();
// When using a context connection, we need to ensure that no
// other connection string keywords are specified.
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in Parsetable) {
if ((string) entry.Key != KEY.Context_Connection &&
(string) entry.Key != KEY.Type_System_Version) {
throw SQL.ContextAllowsLimitedKeywords();
if (!_encrypt) { // Support legacy registry encryption settings
const string folder = "Software\\Microsoft\\MSSQLServer\\Client\\SuperSocketNetLib";
const string value = "Encrypt";
Object obj = ADP.LocalMachineRegistryValue(folder, value);
if ((obj is Int32) && (1 == (int)obj)) { // If the registry key exists
_encrypt = true;
if (_loadBalanceTimeout < 0) {
throw ADP.InvalidConnectionOptionValue(KEY.Load_Balance_Timeout);
if (_connectTimeout < 0) {
throw ADP.InvalidConnectionOptionValue(KEY.Connect_Timeout);
if (_maxPoolSize < 1) {
throw ADP.InvalidConnectionOptionValue(KEY.Max_Pool_Size);
if (_minPoolSize < 0) {
throw ADP.InvalidConnectionOptionValue(KEY.Min_Pool_Size);
if (_maxPoolSize < _minPoolSize) {
throw ADP.InvalidMinMaxPoolSizeValues();
if ((_packetSize < TdsEnums.MIN_PACKET_SIZE) || (TdsEnums.MAX_PACKET_SIZE < _packetSize)) {
throw SQL.InvalidPacketSizeValue();
if (null != _networkLibrary) { // MDAC 83525
string networkLibrary = _networkLibrary.Trim().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Hashtable netlib = NetlibMapping();
if (!netlib.ContainsKey(networkLibrary)) {
throw ADP.InvalidConnectionOptionValue(KEY.Network_Library);
_networkLibrary = (string) netlib[networkLibrary];
else {
_networkLibrary = DEFAULT.Network_Library;
ValidateValueLength(_applicationName, TdsEnums.MAXLEN_APPNAME, KEY.Application_Name);
ValidateValueLength(_currentLanguage , TdsEnums.MAXLEN_LANGUAGE, KEY.Current_Language);
ValidateValueLength(_dataSource, TdsEnums.MAXLEN_SERVERNAME, KEY.Data_Source);
ValidateValueLength(_failoverPartner, TdsEnums.MAXLEN_SERVERNAME, KEY.FailoverPartner);
ValidateValueLength(_initialCatalog, TdsEnums.MAXLEN_DATABASE, KEY.Initial_Catalog);
ValidateValueLength(_password, TdsEnums.MAXLEN_PASSWORD, KEY.Password);
ValidateValueLength(_userID, TdsEnums.MAXLEN_USERNAME, KEY.User_ID);
if (null != _workstationId) {
ValidateValueLength(_workstationId, TdsEnums.MAXLEN_HOSTNAME, KEY.Workstation_Id);
if (!String.Equals(DEFAULT.FailoverPartner, _failoverPartner, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
// fail-over partner is set
if (_multiSubnetFailover) {
throw SQL.MultiSubnetFailoverWithFailoverPartner(serverProvidedFailoverPartner: false, internalConnection: null);
if (String.Equals(DEFAULT.Initial_Catalog, _initialCatalog, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
throw ADP.MissingConnectionOptionValue(KEY.FailoverPartner, KEY.Initial_Catalog);
// expand during construction so that CreatePermissionSet and Expand are consistent
string datadir = null;
_expandedAttachDBFilename = ExpandDataDirectory(KEY.AttachDBFilename, _attachDBFileName, ref datadir);
if (null != _expandedAttachDBFilename) {
if (0 <= _expandedAttachDBFilename.IndexOf('|')) {
throw ADP.InvalidConnectionOptionValue(KEY.AttachDBFilename);
ValidateValueLength(_expandedAttachDBFilename, TdsEnums.MAXLEN_ATTACHDBFILE, KEY.AttachDBFilename);
if (_localDBInstance == null)
// fail fast to verify LocalHost when using |DataDirectory|
// still must check again at connect time
string host = _dataSource;
string protocol = _networkLibrary;
TdsParserStaticMethods.AliasRegistryLookup(ref host, ref protocol);
VerifyLocalHostAndFixup(ref host, true, false /*don't fix-up*/);
else if (0 <= _attachDBFileName.IndexOf('|')) {
throw ADP.InvalidConnectionOptionValue(KEY.AttachDBFilename);
else {
ValidateValueLength(_attachDBFileName, TdsEnums.MAXLEN_ATTACHDBFILE, KEY.AttachDBFilename);
_typeSystemAssemblyVersion = constTypeSystemAsmVersion10;
if (true == _userInstance && !ADP.IsEmpty(_failoverPartner)) {
throw SQL.UserInstanceFailoverNotCompatible();
if (ADP.IsEmpty(typeSystemVersionString)) {
typeSystemVersionString = DbConnectionStringDefaults.TypeSystemVersion;
if (typeSystemVersionString.Equals(TYPESYSTEMVERSION.Latest, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
_typeSystemVersion = TypeSystem.Latest;
else if (typeSystemVersionString.Equals(TYPESYSTEMVERSION.SQL_Server_2000, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
if (_contextConnection) {
throw SQL.ContextAllowsOnlyTypeSystem2005();
_typeSystemVersion = TypeSystem.SQLServer2000;
else if (typeSystemVersionString.Equals(TYPESYSTEMVERSION.SQL_Server_2005, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
_typeSystemVersion = TypeSystem.SQLServer2005;
else if (typeSystemVersionString.Equals(TYPESYSTEMVERSION.SQL_Server_2008, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
_typeSystemVersion = TypeSystem.SQLServer2008;
else if (typeSystemVersionString.Equals(TYPESYSTEMVERSION.SQL_Server_2012, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
_typeSystemVersion = TypeSystem.SQLServer2012;
_typeSystemAssemblyVersion = constTypeSystemAsmVersion11;
else {
throw ADP.InvalidConnectionOptionValue(KEY.Type_System_Version);
if (ADP.IsEmpty(transactionBindingString)) {
transactionBindingString = DbConnectionStringDefaults.TransactionBinding;
if (transactionBindingString.Equals(TRANSACIONBINDING.ImplicitUnbind, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
_transactionBinding = TransactionBindingEnum.ImplicitUnbind;
else if (transactionBindingString.Equals(TRANSACIONBINDING.ExplicitUnbind, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
_transactionBinding = TransactionBindingEnum.ExplicitUnbind;
else {
throw ADP.InvalidConnectionOptionValue(KEY.TransactionBinding);
if (_applicationIntent == ApplicationIntent.ReadOnly && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_failoverPartner))
throw SQL.ROR_FailoverNotSupportedConnString();
if ((_connectRetryCount<0) || (_connectRetryCount>255)) {
throw ADP.InvalidConnectRetryCountValue();
if ((_connectRetryInterval < 1) || (_connectRetryInterval > 60)) {
throw ADP.InvalidConnectRetryIntervalValue();
// This c-tor is used to create SSE and user instance connection strings when user instance is set to true
internal SqlConnectionString(SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, string dataSource, bool userInstance, bool? setEnlistValue) : base(connectionOptions) {
_integratedSecurity = connectionOptions._integratedSecurity;
_connectionReset = connectionOptions._connectionReset;
_contextConnection = connectionOptions._contextConnection;
_encrypt = connectionOptions._encrypt;
if (setEnlistValue.HasValue) {
_enlist = setEnlistValue.Value;
else {
_enlist = connectionOptions._enlist;
_mars = connectionOptions._mars;
_persistSecurityInfo = connectionOptions._persistSecurityInfo;
_pooling = connectionOptions._pooling;
_replication = connectionOptions._replication;
_userInstance = userInstance;
_connectTimeout = connectionOptions._connectTimeout;
_loadBalanceTimeout = connectionOptions._loadBalanceTimeout;
_maxPoolSize = connectionOptions._maxPoolSize;
_minPoolSize = connectionOptions._minPoolSize;
_multiSubnetFailover = connectionOptions._multiSubnetFailover;
_packetSize = connectionOptions._packetSize;
_applicationName = connectionOptions._applicationName;
_attachDBFileName = connectionOptions._attachDBFileName;
_currentLanguage = connectionOptions._currentLanguage;
_dataSource = dataSource;
_localDBInstance = LocalDBAPI.GetLocalDbInstanceNameFromServerName(_dataSource);
_failoverPartner = connectionOptions._failoverPartner;
_initialCatalog = connectionOptions._initialCatalog;
_password = connectionOptions._password;
_userID = connectionOptions._userID;
_networkLibrary = connectionOptions._networkLibrary;
_workstationId = connectionOptions._workstationId;
_expandedAttachDBFilename = connectionOptions._expandedAttachDBFilename;
_typeSystemVersion = connectionOptions._typeSystemVersion;
_typeSystemAssemblyVersion =connectionOptions._typeSystemAssemblyVersion;
_transactionBinding = connectionOptions._transactionBinding;
_applicationIntent = connectionOptions._applicationIntent;
_connectRetryCount = connectionOptions._connectRetryCount;
_connectRetryInterval = connectionOptions._connectRetryInterval;
ValidateValueLength(_dataSource, TdsEnums.MAXLEN_SERVERNAME, KEY.Data_Source);
internal bool IntegratedSecurity { get { return _integratedSecurity; } }
// We always initialize in Async mode so that both synchronous and asynchronous methods
// will work. In the future we can deprecate the keyword entirely.
internal bool Asynchronous { get { return true; } }
// SQLPT 41700: Ignore ResetConnection=False, always reset the connection for security
internal bool ConnectionReset { get { return true; } }
internal bool ContextConnection { get { return _contextConnection; } }
// internal bool EnableUdtDownload { get { return _enableUdtDownload;} }
internal bool Encrypt { get { return _encrypt; } }
internal bool TrustServerCertificate { get { return _trustServerCertificate; } }
internal bool Enlist { get { return _enlist; } }
internal bool MARS { get { return _mars; } }
internal bool MultiSubnetFailover { get { return _multiSubnetFailover; } }
internal bool PersistSecurityInfo { get { return _persistSecurityInfo; } }
internal bool Pooling { get { return _pooling; } }
internal bool Replication { get { return _replication; } }
internal bool UserInstance { get { return _userInstance; } }
internal int ConnectTimeout { get { return _connectTimeout; } }
internal int LoadBalanceTimeout { get { return _loadBalanceTimeout; } }
internal int MaxPoolSize { get { return _maxPoolSize; } }
internal int MinPoolSize { get { return _minPoolSize; } }
internal int PacketSize { get { return _packetSize; } }
internal int ConnectRetryCount { get { return _connectRetryCount; } }
internal int ConnectRetryInterval { get { return _connectRetryInterval; } }
internal ApplicationIntent ApplicationIntent { get { return _applicationIntent; } }
internal string ApplicationName { get { return _applicationName; } }
internal string AttachDBFilename { get { return _attachDBFileName; } }
internal string CurrentLanguage { get { return _currentLanguage; } }
internal string DataSource { get { return _dataSource; } }
internal string LocalDBInstance { get { return _localDBInstance; } }
internal string FailoverPartner { get { return _failoverPartner; } }
internal string InitialCatalog { get { return _initialCatalog; } }
internal string NetworkLibrary { get { return _networkLibrary; } }
internal string Password { get { return _password; } }
internal string UserID { get { return _userID; } }
internal string WorkstationId { get { return _workstationId; } }
internal TypeSystem TypeSystemVersion { get { return _typeSystemVersion; } }
internal Version TypeSystemAssemblyVersion { get { return _typeSystemAssemblyVersion; } }
internal TransactionBindingEnum TransactionBinding { get { return _transactionBinding; } }
internal bool EnforceLocalHost {
get {
// so tdsparser.connect can determine if SqlConnection.UserConnectionOptions
// needs to enfoce local host after datasource alias lookup
return (null != _expandedAttachDBFilename) && (null == _localDBInstance);
protected internal override System.Security.PermissionSet CreatePermissionSet() {
System.Security.PermissionSet permissionSet = new System.Security.PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState.None);
permissionSet.AddPermission(new SqlClientPermission(this));
return permissionSet;
protected internal override string Expand() {
if (null != _expandedAttachDBFilename) {
return ExpandKeyword(KEY.AttachDBFilename, _expandedAttachDBFilename);
else {
return base.Expand();
private static bool CompareHostName(ref string host, string name, bool fixup) {
// same computer name or same computer name + "\named instance"
bool equal = false;
if (host.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
if (fixup) {
host = ".";
equal = true;
else if (host.StartsWith(name+@"\", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
if (fixup) {
host = "." + host.Substring(name.Length);
equal = true;
return equal;
// this hashtable is meant to be read-only translation of parsed string
// keywords/synonyms to a known keyword string
internal static Hashtable GetParseSynonyms() {
Hashtable hash = _sqlClientSynonyms;
if (null == hash) {
hash = new Hashtable(SqlConnectionStringBuilder.KeywordsCount + SynonymCount);
hash.Add(KEY.ApplicationIntent, KEY.ApplicationIntent);
hash.Add(KEY.Application_Name, KEY.Application_Name);
hash.Add(KEY.AsynchronousProcessing, KEY.AsynchronousProcessing);
hash.Add(KEY.AttachDBFilename, KEY.AttachDBFilename);
hash.Add(KEY.Connect_Timeout, KEY.Connect_Timeout);
hash.Add(KEY.Connection_Reset, KEY.Connection_Reset);
hash.Add(KEY.Context_Connection, KEY.Context_Connection);
hash.Add(KEY.Current_Language, KEY.Current_Language);
hash.Add(KEY.Data_Source, KEY.Data_Source);
hash.Add(KEY.Encrypt, KEY.Encrypt);
hash.Add(KEY.Enlist, KEY.Enlist);
hash.Add(KEY.FailoverPartner, KEY.FailoverPartner);
hash.Add(KEY.Initial_Catalog, KEY.Initial_Catalog);
hash.Add(KEY.Integrated_Security, KEY.Integrated_Security);
hash.Add(KEY.Load_Balance_Timeout, KEY.Load_Balance_Timeout);
hash.Add(KEY.Max_Pool_Size, KEY.Max_Pool_Size);
hash.Add(KEY.Min_Pool_Size, KEY.Min_Pool_Size);
hash.Add(KEY.MultiSubnetFailover, KEY.MultiSubnetFailover);
hash.Add(KEY.Network_Library, KEY.Network_Library);
hash.Add(KEY.Packet_Size, KEY.Packet_Size);
hash.Add(KEY.Password, KEY.Password);
hash.Add(KEY.Persist_Security_Info, KEY.Persist_Security_Info);
hash.Add(KEY.Pooling, KEY.Pooling);
hash.Add(KEY.Replication, KEY.Replication);
hash.Add(KEY.TrustServerCertificate, KEY.TrustServerCertificate);
hash.Add(KEY.TransactionBinding, KEY.TransactionBinding);
hash.Add(KEY.Type_System_Version, KEY.Type_System_Version);
hash.Add(KEY.User_ID, KEY.User_ID);
hash.Add(KEY.User_Instance, KEY.User_Instance);
hash.Add(KEY.Workstation_Id, KEY.Workstation_Id);
hash.Add(KEY.Connect_Retry_Count, KEY.Connect_Retry_Count);
hash.Add(KEY.Connect_Retry_Interval, KEY.Connect_Retry_Interval);
hash.Add(SYNONYM.APP, KEY.Application_Name);
hash.Add(SYNONYM.Async, KEY.AsynchronousProcessing);
hash.Add(SYNONYM.TIMEOUT, KEY.Connect_Timeout);
hash.Add(SYNONYM.LANGUAGE, KEY.Current_Language);
hash.Add(SYNONYM.ADDR, KEY.Data_Source);
hash.Add(SYNONYM.ADDRESS, KEY.Data_Source);
hash.Add(SYNONYM.SERVER, KEY.Data_Source);
hash.Add(SYNONYM.DATABASE, KEY.Initial_Catalog);
hash.Add(SYNONYM.TRUSTED_CONNECTION, KEY.Integrated_Security);
hash.Add(SYNONYM.Connection_Lifetime, KEY.Load_Balance_Timeout);
hash.Add(SYNONYM.NET, KEY.Network_Library);
hash.Add(SYNONYM.NETWORK, KEY.Network_Library);
hash.Add(SYNONYM.Pwd, KEY.Password);
hash.Add(SYNONYM.UID, KEY.User_ID);
hash.Add(SYNONYM.User, KEY.User_ID);
hash.Add(SYNONYM.WSID, KEY.Workstation_Id);
Debug.Assert(SqlConnectionStringBuilder.KeywordsCount + SynonymCount == hash.Count, "incorrect initial ParseSynonyms size");
_sqlClientSynonyms = hash;
return hash;
internal string ObtainWorkstationId() {
// If not supplied by the user, the default value is the MachineName
// Note: In Longhorn you'll be able to rename a machine without
// rebooting. Therefore, don't cache this machine name.
string result = WorkstationId;
if (null == result) {
// permission to obtain Environment.MachineName is Asserted
// since permission to open the connection has been granted
// the information is shared with the server, but not directly with the user
result = ADP.MachineName();
ValidateValueLength(result, TdsEnums.MAXLEN_HOSTNAME, KEY.Workstation_Id);
return result;
static internal Hashtable NetlibMapping() {
const int NetLibCount = 8;
Hashtable hash = _netlibMapping;
if (null == hash) {
hash = new Hashtable(NetLibCount);
hash.Add(NETLIB.TCPIP, TdsEnums.TCP);
hash.Add(NETLIB.NamedPipes, TdsEnums.NP);
hash.Add(NETLIB.Multiprotocol, TdsEnums.RPC);
hash.Add(NETLIB.BanyanVines, TdsEnums.BV);
hash.Add(NETLIB.AppleTalk, TdsEnums.ADSP);
hash.Add(NETLIB.IPXSPX, TdsEnums.SPX);
hash.Add(NETLIB.VIA, TdsEnums.VIA);
hash.Add(NETLIB.SharedMemory, TdsEnums.LPC);
Debug.Assert(NetLibCount == hash.Count, "incorrect initial NetlibMapping size");
_netlibMapping = hash;
return hash;
static internal bool ValidProtocal (string protocal) {
switch (protocal) {
case TdsEnums.TCP :
case TdsEnums.NP :
case TdsEnums.VIA :
case TdsEnums.LPC :
return true;
// case TdsEnums.RPC : Invalid Protocals
// case TdsEnums.BV :
// case TdsEnums.ADSP :
// case TdsEnums.SPX :
default :
return false;
private void ValidateValueLength (string value, int limit, string key) {
if (limit < value.Length) {
throw ADP.InvalidConnectionOptionValueLength(key, limit);
internal static void VerifyLocalHostAndFixup(ref string host, bool enforceLocalHost, bool fixup) {
if (ADP.IsEmpty(host)) {
if (fixup) {
host = ".";
else if (!CompareHostName(ref host, @".", fixup) &&
!CompareHostName(ref host, @"(local)", fixup)) {
// Fix-up completed in CompareHostName if return value true.
string name = ADP.GetComputerNameDnsFullyQualified(); // i.e, machine.location.corp.company.com
if (!CompareHostName(ref host, name, fixup)) {
int separatorPos = name.IndexOf('.'); // to compare just 'machine' part
if ((separatorPos <= 0) || !CompareHostName(ref host, name.Substring(0, separatorPos), fixup)) {
if (enforceLocalHost) {
throw ADP.InvalidConnectionOptionValue(KEY.AttachDBFilename);
internal System.Data.SqlClient.ApplicationIntent ConvertValueToApplicationIntent() {
object value = base.Parsetable[KEY.ApplicationIntent];
if (value == null) {
return DEFAULT.ApplicationIntent;
// when wrong value is used in the connection string provided to SqlConnection.ConnectionString or c-tor,
// wrap Format and Overflow exceptions with Argument one, to be consistent with rest of the keyword types (like int and bool)
try {
return DbConnectionStringBuilderUtil.ConvertToApplicationIntent(KEY.ApplicationIntent, value);
catch (FormatException e) {
throw ADP.InvalidConnectionOptionValue(KEY.ApplicationIntent, e);
catch (OverflowException e) {
throw ADP.InvalidConnectionOptionValue(KEY.ApplicationIntent, e);
// ArgumentException and other types are raised as is (no wrapping)