2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace System.ServiceModel.Security
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel ;
using System.ComponentModel ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.IdentityModel.Claims ;
using System.IdentityModel.Policy ;
using System.IdentityModel.Selectors ;
using System.IdentityModel.Tokens ;
using System.Net ;
using System.Net.Security ;
using System.Runtime ;
using System.Security ;
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
using System.Security.Authentication ;
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
using System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection ;
using System.Security.Cryptography ;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates ;
using System.Security.Permissions ;
using System.Security.Principal ;
using System.ServiceModel ;
using System.ServiceModel.Channels ;
using System.ServiceModel.Description ;
using System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics ;
using System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher ;
using System.ServiceModel.Security.Tokens ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Threading ;
using System.Xml ;
using Microsoft.Win32 ;
using AuthIdentityEx = System . IdentityModel . AuthIdentityEx ;
using CredentialUse = System . IdentityModel . CredentialUse ;
using DictionaryManager = System . IdentityModel . DictionaryManager ;
using SafeFreeCredentials = System . IdentityModel . SafeFreeCredentials ;
using SspiWrapper = System . IdentityModel . SspiWrapper ;
static class StoreLocationHelper
internal static bool IsDefined ( StoreLocation value )
return ( value = = StoreLocation . CurrentUser
| | value = = StoreLocation . LocalMachine ) ;
static class ProtectionLevelHelper
internal static bool IsDefined ( ProtectionLevel value )
return ( value = = ProtectionLevel . None
| | value = = ProtectionLevel . Sign
| | value = = ProtectionLevel . EncryptAndSign ) ;
internal static void Validate ( ProtectionLevel value )
if ( ! IsDefined ( value ) )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new InvalidEnumArgumentException ( "value" , ( int ) value ,
typeof ( ProtectionLevel ) ) ) ;
internal static bool IsStronger ( ProtectionLevel v1 , ProtectionLevel v2 )
return ( ( v1 = = ProtectionLevel . EncryptAndSign & & v2 ! = ProtectionLevel . EncryptAndSign )
| | ( v1 = = ProtectionLevel . Sign & & v2 = = ProtectionLevel . None ) ) ;
internal static bool IsStrongerOrEqual ( ProtectionLevel v1 , ProtectionLevel v2 )
return ( v1 = = ProtectionLevel . EncryptAndSign
| | ( v1 = = ProtectionLevel . Sign & & v2 ! = ProtectionLevel . EncryptAndSign ) ) ;
internal static ProtectionLevel Max ( ProtectionLevel v1 , ProtectionLevel v2 )
return IsStronger ( v1 , v2 ) ? v1 : v2 ;
internal static int GetOrdinal ( Nullable < ProtectionLevel > p )
if ( p . HasValue )
switch ( ( ProtectionLevel ) p )
default :
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new InvalidEnumArgumentException ( "p" , ( int ) p ,
typeof ( ProtectionLevel ) ) ) ;
case ProtectionLevel . None :
return 2 ;
case ProtectionLevel . Sign :
return 3 ;
case ProtectionLevel . EncryptAndSign :
return 4 ;
return 1 ;
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
static class SslProtocolsHelper
internal static bool IsDefined ( SslProtocols value )
SslProtocols allValues = SslProtocols . None ;
foreach ( var protocol in Enum . GetValues ( typeof ( SslProtocols ) ) )
allValues | = ( SslProtocols ) protocol ;
return ( value & allValues ) = = value ;
internal static void Validate ( SslProtocols value )
if ( ! IsDefined ( value ) )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new InvalidEnumArgumentException ( "value" , ( int ) value ,
typeof ( SslProtocols ) ) ) ;
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
static class TokenImpersonationLevelHelper
internal static bool IsDefined ( TokenImpersonationLevel value )
return ( value = = TokenImpersonationLevel . None
| | value = = TokenImpersonationLevel . Anonymous
| | value = = TokenImpersonationLevel . Identification
| | value = = TokenImpersonationLevel . Impersonation
| | value = = TokenImpersonationLevel . Delegation ) ;
internal static void Validate ( TokenImpersonationLevel value )
if ( ! IsDefined ( value ) )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new InvalidEnumArgumentException ( "value" , ( int ) value ,
typeof ( TokenImpersonationLevel ) ) ) ;
static TokenImpersonationLevel [ ] TokenImpersonationLevelOrder = new TokenImpersonationLevel [ ]
TokenImpersonationLevel . None ,
TokenImpersonationLevel . Anonymous ,
TokenImpersonationLevel . Identification ,
TokenImpersonationLevel . Impersonation ,
TokenImpersonationLevel . Delegation
} ;
internal static string ToString ( TokenImpersonationLevel impersonationLevel )
if ( impersonationLevel = = TokenImpersonationLevel . Identification )
return "identification" ;
else if ( impersonationLevel = = TokenImpersonationLevel . None )
return "none" ;
else if ( impersonationLevel = = TokenImpersonationLevel . Anonymous )
return "anonymous" ;
else if ( impersonationLevel = = TokenImpersonationLevel . Impersonation )
return "impersonation" ;
else if ( impersonationLevel = = TokenImpersonationLevel . Delegation )
return "delegation" ;
Fx . Assert ( "unknown token impersonation level" ) ;
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new InvalidEnumArgumentException ( "impersonationLevel" , ( int ) impersonationLevel ,
typeof ( TokenImpersonationLevel ) ) ) ;
internal static bool IsGreaterOrEqual ( TokenImpersonationLevel x , TokenImpersonationLevel y )
TokenImpersonationLevelHelper . Validate ( x ) ;
TokenImpersonationLevelHelper . Validate ( y ) ;
if ( x = = y )
return true ;
int px = 0 ;
int py = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < TokenImpersonationLevelOrder . Length ; i + + )
if ( x = = TokenImpersonationLevelOrder [ i ] )
px = i ;
if ( y = = TokenImpersonationLevelOrder [ i ] )
py = i ;
return ( px > py ) ;
internal static int Compare ( TokenImpersonationLevel x , TokenImpersonationLevel y )
int result = 0 ;
if ( x ! = y )
switch ( x )
case TokenImpersonationLevel . Identification :
result = - 1 ;
break ;
case TokenImpersonationLevel . Impersonation :
switch ( y )
case TokenImpersonationLevel . Identification :
result = 1 ;
break ;
case TokenImpersonationLevel . Delegation :
result = - 1 ;
break ;
default :
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new InvalidEnumArgumentException ( "y" , ( int ) y ,
typeof ( TokenImpersonationLevel ) ) ) ;
break ;
case TokenImpersonationLevel . Delegation :
result = 1 ;
break ;
default :
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new InvalidEnumArgumentException ( "x" , ( int ) x ,
typeof ( TokenImpersonationLevel ) ) ) ;
return result ;
internal class ServiceModelDictionaryManager
static DictionaryManager dictionaryManager ;
public static DictionaryManager Instance
if ( dictionaryManager = = null )
dictionaryManager = new DictionaryManager ( BinaryMessageEncoderFactory . XmlDictionary ) ;
return dictionaryManager ;
static class SecurityUtils
public const string Principal = "Principal" ;
public const string Identities = "Identities" ;
static bool computedDomain ;
static string currentDomain ;
static byte [ ] combinedHashLabel ;
static IIdentity anonymousIdentity ;
static NetworkCredential dummyNetworkCredential ;
static object dummyNetworkCredentialLock = new object ( ) ;
static X509SecurityTokenAuthenticator nonValidatingX509Authenticator ;
static SecurityIdentifier administratorsSid ;
const int WindowsServerMajorNumber = 5 ;
const int WindowsServerMinorNumber = 2 ;
const int XPMajorNumber = 5 ;
const int XPMinorNumber = 1 ;
const string ServicePack1 = "Service Pack 1" ;
const string ServicePack2 = "Service Pack 2" ;
volatile static bool shouldValidateSslCipherStrength ;
volatile static bool isSslValidationRequirementDetermined = false ;
static readonly int MinimumSslCipherStrength = 128 ;
// these are kept in [....] with IIS70
public const string AuthTypeNTLM = "NTLM" ;
public const string AuthTypeNegotiate = "Negotiate" ;
public const string AuthTypeKerberos = "Kerberos" ;
public const string AuthTypeAnonymous = "" ;
public const string AuthTypeCertMap = "SSL/PCT" ; // mapped from a cert
public const string AuthTypeBasic = "Basic" ; //LogonUser
public static ChannelBinding GetChannelBindingFromMessage ( Message message )
if ( message = = null )
return null ;
ChannelBindingMessageProperty channelBindingMessageProperty = null ;
ChannelBindingMessageProperty . TryGet ( message , out channelBindingMessageProperty ) ;
ChannelBinding channelBinding = null ;
if ( channelBindingMessageProperty ! = null )
channelBinding = channelBindingMessageProperty . ChannelBinding ;
return channelBinding ;
internal static bool IsOsGreaterThanXP ( )
return ( ( Environment . OSVersion . Version . Major > = SecurityUtils . XPMajorNumber & & Environment . OSVersion . Version . Minor > SecurityUtils . XPMinorNumber ) | |
Environment . OSVersion . Version . Major > SecurityUtils . XPMajorNumber ) ;
internal static bool IsOSGreaterThanOrEqualToWin7 ( )
Version windows7Version = new Version ( 6 , 1 , 0 , 0 ) ;
return ( Environment . OSVersion . Version . Major > = windows7Version . Major & & Environment . OSVersion . Version . Minor > = windows7Version . Minor ) ;
internal static bool IsCurrentlyTimeEffective ( DateTime effectiveTime , DateTime expirationTime , TimeSpan maxClockSkew )
DateTime curEffectiveTime = ( effectiveTime < DateTime . MinValue . Add ( maxClockSkew ) ) ? effectiveTime : effectiveTime . Subtract ( maxClockSkew ) ;
DateTime curExpirationTime = ( expirationTime > DateTime . MaxValue . Subtract ( maxClockSkew ) ) ? expirationTime : expirationTime . Add ( maxClockSkew ) ;
DateTime curTime = DateTime . UtcNow ;
return ( curEffectiveTime . ToUniversalTime ( ) < = curTime ) & & ( curTime < curExpirationTime . ToUniversalTime ( ) ) ;
internal static X509SecurityTokenAuthenticator NonValidatingX509Authenticator
if ( nonValidatingX509Authenticator = = null )
nonValidatingX509Authenticator = new X509SecurityTokenAuthenticator ( X509CertificateValidator . None ) ;
return nonValidatingX509Authenticator ;
public static SecurityIdentifier AdministratorsSid
if ( administratorsSid = = null )
administratorsSid = new SecurityIdentifier ( WellKnownSidType . BuiltinAdministratorsSid , null ) ;
return administratorsSid ;
internal static IIdentity AnonymousIdentity
if ( anonymousIdentity = = null )
anonymousIdentity = SecurityUtils . CreateIdentity ( String . Empty ) ;
return anonymousIdentity ;
public static DateTime MaxUtcDateTime
// + and - TimeSpan.TicksPerDay is to compensate the DateTime.ParseExact (to localtime) overflow.
return new DateTime ( DateTime . MaxValue . Ticks - TimeSpan . TicksPerDay , DateTimeKind . Utc ) ;
public static DateTime MinUtcDateTime
// + and - TimeSpan.TicksPerDay is to compensate the DateTime.ParseExact (to localtime) overflow.
return new DateTime ( DateTime . MinValue . Ticks + TimeSpan . TicksPerDay , DateTimeKind . Utc ) ;
internal static IIdentity CreateIdentity ( string name , string authenticationType )
return new GenericIdentity ( name , authenticationType ) ;
internal static IIdentity CreateIdentity ( string name )
return new GenericIdentity ( name ) ;
internal static EndpointIdentity CreateWindowsIdentity ( )
return CreateWindowsIdentity ( false ) ;
internal static EndpointIdentity CreateWindowsIdentity ( NetworkCredential serverCredential )
if ( serverCredential ! = null & & ! NetworkCredentialHelper . IsDefault ( serverCredential ) )
string upn ;
if ( serverCredential . Domain ! = null & & serverCredential . Domain . Length > 0 )
upn = serverCredential . UserName + "@" + serverCredential . Domain ;
upn = serverCredential . UserName ;
return EndpointIdentity . CreateUpnIdentity ( upn ) ;
return SecurityUtils . CreateWindowsIdentity ( ) ;
static bool IsSystemAccount ( WindowsIdentity self )
SecurityIdentifier sid = self . User ;
if ( sid = = null )
return false ;
// S-1-5-82 is the prefix for the sid that represents the identity that IIS 7.5 Apppool thread runs under.
return ( sid . IsWellKnown ( WellKnownSidType . LocalSystemSid )
| | sid . IsWellKnown ( WellKnownSidType . NetworkServiceSid )
| | sid . IsWellKnown ( WellKnownSidType . LocalServiceSid )
| | self . User . Value . StartsWith ( "S-1-5-82" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) ;
internal static EndpointIdentity CreateWindowsIdentity ( bool spnOnly )
EndpointIdentity identity = null ;
using ( WindowsIdentity self = WindowsIdentity . GetCurrent ( ) )
bool isSystemAccount = IsSystemAccount ( self ) ;
if ( spnOnly | | isSystemAccount )
identity = EndpointIdentity . CreateSpnIdentity ( String . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , "host/{0}" , DnsCache . MachineName ) ) ;
// Save windowsIdentity for delay lookup
identity = new UpnEndpointIdentity ( CloneWindowsIdentityIfNecessary ( self ) ) ;
return identity ;
[ Fx . Tag . SecurityNote ( Critical = "Calls two critical methods: UnsafeGetWindowsIdentityToken and UnsafeCreateWindowsIdentityFromToken." ,
Safe = "'Clone' operation is considered safe despite using WindowsIdentity IntPtr token. Must not let IntPtr token leak in or out." ) ]
internal static WindowsIdentity CloneWindowsIdentityIfNecessary ( WindowsIdentity wid )
return SecurityUtils . CloneWindowsIdentityIfNecessary ( wid , null ) ;
[ Fx . Tag . SecurityNote ( Critical = "Calls two critical methods: UnsafeGetWindowsIdentityToken and UnsafeCreateWindowsIdentityFromToken." ,
Safe = "'Clone' operation is considered safe despite using WindowsIdentity IntPtr token. Must not let IntPtr token leak in or out." ) ]
internal static WindowsIdentity CloneWindowsIdentityIfNecessary ( WindowsIdentity wid , string authType )
if ( wid ! = null )
IntPtr token = UnsafeGetWindowsIdentityToken ( wid ) ;
if ( token ! = IntPtr . Zero )
return UnsafeCreateWindowsIdentityFromToken ( token , authType ) ;
return wid ;
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Elevates in order to return the WindowsIdentity.Token property, caller must protect return value.")]
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, UnmanagedCode = true)]
static IntPtr UnsafeGetWindowsIdentityToken ( WindowsIdentity wid )
return wid . Token ;
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Elevates in order to return the SecurityIdentifier of the current user as a string, caller must protect return value.")]
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPrincipal)]
static string UnsafeGetCurrentUserSidAsString ( )
using ( WindowsIdentity self = WindowsIdentity . GetCurrent ( ) )
return self . User . Value ;
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Elevates in order to return the WindowsIdentity.Token property, caller must protect return value.")]
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, ControlPrincipal = true, UnmanagedCode = true)]
static WindowsIdentity UnsafeCreateWindowsIdentityFromToken ( IntPtr token , string authType )
if ( authType ! = null )
return new WindowsIdentity ( token , authType ) ;
return new WindowsIdentity ( token ) ;
internal static bool AllowsImpersonation ( WindowsIdentity windowsIdentity , TokenImpersonationLevel impersonationLevel )
if ( windowsIdentity = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperArgumentNull ( "windowsIdentity" ) ;
TokenImpersonationLevelHelper . Validate ( impersonationLevel ) ;
if ( impersonationLevel = = TokenImpersonationLevel . Identification )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "impersonationLevel" ) ) ;
bool result = true ;
switch ( windowsIdentity . ImpersonationLevel )
case TokenImpersonationLevel . None :
case TokenImpersonationLevel . Anonymous :
case TokenImpersonationLevel . Identification :
result = false ; break ;
case TokenImpersonationLevel . Impersonation :
if ( impersonationLevel = = TokenImpersonationLevel . Delegation )
result = false ;
break ;
case TokenImpersonationLevel . Delegation :
break ;
default :
result = false ;
break ;
return result ;
internal static byte [ ] CombinedHashLabel
if ( combinedHashLabel = = null )
combinedHashLabel = Encoding . UTF8 . GetBytes ( TrustApr2004Strings . CombinedHashLabel ) ;
return combinedHashLabel ;
internal static T GetSecurityKey < T > ( SecurityToken token )
where T : SecurityKey
T result = null ;
if ( token . SecurityKeys ! = null )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < token . SecurityKeys . Count ; + + i )
T temp = ( token . SecurityKeys [ i ] as T ) ;
if ( temp ! = null )
if ( result ! = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperWarning ( new MessageSecurityException ( SR . GetString ( SR . MultipleMatchingCryptosFound , typeof ( T ) . ToString ( ) ) ) ) ;
result = temp ;
return result ;
internal static bool HasSymmetricSecurityKey ( SecurityToken token )
return GetSecurityKey < SymmetricSecurityKey > ( token ) ! = null ;
internal static void EnsureExpectedSymmetricMatch ( SecurityToken t1 , SecurityToken t2 , Message message )
// nulls are not mismatches
if ( t1 = = null | | t2 = = null | | ReferenceEquals ( t1 , t2 ) )
return ;
// check for interop flexibility
SymmetricSecurityKey c1 = SecurityUtils . GetSecurityKey < SymmetricSecurityKey > ( t1 ) ;
SymmetricSecurityKey c2 = SecurityUtils . GetSecurityKey < SymmetricSecurityKey > ( t2 ) ;
if ( c1 = = null | | c2 = = null | | ! CryptoHelper . IsEqual ( c1 . GetSymmetricKey ( ) , c2 . GetSymmetricKey ( ) ) )
throw System . ServiceModel . Diagnostics . TraceUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new MessageSecurityException ( SR . GetString ( SR . TokenNotExpectedInSecurityHeader , t2 ) ) , message ) ;
internal static SymmetricAlgorithm GetSymmetricAlgorithm ( string algorithm , SecurityToken token )
SymmetricSecurityKey securityKey = SecurityUtils . GetSecurityKey < SymmetricSecurityKey > ( token ) ;
if ( securityKey ! = null & & securityKey . IsSupportedAlgorithm ( algorithm ) )
return securityKey . GetSymmetricAlgorithm ( algorithm ) ;
return null ;
internal static KeyedHashAlgorithm GetKeyedHashAlgorithm ( string algorithm , SecurityToken token )
SymmetricSecurityKey securityKey = SecurityUtils . GetSecurityKey < SymmetricSecurityKey > ( token ) ;
if ( securityKey ! = null & & securityKey . IsSupportedAlgorithm ( algorithm ) )
return securityKey . GetKeyedHashAlgorithm ( algorithm ) ;
return null ;
internal static ReadOnlyCollection < SecurityKey > CreateSymmetricSecurityKeys ( byte [ ] key )
List < SecurityKey > temp = new List < SecurityKey > ( 1 ) ;
temp . Add ( new InMemorySymmetricSecurityKey ( key ) ) ;
return temp . AsReadOnly ( ) ;
internal static byte [ ] DecryptKey ( SecurityToken unwrappingToken , string encryptionMethod , byte [ ] wrappedKey , out SecurityKey unwrappingSecurityKey )
unwrappingSecurityKey = null ;
if ( unwrappingToken . SecurityKeys ! = null )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < unwrappingToken . SecurityKeys . Count ; + + i )
if ( unwrappingToken . SecurityKeys [ i ] . IsSupportedAlgorithm ( encryptionMethod ) )
unwrappingSecurityKey = unwrappingToken . SecurityKeys [ i ] ;
break ;
if ( unwrappingSecurityKey = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperWarning ( new MessageSecurityException ( SR . GetString ( SR . CannotFindMatchingCrypto , encryptionMethod ) ) ) ;
return unwrappingSecurityKey . DecryptKey ( encryptionMethod , wrappedKey ) ;
internal static byte [ ] EncryptKey ( SecurityToken wrappingToken , string encryptionMethod , byte [ ] keyToWrap )
SecurityKey wrappingSecurityKey = null ;
if ( wrappingToken . SecurityKeys ! = null )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < wrappingToken . SecurityKeys . Count ; + + i )
if ( wrappingToken . SecurityKeys [ i ] . IsSupportedAlgorithm ( encryptionMethod ) )
wrappingSecurityKey = wrappingToken . SecurityKeys [ i ] ;
break ;
if ( wrappingSecurityKey = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperArgument ( SR . GetString ( SR . CannotFindMatchingCrypto , encryptionMethod ) ) ;
return wrappingSecurityKey . EncryptKey ( encryptionMethod , keyToWrap ) ;
internal static byte [ ] ReadContentAsBase64 ( XmlDictionaryReader reader , long maxBufferSize )
if ( reader = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperArgumentNull ( "reader" ) ;
// Code cloned from System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReder.
byte [ ] [ ] buffers = new byte [ 32 ] [ ] ;
byte [ ] buffer ;
// Its best to read in buffers that are a multiple of 3 so we don't break base64 boundaries when converting text
int count = 384 ;
int bufferCount = 0 ;
int totalRead = 0 ;
while ( true )
buffer = new byte [ count ] ;
buffers [ bufferCount + + ] = buffer ;
int read = 0 ;
while ( read < buffer . Length )
int actual = reader . ReadContentAsBase64 ( buffer , read , buffer . Length - read ) ;
if ( actual = = 0 )
break ;
read + = actual ;
if ( totalRead > maxBufferSize - read )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new QuotaExceededException ( SR . GetString ( SR . BufferQuotaExceededReadingBase64 , maxBufferSize ) ) ) ;
totalRead + = read ;
if ( read < buffer . Length )
break ;
count = count * 2 ;
buffer = new byte [ totalRead ] ;
int offset = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bufferCount - 1 ; i + + )
Buffer . BlockCopy ( buffers [ i ] , 0 , buffer , offset , buffers [ i ] . Length ) ;
offset + = buffers [ i ] . Length ;
Buffer . BlockCopy ( buffers [ bufferCount - 1 ] , 0 , buffer , offset , totalRead - offset ) ;
return buffer ;
internal static byte [ ] GenerateDerivedKey ( SecurityToken tokenToDerive , string derivationAlgorithm , byte [ ] label , byte [ ] nonce ,
int keySize , int offset )
SymmetricSecurityKey symmetricSecurityKey = SecurityUtils . GetSecurityKey < SymmetricSecurityKey > ( tokenToDerive ) ;
if ( symmetricSecurityKey = = null | | ! symmetricSecurityKey . IsSupportedAlgorithm ( derivationAlgorithm ) )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperWarning ( new MessageSecurityException ( SR . GetString ( SR . CannotFindMatchingCrypto , derivationAlgorithm ) ) ) ;
return symmetricSecurityKey . GenerateDerivedKey ( derivationAlgorithm , label , nonce , keySize , offset ) ;
internal static string GetSpnFromIdentity ( EndpointIdentity identity , EndpointAddress target )
bool foundSpn = false ;
string spn = null ;
if ( identity ! = null )
if ( ClaimTypes . Spn . Equals ( identity . IdentityClaim . ClaimType ) )
spn = ( string ) identity . IdentityClaim . Resource ;
foundSpn = true ;
else if ( ClaimTypes . Upn . Equals ( identity . IdentityClaim . ClaimType ) )
spn = ( string ) identity . IdentityClaim . Resource ;
foundSpn = true ;
else if ( ClaimTypes . Dns . Equals ( identity . IdentityClaim . ClaimType ) )
spn = String . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , "host/{0}" , ( string ) identity . IdentityClaim . Resource ) ;
foundSpn = true ;
if ( ! foundSpn )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new MessageSecurityException ( SR . GetString ( SR . CannotDetermineSPNBasedOnAddress , target ) ) ) ;
return spn ;
internal static string GetSpnFromTarget ( EndpointAddress target )
if ( target = = null )
throw Fx . AssertAndThrow ( "target should not be null - expecting an EndpointAddress" ) ;
return string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , "host/{0}" , target . Uri . DnsSafeHost ) ;
internal static bool IsSupportedAlgorithm ( string algorithm , SecurityToken token )
if ( token . SecurityKeys = = null )
return false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < token . SecurityKeys . Count ; + + i )
if ( token . SecurityKeys [ i ] . IsSupportedAlgorithm ( algorithm ) )
return true ;
return false ;
internal static Claim GetPrimaryIdentityClaim ( ReadOnlyCollection < IAuthorizationPolicy > authorizationPolicies )
return GetPrimaryIdentityClaim ( AuthorizationContext . CreateDefaultAuthorizationContext ( authorizationPolicies ) ) ;
internal static Claim GetPrimaryIdentityClaim ( AuthorizationContext authContext )
if ( authContext ! = null )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < authContext . ClaimSets . Count ; + + i )
ClaimSet claimSet = authContext . ClaimSets [ i ] ;
foreach ( Claim claim in claimSet . FindClaims ( null , Rights . Identity ) )
return claim ;
return null ;
internal static int GetServiceAddressAndViaHash ( EndpointAddress sr )
if ( sr = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperArgumentNull ( "sr" ) ;
return sr . GetHashCode ( ) ;
internal static string GenerateId ( )
return SecurityUniqueId . Create ( ) . Value ;
internal static string GenerateIdWithPrefix ( string prefix )
return SecurityUniqueId . Create ( prefix ) . Value ;
internal static UniqueId GenerateUniqueId ( )
return new UniqueId ( ) ;
internal static string GetPrimaryDomain ( )
using ( WindowsIdentity wid = WindowsIdentity . GetCurrent ( ) )
return GetPrimaryDomain ( IsSystemAccount ( wid ) ) ;
internal static string GetPrimaryDomain ( bool isSystemAccount )
if ( computedDomain = = false )
if ( isSystemAccount )
currentDomain = Domain . GetComputerDomain ( ) . Name ;
currentDomain = Domain . GetCurrentDomain ( ) . Name ;
#pragma warning suppress 56500 // covered by FxCOP
catch ( Exception e )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( e ) )
throw ;
DiagnosticUtility . TraceHandledException ( e , TraceEventType . Warning ) ;
computedDomain = true ;
return currentDomain ;
internal static void EnsureCertificateCanDoKeyExchange ( X509Certificate2 certificate )
if ( certificate = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperArgumentNull ( "certificate" ) ;
bool canDoKeyExchange = false ;
Exception innerException = null ;
if ( certificate . HasPrivateKey )
canDoKeyExchange = CanKeyDoKeyExchange ( certificate ) ;
// exceptions can be due to ACLs on the key etc
catch ( System . Security . SecurityException e )
innerException = e ;
catch ( CryptographicException e )
innerException = e ;
if ( ! canDoKeyExchange )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new ArgumentException ( SR . GetString ( SR . SslCertMayNotDoKeyExchange , certificate . SubjectName . Name ) , innerException ) ) ;
[ Fx . Tag . SecurityNote ( Critical = "Calls critical method GetKeyContainerInfo." ,
Safe = "Info is not leaked." ) ]
static bool CanKeyDoKeyExchange ( X509Certificate2 certificate )
CspKeyContainerInfo info = GetKeyContainerInfo ( certificate ) ;
return info ! = null & & info . KeyNumber = = KeyNumber . Exchange ;
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Elevates to call properties: X509Certificate2.PrivateKey and CspKeyContainerInfo. Caller must protect the return value.")]
[KeyContainerPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Flags = KeyContainerPermissionFlags.Open)]
static CspKeyContainerInfo GetKeyContainerInfo ( X509Certificate2 certificate )
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = certificate . PrivateKey as RSACryptoServiceProvider ;
if ( rsa ! = null )
return rsa . CspKeyContainerInfo ;
return null ;
internal static string GetCertificateId ( X509Certificate2 certificate )
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder ( 256 ) ;
AppendCertificateIdentityName ( str , certificate ) ;
return str . ToString ( ) ;
internal static ReadOnlyCollection < IAuthorizationPolicy > CreatePrincipalNameAuthorizationPolicies ( string principalName )
if ( principalName = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperArgumentNull ( "principalName" ) ;
Claim identityClaim ;
Claim primaryPrincipal ;
if ( principalName . Contains ( "@" ) | | principalName . Contains ( @"\" ) )
identityClaim = new Claim ( ClaimTypes . Upn , principalName , Rights . Identity ) ;
primaryPrincipal = Claim . CreateUpnClaim ( principalName ) ;
identityClaim = new Claim ( ClaimTypes . Spn , principalName , Rights . Identity ) ;
primaryPrincipal = Claim . CreateSpnClaim ( principalName ) ;
List < Claim > claims = new List < Claim > ( 2 ) ;
claims . Add ( identityClaim ) ;
claims . Add ( primaryPrincipal ) ;
List < IAuthorizationPolicy > policies = new List < IAuthorizationPolicy > ( 1 ) ;
policies . Add ( new UnconditionalPolicy ( SecurityUtils . CreateIdentity ( principalName ) , new DefaultClaimSet ( ClaimSet . Anonymous , claims ) ) ) ;
return policies . AsReadOnly ( ) ;
internal static string GetIdentityNamesFromPolicies ( IList < IAuthorizationPolicy > authPolicies )
return GetIdentityNamesFromContext ( AuthorizationContext . CreateDefaultAuthorizationContext ( authPolicies ) ) ;
internal static string GetIdentityNamesFromContext ( AuthorizationContext authContext )
if ( authContext = = null )
return String . Empty ;
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder ( 256 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < authContext . ClaimSets . Count ; + + i )
ClaimSet claimSet = authContext . ClaimSets [ i ] ;
// Windows
WindowsClaimSet windows = claimSet as WindowsClaimSet ;
if ( windows ! = null )
if ( str . Length > 0 )
str . Append ( ", " ) ;
AppendIdentityName ( str , windows . WindowsIdentity ) ;
// X509
X509CertificateClaimSet x509 = claimSet as X509CertificateClaimSet ;
if ( x509 ! = null )
if ( str . Length > 0 )
str . Append ( ", " ) ;
AppendCertificateIdentityName ( str , x509 . X509Certificate ) ;
if ( str . Length < = 0 )
List < IIdentity > identities = null ;
object obj ;
if ( authContext . Properties . TryGetValue ( SecurityUtils . Identities , out obj ) )
identities = obj as List < IIdentity > ;
if ( identities ! = null )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < identities . Count ; + + i )
IIdentity identity = identities [ i ] ;
if ( identity ! = null )
if ( str . Length > 0 )
str . Append ( ", " ) ;
AppendIdentityName ( str , identity ) ;
return str . Length < = 0 ? String . Empty : str . ToString ( ) ;
internal static void AppendCertificateIdentityName ( StringBuilder str , X509Certificate2 certificate )
string value = certificate . SubjectName . Name ;
if ( String . IsNullOrEmpty ( value ) )
value = certificate . GetNameInfo ( X509NameType . DnsName , false ) ;
if ( String . IsNullOrEmpty ( value ) )
value = certificate . GetNameInfo ( X509NameType . SimpleName , false ) ;
if ( String . IsNullOrEmpty ( value ) )
value = certificate . GetNameInfo ( X509NameType . EmailName , false ) ;
if ( String . IsNullOrEmpty ( value ) )
value = certificate . GetNameInfo ( X509NameType . UpnName , false ) ;
// Same format as X509Identity
str . Append ( String . IsNullOrEmpty ( value ) ? "<x509>" : value ) ;
str . Append ( "; " ) ;
str . Append ( certificate . Thumbprint ) ;
internal static void AppendIdentityName ( StringBuilder str , IIdentity identity )
string name = null ;
name = identity . Name ;
#pragma warning suppress 56500
catch ( Exception e )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( e ) )
throw ;
// suppress exception, this is just info.
str . Append ( String . IsNullOrEmpty ( name ) ? "<null>" : name ) ;
WindowsIdentity windows = identity as WindowsIdentity ;
if ( windows ! = null )
if ( windows . User ! = null )
str . Append ( "; " ) ;
str . Append ( windows . User . ToString ( ) ) ;
WindowsSidIdentity sid = identity as WindowsSidIdentity ;
if ( sid ! = null )
str . Append ( "; " ) ;
str . Append ( sid . SecurityIdentifier . ToString ( ) ) ;
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Calls critical methods UnsafeGetDomain, UnsafeGetUserName, UnsafeGetPassword and UnsafeGetCurrentUserSidAsString.")]
internal static string AppendWindowsAuthenticationInfo ( string inputString , NetworkCredential credential ,
AuthenticationLevel authenticationLevel , TokenImpersonationLevel impersonationLevel )
const string delimiter = "\0" ; // nonprintable characters are invalid for SSPI Domain/UserName/Password
if ( IsDefaultNetworkCredential ( credential ) )
string sid = UnsafeGetCurrentUserSidAsString ( ) ;
return string . Concat ( inputString , delimiter ,
sid , delimiter ,
AuthenticationLevelHelper . ToString ( authenticationLevel ) , delimiter ,
TokenImpersonationLevelHelper . ToString ( impersonationLevel ) ) ;
return string . Concat ( inputString , delimiter ,
NetworkCredentialHelper . UnsafeGetDomain ( credential ) , delimiter ,
NetworkCredentialHelper . UnsafeGetUsername ( credential ) , delimiter ,
NetworkCredentialHelper . UnsafeGetPassword ( credential ) , delimiter ,
AuthenticationLevelHelper . ToString ( authenticationLevel ) , delimiter ,
TokenImpersonationLevelHelper . ToString ( impersonationLevel ) ) ;
internal static string GetIdentityName ( IIdentity identity )
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder ( 256 ) ;
AppendIdentityName ( str , identity ) ;
return str . ToString ( ) ;
/// <SecurityNote>
/// Critical - Calls an UnsafeNativeMethod and a Critical method (GetFipsAlgorithmPolicyKeyFromRegistry)
/// Safe - processes the return and just returns a bool, which is safe
/// </SecurityNote>
internal static bool IsChannelBindingDisabled
return ( ( GetSuppressChannelBindingValue ( ) & 0x1 ) ! = 0 ) ;
const string suppressChannelBindingRegistryKey = @"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" ;
/// <SecurityNote>
/// Critical - Asserts to get a value from the registry
/// </SecurityNote>
[RegistryPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Read = @"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" + suppressChannelBindingRegistryKey)]
internal static int GetSuppressChannelBindingValue ( )
int channelBindingPolicyKeyValue = 0 ;
using ( RegistryKey channelBindingPolicyKey = Registry . LocalMachine . OpenSubKey ( suppressChannelBindingRegistryKey , false ) )
if ( channelBindingPolicyKey ! = null )
object data = channelBindingPolicyKey . GetValue ( "SuppressChannelBindingInfo" ) ;
if ( data ! = null )
channelBindingPolicyKeyValue = ( int ) data ;
#pragma warning suppress 56500
catch ( Exception e )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( e ) )
throw ;
return channelBindingPolicyKeyValue ;
internal static bool IsSecurityBindingSuitableForChannelBinding ( TransportSecurityBindingElement securityBindingElement )
if ( securityBindingElement = = null )
return false ;
// channel binding of OperationSupportingTokenParameters, OptionalEndpointSupportingTokenParameters, or OptionalOperationSupportingTokenParameters
// is not supported in Win7
if ( AreSecurityTokenParametersSuitableForChannelBinding ( securityBindingElement . EndpointSupportingTokenParameters . Endorsing ) )
return true ;
if ( AreSecurityTokenParametersSuitableForChannelBinding ( securityBindingElement . EndpointSupportingTokenParameters . Signed ) )
return true ;
if ( AreSecurityTokenParametersSuitableForChannelBinding ( securityBindingElement . EndpointSupportingTokenParameters . SignedEncrypted ) )
return true ;
if ( AreSecurityTokenParametersSuitableForChannelBinding ( securityBindingElement . EndpointSupportingTokenParameters . SignedEndorsing ) )
return true ;
return false ;
internal static bool AreSecurityTokenParametersSuitableForChannelBinding ( Collection < SecurityTokenParameters > tokenParameters )
if ( tokenParameters = = null )
return false ;
foreach ( SecurityTokenParameters stp in tokenParameters )
if ( stp is SspiSecurityTokenParameters | | stp is KerberosSecurityTokenParameters )
return true ;
SecureConversationSecurityTokenParameters scstp = stp as SecureConversationSecurityTokenParameters ;
if ( scstp ! = null )
return IsSecurityBindingSuitableForChannelBinding ( scstp . BootstrapSecurityBindingElement as TransportSecurityBindingElement ) ;
return false ;
internal static void ThrowIfNegotiationFault ( Message message , EndpointAddress target )
if ( message . IsFault )
MessageFault fault = MessageFault . CreateFault ( message , TransportDefaults . MaxSecurityFaultSize ) ;
Exception faultException = new FaultException ( fault , message . Headers . Action ) ;
if ( fault . Code ! = null & & fault . Code . IsReceiverFault & & fault . Code . SubCode ! = null )
FaultCode subCode = fault . Code . SubCode ;
if ( subCode . Name = = DotNetSecurityStrings . SecurityServerTooBusyFault & & subCode . Namespace = = DotNetSecurityStrings . Namespace )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new ServerTooBusyException ( SR . GetString ( SR . SecurityServerTooBusy , target ) , faultException ) ) ;
else if ( subCode . Name = = AddressingStrings . EndpointUnavailable & & subCode . Namespace = = message . Version . Addressing . Namespace )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new EndpointNotFoundException ( SR . GetString ( SR . SecurityEndpointNotFound , target ) , faultException ) ) ;
throw TraceUtility . ThrowHelperError ( faultException , message ) ;
internal static bool IsSecurityFault ( MessageFault fault , SecurityStandardsManager standardsManager )
if ( fault . Code . IsSenderFault )
FaultCode subCode = fault . Code . SubCode ;
if ( subCode ! = null )
return ( subCode . Namespace = = standardsManager . SecurityVersion . HeaderNamespace . Value
| | subCode . Namespace = = standardsManager . SecureConversationDriver . Namespace . Value
| | subCode . Namespace = = standardsManager . TrustDriver . Namespace . Value
| | subCode . Namespace = = DotNetSecurityStrings . Namespace ) ;
return false ;
internal static Exception CreateSecurityFaultException ( Message unverifiedMessage )
MessageFault fault = MessageFault . CreateFault ( unverifiedMessage , TransportDefaults . MaxSecurityFaultSize ) ;
return CreateSecurityFaultException ( fault ) ;
internal static Exception CreateSecurityFaultException ( MessageFault fault )
FaultException faultException = FaultException . CreateFault ( fault , typeof ( string ) , typeof ( object ) ) ;
return new MessageSecurityException ( SR . GetString ( SR . UnsecuredMessageFaultReceived ) , faultException ) ;
internal static MessageFault CreateSecurityContextNotFoundFault ( SecurityStandardsManager standardsManager , string action )
SecureConversationDriver scDriver = standardsManager . SecureConversationDriver ;
FaultCode subCode = new FaultCode ( scDriver . BadContextTokenFaultCode . Value , scDriver . Namespace . Value ) ;
FaultReason reason ;
if ( action ! = null )
reason = new FaultReason ( SR . GetString ( SR . BadContextTokenOrActionFaultReason , action ) , CultureInfo . CurrentCulture ) ;
reason = new FaultReason ( SR . GetString ( SR . BadContextTokenFaultReason ) , CultureInfo . CurrentCulture ) ;
FaultCode senderCode = FaultCode . CreateSenderFaultCode ( subCode ) ;
return MessageFault . CreateFault ( senderCode , reason ) ;
internal static MessageFault CreateSecurityMessageFault ( Exception e , SecurityStandardsManager standardsManager )
bool isSecurityError = false ;
bool isTokenValidationError = false ;
bool isGenericTokenError = false ;
FaultException faultException = null ;
while ( e ! = null )
if ( e is SecurityTokenValidationException )
if ( e is SecurityContextTokenValidationException )
return CreateSecurityContextNotFoundFault ( SecurityStandardsManager . DefaultInstance , null ) ;
isSecurityError = true ;
isTokenValidationError = true ;
break ;
else if ( e is SecurityTokenException )
isSecurityError = true ;
isGenericTokenError = true ;
break ;
else if ( e is MessageSecurityException )
MessageSecurityException ms = ( MessageSecurityException ) e ;
if ( ms . Fault ! = null )
return ms . Fault ;
isSecurityError = true ;
else if ( e is FaultException )
faultException = ( FaultException ) e ;
break ;
e = e . InnerException ;
if ( ! isSecurityError & & faultException = = null )
return null ;
FaultCode subCode ;
FaultReason reason ;
SecurityVersion wss = standardsManager . SecurityVersion ;
if ( isTokenValidationError )
subCode = new FaultCode ( wss . FailedAuthenticationFaultCode . Value , wss . HeaderNamespace . Value ) ;
reason = new FaultReason ( SR . GetString ( SR . FailedAuthenticationFaultReason ) , CultureInfo . CurrentCulture ) ;
else if ( isGenericTokenError )
subCode = new FaultCode ( wss . InvalidSecurityTokenFaultCode . Value , wss . HeaderNamespace . Value ) ;
reason = new FaultReason ( SR . GetString ( SR . InvalidSecurityTokenFaultReason ) , CultureInfo . CurrentCulture ) ;
else if ( faultException ! = null )
// Only support Code and Reason. No detail or action customization.
return MessageFault . CreateFault ( faultException . Code , faultException . Reason ) ;
subCode = new FaultCode ( wss . InvalidSecurityFaultCode . Value , wss . HeaderNamespace . Value ) ;
reason = new FaultReason ( SR . GetString ( SR . InvalidSecurityFaultReason ) , CultureInfo . CurrentCulture ) ;
FaultCode senderCode = FaultCode . CreateSenderFaultCode ( subCode ) ;
return MessageFault . CreateFault ( senderCode , reason ) ;
internal static bool IsCompositeDuplexBinding ( BindingContext context )
return ( ( context . Binding . Elements . Find < CompositeDuplexBindingElement > ( ) ! = null )
| | ( context . Binding . Elements . Find < InternalDuplexBindingElement > ( ) ! = null ) ) ;
// The method checks TransportToken, ProtectionToken and all SupportingTokens to find a
// UserNameSecurityToken. If found, it sets the password of the UserNameSecurityToken to null.
// Custom UserNameSecurityToken are skipped.
internal static void ErasePasswordInUsernameTokenIfPresent ( SecurityMessageProperty messageProperty )
if ( messageProperty = = null )
// Nothing to fix.
return ;
if ( messageProperty . TransportToken ! = null )
UserNameSecurityToken token = messageProperty . TransportToken . SecurityToken as UserNameSecurityToken ;
if ( ( token ! = null ) & & ! messageProperty . TransportToken . SecurityToken . GetType ( ) . IsSubclassOf ( typeof ( UserNameSecurityToken ) ) )
messageProperty . TransportToken = new SecurityTokenSpecification ( new UserNameSecurityToken ( token . UserName , null , token . Id ) , messageProperty . TransportToken . SecurityTokenPolicies ) ;
if ( messageProperty . ProtectionToken ! = null )
UserNameSecurityToken token = messageProperty . ProtectionToken . SecurityToken as UserNameSecurityToken ;
if ( ( token ! = null ) & & ! messageProperty . ProtectionToken . SecurityToken . GetType ( ) . IsSubclassOf ( typeof ( UserNameSecurityToken ) ) )
messageProperty . ProtectionToken = new SecurityTokenSpecification ( new UserNameSecurityToken ( token . UserName , null , token . Id ) , messageProperty . ProtectionToken . SecurityTokenPolicies ) ;
if ( messageProperty . HasIncomingSupportingTokens )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < messageProperty . IncomingSupportingTokens . Count ; + + i )
SupportingTokenSpecification supportingTokenSpecification = messageProperty . IncomingSupportingTokens [ i ] ;
UserNameSecurityToken token = supportingTokenSpecification . SecurityToken as UserNameSecurityToken ;
if ( ( token ! = null ) & & ! supportingTokenSpecification . SecurityToken . GetType ( ) . IsSubclassOf ( typeof ( UserNameSecurityToken ) ) )
messageProperty . IncomingSupportingTokens [ i ] = new SupportingTokenSpecification ( new UserNameSecurityToken ( token . UserName , null , token . Id ) , supportingTokenSpecification . SecurityTokenPolicies , supportingTokenSpecification . SecurityTokenAttachmentMode , supportingTokenSpecification . SecurityTokenParameters ) ;
// work-around to Windows SE Bug 141614
[ Fx . Tag . SecurityNote ( Critical = "Uses unsafe critical method UnsafeGetPassword to access the credential password without a Demand." ,
Safe = "Only uses the password to construct a cloned NetworkCredential instance, does not leak password value." ) ]
internal static void FixNetworkCredential ( ref NetworkCredential credential )
if ( credential = = null )
return ;
string username = NetworkCredentialHelper . UnsafeGetUsername ( credential ) ;
string domain = NetworkCredentialHelper . UnsafeGetDomain ( credential ) ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( username ) & & string . IsNullOrEmpty ( domain ) )
// do the splitting only if there is exactly 1 \ or exactly 1 @
string [ ] partsWithSlashDelimiter = username . Split ( '\\' ) ;
string [ ] partsWithAtDelimiter = username . Split ( '@' ) ;
if ( partsWithSlashDelimiter . Length = = 2 & & partsWithAtDelimiter . Length = = 1 )
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( partsWithSlashDelimiter [ 0 ] ) & & ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( partsWithSlashDelimiter [ 1 ] ) )
credential = new NetworkCredential ( partsWithSlashDelimiter [ 1 ] , NetworkCredentialHelper . UnsafeGetPassword ( credential ) , partsWithSlashDelimiter [ 0 ] ) ;
else if ( partsWithSlashDelimiter . Length = = 1 & & partsWithAtDelimiter . Length = = 2 )
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( partsWithAtDelimiter [ 0 ] ) & & ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( partsWithAtDelimiter [ 1 ] ) )
credential = new NetworkCredential ( partsWithAtDelimiter [ 0 ] , NetworkCredentialHelper . UnsafeGetPassword ( credential ) , partsWithAtDelimiter [ 1 ] ) ;
// WORKAROUND, [....], VSWhidbey 561276: The first NetworkCredential must be created in a lock.
internal static void PrepareNetworkCredential ( )
if ( dummyNetworkCredential = = null )
PrepareNetworkCredentialWorker ( ) ;
// Since this takes a lock, it probably won't be inlined, but the typical case will be.
static void PrepareNetworkCredentialWorker ( )
lock ( dummyNetworkCredentialLock )
dummyNetworkCredential = new NetworkCredential ( "dummy" , "dummy" ) ;
// This is the workaround, Since store.Certificates returns a full collection
// of certs in store. These are holding native resources.
internal static void ResetAllCertificates ( X509Certificate2Collection certificates )
if ( certificates ! = null )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < certificates . Count ; + + i )
ResetCertificate ( certificates [ i ] ) ;
[ Fx . Tag . SecurityNote ( Critical = "Calls critical method X509Certificate2.Reset." ,
Safe = "Per review from CLR security team, this method does nothing unsafe." ) ]
internal static void ResetCertificate ( X509Certificate2 certificate )
certificate . Reset ( ) ;
internal static bool IsDefaultNetworkCredential ( NetworkCredential credential )
return NetworkCredentialHelper . IsDefault ( credential ) ;
internal static void OpenTokenProviderIfRequired ( SecurityTokenProvider tokenProvider , TimeSpan timeout )
OpenCommunicationObject ( tokenProvider as ICommunicationObject , timeout ) ;
internal static IAsyncResult BeginOpenTokenProviderIfRequired ( SecurityTokenProvider tokenProvider , TimeSpan timeout ,
AsyncCallback callback , object state )
return new OpenCommunicationObjectAsyncResult ( tokenProvider , timeout , callback , state ) ;
internal static void EndOpenTokenProviderIfRequired ( IAsyncResult result )
OpenCommunicationObjectAsyncResult . End ( result ) ;
internal static IAsyncResult BeginCloseTokenProviderIfRequired ( SecurityTokenProvider tokenProvider , TimeSpan timeout ,
AsyncCallback callback , object state )
return new CloseCommunicationObjectAsyncResult ( tokenProvider , timeout , callback , state ) ;
internal static void EndCloseTokenProviderIfRequired ( IAsyncResult result )
CloseCommunicationObjectAsyncResult . End ( result ) ;
internal static void CloseTokenProviderIfRequired ( SecurityTokenProvider tokenProvider , TimeSpan timeout )
CloseCommunicationObject ( tokenProvider , false , timeout ) ;
internal static void CloseTokenProviderIfRequired ( SecurityTokenProvider tokenProvider , bool aborted , TimeSpan timeout )
CloseCommunicationObject ( tokenProvider , aborted , timeout ) ;
internal static void AbortTokenProviderIfRequired ( SecurityTokenProvider tokenProvider )
CloseCommunicationObject ( tokenProvider , true , TimeSpan . Zero ) ;
internal static void OpenTokenAuthenticatorIfRequired ( SecurityTokenAuthenticator tokenAuthenticator , TimeSpan timeout )
OpenCommunicationObject ( tokenAuthenticator as ICommunicationObject , timeout ) ;
internal static void CloseTokenAuthenticatorIfRequired ( SecurityTokenAuthenticator tokenAuthenticator , TimeSpan timeout )
CloseTokenAuthenticatorIfRequired ( tokenAuthenticator , false , timeout ) ;
internal static void CloseTokenAuthenticatorIfRequired ( SecurityTokenAuthenticator tokenAuthenticator , bool aborted , TimeSpan timeout )
CloseCommunicationObject ( tokenAuthenticator , aborted , timeout ) ;
internal static IAsyncResult BeginOpenTokenAuthenticatorIfRequired ( SecurityTokenAuthenticator tokenAuthenticator , TimeSpan timeout ,
AsyncCallback callback , object state )
return new OpenCommunicationObjectAsyncResult ( tokenAuthenticator , timeout , callback , state ) ;
internal static void EndOpenTokenAuthenticatorIfRequired ( IAsyncResult result )
OpenCommunicationObjectAsyncResult . End ( result ) ;
internal static IAsyncResult BeginCloseTokenAuthenticatorIfRequired ( SecurityTokenAuthenticator tokenAuthenticator , TimeSpan timeout ,
AsyncCallback callback , object state )
return new CloseCommunicationObjectAsyncResult ( tokenAuthenticator , timeout , callback , state ) ;
internal static void EndCloseTokenAuthenticatorIfRequired ( IAsyncResult result )
CloseCommunicationObjectAsyncResult . End ( result ) ;
internal static void AbortTokenAuthenticatorIfRequired ( SecurityTokenAuthenticator tokenAuthenticator )
CloseCommunicationObject ( tokenAuthenticator , true , TimeSpan . Zero ) ;
static void OpenCommunicationObject ( ICommunicationObject obj , TimeSpan timeout )
if ( obj ! = null )
obj . Open ( timeout ) ;
static void CloseCommunicationObject ( Object obj , bool aborted , TimeSpan timeout )
if ( obj ! = null )
ICommunicationObject co = obj as ICommunicationObject ;
if ( co ! = null )
if ( aborted )
co . Abort ( ) ;
catch ( CommunicationException e )
DiagnosticUtility . TraceHandledException ( e , TraceEventType . Information ) ;
co . Close ( timeout ) ;
else if ( obj is IDisposable )
( ( IDisposable ) obj ) . Dispose ( ) ;
class OpenCommunicationObjectAsyncResult : AsyncResult
ICommunicationObject communicationObject ;
static AsyncCallback onOpen ;
public OpenCommunicationObjectAsyncResult ( object obj , TimeSpan timeout , AsyncCallback callback , object state )
: base ( callback , state )
this . communicationObject = obj as ICommunicationObject ;
bool completeSelf = false ;
if ( this . communicationObject = = null )
completeSelf = true ;
if ( onOpen = = null )
onOpen = Fx . ThunkCallback ( new AsyncCallback ( OnOpen ) ) ;
IAsyncResult result = this . communicationObject . BeginOpen ( timeout , onOpen , this ) ;
if ( result . CompletedSynchronously )
this . communicationObject . EndOpen ( result ) ;
completeSelf = true ;
if ( completeSelf )
base . Complete ( true ) ;
public static void End ( IAsyncResult result )
AsyncResult . End < OpenCommunicationObjectAsyncResult > ( result ) ;
static void OnOpen ( IAsyncResult result )
if ( result . CompletedSynchronously )
return ;
OpenCommunicationObjectAsyncResult thisPtr =
( OpenCommunicationObjectAsyncResult ) result . AsyncState ;
Exception completionException = null ;
thisPtr . communicationObject . EndOpen ( result ) ;
#pragma warning suppress 56500 // [....], transferring exception to another thread
catch ( Exception e )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( e ) )
throw ;
completionException = e ;
thisPtr . Complete ( false , completionException ) ;
class CloseCommunicationObjectAsyncResult : AsyncResult
ICommunicationObject communicationObject ;
static AsyncCallback onClose ;
public CloseCommunicationObjectAsyncResult ( object obj , TimeSpan timeout , AsyncCallback callback , object state )
: base ( callback , state )
this . communicationObject = obj as ICommunicationObject ;
bool completeSelf = false ;
if ( this . communicationObject = = null )
IDisposable disposable = obj as IDisposable ;
if ( disposable ! = null )
disposable . Dispose ( ) ;
completeSelf = true ;
if ( onClose = = null )
onClose = Fx . ThunkCallback ( new AsyncCallback ( OnClose ) ) ;
IAsyncResult result = this . communicationObject . BeginClose ( timeout , onClose , this ) ;
if ( result . CompletedSynchronously )
this . communicationObject . EndClose ( result ) ;
completeSelf = true ;
if ( completeSelf )
base . Complete ( true ) ;
public static void End ( IAsyncResult result )
AsyncResult . End < CloseCommunicationObjectAsyncResult > ( result ) ;
static void OnClose ( IAsyncResult result )
if ( result . CompletedSynchronously )
return ;
CloseCommunicationObjectAsyncResult thisPtr =
( CloseCommunicationObjectAsyncResult ) result . AsyncState ;
Exception completionException = null ;
thisPtr . communicationObject . EndClose ( result ) ;
#pragma warning suppress 56500 // [....], transferring exception to another thread
catch ( Exception e )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( e ) )
throw ;
completionException = e ;
thisPtr . Complete ( false , completionException ) ;
internal static void MatchRstWithEndpointFilter ( Message rst , IMessageFilterTable < EndpointAddress > endpointFilterTable , Uri listenUri )
if ( endpointFilterTable = = null )
return ;
Collection < EndpointAddress > result = new Collection < EndpointAddress > ( ) ;
if ( ! endpointFilterTable . GetMatchingValues ( rst , result ) )
throw TraceUtility . ThrowHelperWarning ( new SecurityNegotiationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . RequestSecurityTokenDoesNotMatchEndpointFilters , listenUri ) ) , rst ) ;
// match the RST with the endpoint filters in case there is at least 1 asymmetric signature in the message
internal static bool ShouldMatchRstWithEndpointFilter ( SecurityBindingElement sbe )
foreach ( SecurityTokenParameters parameters in new SecurityTokenParametersEnumerable ( sbe , true ) )
if ( parameters . HasAsymmetricKey )
return true ;
return false ;
internal static SecurityStandardsManager CreateSecurityStandardsManager ( MessageSecurityVersion securityVersion , SecurityTokenManager tokenManager )
SecurityTokenSerializer tokenSerializer = tokenManager . CreateSecurityTokenSerializer ( securityVersion . SecurityTokenVersion ) ;
return new SecurityStandardsManager ( securityVersion , tokenSerializer ) ;
internal static SecurityStandardsManager CreateSecurityStandardsManager ( SecurityTokenRequirement requirement , SecurityTokenManager tokenManager )
MessageSecurityTokenVersion securityVersion = ( MessageSecurityTokenVersion ) requirement . GetProperty < MessageSecurityTokenVersion > ( ServiceModelSecurityTokenRequirement . MessageSecurityVersionProperty ) ;
if ( securityVersion = = MessageSecurityTokenVersion . WSSecurity10WSTrustFebruary2005WSSecureConversationFebruary2005BasicSecurityProfile10 )
return CreateSecurityStandardsManager ( MessageSecurityVersion . WSSecurity10WSTrustFebruary2005WSSecureConversationFebruary2005WSSecurityPolicy11BasicSecurityProfile10 , tokenManager ) ;
else if ( securityVersion = = MessageSecurityTokenVersion . WSSecurity11WSTrustFebruary2005WSSecureConversationFebruary2005 )
return CreateSecurityStandardsManager ( MessageSecurityVersion . WSSecurity11WSTrustFebruary2005WSSecureConversationFebruary2005WSSecurityPolicy11 , tokenManager ) ;
else if ( securityVersion = = MessageSecurityTokenVersion . WSSecurity11WSTrustFebruary2005WSSecureConversationFebruary2005BasicSecurityProfile10 )
return CreateSecurityStandardsManager ( MessageSecurityVersion . WSSecurity11WSTrustFebruary2005WSSecureConversationFebruary2005WSSecurityPolicy11BasicSecurityProfile10 , tokenManager ) ;
else if ( securityVersion = = MessageSecurityTokenVersion . WSSecurity10WSTrust13WSSecureConversation13BasicSecurityProfile10 )
return CreateSecurityStandardsManager ( MessageSecurityVersion . WSSecurity10WSTrust13WSSecureConversation13WSSecurityPolicy12BasicSecurityProfile10 , tokenManager ) ;
else if ( securityVersion = = MessageSecurityTokenVersion . WSSecurity11WSTrust13WSSecureConversation13 )
return CreateSecurityStandardsManager ( MessageSecurityVersion . WSSecurity11WSTrust13WSSecureConversation13WSSecurityPolicy12 , tokenManager ) ;
else if ( securityVersion = = MessageSecurityTokenVersion . WSSecurity11WSTrust13WSSecureConversation13BasicSecurityProfile10 )
return CreateSecurityStandardsManager ( MessageSecurityVersion . WSSecurity11WSTrust13WSSecureConversation13WSSecurityPolicy12BasicSecurityProfile10 , tokenManager ) ;
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new NotSupportedException ( ) ) ;
internal static SecurityStandardsManager CreateSecurityStandardsManager ( MessageSecurityVersion securityVersion , SecurityTokenSerializer securityTokenSerializer )
if ( securityVersion = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new ArgumentNullException ( "securityVersion" ) ) ;
if ( securityTokenSerializer = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperArgumentNull ( "securityTokenSerializer" ) ;
return new SecurityStandardsManager ( securityVersion , securityTokenSerializer ) ;
static bool TryCreateIdentity ( ClaimSet claimSet , string claimType , out EndpointIdentity identity )
identity = null ;
foreach ( Claim claim in claimSet . FindClaims ( claimType , null ) )
identity = EndpointIdentity . CreateIdentity ( claim ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
internal static EndpointIdentity GetServiceCertificateIdentity ( X509Certificate2 certificate )
using ( X509CertificateClaimSet claimSet = new X509CertificateClaimSet ( certificate ) )
EndpointIdentity identity ;
if ( ! TryCreateIdentity ( claimSet , ClaimTypes . Dns , out identity ) )
TryCreateIdentity ( claimSet , ClaimTypes . Rsa , out identity ) ;
return identity ;
[ Fx . Tag . SecurityNote ( Critical = "Uses unsafe critical method UnsafeGetPassword to access the credential password without a Demand." ,
Safe = "Only uses the password to construct a new NetworkCredential which will then protect access, password does not leak from this method." ) ]
internal static NetworkCredential GetNetworkCredentialsCopy ( NetworkCredential networkCredential )
NetworkCredential result ;
if ( networkCredential ! = null & & ! NetworkCredentialHelper . IsDefault ( networkCredential ) )
result = new NetworkCredential ( NetworkCredentialHelper . UnsafeGetUsername ( networkCredential ) , NetworkCredentialHelper . UnsafeGetPassword ( networkCredential ) , NetworkCredentialHelper . UnsafeGetDomain ( networkCredential ) ) ;
result = networkCredential ;
return result ;
internal static NetworkCredential GetNetworkCredentialOrDefault ( NetworkCredential credential )
// because of VSW 564452, we dont use CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials in our OM. Instead we
// use an empty NetworkCredential to denote the default credentials
if ( NetworkCredentialHelper . IsNullOrEmpty ( credential ) )
// FYI: this will fail with SecurityException in PT due to Demand for EnvironmentPermission.
// Typically a PT app should not have access to DefaultNetworkCredentials. If there is a valid reason,
// see UnsafeGetDefaultNetworkCredentials.
return CredentialCache . DefaultNetworkCredentials ;
return credential ;
static class NetworkCredentialHelper
[ Fx . Tag . SecurityNote ( Critical = "Uses unsafe critical methods UnsafeGetUsername, UnsafeGetPassword, and UnsafeGetDomain to access the credential details without a Demand." ,
Safe = "Only uses the protected values to test for null/empty. Does not leak." ) ]
static internal bool IsNullOrEmpty ( NetworkCredential credential )
return credential = = null | |
String . IsNullOrEmpty ( UnsafeGetUsername ( credential ) ) & &
String . IsNullOrEmpty ( UnsafeGetDomain ( credential ) ) & &
String . IsNullOrEmpty ( UnsafeGetPassword ( credential ) )
) ;
[ Fx . Tag . SecurityNote ( Critical = "Uses unsafe critical method UnsafeGetDefaultNetworkCredentials to access the default network credentials without a Demand." ,
Safe = "Only uses the default credentials to test for equality and uses the system credential's .Equals, not the caller's." ) ]
static internal bool IsDefault ( NetworkCredential credential )
return UnsafeGetDefaultNetworkCredentials ( ) . Equals ( credential ) ;
[ Fx . Tag . SecurityNote ( Critical = "Asserts SecurityPermission(UnmanagedCode) in order to get the NetworkCredential password."
+ "This is used for example to test for empty/null or to construct a cloned NetworkCredential."
+ "Callers absolutely must not leak the return value." ) ]
[EnvironmentPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Read = "USERNAME")]
static internal string UnsafeGetUsername ( NetworkCredential credential )
return credential . UserName ;
[ Fx . Tag . SecurityNote ( Critical = "Asserts SecurityPermission(UnmanagedCode) in order to get the NetworkCredential password."
+ "This is used for example to test for empty/null or to construct a cloned NetworkCredential."
+ "Callers absolutely must not leak the return value." ) ]
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, UnmanagedCode = true)]
static internal string UnsafeGetPassword ( NetworkCredential credential )
return credential . Password ;
[ Fx . Tag . SecurityNote ( Critical = "Asserts SecurityPermission(UnmanagedCode) in order to get the NetworkCredential password."
+ "This is used for example to test for empty/null or to construct a cloned NetworkCredential."
+ "Callers absolutely must not leak the return value." ) ]
[EnvironmentPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Read = "USERDOMAIN")]
static internal string UnsafeGetDomain ( NetworkCredential credential )
return credential . Domain ;
[ Fx . Tag . SecurityNote ( Critical = "Asserts EnvironmentPermission(Read='USERNAME') in order to get the DefaultNetworkCredentials in PT."
+ "This is used for example to test for instance equality with a specific NetworkCredential."
+ "Callers absolutely must not leak the return value." ) ]
[EnvironmentPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Read = "USERNAME")]
static NetworkCredential UnsafeGetDefaultNetworkCredentials ( )
return CredentialCache . DefaultNetworkCredentials ;
internal static SafeFreeCredentials GetCredentialsHandle ( string package , NetworkCredential credential , bool isServer , params string [ ] additionalPackages )
SafeFreeCredentials credentialsHandle ;
CredentialUse credentialUse = isServer ? CredentialUse . Inbound : CredentialUse . Outbound ;
if ( credential = = null | | NetworkCredentialHelper . IsDefault ( credential ) )
AuthIdentityEx authIdentity = new AuthIdentityEx ( null , null , null , additionalPackages ) ;
credentialsHandle = SspiWrapper . AcquireCredentialsHandle ( package , credentialUse , ref authIdentity ) ;
SecurityUtils . FixNetworkCredential ( ref credential ) ;
// we're not using DefaultCredentials, we need a
// AuthIdentity struct to contain credentials
AuthIdentityEx authIdentity = new AuthIdentityEx ( credential . UserName , credential . Password , credential . Domain ) ;
credentialsHandle = SspiWrapper . AcquireCredentialsHandle ( package , credentialUse , ref authIdentity ) ;
return credentialsHandle ;
internal static SafeFreeCredentials GetCredentialsHandle ( Binding binding , KeyedByTypeCollection < IEndpointBehavior > behaviors )
ClientCredentials clientCredentials = ( behaviors = = null ) ? null : behaviors . Find < ClientCredentials > ( ) ;
return GetCredentialsHandle ( binding , clientCredentials ) ;
internal static SafeFreeCredentials GetCredentialsHandle ( Binding binding , ClientCredentials clientCredentials )
SecurityBindingElement sbe = ( binding = = null ) ? null : binding . CreateBindingElements ( ) . Find < SecurityBindingElement > ( ) ;
return GetCredentialsHandle ( sbe , clientCredentials ) ;
internal static SafeFreeCredentials GetCredentialsHandle ( SecurityBindingElement sbe , BindingContext context )
ClientCredentials clientCredentials = ( context = = null ) ? null : context . BindingParameters . Find < ClientCredentials > ( ) ;
return GetCredentialsHandle ( sbe , clientCredentials ) ;
internal static SafeFreeCredentials GetCredentialsHandle ( SecurityBindingElement sbe , ClientCredentials clientCredentials )
if ( sbe = = null )
return null ;
bool isSspi = false ;
bool isKerberos = false ;
foreach ( SecurityTokenParameters stp in new SecurityTokenParametersEnumerable ( sbe , true ) )
if ( stp is SecureConversationSecurityTokenParameters )
SafeFreeCredentials result = GetCredentialsHandle ( ( ( SecureConversationSecurityTokenParameters ) stp ) . BootstrapSecurityBindingElement , clientCredentials ) ;
if ( result ! = null )
return result ;
continue ;
else if ( stp is IssuedSecurityTokenParameters )
SafeFreeCredentials result = GetCredentialsHandle ( ( ( IssuedSecurityTokenParameters ) stp ) . IssuerBinding , clientCredentials ) ;
if ( result ! = null )
return result ;
continue ;
else if ( stp is SspiSecurityTokenParameters )
isSspi = true ;
break ;
else if ( stp is KerberosSecurityTokenParameters )
isKerberos = true ;
break ;
if ( ! isSspi & & ! isKerberos )
return null ;
NetworkCredential credential = null ;
if ( clientCredentials ! = null )
credential = SecurityUtils . GetNetworkCredentialOrDefault ( clientCredentials . Windows . ClientCredential ) ;
if ( isKerberos )
return SecurityUtils . GetCredentialsHandle ( "Kerberos" , credential , false ) ;
// if OS is less that Vista cannot use !NTLM, Windows SE 142400
// To disable AllowNtlm warning.
#pragma warning disable 618
else if ( clientCredentials ! = null & & ! clientCredentials . Windows . AllowNtlm )
if ( SecurityUtils . IsOsGreaterThanXP ( ) )
return SecurityUtils . GetCredentialsHandle ( "Negotiate" , credential , false , "!NTLM" ) ;
return SecurityUtils . GetCredentialsHandle ( "Kerberos" , credential , false ) ;
#pragma warning restore 618
return SecurityUtils . GetCredentialsHandle ( "Negotiate" , credential , false ) ;
internal static byte [ ] CloneBuffer ( byte [ ] buffer )
byte [ ] copy = DiagnosticUtility . Utility . AllocateByteArray ( buffer . Length ) ;
Buffer . BlockCopy ( buffer , 0 , copy , 0 , buffer . Length ) ;
return copy ;
internal static X509Certificate2 GetCertificateFromStore ( StoreName storeName , StoreLocation storeLocation ,
X509FindType findType , object findValue , EndpointAddress target )
X509Certificate2 certificate = GetCertificateFromStoreCore ( storeName , storeLocation , findType , findValue , target , true ) ;
if ( certificate = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . CannotFindCert , storeName , storeLocation , findType , findValue ) ) ) ;
return certificate ;
internal static bool TryGetCertificateFromStore ( StoreName storeName , StoreLocation storeLocation ,
X509FindType findType , object findValue , EndpointAddress target , out X509Certificate2 certificate )
certificate = GetCertificateFromStoreCore ( storeName , storeLocation , findType , findValue , target , false ) ;
return ( certificate ! = null ) ;
static X509Certificate2 GetCertificateFromStoreCore ( StoreName storeName , StoreLocation storeLocation ,
X509FindType findType , object findValue , EndpointAddress target , bool throwIfMultipleOrNoMatch )
if ( findValue = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperArgumentNull ( "findValue" ) ;
X509CertificateStore store = new X509CertificateStore ( storeName , storeLocation ) ;
X509Certificate2Collection certs = null ;
store . Open ( OpenFlags . ReadOnly ) ;
certs = store . Find ( findType , findValue , false ) ;
if ( certs . Count = = 1 )
return new X509Certificate2 ( certs [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( throwIfMultipleOrNoMatch )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( CreateCertificateLoadException (
storeName , storeLocation , findType , findValue , target , certs . Count ) ) ;
return null ;
SecurityUtils . ResetAllCertificates ( certs ) ;
store . Close ( ) ;
static Exception CreateCertificateLoadException ( StoreName storeName , StoreLocation storeLocation ,
X509FindType findType , object findValue , EndpointAddress target , int certCount )
if ( certCount = = 0 )
if ( target = = null )
return new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . CannotFindCert , storeName , storeLocation , findType , findValue ) ) ;
return new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . CannotFindCertForTarget , storeName , storeLocation , findType , findValue , target ) ) ;
if ( target = = null )
return new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . FoundMultipleCerts , storeName , storeLocation , findType , findValue ) ) ;
return new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . FoundMultipleCertsForTarget , storeName , storeLocation , findType , findValue , target ) ) ;
public static SecurityBindingElement GetIssuerSecurityBindingElement ( ServiceModelSecurityTokenRequirement requirement )
SecurityBindingElement bindingElement = requirement . SecureConversationSecurityBindingElement ;
if ( bindingElement ! = null )
return bindingElement ;
Binding binding = requirement . IssuerBinding ;
if ( binding = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperArgument ( SR . GetString ( SR . IssuerBindingNotPresentInTokenRequirement , requirement ) ) ;
BindingElementCollection bindingElements = binding . CreateBindingElements ( ) ;
return bindingElements . Find < SecurityBindingElement > ( ) ;
public static int GetMaxNegotiationBufferSize ( BindingContext bindingContext )
TransportBindingElement transport = bindingContext . RemainingBindingElements . Find < TransportBindingElement > ( ) ;
Fx . Assert ( transport ! = null , "TransportBindingElement is null!" ) ;
int maxNegoMessageSize ;
if ( transport is ConnectionOrientedTransportBindingElement )
maxNegoMessageSize = ( ( ConnectionOrientedTransportBindingElement ) transport ) . MaxBufferSize ;
else if ( transport is HttpTransportBindingElement )
maxNegoMessageSize = ( ( HttpTransportBindingElement ) transport ) . MaxBufferSize ;
maxNegoMessageSize = TransportDefaults . MaxBufferSize ;
return maxNegoMessageSize ;
public static bool TryCreateKeyFromIntrinsicKeyClause ( SecurityKeyIdentifierClause keyIdentifierClause , SecurityTokenResolver resolver , out SecurityKey key )
key = null ;
if ( keyIdentifierClause . CanCreateKey )
key = keyIdentifierClause . CreateKey ( ) ;
return true ;
if ( keyIdentifierClause is EncryptedKeyIdentifierClause )
EncryptedKeyIdentifierClause keyClause = ( EncryptedKeyIdentifierClause ) keyIdentifierClause ;
// PreSharp Bug: Parameter 'keyClause' to this public method must be validated: A null-dereference can occur here.
#pragma warning suppress 56506 // keyClause will not be null due to the if condition above.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < keyClause . EncryptingKeyIdentifier . Count ; i + + )
SecurityKey unwrappingSecurityKey = null ;
if ( resolver . TryResolveSecurityKey ( keyClause . EncryptingKeyIdentifier [ i ] , out unwrappingSecurityKey ) )
byte [ ] wrappedKey = keyClause . GetEncryptedKey ( ) ;
string wrappingAlgorithm = keyClause . EncryptionMethod ;
byte [ ] unwrappedKey = unwrappingSecurityKey . DecryptKey ( wrappingAlgorithm , wrappedKey ) ;
key = new InMemorySymmetricSecurityKey ( unwrappedKey , false ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
public static WrappedKeySecurityToken CreateTokenFromEncryptedKeyClause ( EncryptedKeyIdentifierClause keyClause , SecurityToken unwrappingToken )
SecurityKeyIdentifier wrappingTokenReference = keyClause . EncryptingKeyIdentifier ;
byte [ ] wrappedKey = keyClause . GetEncryptedKey ( ) ;
SecurityKey unwrappingSecurityKey = unwrappingToken . SecurityKeys [ 0 ] ;
string wrappingAlgorithm = keyClause . EncryptionMethod ;
byte [ ] unwrappedKey = unwrappingSecurityKey . DecryptKey ( wrappingAlgorithm , wrappedKey ) ;
return new WrappedKeySecurityToken ( SecurityUtils . GenerateId ( ) , unwrappedKey , wrappingAlgorithm ,
unwrappingToken , wrappingTokenReference , wrappedKey , unwrappingSecurityKey
) ;
public static void ValidateAnonymityConstraint ( WindowsIdentity identity , bool allowUnauthenticatedCallers )
if ( ! allowUnauthenticatedCallers & & identity . User . IsWellKnown ( WellKnownSidType . AnonymousSid ) )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperWarning (
new SecurityTokenValidationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . AnonymousLogonsAreNotAllowed ) ) ) ;
static bool ComputeSslCipherStrengthRequirementFlag ( )
// validate only for XP versions < XP SP3 and windows server versions < Win2K3 SP2
if ( ( Environment . OSVersion . Version . Major > WindowsServerMajorNumber )
| | ( Environment . OSVersion . Version . Major = = WindowsServerMajorNumber & & Environment . OSVersion . Version . Minor > WindowsServerMinorNumber ) )
return false ;
// version <= Win2K3
if ( Environment . OSVersion . Version . Major = = XPMajorNumber & & Environment . OSVersion . Version . Minor = = XPMinorNumber )
if ( ( Environment . OSVersion . ServicePack = = string . Empty ) | | String . Equals ( Environment . OSVersion . ServicePack , ServicePack1 , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) | | String . Equals ( Environment . OSVersion . ServicePack , ServicePack2 , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return true ;
// the OS is XP SP3 or higher
return false ;
else if ( Environment . OSVersion . Version . Major = = WindowsServerMajorNumber & & Environment . OSVersion . Version . Minor = = WindowsServerMinorNumber )
if ( Environment . OSVersion . ServicePack = = string . Empty | | String . Equals ( Environment . OSVersion . ServicePack , ServicePack1 , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return true ;
// the OS is Win2K3 SP2 or higher
return false ;
// this is <= XP. We should never get here but if we do validate SSL strength
return true ;
public static bool ShouldValidateSslCipherStrength ( )
if ( ! isSslValidationRequirementDetermined )
shouldValidateSslCipherStrength = ComputeSslCipherStrengthRequirementFlag ( ) ;
Thread . MemoryBarrier ( ) ;
isSslValidationRequirementDetermined = true ;
return shouldValidateSslCipherStrength ;
public static void ValidateSslCipherStrength ( int keySizeInBits )
if ( ShouldValidateSslCipherStrength ( ) & & keySizeInBits < MinimumSslCipherStrength )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperWarning ( new SecurityNegotiationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . SslCipherKeyTooSmall , keySizeInBits , MinimumSslCipherStrength ) ) ) ;
public static bool TryCreateX509CertificateFromRawData ( byte [ ] rawData , out X509Certificate2 certificate )
certificate = ( rawData = = null | | rawData . Length = = 0 ) ? null : new X509Certificate2 ( rawData ) ;
return certificate ! = null & & certificate . Handle ! = IntPtr . Zero ;
internal static string GetKeyDerivationAlgorithm ( SecureConversationVersion version )
string derivationAlgorithm = null ;
if ( version = = SecureConversationVersion . WSSecureConversationFeb2005 )
derivationAlgorithm = SecurityAlgorithms . Psha1KeyDerivation ;
else if ( version = = SecureConversationVersion . WSSecureConversation13 )
derivationAlgorithm = SecurityAlgorithms . Psha1KeyDerivationDec2005 ;
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new NotSupportedException ( ) ) ;
return derivationAlgorithm ;
struct SecurityUniqueId
static long nextId = 0 ;
static string commonPrefix = "uuid-" + Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) + "-" ;
long id ;
string prefix ;
string val ;
SecurityUniqueId ( string prefix , long id )
this . id = id ;
this . prefix = prefix ;
this . val = null ;
public static SecurityUniqueId Create ( )
return SecurityUniqueId . Create ( commonPrefix ) ;
public static SecurityUniqueId Create ( string prefix )
return new SecurityUniqueId ( prefix , Interlocked . Increment ( ref nextId ) ) ;
public string Value
if ( this . val = = null )
this . val = this . prefix + this . id . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ;
return this . val ;
static class EmptyReadOnlyCollection < T >
public static ReadOnlyCollection < T > Instance = new ReadOnlyCollection < T > ( new List < T > ( ) ) ;
class OperationWithTimeoutAsyncResult : TraceAsyncResult
static readonly Action < object > scheduledCallback = new Action < object > ( OnScheduled ) ;
TimeoutHelper timeoutHelper ;
OperationWithTimeoutCallback operationWithTimeout ;
public OperationWithTimeoutAsyncResult ( OperationWithTimeoutCallback operationWithTimeout , TimeSpan timeout , AsyncCallback callback , object state )
: base ( callback , state )
this . operationWithTimeout = operationWithTimeout ;
this . timeoutHelper = new TimeoutHelper ( timeout ) ;
ActionItem . Schedule ( scheduledCallback , this ) ;
static void OnScheduled ( object state )
OperationWithTimeoutAsyncResult thisResult = ( OperationWithTimeoutAsyncResult ) state ;
Exception completionException = null ;
using ( thisResult . CallbackActivity = = null ? null : ServiceModelActivity . BoundOperation ( thisResult . CallbackActivity ) )
thisResult . operationWithTimeout ( thisResult . timeoutHelper . RemainingTime ( ) ) ;
#pragma warning suppress 56500 // covered by FxCOP
catch ( Exception e )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( e ) )
throw ;
completionException = e ;
thisResult . Complete ( false , completionException ) ;
public static void End ( IAsyncResult result )
AsyncResult . End < OperationWithTimeoutAsyncResult > ( result ) ;