2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
// <copyright file="XmlConstants.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
// @owner leil
// @backupOwner anpete
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
namespace System.Data.Metadata.Edm
/// <summary>
/// Class that contains all the constants for various schemas
/// </summary>
internal static class XmlConstants
// v3.5 of .net framework
internal const string ModelNamespace_1 = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2006/04/edm";
internal const string ModelNamespace_1_1 = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/05/edm";
// v4 of .net framework
internal const string ModelNamespace_2 = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2008/09/edm";
// v4 next of .net framework
internal const string ModelNamespace_3 = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/11/edm";
internal const string ProviderManifestNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2006/04/edm/providermanifest";
internal const string TargetNamespace_1 = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2006/04/edm/ssdl";
internal const string TargetNamespace_2 = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/02/edm/ssdl";
internal const string TargetNamespace_3 = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/11/edm/ssdl";
internal const string CodeGenerationSchemaNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2006/04/codegeneration";
internal const string EntityStoreSchemaGeneratorNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/12/edm/EntityStoreSchemaGenerator";
internal const string AnnotationNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/02/edm/annotation";
internal const string Alias = "Alias";
internal const string Provider = "Provider";
internal const string ProviderManifestToken = "ProviderManifestToken";
internal const string CSSpaceSchemaExtension = ".msl";
internal const string CSpaceSchemaExtension = ".csdl";
internal const string SSpaceSchemaExtension = ".ssdl";
internal const double UndefinedVersion = 0.0;
//Numeric Constant to represent V1 of CSDL schema
internal const double EdmVersionForV1 = 1.0;
//Numeric Constant to represent V1.1 of CSDL schema
internal const double EdmVersionForV1_1 = 1.1;
//Numeric Constant to represent V2.0 of CSDL schema
internal const double EdmVersionForV2 = 2.0;
//Numeric Constant to represent V3.0 of CSDL schema
internal const double EdmVersionForV3 = 3.0;
internal const double SchemaVersionLatest = EdmVersionForV3;
internal const double StoreVersionForV1 = 1.0;
internal const double StoreVersionForV2 = 2.0;
internal const double StoreVersionForV3 = 3.0;
#region CDM Schema Xml NodeNames
// Const element names in the CDM schema xml
internal const string Association = "Association";
internal const string AssociationSet = "AssociationSet";
internal const string ComplexType = "ComplexType";
internal const string DefiningQuery = "DefiningQuery";
internal const string DefiningExpression = "DefiningExpression";
internal const string Documentation = "Documentation";
internal const string DependentRole = "Dependent";
internal const string End = "End";
internal const string EntityType = "EntityType";
internal const string EntityContainer = "EntityContainer";
internal const string FunctionImport = "FunctionImport";
internal const string Key = "Key";
internal const string NavigationProperty = "NavigationProperty";
internal const string OnDelete = "OnDelete";
internal const string PrincipalRole = "Principal";
internal const string Property = "Property";
internal const string PropertyRef = "PropertyRef";
internal const string ReferentialConstraint = "ReferentialConstraint";
internal const string Role = "Role";
internal const string Schema = "Schema";
internal const string Summary = "Summary";
internal const string LongDescription = "LongDescription";
internal const string SampleValue = "SampleValue";
internal const string EnumType = "EnumType";
internal const string Member = "Member";
internal const string ValueTerm = "ValueTerm";
internal const string Annotations = "Annotations";
internal const string ValueAnnotation = "ValueAnnotation";
internal const string TypeAnnotation = "TypeAnnotation";
internal const string Using = "Using";
// constants used for codegen hints
internal const string TypeAccess = "TypeAccess";
internal const string MethodAccess = "MethodAccess";
internal const string SetterAccess = "SetterAccess";
internal const string GetterAccess = "GetterAccess";
// const attribute names in the CDM schema XML
internal const string Abstract = "Abstract";
internal const string OpenType = "OpenType";
internal const string Action = "Action";
internal const string BaseType = "BaseType";
internal const string EntitySet = "EntitySet";
internal const string EntitySetPath = "EntitySetPath";
internal const string Extends = "Extends";
internal const string FromRole = "FromRole";
internal const string Multiplicity = "Multiplicity";
internal const string Name = "Name";
internal const string Namespace = "Namespace";
internal const string Table = "Table";
internal const string ToRole = "ToRole";
internal const string Relationship = "Relationship";
internal const string ElementType = "ElementType";
internal const string StoreGeneratedPattern = "StoreGeneratedPattern";
internal const string IsFlags = "IsFlags";
internal const string IsBindable = "IsBindable";
internal const string IsSideEffecting = "IsSideEffecting";
internal const string UnderlyingType = "UnderlyingType";
internal const string Value = "Value";
internal const string ContainsTarget = "ContainsTarget";
// facet values
internal const string Max = "Max";
internal const string None = "None";
internal const string Identity = "Identity";
internal const string Computed = "Computed";
internal const string Fixed = "Fixed";
internal const string CollectionKind_None = "None";
internal const string CollectionKind_List = "List";
internal const string CollectionKind_Bag = "Bag";
internal const string CollectionKind = "CollectionKind";
internal const string In = "In";
internal const string Out = "Out";
internal const string InOut = "InOut";
internal const string Variable = "Variable";
// const attribute values in the CDM schema xml
internal const string True = "true";
internal const string False = "false";
// xml constants used in provider manifest
internal const string Function = "Function";
internal const string ReturnType = "ReturnType";
internal const string Parameter = "Parameter";
internal const string Mode = "Mode";
internal const string StoreFunctionName = "StoreFunctionName";
internal const string ProviderManifestElement = "ProviderManifest";
internal const string TypesElement = "Types";
internal const string FunctionsElement = "Functions";
internal const string TypeElement = "Type";
internal const string FunctionElement = "Function";
internal const string ScaleElement = "Scale";
internal const string PrecisionElement = "Precision";
internal const string MaxLengthElement = "MaxLength";
internal const string FacetDescriptionsElement = "FacetDescriptions";
internal const string UnicodeElement = "Unicode";
internal const string FixedLengthElement = "FixedLength";
internal const string ReturnTypeElement = "ReturnType";
internal const string SridElement = "SRID";
internal const string IsStrictElement = "IsStrict";
internal const string TypeAttribute = "Type";
internal const string MinimumAttribute = "Minimum";
internal const string MaximumAttribute = "Maximum";
internal const string NamespaceAttribute = "Namespace";
internal const string DefaultValueAttribute = "DefaultValue";
internal const string ConstantAttribute = "Constant";
internal const string DestinationTypeAttribute = "DestinationType";
internal const string PrimitiveTypeKindAttribute = "PrimitiveTypeKind";
internal const string AggregateAttribute = "Aggregate";
internal const string BuiltInAttribute = "BuiltIn";
internal const string NameAttribute = "Name";
internal const string IgnoreFacetsAttribute = "IgnoreFacets";
internal const string NiladicFunction = "NiladicFunction";
internal const string IsComposable = "IsComposable";
internal const string CommandText = "CommandText";
internal const string ParameterTypeSemantics = "ParameterTypeSemantics";
internal const string CollectionType = "CollectionType";
internal const string ReferenceType = "ReferenceType";
internal const string RowType = "RowType";
internal const string TypeRef = "TypeRef";
internal const string UseStrongSpatialTypes = "UseStrongSpatialTypes";
internal const string XmlCommentStartString = "<!--";
internal const string XmlCommentEndString = "-->";
#endregion // CDM Schema Xml NodeNames
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00