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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.TestCommon;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Extensions;
using Assert = Microsoft.TestCommon.AssertEx;
namespace System.Net.Http.Formatting.Parsers
public class MimeMultipartParserTests
public void MimeMultipartParserTypeIsCorrect()
private static MimeMultipartParser CreateMimeMultipartParser(int maximumHeaderLength, string boundary)
return new MimeMultipartParser(boundary, maximumHeaderLength);
internal static byte[] CreateBuffer(string boundary, params string[] bodyparts)
return CreateBuffer(boundary, false, bodyparts);
internal static string CreateNestedBuffer(int count)
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("content");
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < count; cnt++)
byte[] nested = CreateBuffer("N" + cnt.ToString(), buffer.ToString());
var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(nested);
buffer.Length = 0;
return buffer.ToString();
private static byte[] CreateBuffer(string boundary, bool withLws, params string[] bodyparts)
const string SP = " ";
const string HTAB = "\t";
const string CRLF = "\r\n";
const string DashDash = "--";
string lws = String.Empty;
if (withLws)
lws = SP + SP + HTAB + SP;
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
message.Append(DashDash + boundary + lws + CRLF);
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < bodyparts.Length; cnt++)
if (cnt < bodyparts.Length - 1)
message.Append(CRLF + DashDash + boundary + lws + CRLF);
// Note: We rely on a final CRLF even though it is not required by the BNF existing application do send it
message.Append(CRLF + DashDash + boundary + DashDash + lws + CRLF);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message.ToString());
private static MimeMultipartParser.State ParseBufferInSteps(MimeMultipartParser parser, byte[] buffer, int readsize, out List<string> bodyParts, out int totalBytesConsumed)
MimeMultipartParser.State state = MimeMultipartParser.State.Invalid;
totalBytesConsumed = 0;
bodyParts = new List<string>();
bool isFinal = false;
byte[] currentBodyPart = new byte[32 * 1024];
int currentBodyLength = 0;
while (totalBytesConsumed <= buffer.Length)
int size = Math.Min(buffer.Length - totalBytesConsumed, readsize);
byte[] parseBuffer = new byte[size];
Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, totalBytesConsumed, parseBuffer, 0, size);
int bytesConsumed = 0;
ArraySegment<byte> out1;
ArraySegment<byte> out2;
state = parser.ParseBuffer(parseBuffer, parseBuffer.Length, ref bytesConsumed, out out1, out out2, out isFinal);
totalBytesConsumed += bytesConsumed;
Buffer.BlockCopy(out1.Array, out1.Offset, currentBodyPart, currentBodyLength, out1.Count);
currentBodyLength += out1.Count;
Buffer.BlockCopy(out2.Array, out2.Offset, currentBodyPart, currentBodyLength, out2.Count);
currentBodyLength += out2.Count;
if (state == MimeMultipartParser.State.BodyPartCompleted)
var bPart = new byte[currentBodyLength];
Buffer.BlockCopy(currentBodyPart, 0, bPart, 0, currentBodyLength);
currentBodyLength = 0;
if (isFinal)
else if (state != MimeMultipartParser.State.NeedMoreData)
return state;
return state;
public static IEnumerable<object[]> Boundaries
get { return ParserData.Boundaries; }
public void MimeMultipartParserConstructorTest(string boundary)
MimeMultipartParser parser = new MimeMultipartParser(boundary, ParserData.MinMessageSize);
Assert.ThrowsArgumentGreaterThanOrEqualTo(() => new MimeMultipartParser("-", ParserData.MinMessageSize - 1),
"maxMessageSize", ParserData.MinMessageSize.ToString(), ParserData.MinMessageSize - 1);
foreach (string empty in TestData.EmptyStrings)
Assert.ThrowsArgument(() => { new MimeMultipartParser(empty, ParserData.MinMessageSize); }, "boundary", allowDerivedExceptions: true);
Assert.ThrowsArgument(() => { new MimeMultipartParser("trailingspace ", ParserData.MinMessageSize); }, "boundary");
Assert.ThrowsArgumentNull(() => { new MimeMultipartParser(null, ParserData.MinMessageSize); }, "boundary");
public void MultipartParserNullBuffer()
MimeMultipartParser parser = CreateMimeMultipartParser(128, "-");
int bytesConsumed = 0;
ArraySegment<byte> out1;
ArraySegment<byte> out2;
bool isFinal;
Assert.ThrowsArgumentNull(() => { parser.ParseBuffer(null, 0, ref bytesConsumed, out out1, out out2, out isFinal); }, "buffer");
public void MultipartParserEmptyBuffer(string boundary)
byte[] data = CreateBuffer(boundary);
for (var cnt = 1; cnt <= data.Length; cnt++)
MimeMultipartParser parser = CreateMimeMultipartParser(data.Length, boundary);
int totalBytesConsumed;
List<string> bodyParts;
MimeMultipartParser.State state = ParseBufferInSteps(parser, data, cnt, out bodyParts, out totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(MimeMultipartParser.State.BodyPartCompleted, state);
Assert.Equal(data.Length, totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(2, bodyParts.Count);
Assert.Equal(0, bodyParts[0].Length);
Assert.Equal(0, bodyParts[1].Length);
public void MultipartParserSingleShortBodyPart(string boundary)
byte[] data = CreateBuffer(boundary, "A");
for (var cnt = 1; cnt <= data.Length; cnt++)
MimeMultipartParser parser = CreateMimeMultipartParser(data.Length, boundary);
int totalBytesConsumed;
List<string> bodyParts;
MimeMultipartParser.State state = ParseBufferInSteps(parser, data, cnt, out bodyParts, out totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(MimeMultipartParser.State.BodyPartCompleted, state);
Assert.Equal(data.Length, totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(2, bodyParts.Count);
Assert.Equal(0, bodyParts[0].Length);
Assert.Equal(1, bodyParts[1].Length);
Assert.Equal("A", bodyParts[1]);
public void MultipartParserMultipleShortBodyParts(string boundary)
string[] text = new string[] { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" };
byte[] data = CreateBuffer(boundary, text);
for (var cnt = 1; cnt <= data.Length; cnt++)
MimeMultipartParser parser = CreateMimeMultipartParser(data.Length, boundary);
int totalBytesConsumed;
List<string> bodyParts;
MimeMultipartParser.State state = ParseBufferInSteps(parser, data, cnt, out bodyParts, out totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(MimeMultipartParser.State.BodyPartCompleted, state);
Assert.Equal(data.Length, totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(text.Length + 1, bodyParts.Count);
Assert.Equal(0, bodyParts[0].Length);
for (var check = 0; check < text.Length; check++)
Assert.Equal(1, bodyParts[check + 1].Length);
Assert.Equal(text[check], bodyParts[check + 1]);
public void MultipartParserMultipleShortBodyPartsWithLws(string boundary)
string[] text = new string[] { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" };
byte[] data = CreateBuffer(boundary, true, text);
for (var cnt = 1; cnt <= data.Length; cnt++)
MimeMultipartParser parser = CreateMimeMultipartParser(data.Length, boundary);
int totalBytesConsumed;
List<string> bodyParts;
MimeMultipartParser.State state = ParseBufferInSteps(parser, data, cnt, out bodyParts, out totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(MimeMultipartParser.State.BodyPartCompleted, state);
Assert.Equal(data.Length, totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(text.Length + 1, bodyParts.Count);
Assert.Equal(0, bodyParts[0].Length);
for (var check = 0; check < text.Length; check++)
Assert.Equal(1, bodyParts[check + 1].Length);
Assert.Equal(text[check], bodyParts[check + 1]);
public void MultipartParserSingleLongBodyPart(string boundary)
const string text = "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789";
byte[] data = CreateBuffer(boundary, text);
for (var cnt = 1; cnt <= data.Length; cnt++)
MimeMultipartParser parser = CreateMimeMultipartParser(data.Length, boundary);
int totalBytesConsumed;
List<string> bodyParts;
MimeMultipartParser.State state = ParseBufferInSteps(parser, data, cnt, out bodyParts, out totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(MimeMultipartParser.State.BodyPartCompleted, state);
Assert.Equal(data.Length, totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(2, bodyParts.Count);
Assert.Equal(0, bodyParts[0].Length);
Assert.Equal(text.Length, bodyParts[1].Length);
Assert.Equal(text, bodyParts[1]);
public void MultipartParserMultipleLongBodyParts(string boundary)
const string middleText = "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789";
string[] text = new string[] {
"A" + middleText + "A",
"B" + middleText + "B",
"C" + middleText + "C",
"D" + middleText + "D",
"E" + middleText + "E",
"F" + middleText + "F",
"G" + middleText + "G",
"H" + middleText + "H",
"I" + middleText + "I",
"J" + middleText + "J",
"K" + middleText + "K",
"L" + middleText + "L",
"M" + middleText + "M",
"N" + middleText + "N",
"O" + middleText + "O",
"P" + middleText + "P",
"Q" + middleText + "Q",
"R" + middleText + "R",
"S" + middleText + "S",
"T" + middleText + "T",
"U" + middleText + "U",
"V" + middleText + "V",
"W" + middleText + "W",
"X" + middleText + "X",
"Y" + middleText + "Y",
"Z" + middleText + "Z"};
byte[] data = CreateBuffer(boundary, text);
for (var cnt = 1; cnt <= data.Length; cnt++)
MimeMultipartParser parser = CreateMimeMultipartParser(data.Length, boundary);
int totalBytesConsumed;
List<string> bodyParts;
MimeMultipartParser.State state = ParseBufferInSteps(parser, data, cnt, out bodyParts, out totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(MimeMultipartParser.State.BodyPartCompleted, state);
Assert.Equal(data.Length, totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(text.Length + 1, bodyParts.Count);
Assert.Equal(0, bodyParts[0].Length);
for (var check = 0; check < text.Length; check++)
Assert.Equal(text[check].Length, bodyParts[check + 1].Length);
Assert.Equal(text[check], bodyParts[check + 1]);
public void MultipartParserNearMatches(string boundary)
const string CR = "\r";
const string CRLF = "\r\n";
const string Dash = "-";
const string DashDash = "--";
string[] text = new string[] {
CR + Dash + "AAA",
CRLF + Dash + "AAA",
CRLF + DashDash + "AAA" + CR + "AAA",
"AAA" + DashDash + "AAA",
CRLF + "AAA" + DashDash + "AAA" + DashDash,
CRLF + DashDash + "AAA" + CRLF,
CRLF + DashDash + "AAA" + CRLF + CRLF,
CRLF + DashDash + "AAA" + DashDash + CRLF,
CRLF + DashDash + "AAA" + DashDash + CRLF + CRLF
byte[] data = CreateBuffer(boundary, text);
for (var cnt = 1; cnt <= data.Length; cnt++)
MimeMultipartParser parser = CreateMimeMultipartParser(data.Length, boundary);
int totalBytesConsumed;
List<string> bodyParts;
MimeMultipartParser.State state = ParseBufferInSteps(parser, data, cnt, out bodyParts, out totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(MimeMultipartParser.State.BodyPartCompleted, state);
Assert.Equal(data.Length, totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(text.Length + 1, bodyParts.Count);
Assert.Equal(0, bodyParts[0].Length);
for (var check = 0; check < text.Length; check++)
Assert.Equal(text[check].Length, bodyParts[check + 1].Length);
Assert.Equal(text[check], bodyParts[check + 1]);
public void MultipartParserNesting(string boundary)
for (var nesting = 0; nesting < 16; nesting++)
string nested = CreateNestedBuffer(nesting);
byte[] data = CreateBuffer(boundary, nested);
for (var cnt = 1; cnt <= data.Length; cnt++)
MimeMultipartParser parser = CreateMimeMultipartParser(data.Length, boundary);
int totalBytesConsumed;
List<string> bodyParts;
MimeMultipartParser.State state = ParseBufferInSteps(parser, data, cnt, out bodyParts, out totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(MimeMultipartParser.State.BodyPartCompleted, state);
Assert.Equal(data.Length, totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(2, bodyParts.Count);
Assert.Equal(0, bodyParts[0].Length);
Assert.Equal(nested.Length, bodyParts[1].Length);
public void MimeMultipartParserTestDataTooBig(string boundary)
byte[] data = CreateBuffer(boundary);
for (var cnt = 1; cnt <= data.Length; cnt++)
MimeMultipartParser parser = CreateMimeMultipartParser(ParserData.MinMessageSize, boundary);
int totalBytesConsumed;
List<string> bodyParts;
MimeMultipartParser.State state = ParseBufferInSteps(parser, data, cnt, out bodyParts, out totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(MimeMultipartParser.State.DataTooBig, state);
Assert.Equal(ParserData.MinMessageSize, totalBytesConsumed);
public void MimeMultipartParserTestMultipartContent(string boundary)
MultipartContent content = new MultipartContent("mixed", boundary);
content.Add(new StringContent("A"));
content.Add(new StringContent("B"));
content.Add(new StringContent("C"));
MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
memStream.Position = 0;
byte[] data = memStream.ToArray();
for (var cnt = 1; cnt <= data.Length; cnt++)
MimeMultipartParser parser = CreateMimeMultipartParser(data.Length, boundary);
int totalBytesConsumed;
List<string> bodyParts;
MimeMultipartParser.State state = ParseBufferInSteps(parser, data, cnt, out bodyParts, out totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(MimeMultipartParser.State.BodyPartCompleted, state);
Assert.Equal(data.Length, totalBytesConsumed);
Assert.Equal(4, bodyParts.Count);