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// TextInfoTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for the
// System.Globalization.TextInfo class
// Miguel de Icaza <miguel@ximian.com>
// Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
namespace MonoTests.System.Globalization
public class TextInfoTest {
public void TitleCase ()
TextInfo ti = new CultureInfo ("en-US", false).TextInfo;
Assert.AreEqual (" The Dog", ti.ToTitleCase (" the dog"), "#1");
Assert.AreEqual (" The Dude", ti.ToTitleCase (" The Dude"), "#2");
Assert.AreEqual ("La Guerra Yla Paz", ti.ToTitleCase ("la Guerra yLa pAz"), "#3");
Assert.AreEqual ("\tTab\tAnd\tPeace", ti.ToTitleCase ("\ttab\taNd\tpeaCE"), "#4");
Assert.AreEqual ("This_Is\uFE58A\u0095String\u06D4With\uFE33Separators", ti.ToTitleCase ("this_is\uFE58a\u0095string\u06D4with\uFE33separators"), "#5");
public void ListSeparator ()
TextInfo ti;
ti = new CultureInfo ("en-US", false).TextInfo;
Assert.AreEqual (",", ti.ListSeparator, "#1");
ti = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.TextInfo;
Assert.AreEqual (",", ti.ListSeparator, "#2");
ti = new CultureInfo ("nl-BE", false).TextInfo;
Assert.AreEqual (";", ti.ListSeparator, "#3");
public void TitleCase2 ()
foreach (CultureInfo ci in CultureInfo.GetCultures (CultureTypes.AllCultures)) {
Check (ci, "AB", "AB");
Check (ci, "ab", "Ab");
Check (ci, "aB", "Ab");
Check (ci, "1Ab", "1Ab");
Check (ci, "abc AB ab aB Ab ABc 1AB 1Ab 1ab 1aB",
"Abc AB Ab Ab Ab Abc 1AB 1Ab 1Ab 1Ab");
Check (ci, "LJ", "LJ");
Check (ci, "lj", "Lj");
Check (ci, "lJ", "Lj");
Check (ci, "lj abc ljabc", "Lj Abc Ljabc");
Check (ci, "ab", "Ab");
// Some greek titlecase characters
Check (ci, "\u01c4", "\u01c5");
Check (ci, "\u01c5", "\u01c5");
Check (ci, "\u01c6", "\u01c5");
Check (ci, "\u01ca", "\u01cb");
Check (ci, "\u01cb", "\u01cb");
Check (ci, "\u01cc", "\u01cb");
// Roman numbers are not converted unlike ToUpper().
Check (ci, "\u2170", "\u2170");
Check (ci, "\u24e9", "\u24e9");
private void Check (CultureInfo ci, string src, string expected)
Assert.AreEqual (expected, ci.TextInfo.ToTitleCase (src), src + " at culture " + ci.Name);
private void CompareProperties (TextInfo t1, TextInfo t2, bool compareReadOnly)
Assert.AreEqual (t1.ANSICodePage, t2.ANSICodePage, "ANSICodePage");
Assert.AreEqual (t1.EBCDICCodePage, t2.EBCDICCodePage, "EBCDICCodePage");
Assert.AreEqual (t1.ListSeparator, t2.ListSeparator, "ListSeparator");
Assert.AreEqual (t1.MacCodePage, t2.MacCodePage, "MacCodePage");
Assert.AreEqual (t1.OEMCodePage, t2.OEMCodePage, "OEMCodePage");
Assert.AreEqual (t1.CultureName, t2.CultureName, "CultureName");
if (compareReadOnly)
Assert.AreEqual (t1.IsReadOnly, t2.IsReadOnly, "IsReadOnly");
//FIXME Assert.AreEqual (t1.IsRightToLeft, t2.IsRightToLeft, "IsRightToLeft");
Assert.AreEqual (t1.LCID, t2.LCID, "LCID");
[Category ("NotWorking")] // OnDeserialization isn't completed
public void SerializationRoundtrip ()
TextInfo enus = new CultureInfo ("en-US").TextInfo;
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream ();
bf.Serialize (ms, enus);
ms.Position = 0;
TextInfo clone = (TextInfo) bf.Deserialize (ms);
CompareProperties (enus, clone, true);
public void Clone ()
TextInfo enus = new CultureInfo ("en-US").TextInfo;
TextInfo clone = (TextInfo) enus.Clone ();
CompareProperties (enus, clone, true);
public void Clone_ReadOnly ()
TextInfo enus = TextInfo.ReadOnly (new CultureInfo ("en-US").TextInfo);
Assert.IsTrue (enus.IsReadOnly, "IsReadOnly-1");
TextInfo clone = (TextInfo) enus.Clone ();
Assert.IsFalse (clone.IsReadOnly, "IsReadOnly-2");
CompareProperties (enus, clone, false);
// cloned item is *NOT* read-only
public void ReadOnly ()
TextInfo enus = new CultureInfo ("en-US").TextInfo;
Assert.IsFalse (enus.IsReadOnly, "IsReadOnly-1");
TextInfo ro = TextInfo.ReadOnly (enus);
Assert.IsTrue (ro.IsReadOnly, "IsReadOnly-2");
CompareProperties (enus, ro, false);
public void IsRightToLeft ()
foreach (CultureInfo ci in CultureInfo.GetCultures (CultureTypes.AllCultures)) {
switch (ci.LCID) {
case 1: // ar
case 13: // he
case 32: // ur
case 41: // fa
case 0x63: // ps
case 90: // syr
case 101: // div
case 1025: // ar-SA
case 1037: // he-IL
case 1056: // ur-PK
case 1065: // ra-IR
case 1114: // syr-SY
case 1125: // div-MV
case 2049: // ar-IQ
case 3073: // ar-EG
case 4097: // ar-LY
case 5121: // ar-DZ
case 6145: // ar-MA
case 7169: // ar-TN
case 8193: // ar-OM
case 9217: // ar-YE
case 10241: // ar-SY
case 11265: // ar-JO
case 12289: // ar-LB
case 13313: // ar-KW
case 14337: // ar-AE
case 15361: // ar-BH
case 16385: // ar-QA
case 0x463: // ps-AF
Assert.IsTrue (ci.TextInfo.IsRightToLeft, ci.Name);
Assert.IsFalse (ci.TextInfo.IsRightToLeft, ci.Name);
public void Deserialization ()
TextInfo ti = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo;
IDeserializationCallback dc = (ti as IDeserializationCallback);
dc.OnDeserialization (null);