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// System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager
// Authors:
// Chris Toshok (toshok@ximian.com)
// Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@novell.com)
// Marek Habersack (mhabersack@novell.com)
// (C) 2006-2009 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
using System.CodeDom;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Caching;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Web.Hosting;
using System.Web.Util;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
namespace System.Web.Compilation
public sealed class BuildManager
internal const string FAKE_VIRTUAL_PATH_PREFIX = "/@@MonoFakeVirtualPath@@";
const string BUILD_MANAGER_VIRTUAL_PATH_CACHE_PREFIX = "@@Build_Manager@@";
static readonly object bigCompilationLock = new object ();
static readonly object virtualPathsToIgnoreLock = new object ();
static readonly char[] virtualPathsToIgnoreSplitChars = {','};
static EventHandlerList events = new EventHandlerList ();
static object buildManagerRemoveEntryEvent = new object ();
static bool hosted;
static Dictionary <string, bool> virtualPathsToIgnore;
static bool virtualPathsToIgnoreChecked;
static bool haveVirtualPathsToIgnore;
static List <Assembly> AppCode_Assemblies = new List<Assembly>();
static List <Assembly> TopLevel_Assemblies = new List<Assembly>();
static Dictionary <Type, CodeDomProvider> codeDomProviders;
static Dictionary <string, BuildManagerCacheItem> buildCache;
static List <Assembly> referencedAssemblies;
static List <Assembly> configReferencedAssemblies;
static bool getReferencedAssembliesInvoked;
static int buildCount;
static bool is_precompiled;
static bool allowReferencedAssembliesCaching;
static List <Assembly> dynamicallyRegisteredAssemblies;
static bool? batchCompilationEnabled;
static FrameworkName targetFramework;
static bool preStartMethodsDone;
static bool preStartMethodsRunning;
//static bool updatable; unused
static Dictionary<string, PreCompilationData> precompiled;
// This is here _only_ for the purpose of unit tests!
internal static bool suppressDebugModeMessages;
// See comment for the cacheLock field at top of System.Web.Caching/Cache.cs
static ReaderWriterLockSlim buildCacheLock;
static ulong recursionDepth;
internal static bool AllowReferencedAssembliesCaching {
get { return allowReferencedAssembliesCaching; }
set { allowReferencedAssembliesCaching = value; }
internal static bool IsPrecompiled {
get { return is_precompiled; }
internal static event BuildManagerRemoveEntryEventHandler RemoveEntry {
add { events.AddHandler (buildManagerRemoveEntryEvent, value); }
remove { events.RemoveHandler (buildManagerRemoveEntryEvent, value); }
internal static bool CompilingTopLevelAssemblies {
get; set;
internal static bool PreStartMethodsRunning {
get { return preStartMethodsRunning; }
public static bool? BatchCompilationEnabled {
get { return batchCompilationEnabled; }
set {
if (preStartMethodsDone)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("This method cannot be called after the application's pre-start initialization stage.");
batchCompilationEnabled = value;
public static FrameworkName TargetFramework {
get {
if (targetFramework == null) {
CompilationSection cs = CompilationConfig;
string framework;
if (cs == null)
framework = null;
framework = cs.TargetFramework;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (framework))
targetFramework = new FrameworkName (".NETFramework,Version=v4.0");
targetFramework = new FrameworkName (framework);
return targetFramework;
internal static bool BatchMode {
get {
if (batchCompilationEnabled != null)
return (bool)batchCompilationEnabled;
if (!hosted)
return false; // Fix for bug #380985
CompilationSection cs = CompilationConfig;
if (cs == null)
return true;
return cs.Batch;
// Assemblies built from the App_Code directory
public static IList CodeAssemblies {
get { return AppCode_Assemblies; }
internal static CompilationSection CompilationConfig {
get { return WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection ("system.web/compilation") as CompilationSection; }
internal static bool HaveResources {
get; set;
internal static IList TopLevelAssemblies {
get { return TopLevel_Assemblies; }
static BuildManager ()
hosted = (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData (ApplicationHost.MonoHostedDataKey) as string) == "yes";
buildCache = new Dictionary <string, BuildManagerCacheItem> (RuntimeHelpers.StringEqualityComparer);
buildCacheLock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim ();
referencedAssemblies = new List <Assembly> ();
recursionDepth = 0;
string appPath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath;
string precomp_name = null;
is_precompiled = String.IsNullOrEmpty (appPath) ? false : File.Exists ((precomp_name = Path.Combine (appPath, "PrecompiledApp.config")));
if (is_precompiled)
is_precompiled = LoadPrecompilationInfo (precomp_name);
internal static void AssertPreStartMethodsRunning ()
if (!BuildManager.PreStartMethodsRunning)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("This method must be called during the application's pre-start initialization stage.");
// Deal with precompiled sites deployed in a different virtual path
static void FixVirtualPaths ()
if (precompiled == null)
string [] parts;
int skip = -1;
string appVirtualRoot = VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash (HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath);
foreach (string vpath in precompiled.Keys) {
parts = vpath.Split ('/');
for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++) {
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (parts [i]))
// The path must be rooted, otherwise PhysicalPath returned
// below will be relative to the current request path and
// File.Exists will return a false negative. See bug #546053
string test_path = appVirtualRoot + String.Join ("/", parts, i, parts.Length - i);
VirtualPath result = GetAbsoluteVirtualPath (test_path);
if (result != null && File.Exists (result.PhysicalPath)) {
skip = i - 1;
string app_vpath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath;
if (skip == -1 || (skip == 0 && app_vpath == "/"))
if (!app_vpath.EndsWith ("/"))
app_vpath = app_vpath + "/";
Dictionary<string, PreCompilationData> copy = new Dictionary<string, PreCompilationData> (precompiled);
precompiled.Clear ();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string,PreCompilationData> entry in copy) {
parts = entry.Key.Split ('/');
string new_path;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (parts [0]))
new_path = app_vpath + String.Join ("/", parts, skip + 1, parts.Length - skip - 1);
new_path = app_vpath + String.Join ("/", parts, skip, parts.Length - skip);
entry.Value.VirtualPath = new_path;
precompiled.Add (new_path, entry.Value);
static bool LoadPrecompilationInfo (string precomp_config)
using (XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader (precomp_config)) {
reader.MoveToContent ();
if (reader.Name != "precompiledApp")
return false;
/* unused
if (reader.HasAttributes)
while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ())
if (reader.Name == "updatable") {
updatable = (reader.Value == "true");
string [] compiled = Directory.GetFiles (HttpRuntime.BinDirectory, "*.compiled");
foreach (string str in compiled)
LoadCompiled (str);
FixVirtualPaths ();
return true;
static void LoadCompiled (string filename)
using (XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader (filename)) {
reader.MoveToContent ();
if (reader.Name == "preserve" && reader.HasAttributes) {
reader.MoveToNextAttribute ();
string val = reader.Value;
// 1 -> app_code subfolder - add the assembly to CodeAssemblies
// 2 -> ashx
// 3 -> ascx, aspx
// 6 -> app_code - add the assembly to CodeAssemblies
// 8 -> global.asax
// 9 -> App_GlobalResources - set the assembly for HttpContext
if (reader.Name == "resultType" && (val == "2" || val == "3" || val == "8"))
LoadPageData (reader, true);
else if (val == "1" || val == "6") {
PreCompilationData pd = LoadPageData (reader, false);
CodeAssemblies.Add (Assembly.Load (pd.AssemblyFileName));
} else if (val == "9") {
PreCompilationData pd = LoadPageData (reader, false);
HttpContext.AppGlobalResourcesAssembly = Assembly.Load (pd.AssemblyFileName);
class PreCompilationData {
public string VirtualPath;
public string AssemblyFileName;
public string TypeName;
public Type Type;
static PreCompilationData LoadPageData (XmlTextReader reader, bool store)
PreCompilationData pc_data = new PreCompilationData ();
while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) {
string name = reader.Name;
if (name == "virtualPath")
pc_data.VirtualPath = VirtualPathUtility.RemoveTrailingSlash (reader.Value);
else if (name == "assembly")
pc_data.AssemblyFileName = reader.Value;
else if (name == "type")
pc_data.TypeName = reader.Value;
if (store) {
if (precompiled == null)
precompiled = new Dictionary<string, PreCompilationData> (RuntimeHelpers.StringEqualityComparerCulture);
precompiled.Add (pc_data.VirtualPath, pc_data);
return pc_data;
static void AddAssembly (Assembly asm, List <Assembly> al)
if (al.Contains (asm))
al.Add (asm);
static void AddPathToIgnore (string vp)
if (virtualPathsToIgnore == null)
virtualPathsToIgnore = new Dictionary <string, bool> (RuntimeHelpers.StringEqualityComparerCulture);
VirtualPath path = GetAbsoluteVirtualPath (vp);
string vpAbsolute = path.Absolute;
if (!virtualPathsToIgnore.ContainsKey (vpAbsolute)) {
virtualPathsToIgnore.Add (vpAbsolute, true);
haveVirtualPathsToIgnore = true;
string vpRelative = path.AppRelative;
if (!virtualPathsToIgnore.ContainsKey (vpRelative)) {
virtualPathsToIgnore.Add (vpRelative, true);
haveVirtualPathsToIgnore = true;
if (!virtualPathsToIgnore.ContainsKey (vp)) {
virtualPathsToIgnore.Add (vp, true);
haveVirtualPathsToIgnore = true;
internal static void AddToReferencedAssemblies (Assembly asm)
// should not be used
static void AssertVirtualPathExists (VirtualPath virtualPath)
string realpath;
bool dothrow = false;
if (virtualPath.IsFake) {
realpath = virtualPath.PhysicalPath;
if (!File.Exists (realpath) && !Directory.Exists (realpath))
dothrow = true;
} else {
VirtualPathProvider vpp = HostingEnvironment.VirtualPathProvider;
string vpAbsolute = virtualPath.Absolute;
if (!vpp.FileExists (vpAbsolute) && !vpp.DirectoryExists (vpAbsolute))
dothrow = true;
if (dothrow)
throw new HttpException (404, "The file '" + virtualPath + "' does not exist.", virtualPath.Absolute);
static void Build (VirtualPath vp)
AssertVirtualPathExists (vp);
CompilationSection cs = CompilationConfig;
lock (bigCompilationLock) {
bool entryExists;
if (HasCachedItemNoLock (vp.Absolute, out entryExists))
if (recursionDepth == 0)
referencedAssemblies.Clear ();
try {
BuildInner (vp, cs != null ? cs.Debug : false);
if (entryExists && recursionDepth <= 1)
// We count only update builds - first time a file
// (or a batch) is built doesn't count.
} finally {
// See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/319947
if (buildCount > cs.NumRecompilesBeforeAppRestart)
HttpRuntime.UnloadAppDomain ();
// This method assumes it is being called with the big compilation lock held
static void BuildInner (VirtualPath vp, bool debug)
var builder = new BuildManagerDirectoryBuilder (vp);
bool recursive = recursionDepth > 1;
List <BuildProviderGroup> builderGroups = builder.Build (IsSingleBuild (vp, recursive));
if (builderGroups == null)
string vpabsolute = vp.Absolute;
int buildHash = (vpabsolute.GetHashCode () | (int)DateTime.Now.Ticks) + (int)recursionDepth;
string assemblyBaseName;
AssemblyBuilder abuilder;
CompilerType ct;
int attempts;
bool singleBuild, needMainVpBuild;
CompilationException compilationError;
// Each group becomes a separate assembly.
foreach (BuildProviderGroup group in builderGroups) {
needMainVpBuild = false;
compilationError = null;
assemblyBaseName = null;
if (group.Count == 1) {
if (recursive || !group.Master)
assemblyBaseName = String.Format ("{0}_{1}.{2:x}.", group.NamePrefix, VirtualPathUtility.GetFileName (group [0].VirtualPath), buildHash);
singleBuild = true;
} else
singleBuild = false;
if (assemblyBaseName == null)
assemblyBaseName = group.NamePrefix + "_";
ct = group.CompilerType;
attempts = 3;
while (attempts > 0) {
abuilder = new AssemblyBuilder (vp, CreateDomProvider (ct), assemblyBaseName);
abuilder.CompilerOptions = ct.CompilerParameters;
abuilder.AddAssemblyReference (GetReferencedAssemblies () as List <Assembly>);
try {
GenerateAssembly (abuilder, group, vp, debug);
attempts = 0;
} catch (CompilationException ex) {
if (singleBuild)
throw new HttpException ("Single file build failed.", ex);
if (attempts == 0) {
needMainVpBuild = true;
compilationError = ex;
CompilerResults results = ex.Results;
if (results == null)
throw new HttpException ("No results returned from failed compilation.", ex);
RemoveFailedAssemblies (vpabsolute, ex, abuilder, group, results, debug);
if (needMainVpBuild) {
// One last attempt - try to build just the requested path
// if it's not built yet or just return without throwing the
// exception if it has already been built.
if (HasCachedItemNoLock (vpabsolute)) {
if (debug)
DescribeCompilationError ("Path '{0}' built successfully, but a compilation exception has been thrown for other files:",
compilationError, vpabsolute);
// This will trigger a recursive build of the requested vp,
// which means only the vp alone will be built (or not);
Build (vp);
if (HasCachedItemNoLock (vpabsolute)) {
if (debug)
DescribeCompilationError ("Path '{0}' built successfully, but a compilation exception has been thrown for other files:",
compilationError, vpabsolute);
// In theory this code is unreachable. If the recursive
// build of the main vp failed, then it should have thrown
// the build exception.
throw new HttpException ("Requested virtual path build failed.", compilationError);
static CodeDomProvider CreateDomProvider (CompilerType ct)
if (codeDomProviders == null)
codeDomProviders = new Dictionary <Type, CodeDomProvider> ();
Type type = ct.CodeDomProviderType;
if (type == null) {
CompilationSection cs = CompilationConfig;
CompilerType tmp = GetDefaultCompilerTypeForLanguage (cs.DefaultLanguage, cs);
if (tmp != null)
type = tmp.CodeDomProviderType;
if (type == null)
return null;
CodeDomProvider ret;
if (codeDomProviders.TryGetValue (type, out ret))
return ret;
ret = Activator.CreateInstance (type) as CodeDomProvider;
if (ret == null)
return null;
codeDomProviders.Add (type, ret);
return ret;
internal static void CallPreStartMethods ()
if (preStartMethodsDone)
preStartMethodsRunning = true;
MethodInfo mi = null;
try {
List <MethodInfo> methods = LoadPreStartMethodsFromAssemblies (GetReferencedAssemblies () as List <Assembly>);
if (methods == null || methods.Count == 0)
foreach (MethodInfo m in methods) {
mi = m;
m.Invoke (null, null);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new HttpException (
String.Format ("The pre-application start initialization method {0} on type {1} threw an exception with the following error message: {2}",
mi != null ? mi.Name : "UNKNOWN",
mi != null ? mi.DeclaringType.FullName : "UNKNOWN",
} finally {
preStartMethodsRunning = false;
preStartMethodsDone = true;
static List <MethodInfo> LoadPreStartMethodsFromAssemblies (List <Assembly> assemblies)
if (assemblies == null || assemblies.Count == 0)
return null;
var ret = new List <MethodInfo> ();
object[] attributes;
Type type;
PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute attr;
foreach (Assembly asm in assemblies) {
try {
attributes = asm.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute), false);
if (attributes == null || attributes.Length == 0)
attr = attributes [0] as PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute;
type = attr.Type;
if (type == null)
} catch {
MethodInfo mi;
Exception error = null;
try {
if (type.IsPublic)
mi = type.GetMethod (attr.MethodName, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, null, new Type[] {}, null);
mi = null;
} catch (Exception ex) {
error = ex;
mi = null;
if (mi == null)
throw new HttpException (
String.Format (
"The method specified by the PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute on assembly '{0}' cannot be resolved. Type: '{1}', MethodName: '{2}'. Verify that the type is public and the method is public and static (Shared in Visual Basic).",
ret.Add (mi);
return ret;
public static Type GetGlobalAsaxType ()
Type ret = HttpApplicationFactory.AppType;
if (ret == null)
return typeof (HttpApplication);
return ret;
public static Stream CreateCachedFile (string fileName)
if (fileName != null && (fileName == String.Empty || fileName.IndexOf (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) != -1))
throw new ArgumentException ("Value does not fall within the expected range.");
string path = Path.Combine (HttpRuntime.CodegenDir, fileName);
return new FileStream (path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
public static Stream ReadCachedFile (string fileName)
if (fileName != null && (fileName == String.Empty || fileName.IndexOf (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) != -1))
throw new ArgumentException ("Value does not fall within the expected range.");
string path = Path.Combine (HttpRuntime.CodegenDir, fileName);
if (!File.Exists (path))
return null;
return new FileStream (path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None);
[MonoDocumentationNote ("Fully implemented but no info on application pre-init stage is available yet.")]
public static void AddReferencedAssembly (Assembly assembly)
if (assembly == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("assembly");
if (preStartMethodsDone)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("This method cannot be called after the application's pre-start initialization stage.");
if (dynamicallyRegisteredAssemblies == null)
dynamicallyRegisteredAssemblies = new List <Assembly> ();
if (!dynamicallyRegisteredAssemblies.Contains (assembly))
dynamicallyRegisteredAssemblies.Add (assembly);
[MonoDocumentationNote ("Not used by Mono internally. Needed for MVC3")]
public static IWebObjectFactory GetObjectFactory (string virtualPath, bool throwIfNotFound)
if (CompilingTopLevelAssemblies)
throw new HttpException ("Method must not be called while compiling the top level assemblies.");
Type type;
if (is_precompiled) {
type = GetPrecompiledType (virtualPath);
if (type == null) {
if (throwIfNotFound)
throw new HttpException (String.Format ("Virtual path '{0}' not found in precompiled application type cache.", virtualPath));
return null;
return new SimpleWebObjectFactory (type);
Exception compileException = null;
try {
type = GetCompiledType (virtualPath);
} catch (Exception ex) {
compileException = ex;
type = null;
if (type == null) {
if (throwIfNotFound)
throw new HttpException (String.Format ("Virtual path '{0}' does not exist.", virtualPath), compileException);
return null;
return new SimpleWebObjectFactory (type);
public static object CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath (string virtualPath, Type requiredBaseType)
return CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath (GetAbsoluteVirtualPath (virtualPath), requiredBaseType);
internal static object CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath (VirtualPath virtualPath, Type requiredBaseType)
if (requiredBaseType == null)
throw new NullReferenceException (); // This is what MS does, but
// from somewhere else.
Type type = GetCompiledType (virtualPath);
if (type == null)
return null;
if (!requiredBaseType.IsAssignableFrom (type))
throw new HttpException (500,
String.Format ("Type '{0}' does not inherit from '{1}'.", type.FullName, requiredBaseType.FullName));
return Activator.CreateInstance (type, null);
static void DescribeCompilationError (string format, CompilationException ex, params object[] parms)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
string newline = Environment.NewLine;
if (parms != null)
sb.AppendFormat (format + newline, parms);
sb.Append (format + newline);
CompilerResults results = ex != null ? ex.Results : null;
if (results == null)
sb.Append ("No compiler error information present." + newline);
else {
sb.Append ("Compiler errors:" + newline);
foreach (CompilerError error in results.Errors)
sb.Append (" " + error.ToString () + newline);
if (ex != null) {
sb.Append (newline + "Exception thrown:" + newline);
sb.Append (ex.ToString ());
ShowDebugModeMessage (sb.ToString ());
static BuildProvider FindBuildProviderForPhysicalPath (string path, BuildProviderGroup group, HttpRequest req)
if (req == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty (path))
return null;
foreach (BuildProvider bp in group) {
if (String.Compare (path, req.MapPath (bp.VirtualPath), RuntimeHelpers.StringComparison) == 0)
return bp;
return null;
static void GenerateAssembly (AssemblyBuilder abuilder, BuildProviderGroup group, VirtualPath vp, bool debug)
IDictionary <string, bool> deps;
BuildManagerCacheItem bmci;
string bvp, vpabsolute = vp.Absolute;
StringBuilder sb;
string newline;
int failedCount = 0;
if (debug) {
newline = Environment.NewLine;
sb = new StringBuilder ("Code generation for certain virtual paths in a batch failed. Those files have been removed from the batch." + newline);
sb.Append ("Since you're running in debug mode, here's some more information about the error:" + newline);
} else {
newline = null;
sb = null;
List <BuildProvider> failedBuildProviders = null;
StringComparison stringComparison = RuntimeHelpers.StringComparison;
foreach (BuildProvider bp in group) {
bvp = bp.VirtualPath;
if (HasCachedItemNoLock (bvp))
try {
bp.GenerateCode (abuilder);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (String.Compare (bvp, vpabsolute, stringComparison) == 0) {
if (ex is CompilationException || ex is ParseException)
throw new HttpException ("Code generation failed.", ex);
if (failedBuildProviders == null)
failedBuildProviders = new List <BuildProvider> ();
failedBuildProviders.Add (bp);
if (sb != null) {
if (failedCount > 1)
sb.Append (newline);
sb.AppendFormat ("Failed file virtual path: {0}; Exception: {1}{2}{1}", bp.VirtualPath, newline, ex);
deps = bp.ExtractDependencies ();
if (deps != null) {
foreach (var dep in deps) {
bmci = GetCachedItemNoLock (dep.Key);
if (bmci == null || bmci.BuiltAssembly == null)
abuilder.AddAssemblyReference (bmci.BuiltAssembly);
if (sb != null && failedCount > 0)
ShowDebugModeMessage (sb.ToString ());
if (failedBuildProviders != null) {
foreach (BuildProvider bp in failedBuildProviders)
group.Remove (bp);
foreach (Assembly asm in referencedAssemblies) {
if (asm == null)
abuilder.AddAssemblyReference (asm);
CompilerResults results = abuilder.BuildAssembly (vp);
// No results is not an error - it is possible that the assembly builder contained only .asmx and
// .ashx files which had no body, just the directive. In such case, no code unit or code file is added
// to the assembly builder and, in effect, no assembly is produced but there are STILL types that need
// to be added to the cache.
Assembly compiledAssembly = results != null ? results.CompiledAssembly : null;
try {
buildCacheLock.EnterWriteLock ();
if (compiledAssembly != null)
referencedAssemblies.Add (compiledAssembly);
foreach (BuildProvider bp in group) {
if (HasCachedItemNoLock (bp.VirtualPath))
StoreInCache (bp, compiledAssembly, results);
} finally {
buildCacheLock.ExitWriteLock ();
static VirtualPath GetAbsoluteVirtualPath (string virtualPath)
string vp;
if (!VirtualPathUtility.IsRooted (virtualPath)) {
HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current;
HttpRequest req = ctx != null ? ctx.Request : null;
if (req != null) {
string fileDir = req.FilePath;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (fileDir) && String.Compare (fileDir, "/", StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0)
fileDir = VirtualPathUtility.GetDirectory (fileDir);
fileDir = "/";
vp = VirtualPathUtility.Combine (fileDir, virtualPath);
} else
throw new HttpException ("No context, cannot map paths.");
} else
vp = virtualPath;
return new VirtualPath (vp);
[MonoTODO ("Not implemented, always returns null")]
public static BuildDependencySet GetCachedBuildDependencySet (HttpContext context, string virtualPath)
return null; // null is ok here until we store the dependency set in the Cache.
[MonoTODO ("Not implemented, always returns null")]
public static BuildDependencySet GetCachedBuildDependencySet (HttpContext context, string virtualPath, bool ensureIsUpToDate)
return null; // null is ok here until we store the dependency set in the Cache.
static BuildManagerCacheItem GetCachedItem (string vp)
try {
buildCacheLock.EnterReadLock ();
return GetCachedItemNoLock (vp);
} finally {
buildCacheLock.ExitReadLock ();
static BuildManagerCacheItem GetCachedItemNoLock (string vp)
BuildManagerCacheItem ret;
if (buildCache.TryGetValue (vp, out ret))
return ret;
return null;
internal static Type GetCodeDomProviderType (BuildProvider provider)
CompilerType codeCompilerType;
Type codeDomProviderType = null;
codeCompilerType = provider.CodeCompilerType;
if (codeCompilerType != null)
codeDomProviderType = codeCompilerType.CodeDomProviderType;
if (codeDomProviderType == null)
throw new HttpException (String.Concat ("Provider '", provider, " 'fails to specify the compiler type."));
return codeDomProviderType;
static Type GetPrecompiledType (string virtualPath)
if (precompiled == null || precompiled.Count == 0)
return null;
PreCompilationData pc_data;
var vp = new VirtualPath (virtualPath);
if (!precompiled.TryGetValue (vp.Absolute, out pc_data))
if (!precompiled.TryGetValue (virtualPath, out pc_data))
return null;
if (pc_data.Type == null)
pc_data.Type = Type.GetType (pc_data.TypeName + ", " + pc_data.AssemblyFileName, true);
return pc_data.Type;
internal static Type GetPrecompiledApplicationType ()
if (!is_precompiled)
return null;
string appVp = VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash (HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath);
Type apptype = GetPrecompiledType (VirtualPathUtility.Combine (appVp, "global.asax"));
if (apptype == null)
apptype = GetPrecompiledType (VirtualPathUtility.Combine (appVp, "Global.asax"));
return apptype;
public static Assembly GetCompiledAssembly (string virtualPath)
return GetCompiledAssembly (GetAbsoluteVirtualPath (virtualPath));
internal static Assembly GetCompiledAssembly (VirtualPath virtualPath)
string vpabsolute = virtualPath.Absolute;
if (is_precompiled) {
Type type = GetPrecompiledType (vpabsolute);
if (type != null)
return type.Assembly;
BuildManagerCacheItem bmci = GetCachedItem (vpabsolute);
if (bmci != null)
return bmci.BuiltAssembly;
Build (virtualPath);
bmci = GetCachedItem (vpabsolute);
if (bmci != null)
return bmci.BuiltAssembly;
return null;
public static Type GetCompiledType (string virtualPath)
return GetCompiledType (GetAbsoluteVirtualPath (virtualPath));
internal static Type GetCompiledType (VirtualPath virtualPath)
string vpabsolute = virtualPath.Absolute;
if (is_precompiled) {
Type type = GetPrecompiledType (vpabsolute);
if (type != null)
return type;
BuildManagerCacheItem bmci = GetCachedItem (vpabsolute);
if (bmci != null) {
ReferenceAssemblyInCompilation (bmci);
return bmci.Type;
Build (virtualPath);
bmci = GetCachedItem (vpabsolute);
if (bmci != null) {
ReferenceAssemblyInCompilation (bmci);
return bmci.Type;
return null;
public static string GetCompiledCustomString (string virtualPath)
return GetCompiledCustomString (GetAbsoluteVirtualPath (virtualPath));
internal static string GetCompiledCustomString (VirtualPath virtualPath)
string vpabsolute = virtualPath.Absolute;
BuildManagerCacheItem bmci = GetCachedItem (vpabsolute);
if (bmci != null)
return bmci.CompiledCustomString;
Build (virtualPath);
bmci = GetCachedItem (vpabsolute);
if (bmci != null)
return bmci.CompiledCustomString;
return null;
internal static CompilerType GetDefaultCompilerTypeForLanguage (string language, CompilationSection configSection)
return GetDefaultCompilerTypeForLanguage (language, configSection, true);
internal static CompilerType GetDefaultCompilerTypeForLanguage (string language, CompilationSection configSection, bool throwOnMissing)
// MS throws when accesing a Hashtable, we do here.
if (language == null || language.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("language");
CompilationSection config;
if (configSection == null)
config = WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection ("system.web/compilation") as CompilationSection;
config = configSection;
Compiler compiler = config.Compilers.Get (language);
CompilerParameters p;
Type type;
if (compiler != null) {
type = HttpApplication.LoadType (compiler.Type, true);
p = new CompilerParameters ();
p.CompilerOptions = compiler.CompilerOptions;
p.WarningLevel = compiler.WarningLevel;
SetCommonParameters (config, p, type, language);
return new CompilerType (type, p);
if (CodeDomProvider.IsDefinedLanguage (language)) {
CompilerInfo info = CodeDomProvider.GetCompilerInfo (language);
p = info.CreateDefaultCompilerParameters ();
type = info.CodeDomProviderType;
SetCommonParameters (config, p, type, language);
return new CompilerType (type, p);
if (throwOnMissing)
throw new HttpException (String.Concat ("No compiler for language '", language, "'."));
return null;
public static ICollection GetReferencedAssemblies ()
if (getReferencedAssembliesInvoked)
return configReferencedAssemblies;
if (allowReferencedAssembliesCaching)
getReferencedAssembliesInvoked = true;
if (configReferencedAssemblies == null)
configReferencedAssemblies = new List <Assembly> ();
else if (getReferencedAssembliesInvoked)
configReferencedAssemblies.Clear ();
CompilationSection compConfig = WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection ("system.web/compilation") as CompilationSection;
if (compConfig == null)
return configReferencedAssemblies;
bool addAssembliesInBin = false;
foreach (AssemblyInfo info in compConfig.Assemblies) {
if (info.Assembly == "*")
addAssembliesInBin = is_precompiled ? false : true;
LoadAssembly (info, configReferencedAssemblies);
foreach (Assembly topLevelAssembly in TopLevelAssemblies)
configReferencedAssemblies.Add (topLevelAssembly);
foreach (string assLocation in WebConfigurationManager.ExtraAssemblies)
LoadAssembly (assLocation, configReferencedAssemblies);
if (dynamicallyRegisteredAssemblies != null)
foreach (Assembly registeredAssembly in dynamicallyRegisteredAssemblies)
configReferencedAssemblies.Add (registeredAssembly);
// Precompiled sites unconditionally load all assemblies from bin/ (fix for
// bug #502016)
if (is_precompiled || addAssembliesInBin) {
foreach (string s in HttpApplication.BinDirectoryAssemblies) {
try {
LoadAssembly (s, configReferencedAssemblies);
} catch (BadImageFormatException) {
// ignore silently
return configReferencedAssemblies;
// The 2 GetType() overloads work on the global.asax, App_GlobalResources, App_WebReferences or App_Browsers
public static Type GetType (string typeName, bool throwOnError)
return GetType (typeName, throwOnError, false);
public static Type GetType (string typeName, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (typeName))
throw new HttpException ("Type name must not be empty.");
Type ret = null;
Exception ex = null;
try {
string wantedAsmName;
string wantedTypeName;
int comma = typeName.IndexOf (',');
if (comma > 0 && comma < typeName.Length - 1) {
var aname = new AssemblyName (typeName.Substring (comma + 1));
wantedAsmName = aname.ToString ();
wantedTypeName = typeName.Substring (0, comma);
} else {
wantedAsmName = null;
wantedTypeName = typeName;
var assemblies = new List <Assembly> ();
assemblies.AddRange (BuildManager.GetReferencedAssemblies () as List <Assembly>);
assemblies.AddRange (TopLevel_Assemblies);
Type appType = HttpApplicationFactory.AppType;
if (appType != null)
assemblies.Add (appType.Assembly);
foreach (Assembly asm in assemblies) {
if (asm == null)
if (wantedAsmName != null) {
// So dumb...
if (String.Compare (wantedAsmName, asm.GetName ().ToString (), StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) {
ret = asm.GetType (wantedTypeName, throwOnError, ignoreCase);
if (ret != null)
return ret;
ret = asm.GetType (wantedTypeName, false, ignoreCase);
if (ret != null)
return ret;
} catch (Exception e) {
ex = e;
if (throwOnError)
throw new HttpException ("Failed to find the specified type.", ex);
return null;
public static ICollection GetVirtualPathDependencies (string virtualPath)
return GetVirtualPathDependencies (virtualPath, null);
internal static ICollection GetVirtualPathDependencies (string virtualPath, BuildProvider bprovider)
BuildProvider provider = bprovider;
if (provider == null) {
CompilationSection cs = CompilationConfig;
if (cs == null)
return null;
provider = BuildManagerDirectoryBuilder.GetBuildProvider (virtualPath, cs.BuildProviders);
if (provider == null)
return null;
IDictionary <string, bool> deps = provider.ExtractDependencies ();
if (deps == null)
return null;
return (ICollection)deps.Keys;
internal static bool HasCachedItemNoLock (string vp, out bool entryExists)
BuildManagerCacheItem item;
if (buildCache.TryGetValue (vp, out item)) {
entryExists = true;
return item != null;
entryExists = false;
return false;
internal static bool HasCachedItemNoLock (string vp)
bool dummy;
return HasCachedItemNoLock (vp, out dummy);
internal static bool IgnoreVirtualPath (string virtualPath)
if (!virtualPathsToIgnoreChecked) {
lock (virtualPathsToIgnoreLock) {
if (!virtualPathsToIgnoreChecked)
LoadVirtualPathsToIgnore ();
virtualPathsToIgnoreChecked = true;
if (!haveVirtualPathsToIgnore)
return false;
if (virtualPathsToIgnore.ContainsKey (virtualPath))
return true;
return false;
static bool IsSingleBuild (VirtualPath vp, bool recursive)
if (String.Compare (vp.AppRelative, "~/global.asax", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
return true;
if (!BatchMode)
return true;
return recursive;
static void LoadAssembly (string path, List <Assembly> al)
AddAssembly (Assembly.LoadFrom (path), al);
static void LoadAssembly (AssemblyInfo info, List <Assembly> al)
AddAssembly (Assembly.Load (info.Assembly), al);
static void LoadVirtualPathsToIgnore ()
NameValueCollection appSettings = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
if (appSettings == null)
string pathsFromConfig = appSettings ["MonoAspnetBatchCompileIgnorePaths"];
string pathsFromFile = appSettings ["MonoAspnetBatchCompileIgnoreFromFile"];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (pathsFromConfig)) {
string[] paths = pathsFromConfig.Split (virtualPathsToIgnoreSplitChars);
string path;
foreach (string p in paths) {
path = p.Trim ();
if (path.Length == 0)
AddPathToIgnore (path);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (pathsFromFile)) {
string realpath;
HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current;
HttpRequest req = ctx != null ? ctx.Request : null;
if (req == null)
throw new HttpException ("Missing context, cannot continue.");
realpath = req.MapPath (pathsFromFile);
if (!File.Exists (realpath))
string[] paths = File.ReadAllLines (realpath);
if (paths == null || paths.Length == 0)
string path;
foreach (string p in paths) {
path = p.Trim ();
if (path.Length == 0)
AddPathToIgnore (path);
static void OnEntryRemoved (string vp)
BuildManagerRemoveEntryEventHandler eh = events [buildManagerRemoveEntryEvent] as BuildManagerRemoveEntryEventHandler;
if (eh != null)
eh (new BuildManagerRemoveEntryEventArgs (vp, HttpContext.Current));
static void OnVirtualPathChanged (string key, object value, CacheItemRemovedReason removedReason)
string virtualPath;
try {
buildCacheLock.EnterWriteLock ();
if (HasCachedItemNoLock (virtualPath)) {
buildCache [virtualPath] = null;
OnEntryRemoved (virtualPath);
} finally {
buildCacheLock.ExitWriteLock ();
static void ReferenceAssemblyInCompilation (BuildManagerCacheItem bmci)
if (recursionDepth == 0 || referencedAssemblies.Contains (bmci.BuiltAssembly))
referencedAssemblies.Add (bmci.BuiltAssembly);
static void RemoveFailedAssemblies (string requestedVirtualPath, CompilationException ex, AssemblyBuilder abuilder,
BuildProviderGroup group, CompilerResults results, bool debug)
StringBuilder sb;
string newline;
if (debug) {
newline = Environment.NewLine;
sb = new StringBuilder ("Compilation of certain files in a batch failed. Another attempt to compile the batch will be made." + newline);
sb.Append ("Since you're running in debug mode, here's some more information about the error:" + newline);
} else {
newline = null;
sb = null;
var failedBuildProviders = new List <BuildProvider> ();
BuildProvider bp;
HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current;
HttpRequest req = ctx != null ? ctx.Request : null;
bool rethrow = false;
foreach (CompilerError error in results.Errors) {
if (error.IsWarning)
bp = abuilder.GetBuildProviderForPhysicalFilePath (error.FileName);
if (bp == null) {
bp = FindBuildProviderForPhysicalPath (error.FileName, group, req);
if (bp == null)
if (String.Compare (bp.VirtualPath, requestedVirtualPath, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
rethrow = true;
if (!failedBuildProviders.Contains (bp)) {
failedBuildProviders.Add (bp);
if (sb != null)
sb.AppendFormat ("\t{0}{1}", bp.VirtualPath, newline);
if (sb != null)
sb.AppendFormat ("\t\t{0}{1}", error, newline);
foreach (BuildProvider fbp in failedBuildProviders)
group.Remove (fbp);
if (sb != null) {
sb.AppendFormat ("{0}The following exception has been thrown for the file(s) listed above:{0}{1}",
newline, ex.ToString ());
ShowDebugModeMessage (sb.ToString ());
sb = null;
if (rethrow)
throw new HttpException ("Compilation failed.", ex);
static void SetCommonParameters (CompilationSection config, CompilerParameters p, Type compilerType, string language)
p.IncludeDebugInformation = config.Debug;
MonoSettingsSection mss = WebConfigurationManager.GetSection ("system.web/monoSettings") as MonoSettingsSection;
if (mss == null || !mss.UseCompilersCompatibility)
Compiler compiler = mss.CompilersCompatibility.Get (language);
if (compiler == null)
Type type = HttpApplication.LoadType (compiler.Type, false);
if (type != compilerType)
p.CompilerOptions = String.Concat (p.CompilerOptions, " ", compiler.CompilerOptions);
static void ShowDebugModeMessage (string msg)
if (suppressDebugModeMessages)
Console.Error.WriteLine ();
Console.Error.WriteLine ("******* DEBUG MODE MESSAGE *******");
Console.Error.WriteLine (msg);
Console.Error.WriteLine ("******* DEBUG MODE MESSAGE *******");
Console.Error.WriteLine ();
static void StoreInCache (BuildProvider bp, Assembly compiledAssembly, CompilerResults results)
string virtualPath = bp.VirtualPath;
var item = new BuildManagerCacheItem (compiledAssembly, bp, results);
if (buildCache.ContainsKey (virtualPath))
buildCache [virtualPath] = item;
buildCache.Add (virtualPath, item);
HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current;
HttpRequest req = ctx != null ? ctx.Request : null;
CacheDependency dep;
if (req != null) {
IDictionary <string, bool> deps = bp.ExtractDependencies ();
var files = new List <string> ();
string physicalPath;
physicalPath = req.MapPath (virtualPath);
if (File.Exists (physicalPath))
files.Add (physicalPath);
if (deps != null && deps.Count > 0) {
foreach (var d in deps) {
physicalPath = req.MapPath (d.Key);
if (!File.Exists (physicalPath))
if (!files.Contains (physicalPath))
files.Add (physicalPath);
dep = new CacheDependency (files.ToArray ());
} else
dep = null;
HttpRuntime.InternalCache.Add (BUILD_MANAGER_VIRTUAL_PATH_CACHE_PREFIX + virtualPath,
new CacheItemRemovedCallback (OnVirtualPathChanged));