publicconststringCentralDirectoryInvalid="Central Directory is invalid.";
publicconststringCreateInReadMode="Cannot create entries on an archive opened in read mode.";
publicconststringCreateModeCapabilities="Cannot use create mode on a non-writable stream.";
publicconststringCreateModeCreateEntryWhileOpen="Entries cannot be created while previously created entries are still open.";
publicconststringCreateModeWriteOnceAndOneEntryAtATime="Entries in create mode may only be written to once, and only one entry may be held open at a time.";
publicconststringDateTimeOutOfRange="The DateTimeOffset specified cannot be converted into a Zip file timestamp.";
publicconststringDeleteOnlyInUpdate="Delete can only be used when the archive is in Update mode.";
publicconststringDeleteOpenEntry="Cannot delete an entry currently open for writing.";
publicconststringEntriesInCreateMode="Cannot access entries in Create mode.";
publicconststringEntryNameEncodingNotSupported="The specified entry name encoding is not supported.";
publicconststringEntryNamesTooLong="Entry names cannot require more than 2^16 bits.";
publicconststringEntryTooLarge="Entries larger than 4GB are not supported in Update mode.";
publicconststringEOCDNotFound="End of Central Directory record could not be found.";
publicconststringFieldTooBigCompressedSize="Compressed Size cannot be held in an Int64.";
publicconststringFieldTooBigLocalHeaderOffset="Local Header Offset cannot be held in an Int64.";
publicconststringFieldTooBigNumEntries="Number of Entries cannot be held in an Int64.";
publicconststringFieldTooBigOffsetToCD="Offset to Central Directory cannot be held in an Int64.";
publicconststringFieldTooBigOffsetToZip64EOCD="Offset to Zip64 End Of Central Directory record cannot be held in an Int64.";
publicconststringFieldTooBigStartDiskNumber="Start Disk Number cannot be held in an Int64.";
publicconststringFieldTooBigUncompressedSize="Uncompressed Size cannot be held in an Int64.";
publicconststringFrozenAfterWrite="Cannot modify entry in Create mode after entry has been opened for writing.";
publicconststringHiddenStreamName="A stream from ZipArchiveEntry has been disposed.";
publicconststringLengthAfterWrite="Length properties are unavailable once an entry has been opened for writing.";
publicconststringLocalFileHeaderCorrupt="A local file header is corrupt.";
publicconststringNumEntriesWrong="Number of entries expected in End Of Central Directory does not correspond to number of entries in Central Directory.";
publicconststringOffsetLengthInvalid="The offset and length parameters are not valid for the array that was given.";
publicconststringReadingNotSupported="This stream from ZipArchiveEntry does not support reading.";
publicconststringReadModeCapabilities="Cannot use read mode on a non-readable stream.";
publicconststringBrotliDecoder_Disposed="Can not access a closed Decoder.";
publicconststringBrotliStream_Compress_UnsupportedOperation="Can not perform Read operations on a BrotliStream constructed with CompressionMode.Compress.";
publicconststringBrotliStream_Compress_InvalidData="Encoder ran into invalid data.";
publicconststringBrotliStream_Decompress_UnsupportedOperation="Can not perform Write operations on a BrotliStream constructed with CompressionMode.Decompress.";
publicconststringBrotliStream_Decompress_InvalidData="Decoder ran into invalid data.";
publicconststringBrotliStream_Decompress_InvalidStream="BrotliStream.BaseStream returned more bytes than requested in Read.";