363 lines
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363 lines
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// <copyright file="DiscoveryServerProtocol.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace System.Web.Services.Protocols {
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Web.Services.Description;
using System.Web.Services.Discovery;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net;
using System.Web.Services.Configuration;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Collections.Generic;
internal class DiscoveryServerType : ServerType {
ServiceDescription description;
LogicalMethodInfo methodInfo;
Hashtable schemaTable = new Hashtable();
Hashtable wsdlTable = new Hashtable();
DiscoveryDocument discoDoc;
public List<Action<Uri>> UriFixups { get; private set; }
void AddUriFixup(Action<Uri> fixup)
if (this.UriFixups != null)
// See comment on the ServerProtocol.IsCacheUnderPressure method for explanation of the excludeSchemeHostPortFromCachingKey logic.
internal DiscoveryServerType(Type type, string uri, bool excludeSchemeHostPortFromCachingKey)
: base(typeof(DiscoveryServerProtocol))
if (excludeSchemeHostPortFromCachingKey)
this.UriFixups = new List<Action<Uri>>();
// parse the uri from a string into a Uri object
Uri uriObject = new Uri(uri, true);
// and get rid of the query string if there's one
uri = uriObject.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);
methodInfo = new LogicalMethodInfo(typeof(DiscoveryServerProtocol).GetMethod("Discover", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic));
ServiceDescriptionReflector reflector = new ServiceDescriptionReflector(this.UriFixups);
reflector.Reflect(type, uri);
XmlSchemas schemas = reflector.Schemas;
this.description = reflector.ServiceDescription;
// We need to force initialization of ServiceDescription's XmlSerializer since we
// won't necessarily have the permissions to do it when we actually need it
XmlSerializer serializer = ServiceDescription.Serializer;
// add imports to the external schemas
AddSchemaImports(schemas, uri, reflector.ServiceDescriptions);
// add imports to the other service descriptions
for (int i = 1; i < reflector.ServiceDescriptions.Count; i++) {
ServiceDescription description = reflector.ServiceDescriptions[i];
Import import = new Import();
import.Namespace = description.TargetNamespace;
string id = "wsdl" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
import.Location = uri + "?wsdl=" + id;
this.AddUriFixup(delegate(Uri current)
import.Location = CombineUris(current, import.Location);
wsdlTable.Add(id, description);
discoDoc = new DiscoveryDocument();
ContractReference contractReference = new ContractReference(uri + "?wsdl", uri);
this.AddUriFixup(delegate(Uri current)
contractReference.Ref = CombineUris(current, contractReference.Ref);
contractReference.DocRef = CombineUris(current, contractReference.DocRef);
foreach (Service service in reflector.ServiceDescription.Services) {
foreach (Port port in service.Ports) {
SoapAddressBinding soapAddress = (SoapAddressBinding)port.Extensions.Find(typeof(SoapAddressBinding));
if (soapAddress != null) {
System.Web.Services.Discovery.SoapBinding binding = new System.Web.Services.Discovery.SoapBinding();
binding.Binding = port.Binding;
binding.Address = soapAddress.Location;
this.AddUriFixup(delegate(Uri current)
binding.Address = CombineUris(current, binding.Address);
internal void AddExternal(XmlSchema schema, string ns, string location) {
if (schema == null)
if (schema.TargetNamespace == ns) {
XmlSchemaInclude include = new XmlSchemaInclude();
include.SchemaLocation = location;
this.AddUriFixup(delegate(Uri current)
include.SchemaLocation = CombineUris(current, include.SchemaLocation);
else {
XmlSchemaImport import = new XmlSchemaImport();
import.SchemaLocation = location;
this.AddUriFixup(delegate(Uri current)
import.SchemaLocation = CombineUris(current, import.SchemaLocation);
import.Namespace = ns;
void AddSchemaImports(XmlSchemas schemas, string uri, ServiceDescriptionCollection descriptions) {
int id = 0;
foreach (XmlSchema schema in schemas) {
if (schema == null)
if (schema.Id == null || schema.Id.Length == 0)
schema.Id = "schema" + (++id).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string location = uri + "?schema=" + schema.Id;
foreach (ServiceDescription description in descriptions) {
if (description.Types.Schemas.Count == 0) {
XmlSchema top = new XmlSchema();
top.TargetNamespace = description.TargetNamespace;
schema.ElementFormDefault = XmlSchemaForm.Qualified;
AddExternal(top, schema.TargetNamespace, location);
else {
AddExternal(description.Types.Schemas[0], schema.TargetNamespace, location);
//schema.SchemaLocation = location;
schemaTable.Add(schema.Id, schema);
internal XmlSchema GetSchema(string id) {
return (XmlSchema)schemaTable[id];
internal ServiceDescription GetServiceDescription(string id) {
return (ServiceDescription)wsdlTable[id];
internal ServiceDescription Description {
get { return description; }
internal LogicalMethodInfo MethodInfo {
get { return methodInfo; }
internal DiscoveryDocument Disco {
get {
return discoDoc;
// Creates a new Uri by combining scheme/host/port from the first param and the absolute path and Query from the second
internal static string CombineUris(Uri schemeHostPort, string absolutePathAndQuery)
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}://{1}{2}",
new Uri(absolutePathAndQuery).PathAndQuery);
internal class DiscoveryServerProtocolFactory : ServerProtocolFactory {
protected override ServerProtocol CreateIfRequestCompatible(HttpRequest request) {
if (request.PathInfo.Length > 0)
return null;
if (request.HttpMethod != "GET")
// MethodNotAllowed = 405,
return new UnsupportedRequestProtocol(405);
string queryString = request.QueryString[null];
if (queryString == null) queryString = "";
if (request.QueryString["schema"] == null &&
request.QueryString["wsdl"] == null &&
string.Compare(queryString, "wsdl", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0 &&
string.Compare(queryString, "disco", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
return null;
return new DiscoveryServerProtocol();
internal sealed class DiscoveryServerProtocol : ServerProtocol {
DiscoveryServerType serverType;
object syncRoot = new object();
internal override bool Initialize() {
// see if we already cached a DiscoveryServerType
if (null == (serverType = (DiscoveryServerType)GetFromCache(typeof(DiscoveryServerProtocol), Type))
&& null == (serverType = (DiscoveryServerType)GetFromCache(typeof(DiscoveryServerProtocol), Type, true))) {
lock (InternalSyncObject) {
if (null == (serverType = (DiscoveryServerType)GetFromCache(typeof(DiscoveryServerProtocol), Type))
&& null == (serverType = (DiscoveryServerType)GetFromCache(typeof(DiscoveryServerProtocol), Type, true)))
// if not create a new DiscoveryServerType and cache it
bool excludeSchemeHostPortFromCachingKey = this.IsCacheUnderPressure(typeof(DiscoveryServerProtocol), Type);
string escapedUri = RuntimeUtils.EscapeUri(Request.Url);
serverType = new DiscoveryServerType(Type, escapedUri, excludeSchemeHostPortFromCachingKey);
AddToCache(typeof(DiscoveryServerProtocol), Type, serverType, excludeSchemeHostPortFromCachingKey);
return true;
internal override ServerType ServerType {
get { return serverType; }
internal override bool IsOneWay {
get { return false; }
internal override LogicalMethodInfo MethodInfo {
get { return serverType.MethodInfo; }
internal override object[] ReadParameters() {
return new object[0];
internal override void WriteReturns(object[] returnValues, Stream outputStream) {
string id = Request.QueryString["schema"];
Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false);
if (id != null) {
XmlSchema schema = serverType.GetSchema(id);
if (schema == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.WebSchemaNotFound));
Response.ContentType = ContentType.Compose("text/xml", encoding);
schema.Write(new StreamWriter(outputStream, encoding));
id = Request.QueryString["wsdl"];
if (id != null) {
ServiceDescription description = serverType.GetServiceDescription(id);
if (description == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.ServiceDescriptionWasNotFound0));
Response.ContentType = ContentType.Compose("text/xml", encoding);
if (this.serverType.UriFixups == null)
description.Write(new StreamWriter(outputStream, encoding));
lock (this.syncRoot)
description.Write(new StreamWriter(outputStream, encoding));
string queryString = Request.QueryString[null];
if (queryString != null && string.Compare(queryString, "wsdl", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) {
Response.ContentType = ContentType.Compose("text/xml", encoding);
if (this.serverType.UriFixups == null)
serverType.Description.Write(new StreamWriter(outputStream, encoding));
lock (this.syncRoot)
serverType.Description.Write(new StreamWriter(outputStream, encoding));
if (queryString != null && string.Compare(queryString, "disco", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) {
Response.ContentType = ContentType.Compose("text/xml", encoding);
if (this.serverType.UriFixups == null)
serverType.Disco.Write(new StreamWriter(outputStream, encoding));
lock (this.syncRoot)
serverType.Disco.Write(new StreamWriter(outputStream, encoding));
throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.internalError0));
internal override bool WriteException(Exception e, Stream outputStream) {
Response.ContentType = ContentType.Compose("text/plain", Encoding.UTF8);
Response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
Response.StatusDescription = HttpWorkerRequest.GetStatusDescription(Response.StatusCode);
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(outputStream, new UTF8Encoding(false));
writer.WriteLine(GenerateFaultString(e, true));
return true;
internal void Discover() {
// This is the "server method" that is called for this protocol
void RunUriFixups()
foreach (Action<Uri> fixup in this.serverType.UriFixups)