2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
// System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.cs
// Authors:
// Rodrigo Moya (rodrigo@ximian.com)
// Daniel Morgan (danmorg@sc.rr.com)
// Tim Coleman (tim@timcoleman.com)
// Phillip Jerkins (Phillip.Jerkins@morgankeegan.com)
// Diego Caravana (diego@toth.it)
// Copyright (C) Ximian, Inc 2002
// Copyright (C) Daniel Morgan 2002, 2003
// Copyright (C) Tim Coleman, 2002, 2003
// Copyright (C) Phillip Jerkins, 2003
// Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using Mono.Data.Tds ;
using Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol ;
using System ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Collections.Specialized ;
using System.ComponentModel ;
using System.Data ;
using System.Data.Common ;
#if ! MOBILE
using System.EnterpriseServices ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Net ;
using System.Net.Sockets ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Xml ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
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using System.Security ;
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
namespace System.Data.SqlClient
[DefaultEvent ("InfoMessage")]
public sealed class SqlConnection : DbConnection , IDbConnection , ICloneable
#region Fields
bool disposed ;
// The set of SQL connection pools
static TdsConnectionPoolManager sqlConnectionPools = new TdsConnectionPoolManager ( TdsVersion . tds80 ) ;
const int DEFAULT_PACKETSIZE = 8000 ;
const int MAX_PACKETSIZE = 32768 ;
const int MIN_PACKETSIZE = 512 ;
const int DEFAULT_MAXPOOLSIZE = 100 ;
const int MIN_MAXPOOLSIZE = 1 ;
const int DEFAULT_PORT = 1433 ;
// The current connection pool
TdsConnectionPool pool ;
// The connection string that identifies this connection
string connectionString ;
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// The connection credentials
SqlCredential credentials ;
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// The transaction object for the current transaction
SqlTransaction transaction ;
// Connection parameters
TdsConnectionParameters parms ;
bool connectionReset ;
int connectionLifeTime ;
bool pooling ;
string dataSource ;
int connectionTimeout ;
int minPoolSize ;
int maxPoolSize ;
int packetSize ;
int port ;
bool fireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors ;
bool statisticsEnabled ;
// The current state
ConnectionState state = ConnectionState . Closed ;
SqlDataReader dataReader ;
XmlReader xmlReader ;
// The TDS object
Tds tds ;
#endregion // Fields
#region Constructors
public SqlConnection ( ) : this ( null )
public SqlConnection ( string connectionString )
ConnectionString = connectionString ;
2015-01-13 10:44:36 +00:00
public SqlConnection ( string connectionString , SqlCredential cred )
ConnectionString = connectionString ;
Credentials = cred ;
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#endregion // Constructors
#region Properties
[DefaultValue ("")]
[EditorAttribute ("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.SQL.Design.SqlConnectionStringEditor, "+ Consts.AssemblyMicrosoft_VSDesigner, "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, "+ Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing )]
2017-04-10 11:41:01 +00:00
#pragma warning disable 618 // ignore obsolete warning about RecommendedAsConfigurable to use SettingsBindableAttribute
#pragma warning restore 618
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[RefreshProperties (RefreshProperties.All)]
public override string ConnectionString {
get {
if ( connectionString = = null )
return string . Empty ;
return connectionString ;
[MonoTODO("persist security info, encrypt, enlist keyword not implemented")]
set {
if ( state = = ConnectionState . Open )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "Not Allowed to change ConnectionString property while Connection state is OPEN" ) ;
SetConnectionString ( value ) ;
2015-01-13 10:44:36 +00:00
public SqlCredential Credentials {
get {
return credentials ;
set {
credentials = value ;
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public Guid ClientConnectionId {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
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[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
int ConnectionTimeout {
get { return connectionTimeout ; }
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
string Database {
get {
if ( State = = ConnectionState . Open )
return tds . Database ;
return parms . Database ;
internal SqlDataReader DataReader {
get { return dataReader ; }
set { dataReader = value ; }
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
string DataSource {
get { return dataSource ; }
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
public int PacketSize {
get {
if ( State = = ConnectionState . Open )
return ( ( Tds ) tds ) . PacketSize ;
return packetSize ;
[Browsable (false)]
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
string ServerVersion {
get {
if ( state = = ConnectionState . Closed )
throw ExceptionHelper . ConnectionClosed ( ) ;
return tds . ServerVersion ;
[Browsable (false)]
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
ConnectionState State {
get { return state ; }
internal Tds Tds {
get { return tds ; }
internal SqlTransaction Transaction {
get { return transaction ; }
set { transaction = value ; }
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
public string WorkstationId {
get { return parms . Hostname ; }
internal XmlReader XmlReader {
get { return xmlReader ; }
set { xmlReader = value ; }
public bool FireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors {
get { return fireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors ; }
set { fireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors = value ; }
[DefaultValue (false)]
public bool StatisticsEnabled {
get { return statisticsEnabled ; }
set { statisticsEnabled = value ; }
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protected override DbProviderFactory DbProviderFactory {
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
get {
return SqlClientFactory . Instance ;
#endregion // Properties
#region Events
public event SqlInfoMessageEventHandler InfoMessage ;
#endregion // Events
#region Delegates
private void ErrorHandler ( object sender , TdsInternalErrorMessageEventArgs e )
try {
if ( ! tds . IsConnected )
Close ( ) ;
} catch {
try {
Close ( ) ;
} catch {
throw new SqlException ( e . Class , e . LineNumber , e . Message , e . Number , e . Procedure , e . Server , "Mono SqlClient Data Provider" , e . State ) ;
private void MessageHandler ( object sender , TdsInternalInfoMessageEventArgs e )
OnSqlInfoMessage ( CreateSqlInfoMessageEvent ( e . Errors ) ) ;
#endregion // Delegates
#region Methods
public new SqlTransaction BeginTransaction ( )
return BeginTransaction ( IsolationLevel . ReadCommitted , String . Empty ) ;
public new SqlTransaction BeginTransaction ( IsolationLevel iso )
return BeginTransaction ( iso , String . Empty ) ;
public SqlTransaction BeginTransaction ( string transactionName )
return BeginTransaction ( IsolationLevel . ReadCommitted , transactionName ) ;
public SqlTransaction BeginTransaction ( IsolationLevel iso , string transactionName )
if ( state = = ConnectionState . Closed )
throw ExceptionHelper . ConnectionClosed ( ) ;
if ( transaction ! = null )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "SqlConnection does not support parallel transactions." ) ;
string isolevel = String . Empty ;
switch ( iso ) {
case IsolationLevel . ReadUncommitted :
isolevel = "READ UNCOMMITTED" ;
break ;
case IsolationLevel . RepeatableRead :
isolevel = "REPEATABLE READ" ;
break ;
case IsolationLevel . Serializable :
isolevel = "SERIALIZABLE" ;
break ;
case IsolationLevel . ReadCommitted :
isolevel = "READ COMMITTED" ;
break ;
case IsolationLevel . Snapshot :
isolevel = "SNAPSHOT" ;
break ;
case IsolationLevel . Unspecified :
iso = IsolationLevel . ReadCommitted ;
isolevel = "READ COMMITTED" ;
break ;
case IsolationLevel . Chaos :
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "IsolationLevel" ,
string . Format ( CultureInfo . CurrentCulture ,
"The IsolationLevel enumeration " +
"value, {0}, is not supported by " +
"the .Net Framework SqlClient " +
"Data Provider." , ( int ) iso ) ) ;
default :
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "IsolationLevel" ,
string . Format ( CultureInfo . CurrentCulture ,
"The IsolationLevel enumeration value, {0}, is invalid." ,
( int ) iso ) ) ;
tds . Execute ( String . Format ( "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL {0};BEGIN TRANSACTION {1}" , isolevel , transactionName ) ) ;
transaction = new SqlTransaction ( this , iso ) ;
return transaction ;
void ChangeDatabase ( string database )
if ( ! IsValidDatabaseName ( database ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( String . Format ( "The database name {0} is not valid." , database ) ) ;
if ( state ! = ConnectionState . Open )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "The connection is not open." ) ;
tds . Execute ( String . Format ( "use [{0}]" , database ) ) ;
private void ChangeState ( ConnectionState currentState )
if ( currentState = = state )
return ;
ConnectionState originalState = state ;
state = currentState ;
OnStateChange ( CreateStateChangeEvent ( originalState , currentState ) ) ;
void Close ( )
if ( transaction ! = null & & transaction . IsOpen )
transaction . Rollback ( ) ;
if ( dataReader ! = null | | xmlReader ! = null ) {
if ( tds ! = null ) tds . SkipToEnd ( ) ;
dataReader = null ;
xmlReader = null ;
if ( tds ! = null & & tds . IsConnected ) {
if ( pooling & & tds . Pooling ) {
if ( pool ! = null ) {
pool . ReleaseConnection ( tds ) ;
pool = null ;
} else {
tds . Disconnect ( ) ;
if ( tds ! = null ) {
tds . TdsErrorMessage - = new TdsInternalErrorMessageEventHandler ( ErrorHandler ) ;
tds . TdsInfoMessage - = new TdsInternalInfoMessageEventHandler ( MessageHandler ) ;
ChangeState ( ConnectionState . Closed ) ;
public new SqlCommand CreateCommand ( )
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand ( ) ;
command . Connection = this ;
return command ;
private SqlInfoMessageEventArgs CreateSqlInfoMessageEvent ( TdsInternalErrorCollection errors )
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foreach ( TdsInternalError e in errors )
return new SqlInfoMessageEventArgs ( new SqlException ( e . Class , e . LineNumber , e . Message , e . Number , e . Procedure , e . Server , "Mono SqlClient Data Provider" , e . State ) ) ;
return null ;
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
private StateChangeEventArgs CreateStateChangeEvent ( ConnectionState originalState , ConnectionState currentState )
return new StateChangeEventArgs ( originalState , currentState ) ;
protected override void Dispose ( bool disposing )
try {
if ( disposing & & ! disposed ) {
if ( State = = ConnectionState . Open )
Close ( ) ;
ConnectionString = null ;
} finally {
disposed = true ;
base . Dispose ( disposing ) ;
#if ! MOBILE
[MonoTODO ("Not sure what this means at present.")]
public void EnlistDistributedTransaction ( ITransaction transaction )
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
object ICloneable . Clone ( )
return new SqlConnection ( ConnectionString ) ;
protected override DbTransaction BeginDbTransaction ( IsolationLevel isolationLevel )
return BeginTransaction ( isolationLevel ) ;
protected override DbCommand CreateDbCommand ( )
return CreateCommand ( ) ;
void Open ( )
string serverName = string . Empty ;
if ( state = = ConnectionState . Open )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "The Connection is already Open (State=Open)" ) ;
if ( connectionString = = null | | connectionString . Trim ( ) . Length = = 0 )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "Connection string has not been initialized." ) ;
try {
if ( ! pooling ) {
if ( ! ParseDataSource ( dataSource , out port , out serverName ) )
throw new SqlException ( 20 , 0 , "SQL Server does not exist or access denied." , 17 , "ConnectionOpen (Connect())." , dataSource , parms . ApplicationName , 0 ) ;
tds = new Tds80 ( serverName , port , PacketSize , ConnectionTimeout , 0 ) ;
tds . Pooling = false ;
else {
if ( ! ParseDataSource ( dataSource , out port , out serverName ) )
throw new SqlException ( 20 , 0 , "SQL Server does not exist or access denied." , 17 , "ConnectionOpen (Connect())." , dataSource , parms . ApplicationName , 0 ) ;
TdsConnectionInfo info = new TdsConnectionInfo ( serverName , port , packetSize , ConnectionTimeout , minPoolSize , maxPoolSize , connectionLifeTime ) ;
pool = sqlConnectionPools . GetConnectionPool ( connectionString , info ) ;
tds = pool . GetConnection ( ) ;
} catch ( TdsTimeoutException e ) {
throw SqlException . FromTdsInternalException ( ( TdsInternalException ) e ) ;
} catch ( TdsInternalException e ) {
throw SqlException . FromTdsInternalException ( e ) ;
tds . TdsErrorMessage + = new TdsInternalErrorMessageEventHandler ( ErrorHandler ) ;
tds . TdsInfoMessage + = new TdsInternalInfoMessageEventHandler ( MessageHandler ) ;
if ( ! tds . IsConnected ) {
try {
2015-01-13 10:44:36 +00:00
if ( Credentials ! = null ) {
if ( parms . User ! = String . Empty )
throw new ArgumentException ( "UserID already specified" ) ;
if ( parms . PasswordSet )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Password already specified" ) ;
if ( parms . DomainLogin ! = false )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Cannot use credentials with DomainLogin" ) ;
parms . User = Credentials . UserId ;
parms . Password = Credentials . Password ;
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
tds . Connect ( parms ) ;
} catch {
if ( pooling )
pool . ReleaseConnection ( tds ) ;
throw ;
disposed = false ; // reset this, so using () would call Close ().
ChangeState ( ConnectionState . Open ) ;
private bool ParseDataSource ( string theDataSource , out int thePort , out string theServerName )
theServerName = string . Empty ;
string theInstanceName = string . Empty ;
if ( theDataSource = = null )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Format of initialization string does not conform to specifications" ) ;
thePort = DEFAULT_PORT ; // default TCP port for SQL Server
bool success = true ;
int idx = 0 ;
if ( ( idx = theDataSource . IndexOf ( ',' ) ) > - 1 ) {
theServerName = theDataSource . Substring ( 0 , idx ) ;
string p = theDataSource . Substring ( idx + 1 ) ;
thePort = Int32 . Parse ( p ) ;
} else if ( ( idx = theDataSource . IndexOf ( '\\' ) ) > - 1 ) {
theServerName = theDataSource . Substring ( 0 , idx ) ;
theInstanceName = theDataSource . Substring ( idx + 1 ) ;
// do port discovery via UDP port 1434
port = DiscoverTcpPortViaSqlMonitor ( theServerName , theInstanceName ) ;
if ( port = = - 1 )
success = false ;
} else
theServerName = theDataSource ;
if ( theServerName . Length = = 0 | | theServerName = = "(local)" | | theServerName = = "." )
theServerName = "localhost" ;
if ( ( idx = theServerName . IndexOf ( "tcp:" ) ) > - 1 )
theServerName = theServerName . Substring ( idx + 4 ) ;
return success ;
private bool ConvertIntegratedSecurity ( string value )
if ( value . ToUpper ( ) = = "SSPI" )
return true ;
return ConvertToBoolean ( "integrated security" , value , false ) ;
private bool ConvertToBoolean ( string key , string value , bool defaultValue )
if ( value . Length = = 0 )
return defaultValue ;
string upperValue = value . ToUpper ( ) ;
if ( upperValue = = "TRUE" | | upperValue = = "YES" )
return true ;
else if ( upperValue = = "FALSE" | | upperValue = = "NO" )
return false ;
throw new ArgumentException ( string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ,
"Invalid value \"{0}\" for key '{1}'." , value , key ) ) ;
private int ConvertToInt32 ( string key , string value , int defaultValue )
if ( value . Length = = 0 )
return defaultValue ;
try {
return int . Parse ( value ) ;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
throw new ArgumentException ( string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ,
"Invalid value \"{0}\" for key '{1}'." , value , key ) , ex ) ;
private int DiscoverTcpPortViaSqlMonitor ( string ServerName , string InstanceName )
SqlMonitorSocket msock ;
msock = new SqlMonitorSocket ( ServerName , InstanceName ) ;
int SqlServerPort = msock . DiscoverTcpPort ( ConnectionTimeout ) ;
msock = null ;
return SqlServerPort ;
void SetConnectionString ( string connectionString )
SetDefaultConnectionParameters ( ) ;
if ( ( connectionString = = null ) | | ( connectionString . Trim ( ) . Length = = 0 ) ) {
this . connectionString = connectionString ;
return ;
connectionString + = ";" ;
bool inQuote = false ;
bool inDQuote = false ;
bool inName = true ;
string name = String . Empty ;
string value = String . Empty ;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < connectionString . Length ; i + = 1 ) {
char c = connectionString [ i ] ;
char peek ;
if ( i = = connectionString . Length - 1 )
peek = '\0' ;
peek = connectionString [ i + 1 ] ;
switch ( c ) {
case '\'' :
if ( inDQuote )
sb . Append ( c ) ;
else if ( peek . Equals ( c ) ) {
sb . Append ( c ) ;
i + = 1 ;
inQuote = ! inQuote ;
break ;
case '"' :
if ( inQuote )
sb . Append ( c ) ;
else if ( peek . Equals ( c ) ) {
sb . Append ( c ) ;
i + = 1 ;
inDQuote = ! inDQuote ;
break ;
case ';' :
if ( inDQuote | | inQuote )
sb . Append ( c ) ;
else {
if ( name ! = String . Empty & & name ! = null ) {
value = sb . ToString ( ) ;
SetProperties ( name . ToLower ( ) . Trim ( ) , value ) ;
else if ( sb . Length ! = 0 )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Format of initialization string does not conform to specifications" ) ;
inName = true ;
name = String . Empty ;
value = String . Empty ;
sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
break ;
case '=' :
if ( inDQuote | | inQuote | | ! inName )
sb . Append ( c ) ;
else if ( peek . Equals ( c ) ) {
sb . Append ( c ) ;
i + = 1 ;
else {
name = sb . ToString ( ) ;
sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
inName = false ;
break ;
case ' ' :
if ( inQuote | | inDQuote )
sb . Append ( c ) ;
else if ( sb . Length > 0 & & ! peek . Equals ( ';' ) )
sb . Append ( c ) ;
break ;
default :
sb . Append ( c ) ;
break ;
if ( minPoolSize > maxPoolSize )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Invalid value for "
+ "'min pool size' or 'max pool size'; "
+ "'min pool size' must not be greater "
+ "than 'max pool size'." ) ;
connectionString = connectionString . Substring ( 0 , connectionString . Length - 1 ) ;
this . connectionString = connectionString ;
void SetDefaultConnectionParameters ( )
if ( parms = = null )
parms = new TdsConnectionParameters ( ) ;
parms . Reset ( ) ;
dataSource = string . Empty ;
connectionReset = true ;
pooling = true ;
async = false ;
private void SetProperties ( string name , string value )
switch ( name ) {
case "app" :
case "application name" :
parms . ApplicationName = value ;
break ;
case "attachdbfilename" :
case "extended properties" :
case "initial file name" :
parms . AttachDBFileName = value ;
break ;
case "timeout" :
case "connect timeout" :
case "connection timeout" :
int tmpTimeout = ConvertToInt32 ( "connect timeout" , value ,
if ( tmpTimeout < 0 )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Invalid 'connect timeout'. Must be an integer >=0 " ) ;
connectionTimeout = tmpTimeout ;
break ;
case "connection lifetime" :
connectionLifeTime = ConvertToInt32 ( "connection lifetime" , value , DEFAULT_CONNECTIONLIFETIME ) ;
break ;
case "connection reset" :
connectionReset = ConvertToBoolean ( "connection reset" , value , true ) ;
break ;
case "language" :
case "current language" :
parms . Language = value ;
break ;
case "data source" :
case "server" :
case "address" :
case "addr" :
case "network address" :
dataSource = value ;
break ;
case "encrypt" :
if ( ConvertToBoolean ( name , value , false ) )
throw new NotImplementedException ( "SSL encryption for"
+ " data sent between client and server is not"
+ " implemented." ) ;
break ;
case "enlist" :
if ( ! ConvertToBoolean ( name , value , true ) )
throw new NotImplementedException ( "Disabling the automatic"
+ " enlistment of connections in the thread's current"
+ " transaction context is not implemented." ) ;
break ;
case "initial catalog" :
case "database" :
parms . Database = value ;
break ;
case "integrated security" :
case "trusted_connection" :
parms . DomainLogin = ConvertIntegratedSecurity ( value ) ;
break ;
case "max pool size" :
int tmpMaxPoolSize = ConvertToInt32 ( name , value , DEFAULT_MAXPOOLSIZE ) ;
if ( tmpMaxPoolSize < MIN_MAXPOOLSIZE )
throw new ArgumentException ( string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ,
"Invalid '{0}'. The value must be greater than {1}." ,
name , MIN_MAXPOOLSIZE ) ) ;
maxPoolSize = tmpMaxPoolSize ;
break ;
case "min pool size" :
int tmpMinPoolSize = ConvertToInt32 ( name , value , DEFAULT_MINPOOLSIZE ) ;
if ( tmpMinPoolSize < 0 )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Invalid 'min pool size'. Must be a integer >= 0" ) ;
minPoolSize = tmpMinPoolSize ;
break ;
case "multipleactiveresultsets" :
// FIXME: not implemented
ConvertToBoolean ( name , value , false ) ;
break ;
case "asynchronous processing" :
case "async" :
async = ConvertToBoolean ( name , value , false ) ;
break ;
case "net" :
case "network" :
case "network library" :
if ( ! value . ToUpper ( ) . Equals ( "DBMSSOCN" ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Unsupported network library." ) ;
break ;
case "packet size" :
int tmpPacketSize = ConvertToInt32 ( name , value , DEFAULT_PACKETSIZE ) ;
if ( tmpPacketSize < MIN_PACKETSIZE | | tmpPacketSize > MAX_PACKETSIZE )
throw new ArgumentException ( string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ,
"Invalid 'Packet Size'. The value must be between {0} and {1}." ,
packetSize = tmpPacketSize ;
break ;
case "password" :
case "pwd" :
2015-01-13 10:44:36 +00:00
parms . Password = new SecureString ( ) ;
foreach ( char c in value )
parms . Password . AppendChar ( c ) ;
parms . PasswordSet = true ;
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
break ;
case "persistsecurityinfo" :
case "persist security info" :
// FIXME : not implemented
// throw new NotImplementedException ();
break ;
case "pooling" :
pooling = ConvertToBoolean ( name , value , true ) ;
break ;
case "uid" :
case "user" :
case "user id" :
parms . User = value ;
break ;
case "wsid" :
case "workstation id" :
parms . Hostname = value ;
break ;
case "user instance" :
userInstance = ConvertToBoolean ( name , value , false ) ;
break ;
default :
throw new ArgumentException ( "Keyword not supported : '" + name + "'." ) ;
static bool IsValidDatabaseName ( string database )
if ( database = = null | | database . Trim ( ) . Length = = 0 | | database . Length > 128 )
return false ;
if ( database [ 0 ] = = '"' & & database [ database . Length ] = = '"' )
database = database . Substring ( 1 , database . Length - 2 ) ;
else if ( Char . IsDigit ( database [ 0 ] ) )
return false ;
if ( database [ 0 ] = = '_' )
return false ;
foreach ( char c in database . Substring ( 1 , database . Length - 1 ) )
if ( ! Char . IsLetterOrDigit ( c ) & & c ! = '_' & & c ! = '-' )
return false ;
return true ;
private void OnSqlInfoMessage ( SqlInfoMessageEventArgs value )
if ( InfoMessage ! = null )
InfoMessage ( this , value ) ;
private sealed class SqlMonitorSocket : UdpClient
// UDP port that the SQL Monitor listens
private static readonly int SqlMonitorUdpPort = 1434 ;
//private static readonly string SqlServerNotExist = "SQL Server does not exist or access denied";
private string server ;
private string instance ;
internal SqlMonitorSocket ( string ServerName , string InstanceName )
: base ( ServerName , SqlMonitorUdpPort )
server = ServerName ;
instance = InstanceName ;
internal int DiscoverTcpPort ( int timeoutSeconds )
int SqlServerTcpPort ;
Client . Blocking = false ;
// send command to UDP 1434 (SQL Monitor) to get
// the TCP port to connect to the MS SQL server
ASCIIEncoding enc = new ASCIIEncoding ( ) ;
Byte [ ] rawrq = new Byte [ instance . Length + 1 ] ;
rawrq [ 0 ] = 4 ;
enc . GetBytes ( instance , 0 , instance . Length , rawrq , 1 ) ;
Send ( rawrq , rawrq . Length ) ;
if ( ! Active )
return - 1 ; // Error
bool result ;
long timeout = timeoutSeconds * 1000000 ;
result = Client . Poll ( ( int ) timeout , SelectMode . SelectRead ) ;
if ( result = = false )
return - 1 ; // Error
if ( Client . Available < = 0 )
return - 1 ; // Error
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2017-04-10 11:41:01 +00:00
IPEndPoint remoteEndpoint ;
switch ( Client . AddressFamily ) {
case AddressFamily . InterNetwork :
remoteEndpoint = new IPEndPoint ( IPAddress . Any , 0 ) ;
break ;
case AddressFamily . InterNetworkV6 :
remoteEndpoint = new IPEndPoint ( IPAddress . IPv6Any , 0 ) ;
break ;
default :
return - 1 ; // Error
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2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
Byte [ ] rawrs ;
2017-04-10 11:41:01 +00:00
rawrs = Receive ( ref remoteEndpoint ) ;
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
string rs = Encoding . ASCII . GetString ( rawrs ) ;
string [ ] rawtokens = rs . Split ( ';' ) ;
Hashtable data = new Hashtable ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < rawtokens . Length / 2 & & i < 256 ; i + + ) {
data [ rawtokens [ i * 2 ] ] = rawtokens [ i * 2 + 1 ] ;
if ( ! data . ContainsKey ( "tcp" ) ) {
string msg = "Mono does not support names pipes or shared memory "
+ "for connecting to SQL Server. Please enable the TCP/IP "
+ "protocol." ;
throw new NotImplementedException ( msg ) ;
SqlServerTcpPort = int . Parse ( ( string ) data [ "tcp" ] ) ;
Close ( ) ;
return SqlServerTcpPort ;
struct ColumnInfo
public string name ;
public Type type ;
public ColumnInfo ( string name , Type type )
this . name = name ; this . type = type ;
static class ReservedWords
static readonly string [ ] reservedWords =
"ADD" , "EXCEPT" , "PERCENT" , "ALL" , "EXEC" , "PLAN" , "ALTER" ,
"EXIT" , "PRINT" , "AS" , "FETCH" , "PROC" , "ASC" , "FILE" ,
"ELSE" , "OR" , "WHERE" , "END" , "ORDER" , "WHILE" , "ERRLVL" ,
} ;
static DataTable instance ;
static public DataTable Instance {
get {
if ( instance = = null ) {
DataRow row = null ;
var newInstance = new DataTable ( "ReservedWords" ) ;
newInstance . Columns . Add ( "ReservedWord" , typeof ( string ) ) ;
foreach ( string reservedWord in reservedWords )
row = newInstance . NewRow ( ) ;
row [ "ReservedWord" ] = reservedWord ;
newInstance . Rows . Add ( row ) ;
instance = newInstance ;
return instance ;
static class MetaDataCollections
static readonly ColumnInfo [ ] columns = {
new ColumnInfo ( "CollectionName" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "NumberOfRestrictions" , typeof ( int ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "NumberOfIdentifierParts" , typeof ( int ) )
} ;
static readonly object [ ] [ ] rows = {
new object [ ] { "MetaDataCollections" , 0 , 0 } ,
new object [ ] { "DataSourceInformation" , 0 , 0 } ,
new object [ ] { "DataTypes" , 0 , 0 } ,
new object [ ] { "Restrictions" , 0 , 0 } ,
new object [ ] { "ReservedWords" , 0 , 0 } ,
new object [ ] { "Users" , 1 , 1 } ,
new object [ ] { "Databases" , 1 , 1 } ,
new object [ ] { "Tables" , 4 , 3 } ,
new object [ ] { "Columns" , 4 , 4 } ,
new object [ ] { "StructuredTypeMembers" , 4 , 4 } ,
new object [ ] { "Views" , 3 , 3 } ,
new object [ ] { "ViewColumns" , 4 , 4 } ,
new object [ ] { "ProcedureParameters" , 4 , 1 } ,
new object [ ] { "Procedures" , 4 , 3 } ,
new object [ ] { "ForeignKeys" , 4 , 3 } ,
new object [ ] { "IndexColumns" , 5 , 4 } ,
new object [ ] { "Indexes" , 4 , 3 } ,
new object [ ] { "UserDefinedTypes" , 2 , 1 }
} ;
static DataTable instance ;
static public DataTable Instance {
get {
if ( instance = = null ) {
var newInstance = new DataTable ( "MetaDataCollections" ) ;
foreach ( ColumnInfo c in columns )
newInstance . Columns . Add ( c . name , c . type ) ;
foreach ( object [ ] row in rows )
newInstance . LoadDataRow ( row , true ) ;
instance = newInstance ;
return instance ;
static class DataSourceInformation
static readonly ColumnInfo [ ] columns = {
new ColumnInfo ( "CompositeIdentifierSeparatorPattern" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "DataSourceProductName" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "DataSourceProductVersion" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "DataSourceProductVersionNormalized" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "GroupByBehavior" , typeof ( GroupByBehavior ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "IdentifierPattern" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "IdentifierCase" , typeof ( IdentifierCase ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "OrderByColumnsInSelect" , typeof ( bool ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "ParameterMarkerFormat" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "ParameterMarkerPattern" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "ParameterNameMaxLength" , typeof ( int ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "ParameterNamePattern" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "QuotedIdentifierPattern" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "QuotedIdentifierCase" , typeof ( IdentifierCase ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "StatementSeparatorPattern" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "StringLiteralPattern" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "SupportedJoinOperators" , typeof ( SupportedJoinOperators ) )
} ;
static public DataTable GetInstance ( SqlConnection conn )
DataTable table = new DataTable ( "DataSourceInformation" ) ;
foreach ( ColumnInfo c in columns )
table . Columns . Add ( c . name , c . type ) ;
DataRow row = table . NewRow ( ) ;
row [ 0 ] = "\\." ;
row [ 1 ] = "Microsoft SQL Server" ;
row [ 2 ] = conn . ServerVersion ; ;
row [ 3 ] = conn . ServerVersion ; ;
row [ 4 ] = GroupByBehavior . Unrelated ;
row [ 5 ] = @"(^\[\p{Lo}\p{Lu}\p{Ll}_@#][\p{Lo}\p{Lu}\p{Ll}\p{Nd}@$#_]*$)|(^\[[^\]\0]|\]\]+\]$)|(^\""[^\""\0]|\""\""+\""$)" ;
row [ 6 ] = IdentifierCase . Insensitive ; // FIXME: obtain this from SQL Server
row [ 7 ] = false ;
row [ 8 ] = "{0}" ;
row [ 9 ] = @"@[\p{Lo}\p{Lu}\p{Ll}\p{Lm}_@#][\p{Lo}\p{Lu}\p{Ll}\p{Lm}\p{Nd}\uff3f_@#\$]*(?=\s+|$)" ;
row [ 10 ] = 128 ;
row [ 11 ] = @"^[\p{Lo}\p{Lu}\p{Ll}\p{Lm}_@#][\p{Lo}\p{Lu}\p{Ll}\p{Lm}\p{Nd}\uff3f_@#\$]*(?=\s+|$)" ;
row [ 12 ] = @"(([^\[]|\]\])*)" ;
row [ 13 ] = IdentifierCase . Insensitive ; // FIXME: obtain this from SQL Server
row [ 14 ] = ";" ;
row [ 15 ] = "'(([^']|'')*)'" ;
row [ 16 ] = ( SupportedJoinOperators . FullOuter | SupportedJoinOperators . Inner |
SupportedJoinOperators . LeftOuter | SupportedJoinOperators . RightOuter ) ;
table . Rows . Add ( row ) ;
return table ;
static class DataTypes
static readonly ColumnInfo [ ] columns = {
new ColumnInfo ( "TypeName" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "ProviderDbType" , typeof ( int ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "ColumnSize" , typeof ( long ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "CreateFormat" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "CreateParameters" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "DataType" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "IsAutoIncrementable" , typeof ( bool ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "IsBestMatch" , typeof ( bool ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "IsCaseSensitive" , typeof ( bool ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "IsFixedLength" , typeof ( bool ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "IsFixedPrecisionScale" , typeof ( bool ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "IsLong" , typeof ( bool ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "IsNullable" , typeof ( bool ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "IsSearchable" , typeof ( bool ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "IsSearchableWithLike" , typeof ( bool ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "IsUnsigned" , typeof ( bool ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "MaximumScale" , typeof ( short ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "MinimumScale" , typeof ( short ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "IsConcurrencyType" , typeof ( bool ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "IsLiteralSupported" , typeof ( bool ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "LiteralPrefix" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "LiteralSuffix" , typeof ( string ) )
} ;
static readonly object [ ] [ ] rows = {
new object [ ] { "smallint" , 16 , 5 , "smallint" , null , "System.Int16" , true , true ,
false , true , true , false , true , true , false , false , null ,
null , false , null , null , null } ,
new object [ ] { "int" , 8 , 10 , "int" , null , "System.Int32" ,
true , true , false , true , true , false , true , true , false ,
false , null , null , false , null , null , null } ,
new object [ ] { "real" , 13 , 7 , "real" , null ,
"System.Single" , false , true , false , true , false , false ,
true , true , false , false , null , null , false , null , null , null } ,
new object [ ] { "float" , 6 , 53 , "float({0})" ,
"number of bits used to store the mantissa" , "System.Double" ,
false , true , false , true , false , false , true , true ,
false , false , null , null , false , null , null , null } ,
new object [ ] { "money" , 9 , 19 , "money" , null ,
"System.Decimal" , false , false , false , true , true ,
false , true , true , false , false , null , null , false ,
null , null , null } ,
new object [ ] { "smallmoney" , 17 , 10 , "smallmoney" , null ,
"System.Decimal" , false , false , false , true , true , false ,
true , true , false , false , null , null , false , null , null , null } ,
new object [ ] { "bit" , 2 , 1 , "bit" , null , "System.Boolean" ,
false , false , false , true , false , false , true , true ,
false , null , null , null , false , null , null , null } ,
new object [ ] { "tinyint" , 20 , 3 , "tinyint" , null ,
"System.SByte" , true , true , false , true , true , false ,
true , true , false , true , null , null , false , null , null , null } ,
new object [ ] { "bigint" , 0 , 19 , "bigint" , null ,
"System.Int64" , true , true , false , true , true , false ,
true , true , false , false , null , null , false , null , null , null } ,
new object [ ] { "timestamp" , 19 , 8 , "timestamp" , null ,
"System.Byte[]" , false , false , false , true , false , false ,
false , true , false , null , null , null , true , null , "0x" , null } ,
new object [ ] { "binary" , 1 , 8000 , "binary({0})" , "length" ,
"System.Byte[]" , false , true , false , true , false , false ,
true , true , false , null , null , null , false , null , "0x" , null } ,
new object [ ] { "image" , 7 , 2147483647 , "image" , null ,
"System.Byte[]" , false , true , false , false , false , true ,
true , false , false , null , null , null , false , null , "0x" , null } ,
new object [ ] { "text" , 18 , 2147483647 , "text" , null ,
"System.String" , false , true , false , false , false , true ,
true , false , true , null , null , null , false , null , "'" , "'" } ,
new object [ ] { "ntext" , 11 , 1073741823 , "ntext" , null ,
"System.String" , false , true , false , false , false , true ,
true , false , true , null , null , null , false , null , "N'" , "'" } ,
new object [ ] { "decimal" , 5 , 38 , "decimal({0}, {1})" ,
"precision,scale" , "System.Decimal" , true , true , false ,
true , false , false , true , true , false , false , 38 , 0 ,
false , null , null , null } ,
new object [ ] { "numeric" , 5 , 38 , "numeric({0}, {1})" ,
"precision,scale" , "System.Decimal" , true , true , false ,
true , false , false , true , true , false , false , 38 , 0 ,
false , null , null , null } ,
new object [ ] { "datetime" , 4 , 23 , "datetime" , null ,
"System.DateTime" , false , true , false , true , false , false ,
true , true , true , null , null , null , false , null , "{ts '" , "'}" } ,
new object [ ] { "smalldatetime" , 15 , 16 , "smalldatetime" , null ,
"System.DateTime" , false , true , false , true , false , false ,
true , true , true , null , null , null , false , null , "{ts '" , "'}" } ,
new object [ ] { "sql_variant" , 23 , null , "sql_variant" ,
null , "System.Object" , false , true , false , false , false ,
false , true , true , false , null , null , null , false , false ,
null , null } ,
new object [ ] { "xml" , 25 , 2147483647 , "xml" , null ,
"System.String" , false , false , false , false , false , true ,
true , false , false , null , null , null , false , false , null , null } ,
new object [ ] { "varchar" , 22 , 2147483647 , "varchar({0})" ,
"max length" , "System.String" , false , true , false , false ,
false , false , true , true , true , null , null , null , false ,
null , "'" , "'" } ,
new object [ ] { "char" , 3 , 2147483647 , "char({0})" , "length" ,
"System.String" , false , true , false , true , false , false ,
true , true , true , null , null , null , false , null , "'" , "'" } ,
new object [ ] { "nchar" , 10 , 1073741823 , "nchar({0})" , "length" ,
"System.String" , false , true , false , true , false , false ,
true , true , true , null , null , null , false , null , "N'" , "'" } ,
new object [ ] { "nvarchar" , 12 , 1073741823 , "nvarchar({0})" , "max length" ,
"System.String" , false , true , false , false , false , false , true , true ,
true , null , null , null , false , null , "N'" , "'" } ,
new object [ ] { "varbinary" , 21 , 1073741823 , "varbinary({0})" ,
"max length" , "System.Byte[]" , false , true , false , false ,
false , false , true , true , false , null , null , null , false ,
null , "0x" , null } ,
new object [ ] { "uniqueidentifier" , 14 , 16 , "uniqueidentifier" , null ,
"System.Guid" , false , true , false , true , false , false , true ,
true , false , null , null , null , false , null , "'" , "'" } ,
new object [ ] { "date" , 31 , 3L , "date" , DBNull . Value ,
"System.DateTime" , false , false , false , true , true , false ,
true , true , true , DBNull . Value , DBNull . Value , DBNull . Value ,
false , DBNull . Value , "{ts '" , "'}" } ,
new object [ ] { "time" , 32 , 5L , "time({0})" , "scale" ,
"System.TimeSpan" , false , false , false , false , false , false ,
true , true , true , DBNull . Value , ( short ) 7 , ( short ) 0 ,
false , DBNull . Value , "{ts '" , "'}" } ,
new object [ ] { "datetime2" , 33 , 8L , "datetime2({0})" , "scale" ,
"System.DateTime" , false , true , false , false , false , false ,
true , true , true , DBNull . Value , ( short ) 7 , ( short ) 0 ,
false , DBNull . Value , "{ts '" , "'}" } ,
new object [ ] { "datetimeoffset" , 34 , 10L , "datetimeoffset({0})" ,
"scale" , "System.DateTimeOffset" , false , true , false , false ,
false , false , true , true , true , DBNull . Value , ( short ) 7 , ( short ) 0 ,
false , DBNull . Value , "{ts '" , "'}" }
} ;
static DataTable instance ;
static public DataTable Instance {
get {
if ( instance = = null ) {
instance = new DataTable ( "DataTypes" ) ;
foreach ( ColumnInfo c in columns )
instance . Columns . Add ( c . name , c . type ) ;
foreach ( object [ ] row in rows )
instance . LoadDataRow ( row , true ) ;
return instance ;
static class Restrictions
static readonly ColumnInfo [ ] columns = {
new ColumnInfo ( "CollectionName" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "RestrictionName" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "ParameterName" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "RestrictionDefault" , typeof ( string ) ) ,
new ColumnInfo ( "RestrictionNumber" , typeof ( int ) )
} ;
static readonly object [ ] [ ] rows = {
new object [ ] { "Users" , "User_Name" , "@Name" , "name" , 1 } ,
new object [ ] { "Databases" , "Name" , "@Name" , "Name" , 1 } ,
new object [ ] { "Tables" , "Catalog" , "@Catalog" , "TABLE_CATALOG" , 1 } ,
new object [ ] { "Tables" , "Owner" , "@Owner" , "TABLE_SCHEMA" , 2 } ,
new object [ ] { "Tables" , "Table" , "@Name" , "TABLE_NAME" , 3 } ,
new object [ ] { "Tables" , "TableType" , "@TableType" , "TABLE_TYPE" , 4 } ,
new object [ ] { "Columns" , "Catalog" , "@Catalog" , "TABLE_CATALOG" , 1 } ,
new object [ ] { "Columns" , "Owner" , "@Owner" , "TABLE_SCHEMA" , 2 } ,
new object [ ] { "Columns" , "Table" , "@Table" , "TABLE_NAME" , 3 } ,
new object [ ] { "Columns" , "Column" , "@Column" , "COLUMN_NAME" , 4 } ,
new object [ ] { "StructuredTypeMembers" , "Catalog" , "@Catalog" , "TYPE_CATALOG" , 1 } ,
new object [ ] { "StructuredTypeMembers" , "Owner" , "@Owner" , "TYPE_SCHEMA" , 2 } ,
new object [ ] { "StructuredTypeMembers" , "Type" , "@Type" , "TYPE_NAME" , 3 } ,
new object [ ] { "StructuredTypeMembers" , "Member" , "@Member" , "MEMBER_NAME" , 4 } ,
new object [ ] { "Views" , "Catalog" , "@Catalog" , "TABLE_CATALOG" , 1 } ,
new object [ ] { "Views" , "Owner" , "@Owner" , "TABLE_SCHEMA" , 2 } ,
new object [ ] { "Views" , "Table" , "@Table" , "TABLE_NAME" , 3 } ,
new object [ ] { "ViewColumns" , "Catalog" , "@Catalog" , "VIEW_CATALOG" , 1 } ,
new object [ ] { "ViewColumns" , "Owner" , "@Owner" , "VIEW_SCHEMA" , 2 } ,
new object [ ] { "ViewColumns" , "Table" , "@Table" , "VIEW_NAME" , 3 } ,
new object [ ] { "ViewColumns" , "Column" , "@Column" , "COLUMN_NAME" , 4 } ,
new object [ ] { "ProcedureParameters" , "Catalog" , "@Catalog" , "SPECIFIC_CATALOG" , 1 } ,
new object [ ] { "ProcedureParameters" , "Owner" , "@Owner" , "SPECIFIC_SCHEMA" , 2 } ,
new object [ ] { "ProcedureParameters" , "Name" , "@Name" , "SPECIFIC_NAME" , 3 } ,
new object [ ] { "ProcedureParameters" , "Parameter" , "@Parameter" , "PARAMETER_NAME" , 4 } ,
new object [ ] { "Procedures" , "Catalog" , "@Catalog" , "SPECIFIC_CATALOG" , 1 } ,
new object [ ] { "Procedures" , "Owner" , "@Owner" , "SPECIFIC_SCHEMA" , 2 } ,
new object [ ] { "Procedures" , "Name" , "@Name" , "SPECIFIC_NAME" , 3 } ,
new object [ ] { "Procedures" , "Type" , "@Type" , "ROUTINE_TYPE" , 4 } ,
new object [ ] { "IndexColumns" , "Catalog" , "@Catalog" , "db_name()" , 1 } ,
new object [ ] { "IndexColumns" , "Owner" , "@Owner" , "user_name()" , 2 } ,
new object [ ] { "IndexColumns" , "Table" , "@Table" , "o.name" , 3 } ,
new object [ ] { "IndexColumns" , "ConstraintName" , "@ConstraintName" , "x.name" , 4 } ,
new object [ ] { "IndexColumns" , "Column" , "@Column" , "c.name" , 5 } ,
new object [ ] { "Indexes" , "Catalog" , "@Catalog" , "db_name()" , 1 } ,
new object [ ] { "Indexes" , "Owner" , "@Owner" , "user_name()" , 2 } ,
new object [ ] { "Indexes" , "Table" , "@Table" , "o.name" , 3 } ,
new object [ ] { "Indexes" , "Name" , "@Name" , "x.name" , 4 } ,
new object [ ] { "UserDefinedTypes" , "assembly_name" , "@AssemblyName" , "assemblies.name" , 1 } ,
new object [ ] { "UserDefinedTypes" , "udt_name" , "@UDTName" , "types.assembly_class" , 2 } ,
new object [ ] { "ForeignKeys" , "Catalog" , "@Catalog" , "CONSTRAINT_CATALOG" , 1 } ,
new object [ ] { "ForeignKeys" , "Owner" , "@Owner" , "CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA" , 2 } ,
new object [ ] { "ForeignKeys" , "Table" , "@Table" , "TABLE_NAME" , 3 } ,
new object [ ] { "ForeignKeys" , "Name" , "@Name" , "CONSTRAINT_NAME" , 4 }
} ;
static DataTable instance ;
static public DataTable Instance {
get {
if ( instance = = null ) {
instance = new DataTable ( "Restrictions" ) ;
foreach ( ColumnInfo c in columns )
instance . Columns . Add ( c . name , c . type ) ;
foreach ( object [ ] row in rows )
instance . LoadDataRow ( row , true ) ;
return instance ;
public override DataTable GetSchema ( )
if ( state = = ConnectionState . Closed )
throw ExceptionHelper . ConnectionClosed ( ) ;
return MetaDataCollections . Instance ;
public override DataTable GetSchema ( String collectionName )
return GetSchema ( collectionName , null ) ;
public override DataTable GetSchema ( String collectionName , string [ ] restrictionValues )
// LAMESPEC: In MS.NET, if collectionName is null, it throws ArgumentException.
if ( state = = ConnectionState . Closed )
throw ExceptionHelper . ConnectionClosed ( ) ;
String cName = null ;
DataTable schemaTable = MetaDataCollections . Instance ;
int length = restrictionValues = = null ? 0 : restrictionValues . Length ;
foreach ( DataRow row in schemaTable . Rows ) {
if ( String . Compare ( ( string ) row [ "CollectionName" ] , collectionName , true ) = = 0 ) {
if ( length > ( int ) row [ "NumberOfRestrictions" ] ) {
throw new ArgumentException ( "More restrictions were provided " +
"than the requested schema ('" +
row [ "CollectionName" ] . ToString ( ) + "') supports" ) ;
cName = row [ "CollectionName" ] . ToString ( ) ;
if ( cName = = null )
throw new ArgumentException ( string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ,
"The requested collection ({0}) is not defined." ,
collectionName ) ) ;
SqlCommand command = null ;
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable ( ) ;
SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter ( ) ;
switch ( cName )
case "Databases" :
command = new SqlCommand ( "select name as database_name, dbid, crdate as create_date " +
"from master.sys.sysdatabases where (name = @Name or (@Name " +
"is null))" , this ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Name" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
break ;
case "ForeignKeys" :
" = @Catalog or (@Catalog is null)) and (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = " +
"@Owner or (@Owner is null)) and (TABLE_NAME = @Table or (" +
"@Table is null)) and (CONSTRAINT_NAME = @Name or (@Name is null))" +
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Catalog" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Owner" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Table" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Name" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
break ;
case "Indexes" :
command = new SqlCommand ( "select distinct db_name() as constraint_catalog, " +
"constraint_schema = user_name (o.uid), " +
"constraint_name = x.name, table_catalog = db_name (), " +
"table_schema = user_name (o.uid), table_name = o.name, " +
"index_name = x.name from sysobjects o, sysindexes x, " +
"sysindexkeys xk where o.type in ('U') and x.id = o.id and " +
"o.id = xk.id and x.indid = xk.indid and xk.keyno = x.keycnt " +
"and (db_name() = @Catalog or (@Catalog is null)) and " +
"(user_name() = @Owner or (@Owner is null)) and (o.name = " +
"@Table or (@Table is null)) and (x.name = @Name or (@Name is null))" +
"order by table_name, index_name" , this ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Catalog" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Owner" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Table" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Name" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
break ;
case "IndexColumns" :
command = new SqlCommand ( "select distinct db_name() as constraint_catalog, " +
"constraint_schema = user_name (o.uid), constraint_name = x.name, " +
"table_catalog = db_name (), table_schema = user_name (o.uid), " +
"table_name = o.name, column_name = c.name, " +
"ordinal_position = convert (int, xk.keyno), keyType = c.xtype, " +
"index_name = x.name from sysobjects o, sysindexes x, syscolumns c, " +
"sysindexkeys xk where o.type in ('U') and x.id = o.id and o.id = c.id " +
"and o.id = xk.id and x.indid = xk.indid and c.colid = xk.colid " +
"and xk.keyno <= x.keycnt and permissions (o.id, c.name) <> 0 " +
"and (db_name() = @Catalog or (@Catalog is null)) and (user_name() " +
"= @Owner or (@Owner is null)) and (o.name = @Table or (@Table is" +
" null)) and (x.name = @ConstraintName or (@ConstraintName is null)) " +
"and (c.name = @Column or (@Column is null)) order by table_name, " +
"index_name" , this ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Catalog" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 8 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Owner" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Table" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 13 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@ConstraintName" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Column" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
break ;
case "Procedures" :
command = new SqlCommand ( "select SPECIFIC_CATALOG, SPECIFIC_SCHEMA, SPECIFIC_NAME, " +
"(SPECIFIC_CATALOG = @Catalog or (@Catalog is null)) and " +
"(SPECIFIC_SCHEMA = @Owner or (@Owner is null)) and (SPECIFIC_NAME" +
" = @Name or (@Name is null)) and (ROUTINE_TYPE = @Type or (@Type " +
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Catalog" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Owner" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Name" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Type" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
break ;
case "ProcedureParameters" :
command = new SqlCommand ( "select SPECIFIC_CATALOG, SPECIFIC_SCHEMA, SPECIFIC_NAME, " +
"(SPECIFIC_CATALOG = @Catalog or (@Catalog is null)) and " +
"(SPECIFIC_SCHEMA = @Owner or (@Owner is null)) and (SPECIFIC_NAME = " +
"@Name or (@Name is null)) and (PARAMETER_NAME = @Parameter or (" +
"@Parameter is null)) order by SPECIFIC_CATALOG, SPECIFIC_SCHEMA," +
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Catalog" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Owner" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Name" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Parameter" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
break ;
case "Tables" :
command = new SqlCommand ( "select TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, TABLE_TYPE " +
" (TABLE_CATALOG = @catalog or (@catalog is null)) and " +
"(TABLE_SCHEMA = @owner or (@owner is null))and " +
"(TABLE_NAME = @name or (@name is null)) and " +
"(TABLE_TYPE = @table_type or (@table_type is null))" , this ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@catalog" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 8 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@owner" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 3 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@name" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 11 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@table_type" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 10 ) ;
break ;
case "Columns" :
command = new SqlCommand ( "select TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, " +
" where (TABLE_CATALOG = @Catalog or (@Catalog is null)) and (" +
"TABLE_SCHEMA = @Owner or (@Owner is null)) and (TABLE_NAME = @table" +
" or (@Table is null)) and (COLUMN_NAME = @column or (@Column is null" +
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Catalog" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Owner" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Table" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Column" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
break ;
case "Users" :
command = new SqlCommand ( "select uid, name as user_name, createdate, updatedate from sysusers" +
" where (name = @Name or (@Name is null))" , this ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Name" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
break ;
case "StructuredTypeMembers" :
// Only available on SQL Server 2008
// Running it again SQL 2005 results in the following exception:
// Unable to build the 'StructuredTypeMembers' collection because
// execution of the SQL query failed. See the inner exception for details.
// ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'sys.table_types'.
// I don't have access to SQL Server 2008 right now,
// and can't find any online documentation on the 'sys.table_types'
// view
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
case "Views" :
command = new SqlCommand ( "select TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, CHECK_OPTION, " +
" = @Catalog or (@Catalog is null)) TABLE_SCHEMA = @Owner or " +
"(@Owner is null)) and (TABLE_NAME = @table or (@Table is null))" +
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Catalog" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Owner" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Table" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
break ;
case "ViewColumns" :
command = new SqlCommand ( "select VIEW_CATALOG, VIEW_SCHEMA, VIEW_NAME, TABLE_CATALOG, " +
"@Catalog (@Catalog is null)) and (VIEW_SCHEMA = @Owner (@Owner" +
" is null)) and (VIEW_NAME = @Table or (@Table is null)) and " +
"(COLUMN_NAME = @Column or (@Column is null)) order by " +
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Catalog" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Owner" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Table" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@Column" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
break ;
case "UserDefinedTypes" :
command = new SqlCommand ( "select assemblies.name as assembly_name, types.assembly_class " +
"as udt_name, ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(assemblies.name, 'VersionMajor') " +
"as version_major, ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(assemblies.name, 'VersionMinor') " +
"as version_minor, ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(assemblies.name, 'VersionBuild') " +
"as version_build, ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(assemblies.name, 'VersionRevision') " +
"as version_revision, ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(assemblies.name, 'CultureInfo') " +
"as culture_info, ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(assemblies.name, 'PublicKey') " +
"as public_key, is_fixed_length, max_length, Create_Date, " +
"Permission_set_desc from sys.assemblies as assemblies join " +
"sys.assembly_types as types on assemblies.assembly_id = types.assembly_id" +
" where (assportemblies.name = @AssemblyName or (@AssemblyName is null)) and " +
"(types.assembly_class = @UDTName or (@UDTName is null))" ,
this ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@AssemblyName" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
command . Parameters . Add ( "@UDTName" , SqlDbType . NVarChar , 4000 ) ;
break ;
case "MetaDataCollections" :
return MetaDataCollections . Instance ;
case "DataSourceInformation" :
return DataSourceInformation . GetInstance ( this ) ;
case "DataTypes" :
return DataTypes . Instance ;
case "ReservedWords" :
return ReservedWords . Instance ;
case "Restrictions" :
return Restrictions . Instance ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < length ; i + + ) {
command . Parameters [ i ] . Value = restrictionValues [ i ] ;
dataAdapter . SelectCommand = command ;
dataAdapter . Fill ( dataTable ) ;
return dataTable ;
public static void ChangePassword ( string connectionString , string newPassword )
if ( String . IsNullOrEmpty ( connectionString ) )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "The 'connectionString' cannot be null or empty." ) ;
if ( String . IsNullOrEmpty ( newPassword ) )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "The 'newPassword' cannot be null or empty." ) ;
if ( newPassword . Length > 128 )
throw new ArgumentException ( "The length of 'newPassword' cannot exceed 128 characters." ) ;
using ( SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection ( connectionString ) ) {
conn . Open ( ) ;
conn . tds . Execute ( String . Format ( "sp_password '{0}', '{1}', '{2}'" ,
conn . parms . Password , newPassword , conn . parms . User ) ) ;
public static void ClearAllPools ( )
// FIXME: locking
IDictionary pools = SqlConnection . sqlConnectionPools . GetConnectionPool ( ) ;
foreach ( TdsConnectionPool pool in pools . Values ) {
if ( pool ! = null )
pool . ResetConnectionPool ( ) ;
pools . Clear ( ) ;
public static void ClearPool ( SqlConnection connection )
if ( connection = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "connection" ) ;
// FIXME: locking
if ( connection . pooling ) {
TdsConnectionPool pool = sqlConnectionPools . GetConnectionPool ( connection . ConnectionString ) ;
if ( pool ! = null )
pool . ResetConnectionPool ( ) ;
2016-08-23 13:20:38 +00:00
public void ResetStatistics ( )
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
public IDictionary RetrieveStatistics ( )
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
#endregion // Methods
#region Fields Net 2
bool async ;
bool userInstance ;
#endregion // Fields Net 2
#region Properties Net 2
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
internal bool AsyncProcessing {
get { return async ; }
#endregion // Properties Net 2