If you're using Visual Studio 2017, you need to run the above command from the "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017". Visual Studio setup puts a shortcut to this in the Start menu.
- Build native and managed components of ILCompiler. The final binaries are placed to `<repo_root>\bin\Product\<OS>.<arch>.<Config>\packaging\publish1`.
* Download latest CLI tools from [https://github.com/dotnet/cli/](https://github.com/dotnet/cli/) and add them to the path. The latest CLI tools include MSBuild support that the native compilation build integration depends on. These instructions have been tested with build `1.0.0-rc4-004812`.
* Ensure that you have done a repo build per the instructions above.
* Create a new folder and switch into it.
* Run `dotnet new` on the command/shell prompt. This will add a project template. If you get an error, please ensure the [pre-requisites](prerequisites-for-building.md) are installed.
* Modify `.csproj` file that is part of your project. A few lines at the top and at the bottom are different from the default template.
* Set IlcPath environment variable to point to the built binaries. Alternatively, pass an extra `/p:IlcPath=<repo_root>\bin\Product\Windows_NT.x64.Debug\packaging\publish1` argument to all dotnet commands below.
* Run `dotnet restore`. This will download nuget packages required for compilation.
* Please [open an issue](https://github.com/dotnet/corert/issues) if these instructions do not work anymore. .NET Core integration with MSBuild is work in progress and these instructions need updating accordingly from time to time.
## Using RyuJIT ##
This approach uses the same code-generator (RyuJIT), as [CoreCLR](https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr), for compiling the application. Linking is done using the platform specific linker.
From the shell/command prompt, issue the following commands, from the folder containing your project, to generate the native executable
dotnet build /t:LinkNative
Native executable will be dropped in `./bin/[configuration]/native/` folder and will have the same name as the folder in which your source file is present.
## Using CPP Code Generator ##
This approach uses platform specific C++ compiler and linker for compiling/linking the application.
From the shell/command prompt, issue the following commands to generate the native executable:
dotnet build /t:LinkNative /p:NativeCodeGen=cpp
For CoreRT debug build on Windows, add an extra `/p:AdditionalCppCompilerFlags=/MTd` argument.
## Workarounds for build errors on Windows ##
If you are seeing errors such as:
LNK2038: mismatch detected for 'RuntimeLibrary': value 'MTd_StaticDebug' doesn't match value 'MT_StaticRelease'
- Make sure to use release build, or pass the extra `/p:AdditionalCppCompilerFlags=/MTd` argument above.