<blockquote><dt><i>element_class:</i></dt><dd> element class </dd><dt><i>rank:</i></dt><dd> the dimension of the array class</dd><dt><i>bounded:</i></dt><dd> whenever the array has non-zero bounds</dd></blockquote>
<blockquote> a class object describing the array with element type <i>element_type</i> and
<blockquote><dt><i>assembly:</i></dt><dd> if NULL, this is a global mapping, otherwise the remapping of the dynamic library will only apply to the specified assembly</dd><dt><i>dll:</i></dt><dd> The name of the external library, as it would be found in the DllImport declaration. If prefixed with 'i:' the matching of the library name is done without case sensitivity</dd><dt><i>func:</i></dt><dd> if not null, the mapping will only applied to the named function (the value of EntryPoint)</dd><dt><i>tdll:</i></dt><dd> The name of the library to map the specified <i>dll</i> if it matches.</dd><dt><i>tfunc:</i></dt><dd> if func is not NULL, the name of the function that replaces the invocation</dd></blockquote>
LOCKING: Acquires the loader lock.
This function is used to programatically add DllImport remapping in either
a specific assembly, or as a global remapping. This is done by remapping
references in a DllImport attribute from the <i>dll</i> library name into the <i>tdll</i>
name. If the <i>dll</i> name contains the prefix "i:", the comparison of the
library name is done without case sensitivity.
If you pass <i>func</i>, this is the name of the EntryPoint in a DllImport if specified
or the name of the function as determined by DllImport. If you pass <i>func</i>, you
must also pass <i>tfunc</i> which is the name of the target function to invoke on a match.
<blockquote><dt><i>domain_name:</i></dt><dd> name to give to the initial domain</dd><dt><i>filename:</i></dt><dd> filename to load on startup</dd></blockquote>
<blockquote> the initial domain.
Used by the runtime, users should use mono_jit_init instead.
Creates the initial application domain and initializes the mono_defaults
This function is guaranteed to not run any IL code.
The runtime is initialized using the runtime version required by the
provided executable. The version is determined by looking at the exe
configuration file and the version PE field)
mono_init (const char *domain_name)
<blockquote> the initial domain.
Creates the initial application domain and initializes the mono_defaults
This function is guaranteed to not run any IL code.
The runtime is initialized using the default runtime version.
Used by the runtime, users should use mono_jit_init instead.
Creates the initial application domain and initializes the mono_defaults
This function is guaranteed to not run any IL code.
The runtime is initialized using the provided rutime version.
mono_jit_exec (MonoDomain *domain, MonoAssembly *assembly, int argc, char *argv[])
<blockquote><dt><i>assembly:</i></dt><dd> reference to an assembly</dd><dt><i>argc:</i></dt><dd> argument count</dd><dt><i>argv:</i></dt><dd> argument vector</dd></blockquote>
<blockquote><dt><i>argc:</i></dt><dd> number of arguments in the argv array</dd><dt><i>argv:</i></dt><dd> array of strings containing the startup arguments</dd></blockquote>
Launches the Mono JIT engine and parses all the command line options
in the same way that the mono command line VM would.
mono_runtime_run_main (MonoMethod *method, int argc, char* argv[],
MonoObject **exc)
<blockquote><dt><i>method:</i></dt><dd> the method to start the application with (usually Main)</dd><dt><i>argc:</i></dt><dd> number of arguments from the command line</dd><dt><i>argv:</i></dt><dd> array of strings from the command line</dd><dt><i>exc:</i></dt><dd> excetption results</dd></blockquote>
Execute a standard Main() method (argc/argv contains the
executable name). This method also sets the command line argument value