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// ==++==
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// ==--==
namespace System.Globalization {
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
// Rules for the Hebrew calendar:
// - The Hebrew calendar is both a Lunar (months) and Solar (years)
// calendar, but allows for a week of seven days.
// - Days begin at sunset.
// - Leap Years occur in the 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, & 19th years of a
// 19-year cycle. Year = leap iff ((7y+1) mod 19 < 7).
// - There are 12 months in a common year and 13 months in a leap year.
// - In a common year, the 6th month, Adar, has 29 days. In a leap
// year, the 6th month, Adar I, has 30 days and the leap month,
// Adar II, has 29 days.
// - Common years have 353-355 days. Leap years have 383-385 days.
// - The Hebrew new year (Rosh HaShanah) begins on the 1st of Tishri,
// the 7th month in the list below.
// - The new year may not begin on Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday.
// - If the new year would fall on a Tuesday and the conjunction of
// the following year were at midday or later, the new year is
// delayed until Thursday.
// - If the new year would fall on a Monday after a leap year, the
// new year is delayed until Tuesday.
// - The length of the 8th and 9th months vary from year to year,
// depending on the overall length of the year.
// - The length of a year is determined by the dates of the new
// years (Tishri 1) preceding and following the year in question.
// - The 2th month is long (30 days) if the year has 355 or 385 days.
// - The 3th month is short (29 days) if the year has 353 or 383 days.
// - The Hebrew months are:
// 1. Tishri (30 days)
// 2. Heshvan (29 or 30 days)
// 3. Kislev (29 or 30 days)
// 4. Teveth (29 days)
// 5. Shevat (30 days)
// 6. Adar I (30 days)
// 7. Adar {II} (29 days, this only exists if that year is a leap year)
// 8. Nisan (30 days)
// 9. Iyyar (29 days)
// 10. Sivan (30 days)
// 11. Tammuz (29 days)
// 12. Av (30 days)
// 13. Elul (29 days)
** Calendar support range:
** Calendar Minimum Maximum
** ========== ========== ==========
** Gregorian 1583/01/01 2239/09/29
** Hebrew 5343/04/07 5999/13/29
// Includes CHebrew implemetation;i.e All the code necessary for converting
// Gregorian to Hebrew Lunar from 1583 to 2239.
public class HebrewCalendar : Calendar {
public static readonly int HebrewEra = 1;
internal const int DatePartYear = 0;
internal const int DatePartDayOfYear = 1;
internal const int DatePartMonth = 2;
internal const int DatePartDay = 3;
internal const int DatePartDayOfWeek = 4;
// Hebrew Translation Table.
// This table is used to get the following Hebrew calendar information for a
// given Gregorian year:
// 1. The day of the Hebrew month corresponding to Gregorian January 1st
// for a given Gregorian year.
// 2. The month of the Hebrew month corresponding to Gregorian January 1st
// for a given Gregorian year.
// The information is not directly in the table. Instead, the info is decoded
// by special values (numbers above 29 and below 1).
// 3. The type of the Hebrew year for a given Gregorian year.
More notes:
This table includes 2 numbers for each year.
The offset into the table determines the year. (offset 0 is Gregorian year 1500)
1st number determines the day of the Hebrew month coresponeds to January 1st.
2nd number determines the type of the Hebrew year. (the type determines how
many days are there in the year.)
normal years : 1 = 353 days 2 = 354 days 3 = 355 days.
Leap years : 4 = 383 5 384 6 = 385 days.
A 99 means the year is not supported for translation.
for convenience the table was defined for 750 year,
but only 640 years are supported. (from 1583 to 2239)
the years before 1582 (starting of Georgian calander)
and after 2239, are filled with 99.
Greogrian January 1st falls usually in Tevet (4th month). Tevet has always 29 days.
That's why, there no nead to specify the lunar month in the table.
There are exceptions, these are coded by giving numbers above 29 and below 1.
Actual decoding is takenig place whenever fetching information from the table.
The function for decoding is in GetLunarMonthDay().
The data for 2000 - 2005 A.D. is:
23,6,6,1,17,2,27,6,7,3, // 2000 - 2004
For year 2000, we know it has a Hebrew year type 6, which means it has 385 days.
And 1/1/2000 A.D. is Hebrew year 5760, 23rd day of 4th month.
// Jewish Era in use today is dated from the supposed year of the
// Creation with its beginning in 3761 B.C.
// The Hebrew year of Gregorian 1st year AD.
// 0001/01/01 AD is Hebrew 3760/01/01
private const int HebrewYearOf1AD = 3760;
// The first Gregorian year in HebrewTable.
private const int FirstGregorianTableYear = 1583; // == Hebrew Year 5343
// The last Gregorian year in HebrewTable.
private const int LastGregorianTableYear = 2239; // == Hebrew Year 5999
private const int TABLESIZE = (LastGregorianTableYear-FirstGregorianTableYear);
private const int MinHebrewYear = HebrewYearOf1AD + FirstGregorianTableYear; // == 5343
private const int MaxHebrewYear = HebrewYearOf1AD + LastGregorianTableYear; // == 5999
private static readonly int[] HebrewTable = {
7,3,17,3, // 1583-1584 (Hebrew year: 5343 - 5344)
0,4,11,2,21,6,1,3,13,2, // 1585-1589
25,4,5,3,16,2,27,6,9,1, // 1590-1594
20,2,0,6,11,3,23,4,4,2, // 1595-1599
14,3,27,4,8,2,18,3,28,6, // 1600
11,1,22,5,2,3,12,3,25,4, // 1605
6,2,16,3,26,6,8,2,20,1, // 1610
0,6,11,2,24,4,4,3,15,2, // 1615
25,6,8,1,19,2,29,6,9,3, // 1620
22,4,3,2,13,3,25,4,6,3, // 1625
17,2,27,6,7,3,19,2,31,4, // 1630
11,3,23,4,5,2,15,3,25,6, // 1635
6,2,19,1,29,6,10,2,22,4, // 1640
3,3,14,2,24,6,6,1,17,3, // 1645
28,5,8,3,20,1,32,5,12,3, // 1650
22,6,4,1,16,2,26,6,6,3, // 1655
17,2,0,4,10,3,22,4,3,2, // 1660
14,3,24,6,5,2,17,1,28,6, // 1665
9,2,19,3,31,4,13,2,23,6, // 1670
3,3,15,1,27,5,7,3,17,3, // 1675
29,4,11,2,21,6,3,1,14,2, // 1680
25,6,5,3,16,2,28,4,9,3, // 1685
20,2,0,6,12,1,23,6,4,2, // 1690
14,3,26,4,8,2,18,3,0,4, // 1695
10,3,21,5,1,3,13,1,24,5, // 1700
5,3,15,3,27,4,8,2,19,3, // 1705
29,6,10,2,22,4,3,3,14,2, // 1710
26,4,6,3,18,2,28,6,10,1, // 1715
20,6,2,2,12,3,24,4,5,2, // 1720
16,3,28,4,8,3,19,2,0,6, // 1725
12,1,23,5,3,3,14,3,26,4, // 1730
7,2,17,3,28,6,9,2,21,4, // 1735
1,3,13,2,25,4,5,3,16,2, // 1740
27,6,9,1,19,3,0,5,11,3, // 1745
23,4,4,2,14,3,25,6,7,1, // 1750
18,2,28,6,9,3,21,4,2,2, // 1755
12,3,25,4,6,2,16,3,26,6, // 1760
8,2,20,1,0,6,11,2,22,6, // 1765
4,1,15,2,25,6,6,3,18,1, // 1770
29,5,9,3,22,4,2,3,13,2, // 1775
23,6,4,3,15,2,27,4,7,3, // 1780
19,2,31,4,11,3,21,6,3,2, // 1785
15,1,25,6,6,2,17,3,29,4, // 1790
10,2,20,6,3,1,13,3,24,5, // 1795
4,3,16,1,27,5,7,3,17,3, // 1800
0,4,11,2,21,6,1,3,13,2, // 1805
25,4,5,3,16,2,29,4,9,3, // 1810
19,6,30,2,13,1,23,6,4,2, // 1815
14,3,27,4,8,2,18,3,0,4, // 1820
11,3,22,5,2,3,14,1,26,5, // 1825
6,3,16,3,28,4,10,2,20,6, // 1830
30,3,11,2,24,4,4,3,15,2, // 1835
25,6,8,1,19,2,29,6,9,3, // 1840
22,4,3,2,13,3,25,4,7,2, // 1845
17,3,27,6,9,1,21,5,1,3, // 1850
11,3,23,4,5,2,15,3,25,6, // 1855
6,2,19,1,29,6,10,2,22,4, // 1860
3,3,14,2,24,6,6,1,18,2, // 1865
28,6,8,3,20,4,2,2,12,3, // 1870
24,4,4,3,16,2,26,6,6,3, // 1875
17,2,0,4,10,3,22,4,3,2, // 1880
14,3,24,6,5,2,17,1,28,6, // 1885
9,2,21,4,1,3,13,2,23,6, // 1890
5,1,15,3,27,5,7,3,19,1, // 1895
0,5,10,3,22,4,2,3,13,2, // 1900
24,6,4,3,15,2,27,4,8,3, // 1905
20,4,1,2,11,3,22,6,3,2, // 1910
15,1,25,6,7,2,17,3,29,4, // 1915
10,2,21,6,1,3,13,1,24,5, // 1920
5,3,15,3,27,4,8,2,19,6, // 1925
1,1,12,2,22,6,3,3,14,2, // 1930
26,4,6,3,18,2,28,6,10,1, // 1935
20,6,2,2,12,3,24,4,5,2, // 1940
16,3,28,4,9,2,19,6,30,3, // 1945
12,1,23,5,3,3,14,3,26,4, // 1950
7,2,17,3,28,6,9,2,21,4, // 1955
1,3,13,2,25,4,5,3,16,2, // 1960
27,6,9,1,19,6,30,2,11,3, // 1965
23,4,4,2,14,3,27,4,7,3, // 1970
18,2,28,6,11,1,22,5,2,3, // 1975
12,3,25,4,6,2,16,3,26,6, // 1980
8,2,20,4,30,3,11,2,24,4, // 1985
4,3,15,2,25,6,8,1,18,3, // 1990
29,5,9,3,22,4,3,2,13,3, // 1995
23,6,6,1,17,2,27,6,7,3, // 2000 - 2004
20,4,1,2,11,3,23,4,5,2, // 2005 - 2009
15,3,25,6,6,2,19,1,29,6, // 2010
10,2,20,6,3,1,14,2,24,6, // 2015
4,3,17,1,28,5,8,3,20,4, // 2020
1,3,12,2,22,6,2,3,14,2, // 2025
26,4,6,3,17,2,0,4,10,3, // 2030
20,6,1,2,14,1,24,6,5,2, // 2035
15,3,28,4,9,2,19,6,1,1, // 2040
12,3,23,5,3,3,15,1,27,5, // 2045
7,3,17,3,29,4,11,2,21,6, // 2050
1,3,12,2,25,4,5,3,16,2, // 2055
28,4,9,3,19,6,30,2,12,1, // 2060
23,6,4,2,14,3,26,4,8,2, // 2065
18,3,0,4,10,3,22,5,2,3, // 2070
14,1,25,5,6,3,16,3,28,4, // 2075
9,2,20,6,30,3,11,2,23,4, // 2080
4,3,15,2,27,4,7,3,19,2, // 2085
29,6,11,1,21,6,3,2,13,3, // 2090
25,4,6,2,17,3,27,6,9,1, // 2095
20,5,30,3,10,3,22,4,3,2, // 2100
14,3,24,6,5,2,17,1,28,6, // 2105
9,2,21,4,1,3,13,2,23,6, // 2110
5,1,16,2,27,6,7,3,19,4, // 2115
30,2,11,3,23,4,3,3,14,2, // 2120
25,6,5,3,16,2,28,4,9,3, // 2125
21,4,2,2,12,3,23,6,4,2, // 2130
16,1,26,6,8,2,20,4,30,3, // 2135
11,2,22,6,4,1,14,3,25,5, // 2140
6,3,18,1,29,5,9,3,22,4, // 2145
2,3,13,2,23,6,4,3,15,2, // 2150
27,4,7,3,20,4,1,2,11,3, // 2155
21,6,3,2,15,1,25,6,6,2, // 2160
17,3,29,4,10,2,20,6,3,1, // 2165
13,3,24,5,4,3,17,1,28,5, // 2170
8,3,18,6,1,1,12,2,22,6, // 2175
2,3,14,2,26,4,6,3,17,2, // 2180
28,6,10,1,20,6,1,2,12,3, // 2185
24,4,5,2,15,3,28,4,9,2, // 2190
19,6,33,3,12,1,23,5,3,3, // 2195
13,3,25,4,6,2,16,3,26,6, // 2200
8,2,20,4,30,3,11,2,24,4, // 2205
4,3,15,2,25,6,8,1,18,6, // 2210
33,2,9,3,22,4,3,2,13,3, // 2215
25,4,6,3,17,2,27,6,9,1, // 2220
21,5,1,3,11,3,23,4,5,2, // 2225
15,3,25,6,6,2,19,4,33,3, // 2230
10,2,22,4,3,3,14,2,24,6, // 2235
6,1 // 2240 (Hebrew year: 6000)
// The lunar calendar has 6 different variations of month lengths
// within a year.
private static readonly int[,] LunarMonthLen = {
{0,30,29,29,29,30,29,30,29,30,29,30,29,0}, // 3 common year variations
{0,30,29,29,29,30,30,29,30,29,30,29,30,29}, // 3 leap year variations
//internal static Calendar m_defaultInstance;
internal static readonly DateTime calendarMinValue = new DateTime(1583, 1, 1);
// Gregorian 2239/9/29 = Hebrew 5999/13/29 (last day in Hebrew year 5999).
// We can only format/parse Hebrew numbers up to 999, so we limit the max range to Hebrew year 5999.
internal static readonly DateTime calendarMaxValue = new DateTime((new DateTime(2239, 9, 29, 23, 59, 59, 999)).Ticks + 9999);
public override DateTime MinSupportedDateTime
return (calendarMinValue);
public override DateTime MaxSupportedDateTime
return (calendarMaxValue);
// Return the type of the Hebrew calendar.
public override CalendarAlgorithmType AlgorithmType
return CalendarAlgorithmType.LunisolarCalendar;
**Action: Internal method to provide a default intance of HebrewCalendar. Used by NLS+ implementation
** and other calendars.
internal static Calendar GetDefaultInstance() {
if (m_defaultInstance == null) {
m_defaultInstance = new HebrewCalendar();
return (m_defaultInstance);
// Construct an instance of gregorian calendar.
public HebrewCalendar() {
internal override int ID {
get {
return (CAL_HEBREW);
**Action: Check if the Hebrew year value is supported in this class.
**Returns: None.
**Arguments: y Hebrew year value
** ear Hebrew era value
**Exceptions: ArgumentOutOfRange_Range if the year value is not supported.
** We use a table for the Hebrew calendar calculation, so the year supported is limited.
static private void CheckHebrewYearValue(int y, int era, String varName) {
if (y > MaxHebrewYear || y < MinHebrewYear) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
**Action: Check if the Hebrew month value is valid.
**Returns: None.
**Arguments: year Hebrew year value
** month Hebrew month value
**Exceptions: ArgumentOutOfRange_Range if the month value is not valid.
** Call CheckHebrewYearValue() before calling this to verify the year value is supported.
private void CheckHebrewMonthValue(int year, int month, int era) {
int monthsInYear = GetMonthsInYear(year, era);
if (month < 1 || month > monthsInYear) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
**Action: Check if the Hebrew day value is valid.
**Returns: None.
**Arguments: year Hebrew year value
** month Hebrew month value
** day Hebrew day value.
**Exceptions: ArgumentOutOfRange_Range if the day value is not valid.
** Call CheckHebrewYearValue()/CheckHebrewMonthValue() before calling this to verify the year/month values are valid.
private void CheckHebrewDayValue(int year, int month, int day, int era) {
int daysInMonth = GetDaysInMonth(year, month, era);
if (day < 1 || day > daysInMonth) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
static internal void CheckEraRange(int era) {
if (era != CurrentEra && era != HebrewEra) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("era", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_InvalidEraValue"));
static private void CheckTicksRange(long ticks) {
if (ticks < calendarMinValue.Ticks || ticks > calendarMaxValue.Ticks) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
// Print out the date in Gregorian using InvariantCulture since the DateTime is based on GreograinCalendar.
static internal int GetResult(__DateBuffer result, int part) {
switch (part) {
case DatePartYear:
return (result.year);
case DatePartMonth:
return (result.month);
case DatePartDay:
return (result.day);
throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_DateTimeParsing"));
**Action: Using the Hebrew table (HebrewTable) to get the Hebrew month/day value for Gregorian January 1st
** in a given Gregorian year.
** Greogrian January 1st falls usually in Tevet (4th month). Tevet has always 29 days.
** That's why, there no nead to specify the lunar month in the table. There are exceptions, and these
** are coded by giving numbers above 29 and below 1.
** Actual decoding is takenig place in the switch statement below.
** The Hebrew year type. The value is from 1 to 6.
** normal years : 1 = 353 days 2 = 354 days 3 = 355 days.
** Leap years : 4 = 383 5 384 6 = 385 days.
** gregorianYear The year value in Gregorian calendar. The value should be between 1500 and 2239.
** lunarDate Object to take the result of the Hebrew year/month/day.
static internal int GetLunarMonthDay(int gregorianYear, __DateBuffer lunarDate) {
// Get the offset into the LunarMonthLen array and the lunar day
// for January 1st.
int index = gregorianYear - FirstGregorianTableYear;
if (index < 0 || index > TABLESIZE) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("gregorianYear");
index *= 2;
lunarDate.day = HebrewTable[index];
// Get the type of the year. The value is from 1 to 6
int LunarYearType = HebrewTable[index + 1];
// Get the Lunar Month.
switch (lunarDate.day) {
case ( 0 ) : // 1/1 is on Shvat 1
lunarDate.month = 5;
lunarDate.day = 1;
case ( 30 ) : // 1/1 is on Kislev 30
lunarDate.month = 3;
case ( 31 ) : // 1/1 is on Shvat 2
lunarDate.month = 5;
lunarDate.day = 2;
case ( 32 ) : // 1/1 is on Shvat 3
lunarDate.month = 5;
lunarDate.day = 3;
case ( 33 ) : // 1/1 is on Kislev 29
lunarDate.month = 3;
lunarDate.day = 29;
default : // 1/1 is on Tevet (This is the general case)
lunarDate.month = 4;
return (LunarYearType);
// Returns a given date part of this DateTime. This method is used
// to compute the year, day-of-year, month, or day part.
internal virtual int GetDatePart(long ticks, int part) {
// The Gregorian year, month, day value for ticks.
int gregorianYear, gregorianMonth, gregorianDay;
int hebrewYearType; // lunar year type
long AbsoluteDate; // absolute date - absolute date 1/1/1600
// Make sure we have a valid Gregorian date that will fit into our
// Hebrew conversion limits.
DateTime time = new DateTime(ticks);
// Save the Gregorian date values.
gregorianYear = time.Year;
gregorianMonth = time.Month;
gregorianDay = time.Day;
__DateBuffer lunarDate = new __DateBuffer(); // lunar month and day for Jan 1
// From the table looking-up value of HebrewTable[index] (stored in lunarDate.day), we get the the
// lunar month and lunar day where the Gregorian date 1/1 falls.
lunarDate.year = gregorianYear + HebrewYearOf1AD;
hebrewYearType = GetLunarMonthDay(gregorianYear, lunarDate);
// This is the buffer used to store the result Hebrew date.
__DateBuffer result = new __DateBuffer();
// Store the values for the start of the new year - 1/1.
result.year = lunarDate.year;
result.month = lunarDate.month;
result.day = lunarDate.day;
// Get the absolute date from 1/1/1600.
AbsoluteDate = GregorianCalendar.GetAbsoluteDate(gregorianYear, gregorianMonth, gregorianDay);
// If the requested date was 1/1, then we're done.
if ((gregorianMonth == 1) && (gregorianDay == 1)) {
return (GetResult(result, part));
// Calculate the number of days between 1/1 and the requested date.
long NumDays; // number of days since 1/1
NumDays = AbsoluteDate - GregorianCalendar.GetAbsoluteDate(gregorianYear, 1, 1);
// If the requested date is within the current lunar month, then
// we're done.
if ((NumDays + (long)lunarDate.day) <= (long)(LunarMonthLen[hebrewYearType, lunarDate.month])) {
result.day += (int)NumDays;
return (GetResult(result, part));
// Adjust for the current partial month.
result.day = 1;
// Adjust the Lunar Month and Year (if necessary) based on the number
// of days between 1/1 and the requested date.
// Assumes Jan 1 can never translate to the last Lunar month, which
// is true.
NumDays -= (long)(LunarMonthLen[hebrewYearType, lunarDate.month] - lunarDate.day);
Contract.Assert(NumDays >= 1, "NumDays >= 1");
// If NumDays is 1, then we are done. Otherwise, find the correct Hebrew month
// and day.
if (NumDays > 1) {
// See if we're on the correct Lunar month.
while (NumDays > (long)(LunarMonthLen[hebrewYearType, result.month])) {
// Adjust the number of days and move to the next month.
NumDays -= (long)(LunarMonthLen[hebrewYearType, result.month++]);
// See if we need to adjust the Year.
// Must handle both 12 and 13 month years.
if ((result.month > 13) || (LunarMonthLen[hebrewYearType, result.month] == 0)) {
// Adjust the Year.
hebrewYearType = HebrewTable[(gregorianYear + 1 - FirstGregorianTableYear) * 2 + 1];
// Adjust the Month.
result.month = 1;
// Found the right Lunar month.
result.day += (int)(NumDays - 1);
return (GetResult(result, part));
// Returns the DateTime resulting from adding the given number of
// months to the specified DateTime. The result is computed by incrementing
// (or decrementing) the year and month parts of the specified DateTime by
// value months, and, if required, adjusting the day part of the
// resulting date downwards to the last day of the resulting month in the
// resulting year. The time-of-day part of the result is the same as the
// time-of-day part of the specified DateTime.
// In more precise terms, considering the specified DateTime to be of the
// form y / m / d + t, where y is the
// year, m is the month, d is the day, and t is the
// time-of-day, the result is y1 / m1 / d1 + t,
// where y1 and m1 are computed by adding value months
// to y and m, and d1 is the largest value less than
// or equal to d that denotes a valid day in month m1 of year
// y1.
public override DateTime AddMonths(DateTime time, int months) {
try {
int y = GetDatePart(time.Ticks, DatePartYear);
int m = GetDatePart(time.Ticks, DatePartMonth);
int d = GetDatePart(time.Ticks, DatePartDay);
int monthsInYear;
int i;
if (months >= 0) {
i = m + months;
while (i > (monthsInYear = GetMonthsInYear(y, CurrentEra))) {
i -= monthsInYear;
} else {
if ((i = m + months) <= 0) {
months = -months;
months -= m;
while (months > (monthsInYear = GetMonthsInYear(y, CurrentEra))) {
months -= monthsInYear;
monthsInYear = GetMonthsInYear(y, CurrentEra);
i = monthsInYear - months;
int days = GetDaysInMonth(y, i);
if (d > days) {
d = days;
return (new DateTime(ToDateTime(y, i, d, 0, 0, 0, 0).Ticks + (time.Ticks % TicksPerDay)));
// We expect ArgumentException and ArgumentOutOfRangeException (which is subclass of ArgumentException)
// If exception is thrown in the calls above, we are out of the supported range of this calendar.
catch (ArgumentException)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
// Returns the DateTime resulting from adding the given number of
// years to the specified DateTime. The result is computed by incrementing
// (or decrementing) the year part of the specified DateTime by value
// years. If the month and day of the specified DateTime is 2/29, and if the
// resulting year is not a leap year, the month and day of the resulting
// DateTime becomes 2/28. Otherwise, the month, day, and time-of-day
// parts of the result are the same as those of the specified DateTime.
public override DateTime AddYears(DateTime time, int years) {
int y = GetDatePart(time.Ticks, DatePartYear);
int m = GetDatePart(time.Ticks, DatePartMonth);
int d = GetDatePart(time.Ticks, DatePartDay);
y += years;
CheckHebrewYearValue(y, Calendar.CurrentEra, "years");
int months = GetMonthsInYear(y, CurrentEra);
if (m > months) {
m = months;
int days = GetDaysInMonth(y, m);
if (d > days) {
d = days;
long ticks = ToDateTime(y, m, d, 0, 0, 0, 0).Ticks + (time.Ticks % TicksPerDay);
Calendar.CheckAddResult(ticks, MinSupportedDateTime, MaxSupportedDateTime);
return (new DateTime(ticks));
// Returns the day-of-month part of the specified DateTime. The returned
// value is an integer between 1 and 31.
public override int GetDayOfMonth(DateTime time) {
return (GetDatePart(time.Ticks, DatePartDay));
// Returns the day-of-week part of the specified DateTime. The returned value
// is an integer between 0 and 6, where 0 indicates Sunday, 1 indicates
// Monday, 2 indicates Tuesday, 3 indicates Wednesday, 4 indicates
// Thursday, 5 indicates Friday, and 6 indicates Saturday.
public override DayOfWeek GetDayOfWeek(DateTime time) {
// If we calculate back, the Hebrew day of week for Gregorian 0001/1/1 is Monday (1).
// Therfore, the fomula is:
return ((DayOfWeek)((int)(time.Ticks / TicksPerDay + 1) % 7));
static internal int GetHebrewYearType(int year, int era) {
CheckHebrewYearValue(year, era, "year");
// The HebrewTable is indexed by Gregorian year and starts from FirstGregorianYear.
// So we need to convert year (Hebrew year value) to Gregorian Year below.
return (HebrewTable[(year - HebrewYearOf1AD - FirstGregorianTableYear) * 2 + 1]);
// Returns the day-of-year part of the specified DateTime. The returned value
// is an integer between 1 and 366.
public override int GetDayOfYear(DateTime time) {
// Get Hebrew year value of the specified time.
int year = GetYear(time);
DateTime beginOfYearDate;
if (year == 5343)
// Gregorian 1583/01/01 corresponds to Hebrew 5343/04/07 (MinSupportedDateTime)
// To figure out the Gregorian date associated with Hebrew 5343/01/01, we need to
// count the days from 5343/01/01 to 5343/04/07 and subtract that from Gregorian
// 1583/01/01.
// 1. Tishri (30 days)
// 2. Heshvan (30 days since 5343 has 355 days)
// 3. Kislev (30 days since 5343 has 355 days)
// 96 days to get from 5343/01/01 to 5343/04/07
// Gregorian 1583/01/01 - 96 days = 1582/9/27
// the beginning of Hebrew year 5343 corresponds to Gregorian September 27, 1582.
beginOfYearDate = new DateTime(1582, 9, 27);
// following line will fail when year is 5343 (first supported year)
beginOfYearDate = ToDateTime(year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, CurrentEra);
return ((int)((time.Ticks - beginOfYearDate.Ticks) / TicksPerDay) + 1);
// Returns the number of days in the month given by the year and
// month arguments.
public override int GetDaysInMonth(int year, int month, int era) {
int hebrewYearType = GetHebrewYearType(year, era);
CheckHebrewMonthValue(year, month, era);
Contract.Assert(hebrewYearType>= 1 && hebrewYearType <= 6,
"hebrewYearType should be from 1 to 6, but now hebrewYearType = " + hebrewYearType + " for hebrew year " + year);
int monthDays = LunarMonthLen[hebrewYearType, month];
if (monthDays == 0) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("month", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Month"));
return (monthDays);
// Returns the number of days in the year given by the year argument for the current era.
public override int GetDaysInYear(int year, int era) {
// normal years : 1 = 353 days 2 = 354 days 3 = 355 days.
// Leap years : 4 = 383 5 384 6 = 385 days.
// LunarYearType is from 1 to 6
int LunarYearType = GetHebrewYearType(year, era);
if (LunarYearType < 4) {
// common year: LunarYearType = 1, 2, 3
return (352 + LunarYearType);
return (382 + (LunarYearType - 3));
// Returns the era for the specified DateTime value.
public override int GetEra(DateTime time) {
return (HebrewEra);
public override int[] Eras {
get {
return (new int[] {HebrewEra});
// Returns the month part of the specified DateTime. The returned value is an
// integer between 1 and 12.
public override int GetMonth(DateTime time) {
return (GetDatePart(time.Ticks, DatePartMonth));
// Returns the number of months in the specified year and era.
public override int GetMonthsInYear(int year, int era) {
return (IsLeapYear(year, era) ? 13 : 12);
// Returns the year part of the specified DateTime. The returned value is an
// integer between 1 and 9999.
public override int GetYear(DateTime time) {
return (GetDatePart(time.Ticks, DatePartYear));
// Checks whether a given day in the specified era is a leap day. This method returns true if
// the date is a leap day, or false if not.
public override bool IsLeapDay(int year, int month, int day, int era) {
if (IsLeapMonth(year, month, era)) {
// Every day in a leap month is a leap day.
CheckHebrewDayValue(year, month, day, era);
return (true);
} else if (IsLeapYear(year, Calendar.CurrentEra)) {
// There is an additional day in the 6th month in the leap year (the extra day is the 30th day in the 6th month),
// so we should return true for 6/30 if that's in a leap year.
if (month == 6 && day == 30) {
return (true);
CheckHebrewDayValue(year, month, day, era);
return (false);
// Returns the leap month in a calendar year of the specified era. This method returns 0
// if this calendar does not have leap month, or this year is not a leap year.
public override int GetLeapMonth(int year, int era)
// Year/era values are checked in IsLeapYear().
if (IsLeapYear(year, era))
// The 7th month in a leap year is a leap month.
return (7);
return (0);
// Checks whether a given month in the specified era is a leap month. This method returns true if
// month is a leap month, or false if not.
public override bool IsLeapMonth(int year, int month, int era) {
// Year/era values are checked in IsLeapYear().
bool isLeapYear = IsLeapYear(year, era);
CheckHebrewMonthValue(year, month, era);
// The 7th month in a leap year is a leap month.
if (isLeapYear) {
if (month == 7) {
return (true);
return (false);
// Checks whether a given year in the specified era is a leap year. This method returns true if
// year is a leap year, or false if not.
public override bool IsLeapYear(int year, int era) {
CheckHebrewYearValue(year, era, "year");
return (((7 * (long)year + 1) % 19) < 7);
// (month1, day1) - (month2, day2)
static int GetDayDifference(int lunarYearType, int month1, int day1, int month2, int day2) {
if (month1 == month2) {
return (day1 - day2);
// Make sure that (month1, day1) < (month2, day2)
bool swap = (month1 > month2);
if (swap) {
// (month1, day1) < (month2, day2). Swap the values.
// The result will be a negative number.
int tempMonth, tempDay;
tempMonth = month1; tempDay = day1;
month1 = month2; day1 = day2;
month2 = tempMonth; day2 = tempDay;
// Get the number of days from (month1,day1) to (month1, end of month1)
int days = LunarMonthLen[lunarYearType, month1] - day1;
// Move to next month.
// Add up the days.
while (month1 < month2) {
days += LunarMonthLen[lunarYearType, month1++];
days += day2;
return (swap ? days : -days);
**Action: Convert Hebrew date to Gregorian date.
** The algorithm is like this:
** The hebrew year has an offset to the Gregorian year, so we can guess the Gregorian year for
** the specified Hebrew year. That is, GreogrianYear = HebrewYear - FirstHebrewYearOf1AD.
** From the Gregorian year and HebrewTable, we can get the Hebrew month/day value
** of the Gregorian date January 1st. Let's call this month/day value [hebrewDateForJan1]
** If the requested Hebrew month/day is less than [hebrewDateForJan1], we know the result
** Gregorian date falls in previous year. So we decrease the Gregorian year value, and
** retrieve the Hebrew month/day value of the Gregorian date january 1st again.
** Now, we get the answer of the Gregorian year.
** The next step is to get the number of days between the requested Hebrew month/day
** and [hebrewDateForJan1]. When we get that, we can create the DateTime by adding/subtracting
** the ticks value of the number of days.
static DateTime HebrewToGregorian(int hebrewYear, int hebrewMonth, int hebrewDay, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond) {
// Get the rough Gregorian year for the specified hebrewYear.
int gregorianYear = hebrewYear - HebrewYearOf1AD;
__DateBuffer hebrewDateOfJan1 = new __DateBuffer(); // year value is unused.
int lunarYearType = GetLunarMonthDay(gregorianYear, hebrewDateOfJan1);
if ((hebrewMonth == hebrewDateOfJan1.month) && (hebrewDay == hebrewDateOfJan1.day)) {
return (new DateTime(gregorianYear, 1, 1, hour, minute, second, millisecond));
int days = GetDayDifference(lunarYearType, hebrewMonth, hebrewDay, hebrewDateOfJan1.month, hebrewDateOfJan1.day);
DateTime gregorianNewYear = new DateTime(gregorianYear, 1, 1);
return (new DateTime(gregorianNewYear.Ticks + days * TicksPerDay
+ TimeToTicks(hour, minute, second, millisecond)));
// Returns the date and time converted to a DateTime value. Throws an exception if the n-tuple is invalid.
public override DateTime ToDateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond, int era) {
CheckHebrewYearValue(year, era, "year");
CheckHebrewMonthValue(year, month, era);
CheckHebrewDayValue(year, month, day, era);
DateTime dt = HebrewToGregorian(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond);
return (dt);
private const int DEFAULT_TWO_DIGIT_YEAR_MAX = 5790;
public override int TwoDigitYearMax {
get {
if (twoDigitYearMax == -1) {
twoDigitYearMax = GetSystemTwoDigitYearSetting(ID, DEFAULT_TWO_DIGIT_YEAR_MAX);
return (twoDigitYearMax);
set {
if (value == 99)
// Do nothing here. Year 99 is allowed so that TwoDitYearMax is disabled.
CheckHebrewYearValue(value, HebrewEra, "value");
twoDigitYearMax = value;
public override int ToFourDigitYear(int year) {
if (year < 0) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("year",
if (year < 100) {
return (base.ToFourDigitYear(year));
if (year > MaxHebrewYear || year < MinHebrewYear) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
return (year);
internal class __DateBuffer {
internal int year;
internal int month;
internal int day;