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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml;
using Mono.Cecil;
using StringList = System.Collections.Generic.List<string>;
using Mono.Documentation.Util;
using Mono.Documentation.Updater.Frameworks;
namespace Mono.Documentation.Updater
public class DocumentationEnumerator
public virtual IEnumerable<TypeDefinition> GetDocumentationTypes (AssemblyDefinition assembly, List<string> forTypes)
return GetDocumentationTypes (assembly, forTypes, null);
protected IEnumerable<TypeDefinition> GetDocumentationTypes (AssemblyDefinition assembly, List<string> forTypes, HashSet<string> seen)
foreach (TypeDefinition type in assembly.GetTypes ())
if (forTypes != null && forTypes.BinarySearch (type.FullName) < 0)
if (seen != null && seen.Contains (type.FullName))
yield return type;
public virtual IEnumerable<DocsNodeInfo> GetDocumentationMembers (XmlDocument basefile, TypeDefinition type, FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry)
foreach (XmlElement oldmember in basefile.SelectNodes ("Type/Members/Member"))
if (oldmember.GetAttribute ("__monodocer-seen__") == "true")
oldmember.RemoveAttribute ("__monodocer-seen__");
if (oldmember.ParentNode == null)
MemberReference m = GetMember (type, new DocumentationMember (oldmember, typeEntry));
if (m == null)
yield return new DocsNodeInfo (oldmember);
yield return new DocsNodeInfo (oldmember, m);
public static MemberReference GetMember (TypeDefinition type, DocumentationMember member)
string membertype = member.MemberType;
string returntype = member.ReturnType;
string docName = member.MemberName;
string[] docTypeParams = GetTypeParameters (docName, member.TypeParameters);
// If we're using 'magic types', then we might get false positives ... in those cases, we keep searching
MemberReference likelyCandidate = null;
// Loop through all members in this type with the same name
var reflectedMembers = GetReflectionMembers (type, docName, membertype).ToArray ();
foreach (MemberReference mi in reflectedMembers)
bool matchedMagicType = false;
if (mi is TypeDefinition) continue;
if (MDocUpdater.GetMemberType (mi) != membertype) continue;
if (MDocUpdater.IsPrivate (mi))
IList<ParameterDefinition> pis = null;
string[] typeParams = null;
if (mi is MethodDefinition)
MethodDefinition mb = (MethodDefinition)mi;
pis = mb.Parameters;
if (mb.IsGenericMethod ())
IList<GenericParameter> args = mb.GenericParameters;
typeParams = args.Select (p => p.Name).ToArray ();
else if (mi is PropertyDefinition)
pis = ((PropertyDefinition)mi).Parameters;
// check type parameters
int methodTcount = member.TypeParameters == null ? 0 : member.TypeParameters.Count;
int reflectionTcount = typeParams == null ? 0 : typeParams.Length;
if (methodTcount != reflectionTcount)
// check member parameters
int mcount = member.Parameters == null ? 0 : member.Parameters.Count;
int pcount = pis == null ? 0 : pis.Count;
if (mcount != pcount)
MethodDefinition mDef = mi as MethodDefinition;
if (mDef != null && !mDef.IsConstructor)
// Casting operators can overload based on return type.
string rtype = GetReplacedString (
MDocUpdater.GetDocTypeFullName (((MethodDefinition)mi).ReturnType),
typeParams, docTypeParams);
string originalRType = rtype;
if (MDocUpdater.SwitchingToMagicTypes)
rtype = NativeTypeManager.ConvertFromNativeType (rtype);
if ((returntype != rtype && originalRType == rtype) ||
(MDocUpdater.SwitchingToMagicTypes && returntype != originalRType && returntype != rtype && originalRType != rtype))
if (originalRType != rtype)
matchedMagicType = true;
if (pcount == 0)
return mi;
bool good = true;
for (int i = 0; i < pis.Count; i++)
bool isRefType = pis[i].ParameterType is ByReferenceType;
string paramType = GetReplacedString (
MDocUpdater.GetDocParameterType (pis[i].ParameterType),
typeParams, docTypeParams);
// if magictypes, replace paramType to "classic value" ... so the comparison works
string originalParamType = paramType;
if (MDocUpdater.SwitchingToMagicTypes)
paramType = NativeTypeManager.ConvertFromNativeType (paramType);
string xmlMemberType = member.Parameters[i];
bool xmlIsRefType = xmlMemberType.Contains ('&');
bool refTypesMatch = isRefType == xmlIsRefType;
if (!refTypesMatch) {
good = false;
xmlMemberType = xmlIsRefType ? xmlMemberType.Substring (0, xmlMemberType.Length - 1) : xmlMemberType;
if ((!paramType.Equals (xmlMemberType) && paramType.Equals (originalParamType)) ||
(MDocUpdater.SwitchingToMagicTypes && !originalParamType.Equals (xmlMemberType) && !paramType.Equals (xmlMemberType) && !paramType.Equals (originalParamType)))
// did not match ... if we're dropping the namespace, and the paramType has the dropped
// namespace, we should see if it matches when added
bool stillDoesntMatch = true;
if (MDocUpdater.HasDroppedNamespace (type) && paramType.StartsWith (MDocUpdater.droppedNamespace))
string withDroppedNs = string.Format ("{0}.{1}", MDocUpdater.droppedNamespace, xmlMemberType);
stillDoesntMatch = withDroppedNs != paramType;
if (stillDoesntMatch)
good = false;
if (originalParamType != paramType)
matchedMagicType = true;
if (!good) continue;
if (MDocUpdater.SwitchingToMagicTypes && likelyCandidate == null && matchedMagicType)
// we matched this on a magic type conversion ... let's keep going to see if there's another one we should look at that matches more closely
likelyCandidate = mi;
return mi;
return likelyCandidate;
static string[] GetTypeParameters (string docName, IEnumerable<string> knownParameters)
if (docName[docName.Length - 1] != '>')
return null;
StringList types = new StringList ();
int endToken = docName.Length - 2;
int i = docName.Length - 2;
if (docName[i] == ',' || docName[i] == '<')
types.Add (docName.Substring (i + 1, endToken - i));
endToken = i - 1;
if (docName[i] == '<')
} while (--i >= 0);
types.Reverse ();
var arrayTypes = types.ToArray ();
if (knownParameters != null && knownParameters.Any () && arrayTypes.Length != knownParameters.Count ())
return knownParameters.ToArray ();
return arrayTypes;
public static IEnumerable<MemberReference> GetReflectionMembers (TypeDefinition type, string docName, string memberType)
return GetReflectionMembersCore (type, docName, memberType)
.Distinct ();
private static IEnumerable<MemberReference> GetReflectionMembersCore (TypeDefinition type, string docName, string memberType)
// In case of dropping the namespace, we have to remove the dropped NS
// so that docName will match what's in the assembly/type
if (MDocUpdater.HasDroppedNamespace (type) && docName.StartsWith (MDocUpdater.droppedNamespace + "."))
int droppedNsLength = MDocUpdater.droppedNamespace.Length;
docName = docName.Substring (droppedNsLength + 1, docName.Length - droppedNsLength - 1);
// need to worry about 4 forms of //@MemberName values:
// 1. "Normal" (non-generic) member names: GetEnumerator
// - Lookup as-is.
// 2. Explicitly-implemented interface member names: System.Collections.IEnumerable.Current
// - try as-is, and try type.member (due to "kludge" for property
// support.
// 3. "Normal" Generic member names: Sort<T> (CSC)
// - need to remove generic parameters --> "Sort"
// 4. Explicitly-implemented interface members for generic interfaces:
// -- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>.Current
// - Try as-is, and try type.member, *keeping* the generic parameters.
// --> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>.Current, IEnumerable<T>.Current
// 5. As of 2008-01-02, gmcs will do e.g. 'IFoo`1[A].Method' instead of
// 'IFoo<A>.Method' for explicitly implemented methods; don't interpret
// this as (1) or (2).
if (docName.IndexOf ('<') == -1 && docName.IndexOf ('[') == -1)
int memberCount = 0;
// Cases 1 & 2
foreach (MemberReference mi in type.GetMembers (docName))
yield return mi;
if (memberCount == 0 && CountChars (docName, '.') > 0)
Func<MemberReference, bool> verifyInterface = (member) =>
var meth = member as MethodDefinition;
if (meth == null && member is PropertyReference)
var propertyDefinition = ((PropertyReference)member).Resolve ();
meth = propertyDefinition.GetMethod ?? propertyDefinition.SetMethod;
return meth != null && (member.Name.Equals (".ctor") || DocUtils.IsExplicitlyImplemented (meth));
// might be a property; try only type.member instead of
// namespace.type.member.
var typeMember = DocUtils.GetTypeDotMember (docName);
var memberName = DocUtils.GetMember (docName);
foreach (MemberReference mi in
type.GetMembers (typeMember).Where (verifyInterface))
yield return mi;
// some VB libraries use just the member name
foreach (MemberReference mi in
type.GetMembers (memberName).Where (verifyInterface))
yield return mi;
// some VB libraries use a `typemember` naming convention
foreach (MemberReference mi in
type.GetMembers (typeMember.Replace (".", "")).Where (verifyInterface))
yield return mi;
// if we still haven't found the member, there are some VB libraries
// that use a different interface name for implementation.
if (memberCount == 0)
foreach (MemberReference mi in
.Where(m => m.Name.StartsWith("I", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
m.Name.EndsWith(memberName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
yield return mi;
if (memberCount == 0 && memberType == "Property")
foreach (MemberReference mr in type.GetMembers().Where(x => x is PropertyDefinition))
var method = ((PropertyDefinition) mr).GetMethod ?? ((PropertyDefinition) mr).SetMethod;
if (method?.Overrides != null && method.Overrides.Any())
DocUtils.GetInfoForExplicitlyImplementedMethod(method, out var iface, out var ifaceMethod);
var newName = DocUtils.GetMemberForProperty(ifaceMethod.Name);
if (newName == memberName && verifyInterface(mr) && docName.Contains (iface.Name))
yield return mr;
yield break;
// cases 3 & 4
int numLt = 0;
int numDot = 0;
int startLt, startType, startMethod;
startLt = startType = startMethod = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < docName.Length; ++i)
switch (docName[i])
case '<':
if (numLt == 0)
startLt = i;
case '>':
if (numLt == 0 && (i + 1) < docName.Length)
// there's another character in docName, so this <...> sequence is
// probably part of a generic type -- case 4.
startLt = -1;
case '.':
startType = startMethod;
startMethod = i;
string refName = startLt == -1 ? docName : docName.Substring (0, startLt);
// case 3
foreach (MemberReference mi in type.GetMembers (refName))
yield return mi;
// case 4
foreach (MemberReference mi in type.GetMembers (refName.Substring (startType + 1)))
yield return mi;
// If we _still_ haven't found it, we've hit another generic naming issue:
// post Mono 1.1.18, gmcs generates [[FQTN]] instead of <TypeName> for
// explicitly-implemented METHOD names (not properties), e.g.
// "System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[[Foo, test, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].GetEnumerator"
// instead of "System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Foo>.GetEnumerator",
// which the XML docs will contain.
// Alas, we can't derive the Mono name from docName, so we need to iterate
// over all member names, convert them into CSC format, and compare... :-(
if (numDot == 0)
yield break;
foreach (MemberReference mi in type.GetMembers ())
if (MDocUpdater.GetMemberName (mi) == docName)
yield return mi;
static string GetReplacedString (string typeName, string[] from, string[] to)
if (from == null)
return typeName;
for (int i = 0; i < from.Length; ++i)
typeName = typeName.Replace (from[i], to[i]);
return typeName;
private static int CountChars (string s, char c)
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; ++i)
if (s[i] == c)
return count;