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// Import the utility functionality.
import jobs.generation.Utilities;
import jobs.generation.JobReport;
// The input project name (e.g. dotnet/corefx)
def project = GithubProject
// The input branch name (e.g. master)
def branch = GithubBranchName
// Folder that the project jobs reside in (project/branch)
def projectFolder = Utilities.getFolderName(project) + '/' + Utilities.getFolderName(branch)
// Globals
// Map of osName -> osGroup.
def osGroupMap = ['Ubuntu14.04':'Linux',
'CentOS7.1': 'Linux',
'OpenSUSE13.2': 'Linux',
'OpenSUSE42.1': 'Linux',
'RHEL7.2': 'Linux',
'Tizen': 'Linux',
'LinuxARMEmulator': 'Linux',
'PortableLinux': 'Linux']
def osShortName = ['Windows 10': 'win10',
'Windows 7' : 'win7',
'Windows_NT' : 'windows_nt',
'Ubuntu14.04' : 'ubuntu14.04',
'OSX10.12' : 'osx',
'Windows Nano 2016' : 'winnano16',
'Ubuntu16.04' : 'ubuntu16.04',
'Ubuntu16.10' : 'ubuntu16.10',
'CentOS7.1' : 'centos7.1',
'Debian8.4' : 'debian8.4',
'OpenSUSE13.2' : 'opensuse13.2',
'OpenSUSE42.1' : 'opensuse42.1',
'Fedora23' : 'fedora23',
'Fedora24' : 'fedora24',
'RHEL7.2' : 'rhel7.2',
'PortableLinux' : 'portablelinux']
def buildArchConfiguration = ['Debug': 'x86',
'Release': 'x64']
// **************************
// Define code coverage build
// **************************
[true, false].each { isPR ->
['local', 'nonlocal'].each { localType ->
def isLocal = (localType == 'local')
def newJobName = 'code_coverage_windows'
def batchCommand = 'call build.cmd && call build-tests.cmd -coverage -outerloop -- /p:IsCIBuild=true'
if (isLocal) {
newJobName = "${newJobName}_local"
batchCommand = "${batchCommand}"
def newJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, newJobName, isPR)) {
steps {
// Set up standard options
Utilities.standardJobSetup(newJob, project, isPR, "*/${branch}")
// Set the machine affinity to windows machines
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, 'Windows_NT', 'latest-or-auto')
// Publish reports
Utilities.addHtmlPublisher(newJob, 'bin/tests/coverage', 'Code Coverage Report', 'index.htm')
// Archive results.
Utilities.addArchival(newJob, '**/coverage/*,msbuild.log')
// Timeout. Code coverage runs take longer, so we set the timeout to be longer.
Utilities.setJobTimeout(newJob, 180)
// Set triggers
if (isPR) {
if (!isLocal) {
// Set PR trigger
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(newJob, branch, 'Code Coverage Windows Debug', '(?i).*test\\W+code\\W+coverage.*')
else {
// Set a periodic trigger
Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(newJob, '@daily')
// **************************
// Define code formatter check build
// **************************
[true, false].each { isPR ->
def newJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, 'native_code_format_check', isPR)) {
steps {
shell('python src/Native/Unix/format-code.py checkonly')
// Set up standard options.
Utilities.standardJobSetup(newJob, project, isPR, "*/${branch}")
// Set the machine affinity to Ubuntu14.04 machines
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, 'Ubuntu14.04', 'latest-or-auto')
if (isPR) {
// Set PR trigger. Only trigger when the phrase is said.
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(newJob, branch, 'Code Formatter Check', '(?i).*test\\W+code\\W+formatter\\W+check.*', true)
else {
// Set a push trigger
// **************************
// Define outerloop windows Nano testing. Run locally on each machine.
// **************************
[true, false].each { isPR ->
['Windows Nano 2016'].each { osName ->
['Debug', 'Release'].each { configurationGroup ->
def newJobName = "outerloop_${osShortName[osName]}_${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()}"
def newBuildJobName = "outerloop_${osShortName[osName]}_${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()}_bld"
def newBuildJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, newBuildJobName, isPR)) {
steps {
batchFile("call \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat\" x86 && build.cmd -os=Windows_NT -${configurationGroup} -skipTests -outerloop -- /p:IsCIBuild=true")
// Package up the results.
batchFile("C:\\Packer\\Packer.exe .\\bin\\build.pack . bin packages")
// Set the affinity. All of these run on Windows currently.
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newBuildJob, 'Windows_NT', 'latest-or-auto')
// Set up standard options.
Utilities.standardJobSetup(newBuildJob, project, isPR, "*/${branch}")
// Archive the results
Utilities.addArchival(newBuildJob, "bin/build.pack,run-test.cmd,msbuild.log")
def fullCoreFXBuildJobName = projectFolder + '/' + newBuildJob.name
def newTestJobName = "outerloop_${osShortName[osName]}_${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()}_tst"
def newTestJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, newTestJobName, isPR)) {
steps {
// The tests/corefx components
copyArtifacts(fullCoreFXBuildJobName) {
buildSelector {
// Unpack the build data
batchFile("PowerShell -command \"\"C:\\Packer\\unpacker.ps1 .\\bin\\build.pack . > .\\bin\\unpacker.log\"\"")
// Run the tests
batchFile("run-test.cmd .\\bin\\tests\\Windows_NT.AnyCPU.${configurationGroup} %WORKSPACE%\\packages")
// Run the tests
batchFile("run-test.cmd .\\bin\\tests\\AnyOS.AnyCPU.${configurationGroup} %WORKSPACE%\\packages")
parameters {
stringParam('COREFX_BUILD', '', 'Build number to use for copying binaries for nano server bld.')
// Set the affinity. All of these run on Windows Nano currently.
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newTestJob, osName)
// Set up standard options.
Utilities.addStandardOptions(newTestJob, isPR)
// Add the unit test results
Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(newTestJob, 'bin/**/testResults.xml')
def fullCoreFXTestJobName = projectFolder + '/' + newTestJob.name
def newJob = buildFlowJob(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, newJobName, isPR)) {
b = build(params, '${fullCoreFXBuildJobName}')
build(params +
[COREFX_BUILD: b.build.number], '${fullCoreFXTestJobName}')
// Set the machine affinity to windows_nt, since git fails on Nano.
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, 'Windows_NT', 'latest-or-auto')
// Set up standard options.
Utilities.standardJobSetup(newJob, project, isPR, "*/${branch}")
// Set up appropriate triggers. PR on demand, otherwise nightly
if (isPR) {
// Set PR trigger.
// TODO: More elaborate regex trigger?
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(newJob, branch, "OuterLoop ${osName} ${configurationGroup}", "(?i).*test\\W+outerloop\\W+${osName}\\W+${configurationGroup}.*")
else {
// Set a periodic trigger
Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(newJob, '@daily')
// **************************
// Define outerloop testing for OSes that can build and run. Run locally on each machine.
// **************************
[true, false].each { isPR ->
['Windows 10', 'Windows 7', 'Windows_NT', 'Ubuntu14.04', 'Ubuntu16.04', 'Ubuntu16.10', 'CentOS7.1', 'OpenSUSE13.2', 'OpenSUSE42.1', 'RHEL7.2', 'Fedora23', 'Fedora24', 'Debian8.4', 'OSX10.12', 'PortableLinux'].each { osName ->
['Debug', 'Release'].each { configurationGroup ->
def osForMachineAffinity = osName
if (osForMachineAffinity == 'PortableLinux') {
// Portable Linux builds happen on RHEL7.2
osForMachineAffinity = "RHEL7.2"
def archGroup = "x64"
def newJobName = "outerloop_${osShortName[osName]}_${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()}"
def newJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, newJobName, isPR)) {
steps {
if (osName == 'Windows 10' || osName == 'Windows 7' || osName == 'Windows_NT') {
batchFile("call \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat\" x86 && build.cmd -${configurationGroup}")
batchFile("call \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat\" x86 && build-tests.cmd -${configurationGroup} -outerloop -- /p:IsCIBuild=true")
else if (osName == 'OSX10.12') {
shell("HOME=\$WORKSPACE/tempHome ./build.sh -${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()}")
shell("HOME=\$WORKSPACE/tempHome ./build-tests.sh -${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()} -outerloop -- /p:IsCIBuild=true")
else if (osName == 'CentOS7.1') {
// On Centos7.1, the cmake toolset is currently installed in /usr/local/bin (it was built manually). When
// running sudo, that will be typically eliminated from the PATH, so let's add it back in.
shell("sudo PATH=\$PATH:/usr/local/bin HOME=\$WORKSPACE/tempHome ./build.sh -${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()}")
shell("sudo PATH=\$PATH:/usr/local/bin HOME=\$WORKSPACE/tempHome ./build-tests.sh -${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()} -outerloop -- /p:IsCIBuild=true")
else {
def portableLinux = (osName == 'PortableLinux') ? '-portableLinux' : ''
shell("sudo HOME=\$WORKSPACE/tempHome ./build.sh -${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()} ${portableLinux}")
shell("sudo HOME=\$WORKSPACE/tempHome ./build-tests.sh -${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()} -outerloop -- /p:IsCIBuild=true")
// Set the affinity. OS name matches the machine affinity.
if (osName == 'Windows_NT' || osName == 'OSX10.12') {
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, osForMachineAffinity, "latest-or-auto-elevated")
else if (osGroupMap[osName] == 'Linux') {
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, osForMachineAffinity, 'outer-latest-or-auto')
} else {
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, osForMachineAffinity, 'latest-or-auto');
// Set up standard options.
Utilities.standardJobSetup(newJob, project, isPR, "*/${branch}")
// Add the unit test results
Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(newJob, 'bin/**/testResults.xml')
// Add archival for the built data.
Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "msbuild.log", '', doNotFailIfNothingArchived=true, archiveOnlyIfSuccessful=false)
// Set up appropriate triggers. PR on demand, otherwise nightly
if (isPR) {
// Set PR trigger.
// TODO: More elaborate regex trigger?
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(newJob, branch, "OuterLoop ${osName} ${configurationGroup} ${archGroup}", "(?i).*test\\W+outerloop\\W+${osName}\\W+${configurationGroup}.*")
else {
// Set a periodic trigger
Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(newJob, '@daily')
// **************************
// Define perf testing. Built locally and submitted to Helix.
// **************************
// builds with secrets should never be available for pull requests.
// right now perf tests are only run on Win10 (but can be built on any Windows)
['Windows 10'].each { osName ->
['Debug', 'Release'].each { configurationGroup ->
def newJobName = "perf_${osShortName[osName]}_${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()}"
def newJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, newJobName, /* isPR */ false)) {
steps {
helix("Build.cmd -- /p:Creator=dotnet-bot /p:ArchiveTests=true /p:ConfigurationGroup=${configurationGroup} /p:Configuration=Windows_${configurationGroup} /p:TestDisabled=true /p:EnableCloudTest=true /p:BuildMoniker={uniqueId} /p:TargetQueue=Windows.10.Amd64 /p:TestProduct=CoreFx /p:Branch=master /p:OSGroup=Windows_NT /p:CloudDropAccountName=dotnetbuilddrops /p:CloudResultsAccountName=dotnetjobresults /p:CloudDropAccessToken={CloudDropAccessToken} /p:CloudResultsAccessToken={CloudResultsAccessToken} /p:BuildCompleteConnection={BuildCompleteConnection} /p:BuildIsOfficialConnection={BuildIsOfficialConnection} /p:DocumentDbKey={DocumentDbKey} /p:DocumentDbUri=https://hms.documents.azure.com:443/ /p:FuncTestsDisabled=true /p:Performance=true")
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, 'Windows_NT', 'latest-or-auto')
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, 'Windows_NT', 'latest-or-auto')
// Set up standard options.
Utilities.standardJobSetup(newJob, project, /* isPR */ false, "*/${branch}")
// Set a periodic trigger
Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(newJob, '@daily')
// **************************
// Define target group vertical builds that will run on every merge.
// **************************
[true, false].each { isPR ->
['uap', 'uapaot', 'netfx'].each { targetGroup ->
['Debug'].each { configurationGroup ->
['Windows_NT'].each { osName ->
def osGroup = osGroupMap[osName]
def osForMachineAffinity = osName
def newJobName = "${targetGroup}_${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()}"
def newJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, newJobName, isPR)) {
// On Windows we use the packer to put together everything. On *nix we use tar
steps {
batchFile("call \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat\" x86 && build.cmd -${configurationGroup} -framework:${targetGroup}")
batchFile("call \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat\" x86 && build-tests.cmd -${configurationGroup} -framework:${targetGroup} -SkipTests")
// Set the affinity.
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, osForMachineAffinity, 'latest-or-auto')
// Set up standard options.
Utilities.standardJobSetup(newJob, project, isPR, "*/${branch}")
// Set up triggers
if (isPR) {
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(newJob, branch, "Vertical ${targetGroup} Build")
else {
// Set a push trigger
// **************************
// Define AllConfigurations builds that will run on every merge.
// **************************
[true, false].each { isPR ->
['Debug'].each { configurationGroup ->
['Windows_NT'].each { osName ->
def osGroup = osGroupMap[osName]
def osForMachineAffinity = osName
def newJobName = "AllConfigurations_${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()}"
def newJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, newJobName, isPR)) {
// On Windows we use the packer to put together everything. On *nix we use tar
steps {
batchFile("call \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat\" x86 && build.cmd -${configurationGroup} -allConfigurations")
// Set the affinity.
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, osForMachineAffinity, 'latest-or-auto')
// Set up standard options.
Utilities.standardJobSetup(newJob, project, isPR, "*/${branch}")
// Set up triggers
if (isPR) {
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(newJob, branch, "${osName} ${configurationGroup} AllConfigurations Build")
else {
// Set a push trigger
// **************************
// Define innerloop testing. These jobs run on every merge and a subset of them run on every PR, the ones
// that don't run per PR can be requested via a magic phrase.
// **************************
[true, false].each { isPR ->
['netcoreapp'].each { targetGroup ->
['Debug', 'Release'].each { configurationGroup ->
['Windows_NT', 'Ubuntu14.04', 'Ubuntu16.04', 'Ubuntu16.10', 'Debian8.4', 'CentOS7.1', 'OpenSUSE13.2', 'OpenSUSE42.1', 'Fedora23', 'Fedora24', 'RHEL7.2', 'OSX10.12', 'PortableLinux'].each { osName ->
def osGroup = osGroupMap[osName]
def osForMachineAffinity = osName
if (osForMachineAffinity == 'PortableLinux') {
// Portable Linux builds happen on RHEL7.2
osForMachineAffinity = "RHEL7.2"
def archGroup = "x64"
if (osName == 'Windows 10' || osName == 'Windows 7' || osName == 'Windows_NT') {
// On Windows, use different architectures for Debug and Release.
archGroup = buildArchConfiguration[configurationGroup]
def newJobName = "${osName.toLowerCase()}_${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()}"
def newJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, newJobName, isPR)) {
// On Windows we use the packer to put together everything. On *nix we use tar
steps {
if (osName == 'Windows 10' || osName == 'Windows 7' || osName == 'Windows_NT') {
batchFile("call \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat\" x86 && build.cmd -${configurationGroup} -os:${osGroup} -buildArch:${archGroup} -framework:${targetGroup}")
batchFile("call \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat\" x86 && build-tests.cmd -${configurationGroup} -os:${osGroup} -buildArch:${archGroup} -framework:${targetGroup} -- /p:IsCIBuild=true")
batchFile("C:\\Packer\\Packer.exe .\\bin\\build.pack .\\bin")
else {
// Use Server GC for Ubuntu/OSX Debug PR build & test
def useServerGC = (configurationGroup == 'Release' && isPR) ? 'useServerGC' : ''
def portableLinux = (osName == 'PortableLinux') ? '-portableLinux' : ''
shell("HOME=\$WORKSPACE/tempHome ./build.sh -${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()} -framework:${targetGroup} -os:${osGroup} ${portableLinux} -buildArch:${archGroup}")
shell("HOME=\$WORKSPACE/tempHome ./build-tests.sh -${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()} -framework:${targetGroup} -os:${osGroup} -buildArch:${archGroup} -- ${useServerGC} /p:IsCIBuild=true")
// Tar up the appropriate bits.
shell("tar -czf bin/build.tar.gz --directory=\"bin/runtime/${targetGroup}-${osGroup}-${configurationGroup}-x64\" .")
// Set the affinity.
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, osForMachineAffinity, 'latest-or-auto')
// Set up standard options.
Utilities.standardJobSetup(newJob, project, isPR, "*/${branch}")
// Add the unit test results
Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(newJob, 'bin/**/testResults.xml')
def archiveContents = "msbuild.log"
if (osName.contains('Windows')) {
// Packer.exe is a .NET Framework application. When we can use it from the tool-runtime, we can archive the ".pack" file here.
archiveContents += ",bin/build.pack"
else {
archiveContents += ",bin/build.tar.gz"
// Add archival for the built data.
Utilities.addArchival(newJob, archiveContents, '', doNotFailIfNothingArchived=true, archiveOnlyIfSuccessful=false)
// Set up triggers
if (isPR) {
// Set PR trigger, we run Windows_NT, Ubuntu 14.04, CentOS 7.1, PortableLinux and OSX on every PR.
if ( osName == 'Windows_NT' || osName == 'Ubuntu14.04' || osName == 'CentOS7.1' || osName == 'OSX10.12' || osName== 'PortableLinux') {
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(newJob, branch, "Innerloop ${osName} ${configurationGroup} ${archGroup} Build and Test")
else {
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(newJob, branch, "Innerloop ${osName} ${configurationGroup} ${archGroup} Build and Test", "(?i).*test\\W+innerloop\\W+${osName}\\W+${configurationGroup}.*")
else {
// Set a push trigger
// **************************
// Define Linux ARM Emulator testing. This creates a per PR job which
// cross builds native binaries for the Emulator rootfs.
// NOTE: To add Ubuntu-ARM cross build jobs to this code, add the Ubuntu OS to the
// OS array, branch the steps to be performed by Ubuntu and the Linux ARM emulator
// based on the OS being handled, and handle the triggers accordingly
// (the machine affinity of the new job remains the same)
// **************************
[true, false].each { isPR ->
['netcoreapp'].each { targetGroup ->
['Debug', 'Release'].each { configurationGroup ->
['Ubuntu14.04', 'Ubuntu16.04', 'Tizen'].each { osName ->
if (osName == "Ubuntu14.04") {
abi = "arm"
else if (osName == "Ubuntu16.04") {
abi = "arm"
else if (osName == "Tizen") {
abi = "armel"
def osGroup = osGroupMap[osName]
def newJobName = "${osName.toLowerCase()}_${abi.toLowerCase()}_cross_${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()}"
def newJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, newJobName, isPR)) {
steps {
// Call the arm32_ci_script.sh script to perform the cross build of native corefx
def script = "./cross/arm32_ci_script.sh --buildConfig=${configurationGroup.toLowerCase()} --${abi} --linuxCodeName=${linuxCodeName} --verbose"
// Tar up the appropriate bits.
shell("tar -czf bin/build.tar.gz --directory=\"bin/runtime/${targetGroup}-${osGroup}-${configurationGroup}-${abi}\" .")
// The cross build jobs run on Ubuntu. The arm-cross-latest version
// contains the packages needed for cross building corefx
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, 'Ubuntu14.04', 'arm-cross-latest')
// Set up standard options.
Utilities.standardJobSetup(newJob, project, isPR, "*/${branch}")
// Add archival for the built binaries
def archiveContents = "bin/build.tar.gz"
Utilities.addArchival(newJob, archiveContents)
// Set up triggers
if (isPR) {
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(newJob, branch, "Innerloop ${osName} ${abi} ${configurationGroup} Cross Build", "(?i).*test\\W+innerloop\\W+${osName}\\W+${abi}\\W+${configurationGroup}.*")
else {
// Set a push trigger
} // osName
} // configurationGroup
} // targetGroup
} // isPR
// Make the call to generate the help job
Utilities.createHelperJob(this, project, branch,
"Welcome to the ${project} Repository", // This is prepended to the help message
"Have a nice day!") // This is appended to the help message. You might put known issues here.