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// This file was generated by resx2sr tool
namespace System.Security.Cryptography.Translation {
partial class SR {
public const string Cryptography_DataProtector_InvalidAppNameOrPurpose = "Invalid application name and/or purpose";
public const string Cryptography_DataProtector_InvalidPurpose = "Invalid data protection purpose";
public const string ArgumentOutOfRange_Index = "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.";
public const string Arg_EmptyOrNullString = "String cannot be empty or null.";
public const string Cryptography_Partial_Chain = "A certificate chain could not be built to a trusted root authority.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_BadWrappedKeySize = "Bad wrapped key size.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_CipherValueElementRequired = "A Cipher Data element should have either a CipherValue or a CipherReference element.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_CreateHashAlgorithmFailed = "Could not create hash algorithm object.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_CreateTransformFailed = "Could not create the XML transformation identified by the URI {0}.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_CreatedKeyFailed = "Failed to create signing key.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_DigestMethodRequired = "A DigestMethod must be specified on a Reference prior to generating XML.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_DigestValueRequired = "A Reference must contain a DigestValue.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_EnvelopedSignatureRequiresContext = "An XmlDocument context is required for enveloped transforms.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_InvalidElement = "Malformed element {0}.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_InvalidEncryptionProperty = "Malformed encryption property element.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_InvalidKeySize = "The key size should be a non negative integer.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_InvalidReference = "Malformed reference element.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_InvalidSignatureLength = "The length of the signature with a MAC should be less than the hash output length.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_InvalidSignatureLength2 = "The length in bits of the signature with a MAC should be a multiple of 8.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_InvalidX509IssuerSerialNumber = "X509 issuer serial number is invalid.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_KeyInfoRequired = "A KeyInfo element is required to check the signature.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_KW_BadKeySize = "The length of the encrypted data in Key Wrap is either 32, 40 or 48 bytes.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_LoadKeyFailed = "Signing key is not loaded.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_MissingAlgorithm = "Symmetric algorithm is not specified.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_MissingCipherData = "Cipher data is not specified.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_MissingDecryptionKey = "Unable to retrieve the decryption key.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_MissingEncryptionKey = "Unable to retrieve the encryption key.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_NotSupportedCryptographicTransform = "The specified cryptographic transform is not supported.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_ReferenceElementRequired = "At least one Reference element is required.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_ReferenceTypeRequired = "The Reference type must be set in an EncryptedReference object.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_SelfReferenceRequiresContext = "An XmlDocument context is required to resolve the Reference Uri {0}.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_SignatureDescriptionNotCreated = "SignatureDescription could not be created for the signature algorithm supplied.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_SignatureMethodKeyMismatch = "The key does not fit the SignatureMethod.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_SignatureMethodRequired = "A signature method is required.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_SignatureValueRequired = "Signature requires a SignatureValue.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_SignedInfoRequired = "Signature requires a SignedInfo.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_TransformIncorrectInputType = "The input type was invalid for this transform.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_IncorrectObjectType = "Type of input object is invalid.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_UnknownTransform = "Unknown transform has been encountered.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_UriNotResolved = "Unable to resolve Uri {0}.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_UriNotSupported = " The specified Uri is not supported.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_UriRequired = "A Uri attribute is required for a CipherReference element.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_XrmlMissingContext = "Null Context property encountered.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_XrmlMissingIRelDecryptor = "IRelDecryptor is required.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_XrmlMissingIssuer = "Issuer node is required.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_XrmlMissingLicence = "License node is required.";
public const string Cryptography_Xml_XrmlUnableToDecryptGrant = "Unable to decrypt grant content.";
public const string NotSupported_KeyAlgorithm = "The certificate key algorithm is not supported.";
public const string Log_ActualHashValue = "Actual hash value: {0}";
public const string Log_BeginCanonicalization = "Beginning canonicalization using \"{0}\" ({1}).";
public const string Log_BeginSignatureComputation = "Beginning signature computation.";
public const string Log_BeginSignatureVerification = "Beginning signature verification.";
public const string Log_BuildX509Chain = "Building and verifying the X509 chain for certificate {0}.";
public const string Log_CanonicalizationSettings = "Canonicalization transform is using resolver {0} and base URI \"{1}\".";
public const string Log_CanonicalizedOutput = "Output of canonicalization transform: {0}";
public const string Log_CertificateChain = "Certificate chain:";
public const string Log_CheckSignatureFormat = "Checking signature format using format validator \"[{0}] {1}.{2}\".";
public const string Log_CheckSignedInfo = "Checking signature on SignedInfo with id \"{0}\".";
public const string Log_FormatValidationSuccessful = "Signature format validation was successful.";
public const string Log_FormatValidationNotSuccessful = "Signature format validation failed.";
public const string Log_KeyUsages = "Found key usages \"{0}\" in extension {1} on certificate {2}.";
public const string Log_NoNamespacesPropagated = "No namespaces are being propagated.";
public const string Log_PropagatingNamespace = "Propagating namespace {0}=\"{1}\".";
public const string Log_RawSignatureValue = "Raw signature: {0}";
public const string Log_ReferenceHash = "Reference {0} hashed with \"{1}\" ({2}) has hash value {3}, expected hash value {4}.";
public const string Log_RevocationMode = "Revocation mode for chain building: {0}.";
public const string Log_RevocationFlag = "Revocation flag for chain building: {0}.";
public const string Log_SigningAsymmetric = "Calculating signature with key {0} using signature description {1}, hash algorithm {2}, and asymmetric signature formatter {3}.";
public const string Log_SigningHmac = "Calculating signature using keyed hash algorithm {0}.";
public const string Log_SigningReference = "Hashing reference {0}, Uri \"{1}\", Id \"{2}\", Type \"{3}\" with hash algorithm \"{4}\" ({5}).";
public const string Log_TransformedReferenceContents = "Transformed reference contents: {0}";
public const string Log_UnsafeCanonicalizationMethod = "Canonicalization method \"{0}\" is not on the safe list. Safe canonicalization methods are: {1}.";
public const string Log_UrlTimeout = "URL retrieval timeout for chain building: {0}.";
public const string Log_VerificationFailed = "Verification failed checking {0}.";
public const string Log_VerificationFailed_References = "references";
public const string Log_VerificationFailed_SignedInfo = "SignedInfo";
public const string Log_VerificationFailed_X509Chain = "X509 chain verification";
public const string Log_VerificationFailed_X509KeyUsage = "X509 key usage verification";
public const string Log_VerificationFlag = "Verification flags for chain building: {0}.";
public const string Log_VerificationTime = "Verification time for chain building: {0}.";
public const string Log_VerificationWithKeySuccessful = "Verification with key {0} was successful.";
public const string Log_VerificationWithKeyNotSuccessful = "Verification with key {0} was not successful.";
public const string Log_VerifyReference = "Processing reference {0}, Uri \"{1}\", Id \"{2}\", Type \"{3}\".";
public const string Log_VerifySignedInfoAsymmetric = "Verifying SignedInfo using key {0}, signature description {1}, hash algorithm {2}, and asymmetric signature deformatter {3}.";
public const string Log_VerifySignedInfoHmac = "Verifying SignedInfo using keyed hash algorithm {0}.";
public const string Log_X509ChainError = "Error building X509 chain: {0}: {1}.";
public const string Log_XmlContext = "Using context: {0}";
public const string Log_SignedXmlRecursionLimit = "Signed xml recursion limit hit while trying to decrypt the key. Reference {0} hashed with \"{1}\" and ({2}).";
public const string Log_UnsafeTransformMethod = "Transform method \"{0}\" is not on the safe list. Safe transform methods are: {1}.";
public const string Arg_RankMultiDimNotSupported = "Only single dimensional arrays are supported for the requested action.";
public const string Argument_InvalidOffLen = "Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.";
public const string Argument_InvalidOidValue = "The OID value was invalid.";
public const string Cryptography_Asn_EnumeratedValueRequiresNonFlagsEnum = "ASN.1 Enumerated values only apply to enum types without the [Flags] attribute.";
public const string Cryptography_Asn_NamedBitListRequiresFlagsEnum = "Named bit list operations require an enum with the [Flags] attribute.";
public const string Cryptography_Asn_NamedBitListValueTooBig = "The encoded named bit list value is larger than the value size of the '{0}' enum.";
public const string Cryptography_Asn_UniversalValueIsFixed = "Tags with TagClass Universal must have the appropriate TagValue value for the data type being read or written.";
public const string Cryptography_Asn_UnusedBitCountRange = "Unused bit count must be between 0 and 7, inclusive.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_AmbiguousFieldType = "Field '{0}' of type '{1}' has ambiguous type '{2}', an attribute derived from AsnTypeAttribute is required.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_Choice_AllowNullNonNullable = "[Choice].AllowNull=true is not valid because type '{0}' cannot have a null value.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_Choice_ConflictingTagMapping = "The tag ({0} {1}) for field '{2}' on type '{3}' already is associated in this context with field '{4}' on type '{5}'.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_Choice_DefaultValueDisallowed = "Field '{0}' on [Choice] type '{1}' has a default value, which is not permitted.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_Choice_NoChoiceWasMade = "An instance of [Choice] type '{0}' has no non-null fields.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_Choice_NonNullableField = "Field '{0}' on [Choice] type '{1}' can not be assigned a null value.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_Choice_TooManyValues = "Fields '{0}' and '{1}' on type '{2}' are both non-null when only one value is permitted.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_Choice_TypeCycle = "Field '{0}' on [Choice] type '{1}' has introduced a type chain cycle.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_MultipleAsnTypeAttributes = "Field '{0}' on type '{1}' has multiple attributes deriving from '{2}' when at most one is permitted.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_NoJaggedArrays = "Type '{0}' cannot be serialized or deserialized because it is an array of arrays.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_NoMultiDimensionalArrays = "Type '{0}' cannot be serialized or deserialized because it is a multi-dimensional array.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_NoOpenTypes = "Type '{0}' cannot be serialized or deserialized because it is not sealed or has unbound generic parameters.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_Optional_NonNullableField = "Field '{0}' on type '{1}' is declared [OptionalValue], but it can not be assigned a null value.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_PopulateFriendlyNameOnString = "Field '{0}' on type '{1}' has [ObjectIdentifier].PopulateFriendlyName set to true, which is not applicable to a string. Change the field to '{2}' or set PopulateFriendlyName to false.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_SetValueException = "Unable to set field {0} on type {1}.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_SpecificTagChoice = "Field '{0}' on type '{1}' has specified an implicit tag value via [ExpectedTag] for [Choice] type '{2}'. ExplicitTag must be true, or the [ExpectedTag] attribute removed.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_UnexpectedTypeForAttribute = "Field '{0}' of type '{1}' has an effective type of '{2}' when one of ({3}) was expected.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_UtcTimeTwoDigitYearMaxTooSmall = "Field '{0}' on type '{1}' has a [UtcTime] TwoDigitYearMax value ({2}) smaller than the minimum (99).";
public const string Cryptography_AsnSerializer_UnhandledType = "Could not determine how to serialize or deserialize type '{0}'.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnWriter_EncodeUnbalancedStack = "Encode cannot be called while a Sequence or SetOf is still open.";
public const string Cryptography_AsnWriter_PopWrongTag = "Cannot pop the requested tag as it is not currently in progress.";
public const string Cryptography_BadHashValue = "The hash value is not correct.";
public const string Cryptography_BadSignature = "Invalid signature.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_CannotDetermineSignatureAlgorithm = "Could not determine signature algorithm for the signer certificate.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_IncompleteCertChain = "The certificate chain is incomplete, the self-signed root authority could not be determined.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_Invalid_Originator_Identifier_Choice = "Invalid originator identifier choice {0} found in decoded CMS.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_Invalid_Subject_Identifier_Type = "The subject identifier type {0} is not valid.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_InvalidMessageType = "Invalid cryptographic message type.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_InvalidSignerHashForSignatureAlg = "SignerInfo digest algorithm '{0}' is not valid for signature algorithm '{1}'.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_Key_Agree_Date_Not_Available = "The Date property is not available for none KID key agree recipient.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_MessageNotEncrypted = "The CMS message is not encrypted.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_MessageNotSigned = "The CMS message is not signed.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_MissingAuthenticatedAttribute = "The cryptographic message does not contain an expected authenticated attribute.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_NoCounterCounterSigner = "Only one level of counter-signatures are supported on this platform.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_NoRecipients = "The recipients collection is empty. You must specify at least one recipient. This platform does not implement the certificate picker UI.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_NoSignerCert = "No signer certificate was provided. This platform does not implement the certificate picker UI.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_NoSignerAtIndex = "The signed cryptographic message does not have a signer for the specified signer index.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_RecipientNotFound = "The enveloped-data message does not contain the specified recipient.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_RecipientType_NotSupported = "The recipient type '{0}' is not supported for encryption or decryption on this platform.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_Sign_Empty_Content = "Cannot create CMS signature for empty content.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_SignerNotFound = "Cannot find the original signer.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_Signing_RequiresPrivateKey = "A certificate with a private key is required.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_TrustFailure = "Certificate trust could not be established. The first reported error is: {0}";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_UnknownAlgorithm = "Unknown algorithm '{0}'.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_UnknownKeySpec = "Unable to determine the type of key handle from this keyspec {0}.";
public const string Cryptography_Cms_WrongKeyUsage = "The certificate is not valid for the requested usage.";
public const string Cryptography_Pkcs_InvalidSignatureParameters = "Invalid signature paramters.";
public const string Cryptography_Pkcs9_AttributeMismatch = "The parameter should be a PKCS 9 attribute.";
public const string Cryptography_Pkcs9_MultipleSigningTimeNotAllowed = "Cannot add multiple PKCS 9 signing time attributes.";
public const string Cryptography_Pkcs_PssParametersMissing = "PSS parameters were not present.";
public const string Cryptography_Pkcs_PssParametersHashMismatch = "This platform requires that the PSS hash algorithm ({0}) match the data digest algorithm ({1}).";
public const string Cryptography_Pkcs_PssParametersMgfHashMismatch = "This platform does not support the MGF hash algorithm ({0}) being different from the signature hash algorithm ({1}).";
public const string Cryptography_Pkcs_PssParametersMgfNotSupported = "Mask generation function '{0}' is not supported by this platform.";
public const string Cryptography_Pkcs_PssParametersSaltMismatch = "PSS salt size {0} is not supported by this platform with hash algorithm {1}.";
public const string Cryptography_TimestampReq_BadNonce = "The response from the timestamping server did not match the request nonce.";
public const string Cryptography_TimestampReq_BadResponse = "The response from the timestamping server was not understood.";
public const string Cryptography_TimestampReq_Failure = "The timestamping server did not grant the request. The request status is '{0}' with failure info '{1}'.";
public const string Cryptography_TimestampReq_NoCertFound = "The timestamping request required the TSA certificate in the response, but it was not found.";
public const string Cryptography_TimestampReq_UnexpectedCertFound = "The timestamping request required the TSA certificate not be included in the response, but certificates were present.";
public const string InvalidOperation_DuplicateItemNotAllowed = "Duplicate items are not allowed in the collection.";
public const string InvalidOperation_WrongOidInAsnCollection = "AsnEncodedData element in the collection has wrong Oid value: expected = '{0}', actual = '{1}'.";
public const string PlatformNotSupported_CryptographyPkcs = "System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs is only supported on Windows platforms.";
public const string Cryptography_Der_Invalid_Encoding = "ASN1 corrupted data.";
public const string Cryptography_Invalid_IA5String = "The string contains a character not in the 7 bit ASCII character set.";
public const string Cryptography_UnknownHashAlgorithm = "'{0}' is not a known hash algorithm.";
public const string Cryptography_WriteEncodedValue_OneValueAtATime = "The input to WriteEncodedValue must represent a single encoded value with no trailing data.";