796 lines
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796 lines
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// XPathEditableNavigatorTests.cs
// Author:
// Atsushi Enomoto <atsushi@ximian.com>
// Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc. http://www.novell.com
#if NET_2_0
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTests.System.Xml.XPath
public class XPathEditableNavigatorTests
private XPathNavigator GetInstance (string xml)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml (xml);
return doc.CreateNavigator ();
private static void AssertNavigator (string label, XPathNavigator nav, XPathNodeType type, string prefix, string localName, string ns, string name, string value, bool hasAttributes, bool hasChildren, bool isEmptyElement)
label += nav.GetType ();
Assert.AreEqual (type, nav.NodeType, label + "NodeType");
Assert.AreEqual (prefix, nav.Prefix, label + "Prefix");
Assert.AreEqual (localName, nav.LocalName, label + "LocalName");
Assert.AreEqual (ns, nav.NamespaceURI, label + "Namespace");
Assert.AreEqual (name, nav.Name, label + "Name");
Assert.AreEqual (value, nav.Value, label + "Value");
Assert.AreEqual (hasAttributes, nav.HasAttributes, label + "HasAttributes");
Assert.AreEqual (hasChildren, nav.HasChildren, label + "HasChildren");
Assert.AreEqual (isEmptyElement, nav.IsEmptyElement, label + "IsEmptyElement");
[ExpectedException (typeof (XmlException))]
public void AppendChildStartDocumentInvalid ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance (String.Empty);
XmlWriter w = nav.AppendChild ();
w.WriteStartDocument ();
w.Close ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (XmlException))]
public void AppendChildStartAttributeInvalid ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance (String.Empty);
XmlWriter w = nav.AppendChild ();
// Seems like it is just ignored.
w.WriteStartAttribute ("test");
w.WriteEndAttribute ();
w.Close ();
Assert.AreEqual (XPathNodeType.Root, nav.NodeType, "#1");
Assert.IsFalse (nav.MoveToFirstChild (), "#2");
[ExpectedException (typeof (XmlException))]
public void AppendChildElementIncomplete ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance (String.Empty);
XmlWriter w = nav.AppendChild ();
w.WriteStartElement ("foo");
w.Close ();
// empty content is allowed.
public void AppendChildEmptyString ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root/>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // root
nav.AppendChild (String.Empty);
public void AppendChildElement ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root/>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
XmlWriter w = nav.AppendChild ();
w.WriteStartElement ("foo");
w.WriteEndElement ();
w.Close ();
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirstChild ());
AssertNavigator ("#1", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"foo", // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
"foo", // Name
String.Empty, // Value
false, // HasAttributes
false, // HasChildren
true); // IsEmptyElement
public void AppendChildStringFragment ()
// check that the input string inherits
// namespace context.
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root xmlns='urn:foo'/>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.AppendChild ("<child/>fragment<child></child>");
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirstChild (), "#1-1");
AssertNavigator ("#1-2", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"child", // LocalName
"urn:foo", // NamespaceURI
"child", // Name
String.Empty, // Value
false, // HasAttributes
false, // HasChildren
true); // IsEmptyElement
Assert.IsFalse (nav.MoveToFirstChild (), "#2-1");
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToNext (), "#2-2");
AssertNavigator ("#2-3", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
String.Empty, // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
String.Empty, // Name
"fragment", // Value
false, // HasAttributes
false, // HasChildren
false); // IsEmptyElement
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToNext (), "#3-1");
AssertNavigator ("#3-2", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"child", // LocalName
"urn:foo", // NamespaceURI
"child", // Name
String.Empty, // Value
false, // HasAttributes
false, // HasChildren
false); // IsEmptyElement
public void AppendChildStringInvalidFragment ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root xmlns='urn:foo'/>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.AppendChild ("<?xml version='1.0'?><root/>");
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void AppendChildToTextNode ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root>text</root>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
XmlWriter w = nav.AppendChild ();
public void InsertAfter ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root>test</root>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.InsertAfter ("<blah/><doh>sample</doh>");
AssertNavigator ("#1", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
String.Empty, // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
String.Empty, // Name
"test", // Value
false, // HasAttributes
false, // HasChildren
false); // IsEmptyElement
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToNext (), "#2");
AssertNavigator ("#2-2", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"blah", // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
"blah", // Name
String.Empty, // Value
false, // HasAttributes
false, // HasChildren
true); // IsEmptyElement
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToNext (), "#3");
AssertNavigator ("#3-2", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"doh", // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
"doh", // Name
"sample", // Value
false, // HasAttributes
true, // HasChildren
false); // IsEmptyElement
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void InsertAfterRoot ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root/>");
nav.InsertAfter ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void InsertAfterAttribute ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root a='b'/>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstAttribute ();
nav.InsertAfter ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void InsertAfterNamespace ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root xmlns='urn:foo'/>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstNamespace ();
nav.InsertAfter ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
// xmlns:xml='...', which is likely to have XmlElement or XmlDocument as its node.
public void InsertAfterNamespace2 ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root />");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstNamespace ();
nav.InsertAfter ();
// empty content is allowed.
public void InsertAfterEmptyString ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root/>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // root
nav.InsertAfter (String.Empty);
public void InsertBefore ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root>test</root>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.InsertBefore ("<blah/><doh>sample</doh>");
AssertNavigator ("#1", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
String.Empty, // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
String.Empty, // Name
"test", // Value
false, // HasAttributes
false, // HasChildren
false); // IsEmptyElement
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirst (), "#2-1");
AssertNavigator ("#2-2", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"blah", // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
"blah", // Name
String.Empty, // Value
false, // HasAttributes
false, // HasChildren
true); // IsEmptyElement
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToNext (), "#3");
AssertNavigator ("#3-2", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"doh", // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
"doh", // Name
"sample", // Value
false, // HasAttributes
true, // HasChildren
false); // IsEmptyElement
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void InsertBeforeRoot ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root/>");
nav.InsertBefore ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void InsertBeforeAttribute ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root a='b'/>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstAttribute ();
nav.InsertBefore ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void InsertBeforeNamespace ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root xmlns='urn:foo'/>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstNamespace ();
nav.InsertBefore ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
// xmlns:xml='...', which is likely to have XmlElement or XmlDocument as its node.
public void InsertBeforeNamespace2 ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root />");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstNamespace ();
nav.InsertBefore ();
// empty content is allowed.
public void InsertBeforeEmptyString ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root/>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // root
nav.InsertBefore (String.Empty);
public void DeleteRange ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root><foo><bar/><baz/></foo><next>child<tmp/></next>final</root>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // <foo>
XPathNavigator end = nav.Clone ();
end.MoveToNext (); // <next>
end.MoveToNext (); // final
nav.DeleteRange (end);
AssertNavigator ("#1", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"root", // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
"root", // Name
String.Empty, // Value
false, // HasAttributes
false, // HasChildren
false); // IsEmptyElement
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))]
public void DeleteRangeNullArg ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root><foo><bar/><baz/></foo><next>child<tmp/></next>final</root>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // <foo>
nav.DeleteRange (null);
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void DeleteRangeInvalidArg ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root><foo><bar/><baz/></foo><next>child<tmp/></next>final</root>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // <foo>
XPathNavigator end = nav.Clone ();
end.MoveToNext (); // <next>
end.MoveToFirstChild (); // child
nav.DeleteRange (end);
public void ReplaceRange ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root><foo><bar/><baz/></foo><next>child<tmp/></next>final</root>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // <foo>
XPathNavigator end = nav.Clone ();
end.MoveToNext (); // <next>
XmlWriter w = nav.ReplaceRange (end);
AssertNavigator ("#1", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"foo", // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
"foo", // Name
String.Empty, // Value
false, // HasAttributes
true, // HasChildren
false); // IsEmptyElement
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToParent (), "#1-2");
w.WriteStartElement ("whoa");
w.WriteEndElement ();
w.Close ();
AssertNavigator ("#2", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"whoa", // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
"whoa", // Name
String.Empty, // Value
false, // HasAttributes
false, // HasChildren
true); // IsEmptyElement
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToNext (), "#2-1");
AssertNavigator ("#3", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
String.Empty, // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
String.Empty, // Name
"final", // Value
false, // HasAttributes
false, // HasChildren
false); // IsEmptyElement
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))]
public void ReplaceRangeNullArg ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root><foo><bar/><baz/></foo><next>child<tmp/></next>final</root>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // <foo>
nav.ReplaceRange (null);
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void ReplaceRangeInvalidArg ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root><foo><bar/><baz/></foo><next>child<tmp/></next>final</root>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // <foo>
XPathNavigator end = nav.Clone ();
end.MoveToNext (); // <next>
end.MoveToFirstChild (); // child
nav.ReplaceRange (end);
public void PrependChildXmlReader ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root><foo>existing_child</foo></root>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // foo
XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReader (
nav.PrependChild (reader);
XmlAssert.AssertNode ("#0",
0, // Depth
false, // IsEmptyElement
String.Empty, // Name
String.Empty, // Prefix
String.Empty, // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
String.Empty, // Value
false, // HasValue
0, // AttributeCount
false); // HasAttributes
AssertNavigator ("#1", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"foo", // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
"foo", // Name
"textexisting_child", // Value
false, // HasAttributes
true, // HasChildren
false); // IsEmptyElement
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirstChild (), "#1-2");
AssertNavigator ("#2", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"child", // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
"child", // Name
"text", // Value
false, // HasAttributes
true, // HasChildren
false); // IsEmptyElement
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToNext (), "#2-2");
AssertNavigator ("#3", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"next_sibling", // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
"next_sibling", // Name
String.Empty, // Value
false, // HasAttributes
false, // HasChildren
true); // IsEmptyElement
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToNext (), "#3-2");
AssertNavigator ("#4", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
String.Empty, // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
String.Empty, // Name
"existing_child",// Value
false, // HasAttributes
false, // HasChildren
false); // IsEmptyElement
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void PrependChildInvalid ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root><foo>existing_child</foo></root>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // foo
XmlWriter w = nav.PrependChild ();
w.WriteStartAttribute ("whoa");
w.WriteEndAttribute ();
w.Close ();
// empty content is allowed.
public void PrependChildEmptyString ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root><foo/><bar/><baz/></root>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // foo
nav.MoveToNext (); // bar
nav.PrependChild (String.Empty);
AssertNavigator ("#1", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"bar", // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
"bar", // Name
String.Empty, // Value
false, // HasAttributes
false, // HasChildren
true); // IsEmptyElement
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirst (), "#1-2");
AssertNavigator ("#2", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"foo", // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
"foo", // Name
String.Empty, // Value
false, // HasAttributes
false, // HasChildren
true); // IsEmptyElement
public void ReplaceSelf ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root><foo>existing_child</foo></root>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // foo
nav.ReplaceSelf ("<hijacker>hah, hah</hijacker><next/>");
AssertNavigator ("#1", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"hijacker", // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
"hijacker", // Name
"hah, hah", // Value
false, // HasAttributes
true, // HasChildren
false); // IsEmptyElement
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToNext (), "#1-2");
AssertNavigator ("#2", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"next", // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
"next", // Name
String.Empty, // Value
false, // HasAttributes
false, // HasChildren
true); // IsEmptyElement
// possible internal behavior difference e.g. due to ReadNode()
public void ReplaceSelfXmlReaderInteractive ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root><foo>existing_child</foo></root>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // foo
XmlReader xr = new XmlTextReader (
"<hijacker>hah, hah</hijacker><next/>",
xr.MoveToContent ();
nav.ReplaceSelf (xr);
AssertNavigator ("#1", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"hijacker", // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
"hijacker", // Name
"hah, hah", // Value
false, // HasAttributes
true, // HasChildren
false); // IsEmptyElement
Assert.IsFalse (nav.MoveToNext (), "#1-2");
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
// empty content is not allowed
public void ReplaceSelfEmptyString ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root><foo>existing_child</foo></root>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // foo
nav.ReplaceSelf (String.Empty);
public void SetValueEmptyString ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root><foo>existing_child</foo></root>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // foo
nav.SetValue (String.Empty);
AssertNavigator ("#1", nav,
String.Empty, // Prefix
"foo", // LocalName
String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
"foo", // Name
String.Empty, // Value
false, // HasAttributes
true, // HasChildren
false); // IsEmptyElement
public void MoveToFollowing ()
XPathNavigator end;
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root><bar><foo attr='v1'><baz><foo attr='v2'/></baz></foo></bar><dummy/><foo attr='v3'></foo></root>");
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFollowing ("foo", String.Empty), "#1");
Assert.AreEqual ("v1", nav.GetAttribute ("attr", String.Empty), "#2");
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFollowing ("foo", String.Empty), "#3");
Assert.AreEqual ("v2", nav.GetAttribute ("attr", String.Empty), "#4");
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFollowing ("foo", String.Empty), "#5");
Assert.AreEqual ("v3", nav.GetAttribute ("attr", String.Empty), "#6");
// round 2
end = nav.Clone ();
nav.MoveToRoot ();
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFollowing ("foo", String.Empty, end), "#7");
Assert.AreEqual ("v1", nav.GetAttribute ("attr", String.Empty), "#8");
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFollowing ("foo", String.Empty, end), "#9");
Assert.AreEqual ("v2", nav.GetAttribute ("attr", String.Empty), "#10");
// end is exclusive
Assert.IsFalse (nav.MoveToFollowing ("foo", String.Empty, end), "#11");
// in this case it never moves to somewhere else.
Assert.AreEqual ("v2", nav.GetAttribute ("attr", String.Empty), "#12");
public void MoveToFollowingFromAttribute ()
XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance ("<root a='b'><foo/></root>");
nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
nav.MoveToFirstAttribute ();
// should first move to owner element and go on.
Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFollowing ("foo", String.Empty));
public void AppendChildInDocumentFragment ()
XmlDocumentFragment f = new XmlDocument ().CreateDocumentFragment ();
XmlWriter w = f.CreateNavigator ().AppendChild ();
w.WriteStartElement ("foo");
w.WriteEndElement ();
w.Close ();
Assert.IsNotNull (f.FirstChild as XmlElement);
public void CanEdit ()
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
Assert.IsTrue (doc.CreateNavigator ().CanEdit);
Assert.IsTrue (GetInstance ("<root/>").CanEdit);
public void DeleteSelfAttribute ()
// bug #376210.
XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument ();
document.LoadXml ("<test><node date='2000-12-23'>z</node></test>");
XPathNavigator navigator = document.CreateNavigator ();
XPathNavigator nodeElement = navigator.SelectSingleNode ("//node");
nodeElement.MoveToAttribute ("date", String.Empty);
nodeElement.DeleteSelf ();
Assert.AreEqual ("<test><node>z</node></test>", document.OuterXml);
public void WriteAttributeOnAppendedChild ()
XmlDocument x = new XmlDocument ();
XmlElement y = x.CreateElement ("test");
using (XmlWriter w = y.CreateNavigator ().AppendChild ())
w.WriteAttributeString ("test", "test1");
[Test] // bug #1558
public void CreateNavigatorReturnsEdidable ()
var document = new XmlDocument();
document.LoadXml ("<div>hello world</div>");
XPathNavigator navigator = document.CreateNavigator ().CreateNavigator ();
navigator.SelectSingleNode ("//div").SetValue ("hello world 2");