2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
// <copyright file="EntityDataSourceConfigureObjectContextPanel.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
2017-08-21 15:34:15 +00:00
// @owner Microsoft
// @backupOwner Microsoft
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.Util ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Drawing ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
namespace System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls
internal partial class EntityDataSourceConfigureObjectContextPanel : WizardPanel
private EntityDataSourceConfigureObjectContext _configureObjectContext ;
private bool _ignoreEvents ; // used when a control value is set by the wizard, tells the event handlers to do nothing
private bool _connectionInEdit ; // indicates that a change has been made to the connection and it has not yet been validated
#region Constructors
internal EntityDataSourceConfigureObjectContextPanel ( )
InitializeComponent ( ) ;
InitializeUI ( ) ;
InitializeTabIndexes ( ) ;
#region General initialization
internal void Register ( EntityDataSourceConfigureObjectContext configureObjectContext )
_configureObjectContext = configureObjectContext ;
#region Control Initialization
private void InitializeSizes ( )
int top = 25 ;
_databaseConnectionGroupLabel . Location = new Point ( 10 , top ) ;
_databaseConnectionGroupLabel . Size = new Size ( 500 , 13 ) ;
top = _databaseConnectionGroupLabel . Bottom ;
_databaseConnectionGroupBox . Location = new Point ( 13 , top ) ;
_databaseConnectionGroupBox . Size = new Size ( 503 , 124 ) ;
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_radioButtonsGroupContainer . Location = new Point ( 0 , 0 ) ;
_radioButtonsGroupContainer . Size = new Size ( 503 , 124 ) ;
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top = 0 ; // rest of controls in this group are positioned relative to the group box, so top resets
_namedConnectionRadioButton . Location = new Point ( 9 , top + 20 ) ;
_namedConnectionRadioButton . Size = new Size ( 116 , 17 ) ;
top = _namedConnectionRadioButton . Bottom ;
_namedConnectionComboBox . Location = new Point ( 25 , top + 6 ) ;
_namedConnectionComboBox . Size = new Size ( 454 , 21 ) ;
top = _namedConnectionComboBox . Bottom ;
_connectionStringRadioButton . Location = new Point ( 9 , top + 6 ) ;
_connectionStringRadioButton . Size = new Size ( 109 , 17 ) ;
top = _connectionStringRadioButton . Bottom ;
_connectionStringTextBox . Location = new Point ( 25 , top + 6 ) ;
_connectionStringTextBox . Size = new Size ( 454 , 20 ) ;
top = _databaseConnectionGroupBox . Bottom ;
_containerNameLabel . Location = new Point ( 10 , top + 30 ) ;
_containerNameLabel . Size = new Size ( 117 , 13 ) ;
top = _containerNameLabel . Bottom ;
_containerNameComboBox . Location = new Point ( 13 , top + 3 ) ;
_containerNameComboBox . Size = new Size ( 502 , 21 ) ;
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2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
// if any controls are added, top should be reset to _containerNameComboBox.Bottom before adding them here
private void InitializeTabIndexes ( )
_databaseConnectionGroupLabel . TabStop = false ;
_databaseConnectionGroupBox . TabStop = false ;
_namedConnectionComboBox . TabStop = true ;
_connectionStringTextBox . TabStop = true ;
_containerNameLabel . TabStop = false ;
_containerNameComboBox . TabStop = true ;
int tabIndex = 0 ;
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_radioButtonsGroupContainer . TabIndex = tabIndex ;
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_databaseConnectionGroupLabel . TabIndex = tabIndex + = 10 ;
_databaseConnectionGroupBox . TabIndex = tabIndex + = 10 ;
_namedConnectionRadioButton . TabIndex = tabIndex + = 10 ;
_namedConnectionComboBox . TabIndex = tabIndex + = 10 ;
_connectionStringRadioButton . TabIndex = tabIndex + = 10 ;
_connectionStringTextBox . TabIndex = tabIndex + = 10 ;
_containerNameLabel . TabIndex = tabIndex + = 10 ;
_containerNameComboBox . TabIndex = tabIndex + = 10 ;
private void InitializeUI ( )
this . _databaseConnectionGroupLabel . Text = Strings . Wizard_ObjectContextPanel_ConnectionStringGroupDescription ;
this . _connectionStringRadioButton . Text = Strings . Wizard_ObjectContextPanel_ConnectionStringRadioButton ;
this . _connectionStringRadioButton . AccessibleName = Strings . Wizard_ObjectContextPanel_ConnectionStringRadioButtonAccessibleName ;
this . _connectionStringTextBox . AccessibleName = Strings . Wizard_ObjectContextPanel_ConnectionStringRadioButtonAccessibleName ;
this . _namedConnectionRadioButton . Text = Strings . Wizard_ObjectContextPanel_NamedConnectionRadioButton ;
this . _namedConnectionRadioButton . AccessibleName = Strings . Wizard_ObjectContextPanel_NamedConnectionRadioButtonAccessibleName ;
this . _namedConnectionComboBox . AccessibleName = Strings . Wizard_ObjectContextPanel_NamedConnectionRadioButtonAccessibleName ;
this . _containerNameLabel . Text = Strings . Wizard_ObjectContextPanel_DefaultContainerName ;
this . _containerNameComboBox . AccessibleName = Strings . Wizard_ObjectContextPanel_DefaultContainerNameAccessibleName ;
this . Caption = Strings . Wizard_ObjectContextPanel_Caption ;
this . AccessibleName = Strings . Wizard_ObjectContextPanel_Caption ;
#region Control Event Handlers
private void OnConnectionStringRadioButton_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( ! _ignoreEvents )
if ( _connectionStringRadioButton . Checked )
// Update the state of the controls that are associated with the radio buttons
_namedConnectionComboBox . Enabled = false ;
_connectionStringTextBox . Enabled = true ;
EnterConnectionEditMode ( ) ;
// Update the flag to track if we have text in the box
_configureObjectContext . SelectConnectionStringHasValue ( ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( _connectionStringTextBox . Text ) ) ;
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if ( LocalAppContextSwitches . UseLegacyAccessibilityFeatures )
// Move the focus to the associated TextBox
_connectionStringTextBox . Select ( ) ;
_connectionStringTextBox . Select ( 0 , _connectionStringTextBox . TextLength ) ;
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// else it's being unchecked, so that means another radio button is being checked and that handler will take care of updating the state
private void OnConnectionStringTextBox_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( ! _ignoreEvents )
// If we aren't already in edit mode, move to it that we will know we need to reload metadata if it's needed later
if ( ! _connectionInEdit )
EnterConnectionEditMode ( ) ;
// Update the state of the flag that tracks if there is anything in this TextBox.
// This will cause the Next button to be disabled if all of the text is removed from the box, otherwise it is enabled
_configureObjectContext . SelectConnectionStringHasValue ( ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( _connectionStringTextBox . Text ) ) ;
private void OnNamedConnectionRadioButton_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( ! _ignoreEvents )
if ( _namedConnectionRadioButton . Checked )
// update the controls that are associated with the radio buttons
_namedConnectionComboBox . Enabled = true ;
_connectionStringTextBox . Enabled = false ;
EnterConnectionEditMode ( ) ;
// Update flag to indicate if there is a value selected in this box
_configureObjectContext . SelectConnectionStringHasValue ( _namedConnectionComboBox . SelectedIndex ! = - 1 ) ;
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if ( LocalAppContextSwitches . UseLegacyAccessibilityFeatures )
// Move the focus to the associated ComboBox
_namedConnectionComboBox . Select ( ) ;
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// If there is a selected NamedConnection, validate the connection string right away
// so that we can potentially select the default container name if there is one
if ( _namedConnectionComboBox . SelectedIndex ! = - 1 )
VerifyConnectionString ( ) ;
// else it's being unchecked, so that means another radio button is being checked and that handler will take care of updating the state
private void OnNamedConnectionComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( ! _ignoreEvents )
EnterConnectionEditMode ( ) ;
// Update flag to indicate if there is a value selected in this box
_configureObjectContext . SelectConnectionStringHasValue ( _namedConnectionComboBox . SelectedIndex ! = - 1 ) ;
// If there is a selected NamedConnection, validate the connection string right away
// so that we can potentially select the default container name if there is one
if ( _namedConnectionComboBox . SelectedIndex ! = - 1 )
VerifyConnectionString ( ) ;
private void OnContainerNameComboBox_Enter ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( ! _ignoreEvents )
VerifyConnectionString ( ) ;
private void OnContainerNameComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( ! _ignoreEvents )
_configureObjectContext . SelectContainerName ( _containerNameComboBox . SelectedItem as EntityDataSourceContainerNameItem ) ;
// Move to edit mode so that we will know we need to reload metadata if it's needed later
private void EnterConnectionEditMode ( )
_connectionInEdit = true ;
_containerNameComboBox . SelectedIndex = - 1 ;
private void LeaveConnectionEditMode ( )
_connectionInEdit = false ;
/// <summary>
/// Verify the selected connection string and load the metadata for it if it is successfully verified
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the metadata was successfully loaded from the connection string</returns>
private bool VerifyConnectionString ( )
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
if ( _connectionInEdit )
bool isNamedConnection = _namedConnectionRadioButton . Checked ;
Debug . Assert ( ! isNamedConnection ? _connectionStringRadioButton . Checked : true , "only expecting either named connection or connection string radio button options" ) ;
EntityConnectionStringBuilderItem selectedConnection = null ;
if ( isNamedConnection )
if ( _namedConnectionComboBox . SelectedIndex ! = - 1 )
selectedConnection = _namedConnectionComboBox . SelectedItem as EntityConnectionStringBuilderItem ;
// Make a builder item out of the specified connection string. This will do some basic verification on the string.
selectedConnection = _configureObjectContext . GetEntityConnectionStringBuilderItem ( _connectionStringTextBox . Text ) ;
if ( selectedConnection ! = null )
bool metadataLoaded = _configureObjectContext . SelectConnectionStringBuilder ( selectedConnection , true /*resetContainer*/ ) ;
// If verification failed, try to move the focus back to the appropriate control.
if ( ! metadataLoaded )
if ( _namedConnectionRadioButton . Checked )
_namedConnectionComboBox . Select ( ) ;
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if ( LocalAppContextSwitches . UseLegacyAccessibilityFeatures | | _connectionStringTextBox . TextLength ! = 0 )
_connectionStringTextBox . Select ( ) ;
_connectionStringTextBox . Select ( 0 , _connectionStringTextBox . TextLength ) ;
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// Leave connection edit mode regardless of whether the metadata was loaded or not, because there is no need to keep trying
// to validated it over and over again unless the user makes a change that puts it back into edit mode again
LeaveConnectionEditMode ( ) ;
return true ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
#region Wizard state management
public override bool OnNext ( )
Debug . Assert ( _configureObjectContext . CanEnableNext , "OnNext called when CanEnableNext is false" ) ;
return VerifyConnectionString ( ) ;
protected override void OnVisibleChanged ( EventArgs e )
base . OnVisibleChanged ( e ) ;
if ( Visible )
_configureObjectContext . UpdateWizardState ( ) ;
#region Methods for setting control values
// Expects that the specified builder item is a named connection already in the list, is a full connection string, or is empty
// If empty, the default is to select the named connection option and don't select anything in the list
internal void SetConnectionString ( EntityConnectionStringBuilderItem connStrBuilderItem )
Debug . Assert ( connStrBuilderItem ! = null , "expected non-null connStrBuilderItem" ) ;
_ignoreEvents = true ;
// set the state of the ConnectionString radio buttons and associated controls
bool isNamedConnection = connStrBuilderItem . IsEmpty | | connStrBuilderItem . IsNamedConnection ;
_namedConnectionRadioButton . Checked = isNamedConnection ;
_namedConnectionComboBox . Enabled = isNamedConnection ;
_connectionStringRadioButton . Checked = ! isNamedConnection ;
_connectionStringTextBox . Enabled = ! isNamedConnection ;
// set the value of the control that was just enabled
if ( connStrBuilderItem . IsEmpty )
_namedConnectionComboBox . SelectedIndex = - 1 ;
_configureObjectContext . SelectConnectionStringHasValue ( false /*connectionStringHasValue*/ ) ;
else if ( connStrBuilderItem . IsNamedConnection )
_namedConnectionComboBox . SelectedItem = connStrBuilderItem ;
_configureObjectContext . SelectConnectionStringHasValue ( true /*connectionStringHasValue*/ ) ;
_connectionStringTextBox . Text = connStrBuilderItem . ConnectionString ;
_configureObjectContext . SelectConnectionStringHasValue ( ! connStrBuilderItem . IsEmpty ) ;
_ignoreEvents = false ;
internal void SetContainerNames ( List < EntityDataSourceContainerNameItem > containerNames )
_ignoreEvents = true ;
_containerNameComboBox . Items . Clear ( ) ;
_containerNameComboBox . Items . AddRange ( containerNames . ToArray ( ) ) ;
_ignoreEvents = false ;
internal void SetNamedConnections ( List < EntityConnectionStringBuilderItem > namedConnections )
_ignoreEvents = true ;
_namedConnectionComboBox . Items . AddRange ( namedConnections . ToArray ( ) ) ;
_ignoreEvents = false ;
/// <summary>
/// Expects that selectedContainer is already in the ComboBox list, or should be null
/// </summary>
/// <param name="selectedContainer"></param>
/// <param name="initialLoad">If this is the initial load, we want to suppress events so that the change does
/// not cause additional work in panels that listen to the container name changed event</param>
internal void SetSelectedContainerName ( EntityDataSourceContainerNameItem selectedContainer , bool initialLoad )
if ( initialLoad )
_ignoreEvents = true ;
if ( selectedContainer = = null )
_containerNameComboBox . SelectedIndex = - 1 ;
_containerNameComboBox . SelectedItem = selectedContainer ;
_ignoreEvents = false ;