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< body >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< div class = "mapi-docs" >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< h1 > Object API< / h1 >
< p / > The object API deals with all the operations shared by
< a href = "#objects" > objects< / a > , < a href = "#valuetypes" > value
types< / a > , < a href = "#arrays" > arrays< / a > .
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / > The object API has methods for accessing < a href = "#fields" > fields< / a > , < a href = "#properties" > properties< / a > , < a href = "mono-api-methods.html" > methods< / a > , < a href = "#events" > events< / a > , < a href = "#delegates" > delegates< / a > .
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< p / > There are some advanced uses that are useful to document
here dealing with < a href = "#remote" > remote fields< / a > .
< h2 > Synopsis< / h2 >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< div class = "mapi-header" >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
#include < metadata/object.h>
typedef struct MonoVTable MonoVTable;
typedef struct _MonoThreadsSync MonoThreadsSync;
typedef struct {
MonoVTable *vtable;
MonoThreadsSync *synchronisation;
} MonoObject;
typedef struct {
guint32 length;
guint32 lower_bound;
} MonoArrayBounds;
typedef struct {
MonoObject obj;
/* bounds is NULL for szarrays */
MonoArrayBounds *bounds;
/* total number of elements of the array */
guint32 max_length;
/* we use double to ensure proper alignment on platforms that need it */
double vector [MONO_ZERO_LEN_ARRAY];
} MonoArray;
2017-04-10 11:41:01 +00:00
MonoObject* < a href = "#api:mono_object_new" > mono_object_new< / a > (MonoDomain *domain,
MonoClass *klass);
MonoObject* < a href = "#api:mono_object_new_alloc_specific" > mono_object_new_alloc_specific< / a > (MonoVTable *vtable);
MonoObject* < a href = "#api:mono_object_new_fast" > mono_object_new_fast< / a > (MonoVTable *vtable);
MonoObject* < a href = "#api:mono_object_new_from_token" > mono_object_new_from_token< / a > (MonoDomain *domain,
MonoImage *image,
guint32 token);
MonoObject* < a href = "#api:mono_object_new_specific" > mono_object_new_specific< / a > (MonoVTable *vtable);
MonoObject* < a href = "#api:mono_object_clone" > mono_object_clone< / a > (MonoObject *obj);
MonoClass* < a href = "#api:mono_object_get_class" > mono_object_get_class< / a > (MonoObject *obj);
MonoDomain* < a href = "#api:mono_object_get_domain" > mono_object_get_domain< / a > (MonoObject *obj);
MonoMethod* < a href = "#api:mono_object_get_virtual_method" > mono_object_handle_get_virtual_method< / a > (MonoObjectHandle obj,
MonoMethod *method,
MonoError *error);
< a href = "#api:mono_object_isinst_mbyref" > mono_object_isinst_mbyref< / a >
MonoObject* < a href = "#api:mono_object_isinst" > mono_object_isinst< / a > (MonoObject *obj_raw,
MonoClass *klass);
gpointer < a href = "#api:mono_object_unbox" > mono_object_unbox< / a > (MonoObject *obj);
MonoObject* < a href = "#api:mono_object_castclass_mbyref" > mono_object_castclass_mbyref< / a > (MonoObject *obj_raw,
MonoClass *klass);
guint < a href = "#api:mono_object_get_size" > mono_object_get_size< / a > (MonoObject* o);
< a href = "#api:mono_object_hash" > mono_object_hash< / a >
MonoString* < a href = "#api:mono_object_to_string" > mono_object_to_string< / a > (MonoObject *obj,
MonoObject **exc);
MonoObject* < a href = "#api:mono_value_box" > mono_value_box< / a > (MonoDomain *domain,
MonoClass *klass,
gpointer value);
void < a href = "#api:mono_value_copy" > mono_value_copy< / a > (gpointer dest,
gpointer src,
MonoClass *klass);
void < a href = "#api:mono_value_copy_array" > mono_value_copy_array< / a > (MonoArray *dest,
int dest_idx,
gpointer src,
int count);
MonoArray* < a href = "#api:mono_array_new" > mono_array_new< / a > (MonoDomain *domain,
MonoClass *eclass,
uintptr_t n);
MonoArray* < a href = "#api:mono_array_new_full" > mono_array_new_full< / a > (MonoDomain *domain,
MonoClass *array_class,
uintptr_t *lengths,
intptr_t *lower_bounds);
MonoArray* < a href = "#api:mono_array_new_specific" > mono_array_new_specific< / a > (MonoVTable *vtable,
uintptr_t n);
MonoClass* < a href = "#api:mono_array_class_get" > mono_array_class_get< / a > (MonoClass *eclass,
guint32 rank);
MonoArray* < a href = "#api:mono_array_clone" > mono_array_clone< / a > (MonoArray *array);
< a href = "#api:mono_array_get" > mono_array_get< / a >
uintptr_t < a href = "#api:mono_array_length" > mono_array_length< / a > (MonoArray *array);
< a href = "#api:mono_array_set" > mono_array_set< / a >
< a href = "#api:mono_array_setref" > mono_array_setref< / a >
< a href = "#api:mono_array_addr" > mono_array_addr< / a >
char* < a href = "#api:mono_array_addr_with_size" > mono_array_addr_with_size< / a > (MonoArray *array,
int size,
uintptr_t idx);
gint32 < a href = "#api:mono_array_element_size" > mono_array_element_size< / a > (MonoClass *ac);
< a href = "#api:mono_field_from_token" > mono_field_from_token< / a >
< a href = "#api:mono_field_get_flags" > mono_field_get_flags< / a >
const char* < a href = "#api:mono_field_get_name" > mono_field_get_name< / a > (MonoClassField *field);
MonoClass* < a href = "#api:mono_field_get_parent" > mono_field_get_parent< / a > (MonoClassField *field);
MonoType* < a href = "#api:mono_field_get_type" > mono_field_get_type< / a > (MonoClassField *field);
void < a href = "#api:mono_field_get_value" > mono_field_get_value< / a > (MonoObject *obj,
MonoClassField *field,
void *value);
MonoObject* < a href = "#api:mono_field_get_value_object" > mono_field_get_value_object< / a > (MonoDomain *domain,
MonoClassField *field,
MonoObject *obj);
void < a href = "#api:mono_field_set_value" > mono_field_set_value< / a > (MonoObject *obj,
MonoClassField *field,
void *value);
void < a href = "#api:mono_field_static_get_value" > mono_field_static_get_value< / a > (MonoVTable *vt,
MonoClassField *field,
void *value);
void < a href = "#api:mono_field_static_set_value" > mono_field_static_set_value< / a > (MonoVTable *vt,
MonoClassField *field,
void *value);
< a href = "#api:mono_field_get_object" > mono_field_get_object< / a >
MonoReflectionProperty* < a href = "#api:mono_property_get_object" > mono_property_get_object_checked< / a > (MonoDomain *domain,
MonoClass *klass,
MonoProperty *property,
MonoError *error);
guint32 < a href = "#api:mono_property_get_flags" > mono_property_get_flags< / a > (MonoProperty *prop);
MonoMethod* < a href = "#api:mono_property_get_get_method" > mono_property_get_get_method< / a > (MonoProperty *prop);
< a href = "#api:mono_property_get_name" > mono_property_get_name< / a >
MonoClass* < a href = "#api:mono_property_get_parent" > mono_property_get_parent< / a > (MonoProperty *prop);
MonoMethod* < a href = "#api:mono_property_get_set_method" > mono_property_get_set_method< / a > (MonoProperty *prop);
MonoObject* < a href = "#api:mono_property_get_value" > mono_property_get_value< / a > (MonoProperty *prop,
void *obj,
void **params,
MonoObject **exc);
void < a href = "#api:mono_property_set_value" > mono_property_set_value< / a > (MonoProperty *prop,
void *obj,
void **params,
MonoObject **exc);
< a href = "#api:mono_event_get_object" > mono_event_get_object< / a >
MonoMethod* < a href = "#api:mono_event_get_add_method" > mono_event_get_add_method< / a > (MonoEvent *event);
guint32 < a href = "#api:mono_event_get_flags" > mono_event_get_flags< / a > (MonoEvent *event);
const char* < a href = "#api:mono_event_get_name" > mono_event_get_name< / a > (MonoEvent *event);
MonoClass* < a href = "#api:mono_event_get_parent" > mono_event_get_parent< / a > (MonoEvent *event);
MonoMethod* < a href = "#api:mono_event_get_raise_method" > mono_event_get_raise_method< / a > (MonoEvent *event);
MonoMethod* < a href = "#api:mono_event_get_remove_method" > mono_event_get_remove_method< / a > (MonoEvent *event);
gpointer < a href = "#api:mono_load_remote_field" > mono_load_remote_field< / a > (MonoObject *this_obj,
MonoClass *klass,
MonoClassField *field,
gpointer *res);
MonoObject* < a href = "#api:mono_load_remote_field_new" > mono_load_remote_field_new< / a > (MonoObject *this_obj,
MonoClass *klass,
MonoClassField *field);
void < a href = "#api:mono_store_remote_field" > mono_store_remote_field< / a > (MonoObject *this_obj,
MonoClass *klass,
MonoClassField *field,
gpointer val);
void < a href = "#api:mono_store_remote_field_new" > mono_store_remote_field_new< / a > (MonoObject *this_obj,
MonoClass *klass,
MonoClassField *field,
MonoObject *arg);
MonoMethod* < a href = "#api:mono_get_delegate_begin_invoke" > mono_get_delegate_begin_invoke< / a > (MonoClass *klass);
MonoMethod* < a href = "#api:mono_get_delegate_end_invoke" > mono_get_delegate_end_invoke< / a > (MonoClass *klass);
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< / div >
< p / > `MonoObject` is the base definition for all managed objects
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
in the Mono runtime, it represents the < a href = "http://www.mono-project.com/monodoc/T:System.Object" > System.Object< / a >
managed type.
< p / > All objects that derive from < a href = "http://www.mono-project.com/monodoc/T:System.Object" > System.Object< / a >
do have this base definition. Derived objects are declared
following the pattern where the parent class is the first
field of a structure definition, for example:
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< div class = "mapi-code" >
typedef struct {
MonoObject parent;
int my_new_field;
} MyNewObject< / div >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< a name = "objects" > < / a >
< h2 > Core Object Methods< / h2 >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< a name = "api:mono_object_new" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_object_new< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoObject*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_object_new (MonoDomain *domain, MonoClass *klass)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > klass< / i > < td > the class of the object that we want to create< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > a newly created object whose definition is
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
looked up using < i > klass< / i > . This will not invoke any constructors,
so the consumer of this routine has to invoke any constructors on
its own to initialize the object.
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
It returns < code > NULL< / code > on failure.< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< p / > For example, if you wanted to create an object of type
System.Version, you would use a piece of code like this:
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< div class = "mapi-code" >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
MonoClass *version_class;
MonoObject *result;
/* Get the class from mscorlib */
version_class = mono_class_from_name (mono_get_corlib (),
" System" , " Version" );
/* Create an object of that class */
result = mono_object_new (mono_domain_get (), version_class);
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< / div >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< a name = "api:mono_object_new_alloc_specific" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_object_new_alloc_specific< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoObject*
mono_object_new_alloc_specific (MonoVTable *vtable)
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< / div >
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > vtable< / i > < td > virtual table for the object.< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > the allocated object.
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
This function allocates a new < code > MonoObject< / code > with the type derived
from the < i > vtable< / i > information. If the class of this object has a
finalizer, then the object will be tracked for finalization.
< p / >
This method might raise an exception on errors. Use the
< code > mono_object_new_fast_checked< / code > method if you want to manually raise
the exception.
< p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_object_new_fast" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_object_new_fast< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoObject*
mono_object_new_fast (MonoVTable *vtable)
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< / div >
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > vtable< / i > < td > virtual table for the object.< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > the allocated object.
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
This function allocates a new < code > MonoObject< / code > with the type derived
from the < i > vtable< / i > information. The returned object is not tracked
for finalization. If your object implements a finalizer, you should
use < code > mono_object_new_alloc_specific< / code > instead.
< p / >
This method might raise an exception on errors. Use the
< code > mono_object_new_fast_checked< / code > method if you want to manually raise
the exception.
< p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_object_new_from_token" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_object_new_from_token< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoObject*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_object_new_from_token (MonoDomain *domain, MonoImage *image, guint32 token)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > image< / i > < td > Context where the type_token is hosted< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > token< / i > < td > a token of the type that we want to create< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > A newly created object whose definition is
looked up using < i > token< / i > in the < i > image< / i > image< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_object_new_specific" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_object_new_specific< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoObject*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_object_new_specific (MonoVTable *vtable)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > vtable< / i > < td > the vtable of the object that we want to create< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > A newly created object with class and domain specified
by < i > vtable< / i > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_object_clone" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_object_clone< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoObject*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_object_clone (MonoObject *obj)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > obj< / i > < td > the object to clone< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > A newly created object who is a shallow copy of < i > obj< / i >
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_object_get_class" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_object_get_class< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoClass*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_object_get_class (MonoObject *obj)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > obj< / i > < td > object to query< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > the MonoClass of the object.
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
Use this function to obtain the < code > MonoClass*< / code > for a given < code > MonoObject< / code > .
< p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_object_get_domain" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_object_get_domain< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoDomain*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_object_get_domain (MonoObject *obj)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > obj< / i > < td > object to query< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > the MonoDomain where the object is hosted
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_object_get_virtual_method" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_object_get_virtual_method< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoMethod*
2017-04-10 11:41:01 +00:00
mono_object_handle_get_virtual_method (MonoObjectHandle obj, MonoMethod *method, MonoError *error)
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > obj< / i > < td > object to operate on.< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > method< / i > < td > method < / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
Retrieves the MonoMethod that would be called on obj if obj is passed as
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
the instance of a callvirt of method.< / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_object_isinst_mbyref" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_object_isinst_mbyref< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > mono_object_isinst_mbyref< / div >
< p / >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_object_isinst" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_object_isinst< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoObject*
2017-04-10 11:41:01 +00:00
mono_object_isinst (MonoObject *obj_raw, MonoClass *klass)
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > obj< / i > < td > an object< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > klass< / i > < td > a pointer to a class < / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > < i > obj< / i > if < i > obj< / i > is derived from < i > klass< / i > or < code > NULL< / code > otherwise.
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_object_unbox" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_object_unbox< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > gpointer
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_object_unbox (MonoObject *obj)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > obj< / i > < td > object to unbox< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > a pointer to the start of the valuetype boxed in this
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
This method will assert if the object passed is not a valuetype.< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_object_castclass_mbyref" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_object_castclass_mbyref< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoObject*
2017-04-10 11:41:01 +00:00
mono_object_castclass_mbyref (MonoObject *obj_raw, MonoClass *klass)
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > obj< / i > < td > an object< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > klass< / i > < td > a pointer to a class < / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > < i > obj< / i > if < i > obj< / i > is derived from < i > klass< / i > , returns < code > NULL< / code > otherwise.
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_object_get_size" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_object_get_size< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > guint
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_object_get_size (MonoObject* o)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > o< / i > < td > object to query< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > the size, in bytes, of < i > o< / i >
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_object_hash" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_object_hash< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > mono_object_hash< / div >
< p / >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_object_to_string" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_object_to_string< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoString*
mono_object_to_string (MonoObject *obj, MonoObject **exc)
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< / div >
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > obj< / i > < td > The object< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > exc< / i > < td > Any exception thrown by ToString (). May be < code > NULL< / code > .< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > the result of calling ToString () on an object.
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< a name = "valuetypes" > < / a >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< h2 > Value Types< / h2 >
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< a name = "api:mono_value_box" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_value_box< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoObject*
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
mono_value_box (MonoDomain *domain, MonoClass *klass, gpointer value)
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > class< / i > < td > the class of the value< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > value< / i > < td > a pointer to the unboxed data< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > A newly created object which contains < i > value< / i > .
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_value_copy" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_value_copy< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > void
mono_value_copy (gpointer dest, gpointer src, MonoClass *klass)
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< / div >
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > dest< / i > < td > destination pointer< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > src< / i > < td > source pointer< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > klass< / i > < td > a valuetype class< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
Copy a valuetype from < i > src< / i > to < i > dest< / i > . This function must be used
when < i > klass< / i > contains references fields.< / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_value_copy_array" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_value_copy_array< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > void
mono_value_copy_array (MonoArray *dest, int dest_idx, gpointer src, int count)
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< / div >
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > dest< / i > < td > destination array< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > dest_idx< / i > < td > index in the < i > dest< / i > array< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > src< / i > < td > source pointer< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > count< / i > < td > number of items< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
Copy < i > count< / i > valuetype items from < i > src< / i > to the array < i > dest< / i > at index < i > dest_idx< / i > .
This function must be used when < i > klass< / i > contains references fields.
Overlap is handled.< / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< a name = "arrays" > < / a >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< h2 > Array Methods< / h2 >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< p / > Use the < tt > mono_array_new_*< / tt > methods to create arrays
of a given type.
< p / > For example, the following code creates an array with two
elements of type < tt > System.Byte< / tt > , and sets the values
0xca and 0xfe on it:
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< pre class = "mapi-code" >
MonoArray *CreateByteArray (MonoDomain *domain)
MonoArray *data;
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
data = mono_array_new (domain, mono_get_byte_class (), 2);
mono_array_set (data, guint8, 0, 0xca);
mono_array_set (data, guint8, 0, 0xfe);
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
return data;
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< / pre >
< h3 > Creating Arrays< / h3 >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_array_new" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_array_new< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoArray*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_array_new (MonoDomain *domain, MonoClass *eclass, uintptr_t n)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > domain< / i > < td > domain where the object is created< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > eclass< / i > < td > element class< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > n< / i > < td > number of array elements< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
This routine creates a new szarray with < i > n< / i > elements of type < i > eclass< / i > .< / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_array_new_full" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_array_new_full< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoArray*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_array_new_full (MonoDomain *domain, MonoClass *array_class, uintptr_t *lengths, intptr_t *lower_bounds)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > domain< / i > < td > domain where the object is created< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > array_class< / i > < td > array class< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > lengths< / i > < td > lengths for each dimension in the array< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > lower_bounds< / i > < td > lower bounds for each dimension in the array (may be < code > NULL< / code > )< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
This routine creates a new array objects with the given dimensions,
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
lower bounds and type.< / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_array_new_specific" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_array_new_specific< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoArray*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_array_new_specific (MonoVTable *vtable, uintptr_t n)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > vtable< / i > < td > a vtable in the appropriate domain for an initialized class< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > n< / i > < td > number of array elements< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
This routine is a fast alternative to mono_array_new() for code which
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
can be sure about the domain it operates in.< / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_array_class_get" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_array_class_get< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoClass*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_array_class_get (MonoClass *eclass, guint32 rank)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > element_class< / i > < td > element class < / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > rank< / i > < td > the dimension of the array class< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > A class object describing the array with element type < i > element_type< / i > and
dimension < i > rank< / i > . < / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_array_clone" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_array_clone< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoArray*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_array_clone (MonoArray *array)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > array< / i > < td > the array to clone< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > A newly created array who is a shallow copy of < i > array< / i >
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< h3 > Using Arrays< / h3 >
< p / > Arrays are represented by the `MonoArray` data type and are
instances of `MonoObject`. While you can use the `bounds`
and `max_length` fields of the type, the actual storage
(represented by `vector`) is not very useful. Instead you
should use one of the accesor methods described below to
fetch or set the values in the array.
< p / > When setting values in an array, you should
use < a href = "api:mono_array_set" > mono_array_set< / a > for
setting elements in an array that contains value types, and
< a href = "api:mono_array_setref" > mono_array_setref< / a > for arrays
that contain reference types.
< p / > The < a href = "api:mono_array_get" > mono_array_get< / a > ,
< a href = "api:mono_array_set" > mono_array_set< / a > and < a href = "api:mono_array_setref" > mono_array_setref< / a > are C
macros that wrap the underlying array access.
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< a name = "api:mono_array_get" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_array_get< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > Type mono_array_get (MonoArray *array, Type element_type, uintptr_t index)
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< / div >
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > array< / i > < td > array on which to operate on< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > element_type< / i > < td > C element type (example: MonoString *, int, MonoObject *)< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > index< / i > < td > index into the array< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > The element at the < i > index< / i > position in the < i > array< / i > .
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
Use this macro to retrieve the < i > index< / i > element of an < i > array< / i > and
extract the value assuming that the elements of the array match
the provided type value.
< p / >
This method can be used with both arrays holding value types and
reference types. For reference types, the < i > type< / i > parameter should
be a < code > MonoObject*< / code > or any subclass of it, like < code > MonoString*< / code > .
< p / >
This macro does not attempt to perform type checking or bounds checking.
< p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_array_length" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_array_length< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > uintptr_t
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_array_length (MonoArray *array)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > array< / i > < td > a MonoArray*< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
Returns the total number of elements in the array. This works for
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
both vectors and multidimensional arrays.< / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_array_set" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_array_set< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > void mono_array_set(MonoArray *array, Type element_type, uintptr_t index, Value value)
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< / div >
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > array< / i > < td > array to alter< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > element_type< / i > < td > A C type name, this macro will use the sizeof(type) to determine the element size< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > index< / i > < td > index into the array< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > value< / i > < td > value to set< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
Value Type version: This sets the < i > index< / i > 's element of the < i > array< / i >
with elements of size sizeof(type) to the provided < i > value< / i > .
< p / >
This macro does not attempt to perform type checking or bounds checking.
< p / >
Use this to set value types in a < code > MonoArray< / code > .< / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_array_setref" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_array_setref< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > void mono_array_setref(MonoArray *array, uintptr_t index, MonoObject *object)
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< / div >
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > array< / i > < td > array to alter< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > index< / i > < td > index into the array< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > value< / i > < td > value to set< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
Reference Type version: This sets the < i > index< / i > 's element of the
< i > array< / i > with elements of size sizeof(type) to the provided < i > value< / i > .
< p / >
This macro does not attempt to perform type checking or bounds checking.
< p / >
Use this to reference types in a < code > MonoArray< / code > .< / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_array_addr" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_array_addr< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > mono_array_addr< / div >
< p / >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_array_addr_with_size" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_array_addr_with_size< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > char*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_array_addr_with_size (MonoArray *array, int size, uintptr_t idx)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > array< / i > < td > a MonoArray*< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > size< / i > < td > size of the array elements< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > idx< / i > < td > index into the array< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
Use this function to obtain the address for the < i > idx< / i > item on the
< i > array< / i > containing elements of size < i > size< / i > .
< p / >
This method performs no bounds checking or type checking.
< p / >
Returns the address of the < i > idx< / i > element in the array.< / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_array_element_size" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_array_element_size< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > gint32
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_array_element_size (MonoClass *ac)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > ac< / i > < td > pointer to a < code > MonoArrayClass< / code > < / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > The size of single array element.
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< a name = "fields" > < / a >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< h2 > Fields< / h2 >
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_field_from_token" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_field_from_token< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > mono_field_from_token< / div >
< p / >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_field_get_flags" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_field_get_flags< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > mono_field_get_flags< / div >
< p / >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_field_get_name" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_field_get_name< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > const char*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_field_get_name (MonoClassField *field)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > field< / i > < td > the MonoClassField to act on< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > The name of the field.
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_field_get_parent" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_field_get_parent< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoClass*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_field_get_parent (MonoClassField *field)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > field< / i > < td > the MonoClassField to act on< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > MonoClass where the field was defined.
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_field_get_type" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_field_get_type< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoType*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_field_get_type (MonoClassField *field)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > field< / i > < td > the MonoClassField to act on< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > MonoType of the field.
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_field_get_value" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_field_get_value< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > void
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_field_get_value (MonoObject *obj, MonoClassField *field, void *value)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > obj< / i > < td > Object instance< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > field< / i > < td > MonoClassField describing the field to fetch information from< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > value< / i > < td > pointer to the location where the value will be stored< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
Use this routine to get the value of the field < i > field< / i > in the object
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
The pointer provided by value must be of the field type, for reference
types this is a MonoObject*, for value types its the actual pointer to
the value type.
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
For example:
int i;
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
mono_field_get_value (obj, int_field, & i);< / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_field_get_value_object" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_field_get_value_object< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoObject*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_field_get_value_object (MonoDomain *domain, MonoClassField *field, MonoObject *obj)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > domain< / i > < td > domain where the object will be created (if boxing)< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > field< / i > < td > MonoClassField describing the field to fetch information from< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > obj< / i > < td > The object instance for the field.< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > a new MonoObject with the value from the given field. If the
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
field represents a value type, the value is boxed.
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_field_set_value" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_field_set_value< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > void
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_field_set_value (MonoObject *obj, MonoClassField *field, void *value)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > obj< / i > < td > Instance object< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > field< / i > < td > MonoClassField describing the field to set< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > value< / i > < td > The value to be set< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
Sets the value of the field described by < i > field< / i > in the object instance < i > obj< / i >
to the value passed in < i > value< / i > . This method should only be used for instance
fields. For static fields, use mono_field_static_set_value.
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
The value must be on the native format of the field type. < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_field_static_get_value" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_field_static_get_value< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > void
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_field_static_get_value (MonoVTable *vt, MonoClassField *field, void *value)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > vt< / i > < td > vtable to the object< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > field< / i > < td > MonoClassField describing the field to fetch information from< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > value< / i > < td > where the value is returned< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
Use this routine to get the value of the static field < i > field< / i > value.
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
The pointer provided by value must be of the field type, for reference
types this is a MonoObject*, for value types its the actual pointer to
the value type.
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
For example:
int i;
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
mono_field_static_get_value (vt, int_field, & i);< / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_field_static_set_value" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_field_static_set_value< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > void
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_field_static_set_value (MonoVTable *vt, MonoClassField *field, void *value)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > field< / i > < td > MonoClassField describing the field to set< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > value< / i > < td > The value to be set< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
Sets the value of the static field described by < i > field< / i >
to the value passed in < i > value< / i > .
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
The value must be on the native format of the field type. < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_field_get_object" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_field_get_object< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > mono_field_get_object< / div >
< p / >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< a name = "properties" > < / a >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< h2 > Properties< / h2 >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< a name = "api:mono_property_get_object" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_property_get_object< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoReflectionProperty*
mono_property_get_object_checked (MonoDomain *domain, MonoClass *klass, MonoProperty *property, MonoError *error)
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< / div >
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > domain< / i > < td > an app domain< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > klass< / i > < td > a type< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > property< / i > < td > a property< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > error< / i > < td > set on error< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
Return an System.Reflection.MonoProperty object representing the property < i > property< / i >
in class < i > klass< / i > . On error returns < code > NULL< / code > and sets < i > error< / i > .< / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_property_get_flags" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_property_get_flags< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > guint32
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_property_get_flags (MonoProperty *prop)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > prop< / i > < td > the MonoProperty to act on.< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > The flags for the property.
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
The metadata flags for a property are encoded using the
PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_* constants. See the tabledefs.h file for details.
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_property_get_get_method" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_property_get_get_method< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoMethod*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_property_get_get_method (MonoProperty *prop)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > prop< / i > < td > the MonoProperty to act on.< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > The setter method of the property (A MonoMethod)
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_property_get_name" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_property_get_name< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > mono_property_get_name< / div >
< p / >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_property_get_parent" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_property_get_parent< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoClass*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_property_get_parent (MonoProperty *prop)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > prop< / i > < td > the MonoProperty to act on.< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > The MonoClass where the property was defined.
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_property_get_set_method" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_property_get_set_method< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoMethod*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_property_get_set_method (MonoProperty *prop)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > prop< / i > < td > the MonoProperty to act on.< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > The setter method of the property (A MonoMethod)
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_property_get_value" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_property_get_value< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoObject*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_property_get_value (MonoProperty *prop, void *obj, void **params, MonoObject **exc)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > prop< / i > < td > MonoProperty to fetch< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > obj< / i > < td > instance object on which to act< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > params< / i > < td > parameters to pass to the propery< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > exc< / i > < td > optional exception< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > the value from invoking the get method on the property.
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
Invokes the property's get method with the given arguments on the
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
object instance obj (or < code > NULL< / code > for static properties).
< p / >
You can pass < code > NULL< / code > as the exc argument if you don't want to
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
catch exceptions, otherwise, *exc will be set to the exception
thrown, if any. if an exception is thrown, you can't use the
MonoObject* result from the function.
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_property_set_value" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_property_set_value< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > void
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_property_set_value (MonoProperty *prop, void *obj, void **params, MonoObject **exc)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > prop< / i > < td > MonoProperty to set< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > obj< / i > < td > instance object on which to act< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > params< / i > < td > parameters to pass to the propery< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > exc< / i > < td > optional exception< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
Invokes the property's set method with the given arguments on the
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
object instance obj (or < code > NULL< / code > for static properties).
< p / >
You can pass < code > NULL< / code > as the exc argument if you don't want to
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
catch exceptions, otherwise, *exc will be set to the exception
thrown, if any. if an exception is thrown, you can't use the
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
MonoObject* result from the function.< / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< a name = "events" > < / a >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< h2 > Events< / h2 >
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_event_get_object" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_event_get_object< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > mono_event_get_object< / div >
< p / >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_event_get_add_method" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_event_get_add_method< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoMethod*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_event_get_add_method (MonoEvent *event)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > event< / i > < td > The MonoEvent to act on.< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > The < i > add< / i > ' method for the event (a MonoMethod).
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_event_get_flags" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_event_get_flags< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > guint32
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_event_get_flags (MonoEvent *event)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > event< / i > < td > the MonoEvent to act on.< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > The flags for the event.
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
The metadata flags for an event are encoded using the
EVENT_* constants. See the tabledefs.h file for details.
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_event_get_name" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_event_get_name< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > const char*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_event_get_name (MonoEvent *event)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > event< / i > < td > the MonoEvent to act on< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > The name of the event.
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_event_get_parent" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_event_get_parent< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoClass*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_event_get_parent (MonoEvent *event)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > event< / i > < td > the MonoEvent to act on.< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > The MonoClass where the event is defined.
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_event_get_raise_method" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_event_get_raise_method< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoMethod*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_event_get_raise_method (MonoEvent *event)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > event< / i > < td > The MonoEvent to act on.< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > The < i > raise< / i > method for the event (a MonoMethod).
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_event_get_remove_method" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_event_get_remove_method< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoMethod*
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
mono_event_get_remove_method (MonoEvent *event)
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > event< / i > < td > The MonoEvent to act on.< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > The < i > remove< / i > method for the event (a MonoMethod).
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< a name = "remote" > < / a >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< h2 > Remote Fields< / h2 >
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_load_remote_field" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_load_remote_field< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > gpointer
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
mono_load_remote_field (MonoObject *this_obj, MonoClass *klass, MonoClassField *field, gpointer *res)
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > this< / i > < td > pointer to an object< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > klass< / i > < td > klass of the object containing < i > field< / i > < / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > field< / i > < td > the field to load< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > res< / i > < td > a storage to store the result< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > an address pointing to the value of field.
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
This method is called by the runtime on attempts to load fields of
transparent proxy objects. < i > this< / i > points to such TP, < i > klass< / i > is the class of
the object containing < i > field< / i > . < i > res< / i > is a storage location which can be
used to store the result.
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_load_remote_field_new" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_load_remote_field_new< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoObject*
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
mono_load_remote_field_new (MonoObject *this_obj, MonoClass *klass, MonoClassField *field)
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > this< / i > < td > < / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > klass< / i > < td > < / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > field< / i > < td > < / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
Missing documentation.< / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_store_remote_field" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_store_remote_field< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > void
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
mono_store_remote_field (MonoObject *this_obj, MonoClass *klass, MonoClassField *field, gpointer val)
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< / div >
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > this_obj< / i > < td > pointer to an object< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > klass< / i > < td > klass of the object containing < i > field< / i > < / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > field< / i > < td > the field to load< / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > val< / i > < td > the value/object to store< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
This method is called by the runtime on attempts to store fields of
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
transparent proxy objects. < i > this_obj< / i > points to such TP, < i > klass< / i > is the class of
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
the object containing < i > field< / i > . < i > val< / i > is the new value to store in < i > field< / i > .< / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_store_remote_field_new" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_store_remote_field_new< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > void
mono_store_remote_field_new (MonoObject *this_obj, MonoClass *klass, MonoClassField *field, MonoObject *arg)
< / div >
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > this_obj< / i > < td > < / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > klass< / i > < td > < / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > field< / i > < td > < / td > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < i > arg< / i > < td > < / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / >
Missing documentation< / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< a name = "delegates" > < / a >
< h2 > Delegates< / h2 >
< / div > <!-- class=mapi -->
< a name = "api:mono_get_delegate_begin_invoke" > < / a >
< div class = "mapi" >
< div class = "mapi-entry " > < code > mono_get_delegate_begin_invoke< / code > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-height-container" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr-container" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-description" >
< div class = "mapi-ptr" > < / div >
< div class = "mapi-declaration mapi-section" > Syntax< / div >
< div class = "mapi-prototype" > MonoMethod*
mono_get_delegate_begin_invoke (MonoClass *klass)
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
< / div >
< p / >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Parameters< / div >
< table class = "mapi-parameters" > < tbody > < tr > < td > < i > klass< / i > < td > The delegate class< / td > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < div class = "mapi-section" > Return value< / div >
< div > the MonoMethod for the " BeginInvoke" method in the delegate klass or < code > NULL< / code > if < i > klass< / i > is a broken delegate type
< / div >
< div class = "mapi-section" > Description< / div >
< div > < p / > < / div >
< / div > <!-- mapi - description -->
< / div > <!-- height container -->
< / div >
2015-04-26 19:10:23 +01:00
< / div > < / body >
< / html >