2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
// ContractDescriptionTest.cs
// Author:
// Atsushi Enomoto <atsushi@ximian.com>
// Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc. http://www.novell.com
// Copyright (C) 2011 Xamarin, Inc. http://xamarin.com
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System ;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Net.Security ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System.ServiceModel ;
using System.ServiceModel.Channels ;
using System.ServiceModel.Description ;
using System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher ;
using NUnit.Framework ;
namespace MonoTests.System.ServiceModel.Description
public class ContractDescriptionTest
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void GetNonContract ( )
ContractDescription cd = ContractDescription . GetContract (
typeof ( object ) ) ;
public void GetContract ( )
InternalTestGetContract (
ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IFoo ) ) ) ;
public void GetContractParamRenamed ( )
ContractDescription cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IFooMsgParams ) ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 1 , cd . Operations . Count , "Operation count" ) ;
// Operation #1
OperationDescription od = cd . Operations [ 0 ] ;
ServiceAssert . AssertOperationDescription (
"MyFoo" , null , null ,
typeof ( IFooMsgParams ) . GetMethod ( "Foo" ) ,
true , false , false ,
od , "MyFoo" ) ;
// Operation #1 -> Message #1
MessageDescription md = od . Messages [ 0 ] ;
ServiceAssert . AssertMessageAndBodyDescription (
"http://tempuri.org/IFooMsgParams/MyFoo" ,
MessageDirection . Input ,
null , "MyFoo" , "http://tempuri.org/" , false ,
md , "MyFoo" ) ;
ServiceAssert . AssertMessagePartDescription (
"MyParam" , "http://tempuri.org/" , 0 , false ,
ProtectionLevel . None , typeof ( string ) , md . Body . Parts [ 0 ] , "MyFoo.msg" ) ;
md = od . Messages [ 1 ] ;
ServiceAssert . AssertMessageAndBodyDescription (
"http://tempuri.org/IFooMsgParams/MyFooResponse" ,
MessageDirection . Output ,
null , "MyFooResponse" ,
"http://tempuri.org/" , true ,
md , "MyFoo" ) ;
ServiceAssert . AssertMessagePartDescription (
"MyResult" , "http://tempuri.org/" , 0 , false ,
ProtectionLevel . None , typeof ( string ) , md . Body . ReturnValue , "MyResult ReturnValue" ) ;
public void GetContractConfigName ( )
ContractDescription cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( ICtorUseCase2 ) ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "CtorUseCase2" , cd . ConfigurationName ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "ICtorUseCase2" , cd . Name ) ;
cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( ICtorUseCase1 ) ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "MonoTests.System.ServiceModel.ICtorUseCase1" , cd . ConfigurationName ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "ICtorUseCase1" , cd . Name ) ;
public void GetContract2 ( )
InternalTestGetContract (
ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( Foo ) ) ) ;
public void InternalTestGetContract ( ContractDescription cd )
ServiceAssert . AssertContractDescription (
"IFoo" , "http://tempuri.org/" , SessionMode . Allowed , typeof ( IFoo ) , null ,
cd , "contract" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 2 , cd . Operations . Count , "Operation count" ) ;
// Operation #1
OperationDescription od = cd . Operations [ 0 ] ;
ServiceAssert . AssertOperationDescription (
"HeyDude" , null , null ,
typeof ( IFoo ) . GetMethod ( "HeyDude" ) ,
true , false , false ,
od , "HeyDude" ) ;
// Operation #1 -> Message #1
MessageDescription md = od . Messages [ 0 ] ;
ServiceAssert . AssertMessageAndBodyDescription (
"http://tempuri.org/IFoo/HeyDude" ,
MessageDirection . Input ,
null , "HeyDude" , "http://tempuri.org/" , false ,
md , "HeyDude" ) ;
ServiceAssert . AssertMessagePartDescription (
"msg" , "http://tempuri.org/" , 0 , false ,
ProtectionLevel . None , typeof ( string ) , md . Body . Parts [ 0 ] , "HeyDude.msg" ) ;
ServiceAssert . AssertMessagePartDescription (
"msg2" , "http://tempuri.org/" , 1 , false ,
ProtectionLevel . None , typeof ( string ) , md . Body . Parts [ 1 ] , "HeyDude.msg" ) ;
// Operation #1 -> Message #2
md = od . Messages [ 1 ] ;
ServiceAssert . AssertMessageAndBodyDescription (
"http://tempuri.org/IFoo/HeyDudeResponse" ,
MessageDirection . Output ,
null , "HeyDudeResponse" ,
"http://tempuri.org/" , true ,
md , "HeyDude" ) ;
ServiceAssert . AssertMessagePartDescription (
"HeyDudeResult" , "http://tempuri.org/" , 0 , false ,
ProtectionLevel . None , typeof ( string ) , md . Body . ReturnValue , "HeyDudeResponse ReturnValue" ) ;
// Operation #2
od = cd . Operations [ 1 ] ;
ServiceAssert . AssertOperationDescription (
"HeyHey" , null , null ,
typeof ( IFoo ) . GetMethod ( "HeyHey" ) ,
true , false , false ,
od , "HeyHey" ) ;
// Operation #2 -> Message #1
md = od . Messages [ 0 ] ;
ServiceAssert . AssertMessageAndBodyDescription (
"http://tempuri.org/IFoo/HeyHey" ,
MessageDirection . Input ,
null , "HeyHey" , "http://tempuri.org/" , false ,
md , "HeyHey" ) ;
ServiceAssert . AssertMessagePartDescription (
"ref1" , "http://tempuri.org/" , 0 , false ,
ProtectionLevel . None , typeof ( string ) , md . Body . Parts [ 0 ] , "HeyHey.ref1" ) ;
// Operation #2 -> Message #2
md = od . Messages [ 1 ] ;
ServiceAssert . AssertMessageAndBodyDescription (
"http://tempuri.org/IFoo/HeyHeyResponse" ,
MessageDirection . Output ,
null , "HeyHeyResponse" ,
"http://tempuri.org/" , true ,
md , "HeyHey" ) ;
ServiceAssert . AssertMessagePartDescription (
"HeyHeyResult" , "http://tempuri.org/" , 0 , false ,
ProtectionLevel . None , typeof ( void ) , md . Body . ReturnValue , "HeyHeyResponse ReturnValue" ) ;
ServiceAssert . AssertMessagePartDescription (
"out1" , "http://tempuri.org/" , 0 , false ,
ProtectionLevel . None , typeof ( string ) , md . Body . Parts [ 0 ] , "HeyHey.out1" ) ;
ServiceAssert . AssertMessagePartDescription (
"ref1" , "http://tempuri.org/" , 1 , false ,
ProtectionLevel . None , typeof ( string ) , md . Body . Parts [ 1 ] , "HeyHey.ref1" ) ;
public void GetContractInherit ( )
ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( Foo ) ) ;
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void GetMultipleServiceContract ( )
ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( FooBar ) ) ;
// [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void GetContractNoOperation ( )
ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( INoOperation ) ) ;
[Category ("NotWorking")]
public void GetContractMessageParameter ( )
ContractDescription cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IMessageParameter ) ) ;
ServiceAssert . AssertContractDescription (
"IMessageParameter" , "http://tempuri.org/" ,
SessionMode . Allowed , typeof ( IMessageParameter ) , null ,
cd , "contract" ) ;
OperationDescription od = cd . Operations [ 0 ] ;
ServiceAssert . AssertOperationDescription (
"ReturnMessage" , null , null ,
typeof ( IMessageParameter ) . GetMethod ( "ReturnMessage" ) ,
true , false , false ,
od , "operation" ) ;
MessageDescription md = od . Messages [ 0 ] ;
ServiceAssert . AssertMessageAndBodyDescription (
"http://tempuri.org/IMessageParameter/ReturnMessage" ,
MessageDirection . Input ,
// Body.WrapperName is null
null , null , null , false ,
md , "ReturnMessage" ) ;
ServiceAssert . AssertMessagePartDescription (
"arg" , "http://tempuri.org/" , 0 , false ,
ProtectionLevel . None , typeof ( Message ) , md . Body . Parts [ 0 ] , "ReturnMessage input" ) ;
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void GetContractInvalidAsync ( )
ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IInvalidAsync ) ) ;
// IMetadataExchange contains async patterns.
public void GetContractIMetadataExchange ( )
ContractDescription cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IMetadataExchange ) ) ;
OperationDescription od = cd . Operations [ 0 ] ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 2 , od . Messages . Count , "premise: message count" ) ;
foreach ( MessageDescription md in od . Messages ) {
if ( md . Direction = = MessageDirection . Input ) {
Assert . AreEqual ( "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/transfer/Get" , md . Action , "#1-1" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 1 , md . Body . Parts . Count , "#1-2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( md . Body . ReturnValue , "#1-3" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( Message ) , md . Body . Parts [ 0 ] . Type , "#1-4" ) ;
} else {
Assert . AreEqual ( "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/transfer/GetResponse" , md . Action , "#2-1" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 0 , md . Body . Parts . Count , "#2-2" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( md . Body . ReturnValue , "#2-3" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( Message ) , md . Body . ReturnValue . Type , "#2-4" ) ;
// enable it if we want to become a compatibility kid. It has
// no ServiceContract, thus it should not be accepted. But
// there is an abuse of ChannelFactory<IRequestChannel> in
// MSDN documentations and probably examples.
[Category ("NotWorking")]
public void GetContractIRequestChannel ( )
ContractDescription cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IRequestChannel ) ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( IRequestChannel ) , cd . ContractType , "#_1" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "IRequestChannel" , cd . Name , "#_2" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "http://schemas.microsoft.com/2005/07/ServiceModel" , cd . Namespace , "#_3" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( false , cd . HasProtectionLevel , "#_4" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( SessionMode . NotAllowed , cd . SessionMode , "#_5" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 0 , cd . Behaviors . Count , "#_6" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 1 , cd . Operations . Count , "#_7" ) ;
OperationDescription od = cd . Operations [ 0 ] ;
Assert . IsNull ( od . SyncMethod , "#_8" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( od . BeginMethod , "#_9" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( od . EndMethod , "#_10" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( false , od . IsOneWay , "#_11" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( false , od . HasProtectionLevel , "#_12" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "Request" , od . Name , "#_13" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( true , od . IsInitiating , "#_14" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 0 , od . Behaviors . Count , "#_15" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 2 , od . Messages . Count , "#_16" ) ;
foreach ( MessageDescription md in od . Messages ) {
if ( md . Direction = = MessageDirection . Output ) {
Assert . AreEqual ( "*" , md . Action , "#_17" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( false , md . HasProtectionLevel , "#_18" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 0 , md . Headers . Count , "#_19" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 0 , md . Properties . Count , "#_20" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( md . MessageType , "#_21" ) ;
MessageBodyDescription mb = md . Body ;
Assert . AreEqual ( null , mb . WrapperName , "#_22" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( null , mb . WrapperNamespace , "#_23" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( mb . ReturnValue , "#_24" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 0 , mb . Parts . Count , "#_25" ) ;
} else {
Assert . AreEqual ( "*" , md . Action , "#_17_" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( false , md . HasProtectionLevel , "#_18_" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 0 , md . Headers . Count , "#_19_" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 0 , md . Properties . Count , "#_20_" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( md . MessageType , "#_21_" ) ;
MessageBodyDescription mb = md . Body ;
Assert . AreEqual ( null , mb . WrapperName , "#_22_" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( null , mb . WrapperNamespace , "#_23_" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( mb . ReturnValue , "#_24_" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 0 , mb . Parts . Count , "#_25_" ) ;
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void WrongAsyncEndContract ( )
ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IWrongAsyncEndContract ) ) ;
public void AsyncContract1 ( )
ContractDescription cd =
ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IAsyncContract1 ) ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 1 , cd . Operations . Count ) ;
OperationDescription od = cd . Operations [ 0 ] ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "Sum" , od . Name , "#1" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( od . BeginMethod , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( od . EndMethod , "#3" ) ;
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void DuplicateOperationNames ( )
ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IDuplicateOperationNames ) ) ;
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void AsyncMethodNameDoesNotStartWithBegin ( )
ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IAsyncMethodNameDoesNotStartWithBegin ) ) ;
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void AsyncNameDoesNotStartWithBeginButExplicitName ( )
// it is still invalid ...
ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IAsyncNameDoesNotStartWithBeginButExplicitName ) ) ;
public void MessageBodyMemberIsNotInferred ( )
ContractDescription cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( MessageBodyMemberIsNotInferredService ) ) ;
OperationDescription od = cd . Operations [ 0 ] ;
MessageDescription md = od . Messages [ 0 ] ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 0 , md . Body . Parts . Count ) ;
public void TestContractFromObject ( ) {
ContractDescription cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( Foo ) ) ;
ServiceAssert . AssertContractDescription ( typeof ( IFoo ) . Name , "http://tempuri.org/" , SessionMode . Allowed , typeof ( IFoo ) , null , cd , "#1" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( cd . Operations . Count , 2 ) ;
OperationBehaviorAttribute op = cd . Operations . Find ( "HeyHey" ) . Behaviors . Find < OperationBehaviorAttribute > ( ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( op ) ;
Assert . AreEqual (
op . ReleaseInstanceMode ,
ReleaseInstanceMode . None , "#2" ) ;
cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IFoo ) , typeof ( Foo ) ) ;
ServiceAssert . AssertContractDescription ( typeof ( IFoo ) . Name , "http://tempuri.org/" , SessionMode . Allowed , typeof ( IFoo ) , null , cd , "#3" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( cd . Operations . Count , 2 , "#4" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual (
cd . Operations . Find ( "HeyHey" ) . Behaviors . Find < OperationBehaviorAttribute > ( ) . ReleaseInstanceMode ,
ReleaseInstanceMode . AfterCall , "#5" ) ;
public void GetDerivedContract ( )
var cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IFoo3 ) ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( IFoo3 ) , cd . ContractType , "#1" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 3 , cd . Operations . Count , "#2" ) ;
cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( Foo3 ) ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( IFoo3 ) , cd . ContractType , "#3" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 3 , cd . Operations . Count , "#4" ) ;
public void MultipleContractsInTypeHierarchy ( )
ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( DuplicateCheckClassWrapper . ServiceInterface ) ) ;
var host = new ServiceHost ( typeof ( DuplicateCheckClassWrapper . DummyService ) ) ; // fine in MS, fails in Mono with "A contract cannot have two operations that have the identical names and different set of parameters"
public void GetInheritedContracts ( )
var cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IService ) ) ;
var ccd = cd . GetInheritedContracts ( ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 1 , ccd . Count , "#1" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( IServiceBase ) , ccd [ 0 ] . ContractType , "#2" ) ;
public void InheritedContractAndNamespaces ( )
var cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IService ) ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( cd . Operations . Any ( od = > od . Messages . Any ( md = > md . Action = = "http://tempuri.org/IServiceBase/Say" ) ) , "#1" ) ; // inherited
Assert . IsTrue ( cd . Operations . Any ( od = > od . SyncMethod = = typeof ( IService ) . GetMethod ( "Join" ) & & od . Messages . Any ( md = > md . Action = = "http://tempuri.org/IService/Join" ) ) , "#2" ) ; // self
Assert . IsTrue ( cd . Operations . Any ( od = > od . SyncMethod = = typeof ( IService2 ) . GetMethod ( "Join" ) & & od . Messages . Any ( md = > md . Action = = "http://tempuri.org/IService/Join" ) ) , "#3" ) ; // callback
public void AsyncContractWithSymmetricCallbackContract ( )
var cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IAsyncContractWithSymmetricCallbackContract ) ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 2 , cd . Operations . Count , "#1" ) ;
Assert . AreSame ( typeof ( IAsyncContractWithSymmetricCallbackContract ) , cd . ContractType , "#2" ) ;
Assert . AreSame ( typeof ( IAsyncContractWithSymmetricCallbackContract ) , cd . CallbackContractType , "#3" ) ;
public void InheritingDuplexContract ( )
var cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IDerivedDuplexContract ) ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 4 , cd . Operations . Count , "#1" ) ;
Assert . AreSame ( typeof ( IDerivedDuplexContract ) , cd . ContractType , "#2" ) ;
Assert . AreSame ( typeof ( IDerivedDuplexCallback ) , cd . CallbackContractType , "#3" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( cd . Operations . Any ( od = > od . SyncMethod = = typeof ( IBaseDuplexCallback ) . GetMethod ( "CallbackMethod" ) ) , "#4" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( cd . Operations . Any ( od = > od . SyncMethod = = typeof ( IDerivedDuplexCallback ) . GetMethod ( "CallbackSomething" ) ) , "#5" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( cd . Operations . Any ( od = > od . SyncMethod = = typeof ( IBaseDuplexContract ) . GetMethod ( "ContractMethod" ) ) , "#6" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( cd . Operations . Any ( od = > od . SyncMethod = = typeof ( IDerivedDuplexContract ) . GetMethod ( "Something" ) ) , "#7" ) ;
public void SymmetricInheritingContract ( )
var cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( ISymmetricInheritance ) ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 4 , cd . Operations . Count , "#1" ) ;
Assert . AreSame ( typeof ( ISymmetricInheritance ) , cd . ContractType , "#2" ) ;
Assert . AreSame ( typeof ( ISymmetricInheritance ) , cd . CallbackContractType , "#3" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 2 , cd . Operations . Count ( od = > od . SyncMethod = = typeof ( IAsyncContractWithSymmetricCallbackContract ) . GetMethod ( "Foo" ) ) , "#4" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 2 , cd . Operations . Count ( od = > od . SyncMethod = = typeof ( ISymmetricInheritance ) . GetMethod ( "Bar" ) ) , "#5" ) ;
public void DeepContractHierarchyTest ( )
var cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IDeepContractHierarchy ) ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 6 , cd . Operations . Count , "#1" ) ;
Assert . AreSame ( typeof ( IDeepContractHierarchy ) , cd . ContractType , "#2" ) ;
Assert . AreSame ( typeof ( IDeepContractHierarchy ) , cd . CallbackContractType , "#3" ) ;
public void MessageContractAttributes ( )
var cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IFoo2 ) ) ;
var od = cd . Operations . First ( o = > o . Name = = "Nanoda" ) ;
var md = od . Messages . First ( m = > m . Direction = = MessageDirection . Input ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( OregoMessage ) , md . MessageType , "message type" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "http://tempuri.org/IFoo2/Nanoda" , md . Action , "action" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 1 , md . Headers . Count , "headers" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 3 , md . Body . Parts . Count , "body parts" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 0 , md . Properties . Count , "properties" ) ;
// .NET complains: The operation Nanoda2 either has a parameter or a return type that is attributed with MessageContractAttribute. In order to represent the request message using a Message Contract, the operation must have a single parameter attributed with MessageContractAttribute. In order to represent the response message using a Message Contract, the operation's return value must be a type that is attributed with MessageContractAttribute and the operation may not have any out or ref parameters.
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void MessageContractAttributes2 ( )
ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IFoo2_2 ) ) ;
public void MessageContractAttributes3 ( )
ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IFoo2_3 ) ) ;
public void MessageContractAttributes4 ( )
ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IFoo2_4 ) ) ;
public void MessageContractAttributes5 ( )
ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IFoo2_5 ) ) ;
public void MessageContractAttributes6 ( )
ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( IFoo2_6 ) ) ;
public void XmlSerializedOperation ( )
var cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( XmlSerializedService ) ) ;
var od = cd . Operations . First ( ) ;
var xb = od . Behaviors . Find < XmlSerializerOperationBehavior > ( ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( xb , "#1" ) ;
public void MessageParameterDescriptionInUse ( )
// bug #41
var cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( Dealerinfo . wsvDealerinfo . WSVDealerInfoServices ) ) ;
foreach ( var od in cd . Operations )
foreach ( var md in od . Messages )
if ( md . Action = = "*" ) // return
Assert . IsNotNull ( md . Body . ReturnValue , od . Name ) ;
public void BugX206Contract ( )
var cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( BugX206Service ) ) ;
bool examined = false ;
foreach ( var md in cd . Operations . First ( ) . Messages ) {
if ( md . Direction = = MessageDirection . Input )
continue ;
var pd = md . Body . ReturnValue ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( pd , "#1" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "DoWorkResult" , pd . Name , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( pd . MemberInfo , "#3" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( void ) , pd . Type , "#4" ) ;
examined = true ;
Assert . IsTrue ( examined , "end" ) ;
// It is for testing attribute search in interfaces.
public class Foo : IFoo
public string HeyDude ( string msg , string msg2 )
return null ;
[OperationBehavior (ReleaseInstanceMode = ReleaseInstanceMode.AfterCall)]
public void HeyHey ( out string out1 , ref string ref1 )
out1 = null ;
// It inherits both IFoo and IBar, thus cannot be a contract.
public class FooBar : IFoo , IBar
public string HeyDude ( string msg , string msg2 )
return null ;
public void HeyHey ( out string out1 , ref string ref1 )
out1 = null ;
public void OpenBar ( ) { }
public interface IFoo
string HeyDude ( string msg , string msg2 ) ;
void HeyHey ( out string out1 , ref string ref1 ) ;
public interface IFoo2
// FIXME: it does not pass yet
OregoMessage Nanoda ( OregoMessage msg ) ;
// FIXME: it does not pass yet
Mona NewMona ( Mona source ) ;
public interface IFoo2_2
[OperationContract] // wrong operation contract, must have only one parameter with MessageContractAttribute
OregoMessage Nanoda2 ( OregoMessage msg1 , OregoMessage msg2 ) ;
public interface IFoo2_3
string Nanoda2 ( OregoMessage msg1 ) ;
public interface IFoo2_4
OregoMessage Nanoda2 ( string s , string s2 ) ;
public interface IFoo2_5
Message Nanoda2 ( OregoMessage msg1 ) ;
public interface IFoo2_6
OregoMessage Nanoda2 ( Message msg1 ) ;
public interface IFoo3 : IFoo
string HeyMan ( string msg , string msg2 ) ;
public class Foo3 : Foo , IFoo3
public string HeyMan ( string msg , string msg2 )
return msg + msg2 ;
public interface IBar
void OpenBar ( ) ;
public class OregoMessage
public string Head ;
public string Neutral ;
public Assembly Huh ;
[MessageBodyMember] // it should be ignored ...
public string Setter { set { } }
public string NonMember ;
public class Mona
public string OmaeMona ;
public string OreMona ;
public interface INoOperation
public interface IMessageParameter
Message ReturnMessage ( Message arg ) ;
public interface IInvalidAsync
Message ReturnMessage ( Message arg ) ;
[OperationContract (AsyncPattern = true)]
IAsyncResult BeginReturnMessage ( Message arg , AsyncCallback callback , object state ) ;
// and no EndReturnMessage().
public interface IWrongAsyncEndContract
int Sum ( int a , int b ) ;
[OperationContract (AsyncPattern = true)]
IAsyncResult BeginSum ( int a , int b , AsyncCallback cb , object state ) ;
// this OperationContractAttribute is not allowed.
[OperationContract (AsyncPattern = true)]
int EndSum ( IAsyncResult result ) ;
public interface IAsyncContract1
int Sum ( int a , int b ) ;
[OperationContract (AsyncPattern = true)]
IAsyncResult BeginSum ( int a , int b , AsyncCallback cb , object state ) ;
int EndSum ( IAsyncResult result ) ;
public interface IAsyncMethodNameDoesNotStartWithBegin
int Sum ( int a , int b ) ;
[OperationContract (AsyncPattern = true)]
IAsyncResult StartSum ( int a , int b , AsyncCallback cb , object state ) ;
int EndSum ( IAsyncResult result ) ;
public interface IAsyncNameDoesNotStartWithBeginButExplicitName
int Sum ( int a , int b ) ;
[OperationContract (Name = "Sum", AsyncPattern = true)]
IAsyncResult StartSum ( int a , int b , AsyncCallback cb , object state ) ;
int EndSum ( IAsyncResult result ) ;
public interface IDuplicateOperationNames
string Echo ( string s ) ;
string Echo ( string s1 , string s2 ) ;
public interface IFooMsgParams
[OperationContract (Name = "MyFoo")]
[return: MessageParameter (Name = "MyResult")]
string Foo ( [ MessageParameter ( Name = "MyParam" ) ] string param ) ;
public class MessageBodyMemberIsNotInferredService
public void Echo ( MessageBodyMemberIsNotInferredContract msg )
public class MessageBodyMemberIsNotInferredContract
string foo = "foo" ;
public string Foo {
get { return foo ; }
set { foo = value ; }
public class DuplicateCheckClassWrapper
internal interface ServiceInterface : Foo
internal interface Foo : Bar
[OperationContract] void Foo ( ) ;
internal interface Bar
[OperationContract] void FooBar ( ) ;
internal class DummyService : ServiceInterface
public void FooBar ( ) { }
public void Foo ( ) { }
public interface IServiceBase
[OperationContract (IsOneWay = true)]
void Say ( string word ) ;
[ServiceContract (CallbackContract = typeof (IService2))]
public interface IService : IServiceBase
void Join ( ) ;
public interface IServiceBase2
[OperationContract (IsOneWay = true)]
void Say ( string word ) ;
public interface IService2 : IServiceBase2
void Join ( ) ;
[ServiceContract (CallbackContract = typeof (IAsyncContractWithSymmetricCallbackContract))]
public interface IAsyncContractWithSymmetricCallbackContract
void Foo ( ) ;
[OperationContract (AsyncPattern = true)]
IAsyncResult BeginFoo ( AsyncCallback callback , object asyncState ) ;
void EndFoo ( IAsyncResult result ) ;
[ServiceContract (CallbackContract = typeof (ISymmetricInheritance))]
public interface ISymmetricInheritance : IAsyncContractWithSymmetricCallbackContract
void Bar ( ) ;
[OperationContract (AsyncPattern = true)]
IAsyncResult BeginBar ( AsyncCallback callback , object asyncState ) ;
void EndBar ( IAsyncResult result ) ;
[ServiceContract (CallbackContract = typeof (IDeepContractHierarchy))]
public interface IDeepContractHierarchy : ISymmetricInheritance
void Foobar ( ) ;
public interface IBaseDuplexCallback
void CallbackMethod ( ) ;
[ServiceContract (CallbackContract = typeof (IBaseDuplexCallback))]
public interface IBaseDuplexContract
void ContractMethod ( ) ;
public interface IDerivedDuplexCallback : IBaseDuplexCallback
void CallbackSomething ( ) ;
[ServiceContract (CallbackContract = typeof(IDerivedDuplexCallback))]
public interface IDerivedDuplexContract : IBaseDuplexContract
void Something ( ) ;
public interface XmlSerializedService
string Echo ( string input ) ;
public interface BugX206Service
BugX206Response DoWork ( ) ;
[MessageContract (IsWrapped = true)]
public partial class BugX206Response
public void TestInterfaceInheritance ( )
var cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( InterfaceInheritance ) ) ;
var inherited = cd . GetInheritedContracts ( ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 1 , inherited . Count , "#1" ) ;
public class MyWebGetAttribute : Attribute , IOperationBehavior
void IOperationBehavior . AddBindingParameters ( OperationDescription operation , BindingParameterCollection parameters )
void IOperationBehavior . ApplyClientBehavior ( OperationDescription operation , ClientOperation client )
void IOperationBehavior . ApplyDispatchBehavior ( OperationDescription operation , DispatchOperation service )
void IOperationBehavior . Validate ( OperationDescription operation )
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single)]
public class InterfaceInheritance : IInterfaceInheritance
public string Get ( )
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
public string Test ( )
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
public interface IInterfaceInheritance : IBaseInterface
string Test ( ) ;
public interface IBaseInterface
string Get ( ) ;
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
public interface IA1 : IB1 , IB2
void MethodA1 ( ) ;
public interface IA2 : IB1 , IB2
void MethodA2 ( ) ;
public interface IB1 : IC1 , IC2
void MethodB1 ( ) ;
public interface IB2 : IC1 , IC2
void MethodB2 ( ) ;
public interface IC1 { }
public interface IC2 { }
public interface IS : IA1 , IA2
void MethodS ( ) ;
public class S : IS
#region IS implementation
public void MethodS ( )
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
#region IA2 implementation
public void MethodA2 ( )
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
#region IA1 implementation
public void MethodA1 ( )
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
#region IB2 implementation
public void MethodB2 ( )
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
#region IB1 implementation
public void MethodB1 ( )
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
public void DualSpreadingInheritanceTest ( )
var cd = ContractDescription . GetContract ( typeof ( S ) ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( cd ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( cd . Name = = "IS" ) ;
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00