617 lines
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617 lines
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// MonoTests.Remoting.BaseCalls.cs
// Author: Lluis Sanchez Gual (lluis@ximian.com)
// 2003 (C) Copyright, Ximian, Inc.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTests.Remoting
public abstract class BaseCallTest
IChannelSender chs;
string[] remoteUris;
CallsDomainServer server;
int remoteDomId;
public void Run()
remoteDomId = CreateServer ();
public void End ()
ShutdownServer ();
public static AppDomain CreateDomain (string friendlyName)
// return AppDomain.CreateDomain (friendlyName);
return AppDomain.CreateDomain (friendlyName, null, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory (), ".", false);
protected virtual int CreateServer ()
ChannelManager cm = CreateChannelManager ();
chs = cm.CreateClientChannel ();
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel (chs);
AppDomain domain = BaseCallTest.CreateDomain ("testdomain");
server = (CallsDomainServer) domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(GetType().Assembly.FullName,"MonoTests.Remoting.CallsDomainServer");
remoteUris = server.Start (cm);
return server.GetDomId ();
protected virtual void ShutdownServer ()
if (server != null) {
server.Stop ();
if (chs != null)
ChannelServices.UnregisterChannel (chs);
protected virtual RemoteObject CreateRemoteInstance ()
return (RemoteObject) Activator.GetObject (typeof(RemoteObject), remoteUris[0]);
protected virtual AbstractRemoteObject CreateRemoteAbstract ()
return (AbstractRemoteObject) Activator.GetObject (typeof(AbstractRemoteObject), remoteUris[1]);
protected virtual IRemoteObject CreateRemoteInterface ()
return (IRemoteObject) Activator.GetObject (typeof(IRemoteObject), remoteUris[2]);
public InstanceSurrogate InternalGetInstanceSurrogate ()
InstanceSurrogate s = GetInstanceSurrogate ();
s.RemoteObject = CreateRemoteInstance ();
return s;
public AbstractSurrogate InternalGetAbstractSurrogate ()
AbstractSurrogate s = GetAbstractSurrogate ();
s.RemoteObject = CreateRemoteAbstract ();
return s;
public InterfaceSurrogate InternalGetInterfaceSurrogate ()
InterfaceSurrogate s = GetInterfaceSurrogate ();
s.RemoteObject = CreateRemoteInterface ();
return s;
public abstract InstanceSurrogate GetInstanceSurrogate ();
public abstract AbstractSurrogate GetAbstractSurrogate ();
public abstract InterfaceSurrogate GetInterfaceSurrogate ();
public virtual ChannelManager CreateChannelManager ()
return null;
// The tests
public void TestInstanceSimple ()
RunTestSimple (InternalGetInstanceSurrogate());
public void TestAbstractSimple ()
RunTestSimple (InternalGetAbstractSurrogate());
public void TestInterfaceSimple ()
RunTestSimple (InternalGetInterfaceSurrogate());
public void TestInstancePrimitiveParams ()
RunTestPrimitiveParams (InternalGetInstanceSurrogate());
public void TestAbstractPrimitiveParams ()
RunTestPrimitiveParams (InternalGetAbstractSurrogate());
public void TestInterfacePrimitiveParams ()
RunTestPrimitiveParams (InternalGetInterfaceSurrogate());
public void TestInstancePrimitiveParamsInOut ()
RunTestPrimitiveParamsInOut (InternalGetInstanceSurrogate());
public void TestAbstractPrimitiveParamsInOut ()
RunTestPrimitiveParamsInOut (InternalGetAbstractSurrogate());
public void TestInterfacePrimitiveParamsInOut ()
RunTestPrimitiveParamsInOut (InternalGetInterfaceSurrogate());
public void TestInstanceComplexParams ()
RunTestComplexParams (InternalGetInstanceSurrogate());
public void TestAbstractComplexParams ()
RunTestComplexParams (InternalGetAbstractSurrogate());
public void TestInterfaceComplexParams ()
RunTestComplexParams (InternalGetInterfaceSurrogate());
[Category ("NotDotNet")]
public void TestInstanceComplexParamsInOut ()
RunTestComplexParamsInOut (InternalGetInstanceSurrogate());
[Category ("NotDotNet")]
public void TestAbstractComplexParamsInOut ()
RunTestComplexParamsInOut (InternalGetAbstractSurrogate());
[Category ("NotDotNet")]
public void TestInterfaceComplexParamsInOut ()
RunTestComplexParamsInOut (InternalGetInterfaceSurrogate());
public void TestInstanceProcessContextData ()
RunTestProcessContextData (InternalGetInstanceSurrogate());
public void TestAbstractProcessContextData ()
RunTestProcessContextData (InternalGetAbstractSurrogate());
public void TestInterfaceProcessContextData ()
RunTestProcessContextData (InternalGetInterfaceSurrogate());
// The tests runners
public void RunTestSimple (IRemoteObject testerSurrogate)
Assert.AreEqual (130772 + remoteDomId, testerSurrogate.Simple (), "ReturnValue");
public void RunTestPrimitiveParams (IRemoteObject testerSurrogate)
Assert.AreEqual ("11-22-L-SG@"+remoteDomId, testerSurrogate.PrimitiveParams (11, 22, 'L', "SG"), "ReturnValue");
public void RunTestPrimitiveParamsInOut (IRemoteObject testerSurrogate)
int a2, a1 = 9876543;
float b2, b1 = 82437.83f;
char c2, c1 = 's';
string d2, d1 = "asdASDzxcZXC";
string res = testerSurrogate.PrimitiveParamsInOut (ref a1, out a2, ref b1, out b2, 9821, ref c1, out c2, ref d1, out d2);
Assert.AreEqual ("9876543-82437.83-s-asdASDzxcZXC@" + remoteDomId, res, "ReturnValue");
Assert.AreEqual (12345678, a2, "a2");
Assert.AreEqual (53455.345f, b2, "b2");
Assert.AreEqual ('g', c2, "c2");
Assert.AreEqual ("sfARREG$5345DGDfgY7656gDFG>><<dasdasd", d2, "d2");
Assert.AreEqual (65748392, a1, "a1");
Assert.AreEqual (98395.654f, b1, "b1");
Assert.AreEqual ('l', c1, "c1");
Assert.AreEqual ("aasbasbdyhasbduybo234243", d1, "d1");
public void RunTestComplexParams (IRemoteObject testerSurrogate)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList ();
list.Add (new Complex (11,"first"));
Complex c = new Complex (22,"second");
Complex r = testerSurrogate.ComplexParams (list, c, "third");
Assert.IsNotNull (r, "ReturnValue is null");
Assert.IsNotNull (r.Child, "ReturnValue.Child is null");
Assert.IsNotNull (r.Child.Child, "ReturnValue.Child.Child is null");
Assert.AreEqual (33, r.Id, "ReturnValue.Id");
Assert.AreEqual ("third@"+remoteDomId, r.Name, "ReturnValue.Name");
Assert.AreEqual (22, r.Child.Id, "ReturnValue.Child.Id");
Assert.AreEqual ("second", r.Child.Name, "ReturnValue.Child.Name");
Assert.AreEqual (11, r.Child.Child.Id, "ReturnValue.Child.Child.Id");
Assert.AreEqual ("first", r.Child.Child.Name, "ReturnValue.Child.Child.Name");
public void RunTestComplexParamsInOut (IRemoteObject testerSurrogate)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList ();
list.Add (new Complex (11,"first"));
list.Add (new Complex (22,"second"));
byte[] bytes = new byte [100];
for (byte n=0; n<100; n++) bytes[n] = n;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ("hello from client");
Complex c;
Complex r = testerSurrogate.ComplexParamsInOut (ref list, out c, bytes, sb, "third");
Assert.IsNotNull (r, "ReturnValue is null");
Assert.IsNotNull (c, "c is null");
Assert.IsNotNull (list, "list is null");
Assert.IsTrue (list.Count == 3, "Invalid list count");
Assert.IsNotNull (list[0], "list[0] is null");
Assert.IsNotNull (list[1], "list[1] is null");
Assert.IsNotNull (list[2], "list[2] is null");
Assert.IsNotNull (bytes, "bytes is null");
Assert.IsNotNull (sb, "sb is null");
Assert.AreEqual (33, r.Id, "ReturnValue.Id");
Assert.AreEqual ("third@"+remoteDomId, r.Name, "ReturnValue.Name");
Assert.AreEqual (33, c.Id, "c.Id");
Assert.AreEqual ("third@"+remoteDomId, c.Name, "c.Name");
Assert.AreEqual (33, ((Complex)list[2]).Id, "list[2].Id");
Assert.AreEqual ("third@"+remoteDomId, ((Complex)list[2]).Name, "list[2].Name");
Assert.AreEqual (22, ((Complex)list[1]).Id, "list[1].Id");
Assert.AreEqual ("second", ((Complex)list[1]).Name, "list[1].Name");
Assert.AreEqual (11, ((Complex)list[0]).Id, "list[0].Id");
Assert.AreEqual ("first", ((Complex)list[0]).Name, "list[0].Name");
Assert.AreEqual ("hello from client", sb.ToString (), "sb");
for (int n=0; n<100; n++)
Assert.AreEqual (n+1, bytes[n], "bytes["+n+"]");
public void RunTestProcessContextData (IRemoteObject testerSurrogate)
CallContext.FreeNamedDataSlot ("clientData");
CallContext.FreeNamedDataSlot ("serverData");
CallContext.FreeNamedDataSlot ("mustNotPass");
// First step
ContextData cdata = new ContextData ();
cdata.data = "hi from client";
cdata.id = 1123;
cdata.testStep = 1;
CallContext.SetData ("clientData", cdata);
CallContext.SetData ("mustNotPass", "more data");
testerSurrogate.ProcessContextData ();
cdata = CallContext.GetData ("clientData") as ContextData;
Assert.IsNotNull (cdata, "clientData is null");
Assert.AreEqual ("hi from client", cdata.data, "clientData.data");
Assert.AreEqual (1123, cdata.id, "clientData.id");
cdata = CallContext.GetData ("serverData") as ContextData;
Assert.IsNotNull (cdata, "serverData is null");
Assert.AreEqual ("hi from server", cdata.data, "serverData.data");
Assert.AreEqual (3211, cdata.id, "serverData.id");
string mdata = CallContext.GetData ("mustNotPass") as string;
Assert.IsNotNull (mdata, "mustNotPass is null");
Assert.AreEqual ("more data", mdata, "mustNotPass");
// Second step. Test that exceptions return the call context.
CallContext.FreeNamedDataSlot ("clientData");
CallContext.FreeNamedDataSlot ("serverData");
cdata = new ContextData ();
cdata.data = "hi from client";
cdata.id = 1123;
cdata.testStep = 2;
CallContext.SetData ("clientData", cdata);
try {
testerSurrogate.ProcessContextData ();
Assert.IsTrue (false, "Exception not thrown");
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex.InnerException != null)
ex = ex.InnerException;
if (ex.Message != "exception from server")
cdata = CallContext.GetData ("clientData") as ContextData;
Assert.IsNotNull (cdata, "clientData is null (2)");
Assert.AreEqual ("hi from client", cdata.data, "clientData.data (2)");
Assert.AreEqual (1123, cdata.id, "clientData.id (2)");
mdata = CallContext.GetData ("mustNotPass") as string;
Assert.IsNotNull (mdata, "mustNotPass is null");
Assert.AreEqual ("more data", mdata, "mustNotPass");
// The server running in the remote domain
class CallsDomainServer: MarshalByRefObject
IChannelReceiver ch;
public string[] Start(ChannelManager cm)
ch = cm.CreateServerChannel ();
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel ((IChannel)ch);
RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType (typeof (RemoteObject), "test1", WellKnownObjectMode.SingleCall);
RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType (typeof (RemoteObject), "test2", WellKnownObjectMode.SingleCall);
RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType (typeof (RemoteObject), "test3", WellKnownObjectMode.SingleCall);
string[] uris = new string[3];
uris[0] = ch.GetUrlsForUri ("test1")[0];
uris[1] = ch.GetUrlsForUri ("test2")[0];
uris[2] = ch.GetUrlsForUri ("test3")[0];
return uris;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine (ex.ToString());
public void Stop ()
if (ch != null)
ChannelServices.UnregisterChannel (ch);
public int GetDomId ()
return Thread.GetDomainID();
public class ContextData : ILogicalThreadAffinative
public string data;
public int id;
public int testStep;
public abstract class ChannelManager
public abstract IChannelSender CreateClientChannel ();
public abstract IChannelReceiver CreateServerChannel ();
// Test interface
public interface IRemoteObject
int Simple ();
string PrimitiveParams (int a, uint b, char c, string d);
string PrimitiveParamsInOut (ref int a1, out int a2, ref float b1, out float b2, int filler, ref char c1, out char c2, ref string d1, out string d2);
Complex ComplexParams (ArrayList a, Complex b, string c);
Complex ComplexParamsInOut (ref ArrayList a, out Complex b, [In,Out] byte[] bytes, [In,Out] StringBuilder sb, string c);
void ProcessContextData ();
// Base classes for tester surrogates
public abstract class InstanceSurrogate : IRemoteObject
public RemoteObject RemoteObject;
public abstract int Simple ();
public abstract string PrimitiveParams (int a, uint b, char c, string d);
public abstract string PrimitiveParamsInOut (ref int a1, out int a2, ref float b1, out float b2, int filler, ref char c1, out char c2, ref string d1, out string d2);
public abstract Complex ComplexParams (ArrayList a, Complex b, string c);
public abstract Complex ComplexParamsInOut (ref ArrayList a, out Complex b, [In,Out] byte[] bytes, [In,Out] StringBuilder sb, string c);
public abstract void ProcessContextData ();
public abstract class AbstractSurrogate : IRemoteObject
public AbstractRemoteObject RemoteObject;
public abstract int Simple ();
public abstract string PrimitiveParams (int a, uint b, char c, string d);
public abstract string PrimitiveParamsInOut (ref int a1, out int a2, ref float b1, out float b2, int filler, ref char c1, out char c2, ref string d1, out string d2);
public abstract Complex ComplexParams (ArrayList a, Complex b, string c);
public abstract Complex ComplexParamsInOut (ref ArrayList a, out Complex b, [In,Out] byte[] bytes, [In,Out] StringBuilder sb, string c);
public abstract void ProcessContextData ();
public abstract class InterfaceSurrogate : IRemoteObject
public IRemoteObject RemoteObject;
public abstract int Simple ();
public abstract string PrimitiveParams (int a, uint b, char c, string d);
public abstract string PrimitiveParamsInOut (ref int a1, out int a2, ref float b1, out float b2, int filler, ref char c1, out char c2, ref string d1, out string d2);
public abstract Complex ComplexParams (ArrayList a, Complex b, string c);
public abstract Complex ComplexParamsInOut (ref ArrayList a, out Complex b, [In,Out] byte[] bytes, [In,Out] StringBuilder sb, string c);
public abstract void ProcessContextData ();
// Test abstract base class
public abstract class AbstractRemoteObject : MarshalByRefObject
public abstract int Simple ();
public abstract string PrimitiveParams (int a, uint b, char c, string d);
public abstract string PrimitiveParamsInOut (ref int a1, out int a2, ref float b1, out float b2, int filler, ref char c1, out char c2, ref string d1, out string d2);
public abstract Complex ComplexParams (ArrayList a, Complex b, string c);
public abstract Complex ComplexParamsInOut (ref ArrayList a, out Complex b, [In,Out] byte[] bytes, [In,Out] StringBuilder sb, string c);
public abstract void ProcessContextData ();
// Test class
public class RemoteObject : AbstractRemoteObject, IRemoteObject
int inc = 0;
public override int Simple ()
return 130772 + Thread.GetDomainID();
public int ReturnOne ()
return 1;
public int Increment ()
return inc++;
public override string PrimitiveParams (int a, uint b, char c, string d)
return "" + a + "-" + b + "-" + c + "-" + d + "@" + Thread.GetDomainID();
// declare an overload for bug #77191
public void PrimitiveParams ()
public override string PrimitiveParamsInOut (ref int a1, out int a2, ref float b1, out float b2, int filler, ref char c1, out char c2, ref string d1, out string d2)
string res = "" + a1 + "-" + b1.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "-" + c1 + "-" + d1 + "@" + Thread.GetDomainID();
a2 = 12345678;
b2 = 53455.345f;
c2 = 'g';
d2 = "sfARREG$5345DGDfgY7656gDFG>><<dasdasd";
a1 = 65748392;
b1 = 98395.654f;
c1 = 'l';
d1 = "aasbasbdyhasbduybo234243";
return res;
public override Complex ComplexParams (ArrayList a, Complex b, string c)
Complex cp = new Complex (33,c+ "@" + Thread.GetDomainID());
cp.Child = b;
cp.Child.Child = (Complex)a[0];
return cp;
public override Complex ComplexParamsInOut (ref ArrayList a, out Complex b, [In,Out] byte[] bytes, [In,Out] StringBuilder sb, string c)
b = new Complex (33,c+ "@" + Thread.GetDomainID());
a.Add (b);
for (byte n=0; n<100; n++) bytes[n] = (byte)(bytes[n] + 1);
sb.Append (" and from server");
return b;
public override void ProcessContextData ()
string mdata = CallContext.GetData ("mustNotPass") as string;
if (mdata != null)
throw new Exception ("mustNotPass is not null");
ContextData cdata = CallContext.GetData ("clientData") as ContextData;
if (cdata == null)
throw new Exception ("server: clientData is null");
if (cdata.data != "hi from client" || cdata.id != 1123)
throw new Exception ("server: clientData is not valid");
if (cdata.testStep == 2)
throw new Exception ("exception from server");
if (cdata.testStep != 1)
throw new Exception ("invalid test step");
cdata = new ContextData ();
cdata.data = "hi from server";
cdata.id = 3211;
CallContext.SetData ("serverData", cdata);
public class Complex
public Complex (int id, string name)
Id = id;
Name = name;
public string Name;
public int Id;
public Complex Child;