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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.WebPages.Html;
using Moq;
using Xunit;
using Assert = Microsoft.TestCommon.AssertEx;
namespace System.Web.WebPages.Test
public class RadioButtonTest
public void RadioButtonWithEmptyNameThrows()
// Arrange
HtmlHelper helper = HtmlHelperFactory.Create();
// Act and assert
Assert.ThrowsArgumentNullOrEmptyString(() => helper.RadioButton(null, null), "name");
Assert.ThrowsArgumentNullOrEmptyString(() => helper.RadioButton(String.Empty, null), "name");
public void RadioButtonWithDefaultArguments()
// Arrange
HtmlHelper helper = HtmlHelperFactory.Create();
// Act
var html = helper.RadioButton("foo", "bar", true);
// Assert
Assert.Equal(@"<input checked=""checked"" id=""foo"" name=""foo"" type=""radio"" value=""bar"" />",
html = helper.RadioButton("foo", "bar", false);
// Assert
Assert.Equal(@"<input id=""foo"" name=""foo"" type=""radio"" value=""bar"" />",
public void RadioButtonWithObjectAttributes()
// Arrange
HtmlHelper helper = HtmlHelperFactory.Create();
// Act
var html = helper.RadioButton("foo", "bar", new { attr = "attr-value" });
// Assert
Assert.Equal(@"<input attr=""attr-value"" id=""foo"" name=""foo"" type=""radio"" value=""bar"" />",
public void RadioButtonWithDictionaryAttributes()
// Arrange
HtmlHelper helper = HtmlHelperFactory.Create();
// Act
var html = helper.RadioButton("foo", "bar", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "attr", "attr-value" } });
// Assert
Assert.Equal(@"<input attr=""attr-value"" id=""foo"" name=""foo"" type=""radio"" value=""bar"" />",
public void RadioButtonUsesModelStateToAssignChecked()
// Arrange
var modelState = new ModelStateDictionary();
modelState.SetModelValue("foo", "bar");
HtmlHelper helper = HtmlHelperFactory.Create(modelState);
// Act
var html = helper.RadioButton("foo", "bar");
// Assert
Assert.Equal(@"<input checked=""checked"" id=""foo"" name=""foo"" type=""radio"" value=""bar"" />",
public void RadioButtonUsesModelStateToRemoveChecked()
// Arrange
var modelState = new ModelStateDictionary();
modelState.SetModelValue("foo", "not-a-bar");
HtmlHelper helper = HtmlHelperFactory.Create(modelState);
// Act
var html = helper.RadioButton("foo", "bar", new { @checked = "checked" });
// Assert
Assert.Equal(@"<input id=""foo"" name=""foo"" type=""radio"" value=""bar"" />",
public void RadioButtonWithoutModelStateDoesNotAffectChecked()
// Arrange
HtmlHelper helper = HtmlHelperFactory.Create();
// Act
var html = helper.RadioButton("foo", "bar", new { @checked = "checked" });
// Assert
Assert.Equal(@"<input checked=""checked"" id=""foo"" name=""foo"" type=""radio"" value=""bar"" />",
public void RadioButtonWithNonStringModelValue()
// Arrange
var modelState = new ModelStateDictionary();
modelState.SetModelValue("foo", new List<double>());
HtmlHelper helper = HtmlHelperFactory.Create(modelState);
// Act
var html = helper.RadioButton("foo", "bar");
// Assert
Assert.Equal(@"<input id=""foo"" name=""foo"" type=""radio"" value=""bar"" />",
public void RadioButtonWithNonStringValue()
// Arrange
var modelState = new ModelStateDictionary();
modelState.SetModelValue("foo", "bar");
HtmlHelper helper = HtmlHelperFactory.Create(modelState);
// Act
var html = helper.RadioButton("foo", 2.53);
// Assert
Assert.Equal(@"<input id=""foo"" name=""foo"" type=""radio"" value=""2.53"" />",
public void RadioButtonWithExplicitChecked()
// Arrange
var modelState = new ModelStateDictionary();
modelState.SetModelValue("foo", "bar");
HtmlHelper helper = HtmlHelperFactory.Create(modelState);
// Act
var html = helper.RadioButton("foo", "not-bar", true);
// Assert
Assert.Equal(@"<input checked=""checked"" id=""foo"" name=""foo"" type=""radio"" value=""not-bar"" />",
public void RadioButtonOverwritesImplicitAttributes()
// Arrange
HtmlHelper helper = HtmlHelperFactory.Create();
// Act
var html = helper.RadioButton("foo", "foo-value", new { value = "bazValue", type = "fooType", name = "bar" });
// Assert
Assert.Equal(@"<input id=""foo"" name=""foo"" type=""fooType"" value=""foo-value"" />",
public void RadioButtonAddsUnobtrusiveValidationAttributes()
// Arrange
const string fieldName = "name";
var modelStateDictionary = new ModelStateDictionary();
var validationHelper = new ValidationHelper(new Mock<HttpContextBase>().Object, modelStateDictionary);
HtmlHelper helper = HtmlHelperFactory.Create(modelStateDictionary, validationHelper);
// Act
validationHelper.RequireField(fieldName, "Please specify a valid Name.");
validationHelper.Add(fieldName, Validator.StringLength(30, errorMessage: "Name cannot exceed {0} characters"));
var html = helper.RadioButton(fieldName, value: 8, htmlAttributes: new Dictionary<string, object> { { "data-some-val", "5" } });
// Assert
Assert.Equal(@"<input data-some-val=""5"" data-val=""true"" data-val-length=""Name cannot exceed 30 characters"" data-val-length-max=""30"" data-val-required=""Please specify a valid Name."" id=""name"" name=""name"" type=""radio"" value=""8"" />",