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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System.Web.Razor.Text;
using System.Web.WebPages.TestUtils;
using Moq;
using Xunit;
using Assert = Microsoft.TestCommon.AssertEx;
namespace System.Web.Razor.Test.Text
public class TextChangeTest
public void ConstructorRequiresNonNegativeOldPosition()
Assert.ThrowsArgumentOutOfRange(() => new TextChange(-1, 0, new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object, 0, 0, new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object), "oldPosition", "Value must be greater than or equal to 0.");
public void ConstructorRequiresNonNegativeNewPosition()
Assert.ThrowsArgumentOutOfRange(() => new TextChange(0, 0, new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object, -1, 0, new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object), "newPosition", "Value must be greater than or equal to 0.");
public void ConstructorRequiresNonNegativeOldLength()
Assert.ThrowsArgumentOutOfRange(() => new TextChange(0, -1, new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object, 0, 0, new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object), "oldLength", "Value must be greater than or equal to 0.");
public void ConstructorRequiresNonNegativeNewLength()
Assert.ThrowsArgumentOutOfRange(() => new TextChange(0, 0, new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object, 0, -1, new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object), "newLength", "Value must be greater than or equal to 0.");
public void ConstructorRequiresNonNullOldBuffer()
Assert.ThrowsArgumentNull(() => new TextChange(0, 0, null, 0, 0, new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object), "oldBuffer");
public void ConstructorRequiresNonNullNewBuffer()
Assert.ThrowsArgumentNull(() => new TextChange(0, 0, new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object, 0, 0, null), "newBuffer");
public void ConstructorInitializesProperties()
// Act
ITextBuffer oldBuffer = new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object;
ITextBuffer newBuffer = new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object;
TextChange change = new TextChange(42, 24, oldBuffer, 1337, newBuffer);
// Assert
Assert.Equal(42, change.OldPosition);
Assert.Equal(24, change.OldLength);
Assert.Equal(1337, change.NewLength);
Assert.Same(newBuffer, change.NewBuffer);
Assert.Same(oldBuffer, change.OldBuffer);
public void TestIsDelete()
// Arrange
ITextBuffer oldBuffer = new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object;
ITextBuffer newBuffer = new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object;
TextChange change = new TextChange(0, 1, oldBuffer, 0, newBuffer);
// Assert
public void TestIsInsert()
// Arrange
ITextBuffer oldBuffer = new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object;
ITextBuffer newBuffer = new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object;
TextChange change = new TextChange(0, 0, oldBuffer, 35, newBuffer);
// Assert
public void TestIsReplace()
// Arrange
ITextBuffer oldBuffer = new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object;
ITextBuffer newBuffer = new Mock<ITextBuffer>().Object;
TextChange change = new TextChange(0, 5, oldBuffer, 10, newBuffer);
// Assert
public void OldTextReturnsOldSpanFromOldBuffer()
// Arrange
var newBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("test");
var oldBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("text");
var textChange = new TextChange(2, 1, oldBuffer, 1, newBuffer);
// Act
string text = textChange.OldText;
// Assert
Assert.Equal("x", text);
public void NewTextWithInsertReturnsChangedTextFromBuffer()
// Arrange
var newBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("test");
var oldBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("");
var textChange = new TextChange(0, 0, oldBuffer, 3, newBuffer);
// Act
string text = textChange.NewText;
// Assert
Assert.Equal("tes", text);
public void NewTextWithDeleteReturnsEmptyString()
// Arrange
var newBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("test");
var oldBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("");
var textChange = new TextChange(1, 1, oldBuffer, 0, newBuffer);
// Act
string text = textChange.NewText;
// Assert
Assert.Equal(String.Empty, text);
public void NewTextWithReplaceReturnsChangedTextFromBuffer()
// Arrange
var newBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("test");
var oldBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("");
var textChange = new TextChange(2, 2, oldBuffer, 1, newBuffer);
// Act
string text = textChange.NewText;
// Assert
Assert.Equal("s", text);
public void ApplyChangeWithInsertedTextReturnsNewContentWithChangeApplied()
// Arrange
var newBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("test");
var oldBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("");
var textChange = new TextChange(0, 0, oldBuffer, 3, newBuffer);
// Act
string text = textChange.ApplyChange("abcd", 0);
// Assert
Assert.Equal("tesabcd", text);
public void ApplyChangeWithRemovedTextReturnsNewContentWithChangeApplied()
// Arrange
var newBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("abcdefg");
var oldBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("");
var textChange = new TextChange(1, 1, oldBuffer, 0, newBuffer);
// Act
string text = textChange.ApplyChange("abcdefg", 1);
// Assert
Assert.Equal("bcdefg", text);
public void ApplyChangeWithReplacedTextReturnsNewContentWithChangeApplied()
// Arrange
var newBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("abcdefg");
var oldBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("");
var textChange = new TextChange(1, 1, oldBuffer, 2, newBuffer);
// Act
string text = textChange.ApplyChange("abcdefg", 1);
// Assert
Assert.Equal("bcbcdefg", text);
public void NormalizeFixesUpIntelliSenseStyleReplacements()
// Arrange
var newBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("Date.");
var oldBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("Date");
var original = new TextChange(0, 4, oldBuffer, 5, newBuffer);
// Act
TextChange normalized = original.Normalize();
// Assert
Assert.Equal(new TextChange(4, 0, oldBuffer, 1, newBuffer), normalized);
public void NormalizeDoesntAffectChangesWithoutCommonPrefixes()
// Arrange
var newBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("DateTime.");
var oldBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("Date.");
var original = new TextChange(0, 5, oldBuffer, 9, newBuffer);
// Act
TextChange normalized = original.Normalize();
// Assert
Assert.Equal(original, normalized);
public void NormalizeDoesntAffectShrinkingReplacements()
// Arrange
var newBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("D");
var oldBuffer = new StringTextBuffer("DateTime");
var original = new TextChange(0, 8, oldBuffer, 1, newBuffer);
// Act
TextChange normalized = original.Normalize();
// Assert
Assert.Equal(original, normalized);