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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System.Web.Razor.Generator;
using System.Web.Razor.Parser;
using System.Web.Razor.Parser.SyntaxTree;
using System.Web.Razor.Resources;
using System.Web.Razor.Test.Framework;
using System.Web.Razor.Text;
using System.Web.Razor.Tokenizer.Symbols;
using Xunit;
using Assert = Microsoft.TestCommon.AssertEx;
namespace System.Web.Razor.Test.Parser.CSharp
public class CSharpBlockTest : CsHtmlCodeParserTestBase
public void ParseBlockMethodThrowsArgNullExceptionOnNullContext()
// Arrange
CSharpCodeParser parser = new CSharpCodeParser();
// Act and Assert
Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => parser.ParseBlock(), RazorResources.Parser_Context_Not_Set);
public void BalancingBracketsIgnoresStringLiteralCharactersAndBracketsInsideSingleLineComments()
SingleSpanBlockTest(@"if(foo) {
// bar } "" baz '
}", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void NestedCodeBlockWithAtCausesError()
ParseBlockTest("if (true) { @if(false) { } }",
new StatementBlock(
Factory.Code("if (true) { ").AsStatement(),
new StatementBlock(
Factory.Code("if(false) { }").AsStatement()
Factory.Code(" }").AsStatement()),
new RazorError(
new SourceLocation(13, 0, 13)));
public void BalancingBracketsIgnoresStringLiteralCharactersAndBracketsInsideBlockComments()
@"if(foo) {
/* bar } "" */ ' baz } '
}", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockSkipsParenthesisedExpressionAndThenBalancesBracesIfFirstIdentifierIsForKeyword()
SingleSpanBlockTest("for(int i = 0; i < 10; new Foo { Bar = \"baz\" }) { Debug.WriteLine(@\"foo } bar\"); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSkipsParenthesisedExpressionAndThenBalancesBracesIfFirstIdentifierIsForeachKeyword()
SingleSpanBlockTest("foreach(int i = 0; i < 10; new Foo { Bar = \"baz\" }) { Debug.WriteLine(@\"foo } bar\"); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSkipsParenthesisedExpressionAndThenBalancesBracesIfFirstIdentifierIsWhileKeyword()
SingleSpanBlockTest("while(int i = 0; i < 10; new Foo { Bar = \"baz\" }) { Debug.WriteLine(@\"foo } bar\"); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSkipsParenthesisedExpressionAndThenBalancesBracesIfFirstIdentifierIsUsingKeywordFollowedByParen()
SingleSpanBlockTest("using(int i = 0; i < 10; new Foo { Bar = \"baz\" }) { Debug.WriteLine(@\"foo } bar\"); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSupportsUsingsNestedWithinOtherBlocks()
SingleSpanBlockTest("if(foo) { using(int i = 0; i < 10; new Foo { Bar = \"baz\" }) { Debug.WriteLine(@\"foo } bar\"); } }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockSkipsParenthesisedExpressionAndThenBalancesBracesIfFirstIdentifierIsIfKeywordWithNoElseBranches()
SingleSpanBlockTest("if(int i = 0; i < 10; new Foo { Bar = \"baz\" }) { Debug.WriteLine(@\"foo } bar\"); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockAllowsEmptyBlockStatement()
SingleSpanBlockTest("if(false) { }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockTerminatesParenBalancingAtEOF()
ImplicitExpressionTest("Html.En(code()", "Html.En(code()",
new RazorError(
"(", ")"),
new SourceLocation(8, 0, 8)));
public void ParseBlockSupportsBlockCommentBetweenIfAndElseClause()
SingleSpanBlockTest("if(foo) { bar(); } /* Foo */ /* Bar */ else { baz(); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSupportsRazorCommentBetweenIfAndElseClause()
RunRazorCommentBetweenClausesTest("if(foo) { bar(); } ", " else { baz(); }", acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSupportsBlockCommentBetweenElseIfAndElseClause()
SingleSpanBlockTest("if(foo) { bar(); } else if(bar) { baz(); } /* Foo */ /* Bar */ else { biz(); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSupportsRazorCommentBetweenElseIfAndElseClause()
RunRazorCommentBetweenClausesTest("if(foo) { bar(); } else if(bar) { baz(); } ", " else { baz(); }", acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSupportsBlockCommentBetweenIfAndElseIfClause()
SingleSpanBlockTest("if(foo) { bar(); } /* Foo */ /* Bar */ else if(bar) { baz(); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockSupportsRazorCommentBetweenIfAndElseIfClause()
RunRazorCommentBetweenClausesTest("if(foo) { bar(); } ", " else if(bar) { baz(); }");
public void ParseBlockSupportsLineCommentBetweenIfAndElseClause()
SingleSpanBlockTest(@"if(foo) { bar(); }
// Foo
// Bar
else { baz(); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSupportsLineCommentBetweenElseIfAndElseClause()
SingleSpanBlockTest(@"if(foo) { bar(); } else if(bar) { baz(); }
// Foo
// Bar
else { biz(); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSupportsLineCommentBetweenIfAndElseIfClause()
SingleSpanBlockTest(@"if(foo) { bar(); }
// Foo
// Bar
else if(bar) { baz(); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockParsesElseIfBranchesOfIfStatement()
const string ifStatement = @"if(int i = 0; i < 10; new Foo { Bar = ""baz"" }) {
Debug.WriteLine(@""foo } bar"");
const string elseIfBranch = @" else if(int i = 0; i < 10; new Foo { Bar = ""baz"" }) {
Debug.WriteLine(@""bar } baz"");
const string document = ifStatement + elseIfBranch;
SingleSpanBlockTest(document, BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockParsesMultipleElseIfBranchesOfIfStatement()
const string ifStatement = @"if(int i = 0; i < 10; new Foo { Bar = ""baz"" }) {
Debug.WriteLine(@""foo } bar"");
const string elseIfBranch = @" else if(int i = 0; i < 10; new Foo { Bar = ""baz"" }) {
Debug.WriteLine(@""bar } baz"");
const string document = ifStatement + elseIfBranch + elseIfBranch + elseIfBranch + elseIfBranch;
SingleSpanBlockTest(document, BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockParsesMultipleElseIfBranchesOfIfStatementFollowedByOneElseBranch()
const string ifStatement = @"if(int i = 0; i < 10; new Foo { Bar = ""baz"" }) {
Debug.WriteLine(@""foo } bar"");
const string elseIfBranch = @" else if(int i = 0; i < 10; new Foo { Bar = ""baz"" }) {
Debug.WriteLine(@""bar } baz"");
const string elseBranch = @" else { Debug.WriteLine(@""bar } baz""); }";
const string document = ifStatement + elseIfBranch + elseIfBranch + elseBranch;
SingleSpanBlockTest(document, BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockStopsParsingCodeAfterElseBranch()
const string ifStatement = @"if(int i = 0; i < 10; new Foo { Bar = ""baz"" }) {
Debug.WriteLine(@""foo } bar"");
const string elseIfBranch = @" else if(int i = 0; i < 10; new Foo { Bar = ""baz"" }) {
Debug.WriteLine(@""bar } baz"");
const string elseBranch = @" else { Debug.WriteLine(@""bar } baz""); }";
const string document = ifStatement + elseIfBranch + elseBranch + elseIfBranch;
const string expected = ifStatement + elseIfBranch + elseBranch;
ParseBlockTest(document, new StatementBlock(Factory.Code(expected).AsStatement().Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None)));
public void ParseBlockStopsParsingIfIfStatementNotFollowedByElse()
const string document = @"if(int i = 0; i < 10; new Foo { Bar = ""baz"" }) {
Debug.WriteLine(@""foo } bar"");
SingleSpanBlockTest(document, BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockAcceptsElseIfWithNoCondition()
// We don't want to be a full C# parser - If the else if is missing it's condition, the C# compiler can handle that, we have all the info we need to keep parsing
const string ifBranch = @"if(int i = 0; i < 10; new Foo { Bar = ""baz"" }) {
Debug.WriteLine(@""foo } bar"");
const string elseIfBranch = @" else if { foo(); }";
const string document = ifBranch + elseIfBranch;
SingleSpanBlockTest(document, BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockCorrectlyParsesDoWhileBlock()
SingleSpanBlockTest("do { var foo = bar; } while(foo != bar);", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockCorrectlyParsesDoWhileBlockMissingSemicolon()
SingleSpanBlockTest("do { var foo = bar; } while(foo != bar)", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockCorrectlyParsesDoWhileBlockMissingWhileCondition()
SingleSpanBlockTest("do { var foo = bar; } while", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockCorrectlyParsesDoWhileBlockMissingWhileConditionWithSemicolon()
SingleSpanBlockTest("do { var foo = bar; } while;", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockCorrectlyParsesDoWhileBlockMissingWhileClauseEntirely()
SingleSpanBlockTest("do { var foo = bar; } narf;", "do { var foo = bar; }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockSupportsBlockCommentBetweenDoAndWhileClause()
SingleSpanBlockTest("do { var foo = bar; } /* Foo */ /* Bar */ while(true);", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSupportsLineCommentBetweenDoAndWhileClause()
SingleSpanBlockTest(@"do { var foo = bar; }
// Foo
// Bar
while(true);", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSupportsRazorCommentBetweenDoAndWhileClause()
RunRazorCommentBetweenClausesTest("do { var foo = bar; } ", " while(true);", acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockCorrectlyParsesMarkupInDoWhileBlock()
ParseBlockTest("@do { var foo = bar; <p>Foo</p> foo++; } while (foo<bar>);",
new StatementBlock(
Factory.Code("do { var foo = bar;").AsStatement(),
new MarkupBlock(
Factory.Markup(" <p>Foo</p> ").Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None)
Factory.Code("foo++; } while (foo<bar>);").AsStatement().Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None)
public void ParseBlockSkipsParenthesisedExpressionAndThenBalancesBracesIfFirstIdentifierIsSwitchKeyword()
SingleSpanBlockTest(@"switch(foo) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
}", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSkipsParenthesisedExpressionAndThenBalancesBracesIfFirstIdentifierIsLockKeyword()
SingleSpanBlockTest("lock(foo) { Debug.WriteLine(@\"foo } bar\"); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockHasErrorsIfNamespaceImportMissingSemicolon()
NamespaceImportTest("using Foo.Bar.Baz", " Foo.Bar.Baz", acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.NonWhiteSpace | AcceptedCharacters.WhiteSpace, location: new SourceLocation(17, 0, 17));
public void ParseBlockHasErrorsIfNamespaceAliasMissingSemicolon()
NamespaceImportTest("using Foo.Bar.Baz = FooBarBaz", " Foo.Bar.Baz = FooBarBaz", acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.NonWhiteSpace | AcceptedCharacters.WhiteSpace, location: new SourceLocation(29, 0, 29));
public void ParseBlockParsesNamespaceImportWithSemicolonForUsingKeywordIfIsInValidFormat()
NamespaceImportTest("using Foo.Bar.Baz;", " Foo.Bar.Baz", AcceptedCharacters.NonWhiteSpace | AcceptedCharacters.WhiteSpace);
public void ParseBlockDoesntCaptureWhitespaceAfterUsing()
ParseBlockTest("using Foo ",
new DirectiveBlock(
Factory.Code("using Foo")
.AsNamespaceImport(" Foo", CSharpCodeParser.UsingKeywordLength)
.Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.NonWhiteSpace | AcceptedCharacters.WhiteSpace)));
public void ParseBlockParsesNamespaceAliasWithSemicolonForUsingKeywordIfIsInValidFormat()
NamespaceImportTest("using FooBarBaz = FooBarBaz;", " FooBarBaz = FooBarBaz", AcceptedCharacters.NonWhiteSpace | AcceptedCharacters.WhiteSpace);
public void ParseBlockTerminatesUsingKeywordAtEOFAndOutputsFileCodeBlock()
SingleSpanBlockTest("using ", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockTerminatesSingleLineCommentAtEndOfFile()
const string document = "foreach(var f in Foo) { // foo bar baz";
SingleSpanBlockTest(document, document, BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code,
new RazorError(String.Format(RazorResources.ParseError_Expected_EndOfBlock_Before_EOF, "foreach", '}', '{'), SourceLocation.Zero));
public void ParseBlockTerminatesBlockCommentAtEndOfFile()
const string document = "foreach(var f in Foo) { /* foo bar baz";
SingleSpanBlockTest(document, document, BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code,
new RazorError(String.Format(RazorResources.ParseError_BlockComment_Not_Terminated), 24, 0, 24),
new RazorError(String.Format(RazorResources.ParseError_Expected_EndOfBlock_Before_EOF, "foreach", '}', '{'), SourceLocation.Zero));
public void ParseBlockTerminatesSingleSlashAtEndOfFile()
const string document = "foreach(var f in Foo) { / foo bar baz";
SingleSpanBlockTest(document, document, BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code,
new RazorError(String.Format(RazorResources.ParseError_Expected_EndOfBlock_Before_EOF, "foreach", '}', '{'), SourceLocation.Zero));
public void ParseBlockSupportsBlockCommentBetweenTryAndFinallyClause()
SingleSpanBlockTest("try { bar(); } /* Foo */ /* Bar */ finally { baz(); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSupportsRazorCommentBetweenTryAndFinallyClause()
RunRazorCommentBetweenClausesTest("try { bar(); } ", " finally { biz(); }", acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSupportsBlockCommentBetweenCatchAndFinallyClause()
SingleSpanBlockTest("try { bar(); } catch(bar) { baz(); } /* Foo */ /* Bar */ finally { biz(); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSupportsRazorCommentBetweenCatchAndFinallyClause()
RunRazorCommentBetweenClausesTest("try { bar(); } catch(bar) { baz(); } ", " finally { biz(); }", acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSupportsBlockCommentBetweenTryAndCatchClause()
SingleSpanBlockTest("try { bar(); } /* Foo */ /* Bar */ catch(bar) { baz(); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockSupportsRazorCommentBetweenTryAndCatchClause()
RunRazorCommentBetweenClausesTest("try { bar(); }", " catch(bar) { baz(); }");
public void ParseBlockSupportsLineCommentBetweenTryAndFinallyClause()
SingleSpanBlockTest(@"try { bar(); }
// Foo
// Bar
finally { baz(); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSupportsLineCommentBetweenCatchAndFinallyClause()
SingleSpanBlockTest(@"try { bar(); } catch(bar) { baz(); }
// Foo
// Bar
finally { biz(); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSupportsLineCommentBetweenTryAndCatchClause()
SingleSpanBlockTest(@"try { bar(); }
// Foo
// Bar
catch(bar) { baz(); }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockSupportsTryStatementWithNoAdditionalClauses()
SingleSpanBlockTest("try { var foo = new { } }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockSupportsMarkupWithinTryClause()
RunSimpleWrappedMarkupTest("try {", " <p>Foo</p> ", "}");
public void ParseBlockSupportsTryStatementWithOneCatchClause()
SingleSpanBlockTest("try { var foo = new { } } catch(Foo Bar Baz) { var foo = new { } }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockSupportsMarkupWithinCatchClause()
RunSimpleWrappedMarkupTest("try { var foo = new { } } catch(Foo Bar Baz) {", " <p>Foo</p> ", "}");
public void ParseBlockSupportsTryStatementWithMultipleCatchClause()
SingleSpanBlockTest("try { var foo = new { } } catch(Foo Bar Baz) { var foo = new { } } catch(Foo Bar Baz) { var foo = new { } } catch(Foo Bar Baz) { var foo = new { } }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockSupportsExceptionLessCatchClauses()
SingleSpanBlockTest("try { var foo = new { } } catch { var foo = new { } }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code);
public void ParseBlockSupportsMarkupWithinAdditionalCatchClauses()
RunSimpleWrappedMarkupTest("try { var foo = new { } } catch(Foo Bar Baz) { var foo = new { } } catch(Foo Bar Baz) { var foo = new { } } catch(Foo Bar Baz) {", " <p>Foo</p> ", "}");
public void ParseBlockSupportsTryStatementWithFinallyClause()
SingleSpanBlockTest("try { var foo = new { } } finally { var foo = new { } }", BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockSupportsMarkupWithinFinallyClause()
RunSimpleWrappedMarkupTest("try { var foo = new { } } finally {", " <p>Foo</p> ", "}", acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockStopsParsingCatchClausesAfterFinallyBlock()
string expectedContent = "try { var foo = new { } } finally { var foo = new { } }";
SingleSpanBlockTest(expectedContent + " catch(Foo Bar Baz) { }", expectedContent, BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockDoesNotAllowMultipleFinallyBlocks()
string expectedContent = "try { var foo = new { } } finally { var foo = new { } }";
SingleSpanBlockTest(expectedContent + " finally { }", expectedContent, BlockType.Statement, SpanKind.Code, acceptedCharacters: AcceptedCharacters.None);
public void ParseBlockAcceptsTrailingDotIntoImplicitExpressionWhenEmbeddedInCode()
// Arrange
ParseBlockTest(@"if(foo) { @foo. }",
new StatementBlock(
Factory.Code("if(foo) { ").AsStatement(),
new ExpressionBlock(
.AsImplicitExpression(CSharpCodeParser.DefaultKeywords, acceptTrailingDot: true)
Factory.Code(" }").AsStatement()
public void ParseBlockParsesExpressionOnSwitchCharacterFollowedByOpenParen()
// Arrange
ParseBlockTest(@"if(foo) { @(foo + bar) }",
new StatementBlock(
Factory.Code("if(foo) { ").AsStatement(),
new ExpressionBlock(
Factory.Code("foo + bar").AsExpression(),
Factory.Code(" }").AsStatement()
public void ParseBlockParsesExpressionOnSwitchCharacterFollowedByIdentifierStart()
// Arrange
ParseBlockTest(@"if(foo) { @foo[4].bar() }",
new StatementBlock(
Factory.Code("if(foo) { ").AsStatement(),
new ExpressionBlock(
.AsImplicitExpression(CSharpCodeParser.DefaultKeywords, acceptTrailingDot: true)
Factory.Code(" }").AsStatement()
public void ParseBlockTreatsDoubleAtSignAsEscapeSequenceIfAtStatementStart()
// Arrange
ParseBlockTest(@"if(foo) { @@class.Foo() }",
new StatementBlock(
Factory.Code("if(foo) { ").AsStatement(),
Factory.Code("@class.Foo() }").AsStatement()
public void ParseBlockTreatsAtSignsAfterFirstPairAsPartOfCSharpStatement()
// Arrange
ParseBlockTest(@"if(foo) { @@@@class.Foo() }",
new StatementBlock(
Factory.Code("if(foo) { ").AsStatement(),
Factory.Code("@@@class.Foo() }").AsStatement()
public void ParseBlockDoesNotParseMarkupStatementOrExpressionOnSwitchCharacterNotFollowedByOpenAngleOrColon()
// Arrange
ParseBlockTest("if(foo) { @\"Foo\".ToString(); }",
new StatementBlock(
Factory.Code("if(foo) { @\"Foo\".ToString(); }").AsStatement()));
public void ParsersCanNestRecursively()
// Arrange
ParseBlockTest(@"foreach(var c in db.Categories) {
@foreach(var p in c.Products) {
<li><a href=""@Html.ActionUrl(""Products"", ""Detail"", new { id = p.Id })"">@p.Name</a></li>
new StatementBlock(
Factory.Code("foreach(var c in db.Categories) {\r\n").AsStatement(),
new MarkupBlock(
Factory.Markup(" <div>\r\n <h1>"),
new ExpressionBlock(
Factory.Markup("</h1>\r\n <ul>\r\n"),
new StatementBlock(
Factory.Code(@" ").AsStatement(),
Factory.Code("foreach(var p in c.Products) {\r\n").AsStatement(),
new MarkupBlock(
Factory.Markup(" <li><a"),
new MarkupBlock(new AttributeBlockCodeGenerator("href", new LocationTagged<string>(" href=\"", 193, 5, 30), new LocationTagged<string>("\"", 256, 5, 93)),
Factory.Markup(" href=\"").With(SpanCodeGenerator.Null),
new MarkupBlock(new DynamicAttributeBlockCodeGenerator(new LocationTagged<string>(String.Empty, 200, 5, 37), 200, 5, 37),
new ExpressionBlock(
Factory.Code("Html.ActionUrl(\"Products\", \"Detail\", new { id = p.Id })")
new ExpressionBlock(
Factory.Code(" }\r\n").AsStatement().Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None)),
Factory.Markup(" </ul>\r\n </div>\r\n")
Factory.Code(" }").AsStatement().Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None)));
private void RunRazorCommentBetweenClausesTest(string preComment, string postComment, AcceptedCharacters acceptedCharacters = AcceptedCharacters.Any)
ParseBlockTest(preComment + "@* Foo *@ @* Bar *@" + postComment,
new StatementBlock(
new CommentBlock(
Factory.MetaCode("*", CSharpSymbolType.RazorCommentStar).Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None),
Factory.Comment(" Foo ", CSharpSymbolType.RazorComment),
Factory.MetaCode("*", CSharpSymbolType.RazorCommentStar).Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None),
Factory.Code(" ").AsStatement(),
new CommentBlock(
Factory.MetaCode("*", CSharpSymbolType.RazorCommentStar).Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None),
Factory.Comment(" Bar ", CSharpSymbolType.RazorComment),
Factory.MetaCode("*", CSharpSymbolType.RazorCommentStar).Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None),
private void RunSimpleWrappedMarkupTest(string prefix, string markup, string suffix, AcceptedCharacters acceptedCharacters = AcceptedCharacters.Any)
ParseBlockTest(prefix + markup + suffix,
new StatementBlock(
new MarkupBlock(
private void NamespaceImportTest(string content, string expectedNS, AcceptedCharacters acceptedCharacters = AcceptedCharacters.None, string errorMessage = null, SourceLocation? location = null)
var errors = new RazorError[0];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage) && location.HasValue)
errors = new RazorError[]
new RazorError(errorMessage, location.Value)
new DirectiveBlock(
.AsNamespaceImport(expectedNS, CSharpCodeParser.UsingKeywordLength)