320 lines
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320 lines
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/// <reference path="../../Scripts/References.js" />
if (window.sessionStorage) {
module("DataSource Setup");
var defaultTestTimeout = 10000,
retryLimit = 10;
QUnit.config.testTimeout = defaultTestTimeout;
var testHelper = {
isChrome: /chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()),
isFirefox: /mozilla/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) && (!/(compatible|webkit)/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())),
initService: function (url, typeOrOptions) {
QUnit.ok(true, "start Init service:" + url + ", time: " + new Date().toLocaleString());
QUnit.config.testTimeout = 120 * 1000;
var beat = setInterval(function () {
if (window.TestSwarm && window.TestSwarm.heartbeat) {
}, 1000);
testHelper.setCookie("dbi", null, -1);
var options;
if (typeof(typeOrOptions) === "string") {
options = { type: typeOrOptions };
} else {
options = typeOrOptions;
testHelper.serviceCall(url, options, 0);
serviceCall: function (url, options, retried, beat) {
jQuery.ajax(url, options).then(function () {
QUnit.config.testTimeout = defaultTestTimeout;
QUnit.ok(true, "Service request succeeded, tried: " + (retried + 1) + " times, timestamp:" + new Date().toLocaleString());
}, function () {
QUnit.ok(true, "Service request failed, retrying " + (retryLimit - retried - 1) + " more times, timestamp:" + new Date().toLocaleString());
setTimeout(function () {
if (retried < retryLimit) {
testHelper.serviceCall(url, options, retried);
} else {
// Fail the rest quickly
QUnit.ok(false, "Service call to " + url + " failed");
QUnit.config.testTimeout = 100;
}, 1000);
setCookie: function (name, value, days) {
if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = ""; document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/";
startOnPageSetupComplete: function (url) {
jQuery("#testFrame").one("load", function () {
// make $ reference the jQuery in the iframe, intentionally global for tests to use
var testFrame = window.frames[0];
$ = testFrame.jQuery;
//Wait for the page to trigger complete
$(testFrame).one("PageSetupComplete", function () {
jQuery("#testFrame").attr("src", url);
startOnPageLoad: function (url, cond) {
jQuery("#testFrame").one("load", function () {
// make $ reference the jQuery in the iframe, intentionally global for tests to use
var testFrame = window.frames[0];
$ = testFrame.jQuery;
testFrame.alert = function (error) { ok(false, "'alert(" + error + ")' called, failing test"); };
if (cond) {
var checkCond = function () {
if (cond()) {
} else {
setTimeout(function () { checkCond(); }, 200);
} else {
jQuery("#testFrame").attr("src", url);
wrapFunctions: function (functionNames, triggerName) {
// Allow string or array of strings to be passed
functionNames = $.isArray(functionNames) ? functionNames : [functionNames];
$.each(functionNames, function (index, functionName) {
// Only allow one wrapping per function
if ($.fn[functionName].__oldFunction__) {
var newFunction = function () {
// Create trigger arguments with function's name that was wrapped
var returnedArgs = [functionName].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)),
returnValue = newFunction.__oldFunction__.apply(this, arguments);
// trigger after applying to allow state to be checked in callback
$(this).trigger(triggerName, returnedArgs);
// return the results so wrapped function behaves the same
return returnValue;
// Store the new function on the old one
newFunction.__oldFunction__ = $.fn[functionName];
$.fn[functionName] = newFunction;
return function () {
//do cleanup
unwrapFunctions: function (functionNames) {
$.each(functionNames, function (index, name) {
$.fn[name] = $.fn[name].__oldFunction__;
curryStartOnPageLoad: function (url) {
// Return a function with url already set, helpful for passing a callback to a module
return function () {
jQuery("#testFrame").one("load", function () {
// make $ reference the jQuery in the iframe, intentionally global for tests to use
window.$ = window.frames[0].jQuery;
// TODO: Fix this workaround for page load being too slow to load a new one every test function
// especially slow when debugging
setTimeout(QUnit.start, 100);
jQuery("#testFrame").attr("src", url);
curryPost: function (url) {
return function () {
//REVIEW: This should be an implementation detail of DataSource / DomainSerivceProxy
jQuery.post(url, function () {
}, "json");
setLatency: function (url, queryDelay, cudDelay, success) {
type: "POST",
url: url + "/SetLatency",
data: '{"queryDelay":' + queryDelay + ',"cudDelay":' + cudDelay + '}',
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
success: function () {
error: function () {
ok(false, "setLatency request failed");
wrapOrAddFunction: function (baseObject, functionName, options) {
// This function either:
// 1) replaces the existing function making callbacks before and after the function would have been invoked
// 2) creates the function making callbacks before and after the function would have been invoked
// If the function existed it will be called as if it were not replaced
// After the function is invoked once it will be reverted back to its original state unless
// revertToOriginal: false is given via the options parameter
// The original function is the return value which allows for the function to be reverted at any time (not after a single callback as usual)
var before = options.before,
after = options.after,
revertToOriginal = options.revertToOriginal !== false, // Default to true when unsupplied
// If function exists back it up
if (baseObject[functionName]) {
backupOfOriginalFunction = baseObject[functionName];
// Overwrite or create function
baseObject[functionName] = function () {
// Revert to original method, revertToOriginal is true by default
if (revertToOriginal) {
if (backupOfOriginalFunction) {
baseObject[functionName] = backupOfOriginalFunction;
} else {
// If there was no original function remove the one added by wrapOrAddFunction
delete baseObject[functionName];
if (before) {
before.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));
if (backupOfOriginalFunction) {
backupOfOriginalFunction.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));
if (after) {
after.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));
// Allows one to revert to original state in their own code when revertToOriginal is false
return backupOfOriginalFunction;
whenCondition: function (callback, interval, timeout) {
var retry,
deferred = $.Deferred();
interval = interval || 500;
timeout = timeout || QUnit.config.testTimeout;
retry = timeout / interval;
if (!callback()) {
var pollCallback = function () {
if (!callback()) {
if (retry > 0) {
setTimeout(pollCallback, interval);
} else {
} else {
setTimeout(pollCallback, interval);
} else {
return deferred.promise();
startOnCondition: function (callback, interval, timeout) {
var retry;
interval = interval || 500;
timeout = timeout || QUnit.config.testTimeout;
retry = timeout / interval;
testHelper.whenCondition(callback, interval)
changeValueAndWait: function (selector, value, delay) {
var input = $(selector);
if (input.length !== 1) {
throw "Only support one input";
var test = function () {
input.unbind("change", test);
setTimeout(function () { start(); }, delay ? delay : 100);
input.one("change", test).focusin().val(value).focusout().trigger("change");
// this will allow one-time ajax mock.
mockAjaxOnce: function (url, result, statusText, error) {
if ($.ajax._simulatedurl) {
throw "cannot simulate ajax concurrently (prev=" + $.ajax._simulatedurl + ")";
var $ajax = $.ajax;
$.ajax = function (settings) {
if (settings.url.indexOf(url) == 0) {
// revert $.ajax to orginal
$.ajax = $ajax;
var deferred = $.Deferred();
setTimeout(function () {
// this follows $.ajax().fail() and $.ajax().done() signature
if (statusText) {
if (settings.error) {
settings.error.apply(null, [{ responseText: statusText, status: 200 }, statusText, error]);
deferred.reject(undefined, statusText, error);
} else {
if (settings.type === "POST") {
var data = JSON.parse(settings.data);
var ret = result || {
SubmitChangesResult: [{ Entity: data.changeSet[0].Entity}]
if (settings.success) {
settings.success.apply(null, [ret, "statusText", { status: 200}]);
} else {
var ret = result || {
EmptyResult: {
RootResults: [],
Metadata: [{ type: "dummy"}]
if (settings.success) {
settings.success.apply(null, [ret]);
}, 10);
return deferred.promise();
} else {
return $ajax(settings);
$.ajax._simulatedurl = url;
$.ajax._$ajax = $ajax;
unmockAjax: function () {
if ($.ajax._$ajax) {
$.ajax = $.ajax._$ajax;