2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
// <copyright file="DbConnectionPoolCounters.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
2017-08-21 15:34:15 +00:00
// <owner current="true" primary="true">Microsoft</owner>
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
namespace System.Data.ProviderBase {
using System ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Data.Common ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution ;
using System.Security ;
using System.Security.Permissions ;
using System.Security.Principal ;
using System.Runtime.Versioning ;
internal abstract class DbConnectionPoolCounters {
private static class CreationData {
static internal readonly CounterCreationData HardConnectsPerSecond = new CounterCreationData (
"HardConnectsPerSecond" ,
"The number of actual connections per second that are being made to servers" ,
PerformanceCounterType . RateOfCountsPerSecond32 ) ;
static internal readonly CounterCreationData HardDisconnectsPerSecond = new CounterCreationData (
"HardDisconnectsPerSecond" ,
"The number of actual disconnects per second that are being made to servers" ,
PerformanceCounterType . RateOfCountsPerSecond32 ) ;
static internal readonly CounterCreationData SoftConnectsPerSecond = new CounterCreationData (
"SoftConnectsPerSecond" ,
"The number of connections we get from the pool per second" ,
PerformanceCounterType . RateOfCountsPerSecond32 ) ;
static internal readonly CounterCreationData SoftDisconnectsPerSecond = new CounterCreationData (
"SoftDisconnectsPerSecond" ,
"The number of connections we return to the pool per second" ,
PerformanceCounterType . RateOfCountsPerSecond32 ) ;
static internal readonly CounterCreationData NumberOfNonPooledConnections = new CounterCreationData (
"NumberOfNonPooledConnections" ,
"The number of connections that are not using connection pooling" ,
PerformanceCounterType . NumberOfItems32 ) ;
static internal readonly CounterCreationData NumberOfPooledConnections = new CounterCreationData (
"NumberOfPooledConnections" ,
"The number of connections that are managed by the connection pooler" ,
PerformanceCounterType . NumberOfItems32 ) ;
static internal readonly CounterCreationData NumberOfActiveConnectionPoolGroups = new CounterCreationData (
"NumberOfActiveConnectionPoolGroups" ,
"The number of unique connection strings" ,
PerformanceCounterType . NumberOfItems32 ) ;
static internal readonly CounterCreationData NumberOfInactiveConnectionPoolGroups = new CounterCreationData (
"NumberOfInactiveConnectionPoolGroups" ,
"The number of unique connection strings waiting for pruning" ,
PerformanceCounterType . NumberOfItems32 ) ;
static internal readonly CounterCreationData NumberOfActiveConnectionPools = new CounterCreationData (
"NumberOfActiveConnectionPools" ,
"The number of connection pools" ,
PerformanceCounterType . NumberOfItems32 ) ;
static internal readonly CounterCreationData NumberOfInactiveConnectionPools = new CounterCreationData (
"NumberOfInactiveConnectionPools" ,
"The number of connection pools" ,
PerformanceCounterType . NumberOfItems32 ) ;
static internal readonly CounterCreationData NumberOfActiveConnections = new CounterCreationData (
"NumberOfActiveConnections" ,
"The number of connections currently in-use" ,
PerformanceCounterType . NumberOfItems32 ) ;
static internal readonly CounterCreationData NumberOfFreeConnections = new CounterCreationData (
"NumberOfFreeConnections" ,
"The number of connections currently available for use" ,
PerformanceCounterType . NumberOfItems32 ) ;
static internal readonly CounterCreationData NumberOfStasisConnections = new CounterCreationData (
"NumberOfStasisConnections" ,
"The number of connections currently waiting to be made ready for use" ,
PerformanceCounterType . NumberOfItems32 ) ;
static internal readonly CounterCreationData NumberOfReclaimedConnections = new CounterCreationData (
"NumberOfReclaimedConnections" ,
"The number of connections we reclaim from GC'd external connections" ,
PerformanceCounterType . NumberOfItems32 ) ;
} ;
sealed internal class Counter {
private PerformanceCounter _instance ;
internal Counter ( string categoryName , string instanceName , string counterName , PerformanceCounterType counterType ) {
if ( ADP . IsPlatformNT5 ) {
try {
if ( ! ADP . IsEmpty ( categoryName ) & & ! ADP . IsEmpty ( instanceName ) ) {
PerformanceCounter instance = new PerformanceCounter ( ) ;
instance . CategoryName = categoryName ;
instance . CounterName = counterName ;
instance . InstanceName = instanceName ;
instance . InstanceLifetime = PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime . Process ;
instance . ReadOnly = false ;
instance . RawValue = 0 ; // make sure we start out at zero
_instance = instance ;
catch ( InvalidOperationException e ) {
ADP . TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow ( e ) ;
internal void Decrement ( ) {
PerformanceCounter instance = _instance ;
if ( null ! = instance ) {
instance . Decrement ( ) ;
[ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail)]
internal void Dispose ( ) { //
PerformanceCounter instance = _instance ;
_instance = null ;
if ( null ! = instance ) {
instance . RemoveInstance ( ) ;
// should we be calling instance.Close?
// if we do will it exacerbate the Dispose vs. Decrement race condition
internal void Increment ( ) {
PerformanceCounter instance = _instance ;
if ( null ! = instance ) {
instance . Increment ( ) ;
} ;
const int CounterInstanceNameMaxLength = 127 ;
internal readonly Counter HardConnectsPerSecond ;
internal readonly Counter HardDisconnectsPerSecond ;
internal readonly Counter SoftConnectsPerSecond ;
internal readonly Counter SoftDisconnectsPerSecond ;
internal readonly Counter NumberOfNonPooledConnections ;
internal readonly Counter NumberOfPooledConnections ;
internal readonly Counter NumberOfActiveConnectionPoolGroups ;
internal readonly Counter NumberOfInactiveConnectionPoolGroups ;
internal readonly Counter NumberOfActiveConnectionPools ;
internal readonly Counter NumberOfInactiveConnectionPools ;
internal readonly Counter NumberOfActiveConnections ;
internal readonly Counter NumberOfFreeConnections ;
internal readonly Counter NumberOfStasisConnections ;
internal readonly Counter NumberOfReclaimedConnections ;
protected DbConnectionPoolCounters ( ) : this ( null , null ) {
protected DbConnectionPoolCounters ( string categoryName , string categoryHelp ) {
AppDomain . CurrentDomain . DomainUnload + = new EventHandler ( this . UnloadEventHandler ) ;
AppDomain . CurrentDomain . ProcessExit + = new EventHandler ( this . ExitEventHandler ) ;
AppDomain . CurrentDomain . UnhandledException + = new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler ( this . ExceptionEventHandler ) ;
string instanceName = null ;
if ( ! ADP . IsEmpty ( categoryName ) ) {
if ( ADP . IsPlatformNT5 ) {
instanceName = GetInstanceName ( ) ;
// level 0-3: hard connects/disconnects, plus basic pool/pool entry statistics
string basicCategoryName = categoryName ;
HardConnectsPerSecond = new Counter ( basicCategoryName , instanceName , CreationData . HardConnectsPerSecond . CounterName , CreationData . HardConnectsPerSecond . CounterType ) ;
HardDisconnectsPerSecond = new Counter ( basicCategoryName , instanceName , CreationData . HardDisconnectsPerSecond . CounterName , CreationData . HardDisconnectsPerSecond . CounterType ) ;
NumberOfNonPooledConnections = new Counter ( basicCategoryName , instanceName , CreationData . NumberOfNonPooledConnections . CounterName , CreationData . NumberOfNonPooledConnections . CounterType ) ;
NumberOfPooledConnections = new Counter ( basicCategoryName , instanceName , CreationData . NumberOfPooledConnections . CounterName , CreationData . NumberOfPooledConnections . CounterType ) ;
NumberOfActiveConnectionPoolGroups = new Counter ( basicCategoryName , instanceName , CreationData . NumberOfActiveConnectionPoolGroups . CounterName , CreationData . NumberOfActiveConnectionPoolGroups . CounterType ) ;
NumberOfInactiveConnectionPoolGroups = new Counter ( basicCategoryName , instanceName , CreationData . NumberOfInactiveConnectionPoolGroups . CounterName , CreationData . NumberOfInactiveConnectionPoolGroups . CounterType ) ;
NumberOfActiveConnectionPools = new Counter ( basicCategoryName , instanceName , CreationData . NumberOfActiveConnectionPools . CounterName , CreationData . NumberOfActiveConnectionPools . CounterType ) ;
NumberOfInactiveConnectionPools = new Counter ( basicCategoryName , instanceName , CreationData . NumberOfInactiveConnectionPools . CounterName , CreationData . NumberOfInactiveConnectionPools . CounterType ) ;
NumberOfStasisConnections = new Counter ( basicCategoryName , instanceName , CreationData . NumberOfStasisConnections . CounterName , CreationData . NumberOfStasisConnections . CounterType ) ;
NumberOfReclaimedConnections = new Counter ( basicCategoryName , instanceName , CreationData . NumberOfReclaimedConnections . CounterName , CreationData . NumberOfReclaimedConnections . CounterType ) ;
// level 4: expensive stuff
string verboseCategoryName = null ;
if ( ! ADP . IsEmpty ( categoryName ) ) {
// don't load TraceSwitch if no categoryName so that Odbc/OleDb have a chance of not loading TraceSwitch
// which are also used by System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.ctor & System.Transactions.get_Current
TraceSwitch perfCtrSwitch = new TraceSwitch ( "ConnectionPoolPerformanceCounterDetail" , "level of detail to track with connection pool performance counters" ) ;
if ( TraceLevel . Verbose = = perfCtrSwitch . Level ) {
verboseCategoryName = categoryName ;
SoftConnectsPerSecond = new Counter ( verboseCategoryName , instanceName , CreationData . SoftConnectsPerSecond . CounterName , CreationData . SoftConnectsPerSecond . CounterType ) ;
SoftDisconnectsPerSecond = new Counter ( verboseCategoryName , instanceName , CreationData . SoftDisconnectsPerSecond . CounterName , CreationData . SoftDisconnectsPerSecond . CounterType ) ;
NumberOfActiveConnections = new Counter ( verboseCategoryName , instanceName , CreationData . NumberOfActiveConnections . CounterName , CreationData . NumberOfActiveConnections . CounterType ) ;
NumberOfFreeConnections = new Counter ( verboseCategoryName , instanceName , CreationData . NumberOfFreeConnections . CounterName , CreationData . NumberOfFreeConnections . CounterType ) ;
[FileIOPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted=true)]
private string GetAssemblyName ( ) {
string result = null ;
// First try GetEntryAssembly name, then AppDomain.FriendlyName.
Assembly assembly = Assembly . GetEntryAssembly ( ) ;
if ( null ! = assembly ) {
AssemblyName name = assembly . GetName ( ) ;
if ( name ! = null ) {
result = name . Name ; // MDAC 73469
return result ;
// SxS: this method uses GetCurrentProcessId to construct the instance name.
[ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Process, ResourceScope.Process)]
private string GetInstanceName ( ) {
string result = null ;
string instanceName = GetAssemblyName ( ) ; // instance perfcounter name
if ( ADP . IsEmpty ( instanceName ) ) {
AppDomain appDomain = AppDomain . CurrentDomain ;
if ( null ! = appDomain ) {
instanceName = appDomain . FriendlyName ;
int pid = SafeNativeMethods . GetCurrentProcessId ( ) ;
// SQLBUDT #366157 -there are several characters which have special meaning
// to PERFMON. They recommend that we translate them as shown below, to
// prevent problems.
result = String . Format ( ( IFormatProvider ) null , "{0}[{1}]" , instanceName , pid ) ;
result = result . Replace ( '(' , '[' ) . Replace ( ')' , ']' ) . Replace ( '#' , '_' ) . Replace ( '/' , '_' ) . Replace ( '\\' , '_' ) ;
// SQLBUVSTS #94625 - counter instance name cannot be greater than 127
if ( result . Length > CounterInstanceNameMaxLength ) {
// Replacing the middle part with "[...]"
// For example: if path is c:\long_path\very_(Ax200)_long__path\perftest.exe and process ID is 1234 than the resulted instance name will be:
// c:\long_path\very_(AxM)[...](AxN)_long__path\perftest.exe[1234]
// while M and N are adjusted to make each part before and after the [...] = 61 (making the total = 61 + 5 + 61 = 127)
const string insertString = "[...]" ;
int firstPartLength = ( CounterInstanceNameMaxLength - insertString . Length ) / 2 ;
int lastPartLength = CounterInstanceNameMaxLength - firstPartLength - insertString . Length ;
result = string . Format ( ( IFormatProvider ) null , "{0}{1}{2}" ,
result . Substring ( 0 , firstPartLength ) ,
insertString ,
result . Substring ( result . Length - lastPartLength , lastPartLength ) ) ;
Debug . Assert ( result . Length = = CounterInstanceNameMaxLength ,
string . Format ( ( IFormatProvider ) null , "wrong calculation of the instance name: expected {0}, actual: {1}" , CounterInstanceNameMaxLength , result . Length ) ) ;
return result ;
[ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail)]
public void Dispose ( ) {
// ExceptionEventHandler with IsTerminiating may be called before
// the Connection Close is called or the variables are initialized
SafeDispose ( HardConnectsPerSecond ) ;
SafeDispose ( HardDisconnectsPerSecond ) ;
SafeDispose ( SoftConnectsPerSecond ) ;
SafeDispose ( SoftDisconnectsPerSecond ) ;
SafeDispose ( NumberOfNonPooledConnections ) ;
SafeDispose ( NumberOfPooledConnections ) ;
SafeDispose ( NumberOfActiveConnectionPoolGroups ) ;
SafeDispose ( NumberOfInactiveConnectionPoolGroups ) ;
SafeDispose ( NumberOfActiveConnectionPools ) ;
SafeDispose ( NumberOfActiveConnections ) ;
SafeDispose ( NumberOfFreeConnections ) ;
SafeDispose ( NumberOfStasisConnections ) ;
SafeDispose ( NumberOfReclaimedConnections ) ;
[ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail)]
private void SafeDispose ( Counter counter ) { // WebData 103603
if ( null ! = counter ) {
counter . Dispose ( ) ;
void ExceptionEventHandler ( object sender , UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e ) {
if ( ( null ! = e ) & & e . IsTerminating ) {
Dispose ( ) ;
void ExitEventHandler ( object sender , EventArgs e ) {
Dispose ( ) ;
void UnloadEventHandler ( object sender , EventArgs e ) {
Dispose ( ) ;
sealed internal class DbConnectionPoolCountersNoCounters : DbConnectionPoolCounters {
public static readonly DbConnectionPoolCountersNoCounters SingletonInstance = new DbConnectionPoolCountersNoCounters ( ) ;
private DbConnectionPoolCountersNoCounters ( ) : base ( ) {