2019-12-10 18:00:56 +00:00
i f n e q ( $( wildcard config .make ) , )
i n c l u d e c o n f i g . m a k e
NETCORETESTS_VERSION := $( shell cat ../eng/Versions.props | sed -n 's/.*MicrosoftPrivateCoreFxNETCoreAppVersion>\(.*\)<\/MicrosoftPrivateCoreFxNETCoreAppVersion.*/\1/p' )
NETCOREAPP_VERSION := $( shell cat ../eng/Versions.props | sed -n 's/.*MicrosoftNETCoreAppVersion>\(.*\)<\/MicrosoftNETCoreAppVersion.*/\1/p' )
ROSLYN_VERSION := $( shell cat ../eng/Versions.props | sed -n 's/.*MicrosoftNetCompilersVersion>\(.*\)<\/MicrosoftNetCompilersVersion.*/\1/p' )
# Should be automated but not sure how for now
# the name is misleading osx version is used for any unix like systems
# the url is manually extracted from coreclr-outerloop (https://dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_build?definitionId=98&_a=summary) Build artifacts published page
CORECLR_TESTS := https://dev.azure.com/dnceng/9ee6d478-d288-47f7-aacc-f6e6d082ae6d/_apis/build/builds/368250/artifacts?artifactName= Tests_OSX_x64_checked_outerloop& api-version= 5.2-preview.5& %24format= zip
# runtime version used by $(DOTNET) - local .net core sdk to bootstrap stuff
# it doesn't match NETCOREAPP_VERSION
BOOTSTRAP_RUNTIME = $( shell ls ../.dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App | tail -1)
i f e q ( $( HOST_PLATFORM ) , w i n 3 2 )
2020-04-04 08:42:03 +00:00
UNZIPCMD = $( PYTHON) -c "import zipfile,sys; zipfile.ZipFile(sys.argv[1], 'r').extractall()"
2020-01-16 16:38:04 +00:00
XUNIT_INNER_ARGS = -notrait category = nonwindowstests @../../../../CoreFX.issues_windows.rsp
2019-12-10 18:00:56 +00:00
ON_RUNTIME_EXTRACT = chmod -R 755 { host,shared,./dotnet}
DOTNET := $( shell powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "./init-tools.ps1" ) /dotnet.exe
DOTNET := " $( subst \, /,$( DOTNET) ) "
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( HOST_PLATFORM ) , m a c o s )
2020-01-16 16:38:04 +00:00
OBJDUMP = objdump -x86-asm-syntax= intel --no-show-raw-insn -no-leading-addr -no-leading-headers -d
2019-12-10 18:00:56 +00:00
UNZIPCMD = tar -xvf
2020-01-16 16:38:04 +00:00
XUNIT_INNER_ARGS = -notrait category = nonosxtests @../../../../CoreFX.issues_mac.rsp
2019-12-10 18:00:56 +00:00
DOTNET := $( shell ./init-tools.sh | tail -1)
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( HOST_PLATFORM ) , l i n u x )
2020-01-16 16:38:04 +00:00
OBJDUMP = objdump -M intel --no-show-raw-insn -d
2019-12-10 18:00:56 +00:00
UNZIPCMD = tar -xvf
2020-01-16 16:38:04 +00:00
XUNIT_INNER_ARGS = -notrait category = nonlinuxtests @../../../../CoreFX.issues_linux.rsp
2019-12-10 18:00:56 +00:00
i f e q ( $( COREARCH ) , a r m 6 4 )
2020-01-16 16:38:04 +00:00
XUNIT_INNER_ARGS += @../../../../CoreFX.issues_linux_arm64.rsp
2019-12-10 18:00:56 +00:00
e n d i f
DOTNET := $( shell ./init-tools.sh | tail -1)
e n d i f
NETCORE_URL := https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/Runtime/$( NETCOREAPP_VERSION) /$( NETCORESDK_FILE)
FEED_BASE_URL := https://dotnetfeed.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet-core
TEST_ASSETS_PATH := corefx-tests/$( NETCORETESTS_VERSION) /$( TESTS_PLATFORM) /netcoreapp/corefx-test-assets.xml
# used to calculate exact version number for generating nupkg
BLAME = $( shell git blame ../configure.ac | grep AC_INIT | cut -f1 -d' ' )
VERSTUB = .$( shell git rev-list --count $( BLAME) ..HEAD) -preview
all : bcl
curl $( NETCORE_URL) --output $( NETCORESDK_FILE)
rm -rf shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App
update-corefx : corefx /.stamp -dl -corefx -$( NETCORETESTS_VERSION )
corefx/.stamp-dl-corefx-$(NETCORETESTS_VERSION) : corefx -restore .csproj
2020-01-16 16:38:04 +00:00
$( DOTNET) build corefx-restore.csproj --runtime $( RID) --packages corefx/packages -p:MicrosoftPrivateCoreFxNETCoreAppVersion= $( NETCORETESTS_VERSION) -p:OutputPath= corefx/restore/ -p:UseSharedCompilation= false
2019-12-10 18:00:56 +00:00
touch $@
update-roslyn : roslyn /packages /microsoft .net .compilers .toolset /$( ROSLYN_VERSION ) /microsoft .net .compilers .toolset .nuspec
roslyn/packages/microsoft.net.compilers.toolset/$(ROSLYN_VERSION)/microsoft.net.compilers.toolset.nuspec :
2020-01-16 16:38:04 +00:00
$( DOTNET) restore roslyn-restore.csproj -p:RoslynVersion= $( ROSLYN_VERSION) --packages roslyn/packages -p:OutputPath= roslyn/restore/ -p:UseSharedCompilation= false
2019-12-10 18:00:56 +00:00
run-sample : prepare
$( DOTNET) build sample/HelloWorld
MONO_ENV_OPTIONS = "--debug" COMPlus_DebugWriteToStdErr = 1 ./dotnet --fx-version " $( NETCOREAPP_VERSION) " sample/HelloWorld/bin/netcoreapp3.0/HelloWorld.dll
run-sample-dbg : prepare
$( DOTNET) build sample/HelloWorld
MONO_ENV_OPTIONS = "--debug --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,address=,server=y,suspend=y" COMPlus_DebugWriteToStdErr = 1 ./dotnet --fx-version " $( NETCOREAPP_VERSION) " sample/HelloWorld/bin/netcoreapp3.0/HelloWorld.dll
run-sample-coreclr :
cd sample/HelloWorld && $( DOTNET) run
# build any app in "self contained" mode and patch coreclr.dll and corelib with mono bits
# e.g. `make patch-app APP_PATH=/my/aspnetapp`
patch-app : prepare
@if test -z " $( APP_PATH) " ; then echo "APP_PATH is not set" ; exit 1; fi
cp NuGet.config $( APP_PATH)
cd $( APP_PATH) && $( DOTNET) publish -c Release -r $( RID) -f netcoreapp3.0
cp ../mono/mini/.libs/libmonosgen-2.0$( PLATFORM_AOT_SUFFIX) $( APP_PATH) /bin/Release/netcoreapp3.0/$( RID) /publish/$( PLATFORM_AOT_PREFIX) coreclr$( PLATFORM_AOT_SUFFIX)
cp System.Private.CoreLib/bin/$( COREARCH) /System.Private.CoreLib.dll $( APP_PATH) /bin/Release/netcoreapp3.0/$( RID) /publish
cp System.Private.CoreLib/bin/$( COREARCH) /System.Private.CoreLib.pdb $( APP_PATH) /bin/Release/netcoreapp3.0/$( RID) /publish
# makes $(DOTNET) to use mono runtime (to run real-world apps using '$(DOTNET) run')
patch-local-dotnet : prepare
cp ../mono/mini/.libs/libmonosgen-2.0$( PLATFORM_AOT_SUFFIX) ../.dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/$( BOOTSTRAP_RUNTIME) /$( PLATFORM_AOT_PREFIX) coreclr$( PLATFORM_AOT_SUFFIX)
cp System.Private.CoreLib/bin/$( COREARCH) /System.Private.CoreLib.dll ../.dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/$( BOOTSTRAP_RUNTIME)
cp System.Private.CoreLib/bin/$( COREARCH) /System.Private.CoreLib.pdb ../.dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/$( BOOTSTRAP_RUNTIME)
# Precompile BCL libs in $(DOTNET) using LLVM (requires `--enable-llvm` build)
patch-local-dotnet-aot-llvm : patch -local -dotnet
for assembly in ../.dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/$( BOOTSTRAP_RUNTIME) /*.dll; do \
echo " [AOT] $$ assembly " ; \
PATH = " ../llvm/usr/bin/: $( PATH) " \
2020-01-16 16:38:04 +00:00
MONO_ENV_OPTIONS = "--aot=llvm,mcpu=native" \
2019-12-10 18:00:56 +00:00
$( DOTNET) $$ assembly ; \
done ; \
# run 'dotnet/performance' benchmarks
# e.g. 'make run-benchmarks DOTNET_PERF_REPO=/prj/performance'
# you can append BDN parameters at the end, e.g. ` -- --filter Burgers --keepFiles`
# NOTE: we have to delete a couple of System.Drawing files to make it work
run-benchmarks : patch -local -dotnet
@if test -z " $( DOTNET_PERF_REPO) " ; then echo "DOTNET_PERF_REPO is not set" ; exit 1; fi
cd $( DOTNET_PERF_REPO) /src/benchmarks/micro/ && \
> corefx/System.Drawing/Perf_Color.cs && \
> corefx/System.Drawing/Perf_Graphics_DrawBeziers.cs && \
> corefx/System.Drawing/Perf_Graphics_Transforms.cs && \
> corefx/System.Drawing/Perf_Image_Load.cs && \
$( DOTNET) run -c Release -f netcoreapp5.0 --cli $( CURDIR) /../.dotnet/dotnet
# run HelloWorld using --aot=llvm (requires `--enable-llvm` build)
run-sample-local-dotnet-llvm : patch -local -dotnet
$( DOTNET) build -c Release sample/HelloWorld
PATH = " ../llvm/usr/bin/: $( PATH) " \
MONO_ENV_OPTIONS = "--aot=llvm,mcpu=native" \
$( DOTNET) sample/HelloWorld/bin/netcoreapp3.0/HelloWorld.dll
$( DOTNET) sample/HelloWorld/bin/netcoreapp3.0/HelloWorld.dll
System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Environment.Mono.cs : System .Private .CoreLib /src /System /Environment .Mono .in config .make
bcl : update -roslyn System .Private .CoreLib /src /System /Environment .Mono .cs
2020-01-16 16:38:04 +00:00
$( DOTNET) build $( CORETARGETS) $( CORLIB_BUILD_FLAGS) -p:UseSharedCompilation= false -p:BuildArch= $( COREARCH) \
2019-12-10 18:00:56 +00:00
-p:OutputPath= bin/$( COREARCH) \
-p:RoslynPropsFile= " ../roslyn/packages/microsoft.net.compilers.toolset/ $( ROSLYN_VERSION) /build/Microsoft.Net.Compilers.Toolset.props " \
debug-bcl :
$( MAKE) bcl CORLIB_BUILD_FLAGS = "-c Debug"
runtime :
$( MAKE) -C ../mono
link-mono : $( SHAREDRUNTIME ) /.stamp -link -mono
$(SHAREDRUNTIME)/.stamp-link-mono : ../mono /mini /.libs /libmonosgen -2.0$( PLATFORM_AOT_SUFFIX ) System .Private .CoreLib /bin /$( COREARCH ) /System .Private .CoreLib .dll System .Private .CoreLib /bin /$( COREARCH ) /System .Private .CoreLib .pdb
cp ../mono/mini/.libs/libmonosgen-2.0$( PLATFORM_AOT_SUFFIX) $( SHAREDRUNTIME) /$( PLATFORM_AOT_PREFIX) coreclr$( PLATFORM_AOT_SUFFIX)
cp System.Private.CoreLib/bin/$( COREARCH) /System.Private.CoreLib.dll $( SHAREDRUNTIME)
cp System.Private.CoreLib/bin/$( COREARCH) /System.Private.CoreLib.pdb $( SHAREDRUNTIME)
touch $@
prepare : $( NETCORESDK_FILE ) update -corefx update -roslyn link -mono
pack-% :
$( DOTNET) pack roslyn-restore.csproj -p:IsPackable= true -p:NuspecFile= $* .nuspec -p:NuspecProperties= \" RID = $( RID) \; VERSION = $( VERSION) $( VERSTUB) \; PLATFORM_AOT_SUFFIX = $( PLATFORM_AOT_SUFFIX) \; COREARCH = $( COREARCH) \; PLATFORM_AOT_PREFIX = $( PLATFORM_AOT_PREFIX) \" --output ../artifacts/ --no-build
nupkg : pack -metapackage pack -runtime
nupkg-llvm : pack -metapackage -llvm pack -runtime -llvm
clean :
rm -rf .configured ../.dotnet sdk shared host dotnet tests obj corefx roslyn LICENSE.txt ThirdPartyNotices.txt $( NETCORESDK_FILE)
update-tests-corefx : corefx /.stamp -dl -corefx -tests -$( NETCORETESTS_VERSION )
corefx/.stamp-dl-corefx-tests-$(NETCORETESTS_VERSION) :
rm -rf corefx/tests
$( DOTNET) msbuild corefx-tests-restore.proj -m -t:DownloadAllTests -p:TEST_ASSETS_PATH= " $( TEST_ASSETS_PATH) " -p:FEED_BASE_URL= " $( FEED_BASE_URL) "
rm -rf corefx/tests/extracted/System.Utf8String.Experimental.Tests
touch $@
# Running CoreFX tests
# You can run either individual test assembly or run all CoreFX tests. The tests are automatically downloaded
# from the shared location and built locally.
# Running all test: `make run-tests-corefx`
# Running individual test: MONO_ENV_OPTIONS="--debug" make run-tests-corefx-System.Collections.Tests
run-tests-corefx : prepare update -tests -corefx
@rm -f .failures; \
counter = 0; \
tests_count = $( words $( dir $( wildcard corefx/tests/extracted/*/) ) ) ; \
for testdir in corefx/tests/extracted/*; do \
counter = $$ ( ( counter+1) ) ; \
testname = $$ ( basename $$ testdir) ; \
if [ -n " $$ USE_TIMEOUT " ] ; then timeoutcmd = " ../scripts/ci/run-step.sh --label= $$ testname --timeout=10m --fatal " ; fi ; \
2020-07-10 08:44:59 +00:00
$$ timeoutcmd $( MAKE) run-tests-corefx-$$ testname XUNIT_MONO_ENV_OPTIONS = " $( XUNIT_MONO_ENV_OPTIONS) " XUNIT_ARGS = " $( XUNIT_ARGS) " TEST_COUNTER = " ( $$ counter / $$ tests_count) " || echo $$ testname >> .failures; \
2019-12-10 18:00:56 +00:00
done ; \
$( MAKE) xunit-summary; \
if [ -e ".failures" ] ; then \
echo "" ; \
echo "Failures in test suites:" ; \
cat .failures; \
echo "" ; \
exit 1; \
run-tests-corefx-% : prepare update -tests -corefx
@echo ""
@echo " ***************** $* $$ {TEST_COUNTER}********************* "
@cp corefx/restore/corefx-restore.deps.json corefx/tests/extracted/$* /$* .deps.json
@cp corefx/restore/corefx-restore.runtimeconfig.dev.json corefx/tests/extracted/$* /$* .runtimeconfig.dev.json
@cp corefx/restore/corefx-restore.dll corefx/tests/extracted/$* /corefx-restore.dll
@sed -i -e 's/5.0.0\"/$(NETCOREAPP_VERSION)\"/g' corefx/tests/extracted/$* /*.runtimeconfig.json
cd corefx/tests/extracted/$* && \
2020-01-16 16:38:04 +00:00
MONO_ENV_OPTIONS = " --debug $( XUNIT_MONO_ENV_OPTIONS) " COMPlus_DebugWriteToStdErr = 1 $( CURDIR) /./dotnet exec \
2019-12-10 18:00:56 +00:00
--runtimeconfig $* .runtimeconfig.json --additional-deps $* .deps.json \
--fx-version " $( NETCOREAPP_VERSION) " xunit.console.dll $* .dll \
-html ../../TestResult-$* .html -xml ../../TestResult-$* -netcore-xunit.xml \
2020-01-16 16:38:04 +00:00
$( XUNIT_INNER_ARGS) @../../../../CoreFX.issues.rsp \
2019-12-10 18:00:56 +00:00
# build a test assembly in COREFX_ROOT (path to a fully built corefx repo) and copy it to corefx/tests/extracted
# e.g. `make build-test-corefx-System.Runtime COREFX_ROOT=/prj/corefx-master`
build-test-corefx-% :
cd $( COREFX_ROOT) /src/$* /tests && $( DOTNET) msbuild /p:OutputPath= tmp
cp $( COREFX_ROOT) /src/$* /tests/tmp/$* .Tests.{ dll,pdb} $( CURDIR) /corefx/tests/extracted/$* .Tests/
rm -rf $( COREFX_ROOT) /src/$* /tests/tmp
xunit-summary :
./xunit-summary.py "corefx/tests"
update-tests-coreclr : coreclr /.stamp -tests
coreclr/.stamp-tests :
rm -rf coreclr/tests
curl -L " $( CORECLR_TESTS) " --output coreclr/tests.zip
tar -xvf coreclr/tests.zip -C coreclr/
mkdir coreclr/tests
tar -xvf coreclr/Tests_OSX_x64_checked_outerloop/Tests_OSX_x64_checked_outerloop.tar.gz -C coreclr/tests
touch $@
.PHONY : corerun
corerun :
2020-01-16 16:38:04 +00:00
$( MAKE) -C corerun
2019-12-10 18:00:56 +00:00
cp corerun/corerun $( SHAREDRUNTIME)
run-tests-coreclr : prepare update -tests -coreclr corerun
rm -rf coreclr/output.log
@counter= 0; \
failures = 0; \
test_files = $$ ( find coreclr/tests -type f -name "*.sh" ) ; \
for testdir in $$ test_files; do \
counter = $$ ( ( counter+1) ) ; \
echo " Running $$ testdir " ; \
if sh $$ testdir -coreroot= $( realpath $( SHAREDRUNTIME) ) >>coreclr/output.log 2>& 1 ; then \
echo "FAILED" ; \
failures = $$ ( ( failures+1) ) ; \
fi ; \
done ; \
echo " Tests Count: $$ counter " ; \
echo " Failed: $$ failures "
e n d i f
2020-07-10 08:44:59 +00:00
run-tests-mono : prepare
failures = 0; \
counter = 0; \
test_prj_dir = '' ; \
test_prj_name = '' ; \
test_projects = $$ ( find tests -type f -name "*.csproj" ) ; \
for test_prj in $$ test_projects; do \
counter = $$ ( ( counter+1) ) ; \
echo " Running $$ test_prj_dir " ; \
test_prj_dir = $$ ( dirname $$ test_prj) ; \
test_prj_name = $$ ( basename $$ test_prj) ; \
test_prj_name = $$ { test_prj_name%.*} ; \
$( DOTNET) build -c Release $$ test_prj; \
MONO_ENV_OPTIONS = " --debug $( MONO_ENV_OPTIONS) " COMPlus_DebugWriteToStdErr = 1 ./dotnet --fx-version " $( NETCOREAPP_VERSION) " $$ test_prj_dir/bin/netcoreapp3.0/$$ test_prj_name.dll; \
if [ $$ ? -ne 0 ] ; then \
failures = $$ ( ( failures+1) ) ; \
fi ; \
done ; \
echo "======================" ; \
echo " Tests Count: $$ counter " ; \
echo " Failed: $$ failures "
2020-01-16 16:38:04 +00:00
run-tests-coreclr-% : prepare update -tests -coreclr
@echo ""
@echo " ***************** $* ********************* "
@test_sh= $$ ( find . -type f -name " $* .sh " | head -n 1) ; \
if [ ! -z " $$ test_sh " ] ; then \
MONO_ENV_OPTIONS = "--debug" COMPlus_DebugWriteToStdErr = 1 sh $$ test_sh -coreroot= " $( realpath $( SHAREDRUNTIME) ) " ; \
else \
echo " Test file $* .sh not found " ; \
# dump asm for all methods in BCL using LLVM AOT, e.g.:
# make dump-asm-bcl DUMPASM_OUT=dumps/before-my-jit-fix
dump-asm-bcl : patch -local -dotnet
@if test -z " $( DUMPASM_OUT) " ; then echo "DUMPASM_OUT is not set" ; exit 1; fi
mkdir -p $( DUMPASM_OUT)
for assembly in ../.dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/$( BOOTSTRAP_RUNTIME) /*.dll; do \
printf " \n[AOT] $$ (basename $$ assembly):\n\n " ; \
$( MAKE) dump-asm-lib DUMPASM_LIB = $$ assembly ; \
done ; \
cd ../.dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/$( BOOTSTRAP_RUNTIME) && rm *.dll$( PLATFORM_AOT_SUFFIX)
# dump asm for a specific assembly using LLVM AOT, e.g.:
# make dump-asm-lib DUMPASM_OUT=dumps/before-my-jit-fix DUMPASM_LIB=/path/to/System.Private.CoreLib.dll
dump-asm-lib : patch -local -dotnet
@if test -z " $( DUMPASM_LIB) " ; then echo "DUMPASM_LIB is not set" ; exit 1; fi
@if test -z " $( DUMPASM_OUT) " ; then echo "DUMPASM_OUT is not set" ; exit 1; fi
mkdir -p $( DUMPASM_OUT)
PATH = " ../llvm/usr/bin/: $( PATH) " \
MONO_ENV_OPTIONS = "--aot=llvm,mcpu=native" \
# Generate asm diffs, a typical workflow may look like this:
# make dump-asm-bcl DUMPASM_OUT=dumps/before-my-jit-fix
# (apply some runtime changes)
# make runtime
# make dump-asm-bcl DUMPASM_OUT=dumps/after-my-jit-fix
# make jitdiff BEFORE=dumps/before-my-jit-fix AFTER=dumps/after-my-jit-fix
jitdiff :
@if test -z " $( BEFORE) " ; then echo "BEFORE is not set" ; exit 1; fi
@if test -z " $( AFTER) " ; then echo "AFTER is not set" ; exit 1; fi
cd tools/jitdiff && $( DOTNET) run -c Release -- " $( BEFORE) " " $( AFTER) "
2019-12-10 18:00:56 +00:00
distdir :
2020-04-04 08:42:03 +00:00
distclean :