2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
// Compiler options: -unsafe
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
public struct InverseLogicalOperator
bool value;
public InverseLogicalOperator (bool value)
this.value = value;
public static bool operator true (InverseLogicalOperator u)
return u.value;
public static bool operator false (InverseLogicalOperator u)
return u.value;
/* TODO: Add tests for every numeric expression where a type has only 1 implicit
numeric conversion
public struct MyType<T>
T value;
public MyType (T value)
this.value = value;
public static implicit operator T (MyType<T> o)
return o.value;
// TODO: Create a clone which uses +(MyType, int) pattern and an implicit conversion
// is required to do the user-conversion
public struct MyType
int value;
public MyType (int value) : this ()
this.value = value;
public short ShortProp { get; set; }
public override int GetHashCode ()
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public static implicit operator int (MyType o)
return o.value;
public static bool operator true (MyType a)
return a.value == a;
public static bool operator false (MyType a)
return a.value != a;
public static MyType operator + (MyType a, MyType b)
return new MyType (a.value + b.value);
public static MyType operator - (MyType a, MyType b)
return new MyType (a.value - b.value);
public static MyType operator / (MyType a, MyType b)
return new MyType (a.value / b.value);
public static MyType operator * (MyType a, MyType b)
return new MyType (a.value * b.value);
public static MyType operator % (MyType a, MyType b)
return new MyType (a.value % b.value);
public static MyType operator &(MyType a, MyType b)
return new MyType (a.value & b.value);
public static MyType operator | (MyType a, MyType b)
return new MyType (a.value | b.value);
public static MyType operator ^ (MyType a, MyType b)
return new MyType (a.value ^ b.value);
public static bool operator == (MyType a, MyType b)
return a.value == b.value;
public static bool operator != (MyType a, MyType b)
return a.value != b.value;
public static bool operator > (MyType a, MyType b)
return a.value > b.value;
public static bool operator < (MyType a, MyType b)
return a.value < b.value;
public static bool operator >= (MyType a, MyType b)
return a.value >= b.value;
public static bool operator <= (MyType a, MyType b)
return a.value <= b.value;
public static bool operator ! (MyType a)
return a.value > 0;
public static int operator >> (MyType a, int b)
return a.value >> b;
public static int operator << (MyType a, int b)
return a.value << b;
public static MyType operator - (MyType a)
return new MyType (-a.value);
public static MyType operator + (MyType a)
return new MyType (+a.value);
public override string ToString ()
return value.ToString ();
class MyTypeExplicit
int value;
public MyTypeExplicit (int value)
this.value = value;
public static explicit operator int (MyTypeExplicit m)
return m.value;
struct MyTypeImplicitOnly
short b;
public MyTypeImplicitOnly (short b)
this.b = b;
public static implicit operator short (MyTypeImplicitOnly m)
return m.b;
class MemberAccessData
public bool BoolValue;
public static decimal DecimalValue = decimal.MinValue;
public volatile uint VolatileValue;
public string [] StringValues;
public List<string> ListValues;
event Func<bool> EventField;
public Expression<Func<Func<bool>>> GetEvent ()
return () => EventField;
MyType mt;
public MyType MyTypeProperty {
set {
mt = value;
get {
return mt;
public static string StaticProperty {
get {
return "alo";
public object SetOnly { set { } }
enum MyEnum : byte
Value_1 = 1,
Value_2 = 2
enum MyEnumUlong : ulong
Value_1 = 1
enum EnumInt
class NewTest<T>
T [] t;
public NewTest (T i)
t = new T [] { i };
public NewTest (params T [] t)
this.t = t;
public override int GetHashCode ()
return base.GetHashCode ();
public override bool Equals (object obj)
NewTest<T> obj_t = obj as NewTest<T>;
if (obj_t == null)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < t.Length; ++i) {
if (!t [i].Equals (obj_t.t [i]))
return false;
return true;
class Indexer
public int this [int i] { get { return i; } set { } }
public string this [params string[] i] { get { return string.Concat (i); } }
class A { }
class B : A { }
// TODO: Add more nullable tests, follow AddTest pattern.
class Tester
delegate void EmptyDelegate ();
delegate int IntDelegate ();
static int ReturnNumber ()
return 8;
static void AssertNodeType (LambdaExpression e, ExpressionType et)
if (e.Body.NodeType != et)
throw new ApplicationException (e.Body.NodeType + " != " + et);
static void Assert<T> (T expected, T value)
Assert (expected, value, null);
static void Assert<T> (T expected, T value, string name)
if (!EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals (expected, value)) {
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (name))
name += ": ";
throw new ApplicationException (name + expected + " != " + value);
static void Assert<T> (T [] expected, T [] value)
if (expected == null) {
if (value != null)
throw new ApplicationException ("Both arrays expected to be null");
if (expected.Length != value.Length)
throw new ApplicationException ("Array length does not match " + expected.Length + " != " + value.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; ++i) {
if (!EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals (expected [i], value [i]))
throw new ApplicationException ("Index " + i + ": " + expected [i] + " != " + value [i]);
#pragma warning disable 169
void AddTest ()
Expression<Func<int, int, int>> e = (int a, int b) => a + b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Add);
Assert (50, e.Compile ().Invoke (20, 30));
void AddTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<int?, int?, int?>> e2 = (a, b) => a + b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Add);
Assert (null, e2.Compile ().Invoke (null, 3));
void AddTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, MyType>> e3 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a + b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Add);
Assert (10, e3.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20), new MyType (30)));
void AddTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?, MyType?>> e4 = (MyType? a, MyType? b) => a + b;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Add);
Assert (new MyType (10), e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20), new MyType (30)));
Assert (null, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, new MyType (30)));
void AddTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<int, MyType, int>> e5 = (int a, MyType b) => a + b;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.Add);
Assert (31, e5.Compile ().Invoke (1, new MyType (30)));
void AddTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<int, MyType?, int?>> e6 = (int a, MyType? b) => a + b;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.Add);
Assert (-1, e6.Compile ().Invoke (-31, new MyType (30)));
void AddTest_7 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum, byte, MyEnum>> e7 = (a, b) => a + b;
AssertNodeType (e7, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (MyEnum.Value_2, e7.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, 1));
void AddTest_8 ()
// CSC BUG: probably due to missing numeric promotion
Expression<Func<MyEnum?, byte?, MyEnum?>> e8 = (a, b) => a + b;
AssertNodeType (e8, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert<MyEnum?> (0, e8.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, 255));
Assert (null, e8.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, null));
Assert (null, e8.Compile ().Invoke (null, null));
void AddTest_9 ()
Expression<Func<byte, MyEnum, MyEnum>> e9 = (a, b) => a + b;
AssertNodeType (e9, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (MyEnum.Value_2, e9.Compile ().Invoke (1, MyEnum.Value_1));
void AddCheckedTest ()
checked {
Expression<Func<int, int, int>> e = (int a, int b) => a + b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.AddChecked);
Assert (50, e.Compile ().Invoke (20, 30));
void AddCheckedTest_2 ()
checked {
Expression<Func<int?, int?, int?>> e2 = (a, b) => a + b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.AddChecked);
Assert (null, e2.Compile ().Invoke (null, 3));
void AddCheckedTest_3 ()
checked {
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, MyType>> e3 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a + b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Add);
Assert (10, e3.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20), new MyType (30)));
void AddStringTest ()
Expression<Func<string, string>> e6 = (a) => 1 + a;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.Add);
Assert ("1to", e6.Compile ().Invoke ("to"));
void AddStringTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<object, string, string>> e7 = (object a, string b) => a + b;
AssertNodeType (e7, ExpressionType.Add);
Assert ("testme", e7.Compile ().Invoke ("test", "me"));
Assert ("test", e7.Compile ().Invoke ("test", null));
Assert ("", e7.Compile ().Invoke (null, null));
void AddStringTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<string, int, string>> e8 = (a, b) => a + " " + "-" + "> " + b;
AssertNodeType (e8, ExpressionType.Add);
Assert ("test -> 2", e8.Compile ().Invoke ("test", 2));
void AddStringTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<string, ushort?, string>> e9 = (a, b) => a + b;
AssertNodeType (e9, ExpressionType.Add);
Assert ("test2", e9.Compile ().Invoke ("test", 2));
Assert ("test", e9.Compile ().Invoke ("test", null));
void AndTest ()
Expression<Func<bool, bool, bool>> e = (bool a, bool b) => a & b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.And);
Func<bool, bool, bool> c = e.Compile ();
Assert (true, c (true, true));
Assert (false, c (true, false));
Assert (false, c (false, true));
Assert (false, c (false, false));
void AndTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, MyType>> e2 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a & b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.And);
var c2 = e2.Compile ();
Assert (new MyType (0), c2 (new MyType (0), new MyType (1)));
Assert (new MyType (1), c2 (new MyType (0xFF), new MyType (0x01)));
void AndTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum, MyEnum, MyEnum>> e3 = (a, b) => a & b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert<MyEnum> (0, e3.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, MyEnum.Value_2));
Assert (MyEnum.Value_2, e3.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_2));
void AndTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<int, int>> e = (a) => a & 0;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.And);
var c = e.Compile ();
Assert (0, c (1));
void AndNullableTest ()
Expression<Func<bool?, bool?, bool?>> e = (bool? a, bool? b) => a & b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.And);
Func<bool?, bool?, bool?> c = e.Compile ();
Assert (true, c (true, true));
Assert (false, c (true, false));
Assert (false, c (false, true));
Assert (false, c (false, false));
Assert (null, c (true, null));
Assert (false, c (false, null));
Assert (false, c (null, false));
Assert (null, c (true, null));
Assert (null, c (null, null));
void AndNullableTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?, MyType?>> e2 = (MyType? a, MyType? b) => a & b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.And);
var c2 = e2.Compile ();
Assert (new MyType (0), c2 (new MyType (0), new MyType (1)));
Assert (new MyType (1), c2 (new MyType (0xFF), new MyType (0x01)));
Assert (null, c2 (new MyType (0xFF), null));
void AndNullableTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum?, MyEnum?, MyEnum?>> e3 = (a, b) => a & b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (null, e3.Compile ().Invoke (null, MyEnum.Value_2));
Assert (MyEnum.Value_2, e3.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_2));
void AndAlsoTest ()
Expression<Func<bool, bool, bool>> e = (bool a, bool b) => a && b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.AndAlso);
Assert (false, e.Compile ().Invoke (true, false));
void AndAlsoTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, MyType>> e2 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a && b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.AndAlso);
Assert (new MyType (64), e2.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (64), new MyType (64)));
Assert (new MyType (0), e2.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (32), new MyType (64)));
void AndAlsoTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<bool, bool>> e3 = (bool a) => a && true;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.AndAlso);
Assert (false, e3.Compile ().Invoke (false));
Assert (true, e3.Compile ().Invoke (true));
void ArrayIndexTest ()
Expression<Func<string [], long, string>> e = (string [] a, long i) => a [i];
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.ArrayIndex);
Assert ("b", e.Compile ().Invoke (new string [] { "a", "b", "c" }, 1));
void ArrayIndexTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<string [], string>> e2 = (string [] a) => a [0];
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.ArrayIndex);
Assert ("a", e2.Compile ().Invoke (new string [] { "a", "b" }));
void ArrayIndexTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<object [,], int, int, object>> e3 = (object [,] a, int i, int j) => a [i, j];
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Call);
Assert ("z", e3.Compile ().Invoke (
new object [,] { { 1, 2 }, { "x", "z" } }, 1, 1));
void ArrayIndexTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<decimal [] [], byte, decimal>> e4 = (decimal [] [] a, byte b) => a [b] [1];
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.ArrayIndex);
decimal [] [] array = { new decimal [] { 1, 9 }, new decimal [] { 10, 90 } };
Assert (90, e4.Compile ().Invoke (array, 1));
void ArrayIndexTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<int>> e5 = () => (new int [1]) [0];
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.ArrayIndex);
Assert (0, e5.Compile ().Invoke ());
void ArrayIndexTest_6 ()
const ulong max = 3;
Expression<Func<int[], int>> e = a => a [max];
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.ArrayIndex);
Assert (4, e.Compile ().Invoke (new int [] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }));
void ArrayIndexTest_7 ()
const ulong max = uint.MaxValue;
Expression<Func<int[], int>> e = a => a [max];
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.ArrayIndex);
try {
e.Compile ().Invoke (new int [0]);
throw new ApplicationException ("ArrayIndexTest_7");
} catch (System.OverflowException) {
// Check whether CheckedConversion was generated
void ArrayLengthTest ()
Expression<Func<double [], int>> e = (double [] a) => a.Length;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.ArrayLength);
Assert (0, e.Compile ().Invoke (new double [0]));
Assert (9, e.Compile ().Invoke (new double [9]));
void ArrayLengthTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<string [,], int>> e2 = (string [,] a) => a.Length;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.MemberAccess);
Assert (0, e2.Compile ().Invoke (new string [0, 0]));
void CallTest ()
Expression<Func<int, int>> e = (int a) => Math.Max (a, 5);
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Call);
Assert (5, e.Compile ().Invoke (2));
Assert (9, e.Compile ().Invoke (9));
void CallTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<string, string>> e2 = (string a) => InstanceMethod (a);
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Call);
Assert ("abc", e2.Compile ().Invoke ("abc"));
void CallTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<int, string, int, object>> e3 = (int index, string a, int b) => InstanceParamsMethod (index, a, b);
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Call);
Assert<object> (4, e3.Compile ().Invoke (1, "a", 4));
void CallTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<object>> e4 = () => InstanceParamsMethod (0);
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Call);
Assert<object> ("<empty>", e4.Compile ().Invoke ());
void CallTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<int, int>> e5 = (int a) => GenericMethod (a);
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.Call);
Assert (5, e5.Compile ().Invoke (5));
void CallTest_6 ()
Expression<Action> e6 = () => Console.WriteLine ("call test");
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.Call);
void CallTest_7 ()
Expression<Func<Indexer, int, int>> e7 = (a, b) => a [b];
AssertNodeType (e7, ExpressionType.Call);
Assert (3, e7.Compile ().Invoke (new Indexer (), 3));
void CallTest_8 ()
Expression<Func<Indexer, string, string, string, string>> e8 = (a, b, c , d) => a [b, c, d];
AssertNodeType (e8, ExpressionType.Call);
Assert ("zyb", e8.Compile ().Invoke (new Indexer (), "z", "y", "b"));
void CallTest_9 ()
Expression<Action<int>> e9 = (a) => RefMethod (ref a);
AssertNodeType (e9, ExpressionType.Call);
e9.Compile ().Invoke (1);
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
void CallTest_10 ()
Expression<Func<string>> e = () => $"{int.MaxValue}";
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Call);
Assert (int.MaxValue.ToString (), e.Compile ().Invoke ());
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
void CoalesceTest ()
Expression<Func<uint?, uint>> e = (uint? a) => a ?? 99;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Coalesce);
var r = e.Compile ();
Assert ((uint) 5, r.Invoke (5));
Assert ((uint) 99, r.Invoke (null));
void CoalesceTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, int>> e2 = (MyType? a) => a ?? -3;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Coalesce);
var r2 = e2.Compile ();
Assert (2, r2.Invoke (new MyType (2)));
Assert (-3, r2.Invoke (null));
void ConditionTest ()
Expression<Func<bool, byte, int, int>> e = (bool a, byte b, int c) => (a ? b : c);
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Conditional);
var r = e.Compile ();
Assert (3, r.Invoke (true, 3, 999999));
Assert (999999, r.Invoke (false, 3, 999999));
void ConditionTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<int, decimal, decimal?>> e2 = (int a, decimal d) => (a > 0 ? d : a < 0 ? -d : (decimal?) null);
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Conditional);
var r2 = e2.Compile ();
Assert (null, r2.Invoke (0, 10));
Assert (50, r2.Invoke (1, 50));
Assert (30, r2.Invoke (-7, -30));
void ConditionTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<bool?, int?>> e3 = (bool? a) => ((bool) a ? 3 : -2);
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Convert);
var r3 = e3.Compile ();
Assert (3, r3.Invoke (true));
Assert (-2, r3.Invoke (false));
void ConditionTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<InverseLogicalOperator, byte, byte, byte>> e4 = (InverseLogicalOperator a, byte b, byte c) => (a ? b : c);
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Conditional);
var r4 = e4.Compile ();
Assert (3, r4.Invoke (new InverseLogicalOperator (true), 3, 4));
Assert (4, r4.Invoke (new InverseLogicalOperator (false), 3, 4));
void ConditionTest_5 ()
// CSC bug ?
Expression<Func<int>> e = () => false ? 1 : 4;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Conditional);
var r = e.Compile ();
Assert (4, r.Invoke ());
void ConstantTest ()
Expression<Func<int>> e1 = () => default (int);
AssertNodeType (e1, ExpressionType.Constant);
Assert (0, e1.Compile ().Invoke ());
void ConstantTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<int?>> e2 = () => default (int?);
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Constant);
Assert (null, e2.Compile ().Invoke ());
void ConstantTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<Tester>> e3 = () => default (Tester);
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Constant);
Assert (null, e3.Compile ().Invoke ());
void ConstantTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<object>> e4 = () => null;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Constant);
Assert (null, e4.Compile ().Invoke ());
void ConstantTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<int>> e5 = () => 8 / 4;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.Constant);
Assert (2, e5.Compile ().Invoke ());
void ConstantTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<int>> e6 = () => 0xFFFFFF >> 0x40;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.Constant);
Assert (0xFFFFFF, e6.Compile ().Invoke ());
void ConstantTest_7 ()
Expression<Func<object>> e7 = () => "Alleluia";
AssertNodeType (e7, ExpressionType.Constant);
Assert ("Alleluia", e7.Compile ().Invoke ());
void ConstantTest_8 ()
Expression<Func<Type>> e8 = () => typeof (int);
AssertNodeType (e8, ExpressionType.Constant);
Assert (typeof (int), e8.Compile ().Invoke ());
void ConstantTest_9 ()
Expression<Func<Type>> e9 = () => typeof (void);
AssertNodeType (e9, ExpressionType.Constant);
Assert (typeof (void), e9.Compile ().Invoke ());
void ConstantTest_10 ()
Expression<Func<Type>> e10 = () => typeof (Func<,>);
AssertNodeType (e10, ExpressionType.Constant);
Assert (typeof (Func<,>), e10.Compile ().Invoke ());
void ConstantTest_11 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum>> e11 = () => MyEnum.Value_2;
AssertNodeType (e11, ExpressionType.Constant);
Assert (MyEnum.Value_2, e11.Compile ().Invoke ());
void ConstantTest_13 ()
Expression<Func<int>> e13 = () => sizeof (byte);
AssertNodeType (e13, ExpressionType.Constant);
Assert (1, e13.Compile ().Invoke ());
void ConstantTest_14 ()
Expression<Func<Type>> e14 = () => typeof (bool*);
AssertNodeType (e14, ExpressionType.Constant);
Assert (typeof (bool*), e14.Compile ().Invoke ());
void ConstantTest_15 ()
Expression<Func<int?>> e15 = () => null;
AssertNodeType (e15, ExpressionType.Constant);
Assert (null, e15.Compile ().Invoke ());
void ConvertTest ()
Expression<Func<int, byte>> e = (int a) => ((byte) a);
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (100, e.Compile ().Invoke (100));
void ConvertTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<long, ushort>> e2 = (long a) => ((ushort) a);
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (100, e2.Compile ().Invoke (100));
void ConvertTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<float?, float>> e3 = (float? a) => ((float) a);
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (-0.456f, e3.Compile ().Invoke (-0.456f));
void ConvertTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, int>> e4 = (MyType a) => (a);
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (-9, e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-9)));
void ConvertTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, bool?>> e5 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a == b;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.Convert);
void ConvertTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?, bool?>> e6 = (MyType? a, MyType? b) => a == b;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (false, e6.Compile ().Invoke (null, new MyType (-20)));
Assert (true, e6.Compile ().Invoke (null, null));
Assert (true, e6.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (120), new MyType (120)));
void ConvertTest_7 ()
Expression<Func<MyTypeExplicit, int?>> e7 = x => (int?)x;
AssertNodeType (e7, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (33, e7.Compile ().Invoke (new MyTypeExplicit (33)));
void ConvertTest_8 ()
Expression<Func<int?, object>> e8 = x => (object)x;
AssertNodeType (e8, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (null, e8.Compile ().Invoke (null));
Assert (-100, e8.Compile ().Invoke (-100));
unsafe void ConvertTest_9 ()
int*[] p = new int* [1];
Expression<Func<object>> e9 = () => (object)p;
AssertNodeType (e9, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (p, e9.Compile ().Invoke ());
void ConvertTest_10 ()
Expression<Func<Func<int>, Delegate>> e10 = (a) => a + a;
AssertNodeType (e10, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (null, e10.Compile ().Invoke (null));
Assert (new Func<int> (TestInt) + new Func<int> (TestInt), e10.Compile ().Invoke (TestInt));
void ConvertTest_11 ()
Expression<Func<Func<int>, Delegate>> e11 = (a) => a - a;
AssertNodeType (e11, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (null, e11.Compile ().Invoke (null));
void ConvertTest_12 ()
Expression<Func<Func<int>>> e12 = () => TestInt;
AssertNodeType (e12, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (29, e12.Compile ().Invoke () ());
void ConvertTest_13 ()
Expression<Func<decimal, sbyte>> e13 = a => (sbyte)a;
AssertNodeType (e13, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (6, e13.Compile ().Invoke (6));
void ConvertTest_14 ()
Expression<Func<long, decimal>> e14 = a => a;
AssertNodeType (e14, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (-66, e14.Compile ().Invoke (-66));
void ConvertTest_15 ()
Expression<Func<ulong?, decimal?>> e15 = a => a;
AssertNodeType (e15, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (null, e15.Compile ().Invoke (null));
Assert (9, e15.Compile ().Invoke (9));
void ConvertTest_16 ()
Expression<Func<sbyte, sbyte>> e16 = a => (sbyte)a;
AssertNodeType (e16, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (6, e16.Compile ().Invoke (6));
void ConvertCheckedTest ()
Expression<Func<int, byte>> e = (int a) => checked((byte) a);
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.ConvertChecked);
Assert (100, e.Compile ().Invoke (100));
void ConvertCheckedTest_2 ()
checked {
Expression<Func<long, ushort>> e2 = (long a) => unchecked((ushort) a);
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (100, e2.Compile ().Invoke (100));
void ConvertCheckedTest_3 ()
checked {
Expression<Func<float?, float>> e3 = (float? a) => ((float) a);
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.ConvertChecked);
Assert (-0.456f, e3.Compile ().Invoke (-0.456f));
void ConvertCheckedTest_4 ()
checked {
Expression<Func<MyType, int>> e4 = (MyType a) => (a);
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (-9, e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-9)));
void DivideTest ()
Expression<Func<int, int, int>> e = (int a, int b) => a / b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Divide);
Assert (2, e.Compile ().Invoke (60, 30));
void DivideTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<double?, double?, double?>> e2 = (a, b) => a / b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Divide);
Assert (null, e2.Compile ().Invoke (null, 3));
Assert (1.5, e2.Compile ().Invoke (3, 2));
void DivideTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, MyType>> e3 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a / b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Divide);
Assert (1, e3.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20), new MyType (-20)));
void DivideTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?, MyType?>> e4 = (MyType? a, MyType? b) => a / b;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Divide);
Assert (null, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, new MyType (-20)));
Assert (new MyType (-6), e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (120), new MyType (-20)));
void DivideTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<int, MyType, int>> e5 = (int a, MyType b) => a / b;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.Divide);
Assert (50, e5.Compile ().Invoke (100, new MyType (2)));
void DivideTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<int, MyType?, int?>> e6 = (int a, MyType? b) => a / b;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.Divide);
Assert (50, e6.Compile ().Invoke (100, new MyType (2)));
Assert (null, e6.Compile ().Invoke (20, null));
void DivideTest_7 ()
Expression<Func<float, uint?, float?>> e = (a, b) => a / b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Divide);
Assert (50, e.Compile () (100, 2));
Assert (null, e.Compile () (20, null));
void EqualTest ()
Expression<Func<int, int, bool>> e = (int a, int b) => a == b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (false, e.Compile ().Invoke (60, 30));
Assert (true, e.Compile ().Invoke (-1, -1));
void EqualTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<double?, double?, bool>> e2 = (a, b) => a == b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (true, e2.Compile ().Invoke (3, 3));
Assert (false, e2.Compile ().Invoke (3, 2));
void EqualTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, bool>> e3 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a == b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (true, e3.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20), new MyType (-20)));
void EqualTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?, bool>> e4 = (MyType? a, MyType? b) => a == b;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (false, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, new MyType (-20)));
Assert (true, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, null));
Assert (true, e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (120), new MyType (120)));
void EqualTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<bool?, bool?, bool>> e5 = (bool? a, bool? b) => a == b;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (false, e5.Compile ().Invoke (true, null));
Assert (true, e5.Compile ().Invoke (null, null));
Assert (true, e5.Compile ().Invoke (false, false));
void EqualTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<bool, bool>> e6 = (bool a) => a == null;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (false, e6.Compile ().Invoke (true));
Assert (false, e6.Compile ().Invoke (false));
void EqualTest_7 ()
Expression<Func<string, string, bool>> e7 = (string a, string b) => a == b;
AssertNodeType (e7, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (true, e7.Compile ().Invoke (null, null));
Assert (false, e7.Compile ().Invoke ("a", "A"));
Assert (true, e7.Compile ().Invoke ("a", "a"));
void EqualTest_8 ()
Expression<Func<object, bool>> e8 = (object a) => null == a;
AssertNodeType (e8, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (true, e8.Compile ().Invoke (null));
Assert (false, e8.Compile ().Invoke ("a"));
Assert (false, e8.Compile ().Invoke (this));
void EqualTest_9 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum, MyEnum, bool>> e9 = (a, b) => a == b;
AssertNodeType (e9, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (false, e9.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, MyEnum.Value_2));
Assert (true, e9.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_2));
void EqualTest_10 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum?, MyEnum?, bool>> e10 = (a, b) => a == b;
AssertNodeType (e10, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (false, e10.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, null));
Assert (true, e10.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_2));
void EqualTest_11 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum?, bool>> e11 = (a) => a == null;
AssertNodeType (e11, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (false, e11.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1));
Assert (true, e11.Compile ().Invoke (null));
void EqualTest_12 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnumUlong, bool>> e12 = (a) => a == 0;
AssertNodeType (e12, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (false, e12.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnumUlong.Value_1));
Assert (true, e12.Compile ().Invoke (0));
void EqualTest_13 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum, bool>> e13 = (a) => a == MyEnum.Value_2;
AssertNodeType (e13, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (true, e13.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2));
Assert (false, e13.Compile ().Invoke (0));
void EqualTest_14 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum, bool>> e = (a) => a == null;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (false, e.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1));
void EqualTest_15 ()
Expression<Func<int?, uint, bool>> e = (a, b) => a == b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (false, e.Compile ().Invoke (null, 0));
Assert (true, e.Compile ().Invoke (4, 4));
void EqualTest_16 ()
Expression<Func<EnumInt?, EnumInt, bool?>> e = (x, y) => x == y;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (false, e.Compile () (null, 0));
Assert (true, e.Compile () (EnumInt.B, EnumInt.B));
void EqualTestDelegate ()
Expression<Func<Delegate, Delegate, bool>> e1 = (a, b) => a == b;
AssertNodeType (e1, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (true, e1.Compile ().Invoke (null, null));
void EqualTestDelegate_2 ()
EmptyDelegate ed = delegate () {};
Expression<Func<EmptyDelegate, EmptyDelegate, bool>> e2 = (a, b) => a == b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (false, e2.Compile ().Invoke (delegate () {}, null));
Assert (false, e2.Compile ().Invoke (delegate () {}, delegate {}));
Assert (false, e2.Compile ().Invoke (ed, delegate {}));
Assert (true, e2.Compile ().Invoke (ed, ed));
void EqualTestDelegate_3 ()
Expression<Func<Func<int>, bool>> e1 = (a) => a == ReturnNumber;
AssertNodeType (e1, ExpressionType.Equal);
Assert (false, e1.Compile ().Invoke (null));
Assert (true, e1.Compile ().Invoke (ReturnNumber));
void ExclusiveOrTest ()
Expression<Func<int, short, int>> e = (int a, short b) => a ^ b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.ExclusiveOr);
Assert (34, e.Compile ().Invoke (60, 30));
void ExclusiveOrTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<byte?, byte?, int?>> e2 = (a, b) => a ^ b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.ExclusiveOr);
Assert (null, e2.Compile ().Invoke (null, 3));
Assert (1, e2.Compile ().Invoke (3, 2));
void ExclusiveOrTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, MyType>> e3 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a ^ b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.ExclusiveOr);
Assert (0, e3.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20), new MyType (-20)));
void ExclusiveOrTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?, MyType?>> e4 = (MyType? a, MyType? b) => a ^ b;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.ExclusiveOr);
Assert (null, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, new MyType (-20)));
Assert (new MyType (-108), e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (120), new MyType (-20)));
void ExclusiveOrTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, byte, int?>> e5 = (MyType? a, byte b) => a ^ b;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.ExclusiveOr);
Assert (null, e5.Compile ().Invoke (null, 64));
Assert (96, e5.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (64), 32));
void ExclusiveOrTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum, MyEnum, MyEnum>> e6 = (a, b) => a ^ b;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert ((MyEnum)3, e6.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, MyEnum.Value_2));
Assert<MyEnum> (0, e6.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_2));
void ExclusiveOrTest_7 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum?, MyEnum?, MyEnum?>> e7 = (a, b) => a ^ b;
AssertNodeType (e7, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (null, e7.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, null));
Assert<MyEnum?> (0, e7.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_2));
void ExclusiveOrTest_8 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum?, MyEnum?>> e8 = (a) => a ^ null;
AssertNodeType (e8, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (null, e8.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1));
Assert (null, e8.Compile ().Invoke (null));
void GreaterThanTest ()
Expression<Func<int, int, bool>> e = (int a, int b) => a > b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.GreaterThan);
Assert (true, e.Compile ().Invoke (60, 30));
void GreaterThanTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<uint?, byte?, bool>> e2 = (a, b) => a > b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.GreaterThan);
Assert (false, e2.Compile ().Invoke (null, 3));
Assert (false, e2.Compile ().Invoke (2, 2));
void GreaterThanTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, bool>> e3 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a > b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.GreaterThan);
Assert (false, e3.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20), new MyType (-20)));
void GreaterThanTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?, bool>> e4 = (MyType? a, MyType? b) => a > b;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.GreaterThan);
Assert (false, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, new MyType (-20)));
Assert (false, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, null));
Assert (true, e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (120), new MyType (-20)));
void GreaterThanTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, sbyte, bool>> e5 = (MyType? a, sbyte b) => a > b;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.GreaterThan);
Assert (false, e5.Compile ().Invoke (null, 33));
Assert (false, e5.Compile ().Invoke (null, 0));
Assert (true, e5.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (120), 3));
void GreaterThanTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<ushort, bool>> e6 = (ushort a) => a > null;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.GreaterThan);
Assert (false, e6.Compile ().Invoke (60));
void GreaterThanTest_7 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum, MyEnum, bool>> e7 = (a, b) => a > b;
AssertNodeType (e7, ExpressionType.GreaterThan);
Assert (true, e7.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_1));
Assert (false, e7.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_2));
void GreaterThanTest_8 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum?, MyEnum?, bool>> e8 = (a, b) => a > b;
AssertNodeType (e8, ExpressionType.GreaterThan);
Assert (false, e8.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, null));
Assert (false, e8.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_2));
void GreaterThanOrEqualTest ()
Expression<Func<int, int, bool>> e = (int a, int b) => a >= b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual);
Assert (true, e.Compile ().Invoke (60, 30));
void GreaterThanOrEqualTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<byte?, byte?, bool>> e2 = (a, b) => a >= b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual);
Assert (false, e2.Compile ().Invoke (null, 3));
Assert (true, e2.Compile ().Invoke (2, 2));
void GreaterThanOrEqualTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, bool>> e3 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a >= b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual);
Assert (true, e3.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20), new MyType (-20)), "D1");
void GreaterThanOrEqualTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?, bool>> e4 = (MyType? a, MyType? b) => a >= b;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual);
Assert (false, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, new MyType (-20)));
Assert (false, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, null));
Assert (true, e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (120), new MyType (-20)));
void GreaterThanOrEqualTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, sbyte, bool>> e5 = (MyType? a, sbyte b) => a >= b;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual);
Assert (false, e5.Compile ().Invoke (null, 33));
Assert (false, e5.Compile ().Invoke (null, 0));
Assert (true, e5.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (120), 3));
void GreaterThanOrEqualTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<ushort, bool>> e6 = (ushort a) => a >= null;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual);
Assert (false, e6.Compile ().Invoke (60));
void GreaterThanOrEqualTest_7 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum, MyEnum, bool>> e7 = (a, b) => a >= b;
AssertNodeType (e7, ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual);
Assert (true, e7.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_1));
Assert (true, e7.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_2));
void GreaterThanOrEqualTest_8 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum?, MyEnum?, bool>> e8 = (a, b) => a >= b;
AssertNodeType (e8, ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual);
Assert (false, e8.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, null));
Assert (true, e8.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_2));
void InvokeTest ()
var del = new IntDelegate (TestInt);
Expression<Func<IntDelegate, int>> e = (a) => a ();
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Invoke);
Assert (29, e.Compile ().Invoke (del));
void InvokeTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<Func<int, string>, int, string>> e2 = (a, b) => a (b);
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Invoke);
Assert ("4", e2.Compile ().Invoke ((a) => (a+1).ToString (), 3));
void LambdaTest ()
Expression<Func<string, Func<string>>> e = (string s) => () => s;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Lambda);
Assert ("xx", e.Compile ().Invoke ("xx") ());
void LeftShiftTest ()
Expression<Func<ulong, short, ulong>> e = (ulong a, short b) => a << b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.LeftShift);
Assert ((ulong) 0x7F000, e.Compile ().Invoke (0xFE, 11));
Assert ((ulong) 0x1FFFFFFFE, e.Compile ().Invoke (0xFFFFFFFF, 0xA01));
// .net produces a strange result
// see https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=398358
// Assert ((ulong) 0xFFFFFFFE00000000, e.Compile ().Invoke (0xFFFFFFFF, 0xA01));
void LeftShiftTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, int>> e2 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a << b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.LeftShift);
var c2 = e2.Compile ();
Assert (1024, c2 (new MyType (256), new MyType (2)));
void LeftShiftTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<long?, sbyte, long?>> e3 = (long? a, sbyte b) => a << b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.LeftShift);
Assert (null, e3.Compile ().Invoke (null, 11));
Assert (2048, e3.Compile ().Invoke (1024, 1));
void LeftShiftTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?, int?>> e4 = (MyType? a, MyType? b) => a << b;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.LeftShift);
var c4 = e4.Compile ();
Assert (null, c4 (new MyType (8), null));
Assert (null, c4 (null, new MyType (8)));
Assert (1024, c4 (new MyType (256), new MyType (2)));
void LeftShiftTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<ushort, int?>> e5 = (ushort a) => a << null;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.LeftShift);
Assert (null, e5.Compile ().Invoke (30));
void LeftShiftTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<int, MyTypeImplicitOnly, int>> e = (a, b) => a << b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.LeftShift);
Assert (0x7F0, e.Compile ().Invoke (0xFE, new MyTypeImplicitOnly (3)));
void LessThanTest ()
Expression<Func<int, int, bool>> e = (int a, int b) => a < b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.LessThan);
Assert (false, e.Compile ().Invoke (60, 30));
void LessThanTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<uint?, byte?, bool>> e2 = (a, b) => a < b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.LessThan);
Assert (false, e2.Compile ().Invoke (null, 3));
Assert (false, e2.Compile ().Invoke (2, 2));
void LessThanTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, bool>> e3 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a < b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.LessThan);
Assert (false, e3.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20), new MyType (-20)));
void LessThanTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?, bool>> e4 = (MyType? a, MyType? b) => a < b;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.LessThan);
Assert (false, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, new MyType (-20)));
Assert (false, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, null));
Assert (false, e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (120), new MyType (-20)));
void LessThanTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, sbyte, bool>> e5 = (MyType? a, sbyte b) => a < b;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.LessThan);
Assert (false, e5.Compile ().Invoke (null, 33));
Assert (false, e5.Compile ().Invoke (null, 0));
Assert (false, e5.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (120), 3));
void LessThanTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<ushort, bool>> e6 = (ushort a) => a < null;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.LessThan);
Assert (false, e6.Compile ().Invoke (60));
void LessThanTest_7 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum, MyEnum, bool>> e7 = (a, b) => a < b;
AssertNodeType (e7, ExpressionType.LessThan);
Assert (false, e7.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_1));
Assert (false, e7.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_2));
void LessThanTest_8 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum?, MyEnum?, bool>> e8 = (a, b) => a < b;
AssertNodeType (e8, ExpressionType.LessThan);
Assert (false, e8.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, null));
Assert (false, e8.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_2));
void LessThanTest_9 ()
Expression<Func<object, int?, bool>> e = (a, b) => (int) a < b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.LessThan);
Assert (false, e.Compile ().Invoke (1, null));
Assert (false, e.Compile ().Invoke (3, 3));
Assert (true, e.Compile ().Invoke (1, 3));
void LessThanOrEqualTest ()
Expression<Func<int, int, bool>> e = (int a, int b) => a <= b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual);
Assert (false, e.Compile ().Invoke (60, 30));
void LessThanOrEqualTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<byte?, byte?, bool>> e2 = (a, b) => a <= b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual);
Assert (false, e2.Compile ().Invoke (null, 3));
Assert (true, e2.Compile ().Invoke (2, 2));
void LessThanOrEqualTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, bool>> e3 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a <= b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual);
Assert (true, e3.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20), new MyType (-20)));
void LessThanOrEqualTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?, bool>> e4 = (MyType? a, MyType? b) => a <= b;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual);
Assert (false, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, new MyType (-20)));
Assert (false, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, null));
Assert (false, e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (120), new MyType (-20)));
void LessThanOrEqualTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, sbyte, bool>> e5 = (MyType? a, sbyte b) => a <= b;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual);
Assert (false, e5.Compile ().Invoke (null, 33));
Assert (false, e5.Compile ().Invoke (null, 0));
Assert (false, e5.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (120), 3));
void LessThanOrEqualTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<ushort, bool>> e6 = (ushort a) => a <= null;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual);
Assert (false, e6.Compile ().Invoke (60));
void LessThanOrEqualTest_7 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum, MyEnum, bool>> e7 = (a, b) => a <= b;
AssertNodeType (e7, ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual);
Assert (false, e7.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_1));
Assert (true, e7.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_2));
void LessThanOrEqualTest_8 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum?, MyEnum?, bool>> e8 = (a, b) => a <= b;
AssertNodeType (e8, ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual);
Assert (false, e8.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, null));
Assert (true, e8.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_2));
void ListInitTest ()
Expression<Func<List<object>>> e1 = () => new List<object> { "Hello", "", null, "World", 5 };
AssertNodeType (e1, ExpressionType.ListInit);
var re1 = e1.Compile ().Invoke ();
Assert (null, re1 [2]);
Assert ("World", re1 [3]);
Assert (5, re1 [4]);
void ListInitTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<int, Dictionary<string, int>>> e2 = (int value) => new Dictionary<string, int> (3) { { "A", value }, { "B", 2 } };
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.ListInit);
var re2 = e2.Compile ().Invoke (3456);
Assert (3456, re2 ["A"]);
void MemberAccessTest ()
MemberAccessData d = new MemberAccessData ();
d.BoolValue = true;
Expression<Func<bool>> e = () => d.BoolValue;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.MemberAccess);
Assert (true, e.Compile ().Invoke ());
d.BoolValue = false;
Assert (false, e.Compile ().Invoke ());
void MemberAccessTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<decimal>> e2 = () => MemberAccessData.DecimalValue;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.MemberAccess);
Assert (decimal.MinValue, e2.Compile ().Invoke ());
void MemberAccessTest_3 ()
MemberAccessData d = new MemberAccessData ();
d.VolatileValue = 492;
Expression<Func<uint>> e3 = () => d.VolatileValue;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.MemberAccess);
Assert<uint> (492, e3.Compile ().Invoke ());
void MemberAccessTest_4 ()
MemberAccessData d = new MemberAccessData ();
Expression<Func<string[]>> e4 = () => d.StringValues;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.MemberAccess);
Assert (null, e4.Compile ().Invoke ());
void MemberAccessTest_5 ()
MemberAccessData d = new MemberAccessData ();
var e5 = d.GetEvent ();
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.MemberAccess);
Assert (null, e5.Compile ().Invoke ());
void MemberAccessTest_6 ()
MemberAccessData d = new MemberAccessData ();
Expression<Func<MyType>> e6 = () => d.MyTypeProperty;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.MemberAccess);
Assert (new MyType (), e6.Compile ().Invoke ());
void MemberAccessTest_7 ()
MemberAccessData d = new MemberAccessData ();
Expression<Func<MyType, short>> e7 = a => a.ShortProp;
AssertNodeType (e7, ExpressionType.MemberAccess);
MyType mt = new MyType ();
mt.ShortProp = 124;
Assert (124, e7.Compile ().Invoke (mt));
void MemberAccessTest_8 ()
Expression<Func<string>> e8 = () => MemberAccessData.StaticProperty;
AssertNodeType (e8, ExpressionType.MemberAccess);
Assert ("alo", e8.Compile ().Invoke ());
void MemberAccessTest_9 ()
string s = "localvar";
Expression<Func<string>> e9 = () => s;
s = "changed";
AssertNodeType (e9, ExpressionType.MemberAccess);
Assert ("changed", e9.Compile ().Invoke ());
void MemberInitTest ()
Expression<Func<MemberAccessData>> e = () => new MemberAccessData {
VolatileValue = 2, StringValues = new string [] { "sv" }, MyTypeProperty = new MyType (692)
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.MemberInit);
var r1 = e.Compile ().Invoke ();
Assert<uint> (2, r1.VolatileValue);
Assert (new string[] { "sv" }, r1.StringValues);
Assert (new MyType (692), r1.MyTypeProperty);
void MemberInitTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<MemberAccessData>> e2 = () => new MemberAccessData {
ListValues = new List<string> { "a", null }
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.MemberInit);
var r2 = e2.Compile ().Invoke ();
Assert ("a", r2.ListValues [0]);
void MemberInitTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<short, MyType>> e3 = a => new MyType { ShortProp = a };
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.MemberInit);
var r3 = e3.Compile ().Invoke (33);
Assert (33, r3.ShortProp);
void MemberInitTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<int>> e = () => new int { };
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.MemberInit);
var r = e.Compile ().Invoke ();
Assert (0, r);
void MemberInitTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<MemberAccessData>> e = () => new MemberAccessData { SetOnly = new object { } };
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.MemberInit);
e.Compile () ();
void ModuloTest ()
Expression<Func<int, int, int>> e = (int a, int b) => a % b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Modulo);
Assert (29, e.Compile ().Invoke (60, 31));
void ModuloTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<double?, double?, double?>> e2 = (a, b) => a % b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Modulo);
Assert (null, e2.Compile ().Invoke (null, 3));
Assert (1.1, e2.Compile ().Invoke (3.1, 2));
void ModuloTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, MyType>> e3 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a % b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Modulo);
Assert (0, e3.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20), new MyType (-20)));
void ModuloTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?, MyType?>> e4 = (MyType? a, MyType? b) => a % b;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Modulo);
Assert (null, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, new MyType (-20)));
Assert (new MyType (12), e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (12), new MyType (-20)));
void ModuloTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<int, MyType, int>> e5 = (int a, MyType b) => a % b;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.Modulo);
Assert (1, e5.Compile ().Invoke (99, new MyType (2)));
void ModuloTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<int, MyType?, int?>> e6 = (int a, MyType? b) => a % b;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.Modulo);
Assert (100, e6.Compile ().Invoke (100, new MyType (200)));
Assert (null, e6.Compile ().Invoke (20, null));
void ModuloTest_7 ()
Expression<Func<ushort, int?>> e7 = (ushort a) => a % null;
AssertNodeType (e7, ExpressionType.Modulo);
Assert (null, e7.Compile ().Invoke (60));
void MultiplyTest ()
Expression<Func<int, int, int>> e = (int a, int b) => a * b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Multiply);
Assert (1860, e.Compile ().Invoke (60, 31));
Assert (2147483617, e.Compile ().Invoke (int.MaxValue, 31));
void MultiplyTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<double?, double?, double?>> e2 = (a, b) => a * b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Multiply);
Assert (null, e2.Compile ().Invoke (null, 3));
Assert (6.2, e2.Compile ().Invoke (3.1, 2));
void MultiplyTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, MyType>> e3 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a * b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Multiply);
Assert (400, e3.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20), new MyType (-20)));
void MultiplyTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?, MyType?>> e4 = (MyType? a, MyType? b) => a * b;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Multiply);
Assert (null, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, new MyType (-20)));
Assert (new MyType (-240), e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (12), new MyType (-20)));
void MultiplyTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<int, MyType, int>> e5 = (int a, MyType b) => a * b;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.Multiply);
Assert (198, e5.Compile ().Invoke (99, new MyType (2)));
void MultiplyTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<int, MyType?, int?>> e6 = (int a, MyType? b) => a * b;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.Multiply);
Assert (0, e6.Compile ().Invoke (int.MinValue, new MyType (200)));
Assert (null, e6.Compile ().Invoke (20, null));
void MultiplyTest_7 ()
Expression<Func<ushort, int?>> e7 = (ushort a) => a * null;
AssertNodeType (e7, ExpressionType.Multiply);
Assert (null, e7.Compile ().Invoke (60));
void MultiplyTest_8 ()
Expression<Func<double, ulong?, double?>> e = (a, b) => a * b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Multiply);
Assert (180, e.Compile () (60, 3));
Assert (null, e.Compile () (60, null));
void MultiplyCheckedTest ()
checked {
Expression<Func<int, int, int>> e = (int a, int b) => a * b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.MultiplyChecked);
try {
e.Compile ().Invoke (int.MaxValue, 309);
throw new ApplicationException ("MultiplyCheckedTest #1");
} catch (OverflowException) { }
void MultiplyCheckedTest_2 ()
checked {
Expression<Func<byte?, byte?, int?>> e2 = (a, b) => a * b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.MultiplyChecked);
Assert (null, e2.Compile ().Invoke (null, 3));
Assert (14025, e2.Compile ().Invoke (byte.MaxValue, 55));
void MultiplyCheckedTest_3 ()
checked {
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, MyType>> e3 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a * b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Multiply);
Assert (-600, e3.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20), new MyType (30)));
void MultiplyCheckedTest_4 ()
checked {
Expression<Func<double, double, double>> e4 = (a, b) => a * b;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Multiply);
Assert (double.PositiveInfinity, e4.Compile ().Invoke (double.MaxValue, int.MaxValue));
void MultiplyCheckedTest_5 ()
checked {
Expression<Func<float?, float?, float?>> e5 = (a, b) => b * a;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.MultiplyChecked);
Assert (float.PositiveInfinity, e5.Compile ().Invoke (float.Epsilon, float.PositiveInfinity));
void NegateTest ()
Expression<Func<int, int>> e = (a) => -a;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Negate);
Assert (30, e.Compile ().Invoke (-30));
void NegateTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<sbyte, int>> e2 = (a) => -(-a);
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Negate);
Assert (-10, e2.Compile ().Invoke (-10));
void NegateTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<long?, long?>> e3 = (a) => -a;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Negate);
Assert (long.MinValue + 1, e3.Compile ().Invoke (long.MaxValue));
Assert (null, e3.Compile ().Invoke (null));
void NegateTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType>> e4 = (a) => -a;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Negate);
Assert (new MyType (14), e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-14)));
void NegateTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?>> e5 = (a) => -a;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.Negate);
Assert (new MyType (-33), e5.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (33)));
Assert (null, e5.Compile ().Invoke (null));
void NegateTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<MyTypeImplicitOnly, int>> e6 = (MyTypeImplicitOnly a) => -a;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.Negate);
Assert (-4, e6.Compile ().Invoke (new MyTypeImplicitOnly (4)));
void NegateTest_7 ()
Expression<Func<MyTypeImplicitOnly?, int?>> e7 = (MyTypeImplicitOnly? a) => -a;
AssertNodeType (e7, ExpressionType.Negate);
Assert (-46, e7.Compile ().Invoke (new MyTypeImplicitOnly (46)));
// Another version of MS bug when predefined conversion is required on nullable user operator
// Assert (null, e7.Compile ().Invoke (null));
void NegateTest_8 ()
Expression<Func<sbyte?, int?>> e8 = (a) => -a;
AssertNodeType (e8, ExpressionType.Negate);
Assert (11, e8.Compile ().Invoke (-11));
void NegateTest_9 ()
Expression<Func<uint, long>> e9 = (a) => -a;
AssertNodeType (e9, ExpressionType.Negate);
Assert (-2, e9.Compile ().Invoke (2));
void NegateTestChecked ()
checked {
Expression<Func<int, int>> e = (int a) => -a;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.NegateChecked);
try {
e.Compile ().Invoke (int.MinValue);
throw new ApplicationException ("NegateTestChecked #1");
} catch (OverflowException) { }
void NegateTestChecked_2 ()
checked {
Expression<Func<byte?, int?>> e2 = (a) => -a;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.NegateChecked);
Assert (null, e2.Compile ().Invoke (null));
Assert (-255, e2.Compile ().Invoke (byte.MaxValue));
void NegateTestChecked_3 ()
checked {
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType>> e3 = (MyType a) => -a;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Negate);
Assert (20, e3.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20)));
void NegateTestChecked_4 ()
checked {
Expression<Func<double, double>> e4 = (a) => -a;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Negate);
Assert (double.NegativeInfinity, e4.Compile ().Invoke (double.PositiveInfinity));
void NewArrayInitTest ()
Expression<Func<int []>> e = () => new int [1] { 5 };
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.NewArrayInit);
Assert (new int [1] { 5 }, e.Compile ().Invoke ());
void NewArrayInitTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<int []>> e1 = () => new int [] { };
AssertNodeType (e1, ExpressionType.NewArrayInit);
Assert (new int [0], e1.Compile ().Invoke ());
void NewArrayInitTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<ushort, ulong? []>> e2 = (ushort a) => new ulong? [] { a };
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.NewArrayInit);
Assert (new ulong? [1] { ushort.MaxValue }, e2.Compile ().Invoke (ushort.MaxValue));
void NewArrayInitTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<char [] []>> e3 = () => new char [] [] { new char [] { 'a' } };
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.NewArrayInit);
Assert (new char [] { 'a' }, e3.Compile ().Invoke () [0]);
void NewArrayInitTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<int?[]>> e = () => new int?[] { null, 3, 4 };
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.NewArrayInit);
Assert (3, e.Compile ().Invoke ().Length);
void NewArrayInitTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<string []>> e = () => new [] { null, "a" };
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.NewArrayInit);
Assert (2, e.Compile ().Invoke ().Length);
void NewArrayBoundsTest ()
Expression<Func<int [,]>> e = () => new int [2,3];
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.NewArrayBounds);
Assert (new int [2,3].Length, e.Compile ().Invoke ().Length);
void NewArrayBoundsTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<int[,]>> e2 = () => new int [0,0];
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.NewArrayBounds);
Assert (new int [0, 0].Length, e2.Compile ().Invoke ().Length);
void NewArrayBoundsTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<int []>> e = () => new int [0];
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.NewArrayBounds);
Assert (0, e.Compile ().Invoke ().Length);
void NewArrayBoundsTest_4 ()
const ulong max = ulong.MaxValue;
Expression<Func<bool[]>> e = () => new bool [max];
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.NewArrayBounds);
void NewTest ()
Expression<Func<MyType>> e = () => new MyType (2);
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.New);
Assert (new MyType (2), e.Compile ().Invoke ());
void NewTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<MyType>> e2 = () => new MyType ();
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.New);
Assert (new MyType (), e2.Compile ().Invoke ());
void NewTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<NewTest<bool>>> e3 = () => new NewTest<bool> (true);
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.New);
Assert (new NewTest<bool> (true), e3.Compile ().Invoke ());
void NewTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<decimal, NewTest<decimal>>> e4 = (decimal d) => new NewTest<decimal> (1, 5, d);
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.New);
Assert (new NewTest<decimal> (1, 5, -9), e4.Compile ().Invoke (-9));
void NewTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<object>> e5 = () => new { A = 9, Value = "a" };
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.New);
var ne = ((NewExpression) e5.Body);
Assert (2, ne.Members.Count, "members count");
// Behaviour is different between .NET 3.5 and .NET 4.0
if (ne.Members [0].MemberType == MemberTypes.Property) {
Assert ("A", ne.Members [0].Name, "Name #1");
Assert ("Value", ne.Members [1].Name, "Name #2");
} else {
Assert ("get_A", ne.Members [0].Name, "Name #1");
Assert ("get_Value", ne.Members [1].Name, "Name #2");
Assert (new { A = 9, Value = "a" }, e5.Compile ().Invoke ());
void NewTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<object>> e5 = () => new { A = 9, Value = new MyType (5) };
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.New);
// CSC bug: emits new MyEnum as a constant
void NewTest_7 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum>> e = () => new MyEnum ();
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.New);
Assert<MyEnum> (0, e.Compile ().Invoke ());
2015-01-13 10:44:36 +00:00
void NewTest_8 ()
Expression<Func<DateTime>> e = () => new DateTime ();
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.New);
Assert (null, ((NewExpression)e.Body).Constructor, "default ctor");
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
void NotTest ()
Expression<Func<bool, bool>> e = (bool a) => !a;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Not);
Assert (false, e.Compile ().Invoke (true));
void NotTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, bool>> e2 = (MyType a) => !a;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Not);
Assert (true, e2.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (1)));
Assert (false, e2.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-1)));
void NotTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<int, int>> e3 = (int a) => ~a;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Not);
Assert (-8, e3.Compile ().Invoke (7));
void NotTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, int>> e4 = (MyType a) => ~a;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Not);
Assert (0, e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-1)));
void NotTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<ulong, ulong>> e5 = (ulong a) => ~a;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.Not);
Assert<ulong> (18446744073709551608, e5.Compile ().Invoke (7));
void NotTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum, MyEnum>> e6 = (MyEnum a) => ~a;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert ((MyEnum)254, e6.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1));
void NotNullableTest ()
Expression<Func<bool?, bool?>> e = (bool? a) => !a;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Not);
Assert (false, e.Compile ().Invoke (true));
Assert (null, e.Compile ().Invoke (null));
void NotNullableTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, bool?>> e2 = (MyType? a) => !a;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Not);
Assert (true, e2.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (1)));
Assert (null, e2.Compile ().Invoke (null));
void NotNullableTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<sbyte?, int?>> e3 = (sbyte? a) => ~a;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Not);
Assert (-5, e3.Compile ().Invoke (4));
Assert (null, e3.Compile ().Invoke (null));
void NotNullableTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, int?>> e4 = (MyType? a) => ~a;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Not);
Assert (0, e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-1)));
Assert (null, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null));
void NotNullableTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum?, MyEnum?>> e5 = (MyEnum? a) => ~a;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert ((MyEnum) 254, e5.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1));
Assert (null, e5.Compile ().Invoke (null));
void NotEqualTest ()
Expression<Func<int, int, bool>> e = (int a, int b) => a != b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.NotEqual);
Assert (true, e.Compile ().Invoke (60, 30));
Assert (false, e.Compile ().Invoke (-1, -1));
void NotEqualTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<sbyte?, sbyte?, bool>> e2 = (a, b) => a != b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.NotEqual);
Assert (false, e2.Compile ().Invoke (3, 3));
Assert (true, e2.Compile ().Invoke (3, 2));
void NotEqualTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, bool>> e3 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a != b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.NotEqual);
Assert (false, e3.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20), new MyType (-20)));
void NotEqualTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?, bool>> e4 = (MyType? a, MyType? b) => a != b;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.NotEqual);
Assert (true, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, new MyType (-20)));
Assert (false, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, null));
Assert (false, e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (120), new MyType (120)));
void NotEqualTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<bool?, bool?, bool>> e5 = (bool? a, bool? b) => a != b;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.NotEqual);
Assert (true, e5.Compile ().Invoke (true, null));
Assert (false, e5.Compile ().Invoke (null, null));
Assert (false, e5.Compile ().Invoke (false, false));
void NotEqualTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<bool, bool>> e6 = (bool a) => a != null;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.NotEqual);
Assert (true, e6.Compile ().Invoke (true));
Assert (true, e6.Compile ().Invoke (false));
void NotEqualTest_7 ()
Expression<Func<string, string, bool>> e7 = (string a, string b) => a != b;
AssertNodeType (e7, ExpressionType.NotEqual);
Assert (false, e7.Compile ().Invoke (null, null));
Assert (true, e7.Compile ().Invoke ("a", "A"));
Assert (false, e7.Compile ().Invoke ("a", "a"));
void NotEqualTest_8 ()
Expression<Func<object, bool>> e8 = (object a) => null != a;
AssertNodeType (e8, ExpressionType.NotEqual);
Assert (false, e8.Compile ().Invoke (null));
Assert (true, e8.Compile ().Invoke ("a"));
Assert (true, e8.Compile ().Invoke (this));
void NotEqualTest_9 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum, MyEnum, bool>> e9 = (a, b) => a != b;
AssertNodeType (e9, ExpressionType.NotEqual);
Assert (true, e9.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, MyEnum.Value_2));
Assert (false, e9.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_2));
void NotEqualTest_10 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum?, MyEnum?, bool>> e10 = (a, b) => a != b;
AssertNodeType (e10, ExpressionType.NotEqual);
Assert (true, e10.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, null));
Assert (false, e10.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_2));
void NotEqualTest_11 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum?, bool>> e11 = (a) => a != null;
AssertNodeType (e11, ExpressionType.NotEqual);
Assert (true, e11.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1));
Assert (false, e11.Compile ().Invoke (null));
void OrTest ()
Expression<Func<bool, bool, bool>> e = (bool a, bool b) => a | b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Or);
Func<bool, bool, bool> c = e.Compile ();
Assert (true, c (true, true));
Assert (true, c (true, false));
Assert (true, c (false, true));
Assert (false, c (false, false));
void OrTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, MyType>> e2 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a | b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Or);
var c2 = e2.Compile ();
Assert (new MyType (3), c2 (new MyType (1), new MyType (2)));
void OrTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum, MyEnum, MyEnum>> e3 = (a, b) => a | b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert ((MyEnum)3, e3.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, MyEnum.Value_2));
Assert (MyEnum.Value_2, e3.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_2));
void OrNullableTest ()
Expression<Func<bool?, bool?, bool?>> e = (bool? a, bool? b) => a | b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Or);
Func<bool?, bool?, bool?> c = e.Compile ();
Assert (true, c (true, true));
Assert (true, c (true, false));
Assert (true, c (false, true));
Assert (false, c (false, false));
Assert (true, c (true, null));
Assert (null, c (false, null));
Assert (null, c (null, false));
Assert (true, c (true, null));
Assert (null, c (null, null));
void OrNullableTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?, MyType?>> e2 = (MyType? a, MyType? b) => a | b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Or);
var c2 = e2.Compile ();
Assert (new MyType (3), c2 (new MyType (1), new MyType (2)));
Assert (null, c2 (new MyType (1), null));
void OrNullableTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, uint, long?>> e3 = (MyType? a, uint b) => a | b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Or);
var c3 = e3.Compile ();
Assert (9, c3 (new MyType (1), 8));
void OrNullableTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum?, MyEnum?, MyEnum?>> e4 = (a, b) => a | b;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (null, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, MyEnum.Value_2));
Assert ((MyEnum)3, e4.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, MyEnum.Value_2));
void OrElseTest ()
Expression<Func<bool, bool, bool>> e = (bool a, bool b) => a || b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.OrElse);
Assert (true, e.Compile ().Invoke (true, false));
void OrElseTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, MyType>> e2 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a || b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.OrElse);
Assert (new MyType (64), e2.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (64), new MyType (64)));
Assert (new MyType (32), e2.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (32), new MyType (64)));
void ParameterTest ()
Expression<Func<string, string>> e = (string a) => a;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Parameter);
Assert ("t", e.Compile ().Invoke ("t"));
void ParameterTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<object[], object[]>> e2 = (object[] a) => a;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Parameter);
Assert (new object [0], e2.Compile ().Invoke (new object [0]));
void ParameterTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<IntPtr, IntPtr>> e3 = a => a;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Parameter);
Assert (IntPtr.Zero, e3.Compile ().Invoke (IntPtr.Zero));
unsafe void ParameterTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<int*[], int* []>> e4 = (a) => a;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Parameter);
Assert<int*[]> (null, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null));
int* e4_el = stackalloc int [5];
int*[] ptr = new int*[] { e4_el };
Assert<int*[]> (ptr, e4.Compile ().Invoke (ptr));
void QuoteTest ()
Expression<Func<Expression<Func<int>>>> e = () => () => 2;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Quote);
Assert (2, e.Compile ().Invoke ().Compile ().Invoke ());
void QuoteTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<string, Expression<Func<string>>>> e = (string s) => () => s;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Quote);
Assert ("data", e.Compile ().Invoke ("data").Compile ().Invoke ());
void RightShiftTest ()
Expression<Func<ulong, short, ulong>> e = (ulong a, short b) => a >> b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.RightShift);
Assert ((ulong) 0x1FD940L, e.Compile ().Invoke (0xFECA0000, 11));
Assert ((ulong) 0x7FFFFFFF, e.Compile ().Invoke (0xFFFFFFFF, 0xA01));
// .net produces a strange result
// see https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=398358
// Assert ((ulong)0, e.Compile ().Invoke (0xFFFFFFFF, 0xA01));
void RightShiftTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, int>> e2 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a >> b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.RightShift);
var c2 = e2.Compile ();
Assert (64, c2 (new MyType (256), new MyType (2)));
void RightShiftTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<long?, sbyte, long?>> e3 = (long? a, sbyte b) => a >> b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.RightShift);
Assert (null, e3.Compile ().Invoke (null, 11));
Assert (512, e3.Compile ().Invoke (1024, 1));
void RightShiftTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?, int?>> e4 = (MyType? a, MyType? b) => a >> b;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.RightShift);
var c4 = e4.Compile ();
Assert (null, c4 (new MyType (8), null));
Assert (null, c4 (null, new MyType (8)));
Assert (64, c4 (new MyType (256), new MyType (2)));
void RightShiftTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<int, MyTypeImplicitOnly, int>> e = (a, b) => a >> b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.RightShift);
Assert (31, e.Compile ().Invoke (0xFE, new MyTypeImplicitOnly (3)));
void RightShiftTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<ulong, byte?, ulong?>> e = (a, b) => a >> b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.RightShift);
Assert (null, e.Compile () (2, null));
void SubtractTest ()
Expression<Func<int, int, int>> e = (int a, int b) => a - b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Subtract);
Assert (-10, e.Compile ().Invoke (20, 30));
void SubtractTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<int?, int?, int?>> e2 = (a, b) => a - b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Subtract);
Assert (null, e2.Compile ().Invoke (null, 3));
void SubtractTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, MyType>> e3 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a - b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Subtract);
Assert (-50, e3.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20), new MyType (30)));
void SubtractTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?, MyType?>> e4 = (MyType? a, MyType? b) => a - b;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Subtract);
Assert (new MyType (-50), e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20), new MyType (30)));
Assert (null, e4.Compile ().Invoke (null, new MyType (30)));
void SubtractTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<int, MyType, int>> e5 = (int a, MyType b) => a - b;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.Subtract);
Assert (-29, e5.Compile ().Invoke (1, new MyType (30)));
void SubtractTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<int, MyType?, int?>> e6 = (int a, MyType? b) => a - b;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.Subtract);
Assert (-61, e6.Compile ().Invoke (-31, new MyType (30)));
void SubtractTest_7 ()
Expression<Func<ushort, int?>> e7 = (ushort a) => null - a;
AssertNodeType (e7, ExpressionType.Subtract);
Assert (null, e7.Compile ().Invoke (690));
void SubtractTest_8 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum, byte, MyEnum>> e8 = (a, b) => a - b;
AssertNodeType (e8, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert ((MyEnum)255, e8.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, 2));
void SubtractTest_9 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum, MyEnum, byte>> e9 = (a, b) => a - b;
AssertNodeType (e9, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (1, e9.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_1));
void SubtractTest_10 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum?, byte?, MyEnum?>> e10 = (a, b) => a - b;
AssertNodeType (e10, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert ((MyEnum) 255, e10.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_1, 2));
// CSC bug
void SubtractTest_11 ()
Expression<Func<MyEnum?, MyEnum?, byte?>> e11 = (a, b) => a - b;
AssertNodeType (e11, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert<byte?> (1, e11.Compile ().Invoke (MyEnum.Value_2, MyEnum.Value_1));
void SubtractCheckedTest ()
checked {
Expression<Func<long, long, long>> e = (long a, long b) => a - b;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.SubtractChecked);
try {
e.Compile ().Invoke (long.MinValue, 309);
throw new ApplicationException ("SubtractCheckedTest #1");
} catch (OverflowException) { }
void SubtractCheckedTest_2 ()
checked {
Expression<Func<byte?, byte?, int?>> e2 = (a, b) => a - b;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.SubtractChecked);
Assert (null, e2.Compile ().Invoke (null, 3));
Assert (-55, e2.Compile ().Invoke (byte.MinValue, 55));
void SubtractCheckedTest_3 ()
checked {
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType, MyType>> e3 = (MyType a, MyType b) => a - b;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.Subtract);
Assert (-50, e3.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-20), new MyType (30)));
void SubtractCheckedTest_4 ()
checked {
Expression<Func<double, double, double>> e4 = (a, b) => a - b;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.Subtract);
Assert (double.PositiveInfinity, e4.Compile ().Invoke (double.MinValue, double.NegativeInfinity));
void TypeAsTest ()
Expression<Func<object, Tester>> e = (object a) => a as Tester;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.TypeAs);
Assert (this, e.Compile ().Invoke (this));
void TypeAsTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<object, int?>> e2 = (object a) => a as int?;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.TypeAs);
Assert (null, e2.Compile ().Invoke (null));
Assert (null, e2.Compile ().Invoke (this));
Assert (44, e2.Compile ().Invoke (44));
void TypeAsTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<object, object>> e3 = (object a) => null as object;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.TypeAs);
Assert (null, e3.Compile ().Invoke (null));
void TypeAsTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<int, IConvertible>> e = a => a as IConvertible;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.TypeAs);
Assert (ExpressionType.Parameter, ((UnaryExpression) e.Body).Operand.NodeType);
Assert (5, e.Compile ().Invoke (5));
void TypeIsTest ()
Expression<Func<object, bool>> e = (object a) => a is Tester;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.TypeIs);
Assert (true, e.Compile ().Invoke (this));
Assert (false, e.Compile ().Invoke (1));
void TypeIsTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<object, bool>> e2 = (object a) => a is int?;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.TypeIs);
Assert (false, e2.Compile ().Invoke (null));
Assert (true, e2.Compile ().Invoke (1));
void TypeIsTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<object, bool>> e3 = (object a) => null is object;
AssertNodeType (e3, ExpressionType.TypeIs);
Assert (false, e3.Compile ().Invoke (null));
void TypeIsTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<B, bool>> e = l => l is A;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.TypeIs);
Assert (false, e.Compile ().Invoke (null));
void TypeIsTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<bool>> e5 = () => 1 is int;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.TypeIs);
Assert (true, e5.Compile ().Invoke ());
void TypeIsTest_6 ()
Expression<Func<int?, bool>> e6 = (a) => a is int;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.TypeIs);
Assert (true, e6.Compile ().Invoke (1));
Assert (false, e6.Compile ().Invoke (null));
void UnaryPlusTest ()
Expression<Func<int, int>> e = (a) => +a;
AssertNodeType (e, ExpressionType.Parameter);
Assert (-30, e.Compile ().Invoke (-30));
void UnaryPlusTest_2 ()
Expression<Func<long?, long?>> e2 = (a) => +a;
AssertNodeType (e2, ExpressionType.Parameter);
void UnaryPlusTest_3 ()
Expression<Func<MyType, MyType>> e4 = (a) => +a;
AssertNodeType (e4, ExpressionType.UnaryPlus);
Assert (new MyType (-14), e4.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (-14)));
void UnaryPlusTest_4 ()
Expression<Func<MyType?, MyType?>> e5 = (a) => +a;
AssertNodeType (e5, ExpressionType.UnaryPlus);
Assert (new MyType (33), e5.Compile ().Invoke (new MyType (33)));
Assert (null, e5.Compile ().Invoke (null));
void UnaryPlusTest_5 ()
Expression<Func<sbyte?, long?>> e6 = (a) => +a;
AssertNodeType (e6, ExpressionType.Convert);
Assert (3, e6.Compile ().Invoke (3));
Assert (null, e6.Compile ().Invoke (null));
#pragma warning restore 169
// Test helpers
string InstanceMethod (string arg)
return arg;
object InstanceParamsMethod (int index, params object [] args)
if (args == null)
return "<null>";
if (args.Length == 0)
return "<empty>";
return args [index];
static int TestInt ()
return 29;
T GenericMethod<T> (T t)
return t;
static void RefMethod (ref int i)
i = 867;
static bool RunTest (MethodInfo test)
Console.Write ("Running test {0, -25}", test.Name);
try {
test.Invoke (new Tester (), null);
Console.WriteLine ("OK");
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine ("FAILED");
Console.WriteLine (e.ToString ());
return false;
public static int Main ()
var tests = from test in typeof (Tester).GetMethods (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)
where test.GetParameters ().Length == 0
orderby test.Name
select RunTest (test);
int failures = tests.Count (a => !a);
Console.WriteLine (failures + " tests failed");
return failures;