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// MobileAuthenticatedStream.cs
// Author:
// Martin Baulig <martin.baulig@xamarin.com>
// Copyright (c) 2015 Xamarin, Inc.
extern alias MonoSecurity;
using MSI = MonoSecurity::Mono.Security.Interface;
using MSI = Mono.Security.Interface;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using System.Runtime.ExceptionServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using SD = System.Diagnostics;
using SSA = System.Security.Authentication;
using SslProtocols = System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols;
namespace Mono.Net.Security
abstract class MobileAuthenticatedStream : AuthenticatedStream, MSI.IMonoSslStream
* This is intentionally called `xobileTlsContext'. It is a "dangerous" object
* that must not be touched outside the `ioLock' and we need to be very careful
* where we access it.
MobileTlsContext xobileTlsContext;
ExceptionDispatchInfo lastException;
AsyncProtocolRequest asyncHandshakeRequest;
AsyncProtocolRequest asyncReadRequest;
AsyncProtocolRequest asyncWriteRequest;
BufferOffsetSize2 readBuffer;
BufferOffsetSize2 writeBuffer;
object ioLock = new object ();
int closeRequested;
bool shutdown;
static int uniqueNameInteger = 123;
public MobileAuthenticatedStream (Stream innerStream, bool leaveInnerStreamOpen, SslStream owner,
MSI.MonoTlsSettings settings, MSI.MonoTlsProvider provider)
: base (innerStream, leaveInnerStreamOpen)
SslStream = owner;
Settings = settings;
Provider = provider;
readBuffer = new BufferOffsetSize2 (16834);
writeBuffer = new BufferOffsetSize2 (16384);
public SslStream SslStream {
public MSI.MonoTlsSettings Settings {
public MSI.MonoTlsProvider Provider {
internal bool HasContext {
get { return xobileTlsContext != null; }
internal void CheckThrow (bool authSuccessCheck, bool shutdownCheck = false)
if (lastException != null)
lastException.Throw ();
if (authSuccessCheck && !IsAuthenticated)
throw new InvalidOperationException (SR.net_auth_noauth);
if (shutdownCheck && shutdown)
throw new InvalidOperationException (SR.net_ssl_io_already_shutdown);
internal static Exception GetSSPIException (Exception e)
if (e is OperationCanceledException || e is IOException || e is ObjectDisposedException || e is AuthenticationException)
return e;
return new AuthenticationException (SR.net_auth_SSPI, e);
internal static Exception GetIOException (Exception e, string message)
if (e is OperationCanceledException || e is IOException || e is ObjectDisposedException || e is AuthenticationException)
return e;
return new IOException (message, e);
internal ExceptionDispatchInfo SetException (Exception e)
var info = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture (e);
var old = Interlocked.CompareExchange (ref lastException, info, null);
return old ?? info;
SslProtocols DefaultProtocols {
get { return SslProtocols.Tls12 | SslProtocols.Tls11 | SslProtocols.Tls; }
enum OperationType {
public void AuthenticateAsClient (string targetHost)
AuthenticateAsClient (targetHost, new X509CertificateCollection (), DefaultProtocols, false);
public void AuthenticateAsClient (string targetHost, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates, SslProtocols enabledSslProtocols, bool checkCertificateRevocation)
var task = ProcessAuthentication (true, false, targetHost, enabledSslProtocols, null, clientCertificates, false);
task.Wait ();
public IAsyncResult BeginAuthenticateAsClient (string targetHost, AsyncCallback asyncCallback, object asyncState)
return BeginAuthenticateAsClient (targetHost, new X509CertificateCollection (), DefaultProtocols, false, asyncCallback, asyncState);
public IAsyncResult BeginAuthenticateAsClient (string targetHost, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates, SslProtocols enabledSslProtocols, bool checkCertificateRevocation, AsyncCallback asyncCallback, object asyncState)
var task = ProcessAuthentication (false, false, targetHost, enabledSslProtocols, null, clientCertificates, false);
return TaskToApm.Begin (task, asyncCallback, asyncState);
public void EndAuthenticateAsClient (IAsyncResult asyncResult)
TaskToApm.End (asyncResult);
public void AuthenticateAsServer (X509Certificate serverCertificate)
AuthenticateAsServer (serverCertificate, false, DefaultProtocols, false);
public void AuthenticateAsServer (X509Certificate serverCertificate, bool clientCertificateRequired, SslProtocols enabledSslProtocols, bool checkCertificateRevocation)
var task = ProcessAuthentication (true, true, string.Empty, enabledSslProtocols, serverCertificate, null, clientCertificateRequired);
task.Wait ();
public IAsyncResult BeginAuthenticateAsServer (X509Certificate serverCertificate, AsyncCallback asyncCallback, object asyncState)
return BeginAuthenticateAsServer (serverCertificate, false, DefaultProtocols, false, asyncCallback, asyncState);
public IAsyncResult BeginAuthenticateAsServer (X509Certificate serverCertificate, bool clientCertificateRequired, SslProtocols enabledSslProtocols, bool checkCertificateRevocation, AsyncCallback asyncCallback, object asyncState)
var task = ProcessAuthentication (false, true, string.Empty, enabledSslProtocols, serverCertificate, null, clientCertificateRequired);
return TaskToApm.Begin (task, asyncCallback, asyncState);
public void EndAuthenticateAsServer (IAsyncResult asyncResult)
TaskToApm.End (asyncResult);
public Task AuthenticateAsClientAsync (string targetHost)
return ProcessAuthentication (false, false, targetHost, DefaultProtocols, null, null, false);
public Task AuthenticateAsClientAsync (string targetHost, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates, SslProtocols enabledSslProtocols, bool checkCertificateRevocation)
return ProcessAuthentication (false, false, targetHost, enabledSslProtocols, null, clientCertificates, false);
public Task AuthenticateAsServerAsync (X509Certificate serverCertificate)
return AuthenticateAsServerAsync (serverCertificate, false, DefaultProtocols, false);
public Task AuthenticateAsServerAsync (X509Certificate serverCertificate, bool clientCertificateRequired, SslProtocols enabledSslProtocols, bool checkCertificateRevocation)
return ProcessAuthentication (false, true, string.Empty, enabledSslProtocols, serverCertificate, null, clientCertificateRequired);
public Task ShutdownAsync ()
Debug ("ShutdownAsync");
* SSLClose() is a little bit tricky as it might attempt to send a close_notify alert
* and thus call our write callback.
* It is also not thread-safe with SSLRead() or SSLWrite(), so we need to take the I/O lock here.
var asyncRequest = new AsyncShutdownRequest (this);
var task = StartOperation (OperationType.Shutdown, asyncRequest, CancellationToken.None);
return task;
public AuthenticatedStream AuthenticatedStream {
get { return this; }
async Task ProcessAuthentication (
bool runSynchronously, bool serverMode, string targetHost, SslProtocols enabledProtocols,
X509Certificate serverCertificate, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates, bool clientCertRequired)
if (serverMode) {
if (serverCertificate == null)
throw new ArgumentException (nameof (serverCertificate));
} else {
if (targetHost == null)
throw new ArgumentException (nameof (targetHost));
if (targetHost.Length == 0)
targetHost = "?" + Interlocked.Increment (ref uniqueNameInteger).ToString (NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
if (lastException != null)
lastException.Throw ();
var asyncRequest = new AsyncHandshakeRequest (this, runSynchronously);
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange (ref asyncHandshakeRequest, asyncRequest, null) != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid nested call.");
// Make sure no other async requests can be started during the handshake.
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange (ref asyncReadRequest, asyncRequest, null) != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid nested call.");
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange (ref asyncWriteRequest, asyncRequest, null) != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid nested call.");
AsyncProtocolResult result;
try {
lock (ioLock) {
if (xobileTlsContext != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
readBuffer.Reset ();
writeBuffer.Reset ();
xobileTlsContext = CreateContext (
serverMode, targetHost, enabledProtocols, serverCertificate,
clientCertificates, clientCertRequired);
try {
result = await asyncRequest.StartOperation (CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait (false);
} catch (Exception ex) {
result = new AsyncProtocolResult (SetException (GetSSPIException (ex)));
} finally {
lock (ioLock) {
readBuffer.Reset ();
writeBuffer.Reset ();
asyncWriteRequest = null;
asyncReadRequest = null;
asyncHandshakeRequest = null;
if (result.Error != null)
result.Error.Throw ();
protected abstract MobileTlsContext CreateContext (
bool serverMode, string targetHost, SSA.SslProtocols enabledProtocols,
X509Certificate serverCertificate, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates,
bool askForClientCert);
public override IAsyncResult BeginRead (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, AsyncCallback asyncCallback, object asyncState)
var asyncRequest = new AsyncReadRequest (this, false, buffer, offset, count);
var task = StartOperation (OperationType.Read, asyncRequest, CancellationToken.None);
return TaskToApm.Begin (task, asyncCallback, asyncState);
public override int EndRead (IAsyncResult asyncResult)
return TaskToApm.End<int> (asyncResult);
public override IAsyncResult BeginWrite (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, AsyncCallback asyncCallback, object asyncState)
var asyncRequest = new AsyncWriteRequest (this, false, buffer, offset, count);
var task = StartOperation (OperationType.Write, asyncRequest, CancellationToken.None);
return TaskToApm.Begin (task, asyncCallback, asyncState);
public override void EndWrite (IAsyncResult asyncResult)
TaskToApm.End (asyncResult);
public override int Read (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
var asyncRequest = new AsyncReadRequest (this, true, buffer, offset, count);
var task = StartOperation (OperationType.Read, asyncRequest, CancellationToken.None);
return task.Result;
public void Write (byte[] buffer)
Write (buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
public override void Write (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
var asyncRequest = new AsyncWriteRequest (this, true, buffer, offset, count);
var task = StartOperation (OperationType.Write, asyncRequest, CancellationToken.None);
task.Wait ();
public override Task<int> ReadAsync (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var asyncRequest = new AsyncReadRequest (this, false, buffer, offset, count);
return StartOperation (OperationType.Read, asyncRequest, cancellationToken);
public override Task WriteAsync (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var asyncRequest = new AsyncWriteRequest (this, false, buffer, offset, count);
return StartOperation (OperationType.Write, asyncRequest, cancellationToken);
async Task<int> StartOperation (OperationType type, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
CheckThrow (true, type != OperationType.Read);
Debug ("StartOperationAsync: {0} {1}", asyncRequest, type);
if (type == OperationType.Read) {
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange (ref asyncReadRequest, asyncRequest, null) != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid nested call.");
} else {
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange (ref asyncWriteRequest, asyncRequest, null) != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid nested call.");
AsyncProtocolResult result;
try {
lock (ioLock) {
if (type == OperationType.Read)
readBuffer.Reset ();
writeBuffer.Reset ();
result = await asyncRequest.StartOperation (cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait (false);
} catch (Exception e) {
var info = SetException (GetIOException (e, asyncRequest.Name + " failed"));
result = new AsyncProtocolResult (info);
} finally {
lock (ioLock) {
if (type == OperationType.Read) {
readBuffer.Reset ();
asyncReadRequest = null;
} else {
writeBuffer.Reset ();
asyncWriteRequest = null;
if (result.Error != null)
result.Error.Throw ();
return result.UserResult;
static int nextId;
internal readonly int ID = ++nextId;
[SD.Conditional ("MONO_TLS_DEBUG")]
protected internal void Debug (string message, params object[] args)
MonoTlsProviderFactory.Debug ("MobileAuthenticatedStream({0}): {1}", ID, string.Format (message, args));
#region Called back from native code via SslConnection
* Called from within SSLRead() and SSLHandshake(). We only access tha managed byte[] here.
internal int InternalRead (byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, out bool outWantMore)
try {
Debug ("InternalRead: {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}", offset, size,
asyncHandshakeRequest != null ? "handshake" : "",
asyncReadRequest != null ? "async" : "",
readBuffer != null ? readBuffer.ToString () : "");
var asyncRequest = asyncHandshakeRequest ?? asyncReadRequest;
var (ret, wantMore) = InternalRead (asyncRequest, readBuffer, buffer, offset, size);
outWantMore = wantMore;
return ret;
} catch (Exception ex) {
Debug ("InternalRead failed: {0}", ex);
SetException (GetIOException (ex, "InternalRead() failed"));
outWantMore = false;
return -1;
(int, bool) InternalRead (AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest, BufferOffsetSize internalBuffer, byte[] buffer, int offset, int size)
if (asyncRequest == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
Debug ("InternalRead: {0} {1} {2}", internalBuffer, offset, size);
* One of Apple's native functions wants to read 'size' bytes of data.
* First, we check whether we already have enough in the internal buffer.
* If the internal buffer is empty (it will be the first time we're called), we save
* the amount of bytes that were requested and return 'SslStatus.WouldBlock' to our
* native caller. This native function will then return this code to managed code,
* where we read the requested amount of data into the internal buffer, then call the
* native function again.
if (internalBuffer.Size == 0 && !internalBuffer.Complete) {
Debug ("InternalRead #1: {0} {1} {2}", internalBuffer.Offset, internalBuffer.TotalBytes, size);
internalBuffer.Offset = internalBuffer.Size = 0;
asyncRequest.RequestRead (size);
return (0, true);
* The second time we're called, the native buffer will contain the exact amount of data that the
* previous call requested from us, so we should be able to return it all here. However, just in
* case that Apple's native function changed its mind, we can also return less.
* In either case, if we have any data buffered, then we return as much of it as possible - if the
* native code isn't satisfied, then it will call us again to request more.
var len = System.Math.Min (internalBuffer.Size, size);
Buffer.BlockCopy (internalBuffer.Buffer, internalBuffer.Offset, buffer, offset, len);
internalBuffer.Offset += len;
internalBuffer.Size -= len;
return (len, !internalBuffer.Complete && len < size);
* We may get called from SSLWrite(), SSLHandshake() or SSLClose().
internal bool InternalWrite (byte[] buffer, int offset, int size)
try {
Debug ("InternalWrite: {0} {1}", offset, size);
var asyncRequest = asyncHandshakeRequest ?? asyncWriteRequest;
return InternalWrite (asyncRequest, writeBuffer, buffer, offset, size);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Debug ("InternalWrite failed: {0}", ex);
SetException (GetIOException (ex, "InternalWrite() failed"));
return false;
bool InternalWrite (AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest, BufferOffsetSize2 internalBuffer, byte[] buffer, int offset, int size)
Debug ("InternalWrite: {0} {1} {2} {3}", asyncRequest != null, internalBuffer, offset, size);
if (asyncRequest == null) {
* The only situation where 'asyncRequest' could possibly be 'null' is when we're called
* from within SSLClose() - which might attempt to send the close_notity notification.
* Since this notification message is very small, it should definitely fit into our internal
* buffer, so we just save it in there and after SSLClose() returns, the final call to
* InternalFlush() - just before closing the underlying stream - will send it out.
if (lastException != null)
return false;
if (Interlocked.Exchange (ref closeRequested, 1) == 0)
internalBuffer.Reset ();
else if (internalBuffer.Remaining == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
* Normal write - can be either SSLWrite() or SSLHandshake().
* It is important that we always accept all the data and queue it.
internalBuffer.AppendData (buffer, offset, size);
* Calling 'asyncRequest.RequestWrite()' here ensures that ProcessWrite() is called next
* time we regain control from native code.
* During the handshake, the native code won't actually realize (unless if attempts to send
* so much that the write buffer gets full) that we only buffered the data.
* However, it doesn't matter because it will either return with a completed handshake
* (and doesn't care whether the remote actually received the data) or it will expect more
* data from the remote and request a read. In either case, we regain control in managed
* code and can flush out the data.
* Note that a calling RequestWrite() followed by RequestRead() will first flush the write
* queue once we return to managed code - before attempting to read anything.
if (asyncRequest != null)
asyncRequest.RequestWrite ();
return true;
#region Inner Stream
* Read / write data from the inner stream; we're only called from managed code and only manipulate
* the internal buffers.
internal async Task<int> InnerRead (bool sync, int requestedSize, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested ();
Debug ("InnerRead: {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}", sync, readBuffer.Offset, readBuffer.Size, readBuffer.Remaining, requestedSize);
var len = System.Math.Min (readBuffer.Remaining, requestedSize);
if (len == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
Task<int> task;
if (sync)
task = Task.Run (() => InnerStream.Read (readBuffer.Buffer, readBuffer.EndOffset, len));
task = InnerStream.ReadAsync (readBuffer.Buffer, readBuffer.EndOffset, len, cancellationToken);
var ret = await task.ConfigureAwait (false);
Debug ("InnerRead done: {0} {1} - {2}", readBuffer.Remaining, len, ret);
if (ret >= 0) {
readBuffer.Size += ret;
readBuffer.TotalBytes += ret;
if (ret == 0) {
readBuffer.Complete = true;
Debug ("InnerRead - end of stream!");
* Try to distinguish between a graceful close - first Read() returned 0 - and
* the remote prematurely closing the connection without sending us all data.
if (readBuffer.TotalBytes > 0)
ret = -1;
Debug ("InnerRead done: {0} - {1} {2}", readBuffer, len, ret);
return ret;
internal async Task InnerWrite (bool sync, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested ();
Debug ("InnerWrite: {0} {1}", writeBuffer.Offset, writeBuffer.Size);
if (writeBuffer.Size == 0)
Task task;
if (sync)
task = Task.Run (() => InnerStream.Write (writeBuffer.Buffer, writeBuffer.Offset, writeBuffer.Size));
task = InnerStream.WriteAsync (writeBuffer.Buffer, writeBuffer.Offset, writeBuffer.Size);
await task.ConfigureAwait (false);
writeBuffer.TotalBytes += writeBuffer.Size;
writeBuffer.Offset = writeBuffer.Size = 0;
#region Main async I/O loop
internal AsyncOperationStatus ProcessHandshake (AsyncOperationStatus status)
Debug ("ProcessHandshake: {0}", status);
lock (ioLock) {
* The first time we're called (AsyncOperationStatus.Initialize), we need to setup the SslContext and
* start the handshake.
if (status == AsyncOperationStatus.Initialize) {
xobileTlsContext.StartHandshake ();
return AsyncOperationStatus.Continue;
} else if (status == AsyncOperationStatus.ReadDone) {
throw new IOException (SR.net_auth_eof);
} else if (status != AsyncOperationStatus.Continue) {
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
* SSLHandshake() will return repeatedly with 'SslStatus.WouldBlock', we then need
* to take care of I/O and call it again.
var newStatus = AsyncOperationStatus.Continue;
if (xobileTlsContext.ProcessHandshake ()) {
xobileTlsContext.FinishHandshake ();
newStatus = AsyncOperationStatus.Complete;
if (lastException != null)
lastException.Throw ();
return newStatus;
internal (int, bool) ProcessRead (BufferOffsetSize userBuffer)
lock (ioLock) {
// This operates on the internal buffer and will never block.
var ret = xobileTlsContext.Read (userBuffer.Buffer, userBuffer.Offset, userBuffer.Size);
if (lastException != null)
lastException.Throw ();
return ret;
internal (int, bool) ProcessWrite (BufferOffsetSize userBuffer)
lock (ioLock) {
// This operates on the internal buffer and will never block.
var ret = xobileTlsContext.Write (userBuffer.Buffer, userBuffer.Offset, userBuffer.Size);
if (lastException != null)
lastException.Throw ();
return ret;
internal AsyncOperationStatus ProcessShutdown (AsyncOperationStatus status)
Debug ("ProcessShutdown: {0}", status);
lock (ioLock) {
xobileTlsContext.Shutdown ();
shutdown = true;
return AsyncOperationStatus.Complete;
public override bool IsServer {
get {
CheckThrow (false);
return xobileTlsContext != null && xobileTlsContext.IsServer;
public override bool IsAuthenticated {
get {
lock (ioLock) {
// Don't use CheckThrow(), we want to return false if we're not authenticated.
return xobileTlsContext != null && lastException == null && xobileTlsContext.IsAuthenticated;
public override bool IsMutuallyAuthenticated {
get {
lock (ioLock) {
// Don't use CheckThrow() here.
if (!IsAuthenticated)
return false;
if ((xobileTlsContext.IsServer ? xobileTlsContext.LocalServerCertificate : xobileTlsContext.LocalClientCertificate) == null)
return false;
return xobileTlsContext.IsRemoteCertificateAvailable;
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
try {
lock (ioLock) {
Debug ("Dispose: {0}", xobileTlsContext != null);
lastException = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture (new ObjectDisposedException ("MobileAuthenticatedStream"));
if (xobileTlsContext != null) {
xobileTlsContext.Dispose ();
xobileTlsContext = null;
} finally {
base.Dispose (disposing);
public override void Flush ()
InnerStream.Flush ();
public SslProtocols SslProtocol {
get {
lock (ioLock) {
CheckThrow (true);
return (SslProtocols)xobileTlsContext.NegotiatedProtocol;
public X509Certificate RemoteCertificate {
get {
lock (ioLock) {
CheckThrow (true);
return xobileTlsContext.RemoteCertificate;
public X509Certificate LocalCertificate {
get {
lock (ioLock) {
CheckThrow (true);
return InternalLocalCertificate;
public X509Certificate InternalLocalCertificate {
get {
lock (ioLock) {
CheckThrow (false);
if (xobileTlsContext == null)
return null;
return xobileTlsContext.IsServer ? xobileTlsContext.LocalServerCertificate : xobileTlsContext.LocalClientCertificate;
public MSI.MonoTlsConnectionInfo GetConnectionInfo ()
lock (ioLock) {
CheckThrow (true);
return xobileTlsContext.ConnectionInfo;
// 'xobileTlsContext' must not be accessed below this point.
public override long Seek (long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
throw new NotSupportedException ();
public override void SetLength (long value)
InnerStream.SetLength (value);
public TransportContext TransportContext {
get { throw new NotSupportedException (); }
public override bool CanRead {
get { return IsAuthenticated && InnerStream.CanRead; }
public override bool CanTimeout {
get { return InnerStream.CanTimeout; }
public override bool CanWrite {
get { return IsAuthenticated & InnerStream.CanWrite && !shutdown; }
public override bool CanSeek {
get { return false; }
public override long Length {
get { return InnerStream.Length; }
public override long Position {
get { return InnerStream.Position; }
set { throw new NotSupportedException (); }
public override bool IsEncrypted {
get { return IsAuthenticated; }
public override bool IsSigned {
get { return IsAuthenticated; }
public override int ReadTimeout {
get { return InnerStream.ReadTimeout; }
set { InnerStream.ReadTimeout = value; }
public override int WriteTimeout {
get { return InnerStream.WriteTimeout; }
set { InnerStream.WriteTimeout = value; }
public SSA.CipherAlgorithmType CipherAlgorithm {
get {
CheckThrow (true);
var info = GetConnectionInfo ();
if (info == null)
return SSA.CipherAlgorithmType.None;
switch (info.CipherAlgorithmType) {
case MSI.CipherAlgorithmType.Aes128:
case MSI.CipherAlgorithmType.AesGcm128:
return SSA.CipherAlgorithmType.Aes128;
case MSI.CipherAlgorithmType.Aes256:
case MSI.CipherAlgorithmType.AesGcm256:
return SSA.CipherAlgorithmType.Aes256;
return SSA.CipherAlgorithmType.None;
public SSA.HashAlgorithmType HashAlgorithm {
get {
CheckThrow (true);
var info = GetConnectionInfo ();
if (info == null)
return SSA.HashAlgorithmType.None;
switch (info.HashAlgorithmType) {
case MSI.HashAlgorithmType.Md5:
case MSI.HashAlgorithmType.Md5Sha1:
return SSA.HashAlgorithmType.Md5;
case MSI.HashAlgorithmType.Sha1:
case MSI.HashAlgorithmType.Sha224:
case MSI.HashAlgorithmType.Sha256:
case MSI.HashAlgorithmType.Sha384:
case MSI.HashAlgorithmType.Sha512:
return SSA.HashAlgorithmType.Sha1;
return SSA.HashAlgorithmType.None;
public SSA.ExchangeAlgorithmType KeyExchangeAlgorithm {
get {
CheckThrow (true);
var info = GetConnectionInfo ();
if (info == null)
return SSA.ExchangeAlgorithmType.None;
switch (info.ExchangeAlgorithmType) {
case MSI.ExchangeAlgorithmType.Rsa:
return SSA.ExchangeAlgorithmType.RsaSign;
case MSI.ExchangeAlgorithmType.Dhe:
case MSI.ExchangeAlgorithmType.EcDhe:
return SSA.ExchangeAlgorithmType.DiffieHellman;
return SSA.ExchangeAlgorithmType.None;
#region Need to Implement
public int CipherStrength {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public int HashStrength {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public int KeyExchangeStrength {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public bool CheckCertRevocationStatus {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException ();