1538 lines
65 KiB
1538 lines
65 KiB
// <copyright file="CacheUsage.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// This is the implementation of an LRU2 list for the cache, which is used
// to flush the least frequently used items when memory pressure is low.
// LRU2 is similar to LRU (Least Recently Used), but it keeps track of the
// second to last use of an item, thereby measuring the average interval
// between references to an item. This has the advantage over LRU of keeping
// items that are frequently used, but haven't been used just at the time that
// we need to flush.
// Please note that when we insert a new item in the list, we treat the addition
// as a reference by itself. So the 1st reference goes to the head,
// and the 2nd reference goes to the head of the 2nd reference list.
// ...................................................
// For example:
// Action List (Head...Tail)
// ------ ------------------
// Insert A A1 A2
// Insert B B1 A1 B2 A2
// Insert C C1 B1 A1 C2 B2 A2
// Ref B B1 C1 B2 A1 C2 A2
// Ref A A1 B1 C1 B2 A2 C2
// Ref B B1 A1 B2 C1 A2 C2
// Ref C C1 B1 A1 B2 C2 A2
// Ref A A1 C1 B1 A2 B2 C2
// When flushing, we will start scanning from the tail, and flush all 2nd references we find.
// For example, if we want to flush 2 items, we will find C2 and B2,
// and thus we will flush item B and C.
// ...................................................
// An item in the LRU2 list is represented by a UsageEntry struct. This struct
// contains the reference to the cache entry, and the linked list entries for
// both the most recent first and second references to the entry. To distinguish
// between a link to an item's first reference and its second reference, we use
// a positive index for the first reference, and a negative index for the second
// reference.
// ...................................................
// For example:
// Logically I have this list
// Head Tail
// A1 B1 C2 C1 B2 A2
// Physically, A, B and C are stored in an array, and their indexes are 1, 2 and 3.
// So their ref1 and ref2 values will be:
// Entry(index) Ref1.Prev Ref1.Next Ref2.Prev Ref2.Next
// ----- --------- --------- --------- ---------
// (Head == 1 (point to A1))
// A(1) 0 2 (B1) -2 (B2) 0
// B(2) 1 (A1) -3 (C2) 3 (C1) -1 (A2)
// C(3) -3 (C2) -2 (B2) 2 (B1) 3 (C1)
// ...................................................
// To efficiently store potentially millions of cache items in the LRU2,
// we adopt a paging model. Each UsagePage contains an array of 127 UsageEntry
// structs (whose size is slightly less than one x86 memory page). A reference
// to a UsageEntry is thus defined by 2 index, the index of the page, and the
// index in the page's array of UsageEntry's.
// When the number of free entries rises above a threshold, we reduce the number
// of pages in use.
// In order to efficiently items in an array of arrays, we must use the C++ macro
// preprocessor. The jitter will not inline small functions, and we cannot represent
// access to a UsageEntry as a property, since the propery requires an index parameter.
namespace System.Web.Caching {
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Util;
using System.Collections;
using System;
// UsageEntryRef defines a reference to a UsageEntry in the UsageBucket data structure.
// An entry is identified by its index into the UsageBucket._pages array, and its
// index into the UsagePage._entries array.
// Bits 0-7 of the reference are for the index into the UsagePage._entries array.
// Bits 8-31 of the reference are for the index into the UsageBucket._pages array.
// A reference to a UsageEntry may be to either its first or second reference in
// the UsageBucket._lastRef list. The second reference will have a negative index.
struct UsageEntryRef {
// The invalid reference is 0.
static internal readonly UsageEntryRef INVALID = new UsageEntryRef(0, 0);
const uint ENTRY_MASK = 0x000000ffu;
const uint PAGE_MASK = 0xffffff00u;
const int PAGE_SHIFT = 8;
uint _ref;
internal UsageEntryRef(int pageIndex, int entryIndex) {
Debug.Assert((pageIndex & 0x00ffffff) == pageIndex, "(pageIndex & 0x00ffffff) == pageIndex");
Debug.Assert((Math.Abs(entryIndex) & ENTRY_MASK) == (Math.Abs(entryIndex)), "(Math.Abs(entryIndex) & ENTRY_MASK) == Math.Abs(entryIndex)");
Debug.Assert(entryIndex != 0 || pageIndex == 0, "entryIndex != 0 || pageIndex == 0");
// Please note that because the range of valid entryIndex is -127 to 127, so
// 1 byte is big enough to hold the value.
_ref = ( (((uint)pageIndex) << PAGE_SHIFT) | (((uint)(entryIndex)) & ENTRY_MASK) );
public override bool Equals(object value) {
if (value is UsageEntryRef) {
return _ref == ((UsageEntryRef)value)._ref;
return false;
public static bool Equals(UsageEntryRef r1, UsageEntryRef r2) {
return r1._ref == r2._ref;
public static bool operator ==(UsageEntryRef r1, UsageEntryRef r2) {
return r1._ref == r2._ref;
public static bool operator !=(UsageEntryRef r1, UsageEntryRef r2) {
return r1._ref != r2._ref;
public override int GetHashCode() {
return (int) _ref;
#if DBG
public override string ToString() {
if (IsRef1) {
return PageIndex + ":" + Ref1Index;
else if (IsRef2) {
return PageIndex + ":" + -Ref2Index;
else {
return "0";
// The index into the UsageBucket._pages array.
internal int PageIndex {
get {
int result = (int) (_ref >> PAGE_SHIFT);
return result;
// The index for UsageEntry._ref1 in the UsagePage._entries array.
internal int Ref1Index {
get {
int result = (int) (sbyte) (_ref & ENTRY_MASK);
Debug.Assert(result > 0, "result > 0");
return result;
// The index for UsageEntry._ref2 in the UsagePage._entries array.
internal int Ref2Index {
get {
int result = (int) (sbyte) (_ref & ENTRY_MASK);
Debug.Assert(result < 0, "result < 0");
return -result;
// Is the reference for the first reference?
internal bool IsRef1 {
get {
return ((int) (sbyte) (_ref & ENTRY_MASK)) > 0;
// Is the reference for the second reference?
internal bool IsRef2 {
get {
return ((int) (sbyte) (_ref & ENTRY_MASK)) < 0;
// Is the reference invalid?
internal bool IsInvalid {
get {
return _ref == 0;
// A link to an item in the last references list.
struct UsageEntryLink {
internal UsageEntryRef _next;
internal UsageEntryRef _prev;
// A cache entry in the LRU2 list. It contains the pointer to the
// cache entry, the date it was added to the list, and the links
// to the first and second references to the item in the list.
struct UsageEntry {
// The entry's first reference in the last reference list.
// _ref1._next is also used for the following purposes when
// the entry is not on the last reference list:
// * As a link in the free entry list for a page.
// * As a link in the list of items to flush in FlushUnderUsedItems.
internal UsageEntryLink _ref1;
// _entries[0]._ref1._next is used to hold the head of the free entries
// list. We use the space in _ref1._prev to hold the number
// of free entries in the list.
internal int _cFree;
// The entry's second reference in the last reference list.
internal UsageEntryLink _ref2;
// The date the entry was added to the list.
// If the date is 0 (DateTime.MinValue), the entry is free.
internal DateTime _utcDate;
// The cache entry.
internal CacheEntry _cacheEntry;
// A page to hold the array of UsageEntry.
struct UsagePage {
internal UsageEntry[] _entries; // array of UsagEntry.
internal int _pageNext; // next page on the free page or free entry list
internal int _pagePrev; // prev page on the free page or free entry list
// A list of UsagePages.
struct UsagePageList {
internal int _head; // head of list
internal int _tail; // tail of list
sealed class UsageBucket {
// We cannot use array index 0 for entries, because we need an array index to
// be different than its negation, and -0 = 0.
// We use _entries[0] to hold the head of the free list, and the size of the free list.
internal const int NUM_ENTRIES = 127;
const int LENGTH_ENTRIES = 128;
const int MIN_PAGES_INCREMENT = 10;
const int MAX_PAGES_INCREMENT = 340; // (size of a page on x86) / (12 bytes per UsagePage)
const double MIN_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.5; // minimum ratio of used to total entries before we will reduce
CacheUsage _cacheUsage; // parent usage object
byte _bucket; // priority of this bucket
UsagePage[] _pages; // list of pages
int _cEntriesInUse; // count of UsageEntry's in use
int _cPagesInUse; // count of UsagePage's in use
int _cEntriesInFlush; // count of UsageEntry's in process of being flushed
int _minEntriesInUse; // minimum number of entries in use before we reduce
UsagePageList _freePageList; // list of free pages (_entries == null)
UsagePageList _freeEntryList; // list of pages with free entries (entry.FreeCountCount > 0)
UsageEntryRef _lastRefHead; // head of list of last refs
UsageEntryRef _lastRefTail; // tail of list of last refs
UsageEntryRef _addRef2Head; // head of ref2 list
bool _blockReduce; // block calls to Reduce() while in FlushUnderUsedItems
internal UsageBucket(CacheUsage cacheUsage, byte bucket) {
_cacheUsage = cacheUsage;
_bucket = bucket;
void InitZeroPages() {
Debug.Assert(_cPagesInUse == 0, "_cPagesInUse == 0");
Debug.Assert(_cEntriesInUse == 0, "_cEntriesInUse == 0");
Debug.Assert(_cEntriesInFlush == 0, "_cEntriesInFlush == 0");
Debug.Assert(_lastRefHead.IsInvalid, "_lastRefHead.IsInvalid");
Debug.Assert(_lastRefTail.IsInvalid, "_lastRefTail.IsInvalid");
Debug.Assert(_addRef2Head.IsInvalid, "_addRef2Head.IsInvalid");
_pages = null;
_minEntriesInUse = -1;
_freePageList._head = -1;
_freePageList._tail = -1;
_freeEntryList._head = -1;
_freeEntryList._tail = -1;
// Use macros so that the code is inlined in the function
#define EntriesI(i) (_pages[(i)]._entries)
#define EntriesR(entryRef) (_pages[(entryRef.PageIndex)]._entries)
#define PagePrev(i) (_pages[(i)]._pagePrev)
#define PageNext(i) (_pages[(i)]._pageNext)
#define FreeEntryHead(entries) ((entries)[0]._ref1._next)
#define FreeEntryCount(entries) ((entries)[0]._cFree)
#define CreateRef1(entryRef) (new UsageEntryRef((entryRef).PageIndex, (entryRef).Ref2Index))
#define CreateRef2(entryRef) (new UsageEntryRef((entryRef).PageIndex, -(entryRef).Ref1Index))
#if DBG
bool EntryIsFree(UsageEntryRef entryRef) {
return EntriesR(entryRef)[entryRef.Ref1Index]._cacheEntry == null &&
EntriesR(entryRef)[entryRef.Ref1Index]._utcDate == DateTime.MinValue;
bool EntryIsUsed(UsageEntryRef entryRef) {
if (entryRef.IsRef1) {
return EntriesR(entryRef)[entryRef.Ref1Index]._cacheEntry != null &&
EntriesR(entryRef)[entryRef.Ref1Index]._utcDate != DateTime.MinValue;
else {
return EntriesR(entryRef)[entryRef.Ref2Index]._cacheEntry != null &&
EntriesR(entryRef)[entryRef.Ref2Index]._utcDate != DateTime.MinValue;
// Add a page to the head of a list.
void AddToListHead(int pageIndex, ref UsagePageList list) {
Debug.Assert((list._head == -1) == (list._tail == -1), "(list._head == -1) == (list._tail == -1)");
PagePrev(pageIndex) = -1;
PageNext(pageIndex) = list._head;
if (list._head != -1) {
Debug.Assert(PagePrev(list._head) == -1, "PagePrev(list._head) == -1");
PagePrev(list._head) = pageIndex;
else {
list._tail = pageIndex;
list._head = pageIndex;
// Add a page to the tail of a list.
void AddToListTail(int pageIndex, ref UsagePageList list) {
Debug.Assert((list._head == -1) == (list._tail == -1), "(list._head == -1) == (list._tail == -1)");
PageNext(pageIndex) = -1;
PagePrev(pageIndex) = list._tail;
if (list._tail != -1) {
Debug.Assert(PageNext(list._tail) == -1, "PageNext(list._tail) == -1");
PageNext(list._tail) = pageIndex;
else {
list._head = pageIndex;
list._tail = pageIndex;
// Remove a page from the head of a list.
int RemoveFromListHead(ref UsagePageList list) {
Debug.Assert(list._head != -1, "list._head != -1");
int oldHead = list._head;
RemoveFromList(oldHead, ref list);
return oldHead;
// Remove a page from the list.
void RemoveFromList(int pageIndex, ref UsagePageList list) {
Debug.Assert((list._head == -1) == (list._tail == -1), "(list._head == -1) == (list._tail == -1)");
if (PagePrev(pageIndex) != -1) {
Debug.Assert(PageNext(PagePrev(pageIndex)) == pageIndex, "PageNext(PagePrev(pageIndex)) == pageIndex");
PageNext(PagePrev(pageIndex)) = PageNext(pageIndex);
else {
Debug.Assert(list._head == pageIndex, "list._head == pageIndex");
list._head = PageNext(pageIndex);
if (PageNext(pageIndex) != -1) {
Debug.Assert(PagePrev(PageNext(pageIndex)) == pageIndex, "PagePrev(PageNext(pageIndex)) == pageIndex");
PagePrev(PageNext(pageIndex)) = PagePrev(pageIndex);
else {
Debug.Assert(list._tail == pageIndex, "list._tail == pageIndex");
list._tail = PagePrev(pageIndex);
PagePrev(pageIndex) = -1;
PageNext(pageIndex) = -1;
// Move a page to the head of the list
void MoveToListHead(int pageIndex, ref UsagePageList list) {
Debug.Assert(list._head != -1, "list._head != -1");
Debug.Assert(list._tail != -1, "list._tail != -1");
// already at head?
if (list._head == pageIndex)
// remove from list
RemoveFromList(pageIndex, ref list);
// add to head
AddToListHead(pageIndex, ref list);
// Move to the tail of the list
void MoveToListTail(int pageIndex, ref UsagePageList list) {
Debug.Assert(list._head != -1, "list._head != -1");
Debug.Assert(list._tail != -1, "list._tail != -1");
// already at tail?
if (list._tail == pageIndex)
// remove from list
RemoveFromList(pageIndex, ref list);
// add to head
AddToListTail(pageIndex, ref list);
// Update _minEntriesInUse when _cPagesInUse changes.
// When _cEntriesInUse falls below _minEntriesInUse,
// a call to Reduce() will consolidate entries onto fewer pages.
// If _minEntries == -1, then a call to Reduce() will never reduce the number of pages.
void UpdateMinEntries() {
if (_cPagesInUse <= 1) {
_minEntriesInUse = -1;
else {
int capacity = _cPagesInUse * NUM_ENTRIES;
Debug.Assert(capacity > 0, "capacity > 0");
Debug.Assert(MIN_LOAD_FACTOR < 1.0, "MIN_LOAD_FACTOR < 1.0");
_minEntriesInUse = (int) (capacity * MIN_LOAD_FACTOR);
// Don't allow a reduce if there are not enough free entries to
// remove a page.
// Note: _minEntriesInUse - 1 == max # of entries still in use when Reduce() happens
// (_cPagesInUse - 1) * NUM_ENTRIES == capacity after one page is freed
if ((_minEntriesInUse - 1) > ((_cPagesInUse - 1) * NUM_ENTRIES)) {
_minEntriesInUse = -1;
#if DBG
if (Debug.IsTagPresent("CacheUsageNoReduce") && Debug.IsTagEnabled("CacheUsageNoReduce")) {
_minEntriesInUse = -1;
// Remove a UsagePage that is in use, and put in on the list of free pages.
void RemovePage(int pageIndex) {
Debug.Assert(FreeEntryCount(EntriesI(pageIndex)) == NUM_ENTRIES, "FreeEntryCount(EntriesI(pageIndex)) == NUM_ENTRIES");
// release the page from the free entries list
RemoveFromList(pageIndex, ref _freeEntryList);
// Add the page to the free pages list
AddToListHead(pageIndex, ref _freePageList);
// remove reference to page
Debug.Assert(EntriesI(pageIndex) != null, "EntriesI(pageIndex) != null");
EntriesI(pageIndex) = null;
// decrement count of pages and update _cMinEntriesInUse
if (_cPagesInUse == 0) {
else {
#if DBG
UsageEntryRef GetLastRefNext(UsageEntryRef entryRef) {
if (entryRef.IsRef1) {
return EntriesR(entryRef)[entryRef.Ref1Index]._ref1._next;
else if (entryRef.IsRef2) {
return EntriesR(entryRef)[entryRef.Ref2Index]._ref2._next;
else {
return _lastRefHead;
UsageEntryRef GetLastRefPrev(UsageEntryRef entryRef) {
if (entryRef.IsRef1) {
return EntriesR(entryRef)[entryRef.Ref1Index]._ref1._prev;
else if (entryRef.IsRef2) {
return EntriesR(entryRef)[entryRef.Ref2Index]._ref2._prev;
else {
return _lastRefTail;
// Set the _next reference in the last reference list.
// We must do this with a macro to force inlining.
#define SetLastRefNext(entryRef, next) { \
if ((entryRef).IsRef1) { \
EntriesR((entryRef))[(entryRef).Ref1Index]._ref1._next = (next); \
} \
else if ((entryRef).IsRef2) { \
EntriesR((entryRef))[(entryRef).Ref2Index]._ref2._next = (next); \
} \
else { \
_lastRefHead = (next); \
} \
} \
// Set the _prev reference in the last reference list.
// We must do this with a macro to force inlining.
#define SetLastRefPrev(entryRef, prev) { \
if ((entryRef).IsRef1) { \
EntriesR((entryRef))[(entryRef).Ref1Index]._ref1._prev = (prev); \
} \
else if ((entryRef).IsRef2) { \
EntriesR((entryRef))[(entryRef).Ref2Index]._ref2._prev = (prev); \
} \
else { \
_lastRefTail = (prev); \
} \
} \
// Get a free UsageEntry.
UsageEntryRef GetFreeUsageEntry() {
// get the page of the free entry
Debug.Assert(_freeEntryList._head >= 0, "_freeEntryList._head >= 0");
int pageIndex = _freeEntryList._head;
// get a free entry from _entries
UsageEntry[] entries = EntriesI(pageIndex);
int entryIndex = FreeEntryHead(entries).Ref1Index;
// fixup free list and count
FreeEntryHead(entries) = entries[entryIndex]._ref1._next;
if (FreeEntryCount(entries) == 0) {
// remove page from list of free pages
Debug.Assert(FreeEntryHead(entries).IsInvalid, "FreeEntryHead(entries).IsInvalid");
RemoveFromList(pageIndex, ref _freeEntryList);
#if DBG
Debug.Assert(EntryIsFree(new UsageEntryRef(pageIndex, entryIndex)), "EntryIsFree(new UsageEntryRef(pageIndex, entryIndex))");
if (!FreeEntryHead(entries).IsInvalid) {
Debug.Assert(FreeEntryHead(entries).Ref1Index != entryIndex, "FreeEntryHead(entries).Ref1Index != entryIndex");
Debug.Assert(EntryIsFree(new UsageEntryRef(pageIndex, FreeEntryHead(entries).Ref1Index)), "EntryIsFree(new UsageEntryRef(pageIndex, FreeEntryHead(entries).Ref1Index))");
return new UsageEntryRef(pageIndex, entryIndex);
// Add a UsageEntry to the free entry list.
void AddUsageEntryToFreeList(UsageEntryRef entryRef) {
Debug.Assert(entryRef.IsRef1, "entryRef.IsRef1");
UsageEntry[] entries = EntriesR(entryRef);
int entryIndex = entryRef.Ref1Index;
Debug.Assert(entries[entryIndex]._cacheEntry == null, "entries[entryIndex]._cacheEntry == null");
entries[entryIndex]._utcDate = DateTime.MinValue;
entries[entryIndex]._ref1._prev = UsageEntryRef.INVALID;
entries[entryIndex]._ref2._next = UsageEntryRef.INVALID;
entries[entryIndex]._ref2._prev = UsageEntryRef.INVALID;
entries[entryIndex]._ref1._next = FreeEntryHead(entries);
FreeEntryHead(entries) = entryRef;
int pageIndex = entryRef.PageIndex;
if (FreeEntryCount(entries) == 1) {
// add page to head of list of free pages
AddToListHead(pageIndex, ref _freeEntryList);
else if (FreeEntryCount(entries) == NUM_ENTRIES) {
// Expand the capacity of the UsageBucket to hold more CacheEntry's.
// We will need to allocate a new page, and perhaps expand the _pages array.
// Note that we never collapse the _pages array.
void Expand() {
Debug.Assert(_cPagesInUse * NUM_ENTRIES == _cEntriesInUse, "_cPagesInUse * NUM_ENTRIES == _cEntriesInUse");
Debug.Assert(_freeEntryList._head == -1, "_freeEntryList._head == -1");
Debug.Assert(_freeEntryList._tail == -1, "_freeEntryList._tail == -1");
// exapnd _pages if there are no more
if (_freePageList._head == -1) {
// alloc new pages array
int oldLength;
if (_pages == null) {
oldLength = 0;
else {
oldLength = _pages.Length;
Debug.Assert(_cPagesInUse == oldLength, "_cPagesInUse == oldLength");
Debug.Assert(_cEntriesInUse == oldLength * NUM_ENTRIES, "_cEntriesInUse == oldLength * ExpiresEntryRef.NUM_ENTRIES");
int newLength = oldLength * 2;
newLength = Math.Max(oldLength + MIN_PAGES_INCREMENT, newLength);
newLength = Math.Min(newLength, oldLength + MAX_PAGES_INCREMENT);
Debug.Assert(newLength > oldLength, "newLength > oldLength");
UsagePage[] newPages = new UsagePage[newLength];
// copy original pages
for (int i = 0; i < oldLength; i++) {
newPages[i] = _pages[i];
// setup free list of new pages
for (int i = oldLength; i < newPages.Length; i++) {
newPages[i]._pagePrev = i - 1;
newPages[i]._pageNext = i + 1;
newPages[oldLength]._pagePrev = -1;
newPages[newPages.Length - 1]._pageNext = -1;
// use new pages array
_freePageList._head = oldLength;
_freePageList._tail = newPages.Length - 1;
_pages = newPages;
// move from free page list to free entries list
int pageIndex = RemoveFromListHead(ref _freePageList);
AddToListHead(pageIndex, ref _freeEntryList);
// create the entries
UsageEntry[] entries = new UsageEntry[LENGTH_ENTRIES];
FreeEntryCount(entries) = NUM_ENTRIES;
// init free list
for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length - 1; i++) {
entries[i]._ref1._next = new UsageEntryRef(pageIndex, i + 1);
entries[entries.Length - 1]._ref1._next = UsageEntryRef.INVALID;
EntriesI(pageIndex) = entries;
// increment count of pages and update _minEntriesInUse
// Consolidate UsageEntry's onto fewer pages when there are too many
// free entries.
void Reduce() {
// Test if we need to consolidate.
if (_cEntriesInUse >= _minEntriesInUse || _blockReduce)
Debug.Assert(_freeEntryList._head != -1, "_freeEntryList._head != -1");
Debug.Assert(_freeEntryList._tail != -1, "_freeEntryList._tail != -1");
Debug.Assert(_freeEntryList._head != _freeEntryList._tail, "_freeEntryList._head != _freeEntryList._tail");
// Rearrange free page list to put pages with more free entries at the tail
int meanFree = (int) (NUM_ENTRIES - (NUM_ENTRIES * MIN_LOAD_FACTOR));
int pageIndexLast = _freeEntryList._tail;
int pageIndexCurrent = _freeEntryList._head;
int pageIndexNext;
UsageEntry[] entries;
for (;;) {
pageIndexNext = PageNext(pageIndexCurrent);
// move pages with greater than mean number
// of free items to tail, move the others to head
if (FreeEntryCount(EntriesI(pageIndexCurrent)) > meanFree) {
MoveToListTail(pageIndexCurrent, ref _freeEntryList);
else {
MoveToListHead(pageIndexCurrent, ref _freeEntryList);
// check if entire list has been examined
if (pageIndexCurrent == pageIndexLast)
// iterate
pageIndexCurrent = pageIndexNext;
// Move entries from the free pages at the tail to the
// free pages at the front, and release the free pages at the tail.
for (;;) {
// See if there is room left to move entries used by the page.
if (_freeEntryList._tail == -1)
entries = EntriesI(_freeEntryList._tail);
Debug.Assert(FreeEntryCount(entries) > 0, "FreeEntryCount(entries) > 0");
int availableFreeEntries = (_cPagesInUse * NUM_ENTRIES) - FreeEntryCount(entries) - _cEntriesInUse;
if (availableFreeEntries < (NUM_ENTRIES - FreeEntryCount(entries)))
// Move each entry from the page at the tail to a page at the head.
for (int i = 1; i < entries.Length; i++) {
// skip the free entries
if (entries[i]._cacheEntry == null)
// get a free UsageEntry from the head of the list.
Debug.Assert(_freeEntryList._head != _freeEntryList._tail, "_freeEntryList._head != _freeEntryList._tail");
UsageEntryRef newRef1 = GetFreeUsageEntry();
UsageEntryRef newRef2 = CreateRef2(newRef1);
Debug.Assert(newRef1.PageIndex != _freeEntryList._tail, "newRef1.PageIndex != _freeEntryList._tail");
UsageEntryRef oldRef1 = new UsageEntryRef(_freeEntryList._tail, i);
UsageEntryRef oldRef2 = CreateRef2(oldRef1);
// update the CacheEntry
CacheEntry cacheEntry = entries[i]._cacheEntry;
Debug.Assert(cacheEntry.UsageEntryRef == oldRef1, "cacheEntry.UsageEntryRef == oldRef1");
cacheEntry.UsageEntryRef = newRef1;
// copy old entry to new entry
UsageEntry[] newEntries = EntriesR(newRef1);
newEntries[newRef1.Ref1Index] = entries[i];
// Update free entry count for debugging. We don't bother
// to fix up the free entry list for this page as we are
// going to release the page.
// Update the last ref list. We need to be careful when
// references to the entry refer to the same entry.
// ref1
UsageEntryRef prev = newEntries[newRef1.Ref1Index]._ref1._prev;
Debug.Assert(prev != oldRef2, "prev != oldRef2");
UsageEntryRef next = newEntries[newRef1.Ref1Index]._ref1._next;
if (next == oldRef2) {
next = newRef2;
#if DBG
Debug.Assert(GetLastRefNext(prev) == oldRef1, "GetLastRefNext(prev) == oldRef1");
Debug.Assert(GetLastRefPrev(next) == oldRef1, "GetLastRefPrev(next) == oldRef1");
SetLastRefNext(prev, newRef1);
SetLastRefPrev(next, newRef1);
// ref2
prev = newEntries[newRef1.Ref1Index]._ref2._prev;
if (prev == oldRef1) {
prev = newRef1;
next = newEntries[newRef1.Ref1Index]._ref2._next;
Debug.Assert(next != oldRef1, "next != oldRef1");
#if DBG
Debug.Assert(GetLastRefNext(prev) == oldRef2, "GetLastRefNext(prev) == oldRef2");
Debug.Assert(GetLastRefPrev(next) == oldRef2, "GetLastRefPrev(next) == oldRef2");
SetLastRefNext(prev, newRef2);
SetLastRefPrev(next, newRef2);
// _addRef2Head
if (_addRef2Head == oldRef2) {
_addRef2Head = newRef2;
// now the page is free - release its memory
Debug.Validate("CacheValidateUsage", this);
// Add a new UsageEntry for a CacheEntry.
internal void AddCacheEntry(CacheEntry cacheEntry) {
lock (this) {
// Expand if there are no free UsageEntry's available.
if (_freeEntryList._head == -1) {
// get the free entry
UsageEntryRef freeRef1 = GetFreeUsageEntry();
UsageEntryRef freeRef2 = CreateRef2(freeRef1);
Debug.Assert(cacheEntry.UsageEntryRef.IsInvalid, "cacheEntry.UsageEntryRef.IsInvalid");
cacheEntry.UsageEntryRef = freeRef1;
// initialize index
UsageEntry[] entries = EntriesR(freeRef1);
int entryIndex = freeRef1.Ref1Index;
entries[entryIndex]._cacheEntry = cacheEntry;
entries[entryIndex]._utcDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
// add ref1 to head of entire list, ref2 to head of new ref2 list
#if DBG
Debug.Assert(!_addRef2Head.IsRef1, "!_addRef2Head.IsRef1");
Debug.Assert(!_lastRefTail.IsRef1, "!_lastRefTail.IsRef1");
Debug.Assert(!_lastRefHead.IsRef2, "!_lastRefHead.IsRef2");
Debug.Assert(_lastRefTail.IsInvalid == _lastRefHead.IsInvalid, "_lastRefTail.IsInvalid == _lastRefHead.IsInvalid");
Debug.Assert(!_lastRefTail.IsInvalid || _addRef2Head.IsInvalid, "!_lastRefTail.IsInvalid || _addRef2Head.IsInvalid");
Debug.Assert(GetLastRefNext(_lastRefTail).IsInvalid, "GetLastRefNext(_lastRefTail).IsInvalid");
Debug.Assert(GetLastRefPrev(_lastRefHead).IsInvalid, "GetLastRefPrev(_lastRefHead).IsInvalid");
entries[entryIndex]._ref1._prev = UsageEntryRef.INVALID;
entries[entryIndex]._ref2._next = _addRef2Head;
if (_lastRefHead.IsInvalid) {
entries[entryIndex]._ref1._next = freeRef2;
entries[entryIndex]._ref2._prev = freeRef1;
_lastRefTail = freeRef2;
else {
entries[entryIndex]._ref1._next = _lastRefHead;
SetLastRefPrev(_lastRefHead, freeRef1);
UsageEntryRef next, prev;
if (_addRef2Head.IsInvalid) {
prev = _lastRefTail;
next = UsageEntryRef.INVALID;
else {
prev = EntriesR(_addRef2Head)[_addRef2Head.Ref2Index]._ref2._prev;
next = _addRef2Head;
entries[entryIndex]._ref2._prev = prev;
SetLastRefNext(prev, freeRef2);
SetLastRefPrev(next, freeRef2);
_lastRefHead = freeRef1;
_addRef2Head = freeRef2;
"Added item=" + cacheEntry.Key +
",_bucket=" + _bucket +
",ref=" + freeRef1);
Debug.Validate("CacheValidateUsage", this);
Debug.Dump("CacheUsageAdd", this);
// Remove an entry from the last references list.
void RemoveEntryFromLastRefList(UsageEntryRef entryRef) {
Debug.Assert(entryRef.IsRef1, "entryRef.IsRef1");
UsageEntry[] entries = EntriesR(entryRef);
int entryIndex = entryRef.Ref1Index;
// remove ref1 from list
UsageEntryRef prev = entries[entryIndex]._ref1._prev;
UsageEntryRef next = entries[entryIndex]._ref1._next;
#if DBG
Debug.Assert(GetLastRefNext(prev) == entryRef, "GetLastRefNext(prev) == entryRef");
Debug.Assert(GetLastRefPrev(next) == entryRef, "GetLastRefPrev(next) == entryRef");
SetLastRefNext(prev, next);
SetLastRefPrev(next, prev);
// remove ref2 from list
prev = entries[entryIndex]._ref2._prev;
next = entries[entryIndex]._ref2._next;
UsageEntryRef entryRef2 = CreateRef2(entryRef);
#if DBG
Debug.Assert(GetLastRefNext(prev) == entryRef2, "GetLastRefNext(prev) == entryRef2");
Debug.Assert(GetLastRefPrev(next) == entryRef2, "GetLastRefPrev(next) == entryRef2");
SetLastRefNext(prev, next);
SetLastRefPrev(next, prev);
// fixup _addRef2Head
if (_addRef2Head == entryRef2) {
_addRef2Head = next;
// Remove a CacheEntry from the UsageBucket.
internal void RemoveCacheEntry(CacheEntry cacheEntry) {
lock (this) {
// The cache entry could have been removed from the cache while
// we are in the middle of FlushUnderUsedItems, after we have
// released the lock and before we ourselves call Cache.Remove().
// Guard against that here.
UsageEntryRef entryRef = cacheEntry.UsageEntryRef;
if (entryRef.IsInvalid)
UsageEntry[] entries = EntriesR(entryRef);
int entryIndex = entryRef.Ref1Index;
#if DBG
Debug.Assert(entryRef.IsRef1, "entryRef.IsRef1");
Debug.Assert(EntryIsUsed(entryRef), "EntryIsUsed(entryRef)");
Debug.Assert(cacheEntry == entries[entryIndex]._cacheEntry, "cacheEntry == entries[entryIndex]._cacheEntry");
// update the cache entry
cacheEntry.UsageEntryRef = UsageEntryRef.INVALID;
entries[entryIndex]._cacheEntry = null;
// remove from last ref list
// add to free list
// remove pages if necessary
"Removed item=" + cacheEntry.Key +
",_bucket=" + _bucket +
",ref=" + entryRef);
Debug.Validate("CacheValidateUsage", this);
Debug.Dump("CacheUsageRemove", this);
// Update the CacheEntry in the last references list.
internal void UpdateCacheEntry(CacheEntry cacheEntry) {
lock (this) {
// The cache entry could have been retreived from the cache while
// we are in the middle of FlushUnderUsedItems, after we have
// released the lock and before we ourselves call Cache.Remove().
// Guard against that here.
UsageEntryRef entryRef = cacheEntry.UsageEntryRef;
if (entryRef.IsInvalid)
#if DBG
Debug.Assert(entryRef.IsRef1, "entryRef.IsRef1");
Debug.Assert(EntryIsUsed(entryRef), "EntryIsUsed(entryRef)");
Debug.Assert(!_lastRefHead.IsInvalid, "!_lastRefHead.IsInvalid");
Debug.Assert(!_lastRefTail.IsInvalid, "!_lastRefTail.IsInvalid");
UsageEntry[] entries = EntriesR(entryRef);
int entryIndex = entryRef.Ref1Index;
UsageEntryRef entryRef2 = CreateRef2(entryRef);
// remove ref2 from list
UsageEntryRef prev = entries[entryIndex]._ref2._prev;
UsageEntryRef next = entries[entryIndex]._ref2._next;
#if DBG
Debug.Assert(GetLastRefNext(prev) == entryRef2, "GetLastRefNext(prev) == entryRef2");
Debug.Assert(GetLastRefPrev(next) == entryRef2, "GetLastRefPrev(next) == entryRef2");
SetLastRefNext(prev, next);
SetLastRefPrev(next, prev);
// fixup _addRef2Head
if (_addRef2Head == entryRef2) {
_addRef2Head = next;
// move ref1 to ref2
entries[entryIndex]._ref2 = entries[entryIndex]._ref1;
prev = entries[entryIndex]._ref2._prev;
next = entries[entryIndex]._ref2._next;
#if DBG
Debug.Assert(GetLastRefNext(prev) == entryRef, "GetLastRefNext(prev) == entryRef");
Debug.Assert(GetLastRefPrev(next) == entryRef, "GetLastRefPrev(next) == entryRef");
SetLastRefNext(prev, entryRef2);
SetLastRefPrev(next, entryRef2);
// put ref1 at head of list
entries[entryIndex]._ref1._prev = UsageEntryRef.INVALID;
entries[entryIndex]._ref1._next = _lastRefHead;
#if DBG
Debug.Assert(GetLastRefPrev(_lastRefHead).IsInvalid, "GetLastRefPrev(_lastRefHead).IsInvalid");
SetLastRefPrev(_lastRefHead, entryRef);
_lastRefHead = entryRef;
"Updated item=" + cacheEntry.Key +
",_bucket=" + _bucket +
",ref=" + entryRef);
Debug.Validate("CacheValidateUsage", this);
Debug.Dump("CacheUsageUpdate", this);
// Flush under used items from the cache.
// If force is false, then we will skip items that have not aged enough
// to accumulate history.
// publicEntriesFlushed keeps track of the number of public entries that are flushed
internal int FlushUnderUsedItems(int maxFlush, bool force, ref int publicEntriesFlushed, ref int ocEntriesFlushed) {
#if DBG
if (Debug.IsTagPresent("CacheUsageNoFlush") && Debug.IsTagEnabled("CacheUsageNoFlush"))
return 0;
// Check if there is something to flush
if (_cEntriesInUse == 0)
return 0;
Debug.Assert(maxFlush > 0, "maxFlush is not greater than 0, instead is " + maxFlush);
Debug.Assert(_cEntriesInFlush == 0, "_cEntriesInFlush == 0");
// We create a list of UsageEntry's that we wish to flush. These entries
// are not considered free, so the page that holds them will not be removed.
// inFlushHead will point to the head of that list, while we use the same
// UsageEntry._ref1 to chain them together (after we remove them from
// the LastRef list.)
UsageEntryRef inFlushHead = UsageEntryRef.INVALID;
UsageEntryRef prev, prevNext;
DateTime utcDate;
UsageEntry[] entries;
int entryIndex;
CacheEntry cacheEntry;
int flushed = 0;
try {
// Block insertion into the Cache if we're under high memory pressure
lock (this) {
Debug.Assert(_blockReduce == false, "_blockReduce == false");
// Recheck if there is something to flush.
if (_cEntriesInUse == 0)
return 0;
DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
// Walk the ref2 list backwards, as these are the items that have
// been used least.
for (prev = _lastRefTail; _cEntriesInFlush < maxFlush && !prev.IsInvalid; prev = prevNext) {
Debug.Assert(_cEntriesInUse > 0, "_cEntriesInUse > 0");
// Set prevNext before possibly freeing an item.
// Examine only at ref2 items so we don't enumerate an
// item twice.
prevNext = EntriesR(prev)[prev.Ref2Index]._ref2._prev;
while (prevNext.IsRef1) {
prevNext = EntriesR(prevNext)[prevNext.Ref1Index]._ref1._prev;
#if DBG
Debug.Assert(prev.IsRef2, "prev.IsRef2");
Debug.Assert(EntryIsUsed(prev), "EntryIsUsed(prev)");
Debug.Assert(EntryIsUsed(prev), "EntryIsUsed(prev)");
entries = EntriesR(prev);
entryIndex = prev.Ref2Index;
// Do not remove an item if it was recently added to the last references list,
// as it has not had enough time to accumulate usage history.
if (!force) {
utcDate = entries[entryIndex]._utcDate;
Debug.Assert(utcDate != DateTime.MinValue, "utcDate != DateTime.MinValue");
if (utcNow - utcDate <= CacheUsage.NEWADD_INTERVAL && utcNow >= utcDate)
UsageEntryRef prev1 = CreateRef1(prev);
cacheEntry = entries[entryIndex]._cacheEntry;
Debug.Assert(cacheEntry.UsageEntryRef == prev1, "cacheEntry.UsageEntryRef == prev1");
Debug.Trace("CacheUsageFlushUnderUsedItem", "Flushing underused items, item=" + cacheEntry.Key + ", bucket=" + _bucket);
// Remove reference from CacheEntry. We must do this before we
// release the lock, otherwise the item would be corrupted if
// UpdateCacheEntry or RemoveCacheEntry were called.
cacheEntry.UsageEntryRef = UsageEntryRef.INVALID;
// Keep track of how many public entries were flushed
if (cacheEntry.IsPublic) {
publicEntriesFlushed ++;
else if (cacheEntry.IsOutputCache) {
// remove from lastref list
// add it to the inFlush list
entries[entryIndex]._ref1._next = inFlushHead;
inFlushHead = prev1;
if (flushed == 0) {
Debug.Trace("CacheUsageFlushTotal", "Flush(" + maxFlush + "," + force + ") removed " + flushed +
" underused items; Time=" + Debug.FormatLocalDate(DateTime.Now));
return 0;
// We are about to leave the lock. However, we still have to use the
// locally created "inFlush list" after that. That's why we have to
// set _blockReduce to true to prevent Reduce() from moving the
// entries around.
_blockReduce = true;
finally {
// Don't hold any insertblock before we remove Cache items. If not, the following
// deadlock scenario may happen:
// - 3rd party code hold lock A, call Cache.Insert, which wait for the Cache insertblock
// - FlushUnderUsedItems holds the Cache insertBlock, call Cache.Remove, which call
// 3rd party CacheItemRemovedCallback, which then try to get lock A
// We need to release the lock because when we do remove below,
// some CacheRemoveCallback user code might run that might
// do a cache insert in another thread, and will cause
// a CacheUsage insert/remove/update, we will block
// that thread, which cause a deadlock if the user code is
// waiting for that thread to finish its job.
Debug.Assert(!inFlushHead.IsInvalid, "!inFlushHead.IsInvalid");
// Remove items on the inFlush list from the rest of the cache.
CacheSingle cacheSingle = _cacheUsage.CacheSingle;
UsageEntryRef current = inFlushHead;
UsageEntryRef next;
while (!current.IsInvalid) {
entries = EntriesR(current);
entryIndex = current.Ref1Index;
next = entries[entryIndex]._ref1._next;
// remove the entry
cacheEntry = entries[entryIndex]._cacheEntry;
entries[entryIndex]._cacheEntry = null;
Debug.Assert(cacheEntry.UsageEntryRef.IsInvalid, "cacheEntry.UsageEntryRef.IsInvalid");
cacheSingle.Remove(cacheEntry, CacheItemRemovedReason.Underused);
current = next;
try {
// Block insertion into the Cache if we're under high memory pressure
lock (this) {
// add each UsageEntry to the free list
current = inFlushHead;
while (!current.IsInvalid) {
entries = EntriesR(current);
entryIndex = current.Ref1Index;
next = entries[entryIndex]._ref1._next;
current = next;
// try to reduce
Debug.Assert(_cEntriesInFlush == 0, "_cEntriesInFlush == 0");
_blockReduce = false;
Debug.Trace("CacheUsageFlushTotal", "Flush(" + maxFlush + "," + force + ") removed " + flushed +
" underused items; Time=" + Debug.FormatLocalDate(DateTime.Now));
Debug.Validate("CacheValidateUsage", this);
Debug.Dump("CacheUsageFlush", this);
finally {
return flushed;
#if DBG
internal void DebugValidate() {
int cFree = 0;
int cEntriesInUse = 0;
int cPagesInUse = 0;
int pagesLength;
if (_pages == null) {
pagesLength = 0;
else {
pagesLength = _pages.Length;
Debug.CheckValid(-1 <= _freePageList._head && _freePageList._head <= pagesLength, "-1 <= _freePageList._head && _freePageList._head <= pagesLength");
Debug.CheckValid(-1 <= _freeEntryList._head && _freeEntryList._head <= pagesLength, "-1 <= _freeEntryList._head && _freeEntryList._head <= pagesLength");
Debug.CheckValid(-1 <= _freeEntryList._tail && _freeEntryList._tail <= pagesLength, "-1 <= _freeEntryList._tail && _freeEntryList._tail <= pagesLength");
Debug.CheckValid((_freeEntryList._head == -1) == (_freeEntryList._tail == -1), "(_freeEntryList._head == -1) == (_freeEntryList._tail == -1)");
Debug.CheckValid(_minEntriesInUse >= -1, "_minEntriesInUse >= -1");
Debug.CheckValid(_lastRefHead.IsInvalid == _lastRefTail.IsInvalid, "_lastRefHead.IsInvalid == _lastRefTail.IsInvalid");
Debug.CheckValid(!_lastRefTail.IsInvalid || _addRef2Head.IsInvalid, "!_lastRefTail.IsInvalid || _addRef2Head.IsInvalid");
Debug.CheckValid(!_lastRefHead.IsRef2, "!_lastRefHead.IsRef2");
Debug.CheckValid(!_lastRefTail.IsRef1, "!_lastRefTail.IsRef1");
Debug.CheckValid(!_addRef2Head.IsRef1, "!_addRef2Head.IsRef1");
Debug.CheckValid(_cEntriesInFlush >= 0, "_cEntriesInFlush >= 0");
// check counts
for (int i = 0; i < pagesLength; i++) {
UsageEntry[] entries = _pages[i]._entries;
if (entries != null) {
cFree = 0;
Debug.CheckValid(entries[0]._cacheEntry == null, "entries[0]._cacheEntry == null");
Debug.CheckValid(entries[0]._utcDate == DateTime.MinValue, "entries[0]._utcDate == DateTime.MinValue");
for (int j = 1; j < entries.Length; j++) {
if (EntryIsFree(new UsageEntryRef(i, j))) {
else {
Debug.CheckValid(cFree == FreeEntryCount(entries), "cFree == FreeEntryCount(entries)");
// walk the free list
cFree = 0;
if (!FreeEntryHead(entries).IsInvalid) {
int j = FreeEntryHead(entries).Ref1Index;
for (;;) {
Debug.CheckValid(cFree <= FreeEntryCount(entries), "cFree <= FreeEntryCount(entries)");
if (entries[j]._ref1._next.IsInvalid)
j = entries[j]._ref1._next.Ref1Index;
Debug.CheckValid(cFree == FreeEntryCount(entries), "cFree == FreeEntryCount(entries)");
Debug.CheckValid(cPagesInUse == _cPagesInUse, "cPagesInUse == _cPagesInUse");
Debug.CheckValid(cEntriesInUse == _cEntriesInUse, "cEntriesInUse == _cEntriesInUse");
// walk the free slot list
int cFreeSlots = 0;
if (_freePageList._head != -1) {
for (int i = _freePageList._head; i != -1; i = _pages[i]._pageNext) {
Debug.CheckValid(cFreeSlots <= pagesLength, "cFreeSlots <= pagesLength");
Debug.CheckValid(_pages[i]._entries == null, "_pages[i]._entries == null");
if (_freePageList._head != i) {
Debug.CheckValid(PageNext(PagePrev(i)) == i, "PageNext(PagePrev(i)) == i");
if (_freePageList._tail != i) {
Debug.CheckValid(PagePrev(PageNext(i)) == i, "PagePrev(PageNext(i)) == i");
Debug.CheckValid(cFreeSlots == pagesLength - _cPagesInUse, "cFreeSlots == pagesLength - _cPagesInUse");
// walk the free page list
int cFreeEntries = 0;
int cFreePages = 0;
if (_freeEntryList._head != -1) {
for (int i = _freeEntryList._head; i != -1; i = _pages[i]._pageNext) {
Debug.CheckValid(cFreePages <= pagesLength, "cFreePages < pagesLength");
UsageEntry[] entries = _pages[i]._entries;
Debug.CheckValid(entries != null, "entries != null");
cFreeEntries += FreeEntryCount(entries);
if (_freeEntryList._head != i) {
Debug.CheckValid(PageNext(PagePrev(i)) == i, "PageNext(PagePrev(i)) == i");
if (_freeEntryList._tail != i) {
Debug.CheckValid(PagePrev(PageNext(i)) == i, "PagePrev(PageNext(i)) == i");
Debug.CheckValid(cFreeEntries == (_cPagesInUse * NUM_ENTRIES) - _cEntriesInUse, "cFreeEntries == (_cPagesInUse * NUM_ENTRIES) - _cEntriesInUse");
// walk last ref list forwards
int cTotalRefs = 2 * (_cEntriesInUse - _cEntriesInFlush);
int cRefs = 0;
UsageEntryRef last = UsageEntryRef.INVALID;
UsageEntryRef next = _lastRefHead;
while (!next.IsInvalid) {
Debug.CheckValid(cRefs <= cTotalRefs, "cRefs <= cTotalRefs");
Debug.CheckValid(EntryIsUsed(next), "EntryIsUsed(next)");
Debug.CheckValid(GetLastRefPrev(next) == last, "GetLastRefPrev(next) == last");
last = next;
next = GetLastRefNext(next);
Debug.CheckValid(cRefs == cTotalRefs, "cRefs == cTotalRefs");
// walk list backwards
cRefs = 0;
last = UsageEntryRef.INVALID;
UsageEntryRef prev = _lastRefTail;
while (!prev.IsInvalid) {
Debug.CheckValid(cRefs <= cTotalRefs, "cRefs <= cTotalRefs");
Debug.CheckValid(EntryIsUsed(prev), "EntryIsUsed(next)");
Debug.CheckValid(GetLastRefNext(prev) == last, "GetLastRefPrev(next) == last");
last = prev;
prev = GetLastRefPrev(prev);
Debug.CheckValid(cRefs == cTotalRefs, "cRefs == cTotalRefs");
// walk the add2ref list
cRefs = 0;
last = GetLastRefPrev(_addRef2Head);
next = _addRef2Head;
while (!next.IsInvalid) {
Debug.CheckValid(cRefs <= (cTotalRefs / 2), "cRefs <= (cTotalRefs / 2)");
Debug.CheckValid(EntryIsUsed(next), "EntryIsUsed(next)");
Debug.CheckValid(GetLastRefPrev(next) == last, "GetLastRefPrev(next) == last");
Debug.CheckValid(!next.IsRef1, "!next.IsRef1");
last = next;
next = GetLastRefNext(next);
Debug.CheckValid(cRefs <= (cTotalRefs / 2), "cRefs <= (cTotalRefs / 2)");
internal string DebugDescription(string indent) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
string i2 = indent + " ";
sb.Append(indent +
"_bucket=" + _bucket +
",_cEntriesInUse=" + _cEntriesInUse +
",_cPagesInUse=" + _cPagesInUse +
",_pages is " + (_pages == null ? "null" : "non-null") +
",_minEntriesInUse=" + _minEntriesInUse +
",_freePageList._head=" + _freePageList._head +
",_freeEntryList._head=" + _freeEntryList._head +
",_freeEntryList._tail=" + _freeEntryList._tail +
sb.Append(indent + "Refs list, in order:\n");
UsageEntryRef next = _lastRefHead;
while (!next.IsInvalid) {
if (next.IsRef1) {
sb.Append(i2 + next.PageIndex + ":" + next.Ref1Index + " (1): " + EntriesR(next)[next.Ref1Index]._cacheEntry.Key + "\n");
else {
sb.Append(i2 + next.PageIndex + ":" + next.Ref2Index + " (2): " + EntriesR(next)[next.Ref2Index]._cacheEntry.Key + "\n");
next = GetLastRefNext(next);
return sb.ToString();
class CacheUsage {
internal static readonly TimeSpan NEWADD_INTERVAL = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10);
internal static readonly TimeSpan CORRELATED_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);
internal static readonly TimeSpan MIN_LIFETIME_FOR_USAGE = NEWADD_INTERVAL;
const byte NUMBUCKETS = (byte) (CacheItemPriority.High);
const int MAX_REMOVE = 1024; // one page of poiners to CacheEntry's
readonly CacheSingle _cacheSingle;
internal readonly UsageBucket[] _buckets;
int _inFlush;
internal CacheUsage(CacheSingle cacheSingle) {
Debug.Assert((int) CacheItemPriority.Low == 1, "(int) CacheItemPriority.Low == 1");
_cacheSingle = cacheSingle;
_buckets = new UsageBucket[NUMBUCKETS];
for (byte b = 0; b < _buckets.Length; b++) {
_buckets[b] = new UsageBucket(this, b);
internal CacheSingle CacheSingle {
get {
return _cacheSingle;
internal void Add(CacheEntry cacheEntry) {
byte bucket = cacheEntry.UsageBucket;
Debug.Assert(bucket != 0xff, "bucket != 0xff");
internal void Remove(CacheEntry cacheEntry) {
byte bucket = cacheEntry.UsageBucket;
if (bucket != 0xff) {
internal void Update(CacheEntry cacheEntry) {
byte bucket = cacheEntry.UsageBucket;
if (bucket != 0xff) {
// publicEntriesFlushed keeps track of the number of public entries that are flushed
internal int FlushUnderUsedItems(int toFlush, ref int publicEntriesFlushed, ref int ocEntriesFlushed) {
int flushed = 0;
if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _inFlush, 1) == 0) {
try {
foreach (UsageBucket usageBucket in _buckets) {
int flushedOne = usageBucket.FlushUnderUsedItems(toFlush - flushed,
ref publicEntriesFlushed,
ref ocEntriesFlushed);
flushed += flushedOne;
if (flushed >= toFlush)
if (flushed < toFlush) {
foreach (UsageBucket usageBucket in _buckets) {
int flushedOne = usageBucket.FlushUnderUsedItems(toFlush - flushed,
ref publicEntriesFlushed,
ref ocEntriesFlushed);
flushed += flushedOne;
if (flushed >= toFlush)
finally {
Interlocked.Exchange(ref _inFlush, 0);
return flushed;
#if DBG
internal void DebugValidate() {
foreach (UsageBucket usageBucket in _buckets) {
internal string DebugDescription(string indent) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
string i2 = indent + " ";
sb.Append("Cache Usage\n");
foreach (UsageBucket usageBucket in _buckets) {
return sb.ToString();