2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
// <copyright file="SemanticResolver.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
2017-08-21 15:34:15 +00:00
// @owner Microsoft
// @backupOwner Microsoft
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
namespace System.Data.Common.EntitySql
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees ;
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.ExpressionBuilder ;
using System.Data.Entity ;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Linq ;
/// <summary>
/// Represents eSQL expression class.
/// </summary>
internal enum ExpressionResolutionClass
/// <summary>
/// A value expression such as a literal, variable or a value-returning expression.
/// </summary>
Value ,
/// <summary>
/// An expression returning an entity container.
/// </summary>
EntityContainer ,
/// <summary>
/// An expression returning a metadata member such as a type, function group or namespace.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Abstract class representing the result of an eSQL expression classification.
/// </summary>
internal abstract class ExpressionResolution
protected ExpressionResolution ( ExpressionResolutionClass @class )
ExpressionClass = @class ;
internal readonly ExpressionResolutionClass ExpressionClass ;
internal abstract string ExpressionClassName { get ; }
/// <summary>
/// Represents an eSQL expression classified as <see cref="ExpressionResolutionClass.Value"/>.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class ValueExpression : ExpressionResolution
internal ValueExpression ( DbExpression value )
: base ( ExpressionResolutionClass . Value )
Value = value ;
internal override string ExpressionClassName { get { return ValueClassName ; } }
internal static string ValueClassName { get { return Strings . LocalizedValueExpression ; } }
/// <summary>
/// Null if <see cref="ValueExpression"/> represents the untyped null.
/// </summary>
internal readonly DbExpression Value ;
/// <summary>
/// Represents an eSQL expression classified as <see cref="ExpressionResolutionClass.EntityContainer"/>.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class EntityContainerExpression : ExpressionResolution
internal EntityContainerExpression ( EntityContainer entityContainer )
: base ( ExpressionResolutionClass . EntityContainer )
EntityContainer = entityContainer ;
internal override string ExpressionClassName { get { return EntityContainerClassName ; } }
internal static string EntityContainerClassName { get { return Strings . LocalizedEntityContainerExpression ; } }
internal readonly EntityContainer EntityContainer ;
/// <summary>
/// Implements the semantic resolver in the context of a metadata workspace and typespace.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>not thread safe</remarks>
internal sealed class SemanticResolver
#region Fields
private readonly ParserOptions _parserOptions ;
private readonly Dictionary < string , DbParameterReferenceExpression > _parameters ;
private readonly Dictionary < string , DbVariableReferenceExpression > _variables ;
private readonly TypeResolver _typeResolver ;
private readonly ScopeManager _scopeManager ;
private readonly List < ScopeRegion > _scopeRegions = new List < ScopeRegion > ( ) ;
private bool _ignoreEntityContainerNameResolution = false ;
private GroupAggregateInfo _currentGroupAggregateInfo = null ;
private uint _namegenCounter = 0 ;
#region Constructors
/// <summary>
/// Creates new instance of <see cref="SemanticResolver"/>.
/// </summary>
internal static SemanticResolver Create ( Perspective perspective ,
ParserOptions parserOptions ,
IEnumerable < DbParameterReferenceExpression > parameters ,
IEnumerable < DbVariableReferenceExpression > variables )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( perspective , "perspective" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( parserOptions , "parserOptions" ) ;
return new SemanticResolver (
parserOptions ,
ProcessParameters ( parameters , parserOptions ) ,
ProcessVariables ( variables , parserOptions ) ,
new TypeResolver ( perspective , parserOptions ) ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of <see cref="SemanticResolver"/> with clean scopes and shared inline function definitions inside of the type resolver.
/// </summary>
internal SemanticResolver CloneForInlineFunctionConversion ( )
return new SemanticResolver (
_parserOptions ,
_parameters ,
_variables ,
_typeResolver ) ;
private SemanticResolver ( ParserOptions parserOptions ,
Dictionary < string , DbParameterReferenceExpression > parameters ,
Dictionary < string , DbVariableReferenceExpression > variables ,
TypeResolver typeResolver )
_parserOptions = parserOptions ;
_parameters = parameters ;
_variables = variables ;
_typeResolver = typeResolver ;
// Creates Scope manager
_scopeManager = new ScopeManager ( this . NameComparer ) ;
// Push a root scope region
EnterScopeRegion ( ) ;
// Add command free variables to the root scope
foreach ( DbVariableReferenceExpression variable in _variables . Values )
this . CurrentScope . Add ( variable . VariableName , new FreeVariableScopeEntry ( variable ) ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Validates that the specified parameters have valid, non-duplicated names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="paramDefs">The set of query parameters</param>
/// <returns>A valid dictionary that maps parameter names to <see cref="DbParameterReferenceExpression"/>s using the current NameComparer</returns>
private static Dictionary < string , DbParameterReferenceExpression > ProcessParameters ( IEnumerable < DbParameterReferenceExpression > paramDefs , ParserOptions parserOptions )
Dictionary < string , DbParameterReferenceExpression > retParams = new Dictionary < string , DbParameterReferenceExpression > ( parserOptions . NameComparer ) ;
if ( paramDefs ! = null )
foreach ( DbParameterReferenceExpression paramDef in paramDefs )
if ( retParams . ContainsKey ( paramDef . ParameterName ) )
throw EntityUtil . EntitySqlError ( Strings . MultipleDefinitionsOfParameter ( paramDef . ParameterName ) ) ;
Debug . Assert ( paramDef . ResultType . IsReadOnly , "paramDef.ResultType.IsReadOnly must be set" ) ;
retParams . Add ( paramDef . ParameterName , paramDef ) ;
return retParams ;
/// <summary>
/// Validates that the specified variables have valid, non-duplicated names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="varDefs">The set of free variables</param>
/// <returns>A valid dictionary that maps variable names to <see cref="DbVariableReferenceExpression"/>s using the current NameComparer</returns>
private static Dictionary < string , DbVariableReferenceExpression > ProcessVariables ( IEnumerable < DbVariableReferenceExpression > varDefs , ParserOptions parserOptions )
Dictionary < string , DbVariableReferenceExpression > retVars = new Dictionary < string , DbVariableReferenceExpression > ( parserOptions . NameComparer ) ;
if ( varDefs ! = null )
foreach ( DbVariableReferenceExpression varDef in varDefs )
if ( retVars . ContainsKey ( varDef . VariableName ) )
throw EntityUtil . EntitySqlError ( Strings . MultipleDefinitionsOfVariable ( varDef . VariableName ) ) ;
Debug . Assert ( varDef . ResultType . IsReadOnly , "varDef.ResultType.IsReadOnly must be set" ) ;
retVars . Add ( varDef . VariableName , varDef ) ;
return retVars ;
#region Properties
/// <summary>
/// Returns ordinary command parameters. Empty dictionary in case of no parameters.
/// </summary>
internal Dictionary < string , DbParameterReferenceExpression > Parameters
get { return _parameters ; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns command free variables. Empty dictionary in case of no variables.
/// </summary>
internal Dictionary < string , DbVariableReferenceExpression > Variables
get { return _variables ; }
/// <summary>
/// TypeSpace/Metadata/Perspective dependent type resolver.
/// </summary>
internal TypeResolver TypeResolver
get { return _typeResolver ; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns current Parser Options.
/// </summary>
internal ParserOptions ParserOptions
get { return _parserOptions ; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the current string comparer.
/// </summary>
internal StringComparer NameComparer
get { return _parserOptions . NameComparer ; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the list of scope regions: outer followed by inner.
/// </summary>
internal IEnumerable < ScopeRegion > ScopeRegions
get { return _scopeRegions ; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the current scope region.
/// </summary>
internal ScopeRegion CurrentScopeRegion
get { return _scopeRegions [ _scopeRegions . Count - 1 ] ; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the current scope.
/// </summary>
internal Scope CurrentScope
get { return _scopeManager . CurrentScope ; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns index of the current scope.
/// </summary>
internal int CurrentScopeIndex
get { return _scopeManager . CurrentScopeIndex ; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the current group aggregate info when processing group aggregate argument.
/// </summary>
internal GroupAggregateInfo CurrentGroupAggregateInfo
get { return _currentGroupAggregateInfo ; }
#region GetExpressionFromScopeEntry
/// <summary>
/// Returns the appropriate expression from a given scope entry.
/// May return null for scope entries like <see cref="InvalidGroupInputRefScopeEntry"/>.
/// </summary>
private DbExpression GetExpressionFromScopeEntry ( ScopeEntry scopeEntry , int scopeIndex , string varName , ErrorContext errCtx )
// If
// 1) we are in the context of a group aggregate or group key,
// 2) and the scopeEntry can have multiple interpretations depending on the aggregation context,
// 3) and the defining scope region of the scopeEntry is outer or equal to the defining scope region of the group aggregate,
// 4) and the defining scope region of the scopeEntry is not performing conversion of a group key definition,
// Then the expression that corresponds to the scopeEntry is either the GroupVarBasedExpression or the GroupAggBasedExpression.
// Otherwise the default expression that corresponds to the scopeEntry is provided by scopeEntry.GetExpression(...) call.
// Explanation for #2 from the list above:
// A scope entry may have multiple aggregation-context interpretations:
// - An expression in the context of a group key definition, obtained by scopeEntry.GetExpression(...);
// Example: select k1 from {0} as a group by a%2 as k1
// ^^^
// - An expression in the context of a function aggregate, provided by iGroupExpressionExtendedInfo.GroupVarBasedExpression;
// Example: select max( a ) from {0} as a group by a%2 as k1
// ^^^
// - An expression in the context of a group partition, provided by iGroupExpressionExtendedInfo.GroupAggBasedExpression;
// Example: select GroupPartition( a ) from {0} as a group by a%2 as k1
// ^^^
// Note that expressions obtained from aggregation-context-dependent scope entries outside of the three contexts mentioned above
// will default to the value returned by the scopeEntry.GetExpression(...) call. This value is the same as in the group key definition context.
// These expressions have correct result types which enables partial expression validation.
// However the contents of the expressions are invalid outside of the group key definitions, hence they can not appear in the final expression tree.
// SemanticAnalyzer.ProcessGroupByClause(...) method guarantees that such expressions are only temporarily used during GROUP BY clause processing and
// dropped afterwards.
// Example: select a, k1 from {0} as a group by a%2 as k1
// ^^^^^ - these expressions are processed twice: once during GROUP BY and then SELECT clause processing,
// the expressions obtained during GROUP BY clause processing are dropped and only
// the ones obtained during SELECT clause processing are accepted.
// Explanation for #3 from the list above:
// - An outer scope entry referenced inside of an aggregate may lift the aggregate to the outer scope region for evaluation,
// hence such a scope entry must be interpreted in the aggregation context. See explanation for #4 below for more info.
// Example:
// select
// (select max(x) from {1} as y)
// from {0} as x
// - If a scope entry is defined inside of a group aggregate, then the scope entry is not affected by the aggregate,
// hence such a scope entry is not interpreted in the aggregation context.
// Example:
// select max(
// anyelement( select b from {1} as b )
// )
// from {0} as a group by a %2 as a1
// In this query the aggregate argument contains a nested query expression.
// The nested query references b. Because b is defined inside of the aggregate it is not interpreted in the aggregation context and
// the expression for b should not be GroupVar/GroupAgg based, even though the reference to b appears inside of an aggregate.
// Explanation for #4 from the list above:
// An aggregate evaluating on a particular scope region defines the interpretation of scope entries defined on that scope region.
// In the case when an inner aggregate references a scope entry belonging to the evaluating region of an outer aggregate, the interpretation
// of the scope entry is controlled by the outer aggregate, otherwise it is controlled by the inner aggregate.
// Example:
// select a1
// from {0} as a group by
// anyelement(select value max(a + b) from {1} as b)
// as a1
// In this query the aggregate inside of a1 group key definition, the max(a + b), references scope entry a.
// Because a is referenced inside of the group key definition (which serves as an outer aggregate) and the key definition belongs to
// the same scope region as a, a is interpreted in the context of the group key definition, not the function aggregate and
// the expression for a is obtained by scopeEntry.GetExpression(...) call, not iGroupExpressionExtendedInfo.GroupVarBasedExpression.
DbExpression expr = scopeEntry . GetExpression ( varName , errCtx ) ;
Debug . Assert ( expr ! = null , "scopeEntry.GetExpression(...) returned null" ) ;
if ( _currentGroupAggregateInfo ! = null )
// Make sure defining scope regions agree as described above.
// Outer scope region has smaller index value than the inner.
ScopeRegion definingScopeRegionOfScopeEntry = GetDefiningScopeRegion ( scopeIndex ) ;
if ( definingScopeRegionOfScopeEntry . ScopeRegionIndex < = _currentGroupAggregateInfo . DefiningScopeRegion . ScopeRegionIndex )
// Let the group aggregate know the scope of the scope entry it references.
// This affects the scope region that will evaluate the group aggregate.
_currentGroupAggregateInfo . UpdateScopeIndex ( scopeIndex , this ) ;
IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo iGroupExpressionExtendedInfo = scopeEntry as IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo ;
if ( iGroupExpressionExtendedInfo ! = null )
// Find the aggregate that controls interpretation of the current scope entry.
// This would be a containing aggregate with the defining scope region matching definingScopeRegionOfScopeEntry.
// If there is no such aggregate, then the current containing aggregate controls interpretation.
GroupAggregateInfo expressionInterpretationContext ;
for ( expressionInterpretationContext = _currentGroupAggregateInfo ;
expressionInterpretationContext ! = null & &
expressionInterpretationContext . DefiningScopeRegion . ScopeRegionIndex > = definingScopeRegionOfScopeEntry . ScopeRegionIndex ;
expressionInterpretationContext = expressionInterpretationContext . ContainingAggregate )
if ( expressionInterpretationContext . DefiningScopeRegion . ScopeRegionIndex = = definingScopeRegionOfScopeEntry . ScopeRegionIndex )
break ;
if ( expressionInterpretationContext = = null | |
expressionInterpretationContext . DefiningScopeRegion . ScopeRegionIndex < definingScopeRegionOfScopeEntry . ScopeRegionIndex )
expressionInterpretationContext = _currentGroupAggregateInfo ;
switch ( expressionInterpretationContext . AggregateKind )
case GroupAggregateKind . Function :
if ( iGroupExpressionExtendedInfo . GroupVarBasedExpression ! = null )
expr = iGroupExpressionExtendedInfo . GroupVarBasedExpression ;
break ;
case GroupAggregateKind . Partition :
if ( iGroupExpressionExtendedInfo . GroupAggBasedExpression ! = null )
expr = iGroupExpressionExtendedInfo . GroupAggBasedExpression ;
break ;
case GroupAggregateKind . GroupKey :
// User the current expression obtained from scopeEntry.GetExpression(...)
break ;
default :
Debug . Fail ( "Unexpected group aggregate kind." ) ;
break ;
return expr ;
#region Name resolution
#region Resolve simple / metadata member name
internal IDisposable EnterIgnoreEntityContainerNameResolution ( )
Debug . Assert ( ! _ignoreEntityContainerNameResolution , "EnterIgnoreEntityContainerNameResolution() is not reentrant." ) ;
_ignoreEntityContainerNameResolution = true ;
return new Disposer ( delegate
Debug . Assert ( this . _ignoreEntityContainerNameResolution , "_ignoreEntityContainerNameResolution must be true." ) ;
this . _ignoreEntityContainerNameResolution = false ;
} ) ;
internal ExpressionResolution ResolveSimpleName ( string name , bool leftHandSideOfMemberAccess , ErrorContext errCtx )
Debug . Assert ( ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( name ) , "name must not be null or empty" ) ;
// Try resolving as a scope entry.
ScopeEntry scopeEntry ;
int scopeIndex ;
if ( TryScopeLookup ( name , out scopeEntry , out scopeIndex ) )
// Check for invalid join left expression correlation.
if ( scopeEntry . EntryKind = = ScopeEntryKind . SourceVar & & ( ( SourceScopeEntry ) scopeEntry ) . IsJoinClauseLeftExpr )
throw EntityUtil . EntitySqlError ( errCtx , Strings . InvalidJoinLeftCorrelation ) ;
// Set correlation flag.
SetScopeRegionCorrelationFlag ( scopeIndex ) ;
return new ValueExpression ( GetExpressionFromScopeEntry ( scopeEntry , scopeIndex , name , errCtx ) ) ;
// Try resolving as a member of the default entity container.
EntityContainer defaultEntityContainer = this . TypeResolver . Perspective . GetDefaultContainer ( ) ;
ExpressionResolution defaultEntityContainerResolution ;
if ( defaultEntityContainer ! = null & & TryResolveEntityContainerMemberAccess ( defaultEntityContainer , name , errCtx , out defaultEntityContainerResolution ) )
return defaultEntityContainerResolution ;
if ( ! _ignoreEntityContainerNameResolution )
// Try resolving as an entity container.
EntityContainer entityContainer ;
if ( this . TypeResolver . Perspective . TryGetEntityContainer ( name , _parserOptions . NameComparisonCaseInsensitive /*ignoreCase*/ , out entityContainer ) )
return new EntityContainerExpression ( entityContainer ) ;
// Otherwise, resolve as an unqualified name.
return this . TypeResolver . ResolveUnqualifiedName ( name , leftHandSideOfMemberAccess /* partOfQualifiedName */ , errCtx ) ;
internal MetadataMember ResolveSimpleFunctionName ( string name , ErrorContext errCtx )
// "Foo()" represents a simple function name. Resolve it as an unqualified name by calling the type resolver directly.
// Note that calling type resolver directly will avoid resolution of the identifier as a local variable or entity container
// (these resolutions are performed only by ResolveSimpleName(...)).
var resolution = this . TypeResolver . ResolveUnqualifiedName ( name , false /* partOfQualifiedName */ , errCtx ) ;
if ( resolution . MetadataMemberClass = = MetadataMemberClass . Namespace )
// Try resolving as a function import inside the default entity container.
EntityContainer defaultEntityContainer = this . TypeResolver . Perspective . GetDefaultContainer ( ) ;
ExpressionResolution defaultEntityContainerResolution ;
if ( defaultEntityContainer ! = null & &
TryResolveEntityContainerMemberAccess ( defaultEntityContainer , name , errCtx , out defaultEntityContainerResolution ) & &
defaultEntityContainerResolution . ExpressionClass = = ExpressionResolutionClass . MetadataMember )
resolution = ( MetadataMember ) defaultEntityContainerResolution ;
return resolution ;
/// <summary>
/// Performs scope lookup returning the scope entry and its index.
/// </summary>
private bool TryScopeLookup ( string key , out ScopeEntry scopeEntry , out int scopeIndex )
scopeEntry = null ;
scopeIndex = - 1 ;
for ( int i = CurrentScopeIndex ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
if ( _scopeManager . GetScopeByIndex ( i ) . TryLookup ( key , out scopeEntry ) )
scopeIndex = i ;
return true ;
return false ;
internal MetadataMember ResolveMetadataMemberName ( string [ ] name , ErrorContext errCtx )
return this . TypeResolver . ResolveMetadataMemberName ( name , errCtx ) ;
#region Resolve member name in member access
#region Resolve property access
/// <summary>
/// Resolve property <paramref name="name"/> off the <paramref name="valueExpr"/>.
/// </summary>
internal ValueExpression ResolvePropertyAccess ( DbExpression valueExpr , string name , ErrorContext errCtx )
DbExpression propertyExpr ;
if ( TryResolveAsPropertyAccess ( valueExpr , name , errCtx , out propertyExpr ) )
return new ValueExpression ( propertyExpr ) ;
if ( TryResolveAsRefPropertyAccess ( valueExpr , name , errCtx , out propertyExpr ) )
return new ValueExpression ( propertyExpr ) ;
if ( TypeSemantics . IsCollectionType ( valueExpr . ResultType ) )
throw EntityUtil . EntitySqlError ( errCtx , Strings . NotAMemberOfCollection ( name , valueExpr . ResultType . EdmType . FullName ) ) ;
throw EntityUtil . EntitySqlError ( errCtx , Strings . NotAMemberOfType ( name , valueExpr . ResultType . EdmType . FullName ) ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Try resolving <paramref name="name"/> as a property of the value returned by the <paramref name="valueExpr"/>.
/// </summary>
private bool TryResolveAsPropertyAccess ( DbExpression valueExpr , string name , ErrorContext errCtx , out DbExpression propertyExpr )
Debug . Assert ( valueExpr ! = null , "valueExpr != null" ) ;
propertyExpr = null ;
if ( Helper . IsStructuralType ( valueExpr . ResultType . EdmType ) )
EdmMember member ;
if ( TypeResolver . Perspective . TryGetMember ( ( StructuralType ) valueExpr . ResultType . EdmType , name , _parserOptions . NameComparisonCaseInsensitive /*ignoreCase*/ , out member ) )
Debug . Assert ( member ! = null , "member != null" ) ;
Debug . Assert ( this . NameComparer . Equals ( name , member . Name ) , "this.NameComparer.Equals(name, member.Name)" ) ;
propertyExpr = DbExpressionBuilder . CreatePropertyExpressionFromMember ( valueExpr , member ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
/// <summary>
/// If <paramref name="valueExpr"/> returns a reference, then deref and try resolving <paramref name="name"/> as a property of the dereferenced value.
/// </summary>
private bool TryResolveAsRefPropertyAccess ( DbExpression valueExpr , string name , ErrorContext errCtx , out DbExpression propertyExpr )
Debug . Assert ( valueExpr ! = null , "valueExpr != null" ) ;
propertyExpr = null ;
if ( TypeSemantics . IsReferenceType ( valueExpr . ResultType ) )
DbExpression derefExpr = valueExpr . Deref ( ) ;
TypeUsage derefExprType = derefExpr . ResultType ;
if ( TryResolveAsPropertyAccess ( derefExpr , name , errCtx , out propertyExpr ) )
return true ;
throw EntityUtil . EntitySqlError ( errCtx , Strings . InvalidDeRefProperty ( name , derefExprType . EdmType . FullName , valueExpr . ResultType . EdmType . FullName ) ) ;
return false ;
#region Resolve entity container member access
/// <summary>
/// Resolve entity set or function import <paramref name="name"/> in the <paramref name="entityContainer"/>
/// </summary>
internal ExpressionResolution ResolveEntityContainerMemberAccess ( EntityContainer entityContainer , string name , ErrorContext errCtx )
ExpressionResolution resolution ;
if ( TryResolveEntityContainerMemberAccess ( entityContainer , name , errCtx , out resolution ) )
return resolution ;
throw EntityUtil . EntitySqlError ( errCtx , Strings . MemberDoesNotBelongToEntityContainer ( name , entityContainer . Name ) ) ;
private bool TryResolveEntityContainerMemberAccess ( EntityContainer entityContainer , string name , ErrorContext errCtx , out ExpressionResolution resolution )
EntitySetBase entitySetBase ;
EdmFunction functionImport ;
if ( this . TypeResolver . Perspective . TryGetExtent ( entityContainer , name , _parserOptions . NameComparisonCaseInsensitive /*ignoreCase*/ , out entitySetBase ) )
resolution = new ValueExpression ( entitySetBase . Scan ( ) ) ;
return true ;
else if ( this . TypeResolver . Perspective . TryGetFunctionImport ( entityContainer , name , _parserOptions . NameComparisonCaseInsensitive /*ignoreCase*/ , out functionImport ) )
resolution = new MetadataFunctionGroup ( functionImport . FullName , new EdmFunction [ ] { functionImport } ) ;
return true ;
resolution = null ;
return false ;
#region Resolve metadata member access
/// <summary>
/// Resolve namespace, type or function <paramref name="name"/> in the <paramref name="metadataMember"/>
/// </summary>
internal MetadataMember ResolveMetadataMemberAccess ( MetadataMember metadataMember , string name , ErrorContext errCtx )
return this . TypeResolver . ResolveMetadataMemberAccess ( metadataMember , name , errCtx ) ;
#region Resolve internal aggregate name / alternative group key name
/// <summary>
/// Try resolving an internal aggregate name.
/// </summary>
internal bool TryResolveInternalAggregateName ( string name , ErrorContext errCtx , out DbExpression dbExpression )
ScopeEntry scopeEntry ;
int scopeIndex ;
if ( TryScopeLookup ( name , out scopeEntry , out scopeIndex ) )
// Set the correlation flag.
SetScopeRegionCorrelationFlag ( scopeIndex ) ;
dbExpression = scopeEntry . GetExpression ( name , errCtx ) ;
return true ;
dbExpression = null ;
return false ;
/// <summary>
/// Try resolving multipart identifier as an alternative name of a group key (see SemanticAnalyzer.ProcessGroupByClause(...) for more info).
/// </summary>
internal bool TryResolveDotExprAsGroupKeyAlternativeName ( AST . DotExpr dotExpr , out ValueExpression groupKeyResolution )
groupKeyResolution = null ;
string [ ] names ;
ScopeEntry scopeEntry ;
int scopeIndex ;
if ( IsInAnyGroupScope ( ) & &
dotExpr . IsMultipartIdentifier ( out names ) & &
TryScopeLookup ( TypeResolver . GetFullName ( names ) , out scopeEntry , out scopeIndex ) )
IGetAlternativeName iGetAlternativeName = scopeEntry as IGetAlternativeName ;
// Accept only if names[] match alternative name part by part.
if ( iGetAlternativeName ! = null & & iGetAlternativeName . AlternativeName ! = null & &
names . SequenceEqual ( iGetAlternativeName . AlternativeName , this . NameComparer ) )
// Set correlation flag
SetScopeRegionCorrelationFlag ( scopeIndex ) ;
groupKeyResolution = new ValueExpression ( GetExpressionFromScopeEntry ( scopeEntry , scopeIndex , TypeResolver . GetFullName ( names ) , dotExpr . ErrCtx ) ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
#region Name generation utils ( GenerateInternalName , CreateNewAlias , InferAliasName )
/// <summary>
/// Generates unique internal name.
/// </summary>
internal string GenerateInternalName ( string hint )
// string concat is much faster than String.Format
return "_##" + hint + unchecked ( _namegenCounter + + ) . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new alias name based on the <paramref name="expr"/> information.
/// </summary>
private string CreateNewAlias ( DbExpression expr )
DbScanExpression extent = expr as DbScanExpression ;
if ( null ! = extent )
return extent . Target . Name ;
DbPropertyExpression property = expr as DbPropertyExpression ;
if ( null ! = property )
return property . Property . Name ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression varRef = expr as DbVariableReferenceExpression ;
if ( null ! = varRef )
return varRef . VariableName ;
return GenerateInternalName ( String . Empty ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns alias name from <paramref name="aliasedExpr"/> ast node if it contains an alias,
/// otherwise creates a new alias name based on the <paramref name="aliasedExpr"/>.Expr or <paramref name="convertedExpression"/> information.
/// </summary>
internal string InferAliasName ( AST . AliasedExpr aliasedExpr , DbExpression convertedExpression )
if ( aliasedExpr . Alias ! = null )
return aliasedExpr . Alias . Name ;
AST . Identifier id = aliasedExpr . Expr as AST . Identifier ;
if ( null ! = id )
return id . Name ;
AST . DotExpr dotExpr = aliasedExpr . Expr as AST . DotExpr ;
string [ ] names ;
if ( null ! = dotExpr & & dotExpr . IsMultipartIdentifier ( out names ) )
return names [ names . Length - 1 ] ;
return CreateNewAlias ( convertedExpression ) ;
#region Scope / ScopeRegion utils
/// <summary>
/// Enters a new scope region.
/// </summary>
internal IDisposable EnterScopeRegion ( )
// Push new scope (the first scope in the new scope region)
_scopeManager . EnterScope ( ) ;
// Create new scope region and push it
ScopeRegion scopeRegion = new ScopeRegion ( _scopeManager , CurrentScopeIndex , _scopeRegions . Count ) ;
_scopeRegions . Add ( scopeRegion ) ;
// Return scope region disposer that rolls back the scope.
return new Disposer ( delegate
Debug . Assert ( this . CurrentScopeRegion = = scopeRegion , "Scope region stack is corrupted." ) ;
// Root scope region is permanent.
Debug . Assert ( this . _scopeRegions . Count > 1 , "_scopeRegionFlags.Count > 1" ) ;
// Reset aggregate info of AST nodes of aggregates resolved to the CurrentScopeRegion.
this . CurrentScopeRegion . GroupAggregateInfos . ForEach ( groupAggregateInfo = > groupAggregateInfo . DetachFromAstNode ( ) ) ;
// Rollback scopes of the region.
this . CurrentScopeRegion . RollbackAllScopes ( ) ;
// Remove the scope region.
this . _scopeRegions . Remove ( CurrentScopeRegion ) ;
} ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Rollback all scopes above the <paramref name="scopeIndex"/>.
/// </summary>
internal void RollbackToScope ( int scopeIndex )
_scopeManager . RollbackToScope ( scopeIndex ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Enter a new scope.
/// </summary>
internal void EnterScope ( )
_scopeManager . EnterScope ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Leave the current scope.
/// </summary>
internal void LeaveScope ( )
_scopeManager . LeaveScope ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if any of the ScopeRegions from the closest to the outermost has IsAggregating = true
/// </summary>
internal bool IsInAnyGroupScope ( )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < _scopeRegions . Count ; i + + )
if ( _scopeRegions [ i ] . IsAggregating )
return true ;
return false ;
internal ScopeRegion GetDefiningScopeRegion ( int scopeIndex )
// Starting from the innermost, find the outermost scope region that contains the scope.
for ( int i = _scopeRegions . Count - 1 ; i > = 0 ; - - i )
if ( _scopeRegions [ i ] . ContainsScope ( scopeIndex ) )
return _scopeRegions [ i ] ;
Debug . Fail ( "Failed to find the defining scope region for the given scope." ) ;
return null ;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the scope region correlation flag based on the scope index of the referenced scope entry.
/// </summary>
private void SetScopeRegionCorrelationFlag ( int scopeIndex )
GetDefiningScopeRegion ( scopeIndex ) . WasResolutionCorrelated = true ;
#region Group aggregate utils
/// <summary>
/// Enters processing of a function group aggregate.
/// </summary>
internal IDisposable EnterFunctionAggregate ( AST . MethodExpr methodExpr , ErrorContext errCtx , out FunctionAggregateInfo aggregateInfo )
aggregateInfo = new FunctionAggregateInfo ( methodExpr , errCtx , _currentGroupAggregateInfo , CurrentScopeRegion ) ;
return EnterGroupAggregate ( aggregateInfo ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Enters processing of a group partition aggregate.
/// </summary>
internal IDisposable EnterGroupPartition ( AST . GroupPartitionExpr groupPartitionExpr , ErrorContext errCtx , out GroupPartitionInfo aggregateInfo )
aggregateInfo = new GroupPartitionInfo ( groupPartitionExpr , errCtx , _currentGroupAggregateInfo , CurrentScopeRegion ) ;
return EnterGroupAggregate ( aggregateInfo ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Enters processing of a group partition aggregate.
/// </summary>
internal IDisposable EnterGroupKeyDefinition ( GroupAggregateKind aggregateKind , ErrorContext errCtx , out GroupKeyAggregateInfo aggregateInfo )
aggregateInfo = new GroupKeyAggregateInfo ( aggregateKind , errCtx , _currentGroupAggregateInfo , CurrentScopeRegion ) ;
return EnterGroupAggregate ( aggregateInfo ) ;
private IDisposable EnterGroupAggregate ( GroupAggregateInfo aggregateInfo )
_currentGroupAggregateInfo = aggregateInfo ;
return new Disposer ( delegate
// First, pop the element from the stack to keep the stack valid...
Debug . Assert ( this . _currentGroupAggregateInfo = = aggregateInfo , "Aggregare info stack is corrupted." ) ;
this . _currentGroupAggregateInfo = aggregateInfo . ContainingAggregate ;
// ...then validate and seal the aggregate info.
// Note that this operation may throw an EntitySqlException.
aggregateInfo . ValidateAndComputeEvaluatingScopeRegion ( this ) ;
} ) ;
#region Function overload resolution ( untyped null aware )
internal static EdmFunction ResolveFunctionOverloads ( IList < EdmFunction > functionsMetadata ,
IList < TypeUsage > argTypes ,
bool isGroupAggregateFunction ,
out bool isAmbiguous )
return FunctionOverloadResolver . ResolveFunctionOverloads (
functionsMetadata ,
argTypes ,
UntypedNullAwareFlattenArgumentType ,
UntypedNullAwareFlattenParameterType ,
UntypedNullAwareIsPromotableTo ,
UntypedNullAwareIsStructurallyEqual ,
isGroupAggregateFunction ,
out isAmbiguous ) ;
internal static TFunctionMetadata ResolveFunctionOverloads < TFunctionMetadata , TFunctionParameterMetadata > (
IList < TFunctionMetadata > functionsMetadata ,
IList < TypeUsage > argTypes ,
Func < TFunctionMetadata , IList < TFunctionParameterMetadata > > getSignatureParams ,
Func < TFunctionParameterMetadata , TypeUsage > getParameterTypeUsage ,
Func < TFunctionParameterMetadata , ParameterMode > getParameterMode ,
bool isGroupAggregateFunction ,
out bool isAmbiguous ) where TFunctionMetadata : class
return FunctionOverloadResolver . ResolveFunctionOverloads (
functionsMetadata ,
argTypes ,
getSignatureParams ,
getParameterTypeUsage ,
getParameterMode ,
UntypedNullAwareFlattenArgumentType ,
UntypedNullAwareFlattenParameterType ,
UntypedNullAwareIsPromotableTo ,
UntypedNullAwareIsStructurallyEqual ,
isGroupAggregateFunction ,
out isAmbiguous ) ;
private static IEnumerable < TypeUsage > UntypedNullAwareFlattenArgumentType ( TypeUsage argType )
return argType ! = null ? TypeSemantics . FlattenType ( argType ) : new TypeUsage [ ] { null } ;
private static IEnumerable < TypeUsage > UntypedNullAwareFlattenParameterType ( TypeUsage paramType , TypeUsage argType )
return argType ! = null ? TypeSemantics . FlattenType ( paramType ) : new TypeUsage [ ] { paramType } ;
private static bool UntypedNullAwareIsPromotableTo ( TypeUsage fromType , TypeUsage toType )
if ( fromType = = null )
// We can implicitly promote null to any type except collection.
return ! Helper . IsCollectionType ( toType . EdmType ) ;
return TypeSemantics . IsPromotableTo ( fromType , toType ) ;
private static bool UntypedNullAwareIsStructurallyEqual ( TypeUsage fromType , TypeUsage toType )
if ( fromType = = null )
return UntypedNullAwareIsPromotableTo ( fromType , toType ) ;
return TypeSemantics . IsStructurallyEqual ( fromType , toType ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Represents an utility for creating anonymous IDisposable implementations.
/// </summary>
internal class Disposer : IDisposable
private readonly Action _action ;
internal Disposer ( Action action )
Debug . Assert ( action ! = null , "action != null" ) ;
_action = action ;
public void Dispose ( )
_action ( ) ;
GC . SuppressFinalize ( this ) ;
internal enum GroupAggregateKind
None ,
/// <summary>
/// Inside of an aggregate function (Max, Min, etc).
/// All range variables originating on the defining scope of this aggregate should yield <see cref="IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo.GroupVarBasedExpression"/>.
/// </summary>
Function ,
/// <summary>
/// Inside of GROUPPARTITION expression.
/// All range variables originating on the defining scope of this aggregate should yield <see cref="IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo.GroupAggBasedExpression"/>.
/// </summary>
Partition ,
/// <summary>
/// Inside of a group key definition
/// All range variables originating on the defining scope of this aggregate should yield <see cref="ScopeEntry.GetExpression"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Represents group aggregate information during aggregate construction/resolution.
/// </summary>
internal abstract class GroupAggregateInfo
protected GroupAggregateInfo (
GroupAggregateKind aggregateKind ,
AST . GroupAggregateExpr astNode ,
ErrorContext errCtx ,
GroupAggregateInfo containingAggregate ,
ScopeRegion definingScopeRegion )
Debug . Assert ( aggregateKind ! = GroupAggregateKind . None , "aggregateKind != GroupAggregateKind.None" ) ;
Debug . Assert ( errCtx ! = null , "errCtx != null" ) ;
Debug . Assert ( definingScopeRegion ! = null , "definingScopeRegion != null" ) ;
AggregateKind = aggregateKind ;
AstNode = astNode ;
ErrCtx = errCtx ;
DefiningScopeRegion = definingScopeRegion ;
SetContainingAggregate ( containingAggregate ) ;
protected void AttachToAstNode ( string aggregateName , TypeUsage resultType )
Debug . Assert ( AstNode ! = null , "AstNode must be set." ) ;
Debug . Assert ( aggregateName ! = null & & resultType ! = null , "aggregateName and aggregateDefinition must not be null." ) ;
Debug . Assert ( AggregateName = = null & & AggregateStubExpression = = null , "Cannot reattach." ) ;
AggregateName = aggregateName ;
AggregateStubExpression = resultType . Null ( ) ;
// Attach group aggregate info to the ast node.
AstNode . AggregateInfo = this ;
internal void DetachFromAstNode ( )
Debug . Assert ( AstNode ! = null , "AstNode must be set." ) ;
AstNode . AggregateInfo = null ;
/// <summary>
/// Updates referenced scope index of the aggregate.
/// Function call is not allowed after <see cref="ValidateAndComputeEvaluatingScopeRegion"/> has been called.
/// </summary>
internal void UpdateScopeIndex ( int referencedScopeIndex , SemanticResolver sr )
Debug . Assert ( _evaluatingScopeRegion = = null , "Can not update referenced scope index after _evaluatingScopeRegion have been computed." ) ;
ScopeRegion referencedScopeRegion = sr . GetDefiningScopeRegion ( referencedScopeIndex ) ;
if ( _innermostReferencedScopeRegion = = null | |
_innermostReferencedScopeRegion . ScopeRegionIndex < referencedScopeRegion . ScopeRegionIndex )
_innermostReferencedScopeRegion = referencedScopeRegion ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets/sets the innermost referenced scope region of the current aggregate.
/// This property is used to save/restore the scope region value during a potentially throw-away attempt to
/// convert an <see cref="AST.MethodExpr"/> as a collection function in the <see cref="SemanticAnalyzer.ConvertAggregateFunctionInGroupScope"/> method.
/// Setting the value is not allowed after <see cref="ValidateAndComputeEvaluatingScopeRegion"/> has been called.
/// </summary>
internal ScopeRegion InnermostReferencedScopeRegion
get { return _innermostReferencedScopeRegion ; }
Debug . Assert ( _evaluatingScopeRegion = = null , "Can't change _innermostReferencedScopeRegion after _evaluatingScopeRegion has been initialized." ) ;
_innermostReferencedScopeRegion = value ;
private ScopeRegion _innermostReferencedScopeRegion ;
/// <summary>
/// Validates the aggregate info and computes <see cref="EvaluatingScopeRegion"/> property.
/// Seals the aggregate info object (no more AddContainedAggregate(...), RemoveContainedAggregate(...) and UpdateScopeIndex(...) calls allowed).
/// </summary>
internal void ValidateAndComputeEvaluatingScopeRegion ( SemanticResolver sr )
Debug . Assert ( _evaluatingScopeRegion = = null , "_evaluatingScopeRegion has already been initialized" ) ;
// If _innermostReferencedScopeRegion is null, it means the aggregate is not correlated (a constant value),
// so resolve it to the DefiningScopeRegion.
_evaluatingScopeRegion = _innermostReferencedScopeRegion ? ? DefiningScopeRegion ;
if ( ! _evaluatingScopeRegion . IsAggregating )
// In some cases the found scope region does not aggregate (has no grouping). So adding the aggregate to that scope won't work.
// In this situation we need to backtrack from the found region to the first inner region that performs aggregation.
// Example:
// select yy.cx, yy.cy, yy.cz
// from {1, 2} as x cross apply (select zz.cx, zz.cy, zz.cz
// from {3, 4} as y cross apply (select Count(x) as cx, Count(y) as cy, Count(z) as cz
// from {5, 6} as z) as zz
// ) as yy
// Note that Count aggregates cx and cy refer to scope regions that do aggregate. All three aggregates needs to be added to the only
// aggregating region - the innermost.
int scopeRegionIndex = _evaluatingScopeRegion . ScopeRegionIndex ;
_evaluatingScopeRegion = null ;
foreach ( ScopeRegion innerSR in sr . ScopeRegions . Skip ( scopeRegionIndex ) )
if ( innerSR . IsAggregating )
_evaluatingScopeRegion = innerSR ;
break ;
if ( _evaluatingScopeRegion = = null )
throw EntityUtil . EntitySqlError ( Strings . GroupVarNotFoundInScope ) ;
// Validate all the contained aggregates for violation of the containment rule:
// None of the nested (contained) aggregates must be evaluating on a scope region that is
// a. equal or inner to the evaluating scope of the current aggregate and
// b. equal or outer to the defining scope of the current aggregate.
// Example of a disallowed query:
// select
// (select max(x + max(y))
// from {1} as y)
// from {0} as x
// Example of an allowed query where the ESR of the nested aggregate is outer to the ESR of the outer aggregate:
// select
// (select max(y + max(x))
// from {1} as y)
// from {0} as x
// Example of an allowed query where the ESR of the nested aggregate is inner to the DSR of the outer aggregate:
// select max(x + anyelement(select value max(y) from {1} as y))
// from {0} as x
Debug . Assert ( _evaluatingScopeRegion . IsAggregating , "_evaluatingScopeRegion.IsAggregating must be true" ) ;
Debug . Assert ( _evaluatingScopeRegion . ScopeRegionIndex < = DefiningScopeRegion . ScopeRegionIndex , "_evaluatingScopeRegion must outer to the DefiningScopeRegion" ) ;
ValidateContainedAggregates ( _evaluatingScopeRegion . ScopeRegionIndex , DefiningScopeRegion . ScopeRegionIndex ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Recursively validates that <see cref="GroupAggregateInfo.EvaluatingScopeRegion"/> of all contained aggregates
/// is outside of the range of scope regions defined by <paramref name="outerBoundaryScopeRegionIndex"/> and <paramref name="innerBoundaryScopeRegionIndex"/>.
/// Throws in the case of violation.
/// </summary>
private void ValidateContainedAggregates ( int outerBoundaryScopeRegionIndex , int innerBoundaryScopeRegionIndex )
if ( _containedAggregates ! = null )
foreach ( GroupAggregateInfo containedAggregate in _containedAggregates )
if ( containedAggregate . EvaluatingScopeRegion . ScopeRegionIndex > = outerBoundaryScopeRegionIndex & &
containedAggregate . EvaluatingScopeRegion . ScopeRegionIndex < = innerBoundaryScopeRegionIndex )
int line , column ;
string currentAggregateInfo = EntitySqlException . FormatErrorContext (
ErrCtx . CommandText ,
ErrCtx . InputPosition ,
ErrCtx . ErrorContextInfo ,
ErrCtx . UseContextInfoAsResourceIdentifier ,
out line , out column ) ;
string nestedAggregateInfo = EntitySqlException . FormatErrorContext (
containedAggregate . ErrCtx . CommandText ,
containedAggregate . ErrCtx . InputPosition ,
containedAggregate . ErrCtx . ErrorContextInfo ,
containedAggregate . ErrCtx . UseContextInfoAsResourceIdentifier ,
out line , out column ) ;
throw EntityUtil . EntitySqlError ( Strings . NestedAggregateCannotBeUsedInAggregate ( nestedAggregateInfo , currentAggregateInfo ) ) ;
// We need to check the full subtree in order to catch this case:
// select max(x +
// anyelement(select max(y +
// anyelement(select value max(x)
// from {2} as z))
// from {1} as y))
// from {0} as x
containedAggregate . ValidateContainedAggregates ( outerBoundaryScopeRegionIndex , innerBoundaryScopeRegionIndex ) ;
internal void SetContainingAggregate ( GroupAggregateInfo containingAggregate )
if ( _containingAggregate ! = null )
// Aggregates in this query
// select value max(anyelement(select value max(b + max(a + anyelement(select value c1
// from {2} as c group by c as c1)))
// from {1} as b group by b as b1))
// from {0} as a group by a as a1
// are processed in the following steps:
// 1. the outermost aggregate (max1) begins processing as a collection function;
// 2. the middle aggregate (max2) begins processing as a collection function;
// 3. the innermost aggregate (max3) is processed as a collection function;
// 4. max3 is reprocessed as an aggregate; it does not see any containing aggregates at this point, so it's not wired up;
// max3 is validated and sealed;
// evaluating scope region for max3 is the outermost scope region, to which it gets assigned;
// max3 aggregate info object is attached to the corresponding AST node;
// 5. max2 completes processing as a collection function and begins processing as an aggregate;
// 6. max3 is reprocessed as an aggregate in the SemanticAnalyzer.TryConvertAsResolvedGroupAggregate(...) method, and
// wired up to max2 as contained/containing;
// 7. max2 completes processing as an aggregate;
// max2 is validated and sealed;
// note that max2 does not see any containing aggregates at this point, so it's wired up only to max3;
// evaluating scope region for max2 is the middle scope region to which it gets assigned;
// 6. middle scope region completes processing, yields a DbExpression and cleans up all aggregate info objects assigned to it (max2);
// max2 is detached from the corresponding AST node;
// at this point max3 is still assigned to the outermost scope region and still wired to the dropped max2 as containing/contained;
// 7. max1 completes processing as a collection function and begins processing as an aggregate;
// 8. max2 is revisited and begins processing as a collection function (note that because the old aggregate info object for max2 was dropped
// and detached from the AST node in step 6, SemanticAnalyzer.TryConvertAsResolvedGroupAggregate(...) does not recognize max2 as an aggregate);
// 9. max3 is recognized as an aggregate in the SemanticAnalyzer.TryConvertAsResolvedGroupAggregate(...) method;
// max3 is rewired from the dropped max2 (step 6) to max1 as contained/containing, now max1 and max3 are wired as containing/contained;
// 10. max2 completes processing as a collection function and begins processing as an aggregate;
// max2 sees max1 as a containing aggregate and wires to it;
// 11. max3 is reprocessed as resolved aggregate inside of TryConvertAsResolvedGroupAggregate(...) method;
// max3 is rewired from max1 to max2 as containing/contained aggregate;
// 12. at this point max1 is wired to max2 and max2 is wired to max3, the tree is correct;
// ... both max1 and max3 are assigned to the same scope for evaluation, this is detected and an error is reported;
// Remove this aggregate from the old containing aggregate before rewiring to the new parent.
_containingAggregate . RemoveContainedAggregate ( this ) ;
// Accept the new parent and wire to it as a contained aggregate.
_containingAggregate = containingAggregate ;
if ( _containingAggregate ! = null )
_containingAggregate . AddContainedAggregate ( this ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Function call is not allowed after <see cref="ValidateAndComputeEvaluatingScopeRegion"/> has been called.
/// Adding new contained aggregate may invalidate the current aggregate.
/// </summary>
private void AddContainedAggregate ( GroupAggregateInfo containedAggregate )
Debug . Assert ( _evaluatingScopeRegion = = null , "Can not add contained aggregate after _evaluatingScopeRegion have been computed." ) ;
if ( _containedAggregates = = null )
_containedAggregates = new List < GroupAggregateInfo > ( ) ;
Debug . Assert ( _containedAggregates . Contains ( containedAggregate ) = = false , "containedAggregate is already registered" ) ;
_containedAggregates . Add ( containedAggregate ) ;
private List < GroupAggregateInfo > _containedAggregates ;
/// <summary>
/// Function call is _allowed_ after <see cref="ValidateAndComputeEvaluatingScopeRegion"/> has been called.
/// Removing contained aggregates cannot invalidate the current aggregate.
/// Consider the following query:
/// select value max(a + anyelement(select value max(b + max(a + anyelement(select value c1
/// from {2} as c group by c as c1)))
/// from {1} as b group by b as b1))
/// from {0} as a group by a as a1
/// Outer aggregate - max1, middle aggregate - max2, inner aggregate - max3.
/// In this query after max1 have been processed as a collection function, max2 and max3 are wired as containing/contained.
/// There is a point later when max1 is processed as an aggregate, max2 is processed as a collection function and max3 is processed as
/// an aggregate. Note that at this point the "aggregate" version of max2 is dropped and detached from the AST node when the middle scope region
/// completes processing; also note that because evaluating scope region of max3 is the outer scope region, max3 aggregate info is still attached to
/// the AST node and it is still wired to the dropped aggregate info object of max2. At this point max3 does not see new max2 as a containing aggregate,
/// and it rewires to max1, during this rewiring it needs to to remove itself from the old max2 and add itself to max1.
/// The old max2 at this point is sealed, so the removal is performed on the sealed object.
/// </summary>
private void RemoveContainedAggregate ( GroupAggregateInfo containedAggregate )
Debug . Assert ( _containedAggregates ! = null & & _containedAggregates . Contains ( containedAggregate ) , "_containedAggregates.Contains(containedAggregate)" ) ;
_containedAggregates . Remove ( containedAggregate ) ;
internal readonly GroupAggregateKind AggregateKind ;
/// <summary>
/// Null when <see cref="GroupAggregateInfo"/> is created for a group key processing.
/// </summary>
internal readonly AST . GroupAggregateExpr AstNode ;
internal readonly ErrorContext ErrCtx ;
/// <summary>
/// Scope region that contains the aggregate expression.
/// </summary>
internal readonly ScopeRegion DefiningScopeRegion ;
/// <summary>
/// Scope region that evaluates the aggregate expression.
/// </summary>
internal ScopeRegion EvaluatingScopeRegion
// _evaluatingScopeRegion is initialized in the ValidateAndComputeEvaluatingScopeRegion(...) method.
Debug . Assert ( _evaluatingScopeRegion ! = null , "_evaluatingScopeRegion is not initialized" ) ;
return _evaluatingScopeRegion ;
private ScopeRegion _evaluatingScopeRegion ;
/// <summary>
/// Parent aggregate expression that contains the current aggregate expression.
/// May be null.
/// </summary>
internal GroupAggregateInfo ContainingAggregate
get { return _containingAggregate ; }
private GroupAggregateInfo _containingAggregate ;
internal string AggregateName ;
internal DbNullExpression AggregateStubExpression ;
internal sealed class FunctionAggregateInfo : GroupAggregateInfo
internal FunctionAggregateInfo ( AST . MethodExpr methodExpr , ErrorContext errCtx , GroupAggregateInfo containingAggregate , ScopeRegion definingScopeRegion )
: base ( GroupAggregateKind . Function , methodExpr , errCtx , containingAggregate , definingScopeRegion )
Debug . Assert ( methodExpr ! = null , "methodExpr != null" ) ;
internal void AttachToAstNode ( string aggregateName , DbAggregate aggregateDefinition )
Debug . Assert ( aggregateDefinition ! = null , "aggregateDefinition != null" ) ;
base . AttachToAstNode ( aggregateName , aggregateDefinition . ResultType ) ;
AggregateDefinition = aggregateDefinition ;
internal DbAggregate AggregateDefinition ;
internal sealed class GroupPartitionInfo : GroupAggregateInfo
internal GroupPartitionInfo ( AST . GroupPartitionExpr groupPartitionExpr , ErrorContext errCtx , GroupAggregateInfo containingAggregate , ScopeRegion definingScopeRegion )
: base ( GroupAggregateKind . Partition , groupPartitionExpr , errCtx , containingAggregate , definingScopeRegion )
Debug . Assert ( groupPartitionExpr ! = null , "groupPartitionExpr != null" ) ;
internal void AttachToAstNode ( string aggregateName , DbExpression aggregateDefinition )
Debug . Assert ( aggregateDefinition ! = null , "aggregateDefinition != null" ) ;
base . AttachToAstNode ( aggregateName , aggregateDefinition . ResultType ) ;
AggregateDefinition = aggregateDefinition ;
internal DbExpression AggregateDefinition ;
internal sealed class GroupKeyAggregateInfo : GroupAggregateInfo
internal GroupKeyAggregateInfo ( GroupAggregateKind aggregateKind , ErrorContext errCtx , GroupAggregateInfo containingAggregate , ScopeRegion definingScopeRegion )
: base ( aggregateKind , null /* there is no AST.GroupAggregateExpression corresponding to the group key */ , errCtx , containingAggregate , definingScopeRegion )
{ }
internal abstract class InlineFunctionInfo
internal InlineFunctionInfo ( AST . FunctionDefinition functionDef , List < DbVariableReferenceExpression > parameters )
FunctionDefAst = functionDef ;
Parameters = parameters ;
internal readonly AST . FunctionDefinition FunctionDefAst ;
internal readonly List < DbVariableReferenceExpression > Parameters ;
internal abstract DbLambda GetLambda ( SemanticResolver sr ) ;
internal sealed class ScopeRegion
private readonly ScopeManager _scopeManager ;
internal ScopeRegion ( ScopeManager scopeManager , int firstScopeIndex , int scopeRegionIndex )
_scopeManager = scopeManager ;
_firstScopeIndex = firstScopeIndex ;
_scopeRegionIndex = scopeRegionIndex ;
/// <summary>
/// First scope of the region.
/// </summary>
internal int FirstScopeIndex
get { return _firstScopeIndex ; }
private readonly int _firstScopeIndex ;
/// <summary>
/// Index of the scope region.
/// Outer scope regions have smaller index value than inner scope regions.
/// </summary>
internal int ScopeRegionIndex
get { return _scopeRegionIndex ; }
private readonly int _scopeRegionIndex ;
/// <summary>
/// True if given scope is in the current scope region.
/// </summary>
internal bool ContainsScope ( int scopeIndex )
return ( scopeIndex > = _firstScopeIndex ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Marks current scope region as performing group/folding operation.
/// </summary>
internal void EnterGroupOperation ( DbExpressionBinding groupAggregateBinding )
Debug . Assert ( ! IsAggregating , "Scope region group operation is not reentrant." ) ;
_groupAggregateBinding = groupAggregateBinding ;
/// <summary>
/// Clears the <see cref="IsAggregating"/> flag on the group scope.
/// </summary>
internal void RollbackGroupOperation ( )
Debug . Assert ( IsAggregating , "Scope region must inside group operation in order to leave it." ) ;
_groupAggregateBinding = null ;
/// <summary>
/// True when the scope region performs group/folding operation.
/// </summary>
internal bool IsAggregating
get { return _groupAggregateBinding ! = null ; }
internal DbExpressionBinding GroupAggregateBinding
Debug . Assert ( IsAggregating , "IsAggregating must be true." ) ;
return _groupAggregateBinding ;
private DbExpressionBinding _groupAggregateBinding ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns list of group aggregates evaluated on the scope region.
/// </summary>
internal List < GroupAggregateInfo > GroupAggregateInfos
get { return _groupAggregateInfos ; }
private List < GroupAggregateInfo > _groupAggregateInfos = new List < GroupAggregateInfo > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Adds group aggregate name to the scope region.
/// </summary>
internal void RegisterGroupAggregateName ( string groupAggregateName )
Debug . Assert ( ! _groupAggregateNames . Contains ( groupAggregateName ) , "!_groupAggregateNames.ContainsKey(groupAggregateName)" ) ;
_groupAggregateNames . Add ( groupAggregateName ) ;
internal bool ContainsGroupAggregate ( string groupAggregateName )
return _groupAggregateNames . Contains ( groupAggregateName ) ;
private HashSet < string > _groupAggregateNames = new HashSet < string > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// True if a recent expression resolution was correlated.
/// </summary>
internal bool WasResolutionCorrelated
get { return _wasResolutionCorrelated ; }
set { _wasResolutionCorrelated = value ; }
private bool _wasResolutionCorrelated = false ;
/// <summary>
/// Applies <paramref name="action"/> to all scope entries in the current scope region.
/// </summary>
internal void ApplyToScopeEntries ( Action < ScopeEntry > action )
Debug . Assert ( FirstScopeIndex < = _scopeManager . CurrentScopeIndex , "FirstScopeIndex <= CurrentScopeIndex" ) ;
for ( int i = FirstScopeIndex ; i < = _scopeManager . CurrentScopeIndex ; + + i )
foreach ( KeyValuePair < string , ScopeEntry > scopeEntry in _scopeManager . GetScopeByIndex ( i ) )
action ( scopeEntry . Value ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Applies <paramref name="action"/> to all scope entries in the current scope region.
/// </summary>
internal void ApplyToScopeEntries ( Func < ScopeEntry , ScopeEntry > action )
Debug . Assert ( FirstScopeIndex < = _scopeManager . CurrentScopeIndex , "FirstScopeIndex <= CurrentScopeIndex" ) ;
for ( int i = FirstScopeIndex ; i < = _scopeManager . CurrentScopeIndex ; + + i )
Scope scope = _scopeManager . GetScopeByIndex ( i ) ;
List < KeyValuePair < string , ScopeEntry > > updatedEntries = null ;
foreach ( KeyValuePair < string , ScopeEntry > scopeEntry in scope )
ScopeEntry newScopeEntry = action ( scopeEntry . Value ) ;
Debug . Assert ( newScopeEntry ! = null , "newScopeEntry != null" ) ;
if ( scopeEntry . Value ! = newScopeEntry )
if ( updatedEntries = = null )
updatedEntries = new List < KeyValuePair < string , ScopeEntry > > ( ) ;
updatedEntries . Add ( new KeyValuePair < string , ScopeEntry > ( scopeEntry . Key , newScopeEntry ) ) ;
if ( updatedEntries ! = null )
updatedEntries . ForEach ( ( updatedScopeEntry ) = > scope . Replace ( updatedScopeEntry . Key , updatedScopeEntry . Value ) ) ;
internal void RollbackAllScopes ( )
_scopeManager . RollbackToScope ( FirstScopeIndex - 1 ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a pair of types to avoid uncessary enumerations to split kvp elements
/// </summary>
internal sealed class Pair < L , R >
internal Pair ( L left , R right )
Left = left ;
Right = right ;
internal L Left ;
internal R Right ;
internal KeyValuePair < L , R > GetKVP ( )
return new KeyValuePair < L , R > ( Left , Right ) ;