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// gcertview.cs: GTK# Certificate Viewer
// Author:
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@ximian.com>
// (C) 2003 Motus Technologies Inc. (http://www.motus.com)
// (C) 2004 Novell (http://www.novell.com)
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using Mono.Security.X509;
using Gdk;
using Gtk;
using Glade;
using GLib;
using GtkSharp;
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Mono Certificate Viewer")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("X.509 Certificate Viewer for GTK#")]
namespace Mono.Tools.CertView {
public class GtkCertificateViewer {
static private void Header ()
Assembly a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ();
AssemblyName an = a.GetName ();
object [] att = a.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (AssemblyTitleAttribute), false);
string title = ((att.Length > 0) ? ((AssemblyTitleAttribute) att [0]).Title : "Mono Certificate Viewer");
att = a.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (AssemblyCopyrightAttribute), false);
string copyright = ((att.Length > 0) ? ((AssemblyCopyrightAttribute) att [0]).Copyright : "");
Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1}", title, an.Version.ToString ());
Console.WriteLine ("{0}{1}", copyright, Environment.NewLine);
public static void Main (string[] args)
string filename = ((args.Length > 0) ? args[0] : null);
if ((filename != null) && (File.Exists (filename)))
new GtkCertificateViewer (filename);
else {
Header ();
Console.WriteLine ("Usage: mono gcertview.exe certificate.cer");
[Glade.Widget] Button issuerStatementButton;
[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Image brokenSealImage;
[Glade.Widget] Gtk.Image sealImage;
[Glade.Widget] Entry issuedToEntry;
[Glade.Widget] Entry issuedByEntry;
[Glade.Widget] Label subjectAltNameLabel;
[Glade.Widget] TextView certInfoTextview;
[Glade.Widget] TextView certStatusTextview;
[Glade.Widget] Entry notBeforeEntry;
[Glade.Widget] Entry notAfterEntry;
[Glade.Widget] TreeView detailsTreeview;
[Glade.Widget] TextView detailsTextview;
[Glade.Widget] Entry showComboEntry;
// non widget stuff
private static Pixbuf[] version;
private static TreeCellDataFunc dataFunc = null;
private ListStore allStore;
private ListStore v1Store;
private ListStore extensionsStore;
private ListStore criticalStore;
private ListStore propertiesStore;
private ListStore emptyStore;
// non-glade stuff
private CertificateFormatter cf;
public GtkCertificateViewer (string filename)
Glade.XML gxml = new Glade.XML (null, "certview.glade", "CertificateViewer", null);
gxml.Autoconnect (this);
cf = new CertificateFormatter (filename);
// init UI
brokenSealImage.Pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, "wax-seal-broken.png");
sealImage.Pixbuf = new Pixbuf (null, "wax-seal.png");
Tooltips tt = new Tooltips ();
issuedToEntry.Text = cf.Issuer (false);
tt.SetTip (issuedToEntry, issuedToEntry.Text, issuedToEntry.Text);
issuedByEntry.Text = cf.Subject (false);
tt.SetTip (issuedByEntry, issuedByEntry.Text, issuedByEntry.Text);
subjectAltNameLabel.Text = cf.SubjectAltName (false);
subjectAltNameLabel.Visible = (subjectAltNameLabel.Text != null);
notBeforeEntry.Text = cf.Certificate.ValidFrom.ToString ("yyyy-MM-dd");
notAfterEntry.Text = cf.Certificate.ValidUntil.ToString ("yyyy-MM-dd");
TextBuffer tb = new TextBuffer (null);
if (cf.Status != null)
tb.SetText (cf.Status);
certStatusTextview.Buffer = tb;
if (cf.Status != null) {
certInfoTextview.Buffer = tb;
certInfoTextview.ModifyText (StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color (0xff, 0x00, 0x00));
sealImage.Visible = (cf.Status == null);
brokenSealImage.Visible = !sealImage.Visible;
Type[] storeType = new Type [4] { typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (int) };
allStore = new ListStore (storeType);
v1Store = new ListStore (storeType);
extensionsStore = new ListStore (storeType);
criticalStore = new ListStore (storeType);
propertiesStore = new ListStore (storeType);
emptyStore = new ListStore (storeType);
AddToStores (CertificateFormatter.FieldNames.Version, cf.Version (false), cf.Version (true), 1);
AddToStores (CertificateFormatter.FieldNames.SerialNumber, cf.SerialNumber (false), cf.SerialNumber (true), 0);
AddToStores (CertificateFormatter.FieldNames.SignatureAlgorithm, cf.SignatureAlgorithm (false), cf.SignatureAlgorithm (true), 0);
AddToStores (CertificateFormatter.FieldNames.Issuer, cf.Issuer (false), cf.Issuer (true), 0);
AddToStores (CertificateFormatter.FieldNames.ValidFrom, cf.ValidFrom (false), cf.ValidFrom (true), 0);
AddToStores (CertificateFormatter.FieldNames.ValidUntil, cf.ValidUntil (false), cf.ValidUntil (true), 0);
AddToStores (CertificateFormatter.FieldNames.Subject, cf.Subject (false), cf.Subject (true), 0);
AddToStores (CertificateFormatter.FieldNames.PublicKey, cf.PublicKey (false), cf.PublicKey (true), 0);
for (int i=0; i < cf.Certificate.Extensions.Count; i++) {
X509Extension xe = cf.GetExtension (i);
string name = xe.Name;
int icon = 2;
if (xe.Critical)
icon = 3;
string exts = xe.ToString ();
string details;
if (xe.Name == xe.Oid) {
exts = cf.Extension (i, false);
details = cf.Extension (i, true);
else {
details = xe.ToString ();
exts = CertificateFormatter.OneLine (details);
AddToStores (name, exts, details, icon);
AddToStores (CertificateFormatter.PropertyNames.ThumbprintAlgorithm, cf.ThumbprintAlgorithm, cf.ThumbprintAlgorithm, 4);
string ftb = CertificateFormatter.Array2Word (cf.Thumbprint);
AddToStores (CertificateFormatter.PropertyNames.Thumbprint, ftb, ftb, 4);
// select appropriate store to show
OnShowComboChanged (null, null);
TreeViewColumn fieldColumn = new TreeViewColumn ();
CellRendererPixbuf pr = new CellRendererPixbuf ();
CellRenderer fieldRenderer = new CellRendererText ();
fieldColumn.PackStart (pr, false);
fieldColumn.SetCellDataFunc (pr, CellDataFunc, IntPtr.Zero, null);
fieldColumn.Title = "Field";
fieldColumn.PackStart (fieldRenderer, false);
fieldColumn.AddAttribute (fieldRenderer, "text", 0);
detailsTreeview.AppendColumn (fieldColumn);
TreeViewColumn valueColumn = new TreeViewColumn ();
CellRenderer valueRenderer = new CellRendererText ();
valueColumn.Title = "Value";
valueColumn.PackStart (valueRenderer, true);
valueColumn.AddAttribute (valueRenderer, "text", 1);
detailsTreeview.AppendColumn (valueColumn);
// detailsTreeview.ModifyText (StateType.Selected, new Gdk.Color (0x33, 0xff, 0x33));
static void SetCellData (TreeViewColumn col, CellRenderer cell, TreeModel model, TreeIter iter)
int icon = (int) model.GetValue (iter, 3);
CellRendererPixbuf cr = (CellRendererPixbuf) cell;
cr.Pixbuf = version [icon];
public static Gtk.TreeCellDataFunc CellDataFunc {
get {
if (dataFunc == null) {
dataFunc = new TreeCellDataFunc (SetCellData);
version = new Pixbuf [5];
version [0] = new Pixbuf (null, "v1.bmp");
version [1] = new Pixbuf (null, "v2.bmp");
version [2] = new Pixbuf (null, "v3.bmp");
version [3] = new Pixbuf (null, "v3critical.bmp");
version [4] = new Pixbuf (null, "mono.bmp");
return dataFunc;
private void AddToStores (string fieldName, string fieldValue, string detailedValue, int iconValue)
GLib.Value fv = new GLib.Value (fieldName);
GLib.Value vv = new GLib.Value (fieldValue);
GLib.Value dv = new GLib.Value (detailedValue);
GLib.Value iv = new GLib.Value (iconValue);
switch (iconValue) {
case 0: // X.509 version 1 fields
AddToStore (v1Store, fv, vv, dv, iv);
case 2: // extensions
AddToStore (extensionsStore, fv, vv, dv, iv);
case 3: // critical extensions
AddToStore (extensionsStore, fv, vv, dv, iv);
AddToStore (criticalStore, fv, vv, dv, iv);
case 4: // properties
AddToStore (propertiesStore, fv, vv, dv, iv);
// and we always add to allStore
AddToStore (allStore, fv, vv, dv, iv);
private void AddToStore (ListStore store, GLib.Value field, GLib.Value value, GLib.Value details, GLib.Value icon)
TreeIter iter = store.Append ();
store.SetValue (iter, 0, field);
store.SetValue (iter, 1, value);
store.SetValue (iter, 2, details);
store.SetValue (iter, 3, icon);
private void OnCursorChanged (object o, EventArgs args)
TreeModel model;
TreeIter iter = new TreeIter ();
TreeSelection ts = detailsTreeview.Selection;
ts.GetSelected (out model, out iter);
TextBuffer tb = new TextBuffer (null);
tb.SetText ((string) detailsTreeview.Model.GetValue (iter, 2));
detailsTextview.Buffer = tb;
private void OnShowComboChanged (object o, EventArgs e)
// FIXME: yuck - how can I get an index ?
switch (showComboEntry.Text) {
case "<All>":
detailsTreeview.Model = allStore;
case "Version 1 Fields Only":
detailsTreeview.Model = v1Store;
case "Extensions Only":
detailsTreeview.Model = extensionsStore;
case "Critical Extensions Only":
detailsTreeview.Model = criticalStore;
case "Properties Only":
detailsTreeview.Model = propertiesStore;
detailsTreeview.Model = emptyStore;
public void OnWindowDeleteEvent (object o, DeleteEventArgs args)
Application.Quit ();
args.RetVal = true;
public void OnOkButtonClicked (object o, EventArgs e)
Application.Quit ();
public void OnIssuerStatementButtonClicked (object o, EventArgs e)