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// caspol.cs: Code Access Security Policy Tool
// Author:
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@ximian.com>
// Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Text;
using Mono.Security.Cryptography;
[assembly: AssemblyTitle ("Mono CasPol")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription ("Command line tool to modify Code Access Security policies.")]
namespace Mono.Tools {
class CustomMembershipCondition : IMembershipCondition {
SecurityElement _se;
public CustomMembershipCondition (SecurityElement se)
_se = se;
public bool Check (Evidence evidence)
return true;
public IMembershipCondition Copy ()
return new CustomMembershipCondition (_se);
public void FromXml (SecurityElement e)
_se = e;
public SecurityElement ToXml ()
return _se;
public void FromXml (SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level)
_se = e;
public SecurityElement ToXml (PolicyLevel level)
return _se;
class CasPol {
static ArrayList _levels;
static private void Help ()
Console.WriteLine ("Usage: caspol [options] [arguments] ...{0}", Environment.NewLine);
// (to be) Stored Options
static bool PolicyChangesConfirmation = true;
static bool forcePolicyChanges = false;
static bool policyLevelDefault = true;
static void PrintGlobalInfo ()
Console.WriteLine ("Security: {0}", SecurityManager.SecurityEnabled);
Console.WriteLine ("Execution check: {0}", SecurityManager.CheckExecutionRights);
Console.WriteLine ("Policy changes confirmation: {0}", PolicyChangesConfirmation);
static bool Confirm ()
if (PolicyChangesConfirmation) {
Console.WriteLine ("WARNING: This action will modify the specified security policy!");
Console.WriteLine ("Do you want to change the policy ?");
string answer = Console.ReadLine ();
switch (answer.ToUpper ()) {
case "YES":
case "Y":
return true;
Console.WriteLine ("Change aborted!");
return false;
return true;
static string Policies (string prefix)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (prefix);
PolicyLevel pl = null;
for (int i = 0; i < Levels.Count - 1; i++) {
pl = (PolicyLevel)Levels [i];
sb.AppendFormat ("{0}, ", pl.Label);
pl = (PolicyLevel)Levels [Levels.Count - 1];
sb.Append (pl.Label);
sb.Append (" policy level");
if (Levels.Count > 1)
sb.Append ("s");
return sb.ToString ();
// In Fx 1.0/1.1 there is not direct way to load a XML file
// into a SecurityElement so we use SecurityParser from
// Mono.Security.dll.
static SecurityElement LoadXml (string filename)
if (!File.Exists (filename)) {
Console.WriteLine ("Couldn't not find '{0}'.", filename);
return null;
string xml = null;
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (filename)) {
xml = sr.ReadToEnd ();
sr.Close ();
// actually this use the SecurityParser (on the Mono
// runtime) in corlib do to the job - but it remove
// the dependency on Mono.Security.dll
SecurityElement se = SecurityElement.FromString (xml);
return se;
static PermissionSet LoadPermissions (string filename)
SecurityElement se = LoadXml (filename);
if (se == null)
return null;
PermissionSet ps = new PermissionSet (PermissionState.None);
ps.FromXml (se);
if (se.Attribute ("class").IndexOf ("System.Security.NamedPermissionSet") == -1)
return ps;
// now we know it's a NamedPermissionSet
return (PermissionSet) new NamedPermissionSet (se.Attribute ("Name"), ps);
static StrongName GetStrongName (string filename)
try {
AssemblyName an = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName (filename);
byte [] pk = an.GetPublicKey ();
return new StrongName (new StrongNamePublicKeyBlob (pk), an.Name, an.Version);
catch (FileNotFoundException) {
Console.WriteLine ("Couldn't find assembly '{0}'.", filename);
return null;
static Assembly GetAssembly (string filename)
try {
AssemblyName an = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName (filename);
return Assembly.Load (an);
catch (FileNotFoundException) {
Console.WriteLine ("Couldn't find assembly '{0}'.", filename);
return null;
static Evidence GetAssemblyEvidences (string filename)
return GetAssembly (filename).Evidence;
static bool OnOff (string value, ref bool on)
switch (value.ToUpper ()) {
case "ON":
on = true;
case "OFF":
on = false;
return false;
return true;
static bool SaveSettings ()
Console.WriteLine ("TODO - where to save those settings ?");
return false;
// Actions
static void ShowCodeGroup (CodeGroup cg, string prefix)
Console.WriteLine ("{0}. {1}: {2}", prefix, cg.MembershipCondition, cg.PermissionSetName);
for (int i=0; i < cg.Children.Count; i++) {
ShowCodeGroup ((CodeGroup)cg.Children [i], " " + prefix + "." + (i + 1));
// -lg
// -listgroups
static void ListCodeGroups ()
PrintGlobalInfo ();
foreach (PolicyLevel pl in Levels) {
Console.WriteLine ("{0}Level: {1}{0}", Environment.NewLine, pl.Label);
Console.WriteLine ("Code Groups:{0}", Environment.NewLine);
ShowCodeGroup (pl.RootCodeGroup, "1");
static void ShowDescription (CodeGroup cg, string prefix)
Console.WriteLine ("{0}. {1}: {2}", prefix, cg.Name, cg.Description);
for (int i = 0; i < cg.Children.Count; i++) {
ShowDescription ((CodeGroup)cg.Children [i], " " + prefix + "." + (i + 1));
// -ld
// -listdescription
static void ListDescriptions ()
PrintGlobalInfo ();
foreach (PolicyLevel pl in Levels) {
Console.WriteLine ("{0}Level: {1}{0}", Environment.NewLine, pl.Label);
Console.WriteLine ("Code Groups:{0}", Environment.NewLine);
ShowDescription (pl.RootCodeGroup, "1");
// -lp
// -listpset
static void ListPermissionSets ()
PrintGlobalInfo ();
foreach (PolicyLevel pl in Levels) {
Console.WriteLine ("{0}Level: {1}{0}", Environment.NewLine, pl.Label);
Console.WriteLine ("Named Permission Sets:{0}", Environment.NewLine);
int n=1;
foreach (NamedPermissionSet nps in pl.NamedPermissionSets) {
Console.WriteLine ("{0}. {1} ({2}) = {3}{4}",
n++, nps.Name, nps.Description, Environment.NewLine, nps);
// -lf
// -listfulltrust
static void ListFullTrust ()
PrintGlobalInfo ();
foreach (PolicyLevel pl in Levels) {
Console.WriteLine ("{0}Level: {1}{0}", Environment.NewLine, pl.Label);
Console.WriteLine ("Full Trust Assemblies:{0}", Environment.NewLine);
int n = 1;
foreach (StrongNameMembershipCondition snmc in pl.FullTrustAssemblies) {
Console.WriteLine ("{0}. {1} = {2}{3}",
n++, snmc.Name, Environment.NewLine, snmc);
static void ShowResolveGroup (PolicyLevel pl, Evidence e)
Console.WriteLine ("{0}Level: {1}{0}", Environment.NewLine, pl.Label);
CodeGroup cg = pl.ResolveMatchingCodeGroups (e);
Console.WriteLine ("Code Groups:{0}", Environment.NewLine);
ShowCodeGroup (cg, "1");
Console.WriteLine ();
// -rsg assemblyname
// -resolvegroup assemblyname
static bool ResolveGroup (string assemblyname)
Evidence ev = GetAssemblyEvidences (assemblyname);
if (ev == null)
return false;
if (policyLevelDefault) {
// different "default" here
IEnumerator e = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy ();
while (e.MoveNext ()) {
PolicyLevel pl = (PolicyLevel)e.Current;
ShowResolveGroup (pl, ev);
} else {
// use the user specified levels
foreach (PolicyLevel pl in Levels) {
ShowResolveGroup (pl, ev);
return true;
// -rsp assemblyname
// -resolveperm assemblyname
static bool ResolvePermissions (string assemblyname)
Evidence ev = GetAssemblyEvidences (assemblyname);
if (ev == null)
return false;
PermissionSet ps = null;
Console.WriteLine ();
if (policyLevelDefault) {
// different "default" here
IEnumerator e = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy ();
while (e.MoveNext ()) {
PolicyLevel pl = (PolicyLevel)e.Current;
Console.WriteLine ("Resolving {0} level", pl.Label);
if (ps == null)
ps = pl.Resolve (ev).PermissionSet;
ps = ps.Intersect (pl.Resolve (ev).PermissionSet);
} else {
// use the user specified levels
foreach (PolicyLevel pl in Levels) {
Console.WriteLine ("Resolving {0} level", pl.Label);
if (ps == null)
ps = pl.Resolve (ev).PermissionSet;
ps = ps.Intersect (pl.Resolve (ev).PermissionSet);
if (ps == null)
return false;
IEnumerator ee = ev.GetHostEnumerator ();
while (ee.MoveNext ()) {
IIdentityPermissionFactory ipf = (ee.Current as IIdentityPermissionFactory);
if (ipf != null) {
IPermission p = ipf.CreateIdentityPermission (ev);
ps.AddPermission (p);
Console.WriteLine ("{0}Grant:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, ps.ToXml ().ToString ());
return true;
// -ap namedxmlfile
// -addpset namedxmlfile
// -ap xmlfile name
// -addpset xmlfile name
static bool AddPermissionSet (string [] args, ref int i)
// two syntax - so we first load the XML file and
// if it's not a named XML file, then we use the next
// parameter as it's name
string xmlfile = args [++i];
PermissionSet ps = LoadPermissions (xmlfile);
if ((ps == null) || !Confirm ())
return false;
NamedPermissionSet nps = null;
if (ps is NamedPermissionSet) {
nps = (NamedPermissionSet)ps;
} else {
nps = new NamedPermissionSet (args [++i], ps);
foreach (PolicyLevel pl in Levels) {
pl.AddNamedPermissionSet (nps);
SecurityManager.SavePolicyLevel (pl);
return true;
// -cp xmlfile psetname
// -chgpset xmlfile psetname
static bool ChangePermissionSet (string[] args, ref int i)
string xmlfile = args [++i];
PermissionSet ps = LoadPermissions (xmlfile);
if (ps == null)
return false;
bool confirmed = false;
string psname = args [++i];
foreach (PolicyLevel pl in Levels) {
if (pl.GetNamedPermissionSet (psname) == null) {
Console.WriteLine ("Couldn't find '{0}' permission set in policy.", psname);
return false;
} else if (confirmed || Confirm ()) {
confirmed = true; // only ask once
pl.ChangeNamedPermissionSet (psname, ps);
SecurityManager.SavePolicyLevel (pl);
} else
return false;
return true;
// -rp psetname
// -rempset psetname
static bool RemovePermissionSet (string psname)
bool confirmed = false;
foreach (PolicyLevel pl in Levels) {
PermissionSet ps = pl.GetNamedPermissionSet (psname);
if (ps == null) {
Console.WriteLine ("Couldn't find '{0}' permission set in policy.", psname);
return false;
} else if (confirmed || Confirm ()) {
confirmed = true; // only ask once
pl.RemoveNamedPermissionSet (psname);
SecurityManager.SavePolicyLevel (pl);
Console.WriteLine ("Permission set '{0}' removed from policy.", psname);
} else
return false;
return true;
// -af assemblyname
// -addfulltrust assemblyname
static bool AddFullTrust (string aname)
StrongName sn = GetStrongName (aname);
if ((sn == null) || !Confirm ())
return false;
foreach (PolicyLevel pl in Levels) {
pl.AddFullTrustAssembly (sn);
return true;
// -rf assemblyname
// -remfulltrust assemblyname
static bool RemoveFullTrust (string aname)
StrongName sn = GetStrongName (aname);
if ((sn == null) || !Confirm ())
return false;
foreach (PolicyLevel pl in Levels) {
pl.RemoveFullTrustAssembly (sn);
return true;
static CodeGroup FindCodeGroupByName (string name, ref CodeGroup parent)
for (int i = 0; i < parent.Children.Count; i++) {
CodeGroup child = (CodeGroup)parent.Children [i];
if (child.Name == name) {
return child;
} else {
CodeGroup cg = FindCodeGroupByName (name, ref child);
if (cg != null)
return cg;
return null;
static CodeGroup FindCodeGroupByLabel (string label, string current, ref CodeGroup parent)
for (int i=0; i < parent.Children.Count; i++) {
CodeGroup child = (CodeGroup)parent.Children [i];
string temp = String.Concat (current, ".", (i + 1).ToString ());
if ((label == temp) || (label == temp + ".")) {
return child;
} else if (label.StartsWith (temp)) {
CodeGroup cg = FindCodeGroupByLabel (label, temp, ref child);
if (cg != null)
return cg;
return null;
static CodeGroup FindCodeGroup (string name, ref CodeGroup parent, ref PolicyLevel pl)
if (name.Length < 1)
return null;
// Notes:
// - labels starts with numbers (e.g. 1.2.1)
// - names cannot start with numbers (A-Z, 0-9 and _)
bool label = Char.IsDigit (name, 0);
// More notes
// - we can't remove the root code group
// - we remove only one group (e.g. name)
for (int i=0; i < Levels.Count; i++) {
pl = (PolicyLevel) Levels [i];
parent = pl.RootCodeGroup;
CodeGroup cg = null;
if (label)
cg = FindCodeGroupByLabel (name, "1", ref parent);
cg = FindCodeGroupByName (name, ref parent);
if (cg != null)
return cg;
Console.WriteLine ("CodeGroup with {0} '{1}' was not found!",
label ? "label" : "name", name);
return null;
// -custom xmlfile
static IMembershipCondition ProcessCustomMembership (string filename)
SecurityElement se = LoadXml (filename);
if (se == null)
return null;
return new CustomMembershipCondition (se);
// -hash algo -hex hash
// -hash algo -file assemblyname
static IMembershipCondition ProcessHashMembership (string[] args, ref int i)
HashAlgorithm ha = HashAlgorithm.Create (args [++i]);
byte [] value = null;
switch (args [++i]) {
case "-hex":
value = CryptoConvert.FromHex (args [++i]);
case "-file":
Hash hash = new Hash (GetAssembly (args [++i]));
value = hash.GenerateHash (ha);
return null;
return new HashMembershipCondition (ha, value);
// -pub -cert certificate
// -pub -file signedfile
// -pub -hex rawdata
static IMembershipCondition ProcessPublisherMembership (string[] args, ref int i)
X509Certificate cert = null;
switch (args [++i]) {
case "-cert":
cert = X509Certificate.CreateFromCertFile (args [++i]);
case "-file":
cert = X509Certificate.CreateFromSignedFile (args [++i]);
case "-hex":
byte[] raw = CryptoConvert.FromHex (args [++i]);
cert = new X509Certificate (raw);
return null;
return new PublisherMembershipCondition (cert);
// -strong -file filename [name | -noname] [version | -noversion]
static IMembershipCondition ProcessStrongNameMembership (string[] args, ref int i)
if (args [++i] != "-file") {
Console.WriteLine ("Missing -file parameter.");
return null;
StrongName sn = GetStrongName (args [++i]);
string name = args [++i];
if (name == "-noname")
name = null;
Version v = null;
string version = args [++i];
if (version != "-noversion")
v = new Version (version);
return new StrongNameMembershipCondition (sn.PublicKey, name, v);
static bool ProcessCodeGroup (CodeGroup cg, string[] args, ref int i)
IMembershipCondition mship = null;
for (; i < args.Length; i++) {
switch (args [++i]) {
case "-all":
cg.MembershipCondition = new AllMembershipCondition ();
case "-appdir":
cg.MembershipCondition = new ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition ();
case "-custom":
mship = ProcessCustomMembership (args [++i]);
if (mship == null)
return false;
cg.MembershipCondition = mship;
case "-hash":
mship = ProcessHashMembership (args, ref i);
if (mship == null)
return false;
cg.MembershipCondition = mship;
case "-pub":
mship = ProcessPublisherMembership (args, ref i);
if (mship == null)
return false;
cg.MembershipCondition = mship;
case "-site":
cg.MembershipCondition = new SiteMembershipCondition (args [++i]);
case "-strong":
mship = ProcessStrongNameMembership (args, ref i);
if (mship == null)
return false;
cg.MembershipCondition = mship;
case "-url":
cg.MembershipCondition = new UrlMembershipCondition (args [++i]);
case "-zone":
SecurityZone zone = (SecurityZone) Enum.Parse (typeof (SecurityZone), args [++i]);
cg.MembershipCondition = new ZoneMembershipCondition (zone);
case "-d":
case "-description":
cg.Description = args [++i];
case "-exclusive":
bool exclusive = false;
if (OnOff (args [++i], ref exclusive)) {
if (exclusive)
cg.PolicyStatement.Attributes |= PolicyStatementAttribute.Exclusive;
return false;
case "-levelfinal":
bool final = false;
if (OnOff (args [++i], ref final)) {
if (final)
cg.PolicyStatement.Attributes |= PolicyStatementAttribute.LevelFinal;
return false;
case "-n":
case "-name":
cg.Name = args [++i];
return true;
// -ag label|name membership psetname flag
// -addgroup label|name membership psetname flag
static bool AddCodeGroup (string[] args, ref int i)
string name = args [++i];
PolicyLevel pl = null;
CodeGroup parent = null;
CodeGroup cg = FindCodeGroup (name, ref parent, ref pl);
if ((pl == null) || (parent == null) || (cg == null))
return false;
UnionCodeGroup child = new UnionCodeGroup (
new AllMembershipCondition (),
new PolicyStatement (new PermissionSet (PermissionState.Unrestricted)));
if (!ProcessCodeGroup (child, args, ref i))
return false;
cg.AddChild (child);
SecurityManager.SavePolicyLevel (pl);
Console.WriteLine ("CodeGroup '{0}' added in {1} policy level.",
cg.Name, pl.Label);
return true;
// -cg label|name membership|psetname|flag
// -chggroup label|name membership|psetname|flag
static bool ChangeCodeGroup (string[] args, ref int i)
string name = args [++i];
PolicyLevel pl = null;
CodeGroup parent = null;
CodeGroup cg = FindCodeGroup (name, ref parent, ref pl);
if ((pl == null) || (parent == null) || (cg == null))
return false;
if (!ProcessCodeGroup (cg, args, ref i))
return false;
SecurityManager.SavePolicyLevel (pl);
Console.WriteLine ("CodeGroup '{0}' modified in {1} policy level.",
cg.Name, pl.Label);
return true;
// -rg label|name
// -remgroup label|name
static bool RemoveCodeGroup (string name)
PolicyLevel pl = null;
CodeGroup parent = null;
CodeGroup cg = FindCodeGroup (name, ref parent, ref pl);
if ((pl == null) || (parent == null) || (cg == null))
return false;
if (!Confirm ())
return false;
parent.RemoveChild (cg);
SecurityManager.SavePolicyLevel (pl);
Console.WriteLine ("CodeGroup '{0}' removed from {1} policy level.",
cg.Name, pl.Label);
return true;
// -r
// -recover
static void Recover ()
// no confirmation required to recover
foreach (PolicyLevel pl in Levels) {
pl.Recover ();
SecurityManager.SavePolicyLevel (pl);
// -rs
// -reset
static bool Reset ()
Console.WriteLine (Policies ("Resetting "));
if (Confirm ()) {
foreach (PolicyLevel pl in Levels) {
pl.Reset ();
SecurityManager.SavePolicyLevel (pl);
return true;
return false;
// -s on|off
// -security on|off
static bool Security (string value)
bool on = true;
if (!OnOff (value, ref on))
return false;
SecurityManager.SecurityEnabled = on;
return SaveSettings ();
// -e on|off
// -execution on|off
static bool Execution (string value)
bool on = true;
if (!OnOff (value, ref on))
return false;
SecurityManager.CheckExecutionRights = on;
return SaveSettings ();
// -b
// -buildcache
static bool BuildCache ()
return false;
// -pp on|off
// -polchgprompt on|off
static bool PolicyChangePrompt (string value)
bool on = true;
if (!OnOff (value, ref on))
return false;
PolicyChangesConfirmation = on;
return SaveSettings ();
// Policy Levels Internal Management
static PolicyLevel levelEnterprise;
static PolicyLevel levelMachine;
static PolicyLevel levelUser;
static void BuildLevels ()
IEnumerator e = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy ();
if (e.MoveNext ())
levelEnterprise = (PolicyLevel) e.Current;
if (e.MoveNext ())
levelMachine = (PolicyLevel) e.Current;
if (e.MoveNext ())
levelUser = (PolicyLevel) e.Current;
static PolicyLevel Enterprise {
get {
if (levelEnterprise == null)
BuildLevels ();
return levelEnterprise;
static PolicyLevel Machine {
get {
if (levelMachine == null)
BuildLevels ();
return levelMachine;
static PolicyLevel User {
get {
if (levelUser == null)
BuildLevels ();
return levelUser;
static ArrayList Levels {
get {
if (_levels == null)
_levels = new ArrayList (3);
return _levels;
static bool ProcessInstruction (string[] args, ref int i)
for (; i < args.Length; i++) {
switch (args [i]) {
case "-q":
case "-quiet":
PolicyChangesConfirmation = false;
case "-f":
case "-force":
forcePolicyChanges = true;
case "-?":
case "/?":
case "-h":
case "-help":
Help ();
case "-a":
case "-all":
policyLevelDefault = false;
Levels.Clear ();
Levels.Add (Enterprise);
Levels.Add (Machine);
Levels.Add (User);
case "-ca":
case "-customall":
policyLevelDefault = false;
Levels.Clear ();
Levels.Add (Enterprise);
Levels.Add (Machine);
Levels.Add (SecurityManager.LoadPolicyLevelFromFile (args [++i], PolicyLevelType.User));
case "-cu":
case "-customuser":
policyLevelDefault = false;
Levels.Clear ();
Levels.Add (SecurityManager.LoadPolicyLevelFromFile (args [++i], PolicyLevelType.User));
case "-en":
case "-entreprise":
policyLevelDefault = false;
Levels.Clear ();
Levels.Add (Enterprise);
case "-m":
case "-machine":
policyLevelDefault = false;
Levels.Clear ();
Levels.Add (Machine);
case "-u":
case "-user":
policyLevelDefault = false;
Levels.Clear ();
Levels.Add (User);
case "-lg":
case "-listgroups":
ListCodeGroups ();
case "-ld":
case "-listdescription":
ListDescriptions ();
case "-lp":
case "-listpset":
ListPermissionSets ();
case "-lf":
case "-listfulltrust":
ListFullTrust ();
case "-l":
case "-list":
ListCodeGroups ();
Console.WriteLine ();
ListPermissionSets ();
Console.WriteLine ();
ListFullTrust ();
case "-rsg":
case "-resolvegroup":
if (!ResolveGroup (args [++i]))
return false;
case "-rsp":
case "-resolveperm":
if (!ResolvePermissions (args [++i]))
return false;
case "-ap":
case "-addpset":
if (!AddPermissionSet (args, ref i))
return false;
case "-cp":
case "-chgpset":
if (!ChangePermissionSet (args, ref i))
return false;
case "-rp":
case "-rempset":
if (!RemovePermissionSet (args [++i]))
return false;
case "-af":
case "-addfulltrust":
if (!AddFullTrust (args [++i]))
return false;
case "-rf":
case "-remfulltrust":
if (!RemoveFullTrust (args [++i]))
return false;
case "-ag":
case "-addgroup":
if (!AddCodeGroup (args, ref i))
return false;
case "-cg":
case "-chggroup":
if (!ChangeCodeGroup (args, ref i))
return false;
case "-rg":
case "-remgroup":
if (!RemoveCodeGroup (args [++i]))
return false;
case "-r":
case "-recover":
Recover ();
case "-rs":
case "-reset":
if (!Reset ())
return false;
case "-s":
case "-security":
if (!Security (args [++i]))
return false;
case "-e":
case "-execution":
if (!Execution (args [++i]))
return false;
case "-b":
case "-buildcache":
if (!BuildCache ())
return false;
case "-pp":
case "-polchgprompt":
if (!PolicyChangePrompt (args [++i]))
return false;
Console.WriteLine ("*** unknown argument {0} ***", args [i]);
return false;
Console.WriteLine ();
return true;
static void SetDefaultPolicyLevel ()
// default is User for normal users and Machine for
// administrators. Here we define an administrator as
// someone who can write to the Machine policy files
try {
using (FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite (Machine.StoreLocation)) {
fs.Close ();
Levels.Add (Machine);
catch {
Levels.Add (User);
// some actions, like resolves, use a different default (all)
policyLevelDefault = true;
static int Main (string[] args)
Console.WriteLine (new AssemblyInfo ().ToString ());
if (args.Length == 0) {
Help ();
return 0;
try {
// set default level (when none is specified
// by command line options)
SetDefaultPolicyLevel ();
// process instructions (i.e. multiple
// instructions can be chained)
for (int i=0; i < args.Length; i++) {
if (!ProcessInstruction (args, ref i))
return 1;
catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine ("Error: " + e.ToString ());
Help ();
return 2;
Console.WriteLine ("Success");
return 0;